4 and Opera House JOHN F. CORDRAY, Mpr. fIDAY AND SATURDAY. 1 d TOT, 1 s r m,m.wj w Rcadfcfc Stock Company r 7 In the following Plays ay Nlfftit "THE VERDETTA." Irday Matlnec-,,CAMILLE." irday Meht-',TIIE UNKNOWN" i class specialties will be Intro In each slay. jlccfl, 75c, COc, 35c IkUncc, 25 cente In any part of tho Scats on sale at the box of. Friday at 0 a. m. SELSY .BENEFIT fc Ui.. lt...i' ?. . i . I uraturia oqtieiy assisted oy ono aywpnony urcnestra, Pror, t M Gle'nn. Prot. W. H. nnver. t Don) Zarf aniMIss Eva I. Stlnson rrendcf tnc oratorios of fHE REDEMPTION" and rFEAST OF ADONIS" benefit to Prof. Selcy at the First . uiurcn. rriaay, Mavis. 8 -p. Reserved scats at Wilt's Music re after Monday, 9 a. m Ofiio . Train Wreck pashlngton Courthouse, Ohio, May -A Haiti more & Ohio eassonger was wrecked near Hloomlngburs forenoon. Tho rails spread, tho ino left tho track and tho englnoer fireman wore killed. Tho mail car overturned, but no passengers killed, although Boinu were jhtly Injured. Hive Thousand Locked Out r - Now York May 14. Flvo thousand employes of tho Hecla. Iron Company Eworo locked out today, because of a threatened strike for n Saturday half holiday und nn increase of wages. i.iA Quarnerlus violin, worth SGftflo, has been pawned in Chicago for $25. Anyone Who Knows Anything About Brakes, Knows the B- t!y NEW B bsbbbbbbbbbbV 1 1 MORROW COASTER BRAKE Is the Beit In tht World. Hundreds of Thousands Sold All Over the World. HI BBBBK I twkt H I IkliiiW' m II MISS mK Vice-President EciiosBtfjctiuto.,, Gain. IT. SARAH FINLEY, of tho Palmetto Club, Memphis, Term llfrTlTIINi: OP CARDUI is a thoroughly Kicnttfio and mod ern remedy, roeet- Ig the needs pi the modem woman in the modem way without tho torture nf an operation. Wine of Cardui 1 has cured them in the pri- ,,v&cy of tneir homes and it kis 'found a place in the kearts ot American women HUt &m that no other medicine has found. In Mhoir grat rude otcr 10,000 American women iuve written letters commena llnir W ma ( t Csrdul. Wine of Cardui Isaeets thr r w&nU as no other medicine rdoM. It sustains the ream? Ctrl at the itshQck of her entraooe to womanhood. i Women who tate Wine ot uaroui nave litt!e discjfort during pregnancy and httlo pain at childbirth. When the CT"1 ! i poe?rs tB"y etitr a I ' j .ii'l ugv. li vrj iKHtblt I tv.l'l(,U ' - - - i. -punt it tr m ' rJu lu..m. if X silrafj el .t nr mMLterm 11 il. .u : 1,' th- .w , Mt-3 v la. , ( UN U cio. i.n fuu sU W ma m.nIW WIibfCARDVl Freight Train Wrecked Birmingham, Ala.. May 14. A ''rc',ght nla n tho n,"nlnRham ra ornl road was wrecked last nlnht. nnrth aa wrecked last night, north of herej A fish-plate had been re moved, and the engine and seven care were piled up. The fireman was killed and the train master, engineer and conductor seriously Injured. BEYOND DOUBT. These Facts Must Convince Every Balem Reader. The statement which follows tells tho experience of a resident of Salem. Incredulity cannot long exist nbout Jthls testimony because It can easily bo Investigated. Olof Johnson who Is a garducr by ocupatlon living at the corner of 15th and 1J streets, N,orth Salem, says: "Kidney complaint Is no new thing for me. I have been bothered off and on from a disordered condition of the kldnoyjj for tensor twelve years. I did not BUfTor so much from bnckacho as mdst people do who have kidney complnlnt but tho principal annoy ance was a weakening of the kidney secretions, which was both distress ing nnd aggravating. Thcro was a scalding sensation In passing and a heavy hrlok-dust like sedlmont ap peared after standing In tho vossel over night. I had attacks of dizziness lu my head and ofttinios a blurring would appear before my oyos nnd I could scarcely soo. I tred numerous romedles but all In vain until I saw. Doan's Kidney Pllla highly recom monded for Just such troubles and procured thorn nt Dr. Stone's drug storo. Now I don't wnnt to toll the pernio somothtng thnt Is not truo but I will say thnt In all my oxoporlonco with doctor's prescriptions and differ ent kidney romedles nothjng has giv en me tho nmount of rollcf thnt I havo received from Donn's Kldnoy Pills. For rjalo by nil dealers. Price 50 cents. Postcr-Mllburn Co., nuffalo, N. Y.. solo agents for thn United Statcii Hemember tho name Doan's and take no substitute. . G A numli'i' of Spanish priests, ex pelled from France, are lu New York. on their way to Moxlco. 