""' WFfJl&l'f'Vwvmi w-m THE DAILY JOURNAL, 8ALEM, -OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1803. taw, , , , g "Bested" Buttonholes aro tho bano of a bachelor's (married man's, as woll) existence, No wonder tho blankoty blanks are forthcoming. Don't worry, ? don't fumo, don't swear. Simply let us do tho laundering, and tho collar bands will remain Intact until tho end of tho chapter. We me thinking of f offering a prize for buttonholes de- spoiled hero -, SaletrjSieam Laundry. C6L0NEL.'ji0LMSTEbj!prM.- BOHUS 0. OLMSTED, Mtrr. 'WtSnatlS 230 Liberty 8t ONT SHIVER WHILE YOU ORE83 Those cold mornings. Iloncli out of s4, itrlko a rantch, turn on tho gas ia your gas utovo and noto how quickly roar room gets warm. Haren't a gaa atoveT Mean it? Lots hore so cheap yeall wondor bow you 'iavo penult t4 yoursolf to bo benumbed when so SBMch comfort could bo bad for so lit- Salem Cis-Mgllt Co., faone 563- 4 CHEMEKETA ST, A Juicy Morsel for Breakfast Or dinner yon can enjoy from one of onr sender and delicious meats, steaks, lamb or mutton chops, veal cutlets or pork, Oar meats are all cat from the fattest nd tmmeatcattla, and we can supply roar table with fresh, nntritions and bolesom mrU at bed rock prices. E. C, CROSS SALEM ORE rhon Jfll WHEN SEEKING A GOOD TADLE WINE. Book uo further than Itobora' store. Our line of clarets, eautemen, ports, ahorrloa, ltblno wines and chain pagnea, roprcsenta tho best vintage of lSuropo and California, and our prices aro as low aa can bo quoted for genu lno brands. Our whiskies, brandies, liquor and cordials maintain tho eiuno high standard wo guard so seal ously as to wines. Lt us show you our stock. J. P. ROGERS, jM- Wholssala and Retail Liquor D.il.r. . . , JMMJSjmTW.fi1, i z'jfzffifflt 1 SQ t 232 Conmerctl Street Near Bush's Bank. HARNESS, SADDLES. NETS, WHIPS. ROBES. ETC REPAIRING A SPECIALTY.? Hamcis Oils, Good Working Cloves, Axle Crease. Brushes SALE'N. OREGON SEE ANYTHINQt .. Better than our 170 whisker, XXX brandy or wlncst .No, not with a tel escope. Theso axo somo of tho finest brands on tho market Come In and try a sample theao goods please the palate, aa well as the eye, aad that Is saying a good deal. He SENATE, 160 SUtt Street. ,(! Repairing F33E--SSRJCHHbjs; A -KEW3ftW?' HfcBtSjftW3Wwiirill' Of the finest workmanship Is n branch of our buslnoss, that wo giro spcotat attontlon to. Our repairing dopnrtmont is conducted with tho ut most caro and skill, diamonds aro re set, and Jowolry ot all kinds Is re paired in tho mdBt porfect mannor, be sides optical work of all kinds. C. T. Pomeroy .... Jeweler and Optician, 'J8S Com. St. copyrTJmtI Shingles and Shakes t . I- .1.1 t..l t...t If .. .. ino root id uiiib"." v J"- lM,nsratfHl tho kind of Bhlngles and shakos we,coimi1 sell, and wo ask you to note the good! " " nc(u faP l "" wear and economy of tho roof for ng hint out of Oron which wo furnish tho shingles or ' l'tt carload whw It should be .hV Wn carry n lariro stock nf irWKlil In the tralnload nnd dis- s'hlnsle. and shakes of good quality, ! '" " "n cSlly selected to tnako a sound. 