The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, April 24, 1903, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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,fi,!lJl,KB9wSP'Wllllllf ''"
TrJ7T'"TV -t
nnttonholca are tho bane of a
bachelor's (married man's, as well)
existence. No wonder the blankety
blanks aro forthcoming. Don't worry,
don't fume, don't swear. Simply let
tui do tho laundering, and tho collar
bands will remain Intact until tho end
of tho chapter. Wo aro thinking of
offering a nrlze for buttonholes de-
Spoiled hero.
4 Salem Steam Laundry,
Phono 411. 230 Liberty 8t
These cold mornings. Itcach out of
feed, stiiko a match, turn on tho gas
la your gas storonnd nolo how quickly
your room gets warm. Haven't a gas
stove? Mean It? Lots hero so cheap
you'll wonder how you 'iavo permit
ted yourself to bo benumbed when so
much comfort could bo bad for so lit
tle. Salem Gas-Ligut Co..
faone 563. 4 CHEMEKETA ST.
A Juicy Morsel for
Or dinner yon rau enjoy from one ol oni
tandor and delicious meats, steaks, lamb
or mutton chops, veal cutlets or pork,
Oar meats are all cut from the fattest
and primostcattle, and we ran supply
year table with fresh, nntritlons and
wholesome meats at bed rock prices.
Fhon SOI
Book no further than ltobers' store.
Our lino of clarets, sauternes, ports,
hordes, Rhluo wlnos and cham
pagnes, represents the best vintage of
Kuropo and California, and our prices
are na low m can bo quoted for genu
lno brands. Our whiskies, brandies,
liquors and cordials maintain the
suuno high standard we guard so zeal
.ously as to wines. Let us show you
our stock.
nn -
WkekMle ana" Ratal!
Lltjuer Duler. . ,
" "'. i
Bettor than our ryo whiskey, XXX
brandy or wines? No, not with a tel
escope. These aro some of tho finest
brands on tho market Como In and
try a eample theao goods please the
palate, as well as the cyo, and that
is saline a good deal.
160 Bute Stmt.
Of the finest workmanship Is a
branch of our buslnoss, that wo give
special attention to. Our repairing
department Is conducted with tho ut
most care and skill, diamonds aro re
set, and Jewelry of all kinds Is. re
paired In tho most perfect manner, be
sides optical work of all kinds.
C. T. Pomeroy ....
Jeweler and Optician, 288 Cam. Si
Shingles and Shakes
Tbo roof Is shingled best It you use
tho kind of shingles and shakes wo
soil, and wo ask you to note the good
wear and economy of tho root, for
which wo furnish tho shingles or
shakes. Wo carry a large stock of
shingles and shakes of good quality,
carefully solected to mako a Bound,
tight, durable roof, and wo are al
ways ready to giro estimates.
. . , Near 8. P. Pas Depot
Phone 631.
Harness, Saddlery,; Whips.
Lap Rotes, Fly Nets, etc.
Lou years of experience, superior
skin and highest Quality or stock are
a guarantee that weturnout'the best
goods ever offered in Salem,
Now closing out Rowntree & Temple
stock bought at 50c on the dollar.
E. S; Lamport Saddiery Co.
289 Commercial Street
ft Hr? vAJr
Mir. i" i cm cBB
1 B-mf Jjr;l
l -Frxrvf-B
$ m 1 X M LH
1 V Hi
" &
AcrtenltnraJ Edaeatton. '
Tbe Importance of agricultural edn
cation leads us to risk becoming tire
some in our adrocacy of it We favor
Increased facilities for agricultural
schools wbereTer they are inadequate,
fhey arc inadequate tn Pennsylvania.
The total ralne of the buildings and
equipment for agricultural education
In this state Is 127,000; In Ohio, S150.
000: In New York, f 167,000; in Iowa,
1175,000; In Illinois, S104.SO0: In Mas
sachusctt, $228,000; in Minnesota.