2 following praise on Wine of Cardui: ''Among the mmurous mcdklati placed before suf Uricf wocua for their rtlkf nocc can touch McEIrcc's Vint of Cardui. It towers above them all as a reliable female remedy. It simply drives pain and dhease away fmUt k I OT ' bbbbbbbbbbbV ir sbbbbbbbbbV MP. I bpHs I u I and restores health ia an incredibly short period. I hav taken great interest la this medicine1 for the past two years, since it brought health and strength to me. I have alio recommended it to a number of my friends and they who have used it speak of it in the highest term and I feel that it is praise well bestowed." If yea ate lafferiwr from female wduraeti Wine of Canni Is the medi cine y-u m"i Ycu can have health the same m Mim K'-nky -l ? '' i;' '- L"e Wine etc Asd'd t -i-u! 'V.tt. X you Reed ad ee farther t'au the fpmmi dirje t jfngina.iii th Win, atkiiSM The Lt,l c J .rj tVfMftiHat, CheOa- iHtfliBSssjtfMHSsjlast(tflsnsMasiskM saillten m-fering wesaee iiAve luuu'i rsstet in Wlaeef Cardui. THE DAILY JOURHAlA SALEM, Hunting the Dynamite Chicago, May 14. Detectives ard today busy tracing tho movements of a mysterious stranger, who made tho Ifcfernat machine In this city which la sllpbosed to be tho one used In the futile attempt to dynamite tho Cunard steamer Umbria. No tangible results' havo yet been obtained, although an excellent description of tho personal appearance of the man has been se cured. He Fined the Trust San Francisco, May 14. Officers of the Federal Salt Company, known as tho salt tnibt, wero fined $1000 by Dis trict Judge Dellavcn today, for vio lating tho Sherman anti-trust law. The Vendetta - ". , TbnigKt "Good performances of good plays" Is what the Iteadlck Stock Company bollovo In nnd what thoy glvo their patrons. No tawdry cheap produc tions, but everything flrst-clasB Is what Manager ftcadlek has endeav ored to glvo tho people and ho has succeeded. With a cast carefully se lected for their conscientious work nnd merit as actors; Tho rosult Is de cidedly n good ono. Kxcollont reports como to us along the lino about plays and players. Tho "Vendetta" and "Unknown" are tho bills. Tho "Ven detta" being on tonight. .. r Big Democratic Pow-wow. Uoston, Mass., May 14. Tho ban- quot to bo given nt tho hotel Vendome tonight under tho joint auspices of tho Democratic stato commltteo nnd tho Democratic club promises to bo ono of the biggest luvo feasts tho par ty hns ever given In this section. The Invltod guests Includo Oovornor Gar vin of Ilhodo Island, Governor Aycock of North' Carolina. Governor Mon tague of Virginia, Mayor Sullivan of Hartford and Mayor Collins of Dos- torn Shot Wife for rjurnlar. At Cottage Grove Wednesday night. after 12 o'clock, K. T. Anderson "hoard seme illsturbnnco In nu ndjolnlng mom lu his Iioiibo. and, ns burglnrs had been operating thoro recently, he took IiIh rovolvor and wont to Investi gate He found nothing wrong, the nolee having probably been made by his children, who wero sleeping there. In tho meantime, his wife arose, with out Ids knowledge, nnd, seeing her pass from ono room to another In the dim light, ho mistook her or a burg lar nnd fired. Tho bullet struck a rib below the heart, and followed It around nnd out near tho spinal col umn, causing a severe flesh wound, which, fortunately, Is not dangorous Prisoner Pardoned. Ixjii ltadabaugh was granted a par don by Governor Chamberlain yester day Iludabaugh wns convicted from Douglas county u 1901, for the crime of rape. Ho was sentenced for four years. Tho governor exercised ex wuUvu clemency In this case on ac count of extreme youth, exemplary conduct while a prisoner nnd excellent service rendered as nurso In tho pris on hospital during tho recent typhoid - , fever epidemic. A strong petition was signed by a majority of the trial Jurors on the case, and many of his neighbors In Douglas county. o- A Hubbard Kick. A Hubbard correspondent of the this Woodbura Independent kicks way: "What has tho county court of Ma rlon done with the road money right fully belonging to the district In this end of tho county? Are tho people of this county exempt from road tax? It seems; an imposition on the.