The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, April 29, 1903, Image 1

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S"1, j7 ... ALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29. 1801. NO: 03.'
logail, i" " . T - i...- " ' -' :r l'lrj. ' : -- - ' ' ' m
Of Visitors
irRything Arranged for the
Gate of the Ctowds
Killing Armenians
Would Detract
Kurds Attack Armenians
who Flee Across Russian
Border and Turks
Fight Cossacks
Mfraska and Dakota
aft Snowed Under
and Badly Frozen
JUicCnitrf tnA Vhmp mJ
ttNvuii aim naiiddD UU
Iowa Will Get Their Share
Tonight-Storm Extends
Oyer the Lakes
" y
v Volcano
Sand Court Brilliant With Thousands of Flags, and
Miles of Bunting
lll, Mo., April 29: A multl- The Presidential special Ih due to
t.itnm ia nniirttie infn h., arrive hero late this afternoon Tbol
itfclpaUon of the coming
at Roosevelt and tho dedl-
jw of tho Louisiana Pur-
President will bo mot a Keokuk by
Oovornor Dockory of Missouri and n
citizen's roceptlou committee who will
accompany blm to St. Louis. Upon
Eh position. During tho past arriving In the city tho distinguished
mty;f6w3houre all Incoming trains ikupm win uo escorted to uie nome oi
eavlly loaded, and ro-
railroad authorities Indl-
STthRtftby nightfall tho crowd will
.thojjargcat over gathered In this
otols and boarding houses aro
-itQlbrer-flowlnK nud the streets
SioTdowntown districts aro lltor-
(jnwiwcd with people. Slneo last
tlHttca of notables havo boon ar
Klaulck succession. Tho ro-
tfSJicwnmlttoo has a stupendous
clojaSltn hands, but tho thorough
JTurVhlch It has mndo Its nr-
former Governor Francis, whose
Biiest ho will bo during his stay In
tho city. Former President Cleveland
and a number of other distinguished
guests nro also to bo entertained by
Mr. Francis, Tho stay of President
Roosevelt Is so brief that there, will
bo little tlmo for him to participate
at any public functions excopt those
Immediately connected with the dedi
cation of tho exposition. The Slgcl
monument association, however. Iioh
obtained tho consent of tho President
(a attend tho gathering In behalf of
Herllu, April 29. Die Information
today reports that tho Sultan recently
summoned tho Kurd chiefs of Asia
Minor to Constantinople, and in
structed them to rccommenco tho Ar
menian massacres, which caused
such a sensation In tho civilized
world bIx years ago. Abdul's Ideas,
tho paper asserts, Is that bloodshed
on n large scato In Armenia will din-
But ies Seventy Coal Mines at
Alfeetta N. T.
Duluth, April 29. A billiard Is rag
ing. Trains aro delayed, street cars
stopped, sawmills shut down, and In
coming vessels on Lake Buporlor say
it is tho worst snow storm ever known Reports arc Not Full But the Extent of the Disaster is
at thlsjtlmo of tho year.
Bloipt City. April 29. In North
western Iowa, Northern Nebraska and
nearly all South Dakota a torrlfnc
Known to he Great
Dakota Is practically cut oft from 'all
communication by wire. It will re
tard all crops.
Kansas City, April 29. Heavy
snow nro predicted by tho wenther
emon& Js evidenced by todayVfU'" memorial to bo held In Music
tits. .Foreign diplomats, governors
UieJrjMStnffs and innumerable
r pubfteJraeu havo poured Into tho
y train, from tho North,
tho Kast and "West; 'As-
Jfcey arrived thoy havo been
(ho station by tho recop-
cofBMfKee and escorted to tho
-teruMiwjtlgned them. Marching
lore aedjplaylng bands aro to on
itor$tjevcry turn. Tho number
roopaithat aro injuring Into tho
Is wftBout precedent. An Idea
hotremendous totnl may bn had
uthelHtatorocnt that Now York
5m&ent 1,00 "oldlera, roproa
UrS'all branches of service.
