1W "T'-ffi T THE DAILY JOURNAL, 3ALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1903. PAGE SEVEN "r " "" ' -..ii.-.T,.'gKj ftjTiTilttfiTMi 1 CASTOR,, l" '. J-u- 't J t 1 ffS Ai'0clnb!c Pr cpnralionforAs- slnulating ihcFoodnndRcguIa -ling the Stomachs anil Bowls of Promotes DjcslioivChccrfuIr np3SflhdItest.ConlaiU5 ndllrer Oplum.Morpliiiic norDiicral. LNot "NAIIO OTIC . flKJxafouur&KvnFtraum flrnifJtm Srul- AmtStr t MrmSrit ht&jirmrnmrm: PAncrfccI Remedy forConsllrvi- Hon, Sour Stomach.Diarrhocn hWonns.Convulsions.FcverisIt- CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of aA oti m " mb W I k w 'n HI m JLnv Ihinc WssnndLosSOFbLEEH M V J Till MVn AM FacSirrulo St'gnnlure of jlj g LgggI Thirty Years IiMfflllMnMffijnnii EXACT COPr OF WRAPPER, jv A.f PviKj Pi -l 1 1 I Mi tit OCNTftUR SOKM HIW TO CITT. ,40-MM-M-aH-Oel0-f 04-000000 0-V'' FRANK DAVIS, Manager. STANDARD BISCUIT CO. (Union Label) Makers of PAHADISE SODA CRACKERS and all kinds of fancy Cookies. i' J. N. MATSCHEIC CANDY;CO., Inc. Up-to-date Confectioners. Nuts and confcctldnery. CAPITOL COMMISSIONHCO. Wholesale Fruits and Produce, Phone No. 2231. Illlhcc Block. HC& BEST , WAY TO nr if sai I i i :.. "" 222 Twenty Day Trip Only Way bf Valdei by mi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiimiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiHH Land Plaster at Cut Prices K)ur special prices on land plaster defy competition. OREGON SEED CORN. The finest seed corn fever raised in the vallev- Eastem Seed Corn. Thi bist for ensilage and ereen f fioaaer. sweet corn many quanuiy. D. A. WHITE & SON, - Feedmen and Seedmcn, Phone 1781 91 Court Street, SALEM. OREGON. : HlltlllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIHHIIIIIIIIHIIII'' i ifliiiig1 iiiniaj aiiHAiit . ::::::::A Ci h. N U Y U :::::::: BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO. GRAIN BUYERS AND SHIFPERSOK GR AIN Seed Wheat For Sale. HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur. J. 6. Graliam, Agent, 207 Commercial St., Satan,. Ore. heuttunnmtnnnintwiinmuuu lBB4MMllSIMBllIHRHKaRBflKB Super-Heated Air for Disease. g The latest and greatest cure for Chronic Diseases, i Somkthinq New In Modkiin Scik.nck op IIkalino & bave juetjiut in a complete system of Kuper-IIeated Air Sys- iur curing ctiromo diseases 01 an kiiiuh. bucii ua rmuinia- t, catarrh, kidney and liver trouble stiff ioints. etc.. with & Bf medicine'or torture of any kind. Cull and investigate. Zm W W. G. ROBBINS, Osteopath. 1 V OaKourt Street Jost North of the Opera House. ! I I 4MWIMa4aMlla-HIaB-HI-Hi imrmuiimtimnmmmtiuin Misses' and ChftdtenfsHa,ts I A SPECIALTY Best Time to Start is About thel'astWMay tVnldee News ) Whnt nro tho condition of the Vat dee route the only snfo ami rellnblo one to the Tannna. The season is too far advanced, It Is true, for peoplo to como from the states and nttpmpt to sled In overland with horses, hut those already hero and those who will arrivo during tha next ton days will havo plenty time. Hut for those who doslre to go In light with dogs this Is the shortest, quickest nnd easiest and most desirable route to tako from every point of view. The trail Ib In oxccllcnt condition, the country Is prnctlcnlly level, nnd the trip enn bo mado In olghteon to twenty days. Hut tho man who leaves Vahloz about the 25th or May with pack horses will reach tho diggings twenty or thirty days ahead of those who arrivo on the drat boats. And not only will ho be suro of getting thoro, but tho trip can bo mndo In very much lts time and at very much le ox pi-nut, lie may pack 280 pounds on n home nnd make an average of 10 in I Ims a dny and mnko a pleasure trip of it. This will Urln lilui to the dig Kings In twenty days from Valdes. wIktmu If he ion by either of the other route he will be anywhere from thirty to forty day jimklng the trip, and perlyvps loner. rteiwnilliiB