The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, April 27, 1903, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Democratic Campaign Man
agers Challenge
Want to Meet Hermann in a
Series of Meetings
Bttgene. Or.. April 47. (Special t-
Tho following "cballenfje to HloKer,
Hormann, on behalf of Ileainee. was
leaned today from the Democratic
headquarter by Chairman Sam
"Dr. T. W. Harris. Chairman Republi
can CongreMlonal Commute Hrst
Dlilrlct of Oregen:
"Dear Sir: For reason that will
bo obvious to )oh, and that will ap
peal with equal force both to Demo
crat) and Republicans, we hare the
pleasure In extending to the Hon. Din
ger Hermann, on behalf of Hon. E. A.
Rcamtm, an Invitation for a Joint de
bate, the Itinerary of which I to cor
or so much of the district as remain
Ins time will permit. Trusting that
the foregoing rear meet your approv
at. we remain."
Ike lentenee Imposed by Judaelc-
tllrtda at Astoria, on Paddy I.ydch.
who was emlcled of shanahalB a
McKlnley National Memorial.
Peetraaater Edwin HIntch ha re
ceived from the McKlnley National
Memorial Association a limited sup
ply of certificates, which hare been
prepared for distribution to contribu
tors to the moiHtnt fund, as sow
enirea tf their participation In that
(treat enUrpriee. T)ie eertlftcate Is a
( beautiful wrk of art. on which Is atv
on an oxeeitant rpro4ttctJoN of Mr.
'jteKlnloya favorite HkMwea of her
hntHMd. together with a ptclur of
the McKlnley home In CaMoa and the
White Howe. The wonilnt; Itelow
the lllustratlofis Is as follews:
Thbi rertlflas that
jji ffms " wintcf.icft MT
LtM fl au m
j ft Rootbeer fl
SL That will "ul you joieuj." JH
jfl, riTt flioaa tat St cant. JHl
H. CUritt E. Him Ca., GH
iIftwiuTra' PlvV'ffiH
Canton, Ohio, in honor of William -Me(
The workmanship and artist: ef
fect are of the rery'hlehwt order. J
the (treat notise of Tiffany &. Oo . New j
Yorn. news we oesipsers nmm bm
faaturors. The mt'foiy la the' hand of
1'oetmaster VA. Hirsca Is a portion of
the flreC edition & th Certificate,
and is seat here ta enaMe tac whe
ikavenot as jet ctntrMwtetf to do so.
Parfle who- have tlready weetinea
themeelirea with the asoremeni will
receive sourealra direct from the of J
nee of the association, or through k Careless Workmen Leave
pal roa,mUtg I Dangerous Explosives
- Shanghaied Himself. t , -J.
tSght years In the penitentiary
And of Course the Boy who
Shouldn't Found it
Chter Wlllard. the Uy ear-old son
of Mra. Joe Wlflarri met with a serf
on accident yesterday. While play-
Ins; around the rock crusher, near
man named Gaidaer. l aeemn Mke a ubeTty. he found a dynamite cap.
to think that for a few dollars this
despicable WTetoh would send some
h a-a J &4I a jbs mi n .t ik alY
JIWr .. ,. , Mm. . -. the cap wa. discharged.
wnorauitE nun irim-i ins loiuuj huh
from his business. It is. If anything.
which had been carelessly left at
tached to a piece of fuse. Ho lighted
the fuse, and before he could throw It
causing the
, loss of two Angers and the thumb of
itio rli-ltt linnrl flnit nnn flnenr nn the
too light The superintendent of the . .
penitentiary should gire him the Job '
of holy-stoning the. floor for his full
term. Lynch arrlred here this morn
ing and began serving his torm. His
dupe and man Friday, Toblason, whd
Is to servo one year, was brought 'tip
with hfm.
To Break Wood Famine.
I-ast week Salem wood dealors were
That is dyspepsia.
