TIHJPHW- W?!'' wmr",w',,''r'"iwytMWWlNF&v;x THE DAILY JOURNAL. SALEM; OREQ0N..FR1DAY, MAY , 1C3, PA FIVC Royal Cat Glass Teat. &&&&&& IT brc is a treat here for lovers of fine cut glrss It consists jf a lately received consignment of fine glassware which is without exception the most beautiful assortment that wc ever received in one lot. 1 here are bon bon dishes, berry jowls, butter plates, water bottles, vases and 'many other tharmiog combinations of ornament and utility. Prices arc (rcry modest for such beauty and value. Wc handle Hawks lass which is considered the best on the market. P Corner of State aarf Liberty Sts JrM$ fawec&y ortc -MM It H HltM-f MH it r aa.m nAiM.1 ffucidincdiiiii ,iiiiiiiiniiiiiniiin PERSONALS. T T Occr Went to Portland y. ak Meredith In in Portland on BH P 8 KnlKht returned from ind today W C Knntnor has returned (a Whit In Portland. RV Johnson him returned from n sh trip to Portland. Tanzlor and Paul Splonskow- or t issued a mnrrlngo HconBo to- is nima Fletcher, of McCoy. Ih K at the homo of J. I Stock- onior Chamberlain In unending Jwks end nUUi his family In nd 1 Sroat Is in Portland to arrange twlth thr Southern Pacific for the II teams. ob OpplliiKei' and Vincent Domn- solid capitalists of Mill City .are Mm. city, and will visit at Stayton .returning 34 Cornelius leave today for alngton county nnd thence to Crook'county. where ho cjxpects to buy abandof horses and return to tho vniioyj.jriin mem auoui juno. and tho University aro entitled to have a correct statement made. Having charge of thoso matters per taining to tho new field, I made .ar rangements with 8upL Potter for the work which 1 being dono by tho Che- mawa boys nnd teams. SupL Potter volunteered to give us the assistance, and It is being given neither with tho Idea of paying an old debt, nor In tho hopo of reward, but on account of Chemawa's generosity and their Inter est lit our undertaking. On behalf of tho University. I wish to my IhaL being a member of the faculty commit to on athlotlcH I had n part In all bf tho .transactions rela tive to granting the use of tho grounds for tho Chemaua-Kollance gnmo, and I stato positively that no chnrge what ever was made or nuked for the us of tho grounds for that game. Chemawa Is voluntarily liberal In tho presont Instance, the Unlvorslty Is not lacking In generosity and kind ly fooling In the former. Trusting that this statement may correct any wrong Impressions, nnd thus do our frlonds Justice. I remain ymira j truly. I.OItAN A KICItK. BALL TEAW READY Salem's Team About Elected, Roseburg's Already Chosen Uniforms will be Gray Trimmed with Brown, and Will be Here Tonight The first game of the baseball sea son will bo played nt Albany tomor row bctweon 8alem and Albany. Man HERMANN SPEAKS AT ASHLAND Candidate is in Com plete Accord With the President Ashland Turns Out in Mum . bers to Hear the Candidate for Congress From the First District Ashland. Or., May 8. Hon. Dinger Hermann mot with a splendid recep tion at Ashland today on his campaign LOST CABIN No Concert Tonight. OwiS to the unfavorable woathor. IhSrelwUI not be a band concur? to- Hlfih-t.1a advertised Thero will bo Kriconcerts, howovor, as soon as leather will permit llework Artist In the City. fCo. l I'nker who Is hero from Kraut i t I'uplaylng and teach- edl'-vrl. is certainly a blight woman and to judge from Uio if li-i own work In the vi.. i v. nuow piio in u m ue a fidustrleuB portion. Her work (y along tho lines of embrold- id tho specimens shown are a an to tho unlUaUnl as to what 'accomplished by tho appllca- advanced Ideas and method! fancy work. All Salem nterostod In such work should ud and Inspect tho window beautiful work. HjM lfBlBBlt Wt44 i i S SV m 4 T RjpC Univctsityfi i wiHetto will help celebrato ivwtvS visu lo ouivm in tun President Coleman has an- :4 that May 8 1st would bo a hoi fir the students. Committees Ifce trustees, the facluty and tho ody havo been appointed to ten to lot the President know 7'7'sMb manner that Salem has a swfjtutlon of learning. The band will help