The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, April 25, 1903, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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1 t f
Iio Kind You Havo Always Bought, nnd wlilcli lias licca
'In uso for over SO yearn, 1ms lionio tho sljjnutnro of
nnd lias been mndo under Ids pcr
452 sonal Hiipcrvialon slnco Its tiifhncy.
, ccccU6 Allow no ono to dccolvo you In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd" Just-ns-good " nro hut:
Experiments that trillo with and cmlntiRor tho health ef:
flii&iuts and Children Exncrlcnco against Experiment.
iCastorla is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnrcotlo
'ubstance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys WornM
find allays Fevcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething' Troubles, cures Constipation
bad Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
fefomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
ITho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Soars tho Signaturo of
(x&X teucMM
(The KM You Haye Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
TW"T4'T0TXtT0TVT'fr t l0tW?Wf itTTTttt("
(Union Label)
Makers of PARADISE SODA CRACKERS and all kinds of fancy
Up-to-date Confectioners. Nuts and confectionery
Wholesale Fruits and Produce.
Phone No 2231.
llllhee Block.
Land Plaster at Cut Prices
iMtDur special prices on land plaster defy competition.
OREGON SEED CORN. The finest seed corn
Jmever raised in the valley-
Eastern Seed Corn. The bdst for ensilage and green
fodder. Sweet corn in any quantity.
Feedmen and Seedmen,
IMPhone 1781
91 Court Street. SALEM. OREGON.
iii niiiniimmm
::::::::A GENCY O F::::::::
Seed Wheat For Sale.
HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur.
f. G. Graham, Agent, 207 Commercial St., Saltm, Ore.
Stipct-Hcated Air for Disease.
.The latest and greatest'eure for Chronic Diseases.
Somkthino New In Modern Sciknck op Hkaliku
ave just put in a fjomolete system of Super-IIenled Air Sye
fin for curinc chronic diseases of all kinds, such as rheutna- 3
timi, catarrh, kidney and Hver trouble, stiiTjoints, etc., with-
out medicinetor torture of any kind. Call and investigate. j
r w n Trrraniic! " 2
Oa'Court Street Just North of the Opera House. Z
hifiitiif if iiii uu if iii tuuim
Misses' and Child en's Hats I
We have just opened a large assortment Also
Ladles' Dress Hats-Call and see t&em
X Great Variety of Flowers and Foliage X X
GreenbaunTs, 302 Com., Street.
Flrat Door South of the PoatofBce.
! IIHWHI llfltffl(ii4f IBsBHMBIBt'
Real Estate Prices are Firm
and Tending Higher
Will Aggregate for the Year
More Than $2,000,000
Tho transfers of real estate for the
past week havo aggregated about
$25,000. Property continues to move
lively, and the value of land that
changes hands In this county each
week has aggregated $40,000. Among
the deeds filed with Countyltecordor
Siegmund during tho past week arc
tho follewing:
Lewis W. James, ct ux., to M. A.
Sbaw,40 acres of tho Henry Smith d
1 c, sees 24 and 25, t 8 8, r 2 w, subject
to mortgage, flGOO.
Irving U Lindsay and Sarah K.
Lindsay to W. A. Vcrgon and T. II.
Yorgen, 213 acres, t 4 s. r 2 w, $1100.
John W. Thomas to Ida M. Dennett,
lots 7. and 8. block 2, Holllstcr's ad
dition to Stayton, $400.
Honrlotta M. O'Hnrc and Patrick
O'Haro. hor husband, to Theodora
Ilopp. 2 ncros In t 8 s, r 1 w, $400.
Kvor Ilnnson, ot ux., to O. H. Sand,
6 acres t G s. r 1 o. $514.
0. O. Ilrndloy, et ux.. to Kmmn J.
Urnnlngor. 2 acres. $000.
W .M. Ila'xter and Han. T. Uaxtor to
Orphln It. IIaxtr. pt of block 73
North Salem. $137.R0. . f
W. II. Odell, et ux.. to Mary A. His
enhnrt pt block 10. loU 8. 3. 4. E. 0. 7
and f motion lota 1 and 8. University
add to Salem. $IK0.
Jnniea Whitney, et wx., to John
Voh. lots 0 nnd 7. block 3. Settlo-
mlor's mVl to Wtiodhtirn, $"'O0.
Fred Ixxwe to 8. M. Sneel. lot 0,
block fi. Krlckoy's ndd to Salem. $1000.