1347,000, and In Wisconsin, $355,000. (
(Statistics are unnecessary. boweTor, '
to any one who has seen tbe schools.
No short courses In Pennsylvania be
cause no place to run tbetn! No dairy
Instructor In a Mtatc that stands among
the .first In extent of Its dairy Industry I
During tho past sixteen years agri
cultural education has received n little
orer one-eleventh of tbe state's appro
priations for education at State col
lege. Are there ten Industries or In
terests In Pennsylvania of equal lmpor
tance with agriculture? No, not one.
Moreover, the other Industries are w ell
provided for in tho various universi
ties and technical schools, wlierens tig
rlculture bns no other school than the
ono at State college. Pennsylvania
bns not even a stnto fyjr, as tho other
states nltove nnmeil have. Need we
say more to show why the Mil now bo
fore the legislature should become a
IswJ-Stockmnn and Farmer, j
Curing Scour. In Cnlrra. f
Wo have had n great donl of trouble
with scours or calf cholera, which tisu
ally occurs the second or third day. Wit
have tried n groat ninny illffercnt Inef
fectlvc remedies, but reading an nrtlclo
In the Hrceder's Gnzotto rccoinnicnilliig '
rennet tablets wo tried them und
found them very good, ospcclully for
young liiinlw, writes TheoIorp Degen- j
hurtlt. I have saved thorn when they
were nlmot dead. The best thing I .
have found for calves Is blood uieul.
Wo linvn ninnr Inst n cnlf from SCIlUM
slnco lining It. Wo usually glvo from j
two tnblcspoonfuls to half n toncuprui
at a dose tn boiled milk three times n
day, nccordlng to the peculiarities of
the case, but stop when It begins to
flmtr Inaert nnil l'uiml.
So inucli has been written concern
Ing scale Insect aiitl fungi on trees that
n few lines only uro now contemplated
to iM'Hpenls nltfiitliiii t tint Mibjei t
from lhno who should bu Interested
Prom one end of tho country to U
other tree uro becoming full of Bcnle
uml other Itnu'ctH, nud thin evil, tose li
it with tlmt f fiiugl. roqiilrpH coiistnnt
ntteulliin. It U not alone fiom m;r
orle that the vU are Hproad I'rlr m
nri'lmnU are InfiiMted In aliuoxl or ijulte
cxerj Htnto, mid fnm these ikm birds
firry the lin-eiisim their feel from ono
tree til iillotlnT. AlllliiHt all liiimerlet
r' fairly elunii of lmeut. ihihio of
them entirely m. The Inspection lnw
of must klati'M compel yearly eumlim
iIoiik r Hie tri-iw. and. l)osldp thW. the
iiirMT.vnmn'ii InturewtH call fur elonn
xiiM-k Kvery nne liuvtutr fmli trees or
I utti-M hIiomIiI he preptireil to meet the
Crx- The h-t lllllik' to do at the pro
fin time Ik to iviitu to the advertiser
tit HpuiM'M f""" tholr iHimpliletrt eon
i-emiiig the xuliject. Very imiuy that
I liuxe Keen ko foriuuhiN for making
the various eoiuimiiinls. the time when
xpraylnK should he performed, tho
liro;ur Hipsmlu for the piirioe ami
aciioral Infuniiutloii on the miltjeot of
ureal vnlue -I'niutli'Hl I'nrmer
Tlir l'nirr' Account.
In almost every coiiiintiiilty there are
one or two persons who luite some
MiottluilKe of hookkcupliiK. Intetitorlw
.Hid aeeoiiuts. If Indeisl they limy not
be retired exports In this elsss of wotk.
It would wy innny a farmer to biro
Mi' b it persiiu to make out for him mi
Itciulxcd slateiiu'tit of his awwls and
l .L.tliii-s, mi tlmt he wi ii tui( lu
With mi ex.iet Unowleilge as to Just
where he Maud. Then. een If no ret;
ular liooks are kept, a similar Intento
ry nt the end of the year w ill fhow the
fnriuer whether he has Kled or lost.
