W" THE DAILY JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1903. PAGE TWO. . rf" flWVJFW'JQ fwiff hiubu taiwtwniaiiMif ! b&twe TRADEMARK 1 r If Pi H h N M D v f-M K r LI L P Pi mip SHIRTERYi: WFWPRTNfJ AND SUMMER SHIRTS ;; Best qunlily Percales, Che-; vmt; and iMnurns ciotns; stiff bosoms. Patterns inado for us alone no danger of everybody wearing your phirL Making tho very best roomier shirts, mqro com fortable, neater nud stronger tliau usual. Don't worry about which is best Vn ffln'f CZn Wnn On Anv Here, t W W- w .. -w0 , Wo'vo dono all tho worrying and comparing and inspecting. J ALL GRADES $ , $ .50, $2.00 z Dollar .Shirts in price only. Try to match them any where j at $1.50. I'lrst enow and urst pick now. iGUoiinsoiiMo. ! ! 257 Commercial St. Salem, 1 1 I 9flf 0 9t4'449 HIGIdGi!1 0iB)IOiBwCM0ii0l9f0fGfGt0h acquainted with this lair that It is extremely unjust, and a fit subject for tho referendum of tho people. In fact tho mining men of Eastern and South ern uroRtra, wno navo nouiy ica iue way In an effort to repeal the corpor ation tax and portage railroad I. '-' have expressed a determination to at once place In circulation petitions in fft vpking the reiareadum of the peer'-0 S on this laat most unjust tax law l is the general opinion of those in t'ji"h with the situation that the people will woke the action of their mlsrepre sentatlvee In tho last legislature in passing the thrco laws referred to. The handwriting is ou the wnll. -. f- enxsRXTEO W gjbPbEju JITTERS THE DAILY JOURNAL Scrlpps News Association Telegrams. 3 and 5 O'clock Editions. BY HOFER DROTHER8. Dally One Year, $4.00 In Advance. Dally Three Months, $1.00 In Advance. Dally by Carrier, 50 Cents Per Month. weekly One Year, 11.00 In Avance JOURNAL SPECIAL DELIVERY. One Vk $ 10 One Month 35 Three Months 1.00 At Journal office. At Daue's Grocery, South Salem. At Dowenox Grocery, Yew Park. Asylum Avenue Grocery Store. Electric Grocery, East State St. Illllll IHIHIIItmntW SM H f I IHItllUIIIIHIt ANOTHER REFERENDUM ASKED. Ukr fit) seems to Im the hwul ceubtr of all imivvmunt to gat the rofemtUuw on worfc of the last hslH IntHr. A Mtlllon Iim bMit start! fur the rfww4Hi wi tli new tax hiw thut abolishes tha ItWI bottBtthahlvnT umptloH. If Ik tforwntlHHi can b secure! the law will li Iiiiuk up, and taxation lll he until rs heretofore, allow lug each ponton a $M0 exemption on housahohl and psixmul property Tho llnkt Olty Democrat tins thin comment mi the elianxo in the law. which vs rotiHlly nn oversight, as no otto iiniiKMwl such a clmnKtt, ami tin uot IKlHlatur will unilonlitilly )r, ro8t(K tho xuiuptlon. (Iktkar City Dummrat ) The real meaning of the Innocent looking laws passed by the last legislature has Just come to light. The sheriff can take the bed from under your sick wife for taxes. It has been patent for some tlmo that tho last Oregon legislature did Itself proud In more ways than one. Governor Chamberlain sat down by his veto on some of the proud doings. The people afterwords discovered that ou top of the Lewis uhd Clark half million dollar appropriations taxwl nRalnst their iwcketbooks, that a corporation capital Htook tax bill w.in placed upon the statute books ami that n portagV rualroad was or dered built at the xians of thoae who wore endeavoring to develop the latent resources of tho stato, and now It comes to light after tho Issuance by the state printer of the gonornl laws and Joint resolutions and me morials enacted and adopted by the 28d regular session of tho legislative assembly. A. I).. 1003. tho sheriff of any county can enter upon the prlvnto premises of any cltlsan nnd tnko the very bed from beneath a sick wife to satisfy the domands of the tax col lector. The laboring man. who. by the sweat of his brow, earns the dally bread for his wife and children, has no Immunity from taxation, even to the hanl-bnttom wooden chnlr on which he reta his tlrod limbs after tn hours' work, ltven Illinois, one of the' most conservative nnd close tax.gnthertng slate In the Union, give the poor manv head of a family. $360 worth of household goods and furniture exempt fiom tnxationaf any kind. Oregon had similar provisions until these smart people In the last legislature slipped In ii change. 