rtyTf T-'SlflWWSfl" '"PTJ'' t'TgiP ' v"rfy H 5"ysfT),?7rrw5",""'', S ' . tAE-8l)0- It's Ticklish Business To toko your, linen to a laundry UiAtvhaen't -(earned-, reputation for j Unreliability lorjs methjsjlinl per- , Xcct laundry work, such as tho Salem Steam Laundry docs. Wo do up ILrt cn, madras and pcrcalo shirts with tho color na fresh aswhpn flrsfpur chased, and dress BhKrtswltnVllncn collars and cuffs In a manner that Is unsurpassed In tho art of laundry work. Safem Steam Latmcfry. CiLOHEL. J. OLMSTED, Prop.' MRUS D. OLMSTED. Mgn Phone 411. 230 Liberty CL - &i -. BONT 8HIVER WHILE YOU ORE88 'Those cold mornings"- Roach? out of ed, utrlko a match, turn on tho gas 1b your gas s toy o and no to how quickly your room gets warm. Haven't a gns tore? Mean It? Lots horo so choap you'll wonder how you 'lave permit t4 "yourself to bo benumbed wben'so anch comfort could bo had, for so lit He. Salem Gas-Light Co., rfcoae 563. 4 CHEMEKETA ST. Vf u A Juicy Morsel for Breakfast - Or dinner you can enjoy Irotn on of oar tender anil delicious meats, steaks, lamb or mutton chops, veal cntfetafpr'pork. Oar meat are all cat Irotn the fattest and nnmeitcMtle, mid wtf'can' rtfpply roar table with Irenh, nutritions and wholesome mnat at )d rook prlcei. E. C." CROSS SALEM ORE Plion 341 WHEN OFF DUTY Good liquor will soon banish Uiq ftvUguo of "tho strenuous lite," oud for Uio convalescent Its morlts nto too well known to bo repeated, At Rog-twtf-only- -tho very bost graded of wines, brandies and whiskies aro told, and with every bottlo Is gjven eur guarantee of Its age, absolute) pur. Jty and brand. t J. P. ROGERS, Er Whottsals and Rstall Liquor Dstlar, , iMfare fcuylae a new belt see our a4ck They are swell Try a "Dan ly S4KM shlater" at $1.00 The Variety Store. 94 Court St Amm (A. Welch. Prop FRUIT TRAYS, BOXES and CRATES WIU Manufacture all kinds aad MutM f fruit baxts. trays aed crates. Flrat-ckisa work ani ma terial Prices te suit Shop on Miller St.i South Salem GEO. P. MASON. J. fcrownsteln ft Son. lttCwtrtstmt NrfkcstcasltHe pmurum: rlH. .Weal. Tallow mi tin; Vm ferkl ikakr la old mm, )MMrad Metals. SptM: n-1! ill Mi i fMQCh "Repairing -4iOftho. flnost workmanship is a branch of our business, that wo glvo special atteptlon to. Our repairing department is conductod with tho ut most caro and skill, diamonds aro re set, and Jowelry of all kinds Is re paired In tho most perfect manner, be sides optical work of all kinds. C. T. Pomeroy .... ' Jeweler nnd Optlcinu, 288 Com. St. BO M&tM I IS tT lJ-SSBBBsVVssH 1 ll ' '' RMMSL copynicirr; Shingles and Shakes The root Is shingled best If you use tho kind of shingles and shakes wo sell, and wo ask you to noto tho good wear and economy of tho root for which wo furnish tho shingles or shakes. Wo carry a largo stock of shingles and shakes of good quality, carefully aclectod to roako a sound, tight, durable roof, and wo aro al ways ready to giro estimates. QOODALE LUMBER CO., . . Near 8. P. Pas Depot. Phone 651. Harness. Saddlery, Whips, Lap Rotes, Fly Nets, etc. Lone years of experience, superior skill and richest quality of stock are x guarantee that weturnout'the test goodsever offered In Salem, SIGN OF THE WHITE HORSE. ESTABLISHED 1869 i E. S. Lamport Saddlery Co. 289 Commercial Street HQHC3Tr'3 CNOtlBM M l-llll Iltlt.ll-S KM1LXSU U IlKll r U.IJ KM411U WtM. Mitt ll' . IOW. '.t..klf,UrfH liri KakMltalUM lall I1mi ftif l ;. UfutetM. c 4 4. U T.1?...'