-taxpayore to havo them pay'heavy roail tax. and then. If they want the roads' worked to bav to go out and do It by volun- ieer worn. w. wmi gixxi aoee u-, "20 road boss do?" Teleoraphfc Brevities. 1 Half the business district of Austin. . Art Ilurnikt vestenlav: luw. iU.OMi French Imports for the past fear months Increased Sll.GIGjO&O, and the tnrt tnnr. i The Pope has dreated (MartiR Ma loney, of Philadelphia, amarriHla be cause of bis cbiireh ufferJnsB. William B Coswrfesi. a wahbv Cfct imti't lewber itNtler. MfoimlMmi sal I! (t-e:ilfc.v Is S It ff deipf'Stfl iu v I FtarJ D- Ko-a s 7--ar oli 'm , " r. Iifjy, was trai!ii1-d (o d aih li( a in1 of f r-heslnit udf another V U 0-rrQ'Kd. th efs erowl ' ni ' WtlkeahMT. P.. ysutier. bjm j . tHwsi arreeted In Msw Ytwtoter ftm Ing forced checks OftEQON, FftfDAY, MAY 15, 1903. Killed Jews "H At-Graspol t . , - bondon, May 14. Despite tho of ficlal denials, dispatches received hero this morning confirm the report of nn anU-semetlc outbreak at Graspol, sim ilar to Ihu, recent outrages at Ktshln eff. A largo pumber of, Jews, tho dlB patcU states, wero" killed. Tho officials at St. Petersburg havo started an In quiry Into the- affair.' ! Robbed tile 3tage Idaho City, May 14. Tho Uolso stage was held up a mile this side of (daho City this morning. Tho mall pouch was rifled. Thcro wan only one passenger The sheriff Is In pursuit with a posse. TWENTY YEARS TRIAL. There are lots of good things the doo tora know nothing about. We' fre quently euro people of dlseaso after the doctors havo glvon them up. If tho disease comes from over work, dissipation, of oxposuro, causing weak and watery blood, and loss ot flesh nnd strength, wo havo the ono sure romo dv In Dr. Ounn's Dlood nnd Nerve Tonic. Theso tablets taken with meals turn the food Into rich red blood, making strong steady nervos, and Increasing tho strength, building up solid tlesh nt tho rato of 1 to 31bs por week. This means health. For nervous prostration, loss of memory, or n pale, tallow complexion, a better roraody was never made. Doctors know nothing nbout this remedy only tho' fart thnt wo mako cures; as wc havo been doing this for twenty yean wo know our method to be tho right one. Druggists sell Dr. Gunn's Illood and Nervo Tonic for 75c por box, or 3 boxes for $2, o. ucnt by mnll on re ceipt of price. Write us for a pam phlet tolling all about this great med icine. Address Dr. Dosnnko Co.. Phil ndolphla. Pa. F salo nt Dr. Stono'a Drug Btores. 1 Jacksonville, May 14. Tho flood Is receding slowly, and It Is believed tho worst Is over. The damage will reach 1350,000. Tim $126,000 plant of the AtlnH Glass & Metal Company, nt Washing ton, Pa., hns howi destroyed by fire. Deafness Cannot be Cured, by local application as they cannot reneh tho diseased portion of tho ear. Thoro Is only ono way to euro deaf- nnw, nnd that Is by constitutional remedies. Denfnes Is caused by nn In flamed condition of thn mucous lining of tho Kustnchlnn Tubo. When this tube Is Inflamed you hnvo a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and whon It Is entirely closed, Donfness Is tho result, and unless tho Inflammation can bo taken out nnd this tubo re stored to Its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever; nlno cases out of ten nro caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed con dition of tho mucous surfaces. Wo will glvo ono hundred dollars for any caso of dcafnoss (caused by catarrh) Uiat canot be cured by Hall's Catnrrli Cure. Send for , circulars free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 76c. Hall's Fnmlly Pills are tho best OAS07011IA. Burstl . 14 KiftlYfti Hill MfirlBeCli yf i" mwi iwi mil nwi Bfjntoi f Norfolk, May 14. The entire crew or the Drltlsh brig. Hertha Grey, wns brought hero today on tho steamer wwitui, which picked the men up hud M1' 'n portion of tho hulk far out ""a- The rescued men hail been witnout food and water for two days. If you desire a good complexion use Mokl Tea. a pure herb drink. It acts on tho liver and makes the skin smooth and clear. Cures sick head aches. 