PAGE FOUR. Hermann . (Coataued from maun several votes In Yamhill and sfx of Polk's, but mar loe-one In Claobamas and one more In. Lane. Begone, April 9. The firat district Republican congressional convention met at 2:30 todar at the court bouse, and the audience room was ' early IMOKea to mo door The cream of Western Oregon He- pubHcaalsra Is asemMed at Eagene to nominate a congressman for the first dlstrlcL it Is a strong convention of picked men. A train after train arrives It grows evident that this will be a warmlr contested convention. The delega - tlons are nearly all full, and the keen - est politicians are engaged In the struggle to control. 'The fact Is that there will be another congressional convention a year from now, and If good work Is not done hero the nartr leaders realize It will have to be done over again next spring. The general demand Is for a strong candidate, who can hold down the Job. I There have been all sorts of combl- nations attempted, and the most feared Is that of Brownell and Her tnann. the former to nominate the latter. If this Is done, and that was the talk at a late hour taet nlghL there will be more excuse than ever for the labor vote and Independent Repubri- cans to bolt the ticket at the special lectio. "On the other hand." as politician nay. Mr. Browned has hU ear to the earth, and knows that the tide I no- Imc acnlnet Hermann He will not make blmeelf more unpopular by tak- "wHelL When they divide tboy will lag hp the ftbt of a defeated candl " to tPB IfcW- -' Harris. Mayor ilat. Wmlck. ot Oretron City. Is not rery Many Republican nre determined -tHsiaMlc 1 Brownell. to defeat Hermann for the nomination The Delegation. and some will carry their opporitton ! Denton C V. Johnson. Kings Vat- ih far as to moor for hi defeat If toy; K. II. Belknap. I.oag Tom; Levi nominated. Henhktr. OorraMU; J. A. Park. Pbite- G-tch Headquarters .math; M. S. Durbln Albany: W. S. Are at the Hoffman Howe, and helTMMon. Well; Alex t.ennle. Cor- has the large detonation of worker ' vn,U' by Ml oK to-oral Usaon o-or There' Clorkam-G. II. Dim. KU. m a wry friend I for blm J- T. B Myan, Wn. Sh,ban. C. am) the old ploneem from all over - "",Jr- w HownH. J. W. Camp Jhe dlrtriet. j,U' 0p0 City. Jamea Dickey. Mo di It reported that rwal enUre m,w; Pra,,k J"- lurw Ctm- blocVa of detonation are wnu to m" ,- 0wn. C. U. Barlow. (latoh aH.r ih flret baHot. and hi Uartow- c "N Creek: mi isi limlAiiM siskMiisi MMaMmA ...rrrn..r-. .,.....,. . ., , vw, . Vawter Headquarters Are at the gweeiie on the third Boor. H has a few devoted perowal friends at hi right band, and I mak ing a very favotanle imprelon. If the mHNlnatlon uoms to Southeru Orw Kom. he will win out. Hermann Hraaquarters Are at the Sween hotel. Brownell '. Is at the same place The nght of Pert Orford. the Oregonlan mi both of them natur Douglas John K. Ive. Imnytin ally threw them Into proiJmlty. The rtlte; A. C. Maimer. Benton Hires, Dormant. delegatMi wear red button. JRomtburs;; W. P. Read. Gardner; A. Tho Hermann boomers were quite M. Crawford, Rosenurg. John N dopreel on the train nolng up to Hu- j Week. Leonard Perkins. Drain. Geo none, and there wa not a great dealJYofsng, A. F Steam. Oakland. Ira II of enthuetaam in th-lr midst The ( Riddle. Riddle; F. W Benson. Rose timber land anert removal the dar.nurg: Geo. kmcon. l-ooklnc Glas. T before dM not help matter. At the Hermann toom Cape Omu by and Dr. Driver were boMtug the fort, with Schiller Hermann and Dr. Mlllor. Hermann's non-ln-law. holding the fort. The Smcede Conference. A conferonco of the anti-Hermann RopubMcaH wa held in the parlors of the Hmeede hotel, at o'clock, ami It was evident then that Hermann was nhut out of the race. Tho Hermann vots an ftr-l ballot will stand at about thm figure: Klamath I Lake I Josophlne , . . 7 Cooa . S Curry .... J Douglas . .11 THE OLD RELIABLE t.Klrt6 POWDER Abs-.utnV.y' Ptirf 7MM: IS NO SUBSTITUTE Ij5Vrt Shtft Out First Page.) Lane . H Lincoln 3 Polk ". 3 Beaton 3 Total 63 This )m(m aim 21 short of a nom ,mUol 0n gcofK, Baol he ma- get tome rotes from Clackamas, thro. jnt tht Htraost, but I should not be sur- prit ,f Clackamas --,, jne tried , .h,-,,-- Hermann. , Geo. C. Brownell said: "I think Mr. i Hermann will be nominated. The op- P8Uon cannot reach asreement " to cndldato'" ! First and Second Choice. 1 "I've, sot my first and second choice." said a Washington county j delegate. "Who's your first?" f ! aan "W ee hcr w Instructed -'- --." "Well. he's my first chdoe to beat" "Who's your second?" "Browne!.." Martin Dttrbln. of the Benton dele- K"uon- ,B BB ,oww '""" "? He Is for Kelly and against. Hermann. with Catch for second choice. C. V. JohB- Benton county. Is a 8a- tern toy. and he is counted for Her mann. , I II. I Bddy. of Tillamook Is aero. "9 k0MI n ,f Be WWM of the circuit judge mm we third district bfo,, iM rr . mU V Mer. A" portM to Ue contrary, the Clackamas county -defecation la for SAM O. l)llIIDMo, OOniM. J. 1 4, KfMMHft Stafford. W. W. smith. iMrk Place; Aoam Knight. Canny: R. W Klnnalrd. Coo J. W. Henneic C. W. Towwr. T. M. IMmlrk. ManmanM; K. K. John son, W. C. Chase, Cttnutlte; Col. R. H. Itosa, Ifenoou; D. A. Hullng, J. C. Roberts. Myrtle loint. Cnrr C. W. Halne. Hekley; W. J. Walker. Gold Beach; Frank Howe, JH. Cannon, Reeeburg: B. 51 Armltnge I Myrtle Creek, lien Huntington Yon , calhu Jackson K V. Carter F D Wag nor. Athhimt. W. R. Col. man Phoe Phee nix: D T lwton, J M Ke.'no 1 U Hamilton. Med ford; C F Young Gold Hilt; Gw Nebrry. W G Kenney II. K. Ankeoy. Jackson. I lie t D Heard. MwUord I. tL-vlt W IT Hampton. 11. I. Truax. J 0 Camp bell, Grants Pass; Geo. Griffith B F j MUner. Waldo; C. 51 Stite Grants Pass. Klamath R. S 5Ioor Klamath Fan. ! I-ah A. W. M4lnKlU. Lakewew Lane R. A. Booth. W. Ku.ken dalL U It Harris. J. 51. Shelley. K. O. Potior. D. A. lvalue. W G Gil trap. Oeo. T.' Ball. S. H. Friendly U R. Cttrieman. Kttgeue: I. N Wd wards, Junction; a W. Hunt. Flor ence; a A. Baker. WaUervllle. A A. Dixon. Cotmrg; J C. Itrattaln. Spring lent; W. C. Conner, r. J. Howard. Cottage Grove. . F. Keooey. Ooshon. IJnee J. C. Fletcher. Morris; T C. Jackson. SOeta; Henry Nice, Lut jenj; B. F. Janes, Toledo IJan A. O Prill Selo; C B. Winn. 0. W. WHJt, II II. Hewitt. F. J. MUfer. j. a Irvine, J. S. Van Winkle. Albany; W. .W. IVaacis. Ilaltey; F. M. Brown, Brownsville; R. I White, Harrisbu.g; R IX Oornett, Crabtree; Wm. M. Brown. Looanon. J. 11. Tur pi. Watorloa MarioR-Dr. J. N SmIU K P 5lc Cornarlc, W. J Irwin. Lee Atcheeos. j A. A. BnrtoB. T. J. CronUe. J. J. Mur phy. T. B. Kay. J. F. Goode, R. A. 'Cross&n. J. A. Richardson. E. T. Co I d.'T n our pnM schools and semla nelluL re PS- s-ui. s.i-... a i. 'net lena leaxalnif and more health -, w., w.,. w. im, THE DAILY JOURNAL, SALEM, Adklhs, Scotts Mills; J. H. Riches Stlverton; H. A. Snyder. Aurora; W. I Tooxe. A. S. Auterson, Woedburn: N. H. Looney. Jefferson; B. E. Mc klnney. Tarner; J. C. Slegmund. Ger vals; E. U Martin. Turner; H. C Porter. AumsvUle; T. D. Jones, Brooks. .oik J. B. Tr-lilnger. Butler; A. O Wolverten. W. T. Hpffman, Mon mouth. D. I-. Keyt, Perrydale: J K. ilubbard. Independence: H. B. Coe per. G. W. Hawkins. Dallas; A. F Stoner. RIckreal. Tillamook B. I Bddy. A. W. Sev erance. H. T. Botts. Tillamoek: F. M. Lamb, South Prairie; W. H. Coop er. Nehalem. Washington E. B. Tongue G. R. Embrle. John Connell. 9. B. Huston Hlllsboro; H. T. Buxton. R. W. Haines. J. A. Thornburg, Dr. C. E. Hlnos. Forest Grove; Wilbur K. New oil. Dliley: W. J. Butner, Beaverton. Andrew Jack. Farmlngton; C. FV Tlgard, Tlgardsvllle; B A. Ed dy, Tualatin; M. Dