' Wfy yyff'fyjBfy "'"" rTfTPr-sr-.F- rr1T,, '" VTffF;rJi'j5ww; THE DAILY JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1903. PAGE FOUR. iC 4 BRADFORD LEAVITT PREACHES ' Sensational Sermon at San Francisco on ' ; Snobocracy ; Says Ostentatious Displays , of Wealth ,3and Vulgar Overdressing is Ruin ing the Race . "Tho Society Columns of the Dally INewsnapors" furnished Iluv. Urndforil X,cavltt of the First Unitarian church yesterday morning with tho title for a xtrlkln;; and somewhat sensational Mormon on tho growing menaco of tho Jdlo, ostentatious rich. Tho preacher found his toxt In tho phrase of St. Paul: "Of those who seemed to bo' Momowhat, whntsoovor thoy were," and ho denounced tho "American nobocracy of wealth"' as Inviting a revolution that will shatter society to Its foundation. "Wo are witnessing In America to day tho very degradation of prosperi ty," ho declared. "Our people! of vast wealth nro making tliolr country tho laughing stock of the world by their tho" post Is glvltig way under tho strain of dossal fortunes. The great ost' ntlshap that can befall a youth Is to bo born In to a rich family, for only by almost superhuman force of char acter can tho son of tho mllllonalro escape being made a fool of and a dis grace and a curse to society. In tho words 'of the Master 'How hardly shall they" that have great riches en ter Into tho kingdom of heaven!' " EVERYBODY DELIGHTED. Newbro's Herplclde Destroys the Dand ruff Germ Permanently and Cures Baldness. Quinine and rum and a whole lot of other tilings, nro pleasant, to rub nn the scalp after washing It free of dandruff, but ;iot one preparation of tho goncrnl .run cures dandruff and falling hair', "it Is neccmry to kill that gern, to be permanently cured of dandruff, nnd to stop falling hair. Newbro's Horplcldo will positively destroy that germ, so that there can bo no more dandruff, and so that tho hair will grow luxuriantly, "Destroy the causo and you remove tho effect." For sale by Danlet J: Fry. Send 10 cents In stamps for sample to Tho Herplcldo Co., Detroit, Mich. FOR VOTERS AND THE TAXPAYERS The Eddy Bill a Fatal Blow to Our Win ing Interest Levies a Tax on Every Min ing Comany Attempting , to Develop That Industry ncsa. Sometimes wo can't oven kgct our mall for a week. I say temper tho wind to tho shorn lamb." hand. t being freely signed on every Tho peoplq have determined to placo this state' In tho line of progress and The Baker City Democrat has this ceaso Inviting capitalists and Invest- to say" of(hd Corporation tax bill and tors hero with ono hand and knocking portage road': ' them down with the other after they In reply to a general domand for an got them. explanation of tho effect of the sign Ing of tho referendum petitions now bolng circulated for tho repeal of tho corporation tax or Eddy bill, and tho Imitation of the vices nnd sham mag- muconco or ijuropo. and thoy aro hreodlng among our working classes n social discontent that Is wrecking homes and ltvos, lining the divorce com Is. multiplying Hiilcides and pro jlnrlng the wny for their own wilting out. Wo ar chnrgul with having abandoned the old-fashioned, whole some simplicity of our fathers, who jnado their country strong and great. nnd ndnilied of all whoso udmlrntlou wns worth a tltoimht. The ehnrge Is but too true, and the proof lies In Hip slnimelesiioss or tho luxury displayed by tho Indolont. Insolent rich, whose criminal disregard of their duties to tho state and o their fallow-men to day tin eatuiiH tho national life. "It ! tho misuse of wealth Hint I denounce. W'enlth lias Its uses or tilt hlKhost value. The sight or an honest limit ImnlnnluK poor mid working his way up to tlu t-oinninnd of mi honor- nbe fortune U sometime hii enemir- nuuiiuint to right uudunvor; but when ilcli iium mo their wealth for display thoy become more dnmitnous than nuy band of nimrchlsts. "Tho ovll of Hit modem nowspnper Is that It exalts tills shoddy aristoc racy of American gold by sprttHdiug burnt o people or moderate menus mid little culture a world of silly detail about the vulvar rich, the very rich and the would-be rich. I bold that the iiMwenapers nte doing a Mist hurt to society by ml vei Using tho Unbylonlsh indulgfiietMi of these low-brml follow vltlxtms or ours, of wlium wo all ought to be deeply nshunied. Tlie details of their cheap and sordid lives: their gaudy house, that are never homes; thulr weddlugM. with published np Iirulsnls of useless gifts; tliolr roams, their yachts, their balls, their Immod est overdressing nil thoae nnd, many nioro of the nauseating particulars which tint society columns report aro