2S cents and W cents. Money refunded if it does not satisfy you. Write to W. If. Hooker & Co.. Buffalo. N. Y., for free sample. D. J. Fry, druggist Still the Favorite. For short order meals the Whltd Houso Iteetaurant Is tho leading place. Open day and night. Prompt . service. rjiovennllle. N. V.. May 14 -Hotels ,, niinioroui ,,ottagfl1 ttt Canada 11,, B ""mm- resort, aro threatened b th Adirondack foreet fires'. Hun- "r,' " acres nave ueen ueeowea 10 ih h&t 24 hours. .q ,! A O rrt- I Dulicred o Montiis I can heartily reeonmead Acker's Tablets for dyaftepeta and stetnaeb trouble. I have Veen wfferlBg for fi-'ht asoBtha, d Wed many rm wltheeM tusy relief, until I jtot Acker's Dyspepsia Taklets, which I ! - ft oetly a short time and am bow " fOy well Thenklru you for(tbe -ly rov-ry. I ,ani gratefully i Kfsm l I Cam. or Vaotouver. ui U W. H. Uuasumt k Oe.. IMSa v. M Y for a free trial packago. NxtMeg like them. GRuWTNG LENGTHWISE You want the children to prow, but hot all lengthwise. When they start that way Scott's Emulsion will help them to grow right with due plumpness and outward proportion, and with inward vigor and good spirits. The Emulsion increases digestive power and strength ens the vital organs to get the best and make the most out of all the other food. It gives a kind of help that every growing child ought to have. We'll lend you a umple free upon rtqtittt. SCO IT & llOWNK, 404 re.il SttMt, Nw Veik. Revolution isCaptured New Orleans. May II. Tho steamer Victoria, with all the Nlchrnguan rev olutlonlsts on Aboard, ;has been cap tured by tho Nlcaraguan force. TIiIb mean's an euid to tho conflict. The Victoria wns a passenger steamer, re cently selxed by tho revolutionists and fitted out as a gunboat. Advices say a battlu occurred on Lake Nicaragua, tho details of which are meagre, hut I tls supposed the Nicaragua gunbont NInety-Threo offected tho capture Notice to Contractors. Sealed propoKals addressed to tho Hoard of Trustuos of tho Oregon State Reform School will be received by tho bonrd until, 1:30 o'clock p. m.. June 2, 1003, for furnishing labor nnd mnterl- nl required In tho erection nud com pletion of nihlltlons and alterations to the Industrial Ilulldlng and Main llulldlng or the State Iteform School, located nbout live miles southeast of Salem, In stilct accordancu with tht plans and specifications and Instruc tions to bidders prepared tlmrefiir. which may he seen nt tho olllte of I). C. Lewis, architect. Chambers build ing, Portland, Oregon, and at the of fice of tho Secretary of the Hoard, at tho State Capitol Ilulldlng. lllds for tho gonernl work nud for tho Iron work will bo separata The bids must bo mndo on blank forms of proposals, which may bo obtaluod from tho nrchltect or clork, and a oerttfled check must nccompany ench bid lu tho sum of Flvo Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, payable to C. O Moore. Htnto Treasurer, as a guaranty that tho successful bid der will enter Into 11 contract and fur nish surety company's bond equal to the amount of the contract price with in flvo days after nwiirdlug contract. Tho Hoard reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. Hy order of the board. W. N. OATHN8, Tues-Frl Secretary. Notice for Olds. Notlro Is hereby glveh thnt sealed bids will bo received by the Common Council of tho City of Bnlom, Oregon, until the 21st day or May. 1002, at tho hour of 8 o'clock p. in., of said day, for the grading nnd gravelling of that part of Church street botween tho south line ot Btate street and tho north Hue t Trade street, herein designated, and according to the pro visions of Ordinance No. 410, and tho plans and Hpeelfleatlons thereof on file In the office of tho Street Com missioner, or for siiah subdivisions of such Improvement, as will not mater ially contllot with the completion of the remaining portions thereof, to wit; To Improve, as before monttoiivd, the one-half of sahl Church street lying along, in front of und ubuttlng tion the north and went 40 feet lot 0. block 71: the wost Vi of lot C. block 72; the southwest quarter of lot 7. block 72, the north 37 and ,; fiwt of lot 2, block 8; tho north 71 and V foot of lot 3, blwik 7; the north und east 74 and 6-10 feet or lot 1. block 7; tho nortji and cast 38 and HO feet of lot 2, block 7 Hach bidder must deposit with his bid a oertlfled check or certificate of deposit In the Him of One Hundred dollars, payable to, sr Indorsed to. tho City or Kalein, as a guarantee of goad faith on tho part of the bidder that he will execute the contrnrt and give the undertaking required wjlh good and willlcleit sureties to he ap proved by the Mayor, In case the con tract shall be awarded to said bidder, which deposit sfcall be forfeited to. and beeome the property of, the Oily of Salem, in ease said bidder ahall fail to eotoirty with either of told r qu!rroettU, within Ave days elt'-r no tice to hJiO, of the K-iitnm by the Com mm Coueeil ot hut bid The City of SsW-m i.