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About The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1903)
-ww?i"t,jppwfn.yiy'nii ' i "' J1'1" F",'N'wi V rv9ri-r-vw f.? iv T" t miffi'iiH'vnhU-f- "TO? ' '' pj" J"f"i " THE DAILY JOURNAL, 3ALEM, OREGON, THUR8DAY, APRIL 16, 1903. PAGE SEVEN .fWJUJ .WMMwtrair CTiTTj I j tTi i tLi ei Afcgctablc Prcparalionror As similating ihcFoodandnctula UngUtcStoinarJsnMBowelsor Promotes Digcsllon.Clmful ncssandncst.Conlains nclllicr Opium.Morplune nor funeral. HOT J AIICOTIC. flKeoOUnrSWVtLtTTClKJi Inaatu Saul' A perfect Remedy for Consllpa Tlon i Sour Stomach.Diarrhocn and Loss OP Sleep. FaeSinula Signnlureof NEW YOHK. , exact copr or wrapper. EASTORi I U I t I I I I I I I II I I HHI IIIHIIIHII IIIIIIIIIIIIHWH Land Plaster if 4 uur pricos on Mum l'lnsior nro mo lowost in me cuy. it C nil nnd bo cnnvini-od. i Sweet Corn, Seed Peas and If 10 fonts por lb; somo 3 lbs for 25 cents. FIELD CORN of ull kind. ONION SI5TS,(5A IMAGE PLANTS, otc. D. A. WHITE & SON Feedmen and Seedmcn, I Phone 1781 91 $4 I I I I I It M I I I It I I HI I I Q I M - ::::::::AGENCY OF:::::::: BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO. ii JCrTt A TN BUYERS ANDSHIPPERSOFflR AIM jj Seed Wheat I HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur. J. G. Graliam, Agent, HARRITT & LAWRENCE Sell more Groceries and 'better Groceries than ANYBODY LETTUCE, RHUBARB, RADISHES, etc just from the Gardens. - AND EVERYTHING FOR TIIElSPRINGl SEASON - Como and see for youreolf nnum iiiif iiiiiHmamf iaii Misses' and Children's Hats I A SPECIALTY - - , We have just opened a Ladles' Dress Hats X Great Variety of Flowers and Foliage X NEW INFANTS' HOODS I Greenbaum's, 302 First Door South 7ii iiif imiiuumi La. jnBKj?'iaBBv -m )? a3bbs wmBp V PggegScK. Jin&X v4lgegeCtrj irO CASTORIA For Infants and Childron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years AW fT atff WORM and Fertilisers Beans Court Street. SALEM. OREGON. 4 I I II I I I 111 I M It m t M M 1 r For Sale. 207 Commercial St., Salem, Ore. old p. o. grocery. - lorgo assortment. Also - Call and see tnexn ALSO SUN BONNETS Com., Street. of the Pottofflce. ff fiiiaiii BE FOXY. That's pnly another way-of saying: Da shrewd. That means buy your sup ply of liquors, wines, etc of a fair dealor that mean's, buy of Rogers. What's the use of paying whiskey prtees for water? Hare tho water at home. Why not got you money! worth why not buy at J. P. ROGERS, I 218-221 loaaurcui trtct. Wholesale and Retail ( Liquor Dealer, ... HORSELESS . CARRIAGES FOR SALEM Fancy Automobile is the First Made its Trial Today, and will be Speeded !f) H- Liveryman will Get . a Big One for Picnic Parties Salem can no longer he properly denominated a slow town. Tho cap ital city now hits within Its boundaries one. real automobile with tho prospect of others being purchased beforo tho season ndvances much further. And this to In addition to a large number of motor bicycles. Tho first machine of thlrt kind to reach Salem, Is tho property of O. J. Wilson, tho Court street whoel dealer. It Is a dandy. With 4-Inch pneumatic tired wheels, a flno cushioned seat, and propellod by gasollno. tho ma chine ts a vnluablo one nnd It Ih quite likely Mr. Wilson's company will bo eagerly Bought during tho season fulled for