p-FW" THE DAILY JOURNAL1; SALEM,' OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIU23,.1903. PAGE FIVE. nm"- The "Quick Fix" Factory ' , rho Batr Sloro maintains n small jewelry factory, one of whoso Rmiti cliarnctoristics is promptness in fllliug orders. Making over Bid gold into rings is thospocialty of this factory and it hIso ropairs l) thing find everything- in jewelry. If you haveuy jewelry that fed1' attention, we'll "fix it quick" and at prices that will not dis- t T-k i il la 1 I i lease ou. iy ino way, mo setting in your ring may nui uo snie. rw in and let us see about'it. AVo re-sot many rings in the course two. j ear. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE State & Liberty Sts. Leaders In Low Prices. H 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 IJ- SocialRealmi (Local events In the H 1 1 I I I 1 1 ' ' " ' ' ' ' Salem Weather. Pair tonight; probably warmer Frl- May? PERSONALS. J. Iladlcy, of Turner, was In the Icltyjtoday. Irs. V. J. Nelson, of Portland, is tyjaltlng Mrs. C. B. Sholton,. Mt. S. Olio cauio up from a business trip In Woodburn last night. Bofleph Hasting, of Portland, is vis- BtfeK relatives and friends in wis cuy. (re. A. Harding, of Eugene, spent VMterday visiting menus in tnis Fclty Wm. Lehman, Now York. I. Prag, Portland. II. II. Ingcrsoll and wife, Portland, I W. Carnahan, Portland. BRICK All YERY SCARCE Building; Checked in Oregon Contractors Mourcr and Welch havo returned from Eugene, whom they went to tako up their contract for the construction of a dormitory for the State University, unablo to proceed Ion account of tho Impossibility of get- Hni tirfrlr Mnnv tmlMInt minrntlfina amca II Spratt. advance agent for ' srry Corson Clark.,wns In tho city fm game nnw A .today i . hniisn linltilnrH nri uslnc roniHnt for Hon T I) Kay nnd moU.or are In .,.,, land. Mrs. Kay will visit friends; ft few days .. .1.., nln.lirmr ilnr. nml Hint tnnv . Park, horticultural commls-i . ... . '.,.,..., . .... v - 1 uu I'uuniuuii-u UBUiiiiinui-ii im uu ira cr has Just returned from an of-' a, nu, pormBn(mt foature. Cftr. jvnaioiouosou.. Ipontors' wngoa arc hold at 3.00 n rs Homer Nelson, of Albany, who )ny aml c.()mmon, ,all0r nl ,200. been visiting Mrs. Paul Sroat, re- Thurt, ,B mmQ (lUaRrwmont n8 t0 d to her homo yestoruaj. ' ,..,.. ,. ., .. ,,, ....n,. gss Myrtle Myers, of 8clo.li '" ll0,ng Is suspended until that can bo de termined. Tho unions contend that any man who uses a saw and square Is a carpenter, even at putting down a rough plank sidewalk. f tho guest of her sister, Miss Myers, of the Lincoln school. moger iioiconiu. 01 wie ouium ary Is In the city for a few days. Ing niter some 01 iiih inui. tun- r. and Mrs, r ai. uuiiiwr. w ills, formerly of this city, havo re- rurnou ana win munu mu iu ihomejln Salem Ctearlca Hugo and family, or Lasno- W?N UaK nrmcii duiwu, h ui JKeJHhomu In Oregon. Ho Is a son-in-jgwjof August Hllke, of Kast Balom. tIm Utter and Jamos Colgan leave JtnSrcLrtornfuiii fnr Alhnrtn. II. C. to iiifaw """ .