T. J. Daum to William Fnher and
Kola Nels. lot 8. block 37. Oorvnls,
IS. 8. Allon and C. 8. Allon to K. A.
Klamie. land In t 7 s. r 3 w. $3000.
John O. Wilson, ot ux.. to Martha J.
Hraiinnii lot 311. south half of lot 36.
In 8unuysldo Fruit Farm No. 5, $085.
M. IS. llcQulre. el Ux to (leorgo
Seward, ot ux., IVi acres. $2!fi.
, Oeorgo Fobhr, ot ux to James
Stownnl. 21.82 aoroe. I I , r 2 w.
Petor C. lletzler, (it ux.. to Ixittle A
Weet. 0 ncroH. t 7 s, r 3 w, $4000.
T. II. Illblinrd. single, to Jacob SCur
chor. wet half of lot 3, sec 17, r 1 w.
Cloo. W. Watt, et Ux.. to Joseph 11
Albert, east lot 8, Sunnyaldn Fruit
Farms No. 5. $B00.
OhrlHtlnn Krlokoy. At ux., to ltd-
ward T. Mnlvln and Martha C. Mai
vln. lot S. In blook 8, Frlokoy'n rail
mnd add to Salem, $100.
William F. Dugan and J. J. Piinan
to Anna Wlnt and William II. Wlnt.
north half of lot 7. blook 1. Salem.
O. O. ami O. U McOlloray to A I
and C J. McAlllstor. lots 3, 4. 0. 7.
ft nnd 28 font off wost half of lot 2. II
No 1 village of 8haw. $1000.
Andv C Iforo. et ux., to Jam-
Hooper. 40 acrim In il 1 p of Jorwnlah
Jack, ft ux.. $1300.
A F. MrClnlne. exenitor of wstate
of F McHtalno. to William P,rowr.
land In town of Bllvtrton. $10410.
A F McClalno ot ux.. to Wilson
IlrowKor land In Sllverton. $10(0
11 VLW Jim. becomes; nwlnly't
question of nutrition. If the 'stotiisclf
nd other organs of digestion and nutri
tion are kept in n healthful ,ftidltiou
there will be a well-nourished boily, and
litjlc liability to disorders of the liver,
bowels or such other disorders as may
resuu mini m
nutrition and
lack of exer
cise. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Med
ical Discovery
cures diseases
of the stomach
nud other or
gans of diges
tion and nutri
tion, and also
diseases of oth
erorgnnswbich ore caud by
the diseased
condition of the
stomach. Uy
enabling the
perfect nutri
tion of the
body it increases the vital power aud
promotes a vigorous old sge.
"If.iifl'trft ftom chronic dUrthe for Are
frr." writes Mrs Mnry A Asron, or KolU,
'helm Co, Mo. "I tiled illtrertnt rtmeftle,
wliKli woulit sire me rrllff for short time
My trouble outl return as bsd sttTer.
1 cortMtllett vru In lutv. laoo. snd bv vour sdrlc
i-ommrnrrj uilns Ii IMervt't rrmeiUen. 1 took
In-oUotiles .of the l.olikn Mrdlcnl DlicoTtry.'
three the rcllets,1 suit some of the
lUtrsct or ftmari-Vt'cetl.' you sdvlteti. t
have not had any return of lily trouble (ice
using nur Medicine Am now crenty-;tie
yenri old and 1 wcr had anything tn rtlvvc
mesoiiulck I tttltik lr llerre's medicines the
fiMlc.t on earth. Hhould I ever have any rt
um of my (rouble shall u,e yoor medldtu.
My thanlis tn yon k r iair advice ami thank
to Almighty nod for rotoriug me lo health
through )tmr hand, "
Accept no substitute for "Golden Med
ical Discovery. " There is nothing "just
as good" for di i us -mi of the stomach,
blood and lungs.
Dr. Pierce's Plenwtnl Pcljcts, the lwst
laxative for old tieoplc. They cure ecu
ttlrntlou and billousncks.
A lot of foshlonnbli young Indies of
Snn Jos nro going to jlng for "chari
ty." They will furnish the Hinging
and the niiillonce will supply tho
charity, nt Uont that la tho way thnso
combinations gemunlly work, and It
takes Kimuino charity to stay to tho
end, too.