iik.ii the atate of the water In the Tnana. lie wmm thmtiich a country which rurnlrhes an abundance of fomne for Ills horeea, a country which almundit In wild Maine. Irath lnrse arfil email, a country tho strenms of which teem with fish, ami If ho de situs, the atnmpeder mny tnke as nn outfit only u rllle, a pound of suit and n few pounds of powdr ho will not only make the trip all right, but will fare sumptuously nil tho wny. Ho evades the danger of hanging up on a aandbnr and losing his outfit, his summer's work or his life, and It for any reason he should change hi mind and not desire to go to tho Ta nana, he Is In a country with limitless mlnernl iioeslhllltltM, nnd he will cer tainly nut wnste his time by stopping and prospecting. All things consid ered tho overland routh from Vnldes Is unqueMtlonably the boet of the thro eto the Tnnnnn, and us soon ns this fad become known, this trail will be llned'wlth people going In and out. Of course. In tho fall almost the entlro travel to the outside will com by way of Valdw. Navigation will cloee before the sonson doos, and those desiring to come out will haw no alternative but to como by way of VitMez unless they desire to mush to Dawson, which Is not nt all likely. IMPOSSIBltSKCjasK nothcthood," says the doctor. Some times he qualifies the statement, ami ays. "Impossible without an opera tion." Yet both these "impossibles" have been made possibles by the use ot ur. l'icrce s i-avonte rre' sciiption. Manv 'uuc the hindrances to mother bool are to be found in womanly diseases or weaknesses, wht H are perfectly anil permanent ly vonte l're. scriptton." Till!! nmat tnedi -siflBILlwtTICii JIWF cine for women cuirs ir regularity n tl tl r t c a debilltnthin drains. It heals l.tmniotlnti anil ulceration, and cures teiimle weak- Hcm It makes wcuU women strouir and sick women wcu. "t wl ti to ailtt tnjr trntliuony to ImntltriU or nthen ti to the vilur of I)r l'lcrce'a ttietllclnrft.1 Ite Mrs Id M. l)o I onl. ofljilnn.. lluMant Co Minn "Hrcil'VnM with a Ktrnl intny ttiyti.ian -tomt K-v.liliti have twice been In a horl!rfor tfrttm-ut Mv ae ha bttti iTsanlol at a hopclcM iik and llity knew not what the troulilenrai Heart w had. atomacli II out of nriler: tlrnl out , severe (taint In all jwirH cf the txxly, tluktiiK xll. and tiearlv crerjr ailment a woman could have. I took many a Untie of 'natent medicine' without effect I liecan taking Dr rleree'a I'avnrlle Pre cripllon. and ten nmntlu antrwonl I gave hlrtli to ,i ieii-ivniii.1 tov All rn. mxi hjJ lUtfJ i a far I Mil trnrr taold tfjr 4 tliilj. lloili (he Kiby and invwlf were troiir. and I gei !Hn ile nUHIv ilMnk to your iiiedldne Tlie Common Sense Medical Adviser, iroo Urge iwkcs, in piper coven, is sent 'MBBBBatL 1 . rSBBBPlBBn Rl yftWii'HjBBW 9 U-UU&TVUXM. I.' M3 yiaWRWiBsBBBBBBST mmkmswa PSIM.'WWL nr'wiw T 1 1 vim receiptor 31 one-cent stamtis to t.y cxtKiise of in.illiiii; only. Addrsoi Ir R. V. Pierce, llnffalo, N. Y. President's Visit to Des Moines. Hwt Moines. In.. April JT. The capital city of Iown Ik putting on hol iday attire In honor of 1'reitldent Koovlt who It to be here tomor row. Visitors are already arriving, and It Is expected that the crowd will bf one of the largest ver eeeu hr. Acker's Dloort Ullxlr positively Curos Chronic litooil Poisoning and all Srrofulous nfTertlons. At all times a mn tch Ims Hystm tonic and purlflor. Money refunded If you ore not mitln llotl. BOc. nnd Jl.np. n. J. Fry. Drug gist OASVOnXA. Batn Oa x? I'M Kk1 YsXi Wm WrJ Boi-tft Need Help In a Hurry? The qulckost wity to II nil help ot nil kinds Is to place n want ad In Tho Journal. A few hours later your nil Is ntiHwerod and filled. 