The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, May 02, 1903, Image 1

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    "V rX T
irged With Murder
f Agatha Reiclilin
jdhounds Would Only" go
im Murdered Woman's
toom to That Occupied
by Walser
iln, Ohio, May 2. Rev. Wnlscr,
Toledo priest, who was In tho
i when Agatha Hclchlln was mur-
In her brothers residence In
ftlty, wns arrested at 10 o'clock,
led with tho crime. Ulootlhoundu
Rn tho trail this morning failed to
(tongue on tho lawn surrounding
House, or at the ladder down which
imurdcrcr Is supposed to havo
bed, hut persisted In traversing
onto between tho bedrooms occu-
by Walser and Miss Kolchln. Ho
Kl attempts gave alwayfl tho same
Wnlser was found at St.
ph's hospital, whoro tho warrant
served Tho excitement Is so lu
ll Is feared somo demonstration
Jho made, so tho prisoner was
to IOlyrla nnd lodRed In jail,
protested his Innocence, nnd
(d to glvo bail in any amount.
murdered girl's brothor says he
ves wnlBor Is Innocent. Tho
unary hearing will bo held Mon-
The Federated Trades
Ask for Referendum
on the Bill
Will Also Endeavor to In
fluence Congress Against
Aiding in What it Calls
the Graft
To be Taken From
Josephine, Curry and
Coos Counties '
One Million and a Quarter
Acres Already Withdrawn
From the Reach of .
nnn. May 2- dispatch received
today snyB two Austro-IIunRarlan
ioshlps, accompanied by a torpedo
Chaw arrived at Salonlca. whoro
jiirito of Hi go has been proclaimed.
illed Him
Icago May 2 Tho body of Alex-
r Shepherd arrived hore today on
i to Washington from the Interior
lexlco, whero ho died last Decora-
fTo Shepherd Is largely duo the
It for maKlng Wnshlncton on of
most houutlful cities In America.
' million dollars passed through
annds in Uiat work.
Tho Federated Trades Council has
asked every union man alllllated with
It to use tho referendum to voto down
tho appropriation for tho Ivowls and
Clark fair. At tho meeting last even
ing tho following resolution was unan
imously adepted:
Whoreas, It Is contemplated to hold
In this city the Low'Ib and Clark fair.
anu organized iauor naving suuncriueu
10 biock wuii uio uuuurHuinuing mm
It would bo for tho bonoflt of the work
lngmen of tho city and state; and
Whereas, Property-owners, after
subscribing for said fair, Immediately
raised tho rent on their tonants, nnd
oven today nro doing so on ono nnd
two days' notice; and
Wherons, Tho sawmills havo formed
a trust and raised tho price of lumber
75 pur cent, and aro soiling cheaper
to export trndo tlinn Tor city use, nnd,
although getting higher prices, have
railed to ml so tho wages of tholr mon
employed; and
Whereas, Tho painters nnd enrpen
ton havo asked for nn Increase of
pay. with n minimum wage scale;
Whoreas, Tho Increased cost of liv
ing justifies such a demand: and
Wtinrnfiu Tim minimum u'fifn urnl.i
Is for tho protection of tho skilled nml i "li,.er wlt." townships 34. 33 nnd half
competont mechanic, tho employer ho- of 3- north. .Most of Josephine cotin
lng tho Judge, nnd. If nn employe Is ' WJ ot tno lln dividing townships
not worthy of such a scnlo. ho has I ftlul, 8 west Is also In tho withdrawn!,
tho privilege of discharging him; and togetliw with eight mlilltlonnl town
Whereas, Tho contractors having "l18 ln the Bouthenstorn corner of
refused such domunds. tho lumber i'10 unty, whllo nlwut llvo townships
trust unon whom nb demands wore "' "" ruino souinom enu ot uoos
made, Joined handB with said con
trnctom nnd refused to sell lumber to
any employer paying- such wngcB or
omploylng Union mon; nnd
Whoreas. It Is solely for tho pur-
Washington, May 2. Tho Interior
department has decided to create a
forest reserve In Southwestern Ore-,
gon, In tho Itogue river country, a
strong recommendation to that effect
having been made by tho geological
survey. Tho first Btop In thin direc
tion has Just been taken by Land
Commissioner Illchnrds, who has or
dered the tompomry withdrawal from
all entry of practically tho ontlre
Hoguo river mountain country In Cur
ry, Josephine nnd Coos counties, ex
tending from Hone mountain to Coos
county, southward to the California
The exterior limits of the withdraw
al embrace 1.2I9.9J0 acres of land,
mostly mountainous anil heavily cov
ered with timber, but a great portion
of tho land within tho withdrawal Is
held In private ownership, much of It
having beon originally Included In tho
railroad grunt, and Is now held by the
company or Its grnntoes.