No business uxctiit farmliiK Is ool
enough to stand the earelessnee In tho J
matter of tltmuclul accounts such ns
iharaeterlnes so many fanners Amer
ican Agriculturist.
ti. let iw for each one of us is '
around. There I such a thing as In.,
. a S.-.-
compatibility of temper between tbo
man aud his cow oftentimes and this
fact often marks the lino between suc
cess and failure. The man who loves
his cows and cares for them as a man
w 111 w ho has this affection for bis
stock will most assuredly receive bet
ter returns for his labor than the one
who simply tolerates his dairy. The
man who takes pride In tbe liuernsoy
or the Jersey or the Durham should
turn his attention to that particular
breed Dairy and Creamer j i
IuIbk l-arae Apl Trrca.
In answer to au inquiry Hural New
YorVer says: Iarge trees cau be moved .
by cutting back tho tops quite severely I
and taktug' up as much nt the roots at
U possible. A largo ball of earth should
be left fastened to the roots by digging
under, prying It up and slldlug uuder tnt n'hia n.n than iu ilrnim
to the uew location and slid into place.
If the crouud is allowed to freoio be-
fore dlrcliu: out the ball. It can be
It can
niotcd with greater safety from crum
Wllh the Ucca.
In working around bees do not oien
hives early or lata In the day, or on
ralay days. Select nice weather, for at
such times tbe old bees, which are tbe '
field force, uro out in search of nectar, f
and fewer bees are In the hive. Somo
think the best time to take honey ff
the hive is at nighL when the bees are
asleep, but do not try It
Kecler Will Dennt Atnrlcn.
"Wee WHUe" Keeler. the craik out
fielder and batsman recti red fron
Brooklyn by the new American league
club lu New York, Is one of the mo
popular ball players In the country
lie It a star drawing card and will at
U.iet hundred of dollars Into the cof
fen of the American league.
Keeler was formerly captain of Ed
lfinlnn's team, succeeding Joe Kelley
but ns tho Mrooklyns did not cee fit ti
pay tho high salary ho required for hi
services In 1003 Keeler determlneil !
accept the offer of linn Johnson, wlw
well n'lillreil tho little fellow's valm
nnil resolved to obtain hi in nt liny coit
President .Ioeiili Gordon of the New
Yoils AiuerlcaiiH Is very conlldcnt tlmt
his (emu wIII'IIiiIhIi clone to the tup lu
the pennant nice.
J,.r CorliPli ( I'lny Hall AKnln.
In tte'w of propiwcil oiipoHltluu Man
ncer Morley of Los Anneles. Oil., has"
signed Joe forhett, the brother of .llm
Coitivll, by wire nt ono of the largest
Kiilurii-ti nrr paid u hall player In thli
The iiintrait culls for $.".000 for Cor
hett'H wuil; ami stipulate that he shall
not pitch limit' than one pitne n week
for the thlrty-wU weeks of the playing
hpiiwcii. It lx aim iiKret-d that Corhett
shall not npiMiir hi any other position
Ihaii hi the plUliliiK' itepnitiiH"it and
shall lme the prlvlh-Ke of keeping In
tniah with his hiMlncMi lu rrlseii when
lint actually unsmned In dulni; tttlrllnt;
for hli twim.
TI Is mean tlmt Coriiett will receive
nearly Sl-lO for even tlnn lie steps mi
n ball lleW. or irfli-tleally $1 for every
ball be delivers. This Mini Is exceeded
by nut niiiiv tluiti three plHyera lu the
Corhett Iiiih Immii oni of the panic for
several .tears. uIIIiohkIi he has lei.l
limli) olierii fnini chilis lu the e.'St lie
nmile tils record Hltli tho iUlilumres
under .Ned llullloii and lielHt Hint
club will two KnualilK. Then he re
tired noil ivnIhIciI all efforts to dra
him buck Into the pi me until this
lliiom Iii Western (iulff
There Is a possibility that tho play
ing of the women's national ohnmplou
hhlp nt Chicago this yenr will result In
Increasing the Interest In golf nmong
the women of tho west.
