)L. XIII. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1903. NO. 113. SHAW WAS BORN JN 1788 is Near Sidney Aged IS Years, Wednes day red in the French Wars ider Hie Great Napoleon Almost a Hundred Years Ago opu Ilashnw, who, as near ns can jured out, was at least 115 years iwas round dead In bed at tho of his stepson, near Sidney, lesday, lln waa probably tUo It man In Oregon. was a Frenchman by birth, and d In the Frencli wars of 1M1G-1G, r Napoleon. Ho droVo nn ox team ircgon m ion, anil was men a haired man. Haahnw waH man gncar this city and settled tinon Bonatlon land, claim upon which led. His step-son, .George Marlntt, le only relatlvo living. BELIEVED TO BE R0SS0W Policeil Suspect Him of Attempting to Destroy the Umbria Manufactured the Lead-pipe Bombs that Were so Deadly in the Hay market Riots Will Shoot Him Tomorrow Panama, May 10 The revolution. ary general, Lorenzo, was condemned by a government court-martial to bo shot tomorrow, for crimes during tho recent revolution. All Quiet in Omaha lere was a Strike ppkano May in, It leaked out In general strike has been In of' TamotiK the trainmen of the Great born from St. Paul to Sand Point, ho, slnco Saturday. Tho men wont Ion receipt of a cipher code, tho IB&rdR being, "The clouds break wa,yV' The strike was called off to- 4ayij The fact that (he men were out eagthelr mux nt tho time tho strike order was received, made, the effect not generally apparent. Killed by a Mob. Mtflfiotto, N C, May 1fi.iPPrcy nca, of Arkansas, whs killed by n int Wlllsonvlllo. N. C. last night. particulars further have 'been ro ved. Ten men nro undor arrest. lITnytl has denied tho request of tho ngees at Kingston to return home. Jjjof thm are destitute. New York, May 15. A new theory Is now being worked on by the police detectives here, In tho search for the man who last week attempted to dy namite tho Umbria It Is now believed tho man who went under tho name of 0. Itosseau here. Is none other than John Rossow, who constructed tho lead pipe bomba, used wIUi such dis astrous effect in the Chlcnca Hnv- market riots In 1S8G. He Is also sus pected of manufacturing tho bomb thrown Into tho chamber of doputloB In Franco In 1884. Rossow escaped from Chicago lmmodlatoly after the Haymarket riots, and never has been apprehended. Ho returned to Ameri ca some years ago, and the police traced him to Portland and Seattle, from which point he started Kant a few months ago with an unknown man. Here all trnco Is lost, unless he Is tho man who made tho Umbria at tempt. Chicago descriptions, as well as descriptions here, tally. This morn ing's Investigations lead to the bellof that, after coming from the far North west, ho made the machine In China- go. brought It to his boarding place on Thirty-first street here, whero ho charged It with dynamlto, and sent It on Its doadJy errand. As Roskow was a great anarchist loader all tho haunts of. anarchy nro today bolng searched. Inspector McQIusky hoUuves ho Is still In 'hlOlnxihoro. ....- Omaha. May IB. There wero no strlko disturbances' this aftcrnoori. The nrresta of the men charged with the riot yestorday continues, and 20 are already In Jail. Deering Strike Settled Chicago, May 1G. The Peering em ployes returned to work this morning, tho strlko having been settled. Tho company reinstates all tho Btrlkers, and all unsettled questions are to bo arbitrated. Madam Calve's l; Close Call Paris, May 15 Madomo Calve, who narrowly escnped death from on over dose of aconite yestorday, Is out of dangefi Reliance to be Docked Newport May IB. The nollonco feft for City Islands this'' morning, Whero sho will be hauled out tomor row. 'Bu route she will be given a tryoift In tho seaway. MIh Margaret Crane, of Water bury, Conn., was waylaid by robbers while on hor way to a singing school, and seriously Injured. Himrirt W rSrlllilitt nt M nri ImmvIUm J has been electod commander of tho Indiana department or tho u. A it. Famous Crook Arrested llerlln, Mny 16. A man arrested at, Humburg hns been Identified as the notorious International swindler, Wal ter Howors. who committed hugo, frauds In Iondon. Chlcugo and several Western cities.' Germans GeKontract llorlln, May 15. The Russian gov ernment has contracted with a Cor man firm to fit 300 stations on tho trans-Siberian railway. Tho Gorman firm won over several competing American firms. FORESTS ARE IN FLAMES Unprecedented Dry Weather Alone Made Them Possible Woods Blaztoe in New Hamp shire, New York, Pennsyl vania and the Down East Captured The Camels Algiers. May IB.