THE DAILY JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, FRIDAY. APRIL 10. 1803. PACE FOUR. I ' H - Hermann Regains His Grip (CeattM d ftom first pace.) and toch-d the hearts of alt vho' knew the wan. On of the aea J closest to the late ctmgreassaaa was E. P. MeCeraack. ot Sales. wfee headed the Marten eoaatr deteeaUoa. ' as be had muiy delegations for Tosgs. , tad we heartftr iadorfre his poduea Jhe Battle Began. J pe the great pofeltc s)esUo&s of the Ix T. Harris, of Basest saaed dar. aad Ma adaalBlatraUen. Asd be Geo. C. BrewHoM for ehainaa. Cheers k retorvsd faither that herebr ex hr the Hensaan delegates. ' jtead to feisa the besfrftaltttes of thta B. U Bddr. ef TiUaasook. Biased S. 'state ps the oecattoa ef his pro D. Hsuim. ef WasMftgtos eotr. aad soted Tts4L the cheering lasted several aiMttes.! Rasirc. Thai w to areir 1 T. D. Kar pretested tgateX Brev-ldonw aad reaana the psatferai of the Rett aa he was sot a desegaie, aad had laet Orssjsa Mate Rfo4tcast eore sot A right to he chose. Cheer. Itloa. Sesator Uarsters eatae to the re- i H waved That the ReowhHraa par cue. aad said Brews! emM get a 'ty of tMs cosgresioaaI district farors prexr from aa? eemty The chair! ruled that Brovaeil m eigRtie. Harris moved that the coBreatlon elect far ballot. Carried. Before bit caae was presented BrewneM bad ob jected to the.Laae delegation offering hi aase. at he deetsed It had pod tie. Browncll Elected. After a tflose eeatet Browner! was elected br Tete of 9J to M. aznld great obeerlBR. TMs was eeBstdered a Tie torr for Hermann. "Lai as he frieeds. let there be bo puitsfcrn." aaid the ehalraaa. He said that 5 jrsaws aao was the sjuatrersarr of Ij&tn ssmendar. wk-ea the frag of aeeeasloa west dowa. He natd the troaMe with Uh Ore RooofcMeaa party vu that two or three mtm who Hve IJs tatte Berth of here, had stared the rote of dictator to Urn psrtr aad this afcoald ao leaaer TMs rtniud fco aaedeh. aad Craw lord, of D twain, atored that there be a secretary aad upshift necretarr aaoied br tho aretldaaL "I will 4o re." aald the chair, "aceordlac to aro Kraai " Thla caaood a areat huajh. and the aracraa m sated to have the dar The Program Carried. The alr naaMd H B. CoMr. of I'olttaa aseratorr sm1 X. ToHuti, of nentoa. aa flint socretary. There was the aswal motloas for eomaiiUoiw. T. n Kr aed that ao BKire mo tloaa be aocoaoarr. bat that tho ea tire Ntesram nt adowted Oarried jlb Kreat laiHihtor. Chair awnoNaeed followlad eawMll Xev'. OoMmtUoa on rreilmiUals C It 1bb. of Alhaar; A. C. Marrtew. Roseau; J. M. SholWr. Maaeae: K. T. TanMe. illihhor; R. M. Hmaetu of 1jKo; I. C CaMpbeM. of JiNteahlne. Rosotattoas J. U. OaaipWIL CWiek. urn am: 11 U H4dr. Tllloweok: 11. . JoBoa. Uaeota. T. II. Kar. Martoa; W. J. II sail art oa. YaaihUI. OfHttfllMUeH. R H Wolhaap. IteatoN; H. M Rrat lalu, Ihe: A. V. tHoaraa. Coos; A. II. Rom. Jack. These oammtttoea wom also aeeotd Irk le ttfHKram. The eammlttee aa erwUnUah ro portCHl aa lfofe pahNshed. Tho oemmlttt-e en platform reported briefly ami formally. The eemmlttee seemed to hare dene their work la a Krwt harry- It was adopted The Platform Adopted. AVe. ymr oomtnlttpe on resohitloaa. hereby recnmuiead that the following rosolHtlona be adopted by this ronven tlon. to wit n.olvml That we hirhy record I our high appreciation t the private I WHO Top Coats $14, I top i lljatn IcoATal py Linen Mesh Underwear better still, try a suit for yourself SALEM WOOLEN MILL STORE worth And the pabMc verrktt of the late Hen. Then. H. Tongse, eagress zs&a frm tfel district, aad we deptore Ms death aa kwa to Ms state asd Batten. Rosolved. That e recogals is Tkeedare Roosevelt, President of the Catted State, a stalwart try of Aaterfeas cMJseaaMp irorthr of these, the fcest dar of the repiMic. aad -irtll earaestlr tabor for the Ira provesseat ef ear rivers and barbers br the aatloaal soreraaieaL The Nominations. "NorBlBitlo are bow la order." saM the chalnaaa. There was a hall lor a few mlrates. "If Boeody waata the BoaUBatten. 