nutomoblllng. at least. The machine wns adjusted Wodnoeilny af ternoon and may bo expected to make Its Initial appearance soon. The automobile fever Ih bpllovod to bo contagious. An enterprising Sn lem llvoryman, who has innde a big success at his businoes. Ib contemplate InK the purchnso of a throe-seated autnmobllo. of a ,enrry-nll pattern something suited for Binnll pnrtlos of six to nlno persons, llo expects to make n trip Knst within n fow wuekn nnd If ho succoeds In finding a ma- uhlnu. that will suit Ills neodH. und that Is pritpolled by electricity, ho will bring It back with him. In this way oven tlioso who cannot afford to own a machine of their own, can onjoy tho luxury by riding In this vehicle, whlqh will, bo placed nt tho Borvlco of the public for a normal rental. With tho whiz and burr of sovornl motor-blcyclon and tho appoar nnco of a number of "horsolcss carriages" on Salem's streets, tho caH Itnl rlty Is becoming qutto metropoli tan and Is able to keep step with evnn larger communities. In this respect as well as others. West is Prosperous A lecent (1(h patch from Now York says: After u careful survay of conditions In tho Wo At. George J. Gould, who has returned from a trip over the MlBbouri Pacific and Wabash lines, is convinced that tho present era of prosperity which tho West Is enjoy ing will contlnuo for at least another year. "Jn all my oxporlenoo of the West." Mr. Gould said, "I have never seen wheat look as well as It does today. It Is a bit too early to speak of corn or cotton, but as the soil Is thorough ly wator-soaked those crops ought to thrive amazingly. The railronds will not have any trouble In moving the great wheat crop, but I think we will be short of rars In tho fall If thore Is a bis corn crop, "Tho physical condition of West orn roads was never betttor than It is now. I beard no talk of mon sbortago while I was In tho Wot Tho banks are holding their own bal ances In their vaults, and thoy won't hovo to draw on New York for money to move crons. From what I saw. I bellovo that this practice, of drawing on Now York, as It Is oalM. will lx An nnnnmmon nrnurranre In the fll ' ture. Tho Westoro banks have their oWn money to loan to their own io- pie unless money should get so IiIku In Wall street as to make It p rod tab 1 -to send It Rast From all Indication I can see a full year of prosperit ahead for the Wast" Mr nn..M rr,frw! to the St. Li.uU Mnmiimn in vflrv n.h..tM.le terms I V,.V...W ... .- ,... He visited the grounds twice aad was very much Imnreased with what he vlth what b ihi the 0Dt saw. "I think it will fair ever held," ho said. Two things In connection with the affair ned to ba brought to the attention of tie people of HL Ixusi One, Is that tie oity bos not awakened to tho great need of adequate hotel faellltle An imnnrtint thin? U ihn tv nt ade- ,,, ,.. .. ,,i quale transportation faelHUea to al from the fair grounds, St. Iul , seens to have done absolutely Both Ing In this matter." ' O Btaeaiie Kf-sttsie tf .KVOXIXA. ,IlWTWlUWTlEra c&&fm M WKiiJ RESULTS ' yi fnllow the use of New bro's Uerplcldc, tho new 'scicn tiuc cure for dnndnilT nnd fait ibm hair. It possesses certain r-'i-rtics that kill the Rcrm or mlrrobc that causes nil the trouble by sapping the oil Out of the lialr bulb. With thk parasite