mutters as to which a decent retl ceuco would be more sutuly. "Tho Miclety column, however, is a result, not a cause. It llourishe to K ratify the demand or people who want to scorn somothliiK else than they aio It helps to spicm! tho no tion that money Ih the end of life. Hilly nx It In. It Is feeding thut dUoon lent among ine ranKs of the poor which Is Hteadlly deepening Into bit torness. and which waits for the com Ing upheaval, when those who have not will overthrow the bonnes of the 1'hlllstlnes." Mr. I.envitt quoted recent newspa per reports 0f , Vanderbllt budding nt Newport. "Tills nnrtleulnr form of American vulgarity." be said. "Is go tug to bo pietty thoroughly nlied be fore it Is cuiod. Disgusting us these reiKtrts imi I daro say the fntheraln law and mothers-in-law drink the sup of glory to tho dregs. Wu need not stop to pity them. The evil of It nil Ih that poor working girls aro led to deprive their bodies and minds of food In order that they may, in a smnll, cheup way. Imitate the finery they read about. Many n hard-work-lug father Is looking upon a homo ruined by the extrnvagnneo brod by those society reports. Women who live In boarding houses nnd have little moans trail long and dellcato-rolored gowns noross tho filthy streets of Sail Frunclsco In onlor to bo thought fash ionable, and thousands of men and women are ruined lu theso ways, by tho vulgailty of Irresponsible wealth. "In this process of evolving nn American 'arlstooraoy' wo aro losing jiutoh tlia( whs sweet and simple nits' mlmlmbtj, In our American Hfo. The old-faHMoiHJMt. high-bred character of To Cut Out Grazing Land William A. Kichnrds, commissioner of tho general land odlco, a thorough ly Western man, fully ncuualntod with Wotitorn conditions, Is ondeavorlng to inject new Ideas Into tho government's forestry policy, and, If ho succeeds, ho will do much toward softening tho op position to forest reservations In many states'. In his own state, Wyoming, the for est reserve problonrls viewed In much the same Unlit as It is lu Washington. The reserves wore recently enlnrged, nnd much land Included that Is really not valuable for Its forest cover. The stock Interests of the state uatuially becnine aroused, and protested against the arbitrary reservation of grassing lands, from which II wns the Intention of the department to ultimately ex clude all sheep nnd cattle. Commissioner Kichnrds recently or dered several practlcnlspeclnl ogents or his office to go Into the Wyoming reserves with a corps or surveyors. and to mark out new boundaries rir tho reserves. They weie Instructed to eliminate all kiiuIiik lands, which are nvutuillly to be restored to the un reserved public domain, hence back to the use or the stock Interests Tho work lu Wyoming is largely ex perimental, but, ir It proves a success, like eliminations will be made from the reserves or tho other stntes, In cluding Washington, where theie Is a considerable area of ixtature land still lu reserve. Commissioner Hlchnrds takes tho broad view that forest reserves wero Intended to preserve the timber uud the water supply; not to prohibit gnulng on what are properly classed us pasture hinds. In this new move he has the en dorsement of Srfuiutury Hitchcock nnd President Kooscvolt. "" "The Unknown".''" Which will be presented nt the (liand Opera house Satuiday night by the Honillek Stock Company. Is a par tliulnrly strong drama by J no. A. Stevens, and has pioved Itself an nt tiuctlon of gtcnt merit by the success It attained In both New York and Lon don. The play Is all life and action, and contains some or the best sketches of character evor seen. Uverybody has heard of Jack Salt, the typical old seaman, faithful, amusing, and a true representative of Old Father Ocean The following dlBpalch, which ap peared in tho evening papers of yes terday, Is a "graft," pure nnd simple: "The Dalles of Columbia. "Portlnnd, May 14. A special board of United States engineers aro at The Dalles to Investigate tho routo of the proposed government canal through the dalles of the Columbia. "Tho government appropriation for the work Is $4,000,000, part or which Is available for the commencement of tho work." Hofcrendum petitions can be round nt tlie ofllco of tho Golden Rule Min ing Company, In the McCornack build ing, or nt tho office of llyan & Co., on State street. Tho tlmo Is short, nnd don't overlook the opportunity. C. L. JOHNSON. Local Manager In this connection wo givo tho opin ion of n wide-awake mining man, ns to tho effect or tlie ICddy hill. Hast era Orogon claims, and claims Justly, that the tax on corporations is n di rect and