"- T- ?(-I- Ttn T(r i "' "''MFTjf v-'wiot -rTjr PAGE TWO. THE DAILY JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1903. 'iiiiiiitiiiiiw'iiifa'tltS WE WANT TO SEE YOth i WE'LL TREAT YOU RIGHTLY f ! We know you don't like to be pulled and hauled all ;; over a clothing store, parsed through the gauntlet of : clerks and finally turned over to ihc proprietor simply ;; because you don't did exactly whatou warn, and you ; tdon't wan i soma little whippersnapper of a clerk to in- :: sist upon vour taking what yu don t want. You have, " fPIIRE ' VS BLOOD J doubtless, been through this ordeal, and vowed that you !! ; ; would never go into thai store again. You're right ! ! ;; you don't have to. - !! o CLOTHING should stand on its mn its and a first-;; class clothing house always has a large enough assort- ; : ! ment for a man to be suited without having something ;; forced on him which he forever dislikes. Come our;; ' way. If we cannot possibly suit you, we will treat you ;; ' kindly just the same One ihini is certain if we can't ; ; i fit a man tr boy with a Suit, Overcoat, Tiousers or ;; '! anything else in our line, nobody in Salem can. And, ;; J! furthermore, if you do not find that our prices are right, ;; ' ' don't spend a cent with us. Fair proposition, hey? ; ; !GJ.Jonnsoo&6o!l MEN'S OUTFITTERS 257 Commercial St., Salem, Or. clHo-elool Proper enro of tho stomach will re Biilt In tho making or plenty of rich, red blood and th6 upbuilding of the entire system. If your stomach In dis ordered end the blood Impuro tnlto o few doses of HosetUjrla throneh Hitters, It la tho best 'stomach medl clno and blood nbrlfler In the world, and will also'curq Dullness, Belching, Indigestion, Dyspepsia and Malaria. De sure to try It. For sale by drug gists. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS THE DAILY JOURNAL:. Tho labor lender at Salem refused stand for tho propotdUon to enrry retaliatory referendum Hunlnnt r- - : , ., , tin- Portland fnlr. Scrlpp. New. Association Telegrams. Korotw, Trn(Io- ronventl(m( 3 and 6 O'clock Editions. ym oa,inihlii. voted them Mown, but tlwy made their Inlliianca undemtood the labor BY HOFER BROTHERS. Dally One Year, J4.t)0 In Advance. Dally Three Months, $1.00 In Advance. Dally by Carrier, SO Cents Per Month. Weekly One Year, 11.00 In Avance. .-. . JOURNAL SPECIAL DELIVERY. Ono Weok 10 Olio Month 3G Threo Months 1.00 At Journal office. At Daue'a Orocery, South Salem. At Bowersox Orocery, Yew Park. Asylum Avenue Orocery Store. Electric Grocery, East State St. HIIHIIIII HI tHIHHHt CnTo v3 "fl PtoS j2H felt, and !t Is flRlit Is otr on that proposition, ami will Im dropped. Thin conservative middle ground 1b oredltuble to Salem labor in nanism tluiiH. It will win for thorn tho ro Hpwt and ronlldenro of nil classes. Salem should not only have no HtrlUoH, but the , labor organisations would do welt to promote the Krentiwt harmony nud nood will with employ oi h. eonhHotnrM nud enpltnllHts. Let Sulom be tho ono town where thora Hhnll be no Industrial parolyslH. dun In luck of understanding and friendly consideration. REPUBLICAN CONGRESSIONAL TICKET. For Member of CoiiKrosH First DlHtrlct. HON. HINHWl 1IKUMANN. liluutlou day, Monday. June let. IS THERE AN INDUSTRIAL CRISIS? All over the nation there are striken nnd lockouts. The conditions' at Port land are duplicated In many cltlou. The nrKanlxntloiiH of omploycnt' unloiiH to retaliate on tho labor iiiiIoiih Ih not hoIiik to help mattuiti or pio duco butter iiudunHnnilltiB, The wnrfni-o of oritnnlsAtlou attalnm ortmnlxiktlou w 111 only produce n IiIkIi ur tension and make solution moiu dlf tloult, Hnlem Ih fuelliiK the effect of the Kouurnl sliuutlon. and Portland condi tions liuvo pnrtlully suspended Indus trial opurntlpus horo. Snlom Ih not a town noted MR. CATCH'S FRIENDS