g Aptil 24.. raeementofthe best of Swedish Dialect Comedians ES::::BEN HENDRICKS:::::::: I an excellent cotawny of players iadlnir the Famous OrlelnalSWED- LADlfcS UUArwtMC uiretuiom cirhnim. Sweden. In the time-tried l ever Popular Comedy-Drama OLE OLSON m.a 4a ttin firtm with Rnirlnc Cniei- Scenes.Touches of Heart Interest Slant specialties nenrnenansKs rSenes: memories 01 my aweo- wnmm. "Biihlpe and nifiwnnw." Strawberries (Yodel Song.1 MCES, 75c, 50c 35C Reserved on sale at box office Friday lit a. m. Sand Opera House JOHN F. CORDRAY, Mgr. SHE BIG LAUGHING NIGHT IjBbnctay, April 27. J inordinary Attraction. The Com Han HARRY CORSON CLARKE . . aa-av diluM Ctidmit S s . a IM ertm In Comedy lis Absent-Boy. prices, 7Cc, 60c, 35c, box Bents, SI. The Event of the Season! One Lone Lauehl Remember the Date 3ents on sain at box olllco Monday H9 a. ra M. W. WILKINS Of ?iui Francisco, Cnl.. Rcturcrand Organizer for Hie Socialist Party Something About Wllklns. fllklns earned his roputntlon as n skcr as far book as 1891, whon ho actlvo for tho Peoplo'a Party, of irli ho was one of the original or iilzcrs. He was a mombcr of tho iplo's Party National Commlttoo, lctturoil for thut party ovor a klo stretch of territory. Wllklns was elected to the Nation- ILIVoplcs Party Convention nt Cln- InhntI, May, 1891, tho Nntlonal Con- iTftBtlon of Farm and Labor Organlra- 5nn, St Louis, February, 1892, and Ms Natlonnl Convention of Pooplo'n Party at Omaha, July. 1892 lie wn obo of the famous middlo-of-tho-road- cra nt tho Pcoplo's Party Convention atlHt. Louis, issu, nud iert tnnt party when fusion occurred, becoming a member of the Socialist Labor Party, Ho has edttwl seven dlfferont rail- Ileal papers In his tltno, and turned Lover his paper, "Tho New Chartor," to tho Socialist movoment In 1890, re naming It "Tho Class Struggle," and as editor until Octobor, 1899. Was Socialist candidate in Third Congrcs. agonal district of California In 1902, I and doubled tho voto. Wllklns has always been Identified fwUh tho no-fuslon. no-compromlso llcy in the Socialist movement, is Ivory able speaker, has a thorough knowledgo of Socialism, and as an ed ucator and campaigner has hardly his pqunl nnywhera. Subject of lecture: rSoclallsm's Message to Labor." At city hall, Salem, April 28th. Hon. J. W Ingle, candldato for congress, will also be prosent. Your Stepmother. Is still hero, and as busy -as ever. When your clothes are worn nd dirty, or tho buttons eff. aketbem to hor.attba Salem Dyeing nd Cleaning Works. Repairing and ellntng; new velvet collars put on evercoats; also four suits a month for Called for and roturnt'd. MR8. C. H. WALKER, Prop. 195 Commercial Street A SWKCT nnEATH a never falllnr ,l,n nt fcttiiw laTotnach. When the breath Is tad the atomacli It out of order Tbrrt It no rem- I"?7 A? iuJ wor,a, equal to Kodol IrP- .urv r curing- inuifeetloo, dyspeptla mud all itomacti dleordera. Mr. ii.r. u 'Crick, of Whits Mains. Kr. writes- "l bar bn a drtpeptic for jn tried all klndt of remedlea, but continued to crow wv,. j in. u u4 nwjui I organ o IlranroTS at once, and after taVInc a f Ibottls am fullT restored In welrlit. heiiih and strength, and ran eat whaterer I like. Kodol digests wnat you sat. and make the stomach sweet- For sale Vj V O. Iiuas, no Diate sireci. n Froman vs. Froman. Tho Froman divorce caae has con tinued to cause tho principal talk of jtho town. The