'nt "W fll-ctiuraRl nK to men in Ughidumblo roof, and wo are al- JV '- ! valuable In way. ready to Kho estimates. W - f OOODALE LUMDER CO. 8,Kh a br,ht ,,,tllro ln Q ff U w.., d p n.ont 1111 fortunes In It for those who liavo V , " ' IforeslKht to roalla. and 8ra the slt- Ph0n8 M1, uatlon." " - ' ' " " I - s ifi.Lrm Harness, Saddlery. Whips, Lap Rotes, Fly Nets, etc. Lone years of experience, sucerior skill and hlehest qualltyofstock are a guarantee that wcturnout'the test foods ever offered In Salem, SIGN OF THE WHITE HORSE. ESTABLISHED 1869 E. S. Lamport Saddlery Co. 289 Commercial Street. sal Cjis.yoS5 NEED MORE COWS Food Commissioner Baiiy Indorses Journal Ideas Makes Statement.that Herds are Getting: Smaller J W. Bailey, commissioner of the Oregon food and dairy department re cently seld: "I toll you that we must hare more dairy cattlo. I have Just been out In the country, contiguous to Salem, upon a tour of inspection of dairies a ml, I find that there Is plenty of dairies but a great scarcity of dairy stock. I teTl you that tho Willamette valley is the coming dairy district of tho Pacific coast and that more atten tion Is not paid to-fT'aa'an Industry Is tho greatest mystery to me. The tlmo Is coming, however, and not very distant, when tho people will awaken to this fart and to tho devel opment of It. "Why, In Portland today, and for tho pant six months, buttor fat has been commanding 3214 cents per pound, n thing unheard of boforo and still there is more buttor and cheese being shipped into Portland today than over before In the history of the state and the demand cannot be satis- fled. "Whatovor the fitrmors of Oregon art thinking or dreaming about to let such a groat Industry, right nt their door, go begging nod undeveloped. Is more than I rnn understand nnd as much as It has been prcachml in to them for the post few yoars. It boats mo that no more attontlon is paid to It "Thfrr Is no state or section of a statu In th Unftod States that can anywhere near compote with the Willamette vnlloy for quality or oxoel- Iimco'of dairy products and tho but tor and chvosu of Oregon 8 gaining a woildwldo reputation which cannot be approached by the product of nny bther district. Not long ago there was n fihlpment of linttor from Cali fornia to Portland, but. on account of the cntwa being several ounces short " ".". "llll'ITO .1- "in "n Ul I.. .....t..l. f .iH.lr.au.1 I. ai, l.a,.l ,m Howa This? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Ho ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh , Cure. j V. J. GI1BNBY & CO., Toldo. O. Wo, the undorsjgnedbavo known K. 'j Cheney for the last 15 years, and bellevo him perfectly honorable In all buslnesi transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations inmlo by thoir firm. West & Truax. wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. WaldlniC, Klnan & Marvin. Whole sale Druggists, 'lol do, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is takon Inter nally. acting directly upon the blood nnd mucous surface of tho system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75o per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall's Family I'M are the host. WOMANS) DUtTeS. i woman who keeps her house la or der and has the ar ot a family, hab Just as much responsibility as tho man who provides the means to carry on tho housekeeping She is deserving ot tho more credit since tho demands on her strength is greater. Tho ever lasting sameness about her duties, and tbo confinement necessary to carry .them out Is very trying to the nervous system, this produces & strain on the mind thai mak her.lrrltable, cross, and dissatisfied, which ts just as much a disease as rheumatism or ca tarrh, tf nerves can be built up and made strong by medicine ot some kind this feeling Is changed to one of cheerfulness ani. pleasuro In her du tlw Tho medicine tbat makes strong steady nerves, and prevents disease by building up the entire system, is Dr. Gunn's Blood and Nerve Tonic, a tablet ta take at meal time. Cures nervous prostration by miking rich red blood, feeding the nerves, and making solid flesh at the rate of 1 to Slbs per week. This medicine Is sold by druggists for 75c per box, or 3 box es for I2.Q0. or sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt ot price. Write us about your case. Address Dr. Doeanko Co., Phlladeph x. Pa For sale at Dr. Stone's Drug Stores. 