-miiyu he rlybt to rejt any and all lri deemed unreeuutnable. VrMratine WdiOK Hit state In their bid that Mer u coroerRMosst; Msd eoso My. Dortaerehlp-or aesoelstJoo UW- ding, must give the babiso of all PAGE THREE XJ<ymple's JL-L. TomoMfow is ..Umbrella Day.. Wo will soil lornottW only ' our entire Mock aHine um brellas At a Very low prlro. Regular $4 00, $5 00 and S6 umbrellas In colors and black. The trettltst line ofhaadltsever ttiown Al I tht Serin v novelties In silks, polka dots, colored bor ders, stripes and suell plalncol ors. Tomorrow only. S3.70 each We also offer one hundred and fifty reeular $1.25 and $150 umbrellas for tomorrows sale at eack. Sec Window Display. Dairy mple'sg members In tho company, partnership or association so bidding, and the uamo under which thoy do luminous lllds which do not comply with the tonus of this notice, will not ho con sldercd. nor will any bid bo received after tho time specified above. N. J. JUDAII. Hecordor of tho City of 8lom. c-u-iet Notice for Dlds. Notice Is hereby glvon that sealed bids will be received by tho Common Council of tho City of Halom, Oregon, until tho 2 1st day or May, 1003, nt the hour or K o'clock p. in., of said day for the grading and gravelling of thnt part or Ferry Htreol between tho west line or Liberty street nud the east line or Cottage street, herein designated, ami according to tho pro visions or Ordinance No. 411. and tlie plans nud specific Minus thereof on (lie III tho ofllco of the Htruet Cum mlHslotiur. or for such subdivisions or such Improvement. s will not mater ially coulllit with the completion of the remaining portions thereor, to wit: To tmprovfe hy grading and gravel ling, according to the plans and spec IflcutloiiH aforesaid, the Intersection or Ferry and IJlmity streets; tho lu tersectlou or Ferry nnd High street, the Intersections or sahl Ferry street with (he alleys running north und Doiith through Mocks No.s 19 and So 7 und 8, nnd 71 nnd 72, and across said Ferry street: To lmproe as before inuntlnned the one half of said Ferry street lying along. In front or, and abutting upon tho west 13 or lot 8, black Id; th Middle 1 9 ol lot &. block 10; the cost I 3 or lot 8. block lt; lot 1, block l!. lot 8. I) lock 8; the weet M ftmt of lot I. block 8; 38 feet In lot 1. block 8. belonxl'iK to It W. Ilohllu; M Uml In lot 1, block 8, belonging to 0. II Moore; the etist hull or lot 8, block 72; tho south 10 rest or lot 4. block 71; the east hair or lot S, block 71; lot 4. block 30; tho east 21 and 7-10 feet or lot S, block 30; 21 and 7-10 fact In lot 6, block 30, belonging to John IhiHho. Kurb bidder must deposit with his bid a certified check or certificate of deiKtsIt lu the sum of Ono Hundred dollars, (Mtyable to, or Indumed t the City of Salem, as a suiarantto or good faith on the part or the bidder that ho will exeoute the contract and Iflve the undertaking required, with good and aufllclont suruli'Hi t be ap proved by tho Mayor, In case th der. which deposit shall be forfeited to contract nhall be awarded to said bid itpd become the property of. the City or Halem, lu case said bidder shall full to dimply with either or said re quirements, within fire day after notice to him. of the aeeeptan. e by the Common Council, of H bid The dly of Salem rrve the right to reject any an. I all bids deemed unreasonable- ('orporations bidding must state la their Mda tim Uiey are rcoraUosi. and a ' pajiy, partnfrhlp or aesodatinu tdd dlnK. uitit rii the nam'- of nembers iss itm eompem uiui i all ill. B l 1 u .1 or MsorhUloy so ubldli i oasne oader wkkh thrv ,,, i , Bide which do not "mi t'-rtus uf this BMJtie-f. will i a) lfid. aor will any ii't after the Unit- stMNlflr.! ul N I jri)t Hecorder of Uto CHr of llra 1 11 lot l l hi II I I I gTi.fwmv aOtfiniMii atfNw