. '?llfK.TlJile 1 llt...i.lL , klak&A.A.. kl.-l ..' IH. UklL IILhUlhilliu.lil. Mt k. HmUhUUm M11h ., t-HlLA B PILES R- Suppositoru ' D- MuL TkM.liM. QiUMS I IkUall, atUHllH N V OIIIM MHIHI kU WM M Ibo, VI , M UtNN, i vr t i nrilixtftt4i.4iu Dr IL U. kl itkL Cluk.ku T.am. rtl I-U rtMtlM C II )ttM, I k.l. l-ui um.Ii U I"1 "? re-S1 r fr "T X"11' MIT1M Witt. tVNCABTcK. Sold In Salem by 8. C. Stor, Call for Frco Sample. VrVfle fcftfr tfJ "y! Wr ma irjik l J9 THE BAILY JOURNAL, 8AUEM, BRIGHT v TIMELY IDEA Clock. Should , SHow time at All Hours Day or Night Young Men Need More Light as to Wiien it is Time to Turn Their Toes Towards Home Ed. Jeurnnl: Through tho columns of your family paper I would like to mako a pertinent suggestion. It Is this: That tho county court of this county replaio tho present old, worn out dial on the big clock with an Il luminated dial. This big clock is tho only public timcplcco lu Uio city, mid It would bo of incstimablo vnluo If II lumlnaUiI at night. It Is as necessary to know tho tlmo of night as tho tlmo of day. Young men aro especially nnxlous, I am told by many of tho fond parents, to got homo early nnd tho fact that thoy aro so fequently Into Kttlng homo Ih duo to tho fact that they can't seo tho tlmo of day after night. If tho court will attond to this chnngo It will do nwny villi tho etirfow department of tho city of Salem and stop that oxpenso to the city government, and bring a great convenlonco to the citizens. A prom inent worker In tho causo of young men recently told mo confidentially that It Is estimated that thros-fourths of tho joiing mim who nro ruined by staying up late nt night, owo tholr un timely downfall to tho fact that they nro unable to sou tho tlmo because of needed lighting up of tho clock fnce Tho fact thnt many young mon arc shining lights themselves about the tlmo they nro reudy to go homo Is no argumont against putting a light lu tho clock tower. I took occasion tho other day to tnko a Marconi ob servation of tho big clock fnco and find that to mako (he suggests! chnngo that It will only bo necessary to romovo tho woodon faces and put In gluHs ones painted with tho proper Hymbols nnd hang n light lu behind nil of which would not coat moro than $3. and n dollnr n month for tho light Salem Ih cortaluly metropolitan enough nowndnys to hnvo this con venience. If tho cost was vory gieat I would not ri'commond It, hut since It Is so vory Inexpensive It would seem tho proper thing to do nnd'nt onco. Another good reason lies In tho fart that the postoHlro being adjacent brings thousands of peoplo along that thoroughfare and all thoso peoplo noed to seo tho time of night when thoy pass Along If for no other reason thnn to prove an nllbl In enso It over becomes necessary. Every night when tho theater goera como out of tho opera house, the ladles all look up at tho big clock nnd say, "Oh! my, how Inte It Is getting." and a few other social bon motH Of courso wo nil know thoy didn't see tho time any moro than wo do. nnd It is not right to hnvo tli oin say thoso things just for fun, ns It wore. Thus It Is to bo seen that tho ladles will also appreciate tho change proposed IMlOdUESS. Salem, May C, ions. Blck Headache absolutely and per tnanontly cured by using Mokl Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures Consti