1 louse bill No. 202. entitled "An Act to amend section 3020 of Uelllncor and Cotton's Annotated Codes nnd Statute of Oregon." Is n very Inno cent looking document, but In Its shurt six paiaarnphs It takos away the protection of the working household- Hereafter, the coat on a man's Journal Comment The people hare until May 15th at 3 p. m.. to sign tho petition for this referendum, whon tho same must be forwarded to Raker City. Tho secre tary of stato holds that under the law referendum petitions cannot be for warded piecemeal, but must bo sent to him properly verified, as ono entire petition of four or flvo thousand names, or whatever number Is re quired. Tho Journal does not ngrco with the Democrat's objections to tho portage road bill, nor the Eddy corporation tax bill, but Is willing they should be given tho referendum voto, but we be lieve tho peoplo should make an ex amplo of tho unauthorized repeal of the 300 exemption. Tho Journal has posted this potltlon In Its offices, and wo nlc tho people who want tho exemption to stand to come In and sign the same. Laboring men and small property owners should to n man sign tho petition If they care anything about escaping the sale of their little personal ef-f-cts under tho tax-gatherer's ham mer. Let us make an example of such reckless changes In fundamental laws, even If It was done under a mis apprehension, as we have no doubt It was a law passed IgnoraHtly and Inno cently by thoao who voted for It. Come In and get petitions to circu late, as we have sent for a" lot of them. One will lie constantly posted at this office. KILL THE DANDRUFF GERM. Or Your Hair Will Fall Out Till You Become Bald. Modern science has discovered that dandruff Is cnusod by a gorm that digs tip the scalp In scalas. ns It bur rows down to the roots of the hair. where It destioy's the hnlr's vitality. causing falling hair, ultlmatoly, bald ness. After Prof. Unna. of Hamburg. Germany, discovered the dandruff germ, all efforts to find n remedy fnlled. until tho gront laboratory dis covery was mndo whioh resulted In Kewbro'a Herplcldo. It alone of all other hnlr preparations kills the dan druff germ. Without dandruff, hair grows luxuriantly. "Destroy tho cnuso. you remove the effect." For sale by Danlol J. Fry. Send 10 oents In stomps for sample to The Herplclde Co.. Detroit. Mich JTo exrel the tJsfrnns that have aefmn .aicdln 'lit rw- i tn ui ii u t! c Din'tr v n u rnpli t she LtBI -s. It is the best fsrlns" tonic in d blood Ctltlflcr Inform UiM public It liocaes Stoo3Ch Liver Bowel ani Kid ney Dlsotdcrs. Try It and seo lor yourself. made to rcmombor that they arc still flying Uie American flag. How's This? We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh 1 Cure. F. J. CHEKDY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned havo known F. J. Cheney for tho lost 15 years, and bellove hitu porfoctly honorablo In all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations tnado by their firm. West & Truax, wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. Waldlng, Klnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Vol do, O. Halt's Catarrh Curo is taken inter nally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Trice 75c por bottle. Sold by all Drugglsta. Hall's Family rills aro the boat. ooti Dr. J. F. C Has como to tho conclusion that all profosslon of the bcalinr side of tho vogctablc kingdom Is a failure. Whon your system h without puro blood. ou will only And vitality in u,e kingdom. .Poisonous drugs nor doctors' Stm the Favorite. For short ordor meals the Whlto House Restaurant Is the lending placo. Open day and night. Prompt service. bark, tho bed he sleeps In, the cook stove In his kitchen, tho deal tablo on which he eats his moots, tho wood en chair In his sitting room, the very hat his wife wars nil must pay taxes It Is the almost unanimous opinion of those who havo