Tho Interest In golf among the wo
men In tho west has not been less
during tho Inst few years than It has
been lu tho east, nud doubtless the
new mwovhttlon which Is to bo organ-
isei iiiis trniHoii ny me uuurcu vuu-
tieeted with the forty-two clubs form-
ill, iiiu n i-miuru uuu ubmji'iiiuuu iiii
hate the siime boueflelal results on the
standard of the piny In tho west as
bare the hhwh-ImIIoiK In tho east upon
the piny eouilug under their jurisdic
tion. Irrtiinil'a 111k Auto liner.
All Ireland is rejoicing because par-
II ... . .1 I ll.l.. ...
nuuiriii miura wiu uvi n'h'""-'". "
great International motor race In Ire-
Inud. It Is believed the race will prote
the dawn of better times In tho Emer-
..I.I IbIa I. ..Ill l..i1.A ...wt i. tt
lyiw aiv. ii nm ,iiiuw uuuuirua
rich Kugllxh and Amorlcaii autoinobll-
IBIS IU IID1L llDllllllA 111 1UU VUUIillk DUUi'
er. who will be charmed with the
turn annually .
ah m-iaim is exeiira over i pros-
pecu of the great race. Hotel keepers
aro preiwrlng to receive swarms of vis-
Iters. Visiting motorists will find the
isianu oxceetiingiy quiet politically.
Qo.Uer cltr IIoitIIuu Mi.rp..
Thore are so many bowling experts
in Philadelphia that It would take con-
blderablo space to mention them alL Ueyond tho town of Lakevlow. The
Somo of the best known are John Hutt, whIch comprised mostly real
Chares Womeldorff. II. II. "ronson. Washington. was
Charles T. Danueuhaucr, II. II. Price, A . , , , . , , ' ,
I). J. O'Donuell. J. C. Macdonald, transported in six rigs, provided ly
Gwtve E. Flood. H. Wnrker end Wll- 9- C. Hamakar. of the Grove stable.
lie Gehman.
U'rten Star Go Abroad.
? Itornard Wefers. tho great sprinter.
who is iww athletic Instructor at tbe
isoys- unitn scuoot in iiammore, may
j go with au all American track team
which John Mocklev. roAch at Cornell.
purposes to take abroad during the
I n.a. -. .
Lmcasa lo -ijr caucia.
Coach A. A. Stage announces that
the Unlvewtty of Chicago football
I ttMBi will play tho United Stetea Mill-
tary academy team at West Totnt next
falL Thu date set for the contest la
Nor. H.
Jn and Corbett,
The critics are nnaium us in their
opinion that Jeffrie will defeat Ocr
bitt. Many of them even say Gorbtt
has no chance whatever.
Market Quotations ToHay
'Make Sslccst Good Hone Msrkct'
cooa nomt msracr- a
sy w w WV TW
Poultry at Stelners MarkeL
Chickens iodic
Spring chlckcnB 13QlSc.
Eggs Per dozen, 13c.
Hop MarkeL
Hops 2225tfc
Potatoes, Apples, Etc
Potatoes 20030c
Onions C6c
Dried Fruits.
Dried Apples 4U to 6H&
Italian prunes, 40s to 60s Ec
Petite Prunes 4c.
Wood, Fence Posts, Etc
Dig Fir J 1.50.
Second Orowth J4.00.
Arh 13.00 to 13.75.
Body Oak $ 5.00.
Polo Oak $5.00.
Cedar Posts 10c.
Hides, PelU and Fur.