savage blow at Its Industry, mining, nnd. or course, the same rule npplies to Southern Oregon. Quartz mining requires considerable capital, and consequently the formation of corporations. Most of thosa corimrn thins ate putting their money Into de velopment work, are getting no re turns and feel thnt It is unjust to lax them for trying to develop tlie re sourriw of the country. Tho miner says: "What are wo trying to do?" quer ied tho manager or one of tho lending linker county mines nenr tho Cornu copla district, while lu conversation yesterday with the Democrat man. "1 toll you that Oiegon has matJe n tremendous mistake lu passing tho Kddy corpouitlon tux hill nnd tho portage i all way bill." It Is their Inten tion to drive mining men nut of the state entirely? Look nt the mines lu this county alone. There are miles and miles or tunnels. Those- tuunols nre not Improvements to the property or any enhancement or values until liny ore beglhs to como out of the hole nnd go onto the mnrket, yet, we nro taxed for stato, county, school and the Lord knowB how many other nioro ac counts on everything wo have In sight above and bolow ground. Ono might ns woll drivo a tunnel under this street and tax tho hole ror all the jus tice thoro is in this last legislative act which puts another charge upon ns annually for the snke of having a name, and so much money In the busi ness. "Tell me why It Is thnt Now York capitalists are alroady turning down Oregon propeitlos. It is simply be cause the stato Is taxed to death, and thoy know It It Is like a case, of smallpox. Such news spreads from tho Pacific to the Atlantic In nnnnclnl circles llko wildfire. Don't ta youri mines to death, unless they take somo dividends out of the ground. "Klght on top of this unjust Brotherhood. Tho Wcstmlstcr Drothorhood of An drnw and Phllln will conduct a soe- portage rnlh-cad bill let It be underj m ftt p stood clearly and distinctly that when J , tho requisite -4600 signatures to tho J t'rcsovionan cnurcn on aunuay oven petltltons have been certified up to Ing, at ? o'clock. A men's choir and tho governor, It makes the bills lnop-1 orchestra will load tho music. Mr. W. cratlvo until tho question Is passed It. Daller, of tho blind school, will upon nt the next general election In render a violin solo. Special address Oregon, ono year frojnvriqxt JUrie. to men. Everybody cordially Invited. Tho practical effect Is tHat tho loyijlr-1 2t taxed and overburdened mining nnd A 8WERT nitCATir. mercantile companies win no savwi j ncr fftim sign of n hoalthy two years' taxes, whether they suc ceed In stopping tho leak holes at tho polls or not. Further, this nctlon on the part of tho people lays tho ground work for quicker nnd more efficient work In the courts. The pleasing Information comes from Sumpter nnd Southern Oregon that tho referendum petitions aro itoniAch. When tlie brwth Is tmd the stomach Is out of order. Tbrre Is no rem ptly In the world cqunl ,to Kodol Dyspep sia Cure for curing Incllceatlon, drspepnlu snd nil stomach (Unorders. Mrs. Mnry B. Crick, of Whltfl rising. Ky.. writes "I hnTo been s dTSpeptlc for years tried sll kinds of remedies, but continued tn grow wor8e. ny the ue of Kmlol t begun to Intprore st once, nnd nfter taking a few bottle nm fully restored In weight, henlth snd strength, nnd enn cnt whatever I like. Kodol dlecxts wltnt you ent. nnd makes the itotnnch sweet. Kor sale by K. O. linn nn State afreet. ttJ William 8. WhltownT" Harvard student, has be-aT " at Waco, Texas. ectllrt "Camltl. PoWsses a charm 'tw (k cannot rade, aa It im "l when It Is produced n S" anu compicto manner a. t. '.i,,.n.. i . .. Company It lmm.. . a'c" h whIMi no ono run ... . ... . U1U Wtat. Minute Cougli Cure "bItm amllS ecininc il ii i if h nnt na. i. " uu the stomach, but tnkVreffm0! sent of the trouble. It tlrrt,lftil nnmmntlon. heals and .oothil Ulbutsnuro .1fe-Ki;,nRJSJS,, nfl n.t ii. 41l Ing. Saturday alternooi, at opera house. tt(l The P.e?an?ntoF0,atket',!1" oxriren to the hlnn.i ,t by V, O. Uaas, oo atate itrf tlMUfj CASTORl - u, nuu vujyj ma wna tou nave Alwapl Boars the Signature of I nmanmtmnmnitunimnuimntiii8i8iiaw "THIS IS WORTH SLOP TO YOU, THE YT3ni?TR ATT Xk TWrrTV r50TTTOTI. - Gallery over New York Racket. PHOTO STUDIO. over N. Y. Racket. H. D. Trover, Prop. Salem, Or, M0J 272 SPECIAL OFFER One doz. $5.00 Cabinet Photos and one $4 00 Platinoid Portrait, all for $4 00. 