trial has had a full Chouse morning and afternoon. The examination or witnesses was com pleted at 11 o'clock, when Gall Hill .made tho opening address for thp prosecution, said to have been a forc , Jble presentation of the casr H van ; followed by J. a Wyatt and J K i Weatbcrford for the defendant, and ' the case will be olosed sometime this i-venlng by Daa IL Murphy for the '! plainUfr. It Is probable Judge Bolso - will reader & decision about S o'clock. ' Albany Herald. r Go to F. E. 8hafer for gloves and f, harness oils, 232 Commercial street. S -21 tf ORIGINAL OLE OLSON TOHlGHT Hendrick'sSucccssf ul Swedish Creation A Play Filled with Pathos and Quaint Humor Sen Hendricks, the successful Am erican actor Is tho creator of a now character, which has been added to American stago personalities, and which has como to stay. The Swede in America has been found to possess distinct characteris tics, which entitles him to, and have gained for him popular fnvor, when ever ho is presented in an acceptablo comedy. Mr. Hendricks, Is every where recognized as tho best delin eator of this typo of character and equally well liked Is tho best of Swed ish plays 'Olo Olson" which In Its pres ent reconstructed form mny bo said to contain all tho humorous situa tions needed to portray tho Swede at his best. Mr. Hendricks Is a sterling actor and does not burlesque his role to gain laughs. Ho showB us In "Olo Olson" tho experience of tho Immigrant from his first arrival, and beforo tho play Is finished he has raado a sympathetic friend out of every man, woman and child In the audloncc. Tho comedy Is prcsonted by a clovor cast and con tains a number of good specialties, which together with tho ridiculous sit uation of the play Itsolf, go to make up an uvenlng of genulno fun, such as Is seldom enjoyed by tho theatre-going public: and tho largo nudloncos which havo greeted Mr. Hendricks this season, seem to irolnt to the fact that "Olo Olson" Is a fixture to bo classed with "Undo Tom's Cnbln." "Bhoro Acres" nnd "Tim Old Homo fitead." A special feature of the perform ance as It will bo p rose n tod nt tho Grand Opera Hmiso tonight Is had In tho sweet singing of tho Swcdlth La dles Quartetc. Not an Unlucky Day. Why Hhould Friday bo more "uiv lucky" than any other dny of the weok? In fuedal Union whon men's heads wore llkoly to go Into tho basket at any time, thoro was a business mothod adopted for such wholesomo slaughter nnd Friday wns tho day sot apart as tho tlmo for tho beheading. This finally grow Into a custom, which Is still at tho present tlmo. honce Friday Is hangman's day; a custom of mortals not n dny accursed by God or angels Many great and good as well an bad things hnvo transpired on Friday. Amorlcn discovered on Fildny. Mnytlowor landed on Frldny. Battle of Waterloo fought on. Fri day. Rattle of Bunker Hill fought on Fri day. Declaration of Independent signed on Friday. Napoleon Donaparto born on Friday. llastllo destroyed on Friday. Moscow burned on Friday. Rattle of Marongo fought on Fri day. Julius Caesar assassinated on Fri A Great Agency We Hove Secured Control for This City of tho Pulton Com pounda, the Only Thing Known to Mctllclno That Cure Kidney Dlsctiaeti In Doth the Primary nd Hecondary fitagce. Ths kU&sjs art sol Knaltlrt and lha dlaetat la aomctlmea futeeed axd alrsady chraolt lth Us Trr first sjmptoaa, Ifllhatbiuif eo sl(bt to Un moatbs it