-Word was 're ceive today that n force of Moors at FJgulg attacked a convoy of sup plies for tho French frontier stations, routed the men ami captured 57 enm els ibaded with provisions. Trial Races i Are Over Another Bomb Js Found Vienna. Mny 16. A cllipatrh to tho Krtiln Prfuuafc tnilnv wnva n Immli nt great power has been discovered In ' ro08 ln 8cuU,n . as tho yachts Ggurock. May 15. Unless tho wind now blowing subsides today, thero will bo no men- trial races of tho Sham- tho Becond tunnel excavated undor the street near the Ottoman bank, evi dently IntondiWto 'nHnlhllatd the crowd which would collect after the bank wns destroyed. go to the builders tomorrow, to bo fit- tod for their traus-Atlnntlc voyage, i-HBoeeooooo4' m Don't Place a Time Limit .On Bargains fou arc not compelled to come on any irticular day to get your money s rorth when you trade with us. We want you to visit tne advertised j icial sales at other stores tnen see t Leur regular price on same gooas. s hat's what Salem ladies are doing and J sy are surprised to find Hour regular tfces below the special lale prices J rery time Just Try It Yourself Wo want vour drv goods trade and wo J know we'll get it if you nro a judge of J values. Three Burned In Chicago Is Assistant Superintendent Salt Lake, Utah, May 15. Circu lars, signed by B. II. Hnrrimon and . (Jfiiernl Miuinger Ilancroft, of the I Oregon Short 1.1 no, wero today Issued Were atlDOlntlnir 11 It. Cnlvln nxalulnnl irnn. burned to death, two probobly fatally ' ri manager, with headquarters hero. Chicago, May 16. Three Injured, and many other were serl uutdy hurt by a tiro In a West Chester apartment building early this morn ing. Twonty-sevon families occupied the house. Tho blaze started la the basement, and spread rapidly through threo air shafM Those dead wre suffocated. The ollluo of geuural superintendent Is nbolUhed nt Chicago. TRAIN LOAD OF HORSES POISONED Twenty-five Cars on Side Trace Loaded With Them Supposition That They Were Deliberately Poisoned, but for What Purpose Can not be Imagined Kallspell, Mont, May 1G. Twenty five caw of horses on n sldo track of tho Oreat Northern hero wero found dead today. Tho poison unod Is unknown. Hrtico Jones, a prominent Now Mex ico stockman, hns been hold Tn 10, 000 ball for tho murder of ICrnest Howell, n cowman. FRESH TODAY Pop Corn Crisps, SaKed Almonds, Salted Peanuts, AT " Zinn's 154 Stats St. Phone ISM Main. Employers Standard Oil Stock Drops Uniting) iviei Shirts Our Line of i IS includes everything suitable for the season Best materials, well mado ut bargain pri ces. Shoes, Clothing and all kinds of men's furnishings. New York. May IS. The omployere. who meet tonight to form an asso ciation, state It Is not to combat the' drtdro of the unions to securo a short er work day or a higher wage, but will fight the walking delegato system, which Is believed to be the primary cause of the greater number of striken. Indications show Uie organi zation will b a large one, as dele gates are being named by nearly ev ery largo contracting nrro in tho city today New York. May ID. Tho Standard Oil Company declared a quarterly dividend of $7 per share, payable June 16th. as against $10 at this tlmo a ear ago. Tho stock broke 30 points hen the announcement of a reduced dividend appeared. The New York Racket talem's Cheapest fine-Price Cash Store. ( t. i. Barnes, rrup, The Murder of the Jews Washington. May IS.--Intense In dlgnatlon Is expressed here by of ficials hero regarding the massacre of Jews by Russians. The stato d opart- inent. as yet. has no definite advice, but uoiieves the reports are not ex aggerated. Hays' hands aro tied, as. so far as Is known, no American oltl sens suffered. Therefore, he oan take do action, no matter how ' far the Slavonic brutality may go In Its treat ment of those of the Hebraic faith. The attitude of the state department Is that Russia Is a sovereign, power. and we would have no more right of Interference than Russia would have to protest against the negro lynching or Indiana White Caps. Murder and Suicide Bl Pnso. Tex.. May IB. (Jeoruu Peterson, a wealthy commission mer chant, of Arophorst, Wis., and Mrs. T. Falrchlld, well and favorably knowu In Denver, wore found dead In the Ra menu Houke this afternoon. Indica tion aro that Prterson shot her, and then killed hlmsoir. Mm Falrchlld' husband Is a commercial traveler In the far West. riattsburg. N. Yi, May 15. Forest flres, which have been burning Inter mittently for severnl daB, have broke out with renewed vigor around Colby Pond, near Sarnao I.nke. l'nulsmlths on St. ltogls I-nko, and Ayors' Hotel. on I,ako Doano In tho Adlrondacks. A telegram from I'aulsmlths stntes that tho woods for ton mllea In every di rection seem