3 GOOD r Cltll DRE.S T.V Pnt taie aad bar nice Oat Mlaute Oouih Our. sItw bauMdUte wIC In all eaaea of Causa. Croup and l-afirlpfx-. bH-aaa. it does bet pas InuaeJUtely lolu lb. steeuca. tmt takti effect rtnt at the wat of tbe ttvaWe. It draws i.ui tb la I acnuaaiioa neat ana t . i ,- . .1 .ur. I ivrmaaeQtlv by ecsLIIlur te r , . n oerBuiarQiiy or rcabiuas ' rttui pur. UfezUinc a- i-s s iiainr, tyrvo t th. Nod acd ts -ea. a iy ' u iiaas, uu biaie ti-eet WHY WE ARE AGENTS Here Are Some ot tho Convincing , Facts That Caused us to Take! the Agency for the Fulton Com pounds, the First Things Known ' that Cure Chronic Kidney DU cases. It'll, let It b distinctly understood that ' trtryoneof th.eaBM below bid tM.ndl.EDO.rd by on. or mora payalelaaa at earoat. and la- curable; scotd.Bot U. certainty of tb. re nlu aa shown by tie re-ecrery also ot tb. friend. tbey told wbo wera atnllarly aBioted wttbeaposeu..urabUkida.r disease. K. w. Saauiaia.;. pmuooi Bp.uwuj saw Co., ftaa Taaaisi, OHimnKiT " a o fatally aad told xreral otbera who rreoTered. Adoipb Wcita, capitalist. Baa Francisco, reooT.red bUuMlt and told twofrleadawBore-. COTefed. Dr. Ctrl D. Zlele, pioneer drug-gist, K3 PaclSa iIimI. .-i.n Fraaclaco, reentered hlmt.lt and f ars It to more tbaa doiea patient, wbo n- ooTerou l Cbarle. Engelke. editor of tb. 0rmn paper, I E.n Kranclico, rtcof.red blmaelf and told It to a number wuo rrcortrd, on. of tbem being C.arle. r. W.ck.r, tb. Slztb itreot mercbtat. I II. M. Wood, alitor Win. and Hptrli Ittrlew. reoortred blici.lf and told It to ..Teral wbo rroor.rod, among toem twisf an oia mqooi pbrotdaB. dward Shcrt of tb. fln Franel.eo Call re- ravrroo, aitomreooi niimmoi, ' '" Mania. Cpuin Hubbardof tb. Honolulu rout. and wiiiam Hawkins ot tb. u, s. Quarter- tnaitar'a Deportment ot San rranelico. John A PbVlp. ot tho Hotel Kepller, Ssa Francliro. and iwo of hU friend!,. ice lo Tne kldn.7 ar. tb. .ewers tbat strain tba roUoMoutof tb. )rtem. W. eaa atand tb. oarangcicent for a abort wan., but brn tb. , lat.rfer.nc. becotn. ebronl. (permanent), aa Cx.t explained by Brlcht, It la only a nUMilon of bow long before deatb will emn.. Itlstb.nl called urfgbtt Diieai. and incurable. All kidney troubles d.relop Into tbls form about the fib to luth month. Tb. abOT. ease wer. t incurable by all other known means. I'eopi. . barlnekldoeydlteaM should beptnat first i who tue onir Known inmif taai win cur. it it cs. reacbevt II.. rerlom ntjr l-"ulion's Renal Compound for HrlRhi's at d Kidney Ol.eaMS. II ; for lJlabelte, II SO. John J Fulton Co., 4C4 Wnilih.rton strret, San Francisco, sole coin pouBileta Send for pnaptjlcl, W. nto It. Ml. aKcbii Iji ltd city, J. M. HABERLY, Palace Pharmacy, 118 State St. A Market Quotations Todays X "Make Salem a Cood Home Market" X Poultry at Qtelner's Market Chickens lie. Spring chickens 13(8 15c. Kggs Per docon, ltd Hop Market. ,' Hops 222GJic Potatoes, Apples, Etc. Potatoes 25030c. Onions 05r Dried Prultt. Dried Apples KV to 6V&C Italian prunes, 40s to 60s 6c Petlto Prunes Ic Wood, Fence Poets, Etc, lllg Fir H.BO. Secohd Growth 14.00. Arh