pation and Indlgostton, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfac tion guaranteed or money back. 25 cts. and E0 eta. Write to W. II. IIOOKBK & CO., lluffalo. N. Y for a frco sample. D, J. VRY, Druggist lyn, N. Y. 8UnE CURB FOR PILES Itching Piles produce moisture, and cause Itching, this form, as well as Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Files are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Rem edy, stops Itching and bleeding. . Ab torbs tumors. SOo a jar at druggists, or sent by mall. Treatise free. Write me about your case. Dr. Dosanko, riniaueipuio. ra, ror saio at ut Htone'i drug stores Why' Not. Go where you can get the best? Tho White House Kcstaurant Is tho moat popular restaurant In tho city. Open day and ulght. Strong's Bakery And restaurant Is Salem's best eat ing bouse, This bouse is patronised by everybody. The best service that can be had. Still tho Favorite. For abort order meals the White House Restaurant is tho leading place. Open day and night Prompt service 7 Pu"ut to take anil harmless On Uluutt Comth Cur flr tmomUat rHei la all ( of I'ouuh. Croun and LaQrlpix .tai?tT WJW B"!lntlj Pto the vtetida.at take ttftct right it thl tt ef irtacouMe. It draa ut tat tn- irmaucir ,by mWUd th lungs to coa J tribute ps lltf-glviaK aad lire auatulnlnx Vf V liSt. M; Stat. VZZT "r "" OREQON. - FRiDAV, MAY 8,-1903 SCOTT'S EMUESION, makes pale, thin children fat and chubby. Overcomes wasting tendencies and brings back rosy cheeks and bright eyes. It's surprising ljow quickly children respond to Scott's Emulsion. . It contains just the element of nourishment their little bodies need. They thrive on it. Even a few drops in the baby's bottle have a notice able effect for good. Nothing better than Scott's Emulsion for growing children. We'll tend you umple free upon request. SCOTT S BOWNE, 4oo Pel Street, New Vork. XMarkct Quotations Todays 7 "Make balem Good Home Market" T Poultry at Stelner's Market Chickens 10 lie. Spring chickens 13lCc. I'ggs Per dozen, 14c. 0 Hop Market HopV-1718c. Potatoes, Apples, Etc. Potatoes 2530c. Onlous C5c. Dried Fruits. I)i led Applos lJTUc. Italian prunes, 40s to 60s 6c Petlto Pruiios 4c. ' Wood, Fence Posts, Etc. Big Fir J 1,60. Second arowthr4.00. Arh-$3.00 to 13.76. Body Onk $6.00. Pole Oak $5.00. Cedar Posts 10e. Hides, Pelts and Furs. Grceu Hides, No 1 l7c. (iron Hides, No. 2 2ft6. Calf Sklns-M to 6c. Sheep 76c. Goat Sklne 26c to $1.00. Gray Fox 25 to 60c. Coon 10 to 4Uc. Mink 26c to $1.2u. Ottor-i-$1.00 to $5.00. Skunk 10 to 25c. Muskrut 1 to 6e. Wildcat 10 to 25c. Grain end Flour. Wheat 0673o. Oats 3032c. llarloy Browing G5C0c biisbel; feed $21 pur ton. Flour Wholesale $3.C5. Live Stock Market Stcor I Vc. Cows 3 to 34c. Sbcc $3.60 gross f $4 00. Dressed Veal 7Gc. Hogs alive GHOOftc. Hogs, drosscd 8c. Wool and Mohair. Kino 16317c. Coarse Wool 15c. Mohnlr 37c Hay, Feed, Etc. Baled Cheat $120 $13. Clovor $U.60S,$t2.50. Bran $22. Shorts $23. Creamery and Dairy Producta. Good dairy butter 1520c. Creamery butter, 20c. Cream, pan aklmmedi at creamery ltjc. at farm 14c. Crcam-aoparator skimmed. at Com. Creamery 20c, minus freight. Portland Marktt Wheat Walla Walla, 70fl71c. Wheat Valley, 74 75c. Flour Portland, bost grade, $3.60 $3.70; graham, $3.45$385. Ooats Choice White. $1.10$1.15. Barley Feed, $21$22 per ton; rolled, $23. Mlllstuff Bran, $19. Ha Timothy. $19 $20. Onions 4060c per cental. Potatoes 40060c per cental. Buttor Heat dairy, nominal; fancy creamery 1720c; store 16c. Eggs Oregon ranch, 1717c per dozen. Poultry Chickens, mixed 1212Hc per pound, spring, 13414; turkeys, live, 1617c, Mutton Gross, $5$5.25. Hogs-$7$7.60. Beof Gross, $3 25$4.00. , Veal 77V4c. Hops 18020c per pound. Wool Valley, 12 016c; Eastern Oregon. 