It makes life miserable.
unable to supply families with store imuuerenwuiiumaaujouicj
wood of any kind. The slab-wood want to but 6iraply because they
supply was exhausted, and the only must.
They complain of a bad taste in
the mouth, a tenderness at the pit
of the stomach, a fueling of puffy
fulness, headache, heartburn and
fuel for sale was a little lath trim
mings, left orer from a formor sea
son. The dealers began to draw on
graen cuttings, and sawed up some.
Today Brnest W .Arrow, of Wood
burn, came up to break the famlHe.
and offered to nlilp In big body flr at
it.ti. free on loard the cars at Wood
ritntrin. Kr. wbo wrlt- "I wn troubled
It- baa MM cord of all kinds i"11? dx,.?'f"f: "' of "!
of wood. Krebjht la about M cenU a drlifd by frlmU t trr Hood'. S.rt.p.rlll.
cord fiwm U'oodlmn to Salem. He j -hkh I did ami it put rar bowU lo perfect
K-lnch store- wood, split and.ieon,m',B'T- m trncm ana nerey ma
muo mi iei ur new pcrion.
Th lo was brought into town
and taken to tho Salem hospital
where his wounds were dressed, and
he was made as comfortable as pos
It Is almost criminal careleeenees
to leave dynamite where children can
find It. and in this case- the boy's mis
fortune is due. In part, to the care
lessness of those employed by the
eounty. Something should be done
to assist the mother, who Is little able
to bear the expense.
Supreme Court Notes.
Three opinions were handed down
by the supreme court this afternoon.
The following cases were decided:
J. W. Miller, ct ux.. respondent, vs
Mlnorva E. Hllgar. Jacob A. Hllgar.
and Amanda Dates, appellants: from
Jackson county; II. K. Hanna, Judge;
affirmed ; opinion by Chief Justice
R. Mendenhnll and K. R. Menden
hall. reftiKwdents, vs. Rush Menden
hall, appellant; appeal from Multno
mah county; motion overruled; opin
ion by Justice Wotverton.
City of Portland, munlcljml corMr
atlon. respondent, vs. The Oregon
Real ISstate Company, appellant; from
whatnot. Multnomah ceunty: lions. M. c.
Heed'. SanaparllU eur-d Je..Ph P. Lain.. 0rKe. Alfred P. Sears. Jr.. and J. B.
iiii -fcp .,. "?sni
Jin a farewell salute toHu
But it May Cost Him His
Promises to euro and keeps tho
ready to use. that be will put on the
cars at Woodburn ' for JI.75, throe
tiers to the cord. If the famine at Sa
naa contributed to the fund tor the Hem continues consumers may have promise. Hew are of substituted.
erection of the national memorial at to ship wood to burn from Woodburn. Uuy Hood's and duly Hood'a.
7 M
9 i
reversed and re-
by Justice Wolver
Cleland. Judg
mandml; opinion
This suit was Instituted to collect
the amount assessed against abutting
property of the Oregon Real Estate
Hood'S Sarsaparllla j Company by the city of Portland, for
reiwlrs made ukiii nn elevated road
We Woald Call Attention
To a Line of Cotton Rtbbed
llcdium-Wffht Underwear!
Regular 50 Cent Values
Now Reduced to 25c
I Josh Billings said that "the only thing some underwear;
"is good for is to make a fellow scratch andforgethis troubles. " i'nhers i
j Aiiib uiiacrwear is nov 01 vudi bun, out ib boil duu buuiuuig tog
5 the sic n The weight is especially suited to this between'sea'?
. on time when some are hardly read for light-weight underx;
5 wear, ?
Out Spring Lines
Of Underwear
Are now at your service. The prices
ranfje from 25c for a special value in
cotton to $t for a splendid light wool
garment. The assortment includes
colors and weights to suit all tastes.
