The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, April 28, 1903, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    ''WW, VmfurmafK
' p- '
. rr jki
" ,7mirTl!F
We Ate
Not Big
Bat Oh
l. I
Some Htorox IxAat of thel
others of their wealth, anil otlierB of
tholr Bitot cnsh jntcm (which by thn
wny, l thi fniwt wlnd&oflhcra all).
Now thin Is aylndt-tmroFanrt ftlrapjo!
What you wnntPto know, have thoy
got what you want. at'Wb prlco you)
jvo.ciaini.iu naTO'uijj
Ins up, bctoicF tho pooplo
with brighter prospect of-
8f !
Ity nnd prosperity than tho -present.
Thf Mid-Summer Carnival, concluding
with tho Fourth of July, will bo a
Kreat drawing card, and will brliu;
Sal era, as
m m .at
JfXy l tho&htfflsla the city.
.S. i .... m . TTK I'rBHlrtont'n vlult to.
,lr lift ftfJffron front airr thoto.
and will bring thu largest crowd of
slghtkeos ever itf'tM&Capltal City at
oixjf time. ' -
Tlio CPinm!teoltn ohargo of his vis
It should boar'thf? in mind, and ar
rango that the. largest possible? num
ber of ppoplo may hear and see tho
ffiatlon's chief magistrate This is a
fforlheso high crimes against human
ity, akin almosto piracy on the high
seas, but teally meaner in the cata
log of criminology. Is a serioUB dctrl
ment to our commorce.
Judgo McUride shows rare coura&e
In his exemption from the political In
finances of the sailor boarding
houses, to which same of our highest
public ofllclals .truckle, and all s-jch
offenders should be given short shrift
and quick trips to the penltentlar).
InrTrrtiT mitrt!
nlahlnir In Salem, and we claim! The Improvement of Marlon square
nation's chief magistrate
Ion j)f clothing and.fur duty woJpwo the public
to run undor less oxiiciiho than any
shows a laudable spirit of civic enter-
i nrinp nnd when comnteted Salem will
fjtycr houst-fdolng same amount hay0 0jJ mo8t bcautful a-nl comrortl
of business. And we might mako aljft open-air aBscmltly p'laro lriffhe
numerous other claims that to you. Is state.
nothing but wJn.Ii What you want Is
a suit of clothes, hat, shoes or somo
other article carried In a gents' fur
nishing store, and you ale looking
for wlinl you neetl. So como right
along and call at 0. W. Johnson'' &
Co's, No. 257 Commercial street, tho
oldest established clothing fur
nishing house in the city, and wo will
agree to show you na good a selection
of mon's and boys' clothing and fur
nishing goods, hats, caps, trunks and
valises, at as low prices as any other
house In Salem. Tho fact that we arc
now enjoying tha best business that
wo over had is evidence that we are
not mistaken as to our ability to
carry out the above olillRatlon. In
shoojt wo lire more than tatlsfylnK our
customers; that the I'ackurtl Shoe is
tht best shoe fur the money on the
market today.
ltemembsr. we are giving one-third
off on a line of chllilrHiin' clothing.
Many very nobby imU.irw. You make
a'mifMak If ynu fall to see this lino
before buying your little Itoy a suit.
Don't be afraid to come In nnd takt a
look through our stock, whether you
are rvudyto buy or not. Wo will take
the grvntest pleasure In showing you
& CO
257 Com'ISt. Salem, Or.
Thoro will be more street Improve
ment and more prlvato Improvenjents
In Salem this year th,an ever beforo.
The CIvlcTlmprovement' leaguo'has'sci
up a wholcsonle example, that many
will follow Just to bo progressive.
fialem Is now a labor union town,
and. with wise and prudent manage
ment, thoro Is no reason why Salem
cannot bo kept a first-class labor cen
ter. That result Is only posslblo with
moderation nnd Intelligence.
With big fruit crops, hop crops,
wool and mohair crops, cattle, hogs
and dairying, prunes and grain, hay
and potatoes, thoro will lie moro
money In circulation thnn the people
will know what to do with.
Scrlppt News Association Telegrams.
3 and 5 O'clock Editions.
Dally One Year. M.QP In Advance.
Dally Three Months, $1,00 In Advance.
Dally by Carrier, 50 Cents Per Month.
Weekly One Year, 11.00 In Avance.