suddenly become gj fPPjj nin iiiiiiiiiiinirin-ii ni m VI JfKrWBrRr-sf 3 Suit LHV& fin Mtwir rnmrn n-Ti " "-" 'T"'r m r 'ir'Mii 11 n WKmiKKKBrtfttASfimmr iaW';Mr inSfbifT mmmm Keep a good supply of Ayer's Family Medicines on hand. It's so easy then to take one of the Pills at bedtime if you feel a Utile bilious, or if your stomach is a trifle out of order. Just so with the Sarsaparilla. A few doses will bring back your lost appetite, give strength to your weakened nerves, and relieve you of that terrible feeling of exhaustion. And besides there are the children to think of. A dose or two at the right time often means so much. '&XSr The Squirms of Mr. Griggs. There Is a lively little sand eel known as tho grig, which Is called trt mind by the squirming of Mr. John William Griggs, former Attorney Ooneral of the United States ovor the decision In tho cae of the North ern Securities Company, merger. Mr. Griggs Is especially Interested In this decision. In the first place as Attorney-General he did about all he could to nullfy tho anti-trust laws of tho government; and, In the second "placo he was the chief counsel for tho Northern Securities Company In Its defonso against tho proceedings brought about by Mr. Griggs succes sor at Washington. It Is not sur prising, thoruforo that Mr. Griggs de clares tho decision 'revolutionary." a favorite term usod by the trust magnates and their defenders tn frighten the souls out of the timid. Tho truth of the matter Is that the ground upon whjoh Atorney General Kuox proceeded In this oase was that of established precedents procod eats that were sighted by the Judgos In maklug their decisions but what had been ignored by Mr. Griggs while he was entrusted with tae post or At torney-GeneraL What does Mr. Griggs fear from this revolutionary" deefoo? Not that the peopta are to be Imposed upon; not that there Is to be oppression; not that Individual right are to be trampled under foot He is looking out for exceeelve divtdeitds aad water ed stock. Incorporation fees aad attor ney's feesk The Interests of alt) state are In danger, for eertaUly if "rev olutton" eomes In the watter rae.no pollstlo arsantaattoa. New Jereey will be tho only state te suffer. Al- though' New Jeseyitea are often clas sed as Mforolgners" to some extent be- Wool arid Mohair Market Prospects. Thoro Is ovory prospect that tho wool growers of Southern Oregon will have n prosperous year. Their sheep have com through the winter In good shaH. despite an unusually bad sea son. Shearing began last Monday at some of the ranches and the clip promises to be large and of good qual ity. The ptlce of wool Is much better than It was last year. Tho price a year ago was 12 cents nnd J. F. White one of the lending Medford buyers, thinks the price will go to IK conts as soon at the market rainy opens up. Muhalr has gono n booming slnco last year, when it sold far 18 conts. while this year It will readily bring 30 rents. As goats aro less oxponslvo to feed nnd loss llablo to dlseaso than sheep they nro becoming a very prof Itnblo stock to tho farmers of this section. Thoro Is ovory prospect In sight that tho day for cheap mohair Is past for Oregon, for It Is now n proven fact that tho mohair of this const rankH oven bettor than that of the famous Angora district In Turkoy for the American breedors havo suc ceeded in developing a goat that pro duce a liner nnd longorflbro and more free from kemp than Is that from the gonts of any other country In Uie world. Southern Oregon will in the near future tiecome a noted section for goats, for thoro ore thousands of acres of mountain sides and hills too steep for cultivation that will moke tho host of cheap pasture land. To this ndvantago (hat of the ollmato can be added, for tho mild, equable climate of Southorn Oregon, together with the pure water to be found everywhere- In the hills Is especially conducive to keeping goats In tho best of health Medford success .Knives nor thnnj.. f f -MW ,g lightning wu not remove mo cause, Dut my uie foundation for u of disease. Thoso polsonB go