LOYAL. Marion county Republicans hnd n candidate for congress before the Eu Beno Itcpubllean convention whom they would have been glad to hnv.o accn nominated. Thoy camo homo feeling disappoint ed, but they nro not sulking, or disloy al to the nominee In this campaign. They wero out In full forco at tho rally given Ulngor Hermann nt Salera. by all odds tho warmest reception be ban received anywhere. Mr, Ontch Is unable to tnko any part In tho campaign on account of his health ho Is taking a vacation In Jackson county to recuperate. Dot tho roturns from IiIb precinct will show that he and his followers havo not the slightest intention of knifing Ulngor Hormann. It would be political Bulclde for any man having aspirations to party hon ors In Btnto or district affair, to do otherwise. Mr. Gatch has a reaord nnd reputa tion for being the last to throw down the regular nomlnw, especially after securlnK the nomlnntlon as fairly as Mr. Hermnnn did secure It. tii . a BEAM'ES TALKS AT " LEBAflOII His Argument. Ran AIoii "the Old Free trade Lilies The growd did Not go Wild With Enthuiasm and if is, not Thought he Gained REPUBLICAN RALLY AT JEFFER SON. Thei Ih no trouble to xt up n He-. publUan demoiiHtrntlon at a strong 11. publican town llko Baloin. Hut the npouliiK of the Hepuhllcnn enmpnlgn for the congressional oleo tlou nt tho smaller towns, where tho farmer mnke up n part of tho audi ence Ih n different mntter Thin Ih the luiHleHt time of tho year, and the meeting at Jeffcreon Saturday night will be In the nature of n test of public InteroMt. At Jifforiou political parties are pietty evenly divided, nud If tho He piililldiHK sueeeed In getting a crowd there they can be hopeful. The Republican npath) In the I 'Ox er placoH Ih already giving wny to' the elfortH of the campaign nuumer. AlthouHh It Ih an off-year, nud a ouo mnn (nmpiiiKn.nud not'nny pnitlrulaily insguttli- oiatoiH In the Meld, th cltlce are awakening. In regard to the timber land frauds. The Tree God Plants. The wind that blows can never kill The tree Ood plnntn; It bloweth eaut, It UJowth wont, The tender lonvoi have llttlo rest. Hut nny wind that bluwt Is bent; ' The tree Ood pluutH Strike deeper root, grows higher still SpreudH wider boughs, for Ood's good will Meats nil ltn wnntH. There In no frot hath power to blight The treo (!od shields; The roots nro warm beneath worm HIIOWH, And when Spring cornea It surely known, And every bud to blossom grows. Tho trio Ood shields Grows on npnoo by dny nnd night. Till, Hweot to tasto and fair to sight. Its fruit It yields. There Ih no storm has power to blast Tho treo Ood knews: No thunderbolt, nor beating rain, Nor lightening Hash, nor hurrlcnne. When they nro Hwopt It doth remnln. Tho troo Ood knows Through overy tempest stnndeth fnst, And from Its first dny to Its Inst Still fairer grows. If in the soul's still gnrdonplncn A seed Ood sows A llttlo seed It soon will grow I Alio im mill iiuiii uu iiiuii mu nuun, For heavenly lands He bids It blow, A seed Ood sows. And up It Hprlngs by day and night; Through llfo. through death It grow- nth light. Forovor glows. Obsor'er. for. there have been plenty of thorn, both strike), and labor organisations hero parties huve beon guilty, ami otllclnlH have mIiowu n dUpositlon to frown and private down upon retaliatory methods. equally eltlxeus share about fflAycr's Hair Vigor jH SUKt: CUftC FOR PILES Itching Pile produce molture anrt canse Itrhlng, this form, as well as Hllud. Dlomllng or Protruding Pile are cured by Or. no san-ko's Pile Rem edy, stops Itching and bleeding Ab sorbs tnmnru. 