The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, April 22, 1903, Image 1

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i. . MO. 9Su
I! Men of Portland
Haye Combined
to Sell Lumber to
Portland People .
peels are Good for a
long and Bitter Fight
land, April 22. Until the prcB-
or dllQcultleB arc nettled, no
lunfciir will bo -Bold locally by any of
'ortland mills. Tho owners of
wmllls and planing mills o( tho
avo Issued a written statement
K forth tho conditions which lniv
ihem to this decision.
o mlllmcn say they cannot afford
to their mortoy tied up In build
hlrh may bo declared unfnlr. Tho
atlons of mnstor builders nnd
re nro spoken of very favorably,
th suppressed sentiment to
lio building trndos unions Is do-
u ifavorablo.
excuse given by tho mlllmon for
t week for tho look of, lumber
retail tinrte was tho largo ex-
lilpmeutH Tills Is now aban-
nnd tho sawmill proprietors
ut openly nnd Bay thoy will not
foot of lumber In Portland "tin-
rontroverBy Is Bottled, nnd sot-
r good "
statement contains tho slRna-
of the managers of tho sawmills
t M A few of tho smaller
mills are not represented. Tho
t In nn follews:
Manifesto of the Mlllmcn.
go and small DulldltYgs havo
Cellared "unfair" by tho unions.
Muster Uulldors nnd Master
VxinGkt' Afsixlatious have been
BLltcontrov rsy has mudo future
doUMeH to rontrnctore and buildings
Hlls an went to any unbluscd par-
io?ayicrcfoitf. that the only rourso
laftfpi)'!) to tho manufacturers who
grlejRu uny kind, or to accept any or-
daraifor futuro deliveries until this
ersy has been settled, and set'
dlsputo between any employer i
y membor of any union Involves
ployer nnd every member of
union, and parties immediately
King Edward
onick List
Home, April 22. It Is learned that
King Edward left Malta before-tho
scheduled time, on tho advice of his
physician. In order that ho might havo
a longer rest prior to his reception at
Ilomo. It la learned Uiat notwith
standing dmclal pressure tho King Is
determined to remain Incognito ' at
Naples for a week to recuperate It
la said at tho Vatican that.bccauso of
His Majesty's condition, he will prob
ably not visit tho Popo, as it would
fatlnuo tho King too much to visit
two sovereigns at tho samo time,
New York. April 22. The 13 Ital
ians arrested in conncct!6n with tho
murder of Ilenctto Madonla, whose
body was found In a barrel, was ar
raigned this morning. Tho enso
against Morrollo, tho supposed leader
of tho Gng( was dismissed, but a
summons as a witness was immediate
ly served on him. It Is understood ho
will turn state's evidence.
Parry's Statments are
Not True
And shows lie Does Not
. Understand the Situation
He Believes la Labor Uniting
for Protection
Columbus, Ohio, April 22. Senator
Hanna was tonight tho guest of honor
at a banquet tendered tho delegates
to tho convention of Amalgamated
Association of Iron, Steel and Tin
work era. Senator Hanna said:
"I havo always felt that, when tho
time might como when niim In the
strifo and contest of Ufa- could bo
Realize tie Combine
Can't Win
Falls to the Time
Required by Law
It Seems Probable no Appeal
$ will be Taken
- Chicago, April 22. Notlco of do-
,' . w
fault was filed In tho beef trust coso
today by tho federal attorneys, be
cause of the falluro of tho packers to
mako answer to tho petition that thoy
bo permanently enjoined beforo tho
tlmft limit bet by tho court expired.
Sixty days remain for tho packers to
appeal. Th final deoreo Is to bo en
tered next week. Tho Dttoknni mnv
Railroad Co.
Will Settle
St Paul, April 22. There is a prob
ability that tho QrcAt Northorn will
quietly sottlo Its differences with Ho
trainmen. Thn ecncml mtinmmr Jinn
announced his willingness to confer. OfW ftf thf4 Wfirt
Tho differences between tho North
ern Pacific and its employes havo been
Bottled, It is announced this utter
noon. Tho wugo scalo and abandon
ment tot double-headers will toko Im
mediate eROct.
..m iw BTO ....... . . u uiuoroiicu n8K tho supremo court to rovorso this,
lltathi. Ii.f nr ...a. .!.. IiAmIM. -
nlng of tho end would be In sight"
Tho senator told how ho becamo In
terested In tho work of tho Civic Fed
eration, and centinued:
"Prom tho outset I found thoso who
nro engaged In this work to bo car-
Washington. April 22. Tho annual nest honest, faithful men. Instead of
mooting of tho Catholic Hierarchy of looking possible or probablo falluro in
tho United States began hero today, tho face, every month nnd every year
Cardlnnl Gibbons presiding. Pro- has brought good results, which havo( tho men woro willing to work nlno
ceding the meeting, Monslgnor O'Con- encouraged thoso of us who nro per-
nol, new rector of tho Catholic unlvor- forming tho services, so that today,
nlty. was Installed. Illshop Connty, 'my friends, I am glad to bo nblo to
the retiring rector, who Is appointed say that wo aro not only encouraged
to tho Soo-of Ixs Angeles, made tho In tho work thus far, but encouraged
address of welcome.