If you desire a nood complexion use
Mokl Tea, a pure horb drink. It ants
on tho liver and makes tho skin
smooth nnd clear. Cures sick head
aches. 25 cents nnd CO cents. Monoy
refunded It It does not satisfy you,
Wrlto to W. H. Hooker & Co., Iluffalo,
N. Y., for free sample. D. J. Fry,
PrlnrosH Cznykowsky In a prisoner
In Constantinople. t The nunln should
never be allowed to nnln Its freedom.
Of Insanity Despite
Doctor's Cre.
We sell tho greatest of blood purl
fiers. Acker's Dlood Elixir, under a pos
itive guarantee. It will cure an chron
ic and othor blood poisons. If you
havo eruptions or sores on your body,
or aro palo, weak, run down, it Is Just
what you nood. Wo refund monoy If
you aro not satisfied. SO cents and
$1.00. D. J. Fry, druggist
II -Wt. I ... !
Bsari a j I1' KW Yw Hiti Alwrt B!i
BIpstar. ST , f, ,,
.f utf-Z &4tUM
W I I f. I II I
Need Help In a Hurry?
Tho quickest way to tlnil holp of
all kinds Is to ptnre a want ad In Thu
Journal, A few hours lator your ad
Is answered and fllld. Put It In Tho
Journal today.
Why Not.
do wharo you nan get the bust?
Tho Whlto House ItOMtauront la the
most pony's.'" rostaurant In (ho city.
Opon day and night.
Just Received.
Tho first now Tillamook cheeso.
Ouarantoed to he superior to any
Kaatern or California brands. Olvo us
your order while we havo a full stock.
Nervous Cramps In
Hands and 'Beet.
Dr. Miles' Nervine Was
My Salvation.
Detectives at St. Louis,
8t Iuils, April 21. Detectives aro
bolng brought to fit. I .on In from many
of the principal cities of the United
States. This Is bwaii.te of thu d indi
cation of tho World's Fair and tho
presence of President Koosovelt noxt
week, which will attract tens of,
thousands of visitors Irom tho rural
districts of tho different statos tho
very kind tho crooks and the pick
poo k el a of the large cities follow. It
la well known that some of the most
dangerous confidence men of the
country will bo attracted tn fit.
SIVunHilntiui iminrem and a I MMlls. TIlO detective from III Cltll'S
disease. Jut as soon a the nerves become cnQW thea orooka on tight, so sever
dtracred the patient suffers from sleeplos- ,' ... , . ... . ,
nets. Deprived ol their natursl rest tse wn ue urouBi" imm uiucbbm iu
look out for Chl-ano crook. Ulucln
natl detectives to kwp an eye on the
Advertisements, five lists or lets, ta'tttta eotgmn
iosened three tines for 2Sc40ea Week St.SQ
a month. All over five liars at the sam rats.
Wo Want a Representative In ovory
city and town In this etato to pre
sent our business. Our proposition
Is an oxcoptlonai one, and oltora to
a good, rollabte, honest party, with
references, not less than $100 por
month. No canvassing or appoint
ing of agents a bona fldq, legltt
mato business. Address, with
stamp, C. G. Puts'lfcr & Co., I.umbor
Exchango, Seattle. 4-lC-lm.
Wanted. Sovoral persona Of good
character to manago district offlco
In each atato for housa of long
standing, Salary $ZD woekly In
caah each Thursday, direct, from
main orflco, with all expenses. Co
lonial Co., Chicago. s-22-lw
For Sale. l.lttlo pigs. Inquire of W.
F. Kapllngor, 1 miles acst of tho
asylum. s-34-3t
For Sale. tiucond hand buggy, In
good condition. Call at onco at
room S, McComack building, 4-23-
For Sale. Eight room houso aud 10
lots. Prlco $800. Address "L. O.,"
caro Journal. -23-lwk
For 8ale or Trade. 'for Surburuan
resldcnco ' proporty near car lino,
flvo acres ono mllo oast ot asylum
n small houso, good well, and or
chard of mixed fruits ovor 170
trees In full bearing. Call soon,
muBt bo dlsposod of. K. A. Iowl,
Ut C City. 4-23-lw
For Sale. Good second-hand squnro
plnnot Iiuiulro at Journal offlco.
For Sale. Whlto iraiifishaug rggs for
setting, Sellwood strain. Inquire at
Sum I ,u til 'h blacksmith shop, corner
Front nnd Contor streets. s-lS-lm
For 8alo or Rent. Six ncros, 3 mlloa
out orchnrd, gardon. 2 acres of pas
ture; good wntor. Sou O. W. Pear
m I no, 2 miles north of city, on rlvor
road. 4-Dtf
For Sale. Ono teivruum huuso; pop
colnln bath nnd hot and cold wator.