destroyed, dandruff nnd the falling hair ennuot exist. A thick, soft growth of hair springs forth where formerly thin, brittle hair, or perhaps total baldness held cwny. One bottle will cnnrlnce you of lt mciluw For We at til Flnt-ClsM Druj Jlorti. For sale by Uinelol J. Fry. Send 10 ents In stamps for sample to The Hnrpletde Co Detroit. Mich. Market Quotations Todays nsKr aiicni n booa Home piamci n. WWWVT Poultry at Stelner's Market Chlckons lOOllc. Hgg- l'or ( l3Hc. Turkeys 12Hc. Ducks 10c. Hop Market. Hops 22i2Gttc, Potatoes, Applet, Eto. Potatoes 2Efli30c. Onions OSe. Dried Fruttt. Dried Apples W to 6V4c, Italian prunes, 10s to COs So Petite Prunes lo. Wood. Fenoe Potts, Etc. nig Fir U0. Second Growth $1.00. Arh $3.00 to $3.76. llody Oak $5.00. Pole Oak $C00. Cedar PostB 10c. Hides, Pelts and Furo. Grnn Hides, No 1 107c. Green Hides, No. 2 206. Calf Sklnf 4 to 6c. Sheep 7Cc. Goat Sklne 26c to $1.00. Gray Fox 26 to 60c Coon 10 to 10c. i Mink 25c to $1.2i,. Otter $1.00 to $5.00. Skunk 10 to 26c, Muskrat 1 to 6c VUdcat 10 to 25c. Qraln and Flour. Whimt 60070c. Oats 30032c. llnrloy Browing. 16c bushel; feed, $21 per ton. Flour Wholosnle. $3.06. Live Stock Market Steers 3U to 3H& Cows 3 to 3 He Sheep $3.60 gross to $1.00. Dressed Veal fiVSc, Hogs, allvo Ec Hogs, dressod Co. Wool and Mohair. Coarse Wool lie. Fine 16c. Mohair 3Cc. Hay, Feed, Etc. Haled Cheat $11 0$I2. Clover $110$12. Ilran $20, Shorts $21. Creamery and Dairy Products. Good dairy butter 20025c. Creamery buttor, 27VJo Cream, pan skimmed, at creamery 35c, at farm 21c, Cream separator skimmed. at Com. Crcamory 27 Vic. minus freight. Portland Market Whoat Walla Walla, 70072c. Wheat Valloy, 7607Co. Flour Portland, boat grade, $3,600 $3.70; graham, $3.160$3.8S. Oats Cholco White, $1.1S0$1.2O. Ilarluy Feed, $210$22 per ton; rolled. $23. Mlllatuff Ilran. $19. Hay Timothy, $130 $13.60 per Urn. Onions 40060c per conUL Potatoes 10060c per cental. nutter Heat dairy, 20022)4; fancy creamery, 26o; store, ICC 18c. Kggs Oregon ranch. 15V401Cf4c por doxon. Poultry Chickens, mixed. 11012c per pounds; hens, 12012Kc; turkeys. l,,va - "He, Mutton Oross. $70$7.6O. Hoe? $70 $7.25, Iloef Gross, $3 360$I.OO. Veal B 09c. Hops 19020c per pound. Wool Valley, 12'4016c; Bastern ''roii, 0flVc; wuiimr. wv. . J V-ilTj; 16 pounds an. upwards. ilS to 16Hc r-f-rt; fi wr Xhe Sufe Way to prevent Pneumonia aud Consurap Uen Is to euro your cold when it nrst appears. Ackers English Remedy will atop the cough In a night, and drive the cold out of your system. Al ways a quick and sure cure for Asth ma, iironchius, ana an inroai ana lung troubles. If It does not satisfy h6 dnlK,gl w, rerand yoar mon... write to us for free sample. W. H. HOOKER k CO, Buffalo,, N. V D- J - Pruit OJLV ZuntU i(UHtf1Vmflis& Kfutoe f o&jm&fa GLASSMIDAM r ,i . f ; ... . sITr ft i & Advcnlttmeat. five lint or lets, la thl column uitneainrreiiuuiiorascauca yck.'i.3u a month. All over five lines at the same rite. .nnMvv MW-WH WANTED. Wanted Men.-Vo teach tho harbor trade- In tho shortest posslblo tlmo nt small expense and gunrantco po sitions. Wrlto Mohlor'a Darbor Col lege, Salt Lake City, Utah. , 2-10-2m 2000 head of Stock Cattle Wanted Cows and hotter calves, yearlings nnd 2-ycc.r-old htltors; flv bulls to tho hundred htad, to raise on sdnrcs by rellnblo and perfectly re sponsible lifelong cattlo men. Flno grata rango )n wusUrn part of Lane county; half Incrcaso for six years. Addross A. J. Thompson. Gardlnor, Oregon. 