-VJV - ! "W? y DMiif- J O cJRJSl AJb;: ... : -- -' ""-'.' '-ll-l -L1. "."-' . " . .": ',., ";" " ' ' ' ' ' ','',..,'" IT XIII. v 8ALEM, OREGON, 3ATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1803. .NO. . --" ac: s. Burdick Gets the Coin lo, April 26. Mrs. Edwin Bur.- HI get a good snare or the KD,- her oy Arthur I'cnncii. it is that alter a consultation do- Itho attorneys the matter was ilsed, and Mrs. uurdlck was liberal settlement. f Returned to Asylum. Jennie Van der Uaon, aged G7 was sent todny to the state Is for treatment, after having charged from that Institution nj years. Two Millions 1 For Islands Philadelphia, April 2G. An express train, carrying 260, kegs, each contain ing $10,000 In stiver coin, and guard ed by a squad of regulars, Boon leaves this city for Now York. The coin was stamped by the Philadelphia mint for circulation In the Philippines. .- . Colorado Launched. Philadelphia. April 25. The or mored cruiser Colorado was launched at Cramp's shipyard today. Cora May Peabody, daughter of tho governor of Colorado, christened her. lllltlHIIIIIIIIIIHIItlllllllllllllllllllltl You dont judge a machine by its size, but by its capacity for work. don't want you to consider us a bijr store just le- Cse we cover a lanre floor space: Judjre us by the k we do and the way we do it. It lakes something e than a bifj slock to mike a 5uccestul business, lest conds and honesL business methods together h the Spot Cash plan have made THE NEW YORK RACKET ut it is IS OUT OF THE PARK & ftrns'rt MX jai'fp" W Our "Thomson's Glove-fitting" Sum mer Corsets are here. Batiste and ventilating styles. Better get one before the warm weather comes. We're surprlslnc everybody with our prices on DRY GOODS Our prices on SHOES have made ourshoe department the most popular In the city We have what you want for the whole family. Try one ol our suit when you need CLOTHING. You'll find the assortment large and the prices from 15 o 20 per cent below regular stores. We want to keep on crowlnc and It' will pay you to help us crow- More- business means lower prices with us. i's Cheapest One Price Cash Store. E. T. Barnes, Prop. n n 1 1 u ii ii h ii1 m tit i m mntfHfiinH'f President Again Resumes his Trip to St. Louis Laid the Corner Stone and Spoke Glowingly of Trip . Gardiner, Mont., April 25. Presi dent Itoosovelt Uils afternoon re sumed his tour of tho West, Ilcforo going, however, ho participated In tho laying of the corner stono of the now goto at the northern cntranco to Yel lowstone park. Tho ceremonies Vqra" performed according to tho Masonic ritual, and was In chargo of the grand oUlcura of tho Stato of Montana. Spe cial trains brought hundreds of peo ple here. Including a large body ,of Masons, and, as the weather was per fect, tho scene was very pretty. Tho President rodo down from tho post, accompanied by .Major Pitcher, and was escorted to a gaily decorated stand, whoro ho delivered au address. Troops IJ and C of tho Third cavalry, from Fort Yellowstone, woro drawn up In front of 'tho stnnd as a guard of honor. Frank li Smith, grand mas tor, conducted tho services. Tho I'roflldont, on behalf of tho Masons or tho state, mob presonted with a Ma sonic charm mounted on a nugget of Muntana gold. Thero were placed In the stono a picture of President Roosevelt, a number of coins, coplus of newspapers and Masonic umblams. The President began his address by thauklug the pooplo and tho soldJurs for his vujayublo two weeks holiday, and then spoko of tho natural won ders of tho park. Yellowstone Park Unique. "Thi Yellowstono Park," he said, "Ih something absolutely tinlquo In this world, as far as I know. Nowhere else In any civilized country Is thero to bo found suoh n tract or vurltablo wonderland, mado accessible to all visitors, where at tho same tlmo not only tho scenery of Uie wilderness, but the wild creatures of tho park aro scrupulously preserved as thoy wero. Uie only change being that theso wild creatures have been so carefully pro tected as to show literally astounding lameness. Tho croaUon and preser vation of such a natural playground In tho midst of our people ns n whole Is a credit to Uie Nation, and. above all. a credit to Montana, Wyoming