1 will uke IL" said Crawford, of Dose las. Kay. of Martoa. broke the Ice by BimtBg Claad Catch. He was eapa Me. aad the yeeseer elemeatt of tbr party had a right to be recogslzed at this ttate. A caadMate was Beeded who was ta perfect banaoay with the aattooal adartahttradoa. aad who eoaM Kreet the Presldoat o Ma cma tag TtsU to Ofoaoa wtthoat fooWag that he waa a persoa objectloaaMe la aay way. Great appUase. There waa aaother hilt, aad thoa AaUrsoa. of Woodbani. moved to auke It aaaalaMMS. Ijiaahter. Oos Mewborry. of Jsekaefe. took the toor aad aoatlaatod Vawtor. He Btade aa boat pwa for a caadidate fro Soathora Orecoit. a section that had aever hoea honored with a aoaUaatloa tor ronsreae. Hat thvy had other cbUau than aeoarapti). Their see- tfoa had always boon loyal to the Boalaoea of tho Republican roavea Uoaa. when other roaatiea had helped MaMBhtor tho head of the ticket W. I. Vawtor was a aoa of ptoaeers, worked bis war throank the atato ubI- leraitr: waa a lawrer aad a baelaeaa mm of the hbjheot character, aad tojml to KopabUcaa priaclplea at all tlasoa. He would Inspire aad arouse the satire part)- to IU hlahoM action. It tho oonvobUosi did Ha at- It wwtbj BOMlaato Mr Vawtor Prostdeat RtowrI callod S B. Hoaotoa lo th chair, aad took tho floor for Herawaa. He adaUred aad aaprectatod tho merits of the candi dates whoa Bamos had beoa present ed. PoMtlc wa roaltrr tho adodala tratloa of pabHc affairs. ahMK the nao of doty to the bmmm. Who wa tho beat, tho ftitoM. tho most aial4o maa to send to Wash iaRtoa to ropreoeat this dlatiietT Ma ter Monaaaa. and no other- He next anburied the Oroafialaa for lu aohle tmfile for sound money In 1S. The dtetlBKMlshoil maarom Dowtdas eoaa tr had the oxpecleMo aad the beat of the ariBMnt aa between these can dMalM. Potttlcs was a buswsss and a set that had to be Ixnrnwd by exp and the Intricate and delicate details of RorernmeMt were not learned la a day or a week. Gtmias In with the people, raatvatlns and con trolling men. and vho bad tbe social tantlet and understood manipulat ing things, was the superior to the In experienced man who was new In ron gross WANTS A SUIT $15 and $J6 Another Line ' of Swell . Top Coats JtiSt Opened What we seed in Oregon today k to kill and shoot to death taossbaek lea. aad do it ererl&stiasly. In cos etottoa he said the man he saated wobM be Beaiiaatei tho Kestleaaa from Rogebarg Dinger Heraaaa. Jadge Hewitt said he had not th haalttty nor the Baneteal Tolce of the geatleojan froa Ctackaaaa to do Jot Kee to the favorite son of Ctackaaaa. Dot he woald go a step farther. We want sew tbeagbt. sew energy and ability, and he woM go a step forth er. and amk for a new aaa. We nd a aaa who win stand apes prifieipU. and not apoa mere poHdes ef self seoking. As able lawyer and aa hon est man. who would stady qnestlooc. tears what waa rl&ht and do what was right Percy R. Kelly, of Liaa. Gea M. Brows seeoaded Hermann's BoalaatloB. The people woald do a Ik - O Jk a rt t an O t. a .a. s m eqairaleat to a certificate of election.; He was the trnsted fneBd of W n. Mc - KInler. aad good enoagh to represent this district waiter L. Toe saw He was prood of theaoMbacks. who had brought the seees oi ciniiiauon is mis western . coast, asd ae arose to nominate a son of one of these pioneers Hon. Claad Gatcb. of Salem. ."We are here te seek a leader, not j a ronower oi public opinion." Great cheering. His candidate stood In the state convention and fought for the sold standard when others were tak Ing the middle ground. Ill