the city ste the presidential party a JITWmt ?!S?C0V WORKED ONLY FOR FRIENDSHIP temawa Aided ifl Per thtetic Grounds Wllllamette University, Salem, Or.. May 8, 1903. urnal In Tuesday's Issue of Durnal your correspondent bat the work being done oa athletic field by the Chema- is being done la return for jot tho ground for the Chema- ace football game, not care to criticise the one this tiaemiLbut,wd do both the Chemawa school ST0RY Blue Buckets, Indians, Old Sluices, and Such Stories Perennial .. Seattle, May 8. Fired by tho story of a lost plaoor mlno fabulously rich, several of tho roost prominent cltlxous of Juntau, Inaludlng the major him self, havu organltod a company to huut for tho treasurer, according to a roxrt brought down by tho steamer Spokano. Tho trcasuro sought Is no other than tho famous "rtookor" mine, tho story of which Is known to every old tlmu "sourdough." It Is said that when Captain Low Is. of tho Hudson Day Company, was cruising Alaskan waters, In 18C7, In tho steamer Otter, he rescued one William Culver, who, from drifting around In a small boat for many days as nearly dead in tho boat was a baff of gold dust. When he revived Culver had a wonderful story to tell. Two companion and himself, ho said, had found gold In a little stream emptying Into Taku arm, and, with rudo rockor, had washed out several pounds of tho proclom metal. Then the Indians attacked them and kilted his two companions. Culver succeed ed In cscaplnuwILh hla bag of nug gets, but was being carried out to sea when picked up by tho Ottor, v Soma of the crew of tho vesual pre vailed upon Culrer, when he had par tially recovered, to guide them to the "diggings." Culver was so 111 that hla memory forsook him, and bo could not locate It Ills companions were so angered that thoy dosorted him. Culrer finally reached Sitka, which was then the only village of Import 0"n co In Alaska, and died shortly af terward. The general opinion of Juneau peo plo Is that their townsmen will fall In their quest, and if they persist In It long enough they may meet the sad fate of tho late Captain Coogan, of the schooner Volonte. Coogan spent al most a life time In a similar search, and was finally washed overboard from his vesse: and drowned. J. A. AUP EHLE, PrVsWtnt. E. W. HAZARD, 6aeMr. A. F. HOFER, Vice President. Oregon State JSanh Incorporated. Jefferson. Oregon, Transacts a general banking business; makes loanif tils - counts bills and receive dopos its. 1 Deals In foreign and doraestl o njtchango. t Collections mad on favornb la terms. "j; Notcrles Public Wo tender o ur services In all matteru of . conveyancing. Heal estate loa ns negotiated nt low rates of Interest YOUH BUSINESS SOLICITED. ) ager Irwin', and tho.members of the of ,ho '"Met r congress. Ho spent board of directors, havo been very tn0 l,ay ""enqwlng old acquaintances, buRy selecting the players and getting an.d maKlnK .no ones, and last night the organisation Into shape for tho at ,hu Chautauqua Tabernacle ho was game. greeted by a fine nudlonco of ropre- Paul Sront nn.i iinnrv Mnv..r .. entatlc people, to the number of In Portland today, looking up tho mat- 500, ho ,l,lteno, 'H nxlAtfta with ctr of sultB. Tho suit which will prob- nwrke1 attention ably be solected Is gray, with brown' Tho l'roBram was Introduced by trimmings, with a brown paradu coaL, mU8lc ,,y Ash,a,,J'H ,,,nM l,nnd' and with largo pearl buttons, in fact, they Mr Hermann was happily presented will bo much like the Spokano suits of UX Senator 11 V Carter, who presld last season. d at the meeting. Mr. Hermann tils- Sunday's game will bo called at 1: IB usseil the Issues from a Ilupubllcan o'clock, so that Salem people can take standpoint vory elearl. and his ro tho afternoon train for homo, marks brought forth fiequont and en- While Managor Irwin Is not ready thuslastlo applause Ho pointed out to announce tho personnel of IiIh play, tho necessity of maintaining tho pres ers. the following will be very nenr the" 0I,t prosperity by wupport of Itopubll team: eau pollrlen, and If theto