Haughty described, the withdrawal
embrnces tho entire eastern hnlf of
Curry county lying east of the lino
between townships 12 nnd 13 west, to
county nro included.
May Exchanaa With Railroad,
Ab mum as possibles thjj land ttflljniw
will send special nfiOnTs into tho with
drawn nrea to determine whnt. If any
poso of establishing n chcapor stand-,r ,ho, vacant public land should be re-
aril of wngos. po that they may reap n
grntcr benefit from tho fair; and
Whoroat. Organized labor Is In fa
vor ofa fain which will bonoflt all cit
izens alike, but opposes ono that is a
grnft for tho property-owner, contrac
tor mid tho lumber trust; and
WheroaB, Tho lato Oregon legisla
ture has voted SGOO.000 for cald fair.
(Continued on clgth pago.)
Smoothed Up For Sunday
Ty it
.. D. Pettyjohn, Prop-
11 1 j
Mil IS
In The New Lines At
iff TOBI
Saloaiites aro beginning to realize that thero is a
Cash Dy Goods Stoe
the city. If you have CASH to apond that's the pJaco to
end it. Our success is evidence that thero is merit in tho I
bu plan.
Do Yo Want, To Succeed
Try our plan for a year and note the results.
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Shirts, Shoes,
Hats, Notions
pern's Cheapest One-Price Cash Store. M
E. T. BARNES, Prop, j!
huh imnniH'mHHiiiiiitiniiiiiiiiiiim
stored to entry boforo the reserve la
created. Tho department linn not yet
decided what policy will lie followod
With regard to the alternnte nations
within tho withdrawal, which belong
to tne railroad company or Its gran
Only ono thing Ir positively Nettled.
There will bo no genornl creation of
lieu base In Southwestern Oregon, as
only n minimum amount of land In
private owneruhlp Is to bo Included
within the Itogue Illver reserve When
It Is finally created, undor no circum
stances nro the rnllrond Bet-tlnns to
bo Included, thereby giving tho com
pany tho right to nmko numerous lieu
selections. It Is quite probable, how
ever, that tho special ngonts going to
Orogon will bo Instructed to confer
with the railroad authorities to deter
mine. If possible, upon somo equitable
plnn of exchange whereby the com
pnny will glvo to tho government title
to all or part of Its holdings within
tho proposed reserve and ngreo to
tako In oxchange therefor covorn
ment Innds olsewhoro of approximate
ly tne same vnluo nn tho tracts relin
quished. No oxchango proposition
will bo entortalned. howevor. unless
the government's rights are safeguard
ed against speculative llou selections
Tho department Is also considering
tho advisability of ranking a proposl
tlon to purchase tho railroad lands
outright, If they ran bo had a.t a rea
sonable prlee. but this, !lkoylso, Is
still under advisement. If It Is even
tually found that no equitable ex
change or purchase can be .arranged,
tho reserve will bo create! on the
checkerboard plan wltn all railroad
and private lands excluded.
Are Leaving
The Ruins
Victoria, U. a. May 2. Bnfclneor
McIIenry, of tho Canadian I'sclflr
railroad, warned tho people of Frank
that he believes tho remaining peak
of Turtle mountain Is creeping. Uoth
Premier Haultaln of the North West
Territory and Dr. Malcora, who Is ln
cbargo or the hospital, refuse to leave
Tho rattdr says ho must stay by th
Injured, as they cannot be moved. The
Canadian Pacific, with a special train
as tho result of the mass meeting lat
night, at which McHenry's opinion was
glvon, aro distributing the people to
other places along the line. whll
mounted police aro guarding the va
cated homes.
Is Sorry)
He Talked
Washington. Say 2 The Army and
Navy HfKister In today's tsfcue de
pIor Ofderal MJlea' rport on the
Philippine) It says It was a mistake
to mention matters which he bad notb
In definite with which to rove thero
It Is to be regretted that Mile, amonn
the last ai ta of a brilliant career
should have been betrayed into su'h1
an expression
The Thor Fireworks
Manufacturing Co's
Building Wrecked
Death List will Probably
Reach Seven-Twenty are
Seriously Injured
Wreck Burns
Cleveland, May 2. Thero wan n
tcrrinc explosion nt noon In tho Thor
i-yoworks Manufacturing Company's
building. Which Immn.llntnlu nft..
collnpfld. Two women dlod en routo
to tno Hospital, two men and a boy
wero fntally mangled, and 20 othora
moro or less hurr. Klro broko out,
making the rescue difficult. Tho ox-
IllOSlOn Wlm un nrritnt ilml nil iu.. ...I..
. .... n.v..h ..,,,, ,,, Kliv will
down In the neighborhood woro shat-
Tho death list may reach six or v
en, as some are unaccounted for.
7 ( T, Z fj
NO. 10Z.
A Noble
Portland. May 2. The will of tho
lato Mrs. Itoa Fnuar Ilurrell lenvew
700.000 to charity and the city of
To Drop
He Reached Rome this
Morning and the
Kings Embraced
The Emperor will Call on the
Pope Tomorrow Using
Carriages Brought
From Berlin
Home, May 2. The Kaiser arrived
today, accompanied by the Crown
Prluco. Von Iluelow nud Waldersee.
nnd wns enthusiastically greeted. Ho
embraced King Victor affectionately.
Ho will vlBlt tho Pope tomorrow, us
ing his own horseB nnd carriages,
which wero sont from Ilerlln for the
rtome. May 2. The Kmpuror of
(lermnny, nccnmpanlcd by a largo
Hiilto, arrived In Home today on n vIh-
It to King Victor Hmnnuel. ho first
feature of nn elaborate proKrum of
entertainment Is a brilliant lllumlnn
tlon of the Korum tonight. Monday
the Kmporor will lay the first stone
'of the pedestal for Onethe's statue, u
. gift from him to the oil of Home, and
which Is to bo erected nl tho Junction
of the approach to Mont Pluclo nnd
the Peoples squnre. A military re
view anil a court reception will be
other featuios of the program. The
emperor plans to visit the pope nud
It Is rumored that lie will tnke ndvnnt
age of tho opportunity to demand of
the Holy Father the appointment of
another flerman cardinal.
Presidential Party Left
Shirtless In Home of
Sockless Jerry
Hotel Man Would not Pay
$33-Clean Linen is Now
Following by Ex
press C. 0. D.
Mnnhnttnn. Knn., May 2. President
Hoosovelt wn mirprlsed nnd nngored
UiU morning to sea himself quoted In
n Kansns City paper as having said
ho got nothing fit to eat, and wan, not
accorded decent treatment nt St.
1miIh. He dictated an emphatic de
nial by wire to President' Francis. Ills
train left Topeloi this morning, tho
first stop being nt Womcgo, whoro ho
8M)ko from tho platform'. Tho laun
dry belonging to the President's party,
which was held up In Bt. Louis, lie
rnuso tho Montlcollo Houso proprie
tor us nfrnld to advance 33 far the
guests, will reach thn train tomorrow.