it surl chrools, la tllbsrciM wbTtskscaaactar Whjcoltaksat first tot oalj thing- kaowa that eursa kldatj eusaaslatbt chrosis M well ta th prlmarj ttaf ct. The Tell taat ctltd UUw, bj permla alea, laepela!ly taloabla.for lis locarabUll; was doubly ooallrmed by cooaulllaf rbyslslaaa, acd after rscotsry uedex lha rulUiaCompotuds the recovery alao doubly attcsud. On Uit lit. 111. lha son of K. C. PalL th. aaaagerof lbs PaolOt Coast iUssull Compaay ottxeoad and s'claora tireU.Saa fraaoUco. watdMlared by ths family phyaUlaatobait tbrosls kldMydiaeaM aad laetuabla. Aaotbar Sbyalelaa was called la aad acsemsd the lagaoala. Ttx wools body was awoUsa with aropay, iu a taiai lermioauoo looasd lor Ths iilKiaOompoua4s wers ha tamed to at lbs ooly Lope, Oa bsptsmbar U tbt dropsy tad ooiy cop, Oa bsptsmbar U tbt dropsy tad dtaapptartd and ths boy was wall, aadaftet dsubla siamlsatloas tat pkyalalaa declared Its recovery toupttM aad (aft Mr Isll a wrltua ripuri waiaa urn bow aa. Judas U. A. Cabaalas, tatfallts Jadfeef Saa rraoolaso, alaoalteata tbt rscoTery uadtr tit swa viaerraiien t s irissa Of Dia who slat rceoTerod whaa Us saat (otroals UHcbt's IMa aaas of lbs ktdosys) was well kaowa to t ta- VBxaoi aoconiusa i aai aaaowas aBiaorlUtt. Up to Ua adeeat at lha JTBlloo Oonpoua madlclas katw aaUlar that would nuaklda troubles after tbay hosams ahroals. Aboul atse-tutha of all eassw are now rorable, eras aftsr they baf dsTsloped lato tat dreaded cnresis wnu unjsri iiiaeaaa ana oiatittea Noalataueata axs pabllabad or Invited taespl tram sbroalc cases tbat. Has Ua abort, art la. curable by all other kaowa soadlsiaes. If youl aiaoey iroauM u itctat Jtutoot iuui uoa i posad wlllcue ItouKaly It It It of over tig id wtllcue ltBlaly It II la of over eight to tea moaita staadlag 1 1 la the oaly talag known teal wUI save lour Ufa Jsaa J rultoa Co-, Jw Waablogtoa street. Baa riaacUco, sols cotaptMndtra. Faltoa's Keoat Campouad tm Hrlghl'a and Kidney Dlssaaea. gl ; forDUUUa. It id rret asalyars madt for Pttleats. Bent lr pampas, Uisclly Wa us Ua eislulta aj.otu U J. M. HABERLY, Palace Pharmacy, 118 State SL THE DAILY JOURNAL, SALEM; A cough ; CONUNDRUM When is a cough than a cough? more When it's a settled cold. When it hangs on in spite of all you can do. Cough mix tures won't cure it because they are merely for a cough and this is something more. Scott's Emulsion cures the cough because it cures the something more. It heals and repairs the inflamed tissues where the cold has taken root and prevents its coming back. We'll lend jreo a tanple fret open request. SCOTT & BOWNK. 4Q9 Pearl Street. New VoV. day. Jean of Arc burned at the stake on Friday. King Charles beheaded on Frldny. Lincoln assassinated on Friday. Battle of New Orleans fought on Friday. Shakespeare born on Frldny. Queen Victoria married on Frldny. STRAIN TOO GREAT. Hundreds of Salem Readers Find It So. The hustle and worry of business mm, The hard wor and stooping of workmen. The wamnn's household cares, Aro too great u strain on tho kid noys. Bacnche. headache, sldcacho. Ktdnoy troubles, urinary troubles follow. A Salem cltlzon tells you how to cure thorn all. Jacob Morolock fannor residing on llurnl avenue, betweon Hazel and I. aural streets, I if Nob Hill addition, South Salem, says: "Bonn's Kidney Pills procured nt Dr. Stone's drug store did mo good. I hod been both ored off and on for qulto a long time with pain through my back and kid nes. I havo always worked hard at farming and think tho trnublo wob orlglnnlly caused from a strain. The secreUons from tho kidneys woro nn noylng at times and rnusd mo con slderablo Inconvcnlnncn. Doforo I had taken ono box of Doan's Kidney Pills the pain in my back nnd other symptoms of kidney tioublo had pawed away. I am pleased to recom mend this romedy to others." Sold for 50 conts a box by nil deal ors. Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N Y. sole agents for tho United States. llemombar Uio nnmo DOANS nnd tako no substitute. " 2 Osteopathy Is a system of treating dlseaso by noturo'a own mothod. Schod'.tle. Dorr & Ilurr, Osteopaths, Opera House Block, Salem. 3UHU CUMfi FOR PILES Itching Piles produce innlmiiip nnd cause Itching, this form as ell a Dllnd. llledlng or Protruding niei re cur)d by Dr. no-snn-ko'a Pile n-ni edy. stops Itching aud bleeding. A'k sorbs tumors. SOc a Jar at drugctts. or sent by mall. Treatise free. Write me about your cue. Dr. Rossnko. Philadelphia. Pa. For ! at Dr Stone's drug stores COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT PROCEEDINGS April Term. Austin Westorn Co ...... $ 1"mi Aufrnnce, A. I 1 l Aupiierlo. J. A. (old $1.07) ... 148 Brandt, II. A Dundy. W. F. C.7G, withdrawn. California Powdor Works, (old J13 2C) 13 ') California Powder Works, (old 17.80) 17 SI Calahan, I. 14.80, withdrawn. California Powdar Work fjld. I19.M) ;... 11 Colgan. Jaa. 1100. withdrawn. Cay. F. L - ' Cornlhorn; II. II. 12JX. withdrawn Crumb. Wm. M Culver. W J 408 Cutsworth, T. W. Davidson, W. F. 177 Dlnilek. D. M 3 Frailer & nice, 15" Oearln. H. H 19 3" Olesy. H n. ' Hooper. G. V. $1 W withdrawn Ilynes. F Illlg, n Indeimndeaoe Lumber Co J5'l 7 5 18 1110 8 5 14 25 10.00 low 2415 300 1 5i 112'- 71- tr 4T3 301 80 Ja ob & Arthur, Janx. R Jane. C. M Jefferson Mill Co, Jordan. J. IL Kaufman, 8. IL Kester. W. , KnuUen. Geo. .... Lundy. Frank ... Mason. Il&rtwt, ilerrlfleld. A. M withdrawn Mlkketum. M. ... Morehouse, II. ... Morteson, i jiciorcKie. ii. a McGlnnl. B N xlbam I O OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 2VJ903. Payne, Mary vt" ' Potsel, Jos, 13.65, withdrawn. j ?ohle & Dlshop. ..f fG0 ?oh'.o & Ulshop U. C60 Iludishausor, J. 4jft. ..t- - 3.00 Schmelzer & Co, (old $51.24) 50.96 Scott, N. H. .. 3.00 Setvcrt, A. 3.00 Solvert, D. A 2.50 Sclfer, Stovo 1.50 Sharer, John A. ' ... e . 10.00 Spauldlng Logging Co., 2.48 Stclncr, E. ..(. 4.13 Stevens, Isaac r.. C.00 Stevens, E 11.00 Tweed, John 3.00 Tucker, R, W. 3.00 Tucker. 11. F ,v 3.00 VanClevo, M. T 1.50 Wnltman, J. E. 3.00 Wnltmnn & Stevens. ., 12.00 Wetsncr. n. C 2.25 Colbnth, 11. D 20.00 Chomberlaln, M. I 1.00 nervals Star 1.50 Hcrrlck, II. D. 3.00 2.00 1.00 .50 1.82 0.50 8.75 8.50 3.35 McCorcklo, M. A Moores, C. D. ., e s t Needham, I. C. Richardson, W. Y. .. Roland, J. W. a Slegmund, J. C. .... Statesman Job Offlcu Scott, J II Solera L, P. & T. Co 41.40 Salem Sentinel 17.50 Denson, J Crocker, C. H. Co., 4.20 4.00 7.00 1.50 4.20 Day, A. E. Qrnndy, E. a Heubner, A. II, Irwin Hndson Co.,-.-. 15.50 Lembrke. Chas. 40 Oregon Nursory Co 2.50 Salem Wator Co 12.85 Carrlco. Jns. II 14.00 High. M. M 105.18 Hamilton. Mrs. M. 1 C5 Pacific S. Tol. & Tul. Co 1.50 Sltverton Livery, Feed Ai Snlo Stable 3.50 Tamlosle, A. II 40.00 Underwood, J. D 40 Donhnm. IL P 24.00 Hall, W. W. 11.00 C2.00 Ilushey, W. M. Durbln, F. W. .. Crittenden, C. M. Townscnd, Otis Crittenden, C. M. . . . . 