Ever Hear of Linen
Mesh Underwear
Well, it's the most sanitary garment
made and absolutely nonshrinkable .InS
warm weather cool in cold weather
warm- Queer, isn't it? But it's so. Ask
for pamphlet explaining. The only gar$
ment for the man who wants the besti
Boys' Underwear, the best sold anywhere for the money, only 25c a garment.
I Men's Fancy Hosiery
Such beauties as we show, it's a ihame
S to wear them out of sight. Too bad men
don't wear knicker-bockers as in Colonial
days. In this as in every line, we are head'
'quarters for fashionable young men. We've
-scores of dozens of them at 25c to 50c pr.
Shaw-Knit Hosiery
Is far-famed for wearing qualities. We?
carry them--25c a pair-plain and fancy?
colors. Our Two For a Quarter Atens?
Hose sell onsight-for their excellent val-?
ues. Black and tan shades. Our Three for?
a Quarter Hose in the same colors are?
aho popular sellers. ?
Ask For Oar Boy's 25c Hose, the best we've seen for hard service
Regular President Suspenders at our Store only 35c.
- I
Instinct is-
the Teacher
There U a school of the woods.
Just as much as there Is a ohuroh of
tho woods, or a imrllnment of the
woods, or a Society of United Cliarlt
los of the Hoods; nnd no morn; thero
U nothing In tho dealings of animals
with their young that In the remotest
way rus;rU human Instruction and
discipline Tho young of all the wild
creature do InsUnctlvoly what the-lr
iMtrentK do and did. They do not have
ta Im taunht, they are taught from
1 the jump The bird slnjw at the projv
t . and Imlldfc Its ueet, and takoa
(lts apiroirlatt food, without any hint
i at all from lu iwronts. The younu
'ducks tak to the water when hatched
'by a hn. and dixe and stalk insects.
and wash themsert-es just as their
lid. Young chickens and
rkeys understand the various
calls and signal of their mother the
first time they hear or see them.
At the first alarm note they squat,
at a call to food they come on tho
first day as nn the tenth. The habits
of cleanliness of the nestlings are e
tabllshed from the first hour of their
lives When a bird comes to build It
nest and to rear Its first brood. It
knows how to proceed, as well as it
does yoars later or as Its parents did
before It The fox is afraid of a trap
before h has bad any oxperienco with
It. and the hare thumps upon the
ground at anything strange and un
usual whether lis mates be within
hearing or not. It Is true that the
crows and the jays might be called
the spies and Informers of the woods,
and other creatures seem to under
stand the moaning of their eiies, but
who shall presume to say that they
have been Instructed In this vocation?
Mr !xng would have us believe the
crows teach their young to fly. He
might as well say that the rooster
teaches its young to crow or that the
cock grouse teaches Its young to fly.
They ill Instinctively when their
wings are strong enouph. Atlantic
Broke Both Legs and Fractur
ed His Jaw
I.eo Jacks, a 13-year-old lad, tried
to escape from the state reform
school 'early Sunday morning, and In
the attempt was probably fatally. In
jured. Jacks and a companion made a
rone of their blankets and sheets,
and tying one end to the bed dropped
the other out of .a window, on the
third floor. Jacks undertook to climb
down, and when within 34 feet of the
ground the make-shift rope broke He
struck a cement sidewalk, breaking
both legs above the knee. Ills lower
Jaw was fractured, nnd he may have
sustained Internal Injuries.
He was brought to the Salm hos
pital, whore he Is receiving every at
tention. Jacks , was brought to Uie reform
school from Portland, but his parents
now reside In California. He is 'a
half brothor of Otto Sklbbe. the high
dlvor. of Astoria, who was terribly
mangled under a freight train near
Salem over a year ago. but afterwards,
Home. April 27 vi 9
rivod hnn tM. f. 4
a great rccentlrm , ,t
with beautiful wpait,., .."
ho was cordiall greeted br t?i
i :.:.: . " i"k
,ii-uicu umaiue me palare n
i tc jniuuiuu, ana !) .,
great ovation.
yThe French CoTd
Vow Vnrlr Atii .
i of the I- ranch rnmmi..i..