12-l6-4m FOR SALE. y -v-.-.---- - - - . For oaie. (Jow ana cair, also n, pony. Knquiro nt 335 Summor street, 4-lB-3t, For Sale. One Jersey bull, fresh cows nnd holfors, 15 head In all, A. O, y Smith, near Prlnglo school houso, routo No. 6, Salem. 4-i5-3t For Bale. Fresh Jcrsoy cowb nnd heifers, about 30 head. Apply to Mrs, M. Deck, Capital Drowory. I-IMW For Sale or Rent. At a bargain, 10 acres, 6 rollos cast of Salem. Good houso and bam, also good well and somo fruit. Knqulro of V. Van Vlanlc, corner of Mill nnd Cottngn streets. 4-10-lwk For Sale or, Rent Six acres, 3 .nllos out, orchard, garden, 2 acres of pas ture; good water. Boo O. W. Pear mine, 2 miles north of city, on rlvor road. 4-9-tf For Sale. One ton-room houso; por colnln bath and hot nnd cold wnter. Call at 6C2 Mborty street. 4-6-tt For Sale. Grocory stock In Kast Ba lorn for sale. low rent, nnd In best, part of city. Iluyor can Invost from ' $200 to $E0O. For furthor particu lars call at 312 Twolfth streot or address. 3-0-1m. FOR RENT. For Rent. Fumtshod rooms for light housekeeping. Apply to S. S. Mar tin, Commercial nnd Mission streets. 4-11.31 For Rent. Seven-room houso, bane mont nnd well wntor. Call 'on A. Schrelbur. 424 High stroet 4-13-tt For Rent A modorn 7 room houso with overy convenience, good wntor piped Into same, with 40 acroo pas- turn and gnrdon land, plenty of fruit. Chickens and Jnrsoy cow for snlo. Just tho 'place for eastern man. H. a Hall, Turner Oro It. V. n. No. 3. 3-30-lw-tf MISCELLANEOUS. Removal. The Salem Carrlngo Fac tory, Womor Fonnell proprietor, ban moved from Commercial street to North Mborty. nt tho brldgo. Call and neo tho new placo, and In spoat tho work dono. Satisfaction guaranteed. Werner Kennel, Good Opportunity. A blacksmith and wagon maker can got a good busi ness with very Httlo outlay. Capital will bo furnished to tho right man. Address "II. S. caro Journal. 418 tf Eggs for 8ettlng, Puro bred White Plymouth Rock and Olack Minor cas, tho best layers known. T. II. Illundell, Mornlngslde. Tolopbono No. 2060 Rod. 3-20-tt You will always find the choicest meats and groceries at tho lowest prices at Edward's c Luscher's, 400 and 410 State streot 'Phone orders given special attention. LODOEfa. Central Lodge No. 18 K. of P. Castle Hall In Holroan Illock, corner State and Liberty streets, Tuesday of each week ft 7;30 p, nu A. U Strang O. a, II. J. Fleming K. of R. and S FoneaJEftfi of AMBHIcA-Coun Sherwood Foresters No 19. Meet Friday night In Turner block. 8 W. MJntun, C.IL; U lirown, Sea Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Canip No. 6218. Meets every Thursday evening . 8 o'clock Holman Hall, Frank A. Turner, V C; A. U Drown Clerk. Protection Lodge NO. , Anclfcut Or der United Workmen, meets every Hatnrday evening In the Holman Hall, corner of State and Liberty streets. Visiting brethren welcome J. O. Graham, M. W , X A. Sell wood, Ra&order OSTEOPATHY. v. Drs. M. T. Schoettle, Frank J. Oarr and Anna M. Oarr. Graduates American sthool of Osteopathy Kirksvlllo, Mo., succossora to Dr Grace Albright Office hours 9 to 13 and 1:30 to 4:30 o'clock. Odd Fellows' Temple, Phone