52.00 . . . . 2.20 .... 2.00 .... 4.85 . . . . 10.00 disallowed. Kester, M. 1) Jones, Mrs, Alvln, $1.70, CuMor. Idn, $1.70, disallowed. Horgan, K. D 2.70 Lewis, J. II. 8.70 Hofor Bros .' 00 Slatcsmnn Pub. Co. 1.00 Brown ft Lehman 23.50 Patton Bros 17.00 Mooros. B. T. 8.00 Burghardt ft Co 2.40 Club Stables 4.00 City of Kalom 15.00 Colbnth. 11. I) 23.7C Keelor, D. D 76.00 Mlloy. Win 4.00 Carpenter, Wm 3.00 Stntesmnn Pub Co. 0.00 llofer Bro 10.00 Tmstci-H Church of (Sod 1-33 Koachmoder. II 3.72 Needhnm. I C 17.40 Ntodhnm. I. C 1,60 Mlley. Win 21.00 Mlloy, Wm 12.00 In tho matter of tho application of tho Knsturn Invtsttmont Co.. for re fund on tax certificates No. 119. 123 and 127 for the taxes for tho year 1901 Ordered that county treasurer redosm said tracts, by replying to Uio raid pastern Investment Com pany the sum rtwulv&d on each of said Uaots as by law provided. In the matter of the exhibit of Ma rlon county nt the Oregon State Fair (or (he year 10t)l. Ordered that Charles T. Bcmney be npiHilntod as oouiity exhibitor for the year 1903. and that he bo allowed the sum of $900 as por order heretofore made. nrovidikl bin exhibit Is satisfactory ami a credit to Marion coifnty. In tha matter of tax rbut on the property of the Ohurch of Ood.-.Or- dored that their taxw be rebated. In the matteir of Inx rebate for If. Kosahmeder. Ordered Uiat hhi taxes for 1002 on Improvements be rebated. In the matter of the payment of statu taxes and taxes of Oregon Agri gtiltural college. Orderetl that tho same be paid as rapidly as money Is on. band to meet tame. In the matter of recording a deed from I). If. IHinoy and J. K. Iooney to (5. B. Techuse Ordorml that same b recordml without rharge. In the matter of the petition for county aid for Millard Stevens. Dis missed. In tho matter of the petition of It aMi Tn the Snrlntf sat JffHj Pus the Glut of '1 IsHt Kooibcer jml aTaW 11 ! DAiMsial- iasaavavavH fwKBwsi ua. ai4vivTwUf. lavavavavavavB aSaawt eeaytMdfwticnau, illllH THl caustMf Miaaa,, fHH UHLfllBL, anre, re. JaaBavavavaw Vasava ' " slswy l sv WOINKWO W j at Sam jf Gigantic Sale 0 J -3 OH the Regtila Prices Bring In The Boys fp) Irs. Laura S. Webb, Vlce-Prtaklcnt of Women's Democratic Oufca of Northern Ohio. waBmvaataajgaBBvantwawsntaWsnKMBaVgsSM im IIF.Hi: AUK MANY sickly women be tweon tho n(;cs of 46 and 65, but thcra are very low Invalids over 66 and (10 years of go. Tho chnnfro of life coming to n woman nenr her forty fourth year, cither make her an Invalid or gtros her a new loaio ou Ufa. Those who meet this ulmngo In 111 health sol dom lire ten years afterward, while a woman who lays aside tho aotlvo dutlui of womanhood la health sel dom falls to live on In happiness, years alter sho has pasiod 00. ThU It truly a critical time. Mrs. Laura S. Webb, of Toledo, Ohio, recognise tho change of Ufa as a dangerous period and she alto has faith In Wluo of Cnrdul. tihe writes : "At I had always Men troubled more or leu at the menstrual period, I dreaded V k ,!WiW Xtrt. tauea 5. WU, WINE of CARD VI ftf STRAWBERRY A MEW BOOK By E. HOFER. The Strawberry- Industry In The Pacific Northwest. Full Instructions about preparation illustrated with photographs taknn of soil, growing of plent. planting Jhe. m fle,d BMr crop, cultivation, fertlllxatlon, ploklog , . , "", . and packing the crop, .hipping and,1 raB"' or