V 6fcte, Kentucky, Illinois and
riotheristatc aro well represent
mMwlarcat array of mllltlamon
ed tho city. Under tho
ent of Adjutant Ooneral
his aides tho soldiers'
being looked' after. Tho
d their military staffs,
en from a ncoro of states
m the monitor Arkansas
States troops to a total
thousand will combine to
Hilary pageant tomorrow
hundreds of miles to see.
Hall tonight. It Is expected that Mr.
Iloosovelt will mako a brief addrt-ns.
At tho world's fair today tho var
ious official!) and their assistant
wonJ'JIterally-worklnK with tbolr.ccntn
on gotting everything In readiness for
tho festivities of Uio next three days.
The grand court, tho Liberal Arts
Hulldlng and other portions of the
ground thnt will bo brought Into
prominence by tho dedicatory exercis
es havo boen dressed In rainbow fash
ion with thousands of flags and ynrds
upon yartls of red, white and blae
bunting. Tho facades of all the great
palace facing tbo court aro apparent
ly In a finished state. When Ut
president rides up tho avenue between
tho great stricture tomorrow Ue
scene that will greet his eyo will be
practically the some aa that to be
prosented ono year hence when the
gatcw of tho oxpoolUon will bo throw
open to tho public.
At 10 o'clock tomorrow mornlnn the
freedom of tho city will be bestowed
upon President Roosovelt by the ma
yor, and half an hour later the mili
tary parado, composed of United
States troops and tho National Ooard
Vancouver, II. C, April 29. It Is re
ported that 75 peoplo wore killed by u
volcanic eruption nt Franks, II. C, In
tho Crows' Nost Pass country. No de
tails aro given.
Spokane, April 20.--A wpcclal to tbo
Press from II. I Frank, of Alberta.
Northwest Territory, state an earth
iquako last night destroyed the eoal
I mines. Tho ontlro night shift of 70
IJncoln, Neb., April 29. Nebraska's miners Is burled under the property
fruit crop was badly Injured last night belonging to II. U Frank, of Ilutto.
by the rccord-brvnklug freeze, fol-, Mont, nnd Is now. being opened last
IllmUll Tkil fPllBllM lAutlHII.,.l 4-t. t ' lllM.l.l till .. ula.. llI..A-- - ..!. .
.i,4inj. tun jumn luiiuuuni um i urn u) uruTjr riuiin, i hut wueni year, anil producing luou tons per
pursuit over tho bonier. Tho front and tints, which were In dlro neel of day. It Is on the line of the Canadian
guards raised tho alarm, and a regl- moisture, over the entlru stato where Pacific.
ment of Cossacks appeared nnd fired failures were heretofore predicted.
tract the attention from Macedonia, Buot and snow storm prevails. South
aim relievo mo pressure in European
Turkey. Armenian massacres, tho
paper's correspondent says, havo al
ready occurred. In the districts of 'Van.
VnBpuHlan, Mush and Hassun. In a
fight near Van tho Armenlnns fought
1110 KlirUH Ilorceiy, With tho result' absorvem for MUiuiiirl Ki.ln.,bn nn.l
Uiat 200 were kilted and several ' Kansas beforo tomorrow.
hundred wounded, tho majority of tho
casualties being among tho Kurds.
The Armenian fugitives crossed tho
HiiRfttnn fmntlftr niirfliin.1 tiv Tnrbluh
..... ........v., ,.h...h.. mwf ,-, : .
I 1
Details nro still of tho most mcnHro
Vlcttirla, April 29. An awful eatas
tropho hnppencd at Frank, Alberta,
at the entrance to the Crows Nest
Pass. It Is not known how It hap
pened, hut It Is reported to bo of vol
canic origin or an earthquake. It Is
more probable It has been nn explo-
(Continued on elgth' pngo.)