Ih to be any Joe TentHi, e.; Sam Morris, p.; Kubo modlflcatlnn In the tariff, let this work Senders, lsth.; Oils Sumner. Sdb.; u o"9 by frlonds or protection. Irn tlninllton, .: SI I)aU, 8db.; Iliif "'. not tho tariff haulers be ruth Lucas, fleld: Ilert Jerinnn, field: Havo '"1 torn down by the enemy," said Dreger. Held. Mr. Hermann. He praised tho mag- Manager Sam Josephine, of tho ulflcont administration of President Iloseburg loaguo baseball toam, an- Hoosevelt. and calleil special attontlon nouncos his players to ho as follews: to the record he was making for, tho W. H. Morrow. Knrnest llradloy, C. II. Hlibllcan party and tho country lu Ilakor. W. 0. Oray. K. II. Wostbrook. Krnppllng with the trust problem. Ho Chns. Ilhea. Win. Van I.cuwcn, . concluded by pointing out tho promts Hull, S. V. Ilnmp. I. I). Olbson,' . Itob- 1K markets which are bolng opened Inson nnd It. W. Torrell. Tho players '! tor tho futuro lu tllo Orient, nnd aro going through n dally routine of tho necessity of fostering thorn by good, hard practice, and aro gqlng to wise legislation, which tho Itopubll- mako a strong bid for tho ponnnut. c" r 'ly formulating. Mr. Hovlow. Herninnn spoko highly of bis oppo- Ufnt personally. Concert at Independence. t 4A(, rogarda tho question of his bo- Miss Mabel Carter, professor of tho ,B ,,, iarn,ony W,h the ndmlnlstra- Collogo of Orator', nnd Lolloy Oes- tU)ni wnch th0 I)lKM,iton has raised. ner. principal of tho violin depart- ho reiterated stnMigly tho statement mcjit of tho Collogo of Music, togolh- thlU ,,, ,fforOM(.w wlh Secretary or with Mrs. May IlabbIL of Indopcnd- mtchcoek woro thou of admlnlstrn ente. gave a very successful cntortaln ll0n only betwmn hlnihelf and the mont In tho opera house at that place POorotnry only, nud lnwlv.nl nothing last eonlng. They had a large and further outhimlastle nudlonco. who showed Candidates to Meet at Albany, tholr appreciation by oncorlng eory Tho imoomiH mT8 nnnounccl numbor Profs. Carter and Oesnor that A. II Iteame. their standard hold a high reputation In the vnlley as lisar-r in , bMt ,n v, flnit con. artists of oxoeptlonal ability. Tho srwlonal district, will address the people of Independence were so well CtZOnH of Albany. Tuesday evening, pleased that thoy expressed their do- ,ny jath. slroio hear them again In tho near fu j This Is tho eteulng thnl Mr. Her t,,r, - msirn will address I. Inn eouni)' people " I In this olty, Mr. Hermanu'H ongagt- RAnRrRS 'mont was announced fUM, and Albany L3A&AijLI0 ; Itvpublli nns bad secured the usu of tho circuit court room lu tho court houso for tholr meeting, but when the I followers of Ilcnme detormlnnd lo hold tholr fireworks on tho same o t nlng. the court limine management gae tho use of the circuit court room Will Play a Gametof Baseball ,0 th uooreu ais as n resmt - " -. , . rr" " :. ;;ti .: iMr Hermann will meet the people In the new opera house. (Irent prepara tions are bolng mnde by local ftopul- lllUtta)tff ttwflHf Tlic FLORSHEIMi" Ske THE VERY ULTIMATE OF SHOE FASHION. Its tho FLORSHEIM" Shoe Mado tho way our ShoomaJier would make them Ono bench work good matorlals custom m4 nprM'nranco n perfocL foot-fitting shapo. THE NEW STYLES aro now ready for your Inspection today Is tho best time to call your rIio may bo gone tomorrow. Itvin & Petteys Phone No. 201 Blue. REPAIRING WHILE YOU WAIT. 94 State Street. sfamHmuvnmniunmniiiuuisn ...SUMMER NORMAL SCHOOL... First National Dank Uutldlntr. Salem. Oregon. The first term will open May 4th and continue seven weeks. Thesecosi term will occn June 22 and continue till the August examination. CIissm will be formed In all branches required for state and county pipers. Use ( Latin, Short-hand, Typewriting, Elocution and Drawlnir. The tultltlon far each term will be $6 with an additional fee for each "f the last five branches. More than 500 teachers of Oreeon bear testimony to the success of tkl school. Address J. J. Kraps, Salem. Oregon. - VERSUS PRINTERS ai fair uruuuas ounaay. Having oeuomo inflated with their South Salsm Personals. Mrs. II. Snook