1'ut It In The Journnl today. We have just opened a large assortment. Also Ladies' Dress Hats-Call and see t&em m mi easMamaiawwaswaasasaaaaaaMaaaMa" 1 ii X Great Variety of Flowers and Foliage X Z NEW INFANTS' HOODS ALSO SUN BONNETS Greenbaum's, 302 Com., Street. First Door South of the PettoCrlcc .f af itim f ijtHiiii wfi Ded Time I tako a pleasant herb drink, the next morning I feel bright and my com plexlon Is better. My doctor says It acts gently on tho s.omache, liver and kidneys, and Is a pleasant laxative It Is made of herbs, and la prepared as easily as tea. It Is called Lane's met! Iclno. All druggists soil It at 3Cc and 60 cents. Kane's Famhy Medicines mores the bowels each day. If you cannot get It, send for free samples. Address, Orator Woodward, I.enoy N. Y. Troops to Escort Governor Odell. Albany. N. Y. April 27. Arrange ments have ben perfected by AJjt Gen. Htinry for the esoort of I'HiO National Guardsmen which will ae company Governor Odell to St. IuU to participate In tho oxerclses attHnd Ing the dedication of tho buildings of tho Louisiana Purchase Hxoltlou Governor Odell and the members of his staff will leave this city on a special train at midnight tonight, and will arrivo at St. Louis Wednesday morning. The escort will comprise 150 cavalrymen, a division of 70 naval militiamen and of representa tions from various Infantry organlia tlons throughout the state. Col Sam uel M. Kelsch of Buffalo, the senior Colonel In tho Guard, has been dlg natod to command tho escort. Why Not. Go where you ran get the bust? The Whlto House Itestnurunt la the most popular restaurant In the city. Opon dny and night. Just Received. The tlrst now Tillamook cheeso. Guaranteed to be superior (o any Kasiflrn or California brnnds. Give us your order whllo wo hnve n full stock. I1KANS0N & IIAGAN CLASSIFIED ADS ?. : ' iv Advertlsentsts. five Uses or lets, la this column inserted three times for 5e. SOcaWeek $1.50 s month. An over ,frvt tlnesst the same rate. WANTED.. T We Want a Representative In ovory city nhd town In this stato to pro Rent our business. Our proposition Is an exceptional ono, and offers to n good, reliable, honest party, ,ylth references, not loss Uinu JlOd pbr month. No canvassing or nppolnt Ing ot ngonts n bona fide, logltl mato business. Address, with sfamp, C. 0. riilslfer & Co.,'Lumbbr Kxchrlngo, Sfoltlo. s-lG-lm. MALE HELP WANTED. Wanted. -Sovoral porsonB of good character to manngo district oftlco In each stato for hfttiso ot long standing. Salary ISO woekly In cash each Thursday, direct from main office, with all expenses. Co lonial Co., Chicago. 4-22-lw FOR SALE. OAAAAAAAAakAAAAAA For Sale. Threo No. 1 farms. En quire of Dr. Cuslck, over Capital National bank. 4-25- For Sale. A young Jersey cow, good milker. Inqulro of A. Patterson, first house of City Vlow cometory, Salem. 4-25-31 For Sale. Llttlo pigs. Inqulro of W. F. Knpllngor, .14 miles nest ot tho asylum. 4-24-31 For Sale. Second- hand buggy, in good condition. Call nt ancu at room C. McComaclc building. 4-23- For Sale. Bight room houso nnd 10 lots, l'rlco $800. Address "I. 0.," enre Journal. 4-23-lwk For 8ale or Trade. for Surhurban reeldence property nwtr enr lino, five acres one mile east ot nsylum. a small house, good well, nnd or chnnl of mixed fmlts iver 170 tree In full bearing. Call soon, must be disposed of. IC A. ewls. l(t. 0 City. 4-23-lw For 8ale. Gnoil secouiMmiid squnro Iilaiui. Inqulro nt Journal ofllco. 4-22-lw For Sale. Wlillo Inugshntig eggs for setting, Sellwnod strnln. Inqulro nt Snm I.udl'ri blacksmith shop, corner Trout and Contnr streets. 