Louis exposIUon arrted
on the line Gacolgn gT 1
i Has Tyner's
i Pos
i Washington. April r,A
nuuu. ussiBiam a.iorneyjsQ -Vermont,
was this mornIsrtJ
assistant attorney-genera!
postofflve. vice General Trie
was summarily dlsralsiej
ground that his wife hat te
official papers from the dfjv
Ilobb's appointment It ((j,
nnd Payne announces It tig)
least 30 days before a praue j
ccssor is named. The paputtaj
over to the postofllce departs!
unlay by Tyner's attorneyitol
morning transmitted to (W ,
ment of Justice It will Mr
the attorney-general to itatm
er or not an action can bti
against Tyner or his wife i
ter, Mrs. Barrett
King Goes to Rome.
Napleo April IJ Kins: Edward
left for Home today aboard the royal
yacht All the ships in the lmy Joined
, Health and beauty u ratt
the suffering through the
skill of an Intelligent ostcopi
Shoottle, Darr & Darr. Oil
Opera House Block Salem.
First NatlonatBank Dulldlnsr. Salem. Orceon
c The first term will ocen Mav 4th and continue seven weeks Tttt
term will ocen June 22 and continue tilt the August examination. C
will be formed in all branches reauiredfor state and county caciruu
Latin. Short hand. Typewriting, tlocutlon and Drawing The toltlti
each term will be S6 with an additional fee for each of the lat flvetrtt
More than 500 teachers of Oreeon bear testimony to the socctual
school Aaaress j. j. Kraps. saiem, Oregon.
m ?35 $10 BICYCLES $45 $o0-$'J0-
Call and see our $26 wlieol with M. iV W. Tiros guaranteed iij
Our prices for repairing are the lowest iu the city. We guu
all our work. We call for and deliver your wheel free. Ka
up. I'hone, Main '2055. 147 Court st. Opp. I. O. 0. F, Temp
Salem Cyclen
There is a Keen
Sense of Comfort
In riding a wheel that you know will safely carry you j
kinds ot roads one tnat gives you no troublo whatever 1
runs so smoothly and easily you are uncouscious of the W1
you are propelling it.
THERE IS NO UUESS WORK as to what that wbee
everyone knows it'a the j
I&CttdaOK I
H i nsl' ntrvri nc IT
There will be a meeting of all these
IntereKed in baseball at Jw4i of
the Peace Human's ottc tonight at 7
o'ohx-k. Important business.
Rrnet Alexander Stauff, a photos
rapher, S7 years oW was received at
the asylum yesterday from Cooa ooan-ti-.
He haa been rather peoultar fqr
several years, but never had a decid
ed attack of insanity until within the
past two weeks.
rt'B notk'b is SRnvnn
D Mt it bfrckT trrti oa th puMie
cprilly tfcat rWlif Wltth nairf
SUJtc U fc oly mIt on the nvarkft that
M dr frost Ifc HK i&dallntMl
witcb kH rvltt' ntfh llaift Salt
Hat rami tbeaMsd at 4-ases ot pile tht
weuM trlAI to y otbwr tirataeot. and
thii frt bas Itravtht eat many wertalnu
reooltrWIt. TtMM proa wits art the
CrouUo DeWltt'g Wllch lllltt Klr an.
n.rtr rt'rrolotpl bM-OM U corrs Kor
Ml by t (j, llaaa. 94 State trt-
-w o.w.w
The Best Wheel on Earth,
For Standard Chain Models
Bicycle Repairing in all its branches.
01d wheels taken in trade. Wheels sold on installing
258 Commercial St. THE BICYCLE W
Smoothed Up Fot Stwiday
Tiy it
A. D. Pettyjohn, Prop-