The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, April 28, 1903, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Candidate Reames
After their Votes
Would Not Use Order
Political Purposes
JnBs from .till life, and Uie parents Car)S Gathering 'at SttL0Ui5
were nstonlsnoa mat cnnaren couiai
dq so much. The parents
But Thinks This a Good'Time
fro Send One to Congress
Candidate A. K. Kearacs, the Dem
ocratic nomlneo for congress In this
district, Is sendlne autograph letters
to all Uio members of the order of
Natlro Sons In Oregon, asking them
to support him for that office.
Hero ,1s an original letter, dated
Jacksonville, April 18, 1003, and ad
dressed to a membor of Waldo Cabin,
Salem,, as follews:
Dear Sir and Brether: There aro
times when wo must look to our
friend h for support. I do not know
whether you will remember mo as
having been grand president of tho
Natlvo Sons, or whethor I may have
passed nUroly out of your remem
brance. I think this Is a good llmo for tho
election of a Native Son to congress,
and while I haVo no disposition to use
tho order In any way towards politics.
st tho same time I recognize that you
will feel kindly disposed towards suit
porting me. all otlior things boing
Anything that you can do for me
will be heartily npproolatod.
' fllncoroly 'and frntornally yours.
saw that
their little ones could do these things,
and do them well, and thus lay the
foundation for a tasto for art and In
dustrial designing at a lime of life
whon tho Impressions made aro apt
to bo enduring.
Their rooms' were also bung with
very good samples of figure work and
writing each sheet having a child's
nam and left as It was written in
ordinary dally exorcise oven with
the errors uncorrected so It was not
show work. Tho charcoal drawing
was ory Interesting bow 40 children
will make each Its own conception of
tho name Jug or flower vase, give It
tho Individual conception of shading
and color and shadow. In tho first
grado this drawing work is not re
quired, but It Is dono In somo of tho
rooms to show that drawing should
begin at tho beginning and as mis-
kin says, become a second nature with
tho child to draw things.
Miss Colby's and Miss Welch's
rooms alv show great progress In
charcoal drawing tho work of the
children being preserved from tho
first effort. 8omo of tho work In
theso rooms would do credit to child
ren who take Instruction from some
art teacher Tho teachers of tho Lin
coln school and tho teachors of some
of tho other schools took lossons In
drawing at Mrs. Wiggins' studio, In
preparation for tho Introduction of
freo-hand drawing from objects, and
tho result Is iHHtn In the work of tholr
(Contlnu d frotnjflrstjtage.)
First Year's Work Very
Satisfactory '
Tho prininry mill Krnde tt'iicln'r of
tho Mnvulu public whool. South Sa
lem, have Imun ilttllxlitliiK thn father
ami mother with xlilliltH of tho first
ynrH Work of frtttf-hnud dinning. In
troduettd undtr Supt Trover.
On Friday afternoon Minn us M)r
nnd llnlkm hail tin mother and hoihi
of thf fathfrw pri'Hfiit at their rooms
tO HUH UlH WIlllS (OtfllHl Willi COll
work In dtwlKiis and ilmit-oul
Two deaths occurred at the state
asylum yesterday. Miss Drusllla
Hooker committed from Ilaker coun
ty, nnd Krnost Aloxnndor Stnuff,
mlttod from Coos county
Linn county also paid Oof her
state tax
.- i
Absolutely Pure
presidential train arrived at 7 o'clock
this morning, and was greeted by 10,.
000 people. Congressman Hepburn
met tho President, and Governor
In many parts of tho city decorators ! Cummins and party will meet him at
are busy putting up flags and bunting Clarinda. tho scond stopping place,
and, within tho noxt twonty-four hours J Tho President address d the crowd
tho business section will blossom out j from the platform.
in a mass of color. The business dis
trict, however, does not monopolize
the decorations. In every quarter of
town. In the manufacturing and resi
dence districts, whore neither the
president nor any of the other no
tables from out of tho city will be
likely to go, shops, factories and
houses are decking out In honor of
tho occasion. In the most out-of-the-
way corners flags have been rigged
out and portraits of tho president ex
hibited. Everybody believes that the cele
bration will draw a bigger crowd to
town than ever gathered hero before,
but it remains truo that in hotels
there Is usually room for one more.
Tho Southern. Planters, and other
big hostolles are, booked full for the
next four days and several of them
aro arranging with boarding houses
and furnished rooms owners to send
the expected pvorflow to theso places.
The weather Is perfect. Thc-Ulah
delegation was tho first to arrive, and
C000 militia men aro already In tents
on tho exposition grounds. The hotels
nre Inadequate to accommodato the
crowds constantly arriving.
Huffalo. April 28. A thousand
guardsmen left horo this morning on
thrco special trains for tho St. Louts
exposition dedication.
'Washington. April 28. it wai a
veritable get-away day hero. Four
specials, one Immediately after an
otlior, loft for St. Ixittls for tho dedica
tion of the fair.