into your bones, and kill the nr. . and creato all kinds of diseases, cancerous tumors, consumption, i ' bone disoasoa, etc. You must bear in mind that his medicine t poisonous tonic, nor i stimulant, nor temporary relief which yon ,tk poisonous drugs, where Uio results aro sure death sooner or httr rJ blamo the mcdiclno, when it takes an effect and stirs up the disease in tho systom. You must not expect to bo cured In a fet your sickness or disease has been a long tlmo coming on, and Ite a long time 10 gei it oui oi jour bjbiuui. it win ioko manias Ori I build a new body from tho bones up. This is what tho people eta ' dcrstand. They aro used to being humbugged. His medicines v posed of Nature's Herbs what tho human system requires. Wlmbl mals get sick they will holp thcmaolvos to thoso horbs, for they bttift, stlnct, and tho peoplo havo not, so we havo to mako a study of It kj been a Hfo study with Dr. Cook. Do not get weary; this life Is too $ and too sweet to worry out of this world. Dr. Cook Cures All Kinds of Diseases! 301 Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon. MRBB-M-rBttMM-ratfaB-rll OUR LINOLEUMS It's Just a Cough That gets your lungs soro and weak and paves the way for pneumonia or consumption, or both. Acker's English Remedy will stop tho cough In a day and heal your lungs. It will cure con sumption, asthma, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. Positively guaranteed, and money rofunded If you are not satisfied. Wrlto us for free sample. W. II. Hooker & Co., Buffalo. N Y. u J. Fry. druaelst Proposals for Wood by School Dis trict No. 24. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will bo received at tho office of district clerk, with Ladd & Bush, up to IS o'clock, noon, on Friday. May Uth. for wood to be delivered at the school kulldlngfi far school dlst,rlot No. 1. Marlon county. Oregon, as follows- Hast Sehool. TO cords fir and 10 eord8 oak. Park School. 90 cords fir and 1 cords oak. IJacola School. 90 cords fir aad S eords oak. North School. 19 eor& Ar and 8 cords oak. Central Seltooi. It cords Ar and S cords oak. Oak wood to be of good split body nr Inrra smh wwl tip tn Iia rf 1e.a ' best quality. aM eu( within the past year aad free from rot To be dollv ered before August 1. 1S93. and to be subject to tho Inspection and approv al of the supply committee. Successful bidders will be required to eater Into written contract within five days after contract la awarded aad give security for fulfillment of the Z same, ins right to reject all bids Is reserved. H n H M a H n a u H M at IN GREAT FAVOR Have just received a new line of patterns in both printed and inlaid. Some fine things in Florals Standard American made and unsurpassable anywhere. The House Furnishing Co., -Stores at SALEM and ALBANY- BaBHKMSKBMB-rHtH: HARRITT & LAWRENCE Sell more Groceries and 'better Groceries than ANYB0DT LETTUCE, RHUBARB, RADISHES, etc just from ft: r?i frlnfin Wi VI 14 1 ill II 3 - AND EVERYTHING FOR THE'SPRING SEASON ... iti Lome find see lor yoursoii old p. o. QRoccnj iIBillllS nSBHSy The Monarch Malleable hon And Steel Ra&R SEE THEM BEFORE BUYINC R- Wo WADE & CO, PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTJ THE OLD CAPITAL BREWERY BAR Has been re op ned to the public and the FRESH EST BEER in the city will befound on tap there CAPITAL BREWERY ll1) Cnmintrrlil Ct N.ip Duefi'c Rank HARNESS, SADDLES. NETS. WHIPS. ROBES. ETC REPAlW1! A SPECIALTY.! Harness Oils, Good Working Gloves. Axle Grease. n felHHICHltl tBH. Dated Salem. Ormi nrt 99 cause of their arrogance toward the. In. IMS. J. BAU.MCJARTNER tercats of other state, they must be l-S4Stw!t v clerk. SALEM, ORFG0.N IOIUbIIb)!!'!! Attention Hop Growei Hop Fertiliser No. 0. Especially fur your purpose, combined upon results Garden and Field Fertilizers Nee. 1, 2, 3, 4. and 5 u jouuu to suit nil requirements. juuu jni"i Your ordors solicited. QAVA nT7 J? T7T CTf HER w a. T .VJ W -- -- rrJtiM 9 Paa fiuul Ml PahIIw Cnnnllul S A I VEM . LtV I ak -Vt "WWW aB4A . UUItt 1 KJU1'WVI -- aJmajf !! f lltlff lIO44M