candidate was a man" yon don't have to defend, neither his private character nor his pwbMe reeord. Great appkutse. Oroaoa had sent one of her grand oat sons to tbe United States senate, and he was Inexperienced the Hon. Cnaa, W. Pnrtoa. Mr. Cateh vMM take bis seat the peer of aay worker who woald be sont there There would be no defensive cam paiem If the Marion eoaBty aaa was pwt on the ticket Cktnd Cateh waa a man who worked for a living. He wnt a friend ot' tabor and would net aM the tabor votes of this district Great an- pinnae. The galleries aad enrwna In the ball were two to on for Gatch. K. II. Uotknap. of Ueaton, eak glsed tho Ropablleaa party's anatent kletorr. and Htcoaded the nomination of Hermann. Tho eh airman now ordoted tho ba! Iota taken. First Balloting. There were lit votes east as. ful tew: Hermann ..Qatoh ft. Kellr . Vawtor 11. BrowaeU 1. Hvry vote waa cast. When the vote was known the eon veattoa broke Into great oheering. and thore were cries o Gatoh! GaUh! Oatcfa' all over tn hawse and nailer- The second snowed a chang of one vote from Hersnaan to Oatek. Her mana 7S. tlatcb IS, Kelly . Vawter It Criea of Gatch! Gatch! Gatch' Third ballot Hermann 81. Gatoh M. Kellr 37. Vawtor 13. This Ujbq the Hermann men eheered and aaain on the Best when both Hermann aad". l1"" Bedkun toote. Oatch nalned one. I 1 -Hermann OS. Caleb 5S. Kcl- Fonrth ballot-HermanB 8t. OatohPy ' Vawter IS. Brownell 17. f. Kellr 3, Vawtor 12. I Xo- Hermann 7f. Gatch 51. n ... -- 4.m a- w,Jnrowno" J Kellr IB. Vawter 13. of an otvetton, asd votes hreame valu able Fifth Hermans St. Gatch SI. Kelly SS. Vawter 12. Sixth Hermann 81. Caleb St. Kellr 28 Vawter 12. Ballot east ont as one too many votes were cast I On thef sixth ballot Clackamas waa passed until last A conference waa held The delegates had all been vot No other clothing More within a radius of 25 miles of (Salem is equipped with its own tailor shop. It is easily scon therefore, that the man who buys a suit in our store has a better opportunity for securing a fit than is afforded anywhere else in thiepartof the valley. This fact, considering alio that we carry the largest stock of Men's and Boy's Clothing in Oregon outaide of Portland, makes it decidedly to the advantage of inteud ing purchasers to see our suits before buying We have Sliw SuiU for long waisted, long armed and long legged mm, and Stoat Suits for the "bay-window" gentry and short chunky fellows. In tbe situs, tk pU rn are calculated to broedeu a mau out, in stead of Bukisg hdss fotk mure than ever like a bean pole, while in the stools Use psUtonwi make the short man look taller. Our sake but jr vtt the largest in our history yet during the first three nwsrtJM of tisu jear our sales showed an iucrease of 60 per cent over tW Bairn frsnod'of last year. The reason for it? Simply this we have Use goad, the styles are correcl, the prices are right, and we euamitUe stiMtinn. For all the year round. Coolest in summer and warmest in win tor and uen-shrinkabla. The most cleanly aud sanitary under garment known. Costa more than wool or cotton but its worth it Ask for pamphlet containing scientific proofs of above claims, or Tfie QUICK MILES' DR. Cure - ad mXmiA mUh beadicb fer jtn. t mmi fnn KC urn mtcf. A Bfiui; Brunt pniwr, .iu na mi. wra umini ac .. . . .. -... . m I, ... -M . IH. MB' AnII'ta pkl. ceraaeoeed ... m ...l .. i. v. l.. I c iwH r. ms ,, cv ""';0a bnrtttT rresraaeoil Uirm fer beadaebe , Thrv care evenr ti. tr .BT ruin.