Tho first special enrried tho band
and Potomac lodge of Masons, next
wns tho correspondents' special, con
sisting of soven Pullman full of news
paper men. The next was tho diplo
matists. In chargo of Senator Cock
rell. Pewoy. Conoral Young and sov
ni al members of the rablnot were nl
so aboard. Herbert von Stornborg
nnd Minister Ilowon wore nil coin
polled to romnln behind on account of
tho VttnosuoUn noKotlntloiiH. Cm-
slnlo was also compelled to remain
on account of Manchurlnn questions
liable to arise. The next train cnrrles
Cleveland nnd his party. Tho gov
ornmont board of Uio opposition nnd
ninny residents of the city will leave
Inter In the day on another special.
New Orleans. April SS. (lovernor
Html and staff loft for St I.oiiIh this
Clenrflwld. la.. April 28. Secretary
haw Joined the Proeldent at Clnrln
da. where he in ail o a short tpwdi. He
nlM) made shurt spooches at Slmrps
'Hirj.' and Van Wert
Roosevelt at Iowa Capital.
Dos Molnos, Iowa, April 28. The
presidential train arrived at the Bur-
'llngton station shortly after 2 o'clock
I this aftcrncon. Tho president was
I met at tho train by the full commit
tee In charge of the day's" arrange
ments, headed by Governor Cummins,
Mayor I) ronton. Congressman Hull
and President Lyons of the Commer
cial Exchange. All approaches to the
depot wero roped off for a- block In
either direction, and the distingu
ished visitors passed to their car
riages between linos of Iowa National
Guardsmen. The first hour of tho
president's stay was given over to a
tour of the city. Tho routo of the pa
rade extended over several miles of
gaily decorated streets, which wero
packed on each sldo with a solid mass
of people. Tho pollco arrangements
wero of the best, and there was no de
lay In getting to the state capltol,
where the speaker's stand had been
erected. Thoru were 20,000 people
gathered In tho capltol grounds nnd
the adjacent thoroughfares, and the
president was In good voice, so only
those on the extreme edge of the
crowd missed any portion of his
speech. Tho president's speech was
frequently Interrupted with applause.
Tho crowds that lined tho streets
to tho Rock Island station wero tho
largest evor seen hero. Tho president
loft for Oskaloosa and Ottumwa amid
tho cheorlng and tho waving of hand
kerchiefs from all who could get
within a block of tho station.
emigrating to Manchuria.- This dn'd
other indications, it is said, have
aroused . apprehensions Jthnt trouble
Is brewing. i
Ready for Work on Jetty.
Astorln, Or., April 28. About 100
men aro now employed by the engin
eers' department nt tho Jetty at the
mouth of tho rlvor, getting ready for
tho extension work, which will bo
commenced as soon as tho contracts
for mntorlal nro awarded, bids for
which will ho oponod next Thursday
at tho office of Major Langfltt, In
Portland. "
Two Meteors Seen.
(Hunts Pass, Or., April 28. Two
great meteors, llvo minutes npnrt,
blight and hissing, tho second follow
ing In tho tinck of the first, passed
over this olty nt 0:45 last night. They
woro so near tho enith that tho ontlro
Horiio TUvur valley, or at loast this
part of It. was brightly lighted by the
speeding, burning orbs.
I. i
Trouble Is Brewing.
St. Petersburg, April 2S Advices
from IllHtKK livens!;, capltol of the
Amoor Kowrnment. says the Chinese
'I'n Shenandoah la April 2t -The l.uslnt8 sf-llinu out nt a
--------- ..
loss and aro
.Has Excelled St. Peter.
Rome, April 28. If the Popo Is
allvo tomorrow ho will have surpassed
tho famous pontlficnto of St. Peter.
His holiness was elected Popo 25
years, 2 months and 7 days ago. Ho
has already received many congratu
lations on tho cVent.
Out of Moral
Washington, April 28. Bremerton,
tho town adjoining tho Puget Sound
navy yard, Is no longer under tho ban
placed upon It some months ago, on
account of tho demoralizing conditions
alleged In official reports. On repre
sentations of Influential citizens of
Seattle, tho navy department has
withdrawn Its restrictions. The gun
boat Hanger will bo sent tholr shortly
for an extensive overhauling.
Conger Protests.
Pokln, April 27. Minister Conger
has sent a note to Prince Chlng, tho
grand secretary, protesting against
two features of Russia's proposed
Manchurlan agreement, which aro
considered particularly antagonistic
to Amorlcan Interests. Tho noto ob
jects to China promising not to open
moro towns to foreign trade, because
negotiations aro proceeding In con
nection with tho Amorlcan commer
cial treaty for tho opening of Mukden
and Tnku-Shan, nnd It objects to
promising that tho foreign employes
In China shall bo only Russians.