Call at r.02 Liberty street. 40-tf
Rooms for Rent. Upstairs, Cottlo
block, by day. wiwk or month.
Also light lunlHukeopliig rooms.
Hltt-trli- lights, opon nil hours. Mot
tle Hutchinson, prop. 4-2.1-tyr.
For Rent. Farm of W ncros. 8 mlU-e
from Salem. 4S ncroa good bottom
land, clear nnd ready for crop of
hay or polatoos. Apply to John
Molr. 207 Com in ore I nl street.
For Rent. Hullo of Itooms, 347 High
street, with board. 4-20-lwk
For Rent. Huveii-nMini house, bamv
in mi t and woll wator. Call on A
Schrelbur. 424 H(gh stroot. 4-13-tf
For Rent A modorii 7
room houso
with every convenience, good wator
plpod Into same, with 40 ncroa pas
ture and gardon land, plenty of
fruit Chlokcna and Jorsoy cow
for salo. Just tho placo for custom
man. K. C. Hall, Turner Ore. II.
F. D. No. 3. 3-30-lwlf
Lost, Cow. gray and whlto spottod
wore boll, aged 8 or 9 years. Re
turn or notify owner. Chas Oerbor,
resldencH Howell Prairie. P. O.
Sllverton. It. F. 1). 4-24-3t
tost. A aet of ucenrdiau pleating
needles. Finder leave at Salem gas
works. 4-24-31
nerves soon lose all force and vitsluy sod
while sletpleisoeis is a symptom in itKb
esses it frequently becomes chronic and
remains the ctuii ctfect of disordered nerves.
Dr. Miles' Nervine quiets the nerves and
streoftliens them; soothes tbe tired bum
sad permits siespt restates lost energ-f and
vitality and bnnfi sleep, hesltl) andstrenftb,
"Prevtous to our cotulnf V tbt territory
three yews ago, w Uved tn Virginia, and it
was taert tha I got acquainted with Ue
wonderful powers of Dr. Miles' Hcrrin. I
Kid been under tka doctor's cars and laklsf
bis nudieine for over two years, bat ti nerv
ocs trosbU that was gnawing my lii awsy
pew steadily worst. I bad, nervous crsropi
ta my hands and let, whkli wacld draw op
sad pain rae so Uat I e14 not sleep at
nigst. unem t never cjosoa pr eyes ior
dsrssjsdnichtstofcfher. The doctor fiisllr
told me he could do nothlny more for me ana
thai 1 was en the verts of Insanity. II told
vers-o ot insanity.
me I mlrhi trr root Nervine as a last resort.
asd it proved to be my salvation. When I
hid used foat bottles of the remedy togetbet
wuh the Nerve aid Ltvcr Fills I had re-
famed my former Eood heaHh." Mat.
IaitiU J. Siurrsa, Onw, OkUhoma.
All drureists sell and narantec first bot
tle Dr Miles' Remedies, txod far free book
ou Nervous sod Heart Diseases. Address
Vr. Mdes Medical Co, Elkhart, I nd.
bad men from that city, and no on.
Thero are to b mere than 100 of
these sleuths. Whan a profeaalonal
crook la recognized be will bo arrest,
ed. lie will bo put In Jail at onco and
kept there until the featlritloa aro
over. It will not be ncaessary for
him to commit a crime before he
finds himself behind tho bars. If
there aro any old ehargea on which
these professionals, many of them ex
convicts, can be held thoy wilt be
punished to the full extent Special
precautions likewise will be taken
for the safety of the president during
hla slay In Si. lul. lies Ides tho
secret service men who aro now ac
'nmpanylng him. a special detail has
been ordered from Washington and
will be here by the tlmo the presiden
tial party reachea the city
Lost. Ten dollars In currency. Flud
er will be rewarded by leaving samo
at Journal oflleo. 4-23-31
Removal, Tbe Salem Carrlago Fac
lory, Werner Fcnnell proprietor,
has moved from Commercial street
to North Liberty, at thu bridge
Call and see the now placo, and In
spect tho work done. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Werner Fennel.
der United Workmen, meets Tern
Saturday evening in the Holsaaa
Hall, .corner ot 'State and Liberty
streets. - Vising brethren welceaa.