Howard Case
Goes Slowly
l'rankfoit, Ky.. April 22. Mathews,
he dldnt seo Howard in tho hnllway
Immediately after tho shooting. Ho
but their fallnre thus fnr to fight tho
caso prompts tho boiler that no ap
peal will bo taken.
Lockout Still Hangs.
Ashland, Pa., April 22. Minors who
reported for work today nt tho Read
ing collieries today, lit ronponso to In
structions from Mltcholl, woro told
thoro would bo no work until Satur.
day, when tho operators would start
hours as required, othcrwlso tho lock
out would continue.
Dugono Is to havo a street carnival,
running from Juno 29th to July 4th.
The Train
Will Run
Chicago, April 22. Offlclals of Mho
Rock Island system -nay thero is no
truth In tho report that tho Golden
Statu Limited to California will bo
discontinued In Mny They any tin
train hns been Mny picfltablo during
thi winter, nnd that busluotis betwern
thn Contra) West nnutho Padlflo
Coast has now grown To oxtcnslvo It
will necessitate tho majntonanco of
superior passenger nccommoilntlons
tho year around.
its History
Famous ,Norwttei Library
is Totally Destroyed
Loss is Estimated to be Not
Less Thai $600,000
La Crosse, April 22. A flro this
morning in tho business section
caused $ 00,000 damago, Nordnn Hall,
Iho oldest and beet Norwegian library
In America, was Included In tho build
Ins' burned.
Lisbon, Portugal, April 22. The ag
ricultural population Is In dlro straits,
nnd crops nro dying for lack of rain.
Tho Pntrlch has ordered threo dnyH
of prayer.
Capitalists havo offered to tako up
Forest O rove's Indebtedness for por
cent Intorest.
Armstrong muy dlsputo with Lyons
(bo honor of being tho last man
hanged In tho etftto outsldo of tho
penitentiary. It tho supremo court
alarms tho doclslon ho wilt hang In
llalser county.
Tho diphtheria scare at MoMlnn-
villa Is about over.
Ftesh Today
Taffy and .
1S4 State St. Phons 2874 Mala
far beyond our fondest hopes In tho
outlook for Uio future. Wo Btnrt with
tho motto of tho Gulden Hula; our
host basic principles are founded upon
right and Justice among men. Wo
start from tho standpoint of a dotor.
mlitatlon that, no matter what tho ob
stnclo, no matter what tho difficul
ties that rnn straw our nnthwnv. fool-
assistant . secretary of stnto under , ,Unt , r ,,,, nt, ,,, ,.
Caleb Powers, who testlfled-'Tuesday. I , . to do h , ,. rleh, rocoun,.ln,.
was again on tho witness stand this ,. mullm, lnlorol,t v,t,ioh Is ombod-
morning In tho Howard caso. Ho said ., ... 1i1iI,lim,w,.i,inn. wt, nrn e0nir'n
linllu-nv ' ' r . ' . "
forward, encouraged at ovory stop we
take. I say mutual Interest, becauiio
J! ffik
" ftd?
ii r t . - l -
,sald Tdylor gnvo orders to the sol-;W() tannot BoparntP tJl0 llltorc8U, of J
IHwn to tho manufneturere who' ,,,", tll. ..,,,,, ... nni""' -""- vi-i- ". u.
Immaterial In the building trades- 1? Tot 0tho two great factors wl,0.unde ?
tSfdlscontlnuo any further dellv-( 1(o our uovclopmont and prosperity, j
one as necosHary as tho other, equally
Important each to tho olher.
Pioneer In Conciliation.
I am glad to havo tho opMirtunlty
t.ay that tho undorlylug principles
of tho Amalgamated Association '
havo been my text,
of all tho work that
t. my guiding spirit I
iat I havo over tin , $
Manila, April 22. Lieutenant-Col
nnf.l On.nlA .1..& IN... AM. alnu mil.
vuvi giiiutu, u. utu r.iob u.mij. bui- , . . , ... .. . .t. ,
.1 nr th innat nrftn.t lu.i .. .' . ,. . . uerinKen in uio iniuiust ui iaoor. UJ
. ... ,-. ..Vv....u, -"-.cKieu mis morninc oy BnooiiQK mm- i
Vll Is InfllCtOd Upon thO WllOlO aif i thn hma 1T will tpmiw.rnrllv
unity Including owners of prop.-'tn,flnft. anrolo entered Wott Point
wno aro uuuaing, nnq. mo ma- from cw yQrj(,
men who aro expected to sup-1 u
a larc per cont of tho value of Baker City has refused a franchise
building In process of erection or, to tho Oregon & Idaho Central rail-
iempiauon road.