10c a Jar at drugclsta or sent hv mall. Treatise free Write roe about your case. Dr. Dosanko Philadelphia, Pa. For tale at Or Stone's drue stores The Renms meeting, hold at tills place Mondny night waH somewhat of a frost on tho tender Democratic en thUBlnsm, Just beginning to bud. The meeting wna not called to order until 8:30, by which time there was a fnlr sized crowd" In nttendance. The open ing address wns made by Hon. M. A. Miller, who spoke briefly concerning over 'increasing taxation. Ho thought an Income tax a good thing. Hon. A. 11 Heatnes, Democratic nominee for congress, wns then Intro duced by 8. M. Garland. Mr. Henmcs spoko at eonie longtb on tho tariff question, using tho old free trade ar gument that tho tariff Is a tax on tho rouMUiuei and Is In effect n wall around the United Stntes which keeps out prosperity. He undertook to tell the poople that tho conBiinier paid tho tnriff and to llliiHthites'bls point said that when bay wa shipped fiom Oregon to the Phil ippines, that It must pay n duty before entering tho Islands nnd that this tnriff reduced tho price received by Oregon farmers for their hay. This explanation mny be, satisfactory to Mr. Henmos, but most of his hearers thought that It proved directly tho op posite of his contention. He con tinued by saying thnt this monster tnriff "doubles the price of tho cont on your back" This didn't go down much better tlinn tho "hay" for most people nre Fntlslled when thoy enn get n good nil-wool suit for $t0, especially during Hepuhllcnn prosperity whon thoy havo tho-monoy. He thon talked trusts for n short time and com mended tho action tnkon .by President Roosevelt to enforce anti-trust laws, hut said Hermann did not believe In Hoosevolt'H policy nnd In substance said elect mo to congress If you wish to ondorse Roosovelt. Of course th,o votors will ngroe (?) thnt tho wny to endorse n Republican president In to olect Democrats to congress. After he had finished the tariff and tniBts he proceeded to glvo "tho othor nldo of the hind question," which con sisted of somo bare statements that more than thirty years ago Hermann rostguod from tho land offlco nt Rose- burg boforo tho tlmo for which ho wns nppolntod had expired nnd thnt ho al so resigned from tho genornl land of fice last wlntor. Ho did not attempt to give nny reasons but tried to leavo tho Inference that something wns wrong. Ho nlso told a fow pretty good stories that brought out somo feoblo applause a thing thnt hnd been con spicuous by Its nbsonco during tho greater part of his remarks. To bo fair to Mr. Reamcs wo must any that ho is a roan of pleasing ap pearance nnd a good talker, although no more able a speaker than any of a half dnxon of tho leading Domocrats of this county. Ho inado no votes In Lebanon. Lebanon Criterion. bR. M.Jcooi Has como to tho conclusion that all profession of tho hcall side of tho vogetablo kingdom is a failure When your system . without puro mooufjiou' win- uuiy huu vitality In uJJ r KingUOm. I'OIBUUUUB urufin uui uutiuio Knives nop Ik. ..i lightning vpl notf reraovo the causo, but lay tho foundation foJ of disease. Tuoyu poisons go into your uonos, and .kill the f ' nnd cronto all kinds or aiscoscs, cancorous , tumors, consumption bone dlscnscs, etc. You must bear in mind that his mcdlclnj poisonous tonic, nor " stimulant, nor, temporary relief which n . poisonous drugs', whoro tho results aro auro death soonor or la( blnmo tho medlclno, when it tnkos an effect nnd stirs up the fcfl disease, in tno system, rou must noi expect to oo cured In af&i your sickness or dlsenso has been a long tlmo coming on, and Itf ii long tlmo to get It out of your aystom. It will take months ot build a now body from Uio bones up. ' This Is what tho pooplg dcrstand. Thoy aro used to being humbugged. His medicines ii posed of Naturo'a Herbs what tho human! system requires. Why mala got sick thoy will help themselvos to thoso horbs, for they lln stlnct, and tho people havo not, so wo havo to make a study of h been a llfo study with Dr. Cook. Do not got weary; this