Green Hides, No 1 107c ,
Green Hides, No. 2206.
Calf Skint 4 to 5c
Sheep 76c.
Goat Skins 26o to $1.00.
Gray Fox 25 to 60c
Coon 10 to 40c '
Mink 25c to 1.2u.
Otter 11.00 to $5.00.
Skunk 10 to 26c "
Muskrat 1 to 6c
Wildcat 10 to 25c
Grain and Flour.
Wheat C670c.
Oats 30032c
Darley Brewing C50COc bushel;
feed $21 per ton.
Flour Wholesale, $3.65.
Llvo Stock MarkeL
Stoor 4&C
Cowa 3 to 3 c.
Shcop $3X0 gross to $4.00.
Dressed Veal 7Cc.
Hogs, alive CH0C9ic
Hogs, drossed Sc.
Wool and Mohair.
Coarse Wool 14c
. Fine 16c
Mohair 37c.
Hay, Feed, Etc.
Baled Cheat $120 $13.
Clover $11.5O0$12.CO.
Bran $22.
Shotts $23.
Creamery and Dairy Products.
Good dairy butter 20025c
Creamery buttor, 27c
Cream, pan skimmed, nt cresmery
2Cc, nt farm 21c.
Cream separator skimmed i
Com. Creamery 27c, minus freight.
Portland Market
Wheat Walla Walla. 70072c
Wheat Valley, 7507Cc
Flour Portland, best grade, $3,600
$3.70; graham, $3.450$3.85.
Onts ChQlco Whlto, $1.150$1.2O.
Barley Feed, $210$22 per ton;
rolled. $23.
Mlllstuff Bran. $19.
Hay Timothy, $130$13 6O per ton.
Onions 10050c per cental.
Potatoos 40ft 60c por contnl.
Butter Best dairy, 200224: fsncj
creamory. 22&26c; store, 16016c
Eggs Oregon ranch, 15W0164c
por dozen.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 11012c
per pounds; hens, 120124c; turkeys,
llvo, 16017c
Mutton Gross, $50 $5 50.
Hogs $70 $7.50.
Bocf Gross, $3 250$1.OO
Veal 8c
Hops 18020c per pound.
Wool Valloy. 1240 16c,
0rogoni g0i4VSc; Mohair. 35036o,
H,u08dry l6 p0n(U an, upward.,
ib (o jG.
This thing of being sick and looking
for a cure Is a mighty serious bus!
ness. People aro not given to Joking
even at the first symptom of the ap
proach of the grim destroyer. They
do'uot want to bo the subjects of ex
periment, but want medicine that has
niu lV "
tlio test of years behind It. A
.ui k hn. i.o.n .. .nrf ....i
(or ,0 yeur3 Elvc9 aa8urance 0( jt8!
worlhi nnil cnn be taken wth a ,alth
tjiat they have tho very beat cure the'
. aU .Vab.1 All .LI. .. . ul
unu uuuiua. aii luio can UO BU1U
ajout Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills
.. J w Wk VUM V Ul J r
pepsla and indigestion, it begins right
.amnio box of these oills free, or a
f , - , c Sold by all
JjpJVr selp0er Sr addrSi
Dr Uosanko Co.. Phlladephla, Pa
por Bai0 at Dr. Stone's Drug Stores. 2
To Swipe Timber.
Twenty-two timber land
I t weuiyiwo uraoer mmi uuiuera
left Ashland Tuesday morning to lo- j
cate lands In the Lakevlow district ,
who contracted to stago tnem across.
the mountains. The distance to be
covered to and from Lakevlow Is 360
. , n d
miles, ana tne trip wiij. cover id aa)s.
fr j 10 TUt a1
OUIiefeCJ rjO iVlOntllS
I can heartily recommend Acker'a
Tablets for dyspepsia and stomach
troubles. I have been suffering for
olght months, and tried many reme-
U,M without any relief. unUl I got
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets, which I
used only a short time, and am now
perfectly well. Thanking you for tbo
speedy recovery. I am gratefully
yours. Francis I. Gannor. Vancouver.