Ono Weak : $ 10
Gnu Month .15
Tbreo Mentbtf UDO
At Journal office.
At Daue'a Grocery. South Sakm.
At Boweroox Grocery, Yew Park.
Asylum Avenue Grocery Store.
Electric Grocery, East State St.
I QKirdfflyiLABr!L
Tlief was mer a amnm r open
The ladles of the Marlon Square Im
provement League are soliciting bids
fnr the shop work on their music and
speaker' stand.
The cement work for the 'fwnuln
tlon is In nnd hardening nlcoly, and
almiwt ready for the superstructure.
All the labor unions are assisting
loyally In promoting this park Im
provement, and all the building
trade uulons are donating a day's
work onh. while (lie waiters and lmr
tenders tire helping In other ways.
Tho Indies' rmuinltee meets ngnln
this utternoon. and they havo thrown
out the HUMKeetlnn Hint the $100 that
will be spent In Greeting a speaking
stand for the President's reception on
th slate bouse grounds be given them
for a iHTinauent Improvement.
The iMiliit Is iimile that If the
weather Is nice nnd soft nnd Juley the
crowds will trample the lawn and
llouerbeds, and Injure the shrubbery
beyond ruttlr.
The ladles around Marion square
lire very soft In their ways of dealing
with men. acd they .will probably ap
proach the committee un reeeMng
the President In their most persua
sive and blandlshlag mannar. Of
course thev wnnt that $100 spent In
the m out useful and satisfactory wny,
nnd they aro not after It tbemselvAs,
but for tho public good.
It Is a wholesome sign of a hlghur
order of civilization that ono ot tho
most notorious phanghnlers of one
of our wonit poitH has been sentonced
to serve eight yours at the state pris
on Paddy Lynch.
A klml of stool pigeon of Lynch got
one year, aud the two should never
be pardoned out for any amount of
political pressure. For at Portland
mid Astoria It Is politics that In thu.
last resort of crime is tho shield o(
thoso outrages.
The helnuuH offence of shanghalng
tile-unfortunate CJeiman who had sent
home to the fatherland for his wife,
nnd the poor woman arrived the day
he was kidnaped and sent to sua. Is
still fiesh In mind
Th fll reputation given Oregon
This Is an Incorporated union Of
fruit growers, on. the same plan as
the prune growers' association, to get
uniformity of pack, excellence and
standard of quality and markets with
out ruinous competition.
A share of stock Is worth five do)
lars. but two asscsments so far to pay
of fifty cants each. This money Is
used for printing and necessary ex
penses of conducting the-unloii.
Tho officers are a -president, vice
prosldent. secretary and treasurer, artd
a board of five directors, of which
the president and secretary nre mem
bers. These officials got no salary
All contracts are made directly by
the Union, employing the officers only
to bring matters to a conclusion, and
then passing on them ns producers,
thus letting no products go out of
their own control.
The Union has contracted with Its
own members to pick, pack, grade and
deliver merchantable fruit through Its
local manager nnd distributing firm at
Portland, through which nil the retail
trade Is supplied direct.
Nearly fifty of tho principal stiaw
borry. cherry and other berry grow
ers are now In the Union, and n large
business will be done, as soon ns the
season oHns. A haudsnmo label Is
being designed.
The Union expects to get early rult
Into the best markets, and Its repre
sentative at Portland has already vis
ited all the retail tiado of clttoe in the
Pacific Northwest, and has large or
der for the Salem fruit.
Tho Salem Fruit Union Is well ad
vertised, nnd stniulH second today to
the Hood Ilivor Fruit Union, nlthough
It litis been in oxlsteuco only two
years. A new era for the fruit pro
ducer in this valley has been Introduced.
a Comet
11- Z gx v in the sky comes
J to the wek and
fsmoua remedy YV weary despo.
dots for the stom- d-ntdvsMDtlc
--i. l. i. rw f r ' .:
acn II1BI WlllUil 11
Is unable to do for
Itelf. even If but
slightly disordered
or overburdened.
curing all
, s t o m ton
, troubles and
supplies the natural
juices of dleution and
does the work of the
stomach, relaxing the
nervous tension, while
the Inflamed muscles
and membranes of that
orean are allowed to
rest and heal. It cures; I
Indirection, flatulence.
palpitation of the heart,
nervous dyspepsia and
atl stomach troubles by
cleanslnir. purlfylne and
strenethenlng the glands,
membranes of the stom
ach and dleestlve organs.