Tho United States withholds ex
pression rognrdliig tho othor demands,
but Is propared to Insist on hor treaty
rights. If Infractions occur.
Mississippi Sunday Schools.
Canton, Miss., April 28. This placo
Is filled "with delegates nnd visitors to
tho fourth annual convention of tho
Mississippi Stnto Sunday School as
sociation, which will bo In session
during tho noxt two days. As rapidly
ns tho visitors nrrlvo they woro as
signed to homos for entertainment
nnd everything Is being dono to con
duce to tho ploasuro of tho dologatos.
Tho program boglns this aftonioon
with nn Informal consecration servlco
to be followed by a business session
tomorrow nnd Thursday. Several
Sunday school workers of wide prom
inence nro to tnko part In tho proceedings.
Tho smallpox epidemic It ,
uiuriimiK proportions about i
down with tin. rft.-,.- ."!
"-J-" .: 1 " T: k.
v.Uw.uh ,u a. ,Kry violent t
number of deathB aro beta.
and tho citizens arc aUraT!
To mako tho condition
three doctors that have
mg to an or. tno case i,j
m.riv.Ki-11 Willi uiu U180M9, u
ai am cannot tie obtained.
nhoneil tn Portlnnit vmin "
State Board of Health n,l
tako steps to relieve thrl
try to get tho epidemic bj-I
control. Dr. Woods Jlutciwa
health officer. Is sick andtavj
his bed, and cannot give tit?
Ic his personal attention. Dri
C. Smith, president of the n
of health, was notified of ti
tion last night, and atoncttot,
to bettor the condition.
His first act was to telefilm.
C. J. Smith, of Pendleton, u
member of tho stato baud tfif
Ho Instructed Dr. Smith to &j
Investigation of tho condition
If necessary, to employ tit i
of an ablo physician to tilt fju
tho work
"I would go mysslf,' mJ
Smith, "but conditions mnr)i
I cannot nt present I ttaJ
California within a few dm'
Related to the Kentucky btA
Seattle. April 28 -Mlu U?
boo, who attomptcd sulclddj
city Inst night, by shootlBm
through tho left breast. It i
closoly related to exSenitotl
J. Deboo, of Marlon, Kent
of her closest associates
slio Is a daughter of the W
sonator. MIbs Dehoo Is utti
physicians to bo very low
death Is expected In a itai
Miss Deboo enmo to Sanit
Louisville, Ky.. about six i
She is about 20 years of tl
some nnd nppparently veil i
Crescent City is having a strike at
thn Hobbs. Wall & Co. Lumber Com
pany's mills.
Bttnth ? l1 Ktd Ym Hau WrJ BB
Social Favorites Wtdd
HarrlsburK- Or. April i
mnrrlago of Robert It Iju
Miss May Thomas wai tolfmi Js
this city Sunday niQPM.
o'clock, nt tho residence ofW
parents, Rov W W Dalit
Baptist church, of Albany tot
Tho young couple nro loc!
vorltos. They will bo itujji'J
their many friends aftiJ
spent In Portland v.k
The river drivers who w
Strike n short time ago tm
ontended for
Groceries. Hardware. GroGkem and Glassware.
di6ines. Boots and snoes. fiats and 6aos.
Largest Shippers In Marion County of Cotnty Ptodvce
Our Religion
'A sTyusti
is apprecuted by
well dressed men,
and especially when
it hJj oVdtxdt Alia
please and satisfy
Is to tell a man jistwhathe
is jjettinji when he buys shoes
of us. We not only tell you
when it is a good shoe but we
positively guarantee to give
vou satisfaction or we will tell
ou so whetryou buy of us.
We have had 10 years e.
penence with the wants of
farmers and laboring men in
this line and would be pleased
to have you give us a trial.
We combine quality with
low price.
Aen's Shoes a bear the
Union Stamp.
The Height of Perfection jPatent Medicines
We take a pride in selling ROYAL
CLUB GOODS because we know
that they are sure to please our
customer s. They cost a lit'
tie more SliS than the stancWH
brands but they
String Beans, Peas
Tomatoes are the finest money can
buy. Give them a trial and if you
do not like them they will cost you nothing
are much
Corn and
, We carry a full and complete line at the lowest
toilet articles, soaps, etc, We quote belew:
Peruna $1.00 size
Hoods Sarsaparilla $1.00 size
Oregon Blood Purlfjer $1.00 size
Swamp Root $1.00 size
Ayers Sarsaparilla $1,00 size
Stuarts Catarrh Tablets $1.00 size
Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets $1.00 size
PInkhams Vegetable compound $1.00 size
Pinkhams Blood Purifier $1.00 size
Paines Celery Compound $1.00 size
Prices Prescription $1.00 size
Prices Golden Medical Discovery $1.00 size
We Pay In Trade
J 6 cents Dozen for Eggs
35c IS for Butter
Less iO per cent for Cash
&tf& . .j,