814c; Mohair, 3537V4c Hides dry, 16 pounds am upwards, 16 to 16HC 0 i A NATURAL RESULT. It is very reasonable to suppose It tho foundation of a structure was removed that tho building Itself is bound to come down. This same principle can be applied to disease. Take a medi cine into the ay8tem that will remove tho cause of sickness, and the illness leaves of Itself, Dyspepsia. Indiges tion, sick-headache and biliousness have their foundation in stomach dis orders. Remove this weakness and thi other symptoms aro no more. There is one euro for all this thai all druggists sell for S5e per box, it is called Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills. Tbey get right at the beginning of these diseases and make the curt by taking away tho cause of It. W will send a small box free by mall, or a largo box on receipt of 25c Address Dr Bosanlo Co., Philadelphia, Pa. For sale a; . biono's Drug Stores. 4 SWWB.ERKi' ;lGULTFg The Strawberry Industry In The Paa Full instructions about preparation illustrated with ptaotogrtoiJ ,f soil, growing of plants, planting tno , on f fl ,d a rop, cultivation, fertilization, picking ' c" - i and packing tho crop, shipping Ttadi"'- uo "", markets treated fully in soparato 1 CCDt Pcr cPy The onlj , chapters. U'8 Industry Cash SaTiDg Oiler Two First-Class Weekly Pacers for the Price of One. Weekly Jcurml and Weekly Ore gonlan, $2.00. Weekly Journal and Orange Judd Farmer, $1.35. Weekly Journal and Trl-Weekly NTX JVorld. $1.76. Weekly Journal and Woodburii Indo pendent, $1.60. Weekly Journal and Gold Boach, Curry County, Recorder, $1.60. Weekly Journal and American Boy $1.60. Weokly Journal and Courier. Spray Oregon, $1.50 Weekly Journal nnd Express-Ad v'nnco, Lobnnon, $1.C0. Wookly Journal and Globe, Condon Oro., $1.50. Weekly Journal and Oregon Mist. St Uelons, $1.60, Weokly Journnl and Town Talk Ashland, $2.00. Weekly Journal and Herald, Lake viow, $1.60. Weekly Journal and Men of To Morrow, $1.60. Parties desiring can get tho Dally Journal throo months Instead of jhr Weekly one year In tho above comhl nations. IIOFER UROTIIERS Salem, Oregon- The Wonder Of The Century TIjWrtrMvmMnlthlhupuUlirteTi.wearo mailed to oiler flio Uuamic J cud 1'ahmxk, the tt UiHje aerUMinntiuti joi tho ( , Jnclub wllh ttiis paptr t n eretdinflr low flcuf-. '1" Uiiano Jiiid J'AHuiKli rcinaikftbU for the vs. rlrtr dad tntcrr it ct it conltnt", pud l undoubt tJlyrA(Jnd r.rj.A, rKiof IHVIod. The rtoJoi d lhi Journal know lt value. No iwirdi, llwrrfnre, dilCUplito of It are needed lo thli ojinounccmcct. ITS FARM FEATURES, SVW.S: turf, rev 'trj, ATirM GrJUn and other toplce, nlemented with tUastrjtiiit vi able artUti, own. Mna in mVe It InTiliuble to trim who " larra it for a UtlnK.H Tkt toat itarhlf uoilltmmmiil Arrkllrftr iraiurca in which uiq umjiui Jupd l',AHMKit.U unexcelled, THE FAMILY FEATUnES:M tn ruim- itm. Fancy It 'eri, Tin O 1 nt, Vixdt I fiUilt, Lttrary Ctmtr, and I mug t'lU' i'aft cninoln to make thli lepartroent ol much value and Interest a mot ot tho Special ymlly Yxn. CTA Sample Copy tfy" mipmtlno (onn, will he milled to jiia byaddreuInK IhsOnAMos Judd Faur, llaxnuctie DuUdiot. Udcajo,m. OUR SPECIAL OFFER Weekly Journal I jear (or Daily. 