Secretary ltnrnea v. I red tho laundry
to send It C. O. I). The train stopped
id minutes nt Manhattan, whero tho
Presldentf addroescd tho students ot
tin- ngrlculturnl college from thu plat-
(Continued on clgth page-)
llorlln. Mnv 2 Tho Tnirnlilntt Imlnv
assorts Hint Klni? IMunr.l win vioit
St. Petersburg In July It sayH Kng-
innn is courting rrlendKhlp with
Krniice nnd Hlissln nrxllmlnnrv to nn
oponbrenk with (lermnny.
I Intensely Interettlno,
Washington. Mny 2 Seoretnry Cor
telyou announced tho appointment 'of
Dunn Dnrand. Instructor of economics
nt Harvard ns th Hpeclul exnmlnor of
the bureau of corporations The work ' 154 State fit.
will be nlong economic lines
Ice Cream
is Pure
Phone 2874 Main
$ The character ot the store is shown most distinctively by the manner in which it is kept,
If a store is clean and well kept the merchandise must of course be new, fresh, clean and
I in perfect condition. Everything in our store is on the move, there is no stagnation, the
j goods arc handled every day, they come in and are sold before we hardly get acquainted
with them. You never get a damaged shopworn, or motheatcn article at our storc.
Pretty "Wash Goods
for waists and skirts for the com
ing season are here abundantly No
purse Is too modest to afford them
no taste Is too capricious or ex
acting- to be gratMed with the ma
terials, colors, patterns and ouall-ties-
Saeaclous shoppers are com
In? early In the day to avoid the
afternoon crush.
Our one hundred and twenty-second
Wednesday surprise sale promises
to be a repetition of our 121 sue
cHLttul Kif nt the east.
WASH FABRICS raiifiiur in price
up to 35c formerly will be sold for
Don't miss this sale. A portion of
the roods are shown In our Court
street window
fv"20ftCY Tr-
n iwuin
f-Eufr.. - r .-S2T,
j sfBnn3?m
Stocking Time
Stocking Place
Shitl Waists
ready to wear. Just as well made,
from Just as choice materials. Just
as conscientiously finished as
though made to your individual
erder: and the fit and set must be
satisfactory or you'll not be ex
pected to take the earments. Prices
are astonishingly low In compari
son with those asked by modistes
abd ladles' tailors.
25c to $1.00 to $6.00
Let us aliow von stockings that
rt and
o col-
will look well, glvo comfort and
promote your iiltiiH of
lenco nnd economy.
We have the Variety.
Wo want you to iinilorwluiul tho
ndvntitngo of buying hore nnd
tho attractions of our tock.
Colors, weights and prices to suit.
1 iVWIIl'l IHITi i
Alkeuusi t'i uwfpl tnkiit u lb
wsyof Mtbtwatlk lowttt itkis.
BtU i Mktt fitttatr Ic t dons. Lvtirs
Crbl Cam in color Jt a till, fist U
utr. lc . ail to lb tfK I aU Ursuik
our stock of Blkoi ui tomi tilci
Between Hats
ofaueh varied kinds, shaoes and
colors as we are showloir. any man
can tied ju6t tne nat ne warns Juit
that bat that 'becomes" hlm-Just
the rrice to suit him There are
several clejrant shares In both
soft and stilt hats, anyoneof which
Is perfectly correct and stylish.
The best way to Judire Is to come la
and try on some of these bats
Will you.
It Is almost a certainty that In no
other store is there so complete an
assortment ot the unusual propor
tions In men's suits- slims, fats,
lonirs and shorts. In case you nap
pen to require eltherof tbeseyou'll
be more likely to vet satisfaction
hre thin elsewhere- In Scrlutr
stytesand materials our line Is
particularly complete