418-lm W. Mlnturn.CR.; A. UBrown, Sec. Modern Woodmen of America Ow gon Codnr Camp No. C21C. McoU every Thtirsday ovcnlng 8 o'ctock. Holman'llnll, FrankA.vTUrnJry. C.j -A. i tlrownl Clerk'" t Protection Loda NO.TV al)clonUOf dor United Workmen, moots ererr Saturday evening In tha, llolraan Hall, corner of. State )tia iLlbertr streets. Ylslling brothto Volcdnte. J. G. Grah&m, M; W,; Jt ASbltwdbd, Recorder. . j . , i f ' OSTEOPATHY. Drs. M. T. Schoettlt, Frank J. Barr and.' Anna M. Darr. Graduate 'Amorlch ,'sthool of Osteopathy, ' Kfrksvlllo,-' Mo., succflssora to iir. Gta'co Albright. Oftlco hours 9 to 12 anh 1!30 lo 4 tStf o'clock. Odd Follows' Tcmplo. Thono Main 2721; rosldonco phono 2C03 Rod. Or. H. H. BcavellaugoeatlVB Thtr pcutics athijCyteopifth'y Norroua, functlonafltnaf'iuiacasea, ne rnlgla. hedcWWTe4a prostra tion, dysl,'coiiBlTlon, dlsj rhoea, yho'uBiaUa,:JiSbma, ete. D'Arcy ibcx,"Stafo s-treot Phoae Main 2865? . L TONBORfAL ANp BATHS. Ryan's Shaving rrm. Seven tr clasi barbers engtfed. Finest twM rooms In city. We use antisepsis sterlllier. J. Ryaa, Prog. Evans' Uarber Shop Only flrst-olae shop on State street Every this new and ip-to-data. Finest porcsWa bstas. Bhave, lEo; halrcot, Met baths, 26a Two first-class blacks. 0. W. Evans, proprietor. VETERINARY. Dr. E. E, Jackson, Veterinary Surgeon and DontlsL Office, Red Front Livery. Phono Main 851. Rel enco Phono 2016 Rod. 12-C-tf C. H. MACK Successor Jo Dr. J. M. Koene, ta Whlto Comer, Salem, Oregon. Partlea desiring superior- operations at mod erate foe In any branch are In especial reqaest For Sale or Rent. Six ncrcs, 3 miles out, orchard, garden. 2 ncros of pas ture; good wntor. Sou 0. W. Poor tnlno, 2 miles north of ilty, on river road. ' 4 Otf For Sale. Ono ten-room houso; por culaln bath nnd hot nnd cold wntor. Call ot 002 Uliorty street. 4-0-tf FOR RENT. Rent Largt furnished I'nr liver troutilro and nnllpall.Hi Ttirr'n nnthlnir liellM- In rreatlnn Tliat I.lttla Uarljr IUmts. the fMinwM Utile lima Tlirj nlwajri effect a rurr atwl mt dtxlor nilia. MttU Karlr Itlaera are illiTerent frnin all other tillla. Ther itu uot wMkni I he aia- tcra. but aet aa a lotile to tli- 1I.ihi lijr aroualns; the awr et ! and ntHrinar tha iirrr in tne,iuu itrniHmnatt i y rune- nona naturally, ror ntle by n. Ml Htate street. Ilaas, Mokl tea positively Cures Sick Headache, Indigestion and Constipa tion. A delightful herb drink. Re moves all eruptions of the skin, pro ducing a perfect complexion or mopey refunded. 25c. and 60c. Write to us for free sample. W. 11. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. P. J. Fry. Druggist A BWBET IIUKATIt. Is s oeeer ratlins l-n of a eealtkr stomacb. When tba breath U bad tb stomach Is oot of order There la do reas He Likes Old People. Olympla, Wash . April 27 George F. J-lttlowood, the young fnrmor who haa attained outtsuluroblu notoriety through his marriage) of women twice his age. has been granted a decree of dlvorco by default from Mary Hllen Llttlowood, ok1 til Mrs. Llttlewood fallod to put In nn appvarnnro. Llttlewood has been conspicuous In his actions over since bis marriage to his last wlfo Decumber 16. IMS. If tt state In his complaint that he had beon drivcu from his home by his six-fool stepson, and other numerous stop-children, carrying nut dlelaU-e of their mothor. In axpelllng him from his own roof. Ut tie wood has ap peared In Olympla v.lth u badly mu tilated and pomroelod person on sev eral occasions. Whllo tolling hU trouble to a Jus tice of the peace, who was familiar with his matrimonial history, he was asked the questien: Why do you mar ry such toothless old women?" Llttlo wood mado reply that he Just eould not refuse them when ihoy asked blm to be their husband. Llttlewood is a man of but a few years over 20, and perhaps holds tho record, not only for the number of times bo has beon married, but for tho ages of his several brides, every ono of tho Are being over twice bis ago at tho time of the marriage, and the eldest 89- For Rent Large furnished room with board. Call nt 81 South Com merclnl Hlrnut. 4-26-3t Rooms 7or Rent. Upstnlrs, Co t tlt block, by dny. wenk or month. Also light housekeeping rooms. Hlectrle lights, open nil hours. Mat tie Hutchinson, prop. 4-23-lyr. For Rent. Form of Wl acres, h miles from Snlem. 4R acres good bottom land, clonr and ready for crop of liny or potatoes. Apply to John Mnlr. 207 Commercial street. 