Send to W n Hooker & Co., Buffa
lo. N Y. for a free trial package.
Nothing like them. ,
fl SitopjtSt
Through Pullman, Staodiri J
Tourist slceplns cars daily to (wj
vuicuu, ovuKano; tonsi W1
umi 10 xvuuHua jnj; iarotuK
man Bleeping carpa ipereo&i3Ml
aucteu; weeaiy vo v;nicago,ji
City, SL Louis and Memphlj, j
tng cnair cars iseaia iree) to tin
From foiunail, or.
920a. D
t! Hunt
Inrton (Ult Lkc Vtuitt. n
Worth, Ornahn, Eum
cut. sl Loui, rtiutt
uu oauii.
1:14 p. m.
tU Ilunl
lngton Ml Lake. Dcmft r.
Worth. Omh, Kiuu
Cltr, Bt, LoU, ( blrin
uu rmmu
COO p. m.
WU Wall. Lewlrum, tall4ce. nui-J
man, Minneapoui t
fanl. DalUUi.M
linicaao, aau tuai.
, HOURSrji
nil vdmic or ciri
rrom mniinj'
All tailing dattt aebject
Foran FranclKO
Ball ererr 5di j
loAttoria n" Wi
(jteamer Knth leaves balem In In
landand way landing! on! ue"diTi
uayi anaeainriiAys,aDouiiua,a
Corvflllls viid wsv Inndlncs, I"J i
Weilnefdaye and Kridsys t iHtJ
p. m.
On. las Act Agt. 0. B A5k
I'nrtutnd, Ore alw,l
Corvallis& Eastern
N . 2 For Yaeulna:
Leaves Albuy ..UJS,
Lenvcs Co-vallls .. . .l.drtl
Arrives Ya la IJH
No. 1 Returning:
Leaves Yaqul-.n ( (u
Lcav Corvallls HIiQ
Arrives Al 'any UOil
No. 3 Tor etrelt:
Leaves Albany ,. TsV
Arrives Delrlot 12 A.
No. 4 Irom Detreit:
Leaves Petrol , litSi.
Arrives Albany iSj
Train No. 1 arrives In Al
time to ccnncct with the 8.1
bound trrJr, aa wo'l a- gltltj'
thro . houra in Albany before cc
of S. P. northbound train.
TralL No. ? con- ,co w'tltiiB
trains at Corvallls n AlbtijIJ
direct servlco to Newport 1
cont benches. '
Tra'n No. 3 for Detn't, BnlK
and other itonntali resortikt"
bany at 7:00 a m., rvictlM
at noon, E.vlng amole tiatn.
tbe Fprlngs aame day.
For further InformntlcL iw.j
H H rnONIRB AttCan
The Wondert
.1 ... . DriA- iX -"
u,riTr-- ...
tills ur' " el riMUii'
llelT and tntcre-t cl IU cc-!5'ti
edljr UU and mWf '', iSS
Th readers of it J ' '"Ja
-rd$, IhertJore, decr- ' "
tuU anoouncciucKi.
mitten by ( "i
bioa to make it Invaloar w r a
AtrkultmriKn " J8 J
izurrrsf u mi Mim"'
GTA Sample CoE)fl,'
the Omxsaz JtlM rA I
r.lmrwf 111. -
Weekly Journal! ?,
(or Dally, .3 months rf
Orji'nfcre Judd Fanner.
.. .!.. r Klth
uur mac iui r.-
hi ''"J
"h,t,Hnnlfii fk
W" TrS?
'jr mH ?. 2-,LaJttm
7 rMSr tv-
r -ii i-j an "i4TT-iurt m-
ajHti TV-
e i rant
8 p.m.
fl ft tn
--' l
At i