life t . and too sweet to worry out of this world. Dr. Cook Cures All Kinds of Disease 301 Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon. 4--a4-H4-M-Bg-m-aH-B--M-t-Bg-m-g.m.in.,tt 5: M ,'1 Z(5)m 5 jWsiferF KrJM i life fj4 - Serves . . . , Double Purpos Cliitm Closrt and .ideW-l in ono piece. You can economize spact iS using tnein. Wo liuvo benuties nl moi I)rico. The House Furnishing Co. 269 Liberty Street Stores si Sikm inl Altu;. New Patterns In BoJyBn this week. mBHHHBBilaina-HI5(KKBMWilWj HARRITT & LAWRENCE Sell more Groceries and better Groceries than ANYSOD! LETTUCE, RHUBARB, RADISHES, etc justfroflfe Gardens. - AND EVERYTHING FOR THE SPRING SEASOS Como ntul sco for yourself old p. o. GROcmi Chinese Boys Coming to America. Washington. May 15 -V S.Consul Wilcox nt Hankow. China, hns unti tled the state deportment that ten bright Chinese boys of good family aro to sail on tho Nippon Mnnt'loday for the United Stntes. to 1m placed In college. They aro In churue of Mr. Sao Ko Alfrnl Se. a Washington high Boliool boy nnd graduate from Cornell, The bos aro relatives of Acting Vlcoray Tuan who. nt the risk of his Ufa, pro tecU'd the foreigners in his Jurisdic tion during the Iloxer uprising. The Counsel bMpoaks for tlu- boys n fav ornlila reception and treatment In recognition of the Vleero's kindness to AmorloanB. French to Seek North Pole, l'nrls. May IB, The Artie vxpedi Hon under th pntnmune of the French Academy of Science leaves Franco today for Spitsbergen and thence will start for Fran Joseph I And Th expedition Is under the direction of Dr. Jean Charcot "Camllle." As played by tho Ttcadlck Stock Companv Is n marval of rich dreslng comblnod with tho most finished act ing Saturday matinee. nri' NOTIPR is SKIIVKD. Due notice li hfrhjr nttrn on the public senemlly that Dritt'i Wltcb Ilniel Halve l the only khIt on the market that U made from the pure, unailutterated witch hntel. Pe Wilt's Witch Harel Salre has cured thnuaaoda of rae of piles that would not yield to any other treatment, and thia fact lias brought out many wnrtbleat counterfeits. Tho neraona who Eet the cenulne, IWItt's Witch Uaiel Halve nre never dUapMnted lieranae It curea. I'or aule by F. Q. Haas, HO State atreet. - v Strong's Bakery And restaurant Is Salem's host eat ing houso. This house Is patronized by everybody. Thobsst service that can be had. Auhblshop Knin. of St. I.ouls. who Is In a Unltliuoro sanitarium, Is ie portel to be Improved greatly already. Wmwmsmmsssm aasai Truth to Tefj TJioro nro no otliermilk cntia madcVfl equal in wearing quulitica tho Vl BUHL CAI Tluj an tluncil to stay tinned, umlpo; to smnit rears ot unru scrvue. w tl easily, lccome dcntcil, nnd being llgM?; Miou mat unit un tn nieces. Not powllaw.1 Factory " ' Improvrtl Elgin"nnd ,0(Dn lliey nillmitlaatiiuy oilier aim on tlie "J"'!:. liionnmlil) una iiuu-kly cliuuai. Ken"""";" in-only in Hi Hip world thnt I nuuieiwf; lluhl "Victor" Cxn llrinlt null th " nuule wiui 0 "Victor" Hound Handle. therenremany W inrliiiiiHtloiiKnr tliHi-uii watninn an oun the Milk Can IraJe Mark, UmlforH R. M. Wade & Co. Mlaihlinous boys eangeil a street i sir collision In New York Which re stilts in Injuries to IS people $w Wires Zai Standard Mixed Paint Of America Heath & Milligan Atanufactuf ing Co's Best Pt epated Paint ' Patton Paint Company's Sun Poof Paints Half a century of the best experience embodied tmniifiriiirp Tho hacf niintc thnf ran nOSS'lblV " Will not chalk, peel or scale. Great covering captf'ft Oils, Varnish and Window Glass. Savage & Fletcher PAPITAI NATIONAI RANK Of SaW The only National Bank In Marlon ( ounty. Transacts t frt ' Vf..Sus',,c:s, urans issuea on an pans u r.,Y- u "fi SAVINGS DEPARTMENT conducted under usual Savlue 77 I II A1.A,t d... ' r u f-t 1,1.. ne JOS. . ..(nn, mhi t n, luiaau, Tivc-iiv.