Tnr Dttltr Can Stnlj Tm.
Bonlcalr. 41.00 Sbi fcoUtaf M Unu
lb trial tilt, watch mIU for 50c.
tntttd Vy C. CDaVm CO, CfllUM.
I- fi Ila Driiff Blnrn
aejBaaSJJpjjjjjBjMWfc hwm MMByua will Ijl WMC gaew
sLBalry aOT LaflHlr mrrQSWl R
LkSrV ' T'"! aT7 m. omlkjKt V
I A little red, a little white
There l n strung persistence
shown by some who have torgotteu
ou political history and do not knew
public feeling. In regard to Mr. Cleve
land as a possible Democratic candi
date for the presidency next year. If
anything be certain in politics. Is Is
certain that no man can be elected
president who has twice held the of
fice. Th 81 no man Hhall have u third
presidential term became a lived law
when Washington declined u third
turui- Thoee who forgot this law
were reminded of It when a stubborn
effort was made to nominate General
Orant for a third term.
Furthermore, few things nie moro
rortnln than the unpopularity of Mr.
Cleveland among the managers of his
own party. Although he. la the only
Democrat who has occupied tho
White House lu mow than forty
years, and although he made n per
manent place for lim'ef In our his
tory, his party would not now have
him. Southern Democrat, who aro,
now the domluent part of the party,
although they may have drifted away
from Mr liryau. have not drifted
back to Mr. Cleveland.
Finally, u anything can bo more
certain than Mr Cleveland's prnctl.
al inollglbllty for a 'third term nnd
of his unpojiulnrlty among his own
paity managers. It Is his own state of
mind as revealed by his conduct and
his recent public utterances Ho has
neither done nor said anything that
Implied that he would become a can
didate again.
It has been proved that lie was tho
host candidate that Ma party has had
for half a century: buNo talk of him
as a candidate again argues a paucity
of men that Is unbecoming the great
l'artjto which ho hojonjc -World's
Work foy May. '
'i m?1 j ii jiiwi in
If all the people who have tried to i
mill a nleeo of land In Western Ore-
gun roto frir Hermann lie won't noed
anbody e to be elected
" i
Why should boys try to escape from
the reform school T They ought to
know that tho road from that Institu
tion to Salem la Impassable.
metltal ratio w ought perhaps to ex
liect none from the present administra
tion. Hut The Journal predicts thnt
Chamberlain will go his two Ilcpubll
inn ptudeceetors one better, and build
several miles.
It Is reported that -the only thing
that u certain candidate for congioss
wllj say about lllnger Hermann Is
tlml ho Is a good man but not very
rltvwr. Il will have to he decided
.Monday. June llixt. who is lenll) the
clever man of the bunch.
The straw berry mnn hns
b-en requested to publish his 'recipe
for running sttnwberrles by somo of
the ladles of Jefferson. Perhaps he
would If they'd get him up n good club
of subscribers.
It Is always snfe to east nn anchor
to windward, and plant a kh1 patch
of spuds, and set out n block ot cab-
imuft. Remember you may not bo
Hush next winter, nnd those things
go pretty well with span-ribs.
The Soclallet party probably Justi
fy their owning political campaigns
on Sunday by the theory their politic
al system Is so much bettor than that
of other pintle that it amounts almost
to a holy religion for them.
If Ilussla and other Kumpean pow
ore go to stepping In too fast to din
member old China aud tako possession
of the wholo Asiatic contlnont. Undo
Sam may have to rap somo of them
over the knuckles.
The Impression contlnuoa to pro
vail that Hoosovolt could possibly
secure (ho renomlnntlon, and that ho
might be elected, unless tho Demo
cratic ticket was made up of Cleve
land and Itryan.
It, Is no lougor ove.n questioned
that Salem Is the second city in Ore
gon by long odds. In about ten years
tho government wjll "An, It out" of.
flclajly. and then the world will know,
even Missouri.
Salum. real
oatato has received a
check In advance, by somo sort ot
fear that exjsta In the mind ot many
who aro planning to build that tholr
money would not hold out.
delicately blended. That's
one way. Here s a better :
Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It makes the blood pure
and rich. You know the rest: red cheeks, steady
nerves, good digestion, restful sleep, power to endure.