- 1 MHB. LrrT MXICOr. lUat Oraad Ferts. Ulan. -I tMok veer I'aln MMs are tbe sreateat w.dr tor beaditfce aad sraralcla. I kp theaa esaMantly naMBiwtl tbea le my 1 OS nana, KM rec my imsda. JL. L. PdfUKUt Iletteee. mibb. aad IH. MRr' AMI ralo 1UU ez Mr U tfUrt t pate er rbeaaaa -1 tteau 1 reeaaaMad ibem blrblr. ow. rm 'rrrLET- Mlnneapeila. Mtea. D. Ae sQsck.Safe.Sare asi ete!y Core ferfrU.lrrruMl'tr, Seattckarss. Backathe. shea, 1 ptin ircrkil Tbtys-efariBterkr taT j"" evrriero eajedferHsJacbe. PrBral- I Piffl i rev Kai i it ff iir wtentr n i ,ng Becrrty so far The result of this JbaHot WM: Hermann 81. Gatch 51. Kelly 26, Vawter If. Seventh ballot Hermann SO. Catch 11. Kelly 36. Vawter 16. Gatch Eighth ballot Hermann 39. Kellr 37. Vawter 17. Math ballot Hennaan 80. 81. Gatch 37. Vawter 19. Kellr 36. Testa ballot After once falling for too maar vote, the result was: Her aaaa S. Catch M. Kelly 36. Vawter It. The Uth ballot stoed: Hermann itch . Ktr . Vawter 11. Gatch TwtNth Hfrmaaa 72, Gatch 3. Kelly M. Vawter St. Browsed 17. Har ris 1. Thirteenth Hermann S, GaUh 33. Kelly S3. Vawtor St. Harris 13. Brow- nn SI An attempt was made to adjoara at S:lt. Lost. On the 14th ballot Eddy not the rat rote east for him. and the result stood' Hermann (7. Gatch 31. Vawter 12. Brownell 11. Kelly 21. Harris 3d. Kddy IS. Flftoeath ballot Hermasa fl. Oatch SI. Harris St. Eddy 18. Vawtor. 11. Kelly If. Brownell 17. Belknap 0. On the lttb ballot Gatch was the high man- Gatcb IS. Brownell 17, Kddy 17. Vawter 12. Milter 1. Hermann St. Harris St. Kelly IS. Belknap 5. Seventh Gatch went up to 62, Her mann had 38. and the rest were scat tered. The Hermans vote was with hold from Harris, as the Roseburg crowd considered the action of Lana treacherous On the ltth ballot Gates gained 1. Harris gained 7. and the rest scat, tared Tbe ballot was Illegal aa there were too many votes. On the ltth Oatch led with DO. Her man 12. Harris 26. Kelly 16. Brownell 17. Vawter 12. No. SO Hermann SI. Gateh S6. Kei. ly Si. Vawtor 12. Brownell 17. Harris had dropped oat. and the Hermann Kecne 1. No 2S Hermann 79. Gatch 51 Kel- Jy S7. Vawter 12. Kddy 2. On the above ballot Brownell drop ped ant of the race, and thero was mere frantic yelling by the Hermann There was delay about the balloting and cries of "ballot1 ballot" were heard all over the halL Men were rushing about like bullets. Great Headache Cute. SAFE SURE ANTI-PAIN PILLS. kinds of Pains and Acnes. all bars feead a, positive rare fer bead- 1 .L a - " L l.k . k . . MMa. ak t-lyir. In li iw of Wr Mile Antl-Pala VYm. I ahrar have tatta Is tbe bar. t 1I. JOHN liniUN. Datatfc. JUon. "I hare ben a ereat refferer fra bea ame and anifli. A tritsd teM rae te try iT jsivtv abii mu. ihj aiirr uuns , " r jhh- vnrt. i Bare ti uia me .wnr ran. . ins. n im km- i, vsi 7 es esna. aua a.-mii;kso.. MaaUte. Mian, "I bare med Dr. Miles' Antl I'aln I'llli Ir severe Beaaaese, ana toey wert nxe a etm- " y JL SEWKIRK. Btrawn. Kasa. Mfles' Pain PiUs !!. nummw. - m. uim, K40T. ct(Kni) wiaxuik. W4- Stampede to Hermann. Before balloting Eddr made a to Hermann. Thero was great uproar , J br the Hermann men. Tbe fight bad bon P'cke, up out ' e' ntina n(J I won over the opposition of the young er candidates. Vawter got up whea -TiLrVvtn waa rnllwl anrl r!pajip1 hla delegation. At this point Browncll returned to the chair. The Last Ballot. Hermann waa nominated on this ballot, the 21th, receiving a majority jof the votes, and the convention broko ; uto wild cheering. I The chair rapped asBoaneed that 176 or foar more than them down, and votes were east, there were dele gates. Bat Kay. ef Marion, relieved the sitaatloa br moving to make it Hnanimoaa. Hermann had Pi votes. Hermann InV-oduced. Btngor Hermann was iBtrodttced. and made a speech replete with good feeling and predicting certain vlo torr. They would roll np tho largest Re publican majority ever cast In this district Cheers. After praising all!f0r the anti-saloon element At til his competitors, he accepted the nom ination with thanks. It