JS.OOto J3.76. Body Ouk JE.OO. 1 Pole Oak 16.00. .' Sl'- Codnr Potls 10c. . Hides, Pil'.J arid Fur. , Green Hides, No. 8c. 4 Oreen Hides, No. 2 2(tf5 Calf Siting K to 5c, r ahoi-7Ec. , if Goat Shine 25c to 1 1.00. Gray Fox 25 to 60c Coon 10 to -toe. ' Mink 25c to U.2i. ' Otter 11.00 to 5.00. M Skunk 10 to 2Cc Muskrat 1 to 5c Wildcat 10 to 25c Grain and Flour. Wheat 8S (0 73c. Oats 3032c. Uarle) Urewlng MtfWe bushel; feed $11 per ton. Flour Wholesale. J3.C5. Live Stock Market. Steer IV-e. Cows 3 to 3 He Sheep $3.50 gross f $4.00. Dressed Veal 7Sc. Hors, alive tUfcCOSlc. Hogs, drosewl 8c. Wool and Mohair. Cooro wool 14 (f 17a. Fine 15c ' Mohair 37a Hay, Feed, Etc. Baled Cheat $12 $13. Clover$il.50(fJ$12,50. Hrnn-$tS. ShorH-$. Creamery and Oalry Products. Good dairy butter 15S0c Creamery buttor, 30c. Cream, pan skimmed, at creamery ISc, nt farm 14c. Cream separator skimmed at Com. Crvamory 2oc, minus freight Portland Market Wheat Walla Walla. 70072c Wheat Valloy, 7576c Flour "Portland, best grade, $3,600 $3.70; graham, $M5GJ3.S5. Oata Cbolco White, J1.15$U0. Barley Feed, 21$22 per ton; rolled. $23. Millstuff Bran, $19. Hay Timothy. $13$13.50 per ton. Onions !060c per cental. Potatoes 10050c per cental. Butter Best dairy, 2022H: fancy creamery, 224025c; store, 16018c. Egg" Orogon ranch, 15H016Hc per dozen. Poultry Chickens, mixed, 11012c per peunds: jions, 12012Hc; turkeys, Uve, 16017c Mutton Grose, $5015.50. Hogs $7$7.5. Beef Gross. $3 55$4.00 Veal Sc r. icau. nAK A i tiiro aoi'vv pvr imuuu. i ivoot auey. isvs.PJ;o; tsastern Oregon. S14Ho; Mohair.- 35036c. Hides dry, 16 ponnds am' upwards, 15 to 15He- a . . Go to F. E. Sharer for gloves and harness oils, 232 Commercial street. 4 21tf STRAWBERRY A NEW By E. Tlie Strawberry Industry In Tne PacifJ Northwest. Full Instructions about preparation illustrated with photogrttti of soil, growing of plants, planting ; the. on wrUer.g fleI(j3 ncar W crop, cultivation, fertilization, picking "' " " - ' " by mall, or at Tho Journ.l -. I , and packing the crop, shipping and. ' "" ur "" ino J0UrnJ c&W markets treated tuny in separatoi""" " -. ue odij jj( rhantarfl cnapiera. ' 'Cash Saving Offer Two First-Class YcekW Papers for the Price of One, , I j Weekly Jrurnil and Weekly Ort- eonlan J2 00 ,"!. - ..,.! "" Weekly Journal and Orange Judc I Pirmnr II K , iS C'i t I M:eKly Journal and Trl-Weeklj M y World. 11.75. .,'". m .u , . Weekly Journal and Woodburu Inde ... ,, r Penoent, 1.00. Wouklv .Innrnnl nnH flnld Hcacb. weeKiy journal ana uoia ueaca CurrV County. Itocorder. J 1.60. " ' Weekly Journal and American Boy. I ., ,A ll.OU. Weekly Journal and Courier. Spray Oregon, $1.50 Weekly Journal and Express-Ad vance, Lebanon, $1.60. Weekly Journal and Globe, Condon ,Oro., $1.50 Weekly Journal and Oregon Mist, St Helens, $1.50. Weekly Journal and Town Talk Ashland. $2.00. I Weekly Journal and Herald, 1-ake view, $V60. Weekly Journal and Men or To Morrow, $1.50. Parties desiring can get tho Dallr Journal threo months Instead nf the Weekly ono year In the above corobl nations. HOFJSLT llROTIlJEKS Salem, Oregon. T he Wosid Ir riwWarra nrtmtni with the rnbllaert. w aro tnMvi to nil.r iMo V KS' a ltu IahmH, the vt,r,trri.i.Hrj4U j-cllli U nt. to Club wiih IM paper at aa ea etdiocly I", figure. The f)Aha li pd 1 AanaU r iiKahle (or th-ih-ty in J .tcrr-.t l it lJ. and I. undouLU tdly lit Vand w 'ry t xrnilol lis kind. Tl. rriders cf l n im4t know Its value. No xrm u, tlxrrfore, dcMts,"tw of it arc needed in this aauuuacciunU ITS FARM FEATURES, EVtfi? . imr 1ertt.v- twrt, rtuttry. tltritt OtrtUnnf aaJ oXt topics, mitten bYra.rjoJi. r, ' arnvrt, sup plemcntru with Mitra'm byaUeartuU.cmn. Mntnmilt. lttniiluxluc to tlwMe trho " farm it forallfloz." TAtUutt '. rlt nj(,wrTw ArrieltrttLn features In wlii.h the Ukamos Judd Fahkk U fcaacriled xnc rami u ccatiidco.a-a incrnniLi rcHiunuoi rjj. Lat mmi LltL. A....