THE DAILY t JOURNAL. J XIII. SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 27, 19d3. 'NO. 97. 1 "J ', -: - ?k ' i ) ;: Ik Not Forcible Hn, April 27. A Constantinople ndent of tho Tageblntt eaya oH recall or tno uusBian nmuasna- BSymnovlefr, may occur In the near jiwtrojj'diio to his lack of success in ftfe tho Ilusslan will on Turkey, to tho Balkan reform. retwfj Isl Nothing Serloue. , April 27. Windham, scc Ireland, In reported ill, but mot to do serious. iC ' Their Eyes Burned Out Lancaster, Ohio, April 27. FWe men -were frightfully scalded by an explosion of hot metal at Marietta to day. Two had their oyea burned out, and received fatal Injuries. Tho oth ers arc In a critical condition. Still Talking Veneiuela. London, April 27. In tho house of Commons today Cranborne, replying to a question, stated the claims against Venezuela would bo consid ered by a mixed tribunal at Caracas. MILES MAKES REPORT Treatment L . .,.. . uiuyuny ui ocuuis uuuiy or Inhuman Atrocities h-h 1 1 i.n n e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m i n 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 n it z.m jYou dont judge a machine by f i i 1 1 ii n p i. ;size, dux dv its capacity m woik. its don't want vou to consider us a bier store fust be cause we cover a large floor space: Judge us by the work we do and the way we do it. It lakes something more than a big stock to make a successful business, itttmest coods and honest business methods together "iih the Spot Cash plan have made ITHE NEW YORK RACKET Our "Thomson's Glove-fitting" Sum mer Corsets are here. Batiste and ventilating styles. Better get one before the warm weather comes. We're surprising everybody with our prices on DRY GOODS. Our prices on SHOES have made our shoe department the most popular In the city We have what you want for the whole family. Try one ot our suit when you need CLOTHING. You'll find the assortment large and the prices from 15 to 20 per cent fcelow recular stores. We want to keep on erowlnir and It will pay you to help us crow. More business means lower prices with us. Price Cash Store. E. T. Barnes, Prop. 1 1 it i i iiiiiiiiiiiiniinmiii r a:: "J f t what it is ,r ::je K r mm ' ' huIiIiji!' ..iiiuV rBr I .TBB i .'MM i's Cheapest One igm modorate, and all were turned Into tho Insular treasury and fullr accounted for. Citizens claimed that in ono concern tratlon camp", In ono Instance, there wcro 600 crowded Into ono biilfdlnjc. 'Tho physician ald ho was ready to testify that many died of suffocaUon. Wllofl Inspected tho bulldlntr. which lumaui ruui ana innuman.wft fM :.r. .;.t: r.! statement of the caso bo forwarded to him at Manila, but ho noTer re ceived It. Ho says that, whether In fluence was brought to bear to pro vent their formal statement, either by persuasion or coercion, ho Is not pro pared at tho present tlmo to stato. Ho says; ho found that certain, officers re garded such acts as justifiable. In that part of tho report dovotcd to tho Moro question ho says tho problem of control is not apparently difficult. Ho says tho Insurgents aro poorly armed, and havo no means of withstanding mounted nrtlllery or field mortars. Ho made a personal Inspection of tho scene of hostilities around Lao Lane, and found the forts have a vory slight resisting power. Ho advises the establishment of per manent stntlons there at strategic points, and objects to the employ ment of American soldlors In road making, without extra compensation. Summing up his observations through out tho Islands, ho comments on their unucalthful condition, asserting that few escape tho debilitating ef- Washington, April 27. A part of General Miles' special report, based on his recent Inspection of tho Philip pines, Is made public today. It hints that array vfflcors resort to cruel and Inhuman torturo of natives In tho con centration camps, and their action Is condemned. Attention Is called to tho salo of food to. natives confined there at a good profit. Some porUons ot the Islands traversed appeared to bo de vastated, and tho natives depressed. Ho heard complaints of prominent citizens ns to tho harsh treatment, and they told Miles that thoso who had been In the concentration towns suffered grvnt Indignities. They said that 1G of their people had been tortured by tho wator cure, and ono man was burned to deaUi. These atrocities. Miles was told, wore committed by n company' of under Lieutenant Honneosoy. In ordor to correct such erroneous and dnngorous impressions, and to prevent such nets In tho future ho addressed tho division commander virtually an order dated February 28th, calling attention to tho roports of atrocities, nml directing that any orders or circulars of personal In struction which would Inspire or on eourago any act of cruelty bo Immedi ately annulled. Judge Advocnte-Qon-oral Davis, In n luttor to tho secretary of war, replied to tho acts complained of In Miles' report, and says tho In cidents havo been mado tho subject of Bpcclal InvoetlgatlonH, and In soinu InMnncou by court-martlnl. whoso or ders havo already been made public. Davis refers to Mites' charge of rice sold In the concentration camps at a profit, says It whb purchased by the subsistence department, and that tho profits in the transactions wero very :t yen- scouts (fpo.ts of the climate. He compliments tho troops on their cariHtttncss and fnlthfulniws. As ro gards the discontinuance of tho liquor feature, ho thinks that the canteens nru beneficial. Ho says' thnt, while It Is pi aim od th people aro pacified, ov donees of hostility toward American sovereignty are npparent. Dally ac counts were received of depredations, hostilities and disturbances. Ho mo vurely criticises tho occupancy of churches by the troops. Ho recom mends that at least ono point In tho vicinity of Manila bo fortified beyond the possibility of rapture by a foreign licet. Much space Is devoted to tho Impoverished condition of tho natives by reason of war. pestllonco and fam lnt. This uhoutd receive Immediate and serious consideration. He roc friends tlirit transports bo utilized in carrying corn and wheat from the Pacific coast for the relief of the Filipinos. COUNTESS WANTED THE 1 ITLE Footman Was Literally Chased Down by Her He Says She Dragged Him as a Lamb to the Altar Ui Umdoii, .April 27. William Drown, tho solf-styled Frlnco Athrobold, who married tho Countess Itussell, and who was recently arrested on tho charge ot making a falsa assertion, was today remanded for hearing at tho Juno assizes. Further testimony Bhowcd that Drown Informed tho countess thnt ho wan tho son ot Uio Emperor of Austria, "n wicked old man, who Is trying to keep mo from my money," Drown says, after tho countess belloved him to bo n prince, Bho literally dragged him Into a mar rlago, and ho hnd no Idea of com mitting any offense. The Regular . Daily Wreck llurrafo.v Kan.. April 27. Hy tho wrecking of-ho nqrtlibotuul Missouri l'anlflc stock and work train last night 11 men woro killed and 2C In jured. Tho dead aro Greek and Ital ian laborers, with tho exception of tho work boss. Fry, who Is an Ameri can. Of tho Injured four will die. Mis r tunllng of tho orders caused tho work train to bo backed rapidly (nto tho stock train, which ran Into It nt n curve. Tho lint cars and cabooso are kindling wood. Tho Injured men wero removed to the hospital nt ('of-foyvlllo. CHINA REFUSES RUSSIA Evidently Feels that Other Powers will Sustain Her It is Now Up to the Czar Make Bluff Good to london, April 27. In tho Ilousn of Commons this afternoon Cranborne, replying. to an interpellation regard ing tho Balkan situation, stated that fresh and earnest reurcscntatlonB urging promised reforms lu Macedo nia had beon mado In Uio last fow dayH by both Ilusslan and Austrian Ambassadors. Tho ambassadors, sup ported by tho other powers, ho addod, had also urged tho appointment of Kuroponn officer to reorganlzo tho gendanr-orlo. Official announcement Ib mado hero this afternoon that Uio Chinese government ban refused to grant Russia's demands relatlvo to Manchuria. Too Warm for the Press I Salt Lake. April 27. Tho prollm- lnnry hearing of Arthur Drown, form er senator from Utnh, charged with adultery with Mrs. Annlo Dradley. brought by Mrs. Drown, wan oponcd this morning. Owing to tho naturo of j tho