Main 2731; residence phone 2603 Red. Or. H. H. Scovtll, Suggestive There peuUea and Osteopathy. Nervous fUJMonal and mental diseases, n ralgJ, headaches, nervous protr Uob, dyspepsia, cossUpaAlM. tUr rhoea, rheumatism, asthma, cte. DJArcyfblock? Stato street. Phono Main 2S56?Mnv. ' -WTi-Wfa' l'iw'l illH"n TONBORIAllANDdATHB. Ryan's Shaving Parlors. Seven Arst clasa barbers engaged. Finest bat rooms In city, j Wo use antltestle sterllUor. j, Ryan, Prop. Evans' Darber Shop Only flrst-etas nop on Bttto street BTerfMwNI new and np-to-date. Finest porceSd baths. Shave, IBc; haircut, ;'ej baths, 25c, Two Brat-class jsW black. O. w. Brans', proprietor. VETERINARY. Dr. E. E. Jackson, Veterinary 8urjfooo and. Dentist Offlco, Rod Fronl Llvory. Phono Main 851. fted. enco Phono 2015 Rod. 12-S-U harper's T Whiskey a tj-e best Qet ofn4.yr- vest Que. SchreHwr h It And yu Jtpoa Mtirett. FARftWTS HOME State eHreei. J, Brownstein St Son, J. Brovynsteln A Sob. ferairly t Albany, have opened a place oa 5ta4 and Front streets. II If heat cash Kk pall for Hides, Pelts, Wool, TlWw and furs: also'eeneral dealer la eW iron. Rutterand metals. O. H. M.AOK Successor to Dr. J. M. Koene, I Wblto Corner, Salem, Oregon. Pardee desiring superior operations at mod erate foe In any branch are In especial request O, C, T, Co's PABBENQER.BTEAMER POMONA Leavee for Portland Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 10 a.m. For Corvallls Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday it I a, m. Quick Time. Cheap Rates Deck: Foot of Trade aHret M. P. BALDWIN, At CAPITAL CITV Express and Transfer Meets all mall and passenger tralaa. Uaggage to all parts of the etty. Prompt service. Telephone No. 141. HKOKMAN & linDRlOK. THE ELITE CAFE 208 Commercial Street OYSTERS Served In the est of style aud wlUt the most suitable accompaniments. E. ECKERLEN. Proprictcr Your OtepmoUier. Is still here, and as busy as over. When your clothes aro wont and dirty, or tho buttons Off, take thorn to hor, at tho Salem Dyolng and Cleaning Works. Repairing and rollulng; now volret collars put oa overcoats; also four suits a month for $1. Callod for nnd returned. Union Housn. m MRS. O. II. WAI.rCHR. Prop, 195 Commercial Street iitritt iDftfoitf. Ii20 Wrftr ftf)r fliiltJ ftatmtnnb m ttflen 3uflnnbr. 140 Wder ?pflua(on!), Unit Wo. 1 Alfalfa fionb, fflalb unb lofturt. drop utiiiflt $2500. 3bet jyttfi quU8, tfitiicfl 2)ollom2onbj gute OlcDoubf, fftnj, elf. 4Vi gjftiijrt n'dtb. (id) bon aftm, V WtUt iocft(fct bo it ftaljcr S)ollom SdjtilfiauS, Of r e p.yirf)mc, Caltiu, Ore. Still the" Favorite. For short order meals the White Housu Restaurant Is tho leading place. Open day and night. Prompt serxce. i O iw ;, Why' Not, Go wbero you oan gut tho beet The Wblto Houso Restaurant la the most popular rostaurunt In the city Opon day and night Strong's Oakery And ruatauraut Is Salutu's best eat Ing house, 'fills bouse Is patronized by everybody The host service thnt can be bad. PILES HU? Bupposllocfl hmi tun ' rant, m " im rm, U I ifimiiw HriN wmt. UNCtrti. , Sold In Salem by 8, C. Stone. Call for Free Samples. gMt, vMtCMCOVKH'S CNOIISM Wait Uwi1jm. Jw.Tl bJfl pjk fc a? Un JgMMM frPJFVBBla9gaVseVsiM AsaflMsfeM tstial - - - -afffy BgeaBC? flK jssi sf gspe elBsisBssssssi eassBiBjBno eTssvsssjBjisj fSysjp