'SrFor $4.00 sod this Coupon I will mike One Doits Finest Flnlth $5 00 Cabinet Photos, like sanities at studio, and cte Id 20 PlttlnoU Por rait; or for $1.00 additional s Sepia Portrait Instead of the Platlaold. These Portraits are LARGE PHOTOS, tiku direct from the same n'gatlve as tee Cabinets. and Is TUG DP.ST and only process of otllanlnj s perfect likeness, and I iiuriita every picture to fce strictly first-class and the equal of any same e shows, and there will be no extra chart e for (roups This Coupon Is (ood until October 1, 1903, and will be Issued only 3 times In this paper Positively no reduction from tli regular trtce to any one not holdlnc Coutoas Ketular HUes. Cabinets $3,50 to $5.00 Per Dozen, Platinoid Portraits $4,00, Hoytl Serlas $6 00 each. ' fOTE-50ctsext s for finishing Photos from tweseparate negatives t Cut out this Coupon and save paying the agent $.00. A change in the offer i. j tomorrow's issue. Watch the paper and save the Coupons. 5 I The Ctfonise Photo Studio. NEW yorkstudio I o-M-HMa-te-M-reBea-t--t Qoceeee-N octtM-e-Mtofrta-tMW i inn w r 'ii in i i inn nwaTw n nmuannriSHsW SWEATERS vftfEAtTKaS Q VI GH N uOVS we&h && AND ',waf-Ni!&3L-- 9 i Tk Little Fellows bill uslioro; In fnol uvory churnctor In tho imiT u'Biiniors iiirko a scoop of-HQS.- lim, WHICH Will not Dill it onivthlnt nf play Is drnwn so clear-cut and distinct thnt one rocognlxos with pleasure tho typo of humanity to which thoy be long nnd ndmlts tho skillful hand which has brought to llfo such de lightful creations or tho bruin. Tho piny Is excellently mounted, tho view or the liist river. Now York. In the first net bolng pnrtloulnrly.nne, and tho corresponding sets for tho other aom nro all plcturosoiio and hand- some. Complete scenery nnd effects having hosii built nnd designed es pecially for this company. The act ing calls for special mention as all the loading people nro IJuBtorn artists, with a well deserved reputation, and the company without excoption. Is so strong that It would b almost unfair to particularise any Individual mom bar. Produced under the porsonal supervision of lr. Frnnd ncadlolc. a delightfully Interesting nnd high-claw performance run bo rolled upon. Beats on sale nt hoxotnea Snturduy, May 10. at 9 a ju. Kor liver trouhlm snd ennitlpatlon Ther' tinthliiB belter In erection That littls Barly tfkni. the famous little l'IU TUy nlwiij ffct a ire and save dotor nut, l.lltlt- Harlv Itlmini lri illirrrni hum ! othor nllla. Ther da not wMVeu tli xm. iK5!.fi,,t t& ScMa'ToTtSN w' In R 8hwrt Ump- Th wrn UDR H Stats the proiHwod useless toy of a portage railroad nt Tho Dalles. All hinds of Incorporated business In the stato has to stand for tills political graft. This Is another reason why theio Is no disposition In tho Kast to buy Oregon mining property. "1 am glnd to see an offort has been made nt tho Instanco of Baker City mining mon to stop this wholesale' grafting nnd useless expenditure of public monies. If the expenses of the stato nro greater than Us Incomo cut off oxpense, but don't tax the over burdoned producor to keep up a death rncn nflr nlmntnma ti.nt ... . I torlallso until you have more people.! nioro factories, moro Irrigation, moro brains and moro money ,ln Oregon. ' Let nnturo take her course j "It has only boon within the past year or two that New Yorkers over! know Baker City was on the map, and i ftltnh Hiliwva oa ll,AKHU ,.. .. I - """' "' win rontinuo to send them to Montana. Colorado. Utah and California. "The mines make the towns, not tho towns the mines. This Is onlv n mn camp. Dry up the mines and where would bo Baker City and Sumntnr? Their business houses would be board- j The quality and make will bear the most critical in spection Black and White, White and Pink Emerald and Pink, Emerald and White. Black and Purple. Purple and Gold. Oxford, Green, L1 Ifaasl Emerald and Scarlet, Olive and Pink, White and Light Blue Cardinal and Royal Blue Cadet Blue and White Liht Gray and Orange Gendarme, Scarlet. Emerald, Assortment Is The Largest Best We Haye Eyer Show The list below mayw a faint idea of the vain1 of handsome color coil nations. Emerald, Pink and 0m Pink, Orange and While. Royal Blue, White. Cardinal. Navy, Black, ' Light Green, Cardinal and Old Goli SasBLW kJkSiSBaBaBaW 1I VESTS SUMMER VESTS Will Be In Vogue this vear than tn a rrpntor AvtAnf -Hi-m fnr many 1 sons. Pique and Linen Yests in White and Tan M and in neat patterns will mark the dressey young p of 1903. For the man too, who would combine cob fort and style in his attire the summer vest will !' dispensible. No garment a man can wear looks so j " - mu w tiiit i vjii bjj ii sV null' v j" lines are broken and your size is gone. tats atwt. ' the country on which to do their bust- alem Woolen Mill Store. Wc Carry the Latest and Best in Mens and Boys Wear. r