Keep the bowels regular with Ayer's Pills; this
will greatly aid the Sarsaparilla. Two grand family
medicines, Keep them on hand, j, o, ayer co ixweu, Ma,
Of course, while booQlers arc plen
tiful la Missouri, none; of them ever
get away and locate in Oregon, unless
they are too rank for Missouri.
Coventor Chamberlain and Sunt
James will Immortalise themselves if
they comply with tho law passed at
tho last session and build a few miles
of decent road out of Salem to the
state Institutions, hut they will be
the first stato offlclaU to take that
course, imaor ixiru about a half For sale by Oaneiel J. Fry. Send 10
mllo of good rod was built Underl'ents In stamps for sample to The
Geer about half as much In the arllh Herpiclde Co, Detroit Mich.
34 ta :rm that
clutter arwe4 ni
at at Uie rwtvl tha
half, ma Mas; aul
nut, causing lalltax
fcalr. finally bald,
A Beritajr feir.
"A" marks ter
Dal layer at crljr
rait ahmth. tl "
aartu the loNrtor
extremity. 8"
mart tba lotersal
layar. "C" maka
Destroys thoM Minuklc eermst
and it U the only tu&r preyeTrktlon
tfeat doc, OMtrey the cause.
you remove Um tttteL"
Dr.' J. F. Coot
Has como to tho conclusion that all profession of tho hcalia. I
side or tho vcgetauio itinguom is a taiiuro. vnen your S)sttii I j
without nnrn blood. You will Only find vltnlllv In .l 1
.....' W1lJ
kingdom. I'oisonous arugs nor oociors- Knives nor fijjj i
lightning wjl not remove tho causolbut lay the foundation for1 '
or disease, thoso poisons go into your ooncs, ana Kill thrf uj, .
ntul front t nil kinds of dlsenses. cancerous tumors rnnnn,...
.. v.i....v .... , , vw..wuujjugi
t. ...... .llsAneia tl n "rtt n.tiuf liani. In tnln.l that t.1. u.ji.i .
W,IC """. '- " """ " ."-,-tf- -" luumcm. j,
poisonous tonic, nor a stimulant, nor temporary relief which yo, '
poisonous drugs, whore the results aro suro death soonor or hie
Ulnmo the medicine, when it takes an effect and stirs up the
dlspaso In tho system, ion must not expect to do cured In a h 1
your sickness or disease has been a long time coming on, and Sw,
a long time to get It out of your system. It will take monthiott
build a now body from the bones up. This Is what tho pcopl j,
.t .. mi. . .. .1 n-i.n. a In LaIm. t... mill, (.,! Tfl m.JI.I
uviaiauu. A UVJ uiu uavu lu vjitb uuuiuiibbu. ilio WCUlClQet taiti
posed of Nature's Herbs what tho human system requires. Wliejfr
mals get sick they wilt help themselves to those herbs, for they km
stlnct, and tho people havo not, so wo havo to mako a study of It
boon a llfo study with Dr. Cook. Do not get weary; this life It t.
and too sweet to worry out of this world.
Dr. Cook Cures All Kinds of Diseases!
301 Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon.
!iif wit wii i
tBL totSiVlff"' - v. .....i..ij, tf!lV,-ifflMWy !M
- Ml
y is untijiesnonably the nrst satisiactorv upholstd
nip; ever cieviseci ior L-oucnes. we nave naa omera
steel construction but none to equal the one we.
now show m;.
The House Furnishing Co.
-Stores at SALEM and ALBANY-
Sell more Groceries and 'better Groceries than ANYB051
Come nnd st'o for yourtolf OLD p. o. 0Rffl
The Monarch
Malleable hoc
And Steel Rai
R. W. WADE & CO,
Has been re op ned to the public and the FREon
EST BEER in tie city will befound on tap there
Standard Mixed Paint
Of America
Heath & AUligan AanufacturingCo's
Best Prepared Paint
Patton Paint Company's
Sun Proof Paints
Half a century of the best experience emboaieu
ninmirln TKr. Ua.el nm'nlc Ihlf ntn nnVSlDlV W
uauu.auiu.c. , C ul F,, ,.i .... r-- ff.
Will not chalk, peel or scale. Great covering r
Oils, Yarnishand Window Glass.
Savage & Fletcher