evidence, tho court ordered tho public and representatives ot Uio press to leave tho room. Vatquez In Cuba. Panama, April 27. Pnwldont Vas quo, of Han Domingo, and Ku politic nl rerugtioM woro landed nt Guantano ma, Cuba, todny from the. gunboat President, having lied from an mimic ccsHful revolution. Fresh Today Taffy and Pnotia at ZinrTs 1S4 Otsta 8t. Prions 2874 Main. Ttfctge Us By I ; Out Site "Wkkh Signifies our h Capacity For Work A locomotive with eight drive whtls is n creator force than with only four. It is a lor service to the puhlio be o its work is moro effective. is a mpro profitable invest- it to its owners, and hauls mi eater multitude of people at ; expense than tho smaller For Years We Have Been Successful In Business Never Failed find Never Expect To Always Paid a Hundred Cents on the Dollar and Trusted Our Fellow Man. SHIRT WAISTS K3 V Almost evory storo carries Wash Goods now-n I tie. JST SO WITH A IY GOODS STORE 1 store is large, its output ineive, theroforo we are ablo fJilSay direct from manufacture , botli foreign and domes- es. When Our Bayers " I HAn .TvaI hsr t w "'" tho largest concerns in the country bid for their business, because they are backed by a fcyeU-rated concern, with ready to pay for their purchases In Baying llftke advantage of every dhr t-nt, and we lay in such mtities that wo get the low- inside prices. r .Selling take advantage.of every op- rlunitv to )ERSELL id are just as anxious to give ijood bargain as you are to one r w i - vKS-r fewwr2xr K-mA'i'jl "A VV, I- Thero is no oxcuso for sewing now. Our spec ial values in Waists will convince you that homo sewing is an eztraviganco. Percale Waists all colors 25c Percale andGfng. Waists 50c Wliite Lawn Waists - 50c Beautiful Linens. Lawns. Oxfords, Madrasses and Novelties of all sort 75c, $1.00 and tip to $5.00 INFANTS DRESSES, ETC. Beautiful Slips, Skirts, Dresses, Reefer Coats, etc., just received. RUBBER SHEETS RUBBER BIBS RUBBER DIAPERS at Low Prices L- wacw nrrTQ iL)rm. "" vww-rwj Y?3E. V VW .-. 1 i'VV - . . - Vj- days. I hats the more reason why you piionld ; havo tho best. All that's new and stylish is hero. StSU , . . . . . .. h. uxioros, ntamines, Lawns, irenaaines, ' "v Opttotfs, Lantalsic, Silk Tissue, Dim- " ities, Lace Stripe Novelties, Poplinette, Lantaisie De Soie, Viole Velange, Mercerized Mommie, etc., etc. Cali coes, Muslins, Gingnams, Notions TUESDAYS SPECIAL ; j CHEAPER IN PRICE, BETTER IN VALUE THAN ELSEWHERE fAftCwpW Tuesday wo will filed Swiss cottage curtains worth $2, & $2.i a pair, special for that day $.48 Very Stylish Suits, Skirts 8ilk Coats, t'LOTU Coas, I'fcT tiooats. Ask to seo our special $10.00 Spring uits fJONDMYS lA0PWt iSlHLE- y? TO'iTII UKUSIIES extra hue uiiflioretl bristle brushes worth 5c to 36o speciul 10c each Monday. NEW WKAPl'IJHS, KI MUNAS and SAGQUKS re ceived iolHy, swell new .'KB T itylw. 'HEM. FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY Wcdnesduy wo will sell Ladies' Lace striied block and colored hose worth 50c, CLQ GOo and G5o a pair for only 37C TORCHON and VAL. LACKS Extra good values worth up to 25c a yard special to close at per yard 3c. VERY NEW IDEAS IN BOY'S APPAREL Twn Piece Suits Knee Pants Shirt waists Heavy Hosiery Caps, Hats Shirt Collars, etc , etc. Bring the boys to us, we are tticic friends. The Pioof of The Pudding is in The Tasting. You havo tasted our pudding for 23 years and found it good. Our growth has been duo to your appreciation of our busi ness methods and efforts to ploilHO. WE ARE GROWING EVERY DAY Evory day eomcthing now nr rives at our store. This wook we will add a lino of Baby Buggies, Go-Carts, Etc. Tlioy are tho (iundron, tho best in tho market and wo want you to seo them. Last Week We recoived a full stock of Croquet Sets and Cups and Saucers These aro new lines to us and they mark another stop in our steady growth, We Guarantee Our Prices and Challenge Oppostfloa to Undersell Us. Our department managers aro wide wake, each one knows his part of tho businoaa and knows it well. With a storo full of experienced and srogrBiivo clerks to assist us in our elfqrtj, how can we helpbut prober. ' 1 v! l