- ll'k "lt,A 1 1 a k FutdtCtnttits. a a.. iL.. Itap.i.. S -J mM vtnj! r1(u arul lotrrrtt m tnot 4 ihe wy Piaily Vp?rt. VSTA Sample ; Copy ?j p0a; magmxia. form, will be ruiiltd lo . u by addreuIcK theORAMna Juop FAKitaa, Marquette EullJIrn, Cbiac,m. OUR 8PECIAL OFFER Weekly Journal I year-.. (or Dally. 3 months) Orange Judd Farmer, 1 year- $2 00 15.35 Our price for both HARPER 'UIIIhTW y mfi. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT FOR THEIR r)10ST DELI CATE PATIENTS. OLD AND.pUhE. . For Sale ny H j FARh 1 tsjHffllM! A. SCHREIBER, Salem. 153 State St, FARMER'S HpME, f6MHMsMMHHIMHi aas. wHicxCSTCH'a EnauoH PENNYRgygLPILlf w ;iih;iiiv juvs iuuuut U UJi u4 UM mwiIK S.IM. U tuwvtnkte. 1-kMUiuk SUVu ljrf aHWu.ti ft4 !,!& MMif. e PrtWlr. TtlmalAU ft MRltrrrL4lAjbA S, r. MM UmUms N.w. 1 - UILUU.i ar H Of The 08 $1.00 .$100 ffnitXiiga , T VM CULTURE'! BOOK- HOFER. til ft IndUStTV """ "iuu-t ShohjtSi axdUNIOISPACIHC 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST IK'. Through Pullman, Stutaj j Tourist sleeping cars dally to Oa Chicago, Spokane; toriit itj aaiiy to Kansas tjity; thrc-j man sleeping carps (pcncui; ductod) weekly to Chlcap, iK City, St Louis nnd McmpbU; i Ine chair cars (seats free) to 61 dally. DKI'ART rou TIME SCHEDULES rrom ruruaau, tir Cbltaxo fortlaad er-cisj Ml ID VlaiiDDt- Injion "a":uUo Kxrt 1:1 d. ro. Tta Hum InKton Hi. r-VoF Pmi Hall 5 Wp. a, Tla Spotanr Rait Ukt-. D.artr, r. CUT, &l Ijoul,' taJcajoj II j B fl. . lnasBia IT..i I uu r,Pi. i Pall Uke, Dtntct M uortn ooans. xsi4s. Cltr.su Urau, t'auir UU LK. Wall U.IU li...u.r Hfwisuo allco. ful- Dian, Mliiu(ij nil ran . uuiuta.M iwi Calcao, and Kal, 70 HOURS PCHTLAKD TO CHICAGO I no cnacie or tars OCtAh AND HiVliR SCHElU'J rron rorrissi A!lta!'!t( lt'M . kji I tochatu I eilrr5i17 j Dallr exrrt TOLUWIJ'A f .r In Astoria a Wkj ii , Land, i , BilDdar . t p. ra Satttrdar C p in WILLAMETTE RIVM steamer Kuili iees r-a'eni i landandwnylanduifrsnn lufii' days anil .Saturdays, nbont ion lorvallis tiud May lAndmn.i WrdriPMlsy and Fridnri t i p. m. A. L. CBAIG. M P. HALIM Gen. Paw A-t. Aut. O. R 'J Portland, Ore felts I Corval f is Sl E N. 2 For Taqulna, Leaves Albuy 1! Leaves Co-valll. ... :!, Arrives Ya I a .. ' No. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaqul i Lcav Corvallls Arrivca Alary . No. y Tor etroit. Leayes Albany . Arrives Del riot No. 4 From Detroit Leaves Detrol . Mil ivi 1 .71 ..It' .II Arrives Albany . .. ,m tlmo to ccnncct with 'be I' bound trair, aa we 1 a- P" tare , hours In Albany dw Tralr. No. ? con' ,cs rtaP trains nt Cor.vaUls n. ' direct service to Newport " cent beaches. and other nonntaii resorti K bany at 7:00 a m., ixa' at noon, giving amole tlan' tho Pprlngs Bamo day . For further Infonnatict . ig THOS. COCKnEXL, Agent, I H TT rnONIRR Ae"t!2 -li Exclusive Safety Devil Th nuriinirton has epiWj through trains with the W nign-cpeca rm. ai,I What 18 more ii - . . .k r- that hi!" , o.fi--HATir on auj 6... --"--.:, .,- Tho new nraKo -" t 30 per cent less dis! quired with tho neit b pllance. titfl Take mo jjuib . via. Billings. uen., -"as you like If T..JII . out noK. I'- 100 TirntDjW PORTIA"-' - I iH1 a: I aslffll S