3 months) Orange Judd Farmer, 1 year- S1.00 $100 $2 00 IS. 35 Our price for both Corval lis & Eastern R R. N ). 2 For Yaqulna; Leaves Albuy ,...12:45 p. m Leaves Corvallls ,. 2:00 p. m Arrives Ya la 8:25 p. m No. 1 Ret"rnlng: Leaves Yaqul i 6M6 a. m Lcav Corvallls ......11:30 a. tn Arrives Al any 12:15 p. m No. 3 Tor otrelt: Leaves Albany ., 7:00 a, m Arrives Detrlot 12:05 p. m No. i From Detreit: Leaves DetroP , 12:45 p. m Arrives Albany 6:35 p. ra Train No. 1 srrlvea a Albany Id time to connect with tho 8. P. souts bound trtlr, as we'l a- giving two or thro i hourr in Albany beforo depa.turt of B. P. northbound train. Trait No. t con oi w'th the 8. P trains at Corvallls n , Albany giving direct service to Nnwnnrr nnd nrila cent beaches. Tra n No. 3 for Detn't, Breltpnbush and other nonntoli resorts leaves AI bany at 7:00 a m., rxaching Detroit at noon, giving ample time to readi me t pnnga same aay. For further Intomatlou apply to EDWIN 8TONB. THOS. COCKRELL, Agent, Albany. H, II. crtONIBE. Axant. Corvallla Harper's Whiskey is the best Get some Into your vest Gua..Sc4relber keewHtb And yoil know theTrestT - r 153 Siato Street SlrlIvJ A JMJBW BOOK' By E. HOFER. Northwest. aPoJKto mj sun union vi 3 TRAINO TOk THE EAST Q Through Pullman, Stank.-) Tourist Bleeping cars dally tot Chicago, Spoknno; torlit it dally to Kansas City; thrcrcnJ man sleeping carps (pcrsoniSij ducted) weokly to Chicago, y City, St. Louis and Mcmphli ; Ing chair cars (scats free) toutj dally. DKI'AIIT roit TIME SCIIEOUtEJ rtnta fortinBil ur caioao Itittland StH'Clal ISOt, tn TlaUant- D10II "Atlantic Kiprc-j J. IS p. m, tla Hum iDRtUII ' bXi'aol raat Uall (D0p tn via Bnokali Hall Lakv, Uttirer. Ft vvwfkll. siulin aVtUHUI City. HL Loilli, ( tlctto) 1A.A(I flM.l.. t.. iju r.tuii Halt Lftke, Denrtr Fl north Omihi. Rim,; (ltT. Bl. Uuli, t hlrLtH kiiu rwi Walla Waif. fmiu'" UlASlfcafl m 11 I tmrt thH I man, iflnnti joi'li h, l! inui. uuiuin jumiijiM i.nuiujo, aim ttu.1. 70 " HOURS POKTLAND TO CHICACO I no toanff oi ciri OCEAN AMD M1VKH SCHfUll rron roniaaj AllaallliiR daltt luljf,- I p. nj IO II1U( Korean Kric rVUI mrvxj i il)l Dallr axroii Hunitaf 8 p. til fatilar 0. m, COl.riMlin ' wt foAitorta an MhQl k WILIjiMCTTL 11VLI Htoamer Ituili lenw-fi-ilta wl landand wrtvliinillncs jnTci-dnl Jays and Saturdays, alioatlOail 1-orvalllB vnd uay landing Weilneedays and Fridays l I p. m. A. L. C'RAKt. M P. BlUiU Gen. Paex. Apt Act. 0 B ill rortland Oro Bvl In The Heart Of Chicago Tho Burlington station lit Is in tho heart of tho city W within n fow minutes sitt'l principal buslnoss bou-'M i best hotels. You can botHil car right at tho door for uifl tho city. On arrival Id i 1 thoso things count Abovo is ono of the gooa. why you should use th on your trio East here good reasons that I would I you about If you will writ' your trip. We run an elw train from St. Paul and to Cb(cago that ofTen Cffl equipment in tho world. cholco or additional rout llntra nt- rtanvnr to Oml2ll.al iT Kansas City. St. LouU viM A. C. 8rlE-D0N, C lbO THIRD 3T? PORTUNA i HARPS wmswj ho w rmpu ..... nun Famous now ' the worm- . I. Il For a' i,, A- CH5 W FARMER'S HO lrTnlTH 1UIIIJ1UJJB