was nearly midnight when ke finished his remarks. Gatch was called for and Introduced amid great applause. He regretted his defeat but ne had no corapialBte. He would be no laggard In the com ing contest Vawter was given a similar cordial greeting, and predicted a sweeping victory. Bddy, Harris asd Kelly were railed for and spoke briefly. The old congressional committee were continued for their present term. The convention adjourned. Yew Park School. The Yew Park school had a little spring vacation of Its own this mora Ing, and tbe time was devoted to a regular cleaning hp and beautifying ef the school ground. Shovels, rakes, brooms and wheelbarrows wore re quisitioned, and a whole lot of good, hard work was done. In a way that made It enjoyable recreation Baker City Is to have IU street car line put In shape, and tbe new mate rial has been purchased. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Of Salem. The only National Bank In Marlon f oonty. Transacts a general tanklsi ul exrhinB-e hndneM. Drafts Untied on all cart of the world. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT conducted J H. Albert. Pres- E M. Crolsan. THAT DOES NOT Spring Suits $10.00 to $25.00 White Vests pretate ! A. juitoiiwm nnu. nann. WTKcl I f i ii it - - . ... . In Miles' Antl-rla PJi are the beat aaJM "-;'rwdy 1 can art fer btadaebe h -jm set leaTe any Md effects." I for several jeara I was trt M . ' cervvst bradacbe asd Utxl. i J ! Utlsr lr. Mltea- AaU fu S anwn a xear ego, and waa relieved at . w (uui inmsara. bm. uu T EvAXi uwim 17 lUL i -i a BnautBt can ise ua Mtn btcas aslac I. MHee' Antl Vt'a vm, an pnltlvety aute ttt there U bo jS h eevaacae isey wn set cur- Kut 1. i take and anlek reMef n. C TATifli. Nedu. Kju j lex Down asiOvartaa Pals. Etc. EvSi t ., .V.M, ,pm i mp S I A I t FAILS TO CONVICT' AligUSt CalmdS Ot Wood- I blim J JnrV Returned Vfifdict fdf Defendant At Ah WWUraiU 1UBIH. U49 iuic rt.u..iwUM T-t... .....- .1... ..... failed to secure a conviction In Its prosecnUofi of Angnst Calm els on ti charge of selling Intoxicants In viols i tlon of the city ordinance Tee trill I was held before a Jery In Recorder C F. Whitman's court. Grant Corby, city attorney for Woodbnra enndott ed the proeecuUon. The dff-nd&el waa represented br John A. Cartes, of this city. Calael's arrest on the charge fol lowed the recent city election at j Woodburn that resulted In a victor; trial of the case, the stat railed i number of witnesses to testify that they had purchased liquor at the Dull ness bouse of Calraels', who conduct! a billiard hall. In this effc rt the pros ecutlon was unsuccessful fr the mi Jority of the witnesses ca' ed for this purpose would not swear that thef purchased liquor of tbe defendant. and the ethers did not lUtr pot) Uveir as to the kisd of bvraie they bought The complaining witness vu S. Torallnson, mayor of the citv Woodbura has aa unusual ordlaistt against the traffic, sale and handUsi of Intoxicants. In addition ' ;r blbitlnar the keeninc and u' ttfluors of any kind, the orloasct makes It a misdemeanor. pun'ihaWt by a fine of from ISO to 1100. to eves give away Intoxicating beveragts el any kind. In arguing the case befon" tho Jry. Attorney Carson, for the o fendant, urged tho unrcasonableoew of this feature of the city's ordinance, as abridging the rights of cttizeai Mr. Carson also Insisted that the erl dance offered by tho state was Ins nfi j dent te warrant the conviction of till accused. The Jury waa less than til hour In returning a verdict for tl'l defendant under usual Saviors Bank regolitiou. Vlce-Pres. Jos. H. Albert, CasUM-' FIT? Don't Wait Till Lines i Are . Picked Over For fashionable young men. Loot" cool and dressy and if comfortable. Other light shaded ( R. T Brry. tarmteir