Is spending a few days at Lebanon where her husband has a cob ti art for building. Leo Aohlnson and family hare Just moved Into their new home, which he recently purchased from Wm. A. Ry an. J IL Martin, of Portland, was In South Salem yesterday, and returned home this morning. IVOMXA. ,uiMutunms& SwstU ZWte& lirnnu nnd ih mAullm u.111 a on un t Intiklasi Irt AMk 22 W to 22, tho barbers have accepted ,. ... a iiialieugu from the mighty men of the art presonativo and will pla the pilnteru or this city next Sunday ai tornoon at tho fair grounds. They will find tho mu of the lino Opt) and shooting stick not so slow In any department of tho game. Their familiarity dates back to the time when they were devils lu some coun try ofUcu, 'and the barbers will wish Ouy woro well out of It before the tjamu Is half over. Tho proceeds of the game are to go to charity, and both sides are to con tribute their share of the proceeds to some hospital. If anything Is left af lr paying for broken jtpsos and dis jointed limbs of the wounded l(t n the field of battle Sick Headache absolutely and per manently cured by using Mokl Tea. A pleasaut herb drink. Cures Consti pation and Indigestion, makes you Thee is a Keen Sense of Comfort in ruling u wheol Unit you know will fnfclv curry you ovor fill kimiB of roniis one Unit gives ' o troublo wlintovor -ono thnl runs ho Hinoollily ami tiiHily yuu uro unconscious of tho fact that you uro propelling il. TUERB 13 NO (JUKSS WOUK hh lo wlml thnl whvol is ovoryono knows it'u tho nnnnnnnnnrrrfninnnrmnnnnnnnnnnnnnrmnnrfnnnmfnTmnnnnomTTm HtoKS n 90 a BICYCLES TmnnrmmrnnnnnTmnrfnmrmmnnnnmfnrmrrnnmTnTiHnn The Best Wheel on Ea th For Standard Chain Models Hioyclo Itopniring in nil its brauclits. j3-01(1 wheels tnkou in trade, WIicoIb sold ou inttallmonU. SHIPP&HAUSER i 2SS ComomcUl St. THE BICYCLE MEN Theo M. Barr Kuvceisor io llirr 4 Pettel. -iSO- tat, sleep, work and happy. Sstlsfao tlon euarauteed or money back. 25 cts. and to cts. Write to W. II. HOOKER & CO.. nuffalo, N. Y., for s free sample. D. J. FRY, Druggist lyn. N. Y. nun NOTit't; in HnnvKii Oa ootlM U btrtb Mnrsd en IS puUle craerstlr tbst IXWItt's Wltrti UmI HIt U tb mly It on tt srt tbst U sad trom tb pur. OBilultrtd mUeh tuitl. IMVItt's Wltrh Usui flt ta rem! tbouMndi of ttum ot piles that mvali not 'W to ar cthtr (rntatut. J ihU tAtt bjui breutht oat eunr wortIil HUmflts. Tb&f penoa U set !, MtUlUr ! VIUB ilMU IWIT mwm. M-rrr dlMDthilBUd. Pmb It eart. For Mil by V Q. ll. 90 HUt lrt Hon. Ulneer Hermann will open tho ronsresslonsl campalRn In Claokamas county by speaklnK In Oregon City next Thursday ovenlnc. May 14th. Mr Hermann will bo from that olty to HIIsboro, but oxpeets to visit tho tuuiiijr ngiua oeioro 1110 cuinpaifiii rloses and deliver pokslbly two other addresses at Claekatnas toiinty points. County Jud Ryan Is mak tnc all necessary nrranffoinont for the opening meeting of the eampalRn j here William Drard, county chairman of the Socialist party, says th Socialists will In Juno, poll thfir full vtrength In ruu-ksjnas county. I-at June this party cast about KM) totes in this c.MintV Mr. Iteanl un Hint, while tiie vote for both the JUpililU-an j and Demooratie candldateM will fall I off ronsldorably from thst of June, the Socialist are all going t the x)lls. and will ballot for their candidate ss a matter of principal The Democrats' havo not announced any definlto campaign for Clackamas county yet, but there will bo a general canvass of the county by local speak' era. Saturday night R A Miller will address the voters at Fn Pond school house. SALEM, m Air. Hot Water and Steam Heating a Specialty. OREGON M. J. Petzel, (Successor to Knox ic Murphy) ' Pltimfce and Gas Fitter. Steam, Hot Air and Hot Water Heating. Electrical Supplies, Batteries. Bell and Battery Supplies. .ESTIMATES FUIlN JB1I ED: 292 Commercial St. SALEM, OR. e Bsuitw x m y iw Ltgf I Burroughs & Fraser. TIHNINO IROM WORK PLUMSINO Best Material, Best Workmen" , , ' aod Procrip4aei iiOtwJipHo. "JAK5"v . VFrfi73ZBSkxi - ''rnpmrnif if