Bt Tbo ""'f'18' " markets treated fully In separntol-',nl I'r copy. The only v..rk oo ehaptera, this Industry. jit. Ryan, ut al., for the location of a county road Dlsmlssod. In the matter of the petition of Jos. F. Staukewluh ct al fur tho location of a. county road. Dismissed. In tho matter of recording a deed from O. W. Pearmlno nnd wife to Ma rlon county, Ordered recorded nnd given Into the custody of the clerk for safe keeping. In the matter of the petition of A. T. Wain et al for improvement on road leading from Jefferson to Salnm. Ordered that proposition bo ac cepted. In the matter of the petition of T. B. Jones et al for the location of a county rood; 8, A. McCall oppoal for damages. Dismissed. In the matter of tho petition of W, M Cllno ct al for tho location of a county toad. Former order of March 9M rescinded. Viewer appointed to meet at Uie residence of Wni. Cllno on April 27. In the matter of county aid for John Illckey. Discontinued, party sent to poor farm. In tho mater of the petition of Theo. Routine ct aL, for the location of a county road. Established. In the mater of thd petition of A JtU Jr . for liquor license for Cham wocg precinct Granted. In tin matter of rebuilding tho bridge across Pudding rlvor near the 'residence of - Swarta. Ordered that the county Judge advertise for 'bids as per plana and specifications on file with county surveyor PAGE THRE.E Two Mottts Tomoufow Morning troin 9 'till 11 o'clock Boy's wthiifr jk OCCINNIMG lKI AT tOArf fM the cbanct of life which wa fast spproaehlnj. While vb Itlne with a friend I noticed that she was taking your Via of Cardul, and gb wm so tnthutbutic about U that I decided to try a bottle. I ex perienced aome relict the lint month, o I kept on taking ft for three months and now I menstruate with no paid aad I ihall take It oil and on now until I have passed the climax. I do not dread It now, as I am sure that your Wine of Cardul will be of great beaafk at this time." Wine ot Cardul Is ths remedy to ra-lnforca n woman against tha shock that coniM with tho change ot life. It ro-oeUbUshos healthy funotlons after yean ot suffering. In doing this It lias saved thousands of suf ferer! Just in tlmo, Do not wait until suffering Is upou you. Thor ough preparations should be mado In advance. Begin tha Wine of Cardul treatment today, A million suffering women have found relief In WineofCardni. sMasaaaaMmswaaaawasaBtBaagaVsaasaai CULTURE 99 In the matter of the pstltlon of C W. Hunllnu for cancellation of tax sale to Marlon county for (he year 18U2 on property doubly assessed and sold Ornntcd. In the matter of auditing claims as presented for consideration. Ratified and confirmed. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of ffaritt tUcrfnuf. 220 Sfder efjr fltiUB jjarmlnnb im fcfltn 3uflanb. 140 Sfder 'JlHualatib, Steft ifio. 1 Alfalfa Conb, HOoIb unb 'Miuu. dxop ttin-Qt $2500. 3tetr ftuf) nutcS, tltnti aollomCanb; autf OJtbuube, ffenj, k. 4W Oflrtlfn norbs Iitf) ton 6altm WtU tDtflllcfj bon Slahtx fflollom 6tfu(fpu8. 8f t f b. SC d) i 1 1 e . Satfiit, Dtt. vwv trsc aeuegwnaiwsilrMiaM PILES nv?r Bupposiioca Q-U- S-Uri.. WttV. i k 'lain) wr jiiih tM a iim, u a m iftf sum. im i ,t .itw Tv,nfiuiiifMiHiie M, V li. Ui- f ivl.d In ,tta H1& A rt.k. .r Jl ru 1 a.,. fa mmmiM u ! ,i' faaia, M I . SifM St mtv waariN iriof. UNCatTtn. ra. Void In Sslem by 8. C. Ston. Call for Vt9 Samples.