and (Continued on olgth page.) JAPAN ENGLAND AMERICA All win Protest Against Russia's Movements Situation Is Apparently Very Delicate London, April 25. Up to a lato hour this afternoon tho foreign of fice had refused further Information concerning tho Eastern crisis. Its unusual reUccnco hf construed as showing tho cxtremo de)lracy of tho situation. Definite tho refusal of tho foreign office to give out Information, It Is rumored that plans for a Joint protest by Great Britain, Japan and I tho United States aro being forma-, lated with tho greatest rapidity, and! mm somo action will bo tnken within tho next 48 hours. Thfro Is a strong bollef In govern ment circles that llusslo. In her de mands on China, relailvo to Manchur ia, Is trying to perpetrate a bluff to seo How strong the- Anglo-Japanese al liance Is. It Is believed Itussla will mako a display of forco In her en deavor to cause Knglnnd to break from her new alliance. Hut If tho nlll onto resists with a counter demon stration It Is believed sho will back, down. I Meanuhlle Hay has sent ltoosovelt' a complete statement of the case and ' Its bearings upon American Interests. No reply has yet boon received, and It Is apparent the matter Is looked up-. on hero as ono which Is so Important ! and fraught with possible dangers that It should bo given tho moBt care- j fill consideration. Tho stories that n Joint protest will bo made by Japan, Ungland and Ih'o United States are unworthy of consideration, ns the1 United States will play a tone hand. Hay has received n note from the Russian nmtmstador, reiterating Hits-1 sin's previous declarations of good will toward tho United Stntes. and nv asserting her iHilley In Asia Is one far from calculated to work harm to this country. Its tenor, like that or all forerunning Russian notes on Man-' churia. Is so oxtromely ueneral ns to ' throw no light upon Russia's lntutw tlons. ""-These MfyVJed. 7.trtfnBOH to Marry woro today Is sued to Chester A. Mee and Miss Car rie U Woly and to Walter Vinton and Mts Cora MoullH MULLAH BADLY BEATEN Defeated by British Forces and Loses 2000 Men Col Cobbe and His Forces Successfully Relieved Obblo, 8oma)lland April 25. Gen. Manning, commanding- tho British forces In Somallland, while on tho way to rellovo Col. Cobbe, who Is sur rounded by forces of tho Mad Mullah, met tho latter, and defeated him. Tho Mullah lost 2000 killed, tho Drltlsh loss Is not reported. Cobb was successful' ly relieved. Tho forco "defeated by Manning Is tho same that surrounded and anni hilated Plunkett's forco last weok. It Is composed of 12,000 men, 2000 being mounted. Tons of Slate -Tumble Down Central City, N. IX. April 25. Just after tho day shift had left tho Do Smot open cut of tho Homostako mine last night hundreds of thousands of pounds or slato fell 300 feet to tho bottom, and continued to fall all night. Had the fall began half au hour earlier hundreds of men might hnvo been killed. Robbed the Post Office 8L loula, April 20. Three men robbed tho postolflco at PergUHon this morning, and blew tho safe. Tho ox plosion wrecked tho building, and uroused (ho citizens. Tho robbers wero heavily nrmed. and several hundred shots wero exchanged with tho posse, which pursued them to within a mile, of this city. Tho rob bers secured several hundred dollars. j To. Cure Typhoid. Paris, April 25. Dr. Chanlumousso. Inventor of nnti-typhuld serum, nil uuuncea li has perfected his Inven tlon so as to reduce the mortality from typhoid to Hi per cent SLIGHTED BY THE SPANIARDS Cuban and American Medicoes Feet Sore Evfdently Nothing to Eat In the Dining Room Mldrld. April 25. King Alfonso and tho Queen Mother received last night tho delegates of tho' International Medical Congress, which Is In session here, Tho members wero placed In various rooms, Tho ' Cubans ami Americana woro placed In tho dining room, and thoy consider this an In tentional slight. Thoy wero preparing to leave, whon tho American. minister arrived, and porsuaded them ito re main. Tho Incident Is widely dis cussed today, and tho general opinion Is. tho slight was Intentional. Turks are Plundering Uerlin. April 25. A Vienna dis patch rajs thu Turkish troops have plundered many Macedonian Villages. killing a number of Christians. Ghoills Sentenced. Indianapolis. April 25. Unfits Can trull and membors of his gang of ghouls wero sentenced to tho pcnlton- Mary this morning for from threo to tntt years. Tim cases against tho phy sicians mulcted with tho convicted men will bo dismissed, tho ghouls re fusing to testify against thorn. u Thorn will bo no celebration of Ihor anniversary by the Oddi Fellows tonight. Fresh Today Taffy and Rnotia at Zinn's 154 Stats St. Phone 2874 Malm iliii!.rf IJ58 jiqffraqrerairMMigHMa5TEngHI2E e us oy Oat Site Which Signifies oar '$' Capacity For Work 'A'lecoinotivo with eieht drive rwhe4B is a greater forco that) ritli ouly lour. It is a jrservico lo tho public be lts work is moro elfectivo. !is a moro prohtablo in vest- it to its owners, and hauls eater multitudo of peoploat expense than tho smaller inc. 1ST SO WITH A LY GOODS STORE fstore is large, its output lsive, therefore we aro ablo y direct from roanufuctur- both foreign and domes te-i. fhenOur Bayers Jo To Market largest concerns in tho intry bid for their business, UtMMtso thoy aro backed by a U-rated concern, with ready to pay for their purchases In Baying lake advantage of everj dis- jt, and we lay in sucn MiHties that wo get the low- fcinside prices. feefling : take advantage f every op- rtunitv to JDERSELL Id are just as anxious to give good bargain as you are to one. For fears We Have Been Successful In Business Neyer Failed find Never Expect To Always Paid a Hundred Cents on the Dollar and Trusted Our Fellow Man. SHIRT WAISTS Thero is no excuse for sewing now Our spec ial vnlues in Waists will convince you that home sowing is an oxtravigance. Petcale Waists all colors 25c Percale andGing. Waists 50c White Lawn Waists - 50c Beautiful Linens. Lawns. Oxfords, Madrasses and Novelties of all sorts 75c, $1.00 and up to $5.00 INFANTS DRESSES, ETC. Beautiful Slips, Skirls, Dresses, Reefer Coats, etc., just received. iW(CTr a 6HCT (r lvvs' RUBBER SHEETS RUBBER BIBS RUBBER DIAPERS at Low Prices B WASH GOODS Almost every storo carries Wash Goods now-a days. That's tho more reason why you should have the best. All that's new and stylish is hero. Oxfords, Etamines, Lawns, Grenadines, Optimus, Lantaisle, Silk Tissue, Dim ities, Lace Stripe Novelties, Poplinette, Lantaisie De Soie, Viole Velange, Mercerised Mommie, etc., etc. Cali coes, Muslins, Ginghams, Notions JSWaKBBWvtf TUESDAYS (fjm &triZKjlJM- QtAue n'tT'i pBjuBf f Tuesday we will sell rallied Swiss cottage, cur tai ne worth $2,4 $2,25 a pair, special for that day $J.4S Vkbv Styush Suits, Skirts. Silk Coats, Cloth Coats, Pet TiroATS. Ask to see our special $(0.00 Spring Suits m JSVILE ? ONDMYS tffllW7 TiV TOOTH BRUSH KS extra fine anchored bristle brushes worth 15c to 36c sjecial 10c each Monday. NEW WKAl'PEKS, KI. MON'AS and SACQUES re ceived today, swell new 8tle. .SEKTUEM. CHEAPER IN PRICE, BETTER IN VALUE THAN ELSEWHERE FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY Wednesday wo will sell Ladies' Lace striped black and colored hose worth 60c, OQ COc and 05c a pair for only . wxw TORCHON and VAL. LACES Extra good values worth up to 25c a yard special to close at per yard 3c, VERY NEW IDEAS IN BOY'S APPAREL Two Piece Suits Knee Pants Shirt Waists Heavy Hosiery Caps. Hats Shirt Collars, etc , etc. Bring the boys to us, wo are their friends. i3uk wBKPi The Pt oof of The Padding; is in The Tasting. You linvo taslod our pudding for 23 years and found it good. Our growth has been duo to your appreciation of our busi ness methods and efforts to plense. WE ARE GROWING EVERY DAY Every day something now ar rives at our store. This week wo will add a lino of Baby Buggies, Go-Carts, Etc. Thoy aro tho Gcndron, the best in tho market and wo want you to see thorn. Last Week We received a full stock of Croquet Sets and Cups and Saucers Those aro new lines to us and they mark another step in our steady growth. We Guarantee Our Prices aai Ckalkage OffxuMUm to Uarfttnell Us. Our department managers aro wide wake, each one knows his part of the biuinetf and knows it well- With a store full of experienced ami erogreseivo clerks to assist us in our effort, how can we help but prosper. i i in mm pim'