J. O. Qrahan, M.'WJ.-A. Soil wee.
Eqqs for Setting. Puro bred White
Plymouth Hock and Hlack Minor
cas, tho beat layers known. T. H.
Illundel), Mornlngslde. Telephone
No. 20CC Hod. 3-20-tf
You will always find the choicest
raeata and groceriea at the Inwaal
prlcea at Edward's tc Luscber'a, 40$
and 410 State street 'Phone order
given special attention.
Ladlea. Uso our harmless remedy
for dolaycd or, suppressed menstru
ation; It cannot fall. Trial' Ire.
Parts Chemical Co., Milwaukee.
Dra. M. T. Schoettle, Frank J. Barr
and1 Anna M. 0 a rr. Graduate
Amoricun school of Osteopathy,
Klrksvlllo, Mo., succossora to Dr.
Graco Albright OfQco hours 9 to
13 and 1:30 to 4i30 o'clock. Odd
Follows' Tomplo. Phono Main 2711;
roatdonco phpjte SC03 Jlod.
Dr. H. H. acevajj.-iJMiajiiatlva Thara
poutlca "flpyl a Norro,
functional jm&ttjiHktoa, aav
ralgla, hbaayckea, 'aerrpSS. proatra
tlon, dyqrVala, conatlfitlon, dlar
rhoea, rhVumatliwi, mui, etc,
D'Aroy block, aHate atreet Phoaa
Main 2856.
Ryan's Shavlns Farlera. Savea Int
fclaaa barbers encagea, Flnaat h4si
rooms la elty. Jt use aaU4i
steriliser. J. Ryaa, Pro.
Evans' Uarber Shop Only flrat-otaee'
shop on State street atrary tMasf
new and up-to-date. Blaeat sreesate
baths. Shave, lEo; hair-cat, M
baths, SSo. Two flrst-claa k4a
blacks. O. W. Evana, proprlater.
Dr. E. E. Jackson, Veterinary Burgeoa
and Dontlst Offlco, Red Front
I.lvory- Phono Mala 851. Ret
euro Phono 2015 Rod. 12-6-U
Buccossor to Dr. J. M. Keens, la
White Corner Halem, Oregon. Parties
desiring auporlor operations at ne
orate fee tn any branch are In eaaselaJ
I O. C T, Cofs
Laavea for Portland Monday,
ednesday and Friday, 10 a.m.
For Corvallla Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday at (s, m,
Quick Time, Cheap Rates
Doek: Foot of Trade Straat
Express and Transfer
Meeta all malt and paaaenger train.
Baggago to all parts of tho ettjr.
Prompt service. Telephone No. J4L
203 Commercial Strait
Herved In the est of atyle and wit
tho most aultable accompaniments.
E ECKERLBN. Proprietor
Applliuo, Oalon, All over Torchon,
Valenclunnoti and Insertions, Cuff
and collar sols. Hmbroldered collars,
2C und 30c. Hulls and purses.
The Variety Store.
94 Court St- Annora M. Yftl(,U, Prop
S. C. STONE, M. 0.
Tho stores (two 'n number) aro lo
cated at No. 2A5 and 207 Commercial
street, and aro well stocked with a
complete lluo of .drugs and medicines,
toilet articles, porfutnory, brushes,
Has bad somo 26 yeara experience In
the practice of medlolne, and now
makes no charges for consultation, ex
amination or proscription.
Central Lodge No, 18 K. of P. Castlt
Hall In Holman Block, corner 8tat
and Liberty streets. Tueaday ot acb
week rt 7:30 p. m.. A. K. Strang
a a. It. J. Fleming K. of It. and fl
Btierwood Foresters No' 19. Meets
Friday night In Turner block. 8
W Mlnturn. C R . A. U Urown. 8c.
rlca Or
Modern Woodmen or Amarica Ore
gon Cedar Camp No. 624. Meets
every Thursday evonlnx 8 o'clock.
Holraan Hall, Frank A. Turner, V
C; A. L. Drown. Clerk.
ITor water aervtca apply at oalea.
ollla payable monthly In adraoea.
Make all complaints at the oKee.
Harper's Whiskey s lbs bit
Get some Into your vstL
Ous. Schralbar ketpa It,
And you know the rest
153 State Street
Prelsfi LSfi Wo. a, Aaeleavt Of
J. Browhsteis & Son.
136 Court street. HlgHttcukftiu
wMferHIs, PH. Www!, Tftttftw
Mfr: staaffSMfavt wtr M
tri Rbklraiii Ktl.