--. . lOOKlpver inni rcgiun ui wu uu;. TboTw families will remain m aniam forltho present K. Kegg of MeMlnnvllle, wns re-- nSSaStl yesterday from tho state insane lum, nnd left for San Frnnelsco. isjrllCegg was formerly in tno grocery Susmoss at MeMlnnvllle. Sfi and Mrs Bobort Wiggins and ftaughtors Margaret and Mary, ar fjlvedfjresterday from Kansas, nnd will msJuuthelr homo In this city. Mr. and ntiWIgglns are the parents of F. A iWfipnB, of this city. CME BEAUTY DON'TS. Fire at Oak Grove. ?Jnesday evening, at it o clock, Fresldenco of George F. Seoley, Oak Orovo. Polk county, was ed, with Its content. Loss about with $4600 Insurance. It was of tho finest country homw In county, nnd oceurrod while Mr. ey was away from nomo. 110 nus ret returned, but his family have him of tho loss. Tho insurance In tho Continental, of New York, Llston, agent MARRIED. uETTE-WOODIlUFF. Don't Imtho tlic'fiii-o while It Is very nrni nr ery wild. lMm't lie nfnild o HitiiHhlne nml frenh Ir. Tliey nnei' you IiKhiiii and color. I'oii't luitlie In hunt water. Soften It with 11 little Hvili'i'ctl liornx or 11 hand ful of ojitnuiil. Don't nfi the fm-e when traveling uultfox It N with 11 little alcohol nml wn Icrora llttli' cold ereniiw Iion't rub the ftm with too course n tnHel. Trent It Nynu would the tlnest IoiuIhIii. Icnilcrl.v nnd ilellcntuly. I'oii't forxct t tin t Intirty liiughter U 11 oiirt ot rclnntlon. So are nil high ihoitghtK. n ilio of hope, lieiiuty. iriHt nml love. Don't attempt to remove dint with cold water, (jive the face a hot hillh with imp nml then rliisc thoroughly with ehtir tepid or cold water. . Ihm'l neglect to ihi'p. You "tin nlt-i-p yiiurelf Into uoimI IimjWx. A long imp and a hot hath will make any woman more tit tractive ami lift ye.irx from her slumlitcrw. I'ou't forget that beauty U power. There l nothing more potent. It li to a woiiinii what capital U to n mer rlnint. Its ulieixv Ih a uiUfortuiio, Itn culture wIm- and proper. At tho of T J King, in Evorett, Wednesday evening, April 3, Miss Susie Colletto to Mr. mt Woodruff. DIED. SOTTp-At nattla Mountain. Mont. Hna'day, April 19. 1003. O. P. Scott, aed 0 years, of tuberculosis. The remains arrived In this city fct night on tho overland train, and Say were taken for Interment In the iramuy uurying ground, ai tmi lery R.AMETTE HOTEt ARRIVALS. Buell and wife, Portland. T f f iW.a nAv4lftn1 ,'J fll-Bll'J IWM1 ;1I Moultor San Franetsco. ', 0 McPherson. Portland, soph Bartin Baker City. and Mrs. I N. Baker, New York; tMarlow Kansas City. Xj. Campbell, Eugene, , II Ingham. Eugene. , T Cray Portland. os, Calllson. Portland. II, Packman, Portland. las. A. Park. City. Iter Lyons, City. H Gibson San Franolsco.. C Bodhun, Nov York. J Davis. Portland. lx Conn, Jfe-w York. cU Lamctt New York. 1 C'liulre of Color. As the cliulco of colon If a Htumtillug block to mi many, u few wonlx 011 thh subject may be iiKcful A girl with a pale complexion mn wear liullgo blue nnd the russet simile, dark red und medium green. With bmwu hair, gray eye and 11 oor completion one may wear black relieved with ereani, blue with cream, il.irk green, h very light shade of pink and a coppery red. A girl with red hair and a clear complex ion may weur white, black, pale blue, green, but not deep pink, orange, deep purple or bright red. A blond may weur a bluish purple, while a brunette with a good color may wear reddish purple. Hallow skins need rich, wunu toneii. A woman of this tyie may weur durk, rich red, riiHuct shades, niont of the dark brown shade, cherry pink, roue nnd cream color. The good old rule that bids u woman for street wuur uboote tho color of her hair, for house wear tho color of her eyes and for oven lug wear the color of hor skin may be borne In mind. When n girl has two or three different colors In her1 eyos, a often happens, if she matches any of them It will suit her- American Queeu. PICTURE MAKING WONDER How the Panoramic Camera Surprises AH Some Rare Views of Salem Being