4-23-3t For Rent. Hillto of Rooms, 317 High street, wltb board. 4-20-lwk O. C, T, Co's PA88ENQER STEAMER POMONA Leaves for Portland Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 10 a.m. For Corvallla Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday at p. m. Quick Time, Cheap Rates Deck: Foot of Trade Street, M. P. BALDWIN, A at CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer Meets all mall and passenger trala Baggage to all parts of the oft Prompt atrvlce. Tolepbone No. 24L HKCKMAN & I1KDRI0K. For Rent. Seven-room houso, base mont and well water. Call on A. Srhrelbor. 424 High street 413 tf For Rent A modern 7 room houso with every convenience, good wntor pi pod Into same, with .40 aoros pas ture and garden land, plenty of fruit Chickens and Jersey cow for sale. Just tho placo for oastorn man. K. C. Rail, Turuor Ore., It. F. D. No. 3. 3 301wtf LOST AND FOUND. Lost. Cow, gray and whlto spotted wore bell, aged 8 or 9 years. Re turn or notify owner. Chas Oerbor. residence Howell Prairie. P. O. Sllvorton. It. F. I) 424-3t THE ELITE CAFfe 208 Commercial Strsat. OYSTERS Oorvod In the est of style and wlUr the most suitable accompaniments. E ECKERLEN, Proprietor Appllquo, Onion, All over Torchon, Vnli'UclunnoH and Insertions. Cuff and collar sots. Kmbroldored collars, 2G and 30c Helta and purses. The Variety Store. 94 Court St. Annora M, Welch, Prop LostA set of aecnrdlan pleating needles. Finder leavo at Salem gas work. 4-24-31 edy ta tha wtrld equal to JC&dal Ijsfp- su t-ar isr cwdi inaisesiieo, ojaprioui ana an storaato aiaoraers- sirs, wary n Crlek. of Watts natne. Kt- write I bar bMt a drspejule far sears tried all kinds of remedies, but eoollnoed ta grow worse. I)y tbe u of Kodi ! began ta Improve at oar, and after taktac a few tttilm am fnllv rMMMl In rlrht. health I and strength, afad ran eat wbatwrr I Ilk. aCodal dlru what you rat. and ntsea tea iiomacu swrex rur mh bj w j Haas. M Btate street ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS cure Dyspepsia and all disorders aris ing from Indigestion, Endorsed by physician! everywhere. Sold by all druggists. No cure, no pay. 26 cents. Trial package trtv by writing to W, II. Hooker A Co- Dufalo. N. Y. MISCELLANEOUS. Removal.- The Salem Carriage Fac tory. Werner Fonnqll proprietor, has moved from Commercial street to North IJhorty, at tho bridge. Call and see tho now place, and In spect tho work dono. Satisfaction guaranteed Werner Fonnol. tt S. C. STONE. M. D. ....PROPRIETOR OP..,. Erjg for 8ttlng. Pure bred White Plymouth Rook and Ulack Minor cas, the best layers known. T. If. Rlundetl. Mornlngslde. Telephone No. tOtC Red. 3-20 tf You will always find tbe choicest meat and groceries at the lowest prices at Edward's & Luscher's, iZt and 410 State street 'Phone orders given special attention. LODQeS. Central Lodge No. IB K. of P Caatlf Hall In Holman DIoclc, corner State and Liberty streets. Tuesday of each week ft 7.30 p. m- A, E. Btrsxi a C. R. J. Fleming K. of R. and S STONE'S DRUG STORES SALEM, OREQON, Tho stores (two 'n number) are lo cated at No, 296 and 297 Commercial street, and are well stocked with a complete lino of drugs and medicines, tollot artlclos, perfumery, brushos, etc. Has had some 26 yeari exporlonce lo the practice of medicine, and now makes no cbargoa for consultation, ex. amlnatlon or proscription. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE UlfY HALL For water service apply at one, ollls payable monthly In advance. Hake all complaints at Us once. Harper's Whiskey Is the bst Oct some Into your vsst Gus. Schrslbsr ketps It, And you know the rest FARMER'S HOME 153 State Street J. Brownstein & Son. U 6 Court street- Ms-test uih trie FORESTERS OP AM EHICA-Court I4 Or WU, Pelts. W0(l TIl8W Sherwood Forester. Ho 1. Kai"; 2!"L ,r ,a Friday night In Turner block. 8. "M ""