When You want
on the Turks, and a brief encounter
followed. Tho Turks retreated, A
local Anzclgcrn correspondent also n
imrta the oncounter, and says a Turk
ish olllcer and six of his men were
Victoria. U. C, April 29. A late re-
Mr. Ilohert Adams, of Glad Tidings, 'port from Frank, at Albertn, places
(Continued on Fourth Page,)
In The New Lines At
s in i vim iinuiLi
Saleaiiteq aro beginning to realize that there is a
k ' 'Cash Dty Goods Stote
Wecity. if you havo CASH to spend that's tho
. T" J 13 a r I l . t
uur success is evidence tnat
Kings Edward -and
Home, April 29. Kdward and Vic
tor reviewed 26,000 troops this morn
log ut the Place D'Armru.
who was thought to bo fatally Injured the death list at 100 people, and states
In a ninaway accident In Wood burn that Uio river which runs through the
last Saturday, will probably n-cover center of the town Is rising fast, ow
Her Injuries were not ho great as nt Ing to being choked with lava and
first supposed. ' nthe, nnd thus complicating mutters. 1B4 Statt 8t.
Z i n n ' fe
Phono 2074 Mslr
He Won a
Big Purse
London, April 29. Rock Sand, an
EdrIIsu korse, with Skoot Martin up,
won tho Newmarket today and purse '
of $15,000. I
1 1 ktKW
Earl Saved
His Pyjama's
New Tork, April 29 The Bar! and
Countess of Yarmouth sallod for Eu
rope on tho SL Paul this afternoon.
To prevent tho earl's baggage being
attached for Indebtedness, It was
transferred directly from the train.
Tho earl admitted the Indebtedness,
but said all claims would bo promptly
paid when presenUd to his lawyer
to Giron
place to
is merit in the
Do You"Want To Succeed?
Try our plan for a year and note the results.
Dry Goods, Clothing,
ihirts, Shoes,
Hats, Notions
mi's Cheapest One-Price Cash Store, ;!
E. T. BARNES, Pop. jj
Uurllu, April 29. Tho Austrian-
Baxon ccjrtfl. It Is stated In today's
Allgomlne. have Information that
Louise Intends to rojoln Olron nftor
the birth of her child, which is ox
pocted dally. Tbo Princess left some1
weeks ago and entered a sanitarium.!
It -was then stated that she would j
mako overture to tho family 'for ro- j
conciliation. It -is now believed tho
May Strike
New Vork, April 29. employers of
marine engineers, who threaten to
strike May 1st. unless granted an la
erarf. pay. will meet today to try to
prevent a tle-Hp Twenty-seven hun
drtd raH are Involved. Including en
Blsewni of tugs. Ughtera and steam
barges. It wmiM greatly iHeoflveal ,
hoc the Interning asd outgoing
fctfcamt-r. as ll would be Impossible to
dock the large liner without tho
tugs. Tbo men demand 115 per
month and now get $105
'"Hello! tlcMor
Hearing Himself Talk
Gan be done, you see.
Easy too, when you
know how. And honor
bright, doesn't it seem
as if many an advertis
er wasenjjajred in a like
occupation, judging by
his output Though
there's a beginning and
a.n end, there's no goal;
no earnest message.
Words, words, words.
. Space filling without
real substance. But,
lest vv be chargeable
with a like failing, here
are news of doings that
should raise the roof.
You cannot know a word atontlt
until Saturday. You know we
want to surer! Je you-
IKE the toye'Sick youth in the
illustration, we're "clean rat
tled." Fact is, we'ye so much
to tell about and so little time
and space in which to do it, that we're
in a quandary as to what to omit and
where to begin. For much must be
omitted that's certain. What? Aye,
there's the rubl
May be it's news to you, madam,
that many of our most remarkable bar
gains never get a word in the papers.
Doesn't seem plausible, does it? Yet it
is so. Why? Possibly, quantities may
not warrant publicity. But, in any event
there's another reason. We are unalter
ably opposed to any policy in the least
suggestive of putting all one's best apples
at the top of the barrel.
Jhat we aim to attract you here, is
attested ty the attractions we put in
print; that we strive to please you when
here, is evidenced by the numerous sur
prises which await you, about which we
are so strangely silent. Saturday, there
fore, come with great expectations re
garding offerings here specified. ' At the
same time be prepared for most pleasant
surprises. It's a way we haye.