Taken In this ago of pictures there arc few surprises In storo for thoso Interest ed, but when something now does come to tho front. It Is received with greater Interest than ever. For In stance, when tho work of tho pano ramic camera was first brought to pub lic attention It Interested overybody, and the fact that a broad sweep of picture could bo taken nt ono expos ure securing tho breadth of land scape by a revolving lens caused even greater wonder. Ono of these cam 0 ran haa been brought to Salem by Mr. Ieo 8tanwood, watchmaker at Barr'a Jowclry store, and tho Interest In Its capabilities has been greatly en hanced by soolng Its work, as shoci by local views. Mr. Stanwood makca a. picture Rxl6 Inches, which Is a mar vel, when compared with U10 work of the older limited cameras, Ho has taken severnl views about town for Home of his friends, nnd has heon In duced to offer for solo sotno of the public Institutions. Theso can bo scon In tho window of the Burr storo. nnd are attracting great attention. Mr. Stanwood takes n deop Interest In thin work, nnd affords his friends great pleasure by showing them how wonderful onmorn does Its work A 5 O'clock TYNER FIRED BODILY jyner's Wife Robbed Office Safe Took all Papers, Bookstand Records of all Kinds Whole Affair has Been Turned Over to Atty. General Crook County Judge. Governor Chnmheiinln has appoint ed M. It. Biggs, n woll-known attorney nt Prlnevlllo, to succeed W. A. Booth us county Judge of Crook county. Both Biggs nnd Booth nro Domorrntn. To (llvt lilt !IIVM. Two nolilemcn lu the relgu of Maxi milian II.-loil.J(til-one a (iermnn. the other a Spaniard, who had cauh rendered a great service to the em peror, asked the hand of lit daughter In iiiarrliige. Maximilian 101I1I that 11 h he esteemed them both alike it was Im possible to choose between them, uud therefore their own prowesn must de cide It; hut, being unwilling to list; the loss of either by engaging them lu deadly combat, he ordered a large xucl. to be brought mid declared that he win ulioulil put his rival Into it should have Ills fair Helena. And this whimsical combat was actually perfoumsl in the presence of the Imperial court nnd liixlisl an hour. The unhappy Mpaulsh iiohlemaii was first overcome, and the German succeeded In enveloping him lu the sack, took him upon Ills hack mid laid him at the emperor's feet This comical combat Is said to be the origin, of tho phrase "give him thr sack." so common In the literature of courting. One !. of the .Mir, III the Shah I.uka pass wn havo our of the many Instances lu whlh the Nile has hurled Itself at nn opKsIug mountain Harrier und cut Its way through. In fact, It often seems to se lect these unpropltlous places for Its course when on each side a few miles away there Is n tolerably level, iinbro ken expanse of desert. For ten mile the river twists In and out before es caping to the open once more. Its cur rent is very rapid, making It well nigh Impassable at low water because of tho numerous rocks, but nt the time of my descent the summer flood was well along, und all hut n few of these bur rlers were hidden below the surface, their presence being marked only by oc caslouul eddies. -Century Washington, April 23. Postmaster General Payne, lato this afternoon, made publico, letter sent yesterday to James Tynor, asslntant attorney, gonernl for tho poatoftlco department, notifying him of his Immedlato remov al from tho offlco of attornoy-gcncral of tho department. Tyner's resigna tion was