to bo on lire. Tho flro has approached within three miles of tho hotel, and Is spreading fast At Iuike Dunne, William J Ayers, proprietor of Ayers' Hotel, who has been fighting tho (tames, with a largo force of men for four flnys, has lost control of tho flames and wired to Ma lono and Chasm Falls for help, The llres have reached within half a mile of the hotel. It Is rmorted that great damage has been dono by forest fires on William Rockefeller's forest re servo. In many plnces In tho Adlrondacks no rain or snow has fallen since April Iflth. ntmost unprecedented for this tlmo of yenr. Iletween Morrlllsvlllo and Onchlola lire destroyed tho Testa! Teleraph Company's line for threo miles. (lreinsburg. Pa.. May IS." Tho breaking out anew of tho forest fires on Chestnut Ridge tins nrouhel the greatest oonstoroatlon among the peo ple. I.nst night n mountain homo, owned by Rooth and Klynn. near lllalrsvllle Intersection, wns de stroyed. Telephone and tolegrnph !o!h crossing- tho ridge at Illnlravlllu intersection wero burned and thiJ wires rendered useless. At I-nko Hoi low, nenr Now Florence, the big mill" for the manufacture of pins for jxiles wns burned. The Hvnns Lumber Com pany lost several thousand dollars' worth of pit posts today. Ilooth and Flynn lost several cars of cross-ties. Tho flro Is rnglng In tho vicinity of Rhlgevlow Park. I'l-ople of Millwood and Derry are now engaged In fighting the names. Cresson. Pa.. May IS. The towns of I.loydsvlllo and lliirns. in Cambria county, have been threatened with for est fires for several days. Today the fire was reported close to the latter) in llio history of fcklrt selling I..,..-. iinnimuiiiH in uouars worm or.tjalom. umoer tin already been destroytnl MTTTW III II 1 1 1 1" Great Sale Of Skitts Today wi iniuiguralo u sulo of I.ndioa Dross Skirts never equaled in To Advance the Case Washington. May U. When the su preme court menu Monday AsslsUnt Atiemey-Oeneral Day will enter a mo tion for tho advancement of the bear ing of tho Northern Securities caso. the appeal In which was recently docketed. The court will be In ses sion until June 1st. for the last tlmo thbi term, so even if the motion Is granted there will be no possibilities of the argument of the case before Its reconvening on October 12th. Rich Ore at Spanish Gulch Maker City. Or. Moy 16 -Full par titulars regarding the finding of the K)00 gold quiirt specimen brought to this city were obtained Thursday. The MK-liuw was not found In the John Day river, as at flwt reiKirtml. but was taken wit of a placer claim 0 miles beyond Canyon City,-In what Is known as Spanish Otileh. The claim Is owned by C. W. Drown and Robert Hlnos, and the specimen In uuostlon was brought In by J, R, Peters, of Salt Uke City, Ulnh. The quartz ledge from whleh the specimen camo orig inally hnx been located, and It Is said to be very rich In frso gold. I ne owners have on hand at tho present time about W0 pounds of quart rock taken from the ledge and placer olalin that Is equajly as rich w the ftpeunJ'iitv4s,brught In W Mr. Peters. T ' v Russia Protests Every lady knows the su periority of our values. Especially in ready-to. wear goods. Wo gtiarantuo a porfoot and satis faotory fit in every instanuo or givo you your nionoy baok. Wo include in this eulo nil our Fine Etamines, Peau de Soles, Vloles Broadcloths, Cheviots, i Serges, Alpacas, Thlbfeets, Homespuns, Fackina Cloths, Etamlne Cheviots, Worsteds. Tweeds, v . Novelties, Etc. Come early to get the plums. mihuu iatattciaf nMtnwcf iiitim i Robbeni killed Arthur Meade, of Muscatine. la., tor coming to the as sistance of two restaurant men they were holding up. There were no new cases of plague yesterday either at Callao or Umi The persons 111 with the disease at Pisco are improving Wealthy Pioneer at Honolulu. Honolulu. May It 8. C A lieu, a piuaeer of Honolulu, died today uf heart disease. agvl ! years. Captain Allen wea one of the wealthiest men In the Hawaiian Islands, his fortune being itimated at $5,000,000. De ceased was a teember of the firm of Allen k Hoblofcon lumber dealers and shipping men 8t Potorsbunr, May 16. Tho Rus- slan papers unanimously protest against tho foreign opinion that Rus sia Is seeking oxcluslve jirlvileges In the far Bast, at China's expense. They say that as soon as China guarantee the seourity of the railway, and the maintenance of tranquility In Man churia, Russia will evaouato. Oberlln, O.. has dedicated a me morial arch to the memory of 13 mis sionaries who suffered martyrdom iu China In 1W Tissue Paper Decorations Reduced 5c Wreaths 8c 25c Festoons 10 yds long 12c 35c Stars i 5c atmeyerI The White Corner.