iiinnMHMiniHiMiMiii tin hiiiiiiiiiiii
You dont judge a machine by
size, but by its capacity for work.
don't want you to consider us a big store just be
se we cover a urge noor seace: Judtre us bv the
k we do and the wav we do if. it takes something ::
IT 4l. t.- . .. i.i t e . t i "
ic mail a uil' siulkiu iniKe -a .MirrpsMin niisines
Wwiest goods and honest business methods together ;
wnin me opoi tain pianmve made
rhat ii is
lg""5?SiJJ, '""-SU" " lllM"" him wi 'yun'T niiiiwmi r
;OurThomson's Glove-fitting" Sum
mer Corsels are, here. Batiste and
ventilating styles. Better get one
before the warm weather comes.
We're &arprlslae cveryteiy with tmr (rices o
DRY GOODS. Our prices wSS tave Ut
oursboedecrtaittkeMt -wlr Is tfce
city We have wfiit yes wast for tie whole
finally. Try owof ourMiti wfcei ye eeei
CLOTHING. You'll fled tbe assortaKBt Uree
asJtfceprlcesfroralSio 20 ptt cent below
reiiilar stores
We waal to keep on growls? asi It will pay
you to fcelp bs crow. More easiness means
lower prices with us.
JiJib's CkMpt One Price Cash Stow. E. T. Barnes, Prop.
Ml 1 1 H 1 1 H 1 1 1 H M I H H t H H H H t H H H I
Paris, April 22 Dreyfus, whose
trial, convIoUon and release ezolted
a world-wldo sensation, has demauded
of the new government an Inquiry "
to the charges against him, and an In
vestigation of tho lateht develop
ments. Ho bases his demand on reve
lations made recently by Juarez, In the
Chamber of Deputies, when ono of the
mod Important Bordeaux papers of
I the former trial was shown to be a
Wo just received a now lino of Stirinir nnd
! ! Summer Ties. Somo wuslinblo, somo not
! ! Rmiiroiuxukd Mi dolts and Fouh-In-Hahds.
Croata, Stookn
i Kaisers Hand Embroidered Collars.
you, my friends, Is duo the practUal
working of an organlratlon. starting
tiKn thoprlnclpio of mutual Interest
nml lnvltlnir vonr omolovors to loin
wlUi you In tho settlement of a scalo. j! ! Silk dot crepo four-in-lmndfi,
wiiii-ii iiivnim n (uuiuai nHivviuvii. a .. iuuk iiiiitjiil: uiiuo.
That Is th underlying nrlncjplo which
la Uu most Important factor in this
great problem.
"Tho other branch of business,
notably tho United Mlnoworkors, fol
lowing that example, wo havo had flvo
consecutive years of absoluto peace
and comfort I advocato the doctrine,
recognlxlng tho fact that you cannot
separate tho interests of tho employ
er and tho omploye, and thero must
bo common ground upon which the
employer and employo can meet on
friendly terniB, with tho determination
to do what Is right and feeling that Is
the volution of the whole question.
The Amalgamated Association was
tho pioneer In this work, and their
conservatism has been the foundation
of their success. Pursue that policy,
my friend, meeting conditions as
conditions change; meet opportunities
as opportunities offer for your ad
vancementi for your own betterment.
$iut always wllhla spirit 'of concilia
tion and conservatism, and you will
be the leaders rereeutlng labor In
tills government.'
pSf l Short pieces of loco nnd em-
UIUIUI.-IJ, 1IU1I1 unu iu ii vo
yards long, worth up to 25o
n ynrd
To Close at 3c yd,
Today wo will sell n lino oft
Silk fintin liberty ribbons wort li
J8c y&td
HDD'S sock sals waiui
Clinlclaincs--Poraian changcablo with moduli-1
ions liko your grnndmothor used to wear.
TuiloMnado Dolts with postillions and dropx
ornnmeuls on buckles Urniilcd Head Chains.
' Neck Chains. Etc
Wo nro 'losinjjout a lino
worth 25c each for
of ladies kerchief
10c Each to Close.
We have laid apart from our regular stock a
line of suits to bo closed out at one-fourth dis-
I count
510.00 Suits are $ 7.50
512.00 Suits are $ 9.o5
516.00 Suits are $2.0O
520.00 Suits are $15.00
Shirt Waists.!
Ono hundred nnd fifty down Waists to fee- !
Meet from. Tho gronlesl stock of waists
.ever shown in all tho Willamette, valley y
is now oil sale at Meyers Big Store,
Hi M til l , 4
Jr rercaie waists sucn as you pay
Percale Waisls such
50c for elsewhere.
The kind you pay 75c for usually JV! '
we sell at - wi
Other good ralius tAnging
in pt'tct up ftorn
75c to $3.00 And $6.00:
See Our Oxfords!