requested In March, following tho charges that Tynor had failed to regulate tho abuses In his office. Tho letter says Tyner's wlfo, accompanied by Mrs. Barrett, her sister, and whoso son's conduct, while nssltnnt In thlB ofllce. Is now under Investigation, nnd a safe expert onlored tho oltlco of tho uHslstant nttornoy-genornl last njglit, opened the safe In the room nnd took therefrom nil pnpors, record nnd ar ticles of every kind, and carried them hlsl-awny- Immediately upon learning of the affnlr, the Inspectors sent to Tyner's house a demand for everything taken. .Mrs. Tyner not only rnfusod tho re quest, hut snld the net wns done with Tyner's knowledge. Payne says that further comment on his part Is tin nec essary, and adds diet he will submit tho fails to tho attorney-general for such action as ho may doom proper. Tyner and Barrett. It will ho remem bered, havo been under fire on no count of nlloged protection given the "gct-rlch" quick concerns STOCKS TAKE A TUMBLE Widows and Working People Dump Their Holdings Union Traction Loses Fourth its Value One ...SUMMER NORMAL SCHOOL... First National Bank Bulldlntr. Salem, Orejron. The first term will ooen May 4th ana continue seven weeks. Thesecoaff term will open June 22 ana continue till the August examination. Classes will to formed In all branches required for state and county pacers, also In Latin, Short-hand. Typewriting. Elocution and Drawing. The tultltloRfor each term will he $6 with an additional fee for each of the last five branches. More than 500 teachers of Orciron bear testimony to the success of this school Address J, J. Kraos, Salem. Orceon. D.S.BENTLEY Wholesale and Retail. Roche Harbor Lime Alsen Cemcnti Lath and, Shingles. Sand and Gravel And all Kinds of Building-JHaterial. All Kinds of Heavy Hauling and Transfer ice. Word done on short not! 181-183 Commercial street. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Of Salem. The only National Bank In Marlon County. Transacts general basking aai exensnge Business. Dram issued on all parts of the world. savings department conducted under usual Savings Bank regulation. J. H. Albert, rres. E. M. Crolsaa, Vlce-Prcs. Jos. H, Albert Cashier 4W8wsnnmamni(niittm;witnni The "FLORSHEIM" Shoe THE VERY ULTIMATE OF SHOE FASHION. Its tho 'TL0R8HEIM" Shoo Mrulo tho way our Bhoomaker would make .lho'm flno bonch work good nir.torials custom " made appearance a porfoct, foot-fitting shape. THE NEW STYLES are now ready for your Inspection today Is tho host tltno to call J your size may bo gono tomorrow. Itvin 8c Petteys Phone No. 201 Blue. REPAIRING WHILE YOU WAIT. 94 State Street. utimti -TIIISTLK SIIEUMAJN KOWLBU- Chlcago, April 23. A panic snUed tho holders of Union Traction stock this morning, oh a result of tho an. polntment of receivers for the great property yostorday. firaall Investors, mostly widows and working people, dumped their holdings on the market as soon as tho oxchango opened. West Chicago, proferrod, dropped from 69 to CI. Union Traction, common, opened at 7 and declined to 8 Union Traction, preferred, which was once as high as 879 sold today at 28 Murdered SALEM WOOD - JFAMINE Second Growth Worth $4.00 Per Cord Stove wood, cord wood, any kind of ligneous fibre, la a seaxco article at Salem. Second growth fir readily commands Sl.00 pr cord, and the wood dealers are out of supplies, and cannot furnish a wagon load of sawed wood for love or lucre. First grade flr sells at If.W rxr cord. A Comfort Anyway. "Hpeaklug of grewsoiuti remarks,'' said the ruddy old Scotch gentleman on his way from the far rtest to revisit Scotland for the tint time In half a run tury, "there was an old lady friend of mine lu Han Francisco who persisted lu looking uKu this Journey of tnlue a a madly adventurous tempting of I'rot Ideucc. 'Yet there is one thing com fortu fno. ltalwtrt. mv tnnn ' wlin hhIi! When ono dies In voyaging nowadays, f "trychnlne. they've such excellent facilities for I transporting the remains? "New York ', Telegram. t By Mail i'ensacola, FJa., April 23 Ilolan Morgan, formerly of Illinois, received a paokago of breakfast food, to try, hy mall Monday. He ato less than a siioonful, but died within an hour lu horrllilo agony. An analysis showed tri- paokago contained half an ounco $2Ti $35 $10 WCYCLB8 $-15-$50-nO-Call nnd neo our $25 wlicol with M. iV V. Tiros gtmrrtntcol for tho Benson. IC3EJJEA.Ht 3DI3EIJE'T Ourpricca for ropniringuro tho lowosl in tho city. Wo guarnntco nil our work. Wocnll for und deliver your wlicol freo. King us up. Phono, Main 20flr. M7 Court at. Opp. I. O. 0. P. Tomplo. Salem Cyclety Thete is a Keen Sense of Comfott lu riding n whoel tlint you know will safoly carry you over -all kinds of ronds ono that gives you no troublo whatever ono that runs ao uinoothly and easily you are uuconacious of tho fact that you aro propolling It. . , THERE SIS NO (5UESS WOK Iv iih to whut that wheel is ovoryono knows it's tho ' ; ?. TmrmrrrrrTtTnTrffnnnnnrnTnimnTTnntTnnnnn S 8im nl JwAA'iw n BrsV A m mm m.B n A lid Tlwl Kndrd .Nora. Mrs. Aufalt Now, Nora, lx- tery rareful of this out glass punch bowl. It cost a mint of money. Nora ludade, muml Well, It's rale tough. Sure un' I dropped It three Uuea a'rendy ah' nlver fuzed It. Life. A llol 'iilirrr. Herbert nid you gut what you want j td yesterduy? Horatio Didn't even get what I do- MTvetl. Herbert You'll Iwnlly gut thut lu this world, you kpow I should think juu'd want to stave It off as long as IKxMlble. Hoston Tntuserlpt. Ill Qnrrr. She- Io I really love you, Cliolly? Why, I'd sooner be miserable with you than happy with some other fellow. He Ilut are you sure you won't find some other chap that you'd sooner be miserable with I'uek. When a woman loves a mm to the point of distraction, other women thus her for not having "more pride.'" -Atchlnon Globe. , Tl.i Svrraul'a (Juration, Mra. Newly Weil (from abovei-! Bridget, put the lemon on the Ice so thty won't get sour. Bridget (to horself) Is It annjr whou dr thot I asks dooble pay fer norvlug (be lolkes of thot?- IIihiik 'When It eotnes to bidding for the negro vote, Cleveland Is not so slow himself. He talks right up for Booker Nat Hi Hauir. T-w lie said I liKiketl ltsiidMUie In thst gowu. illdu't lit- f Jew S'ot.kiifUy TtviMid thstgowa lovkwd hMi4Miuie on you. Eseuauge, OrCYCLCS nwnnnrmnnrninrTrrffnTnTrmrftmnnTTTmnnwnTmnnwrmrmfTf The Bert Wheel on Eath S3G.OO Fof Standard Cham Models liicyclo Kopuiring in all its branches. K-Old wheels taken in trade. Whcola sold on iiifltalhuents. ' SHIPP & HAUSER 258 CommcxcUt St. THE BICYCLE MEN "STRAWBERRY CULTURE" -A. NEW BOOK- By E. HOFER: The Stiawberiy Industry In The Pacific Northwest. Full Instructions about preparation illustrated with pnotojraphs taken of soil, growing of ' pit nta, plantiriK Jbo.q ritert fle,d ne,r 8jl,m pricf crop, cultivation, fertilization, plcklnc . ...... . . and packing the crop, sblpplns audi1" ma"' or " Tb Jor", oS,c aarkU treated fully n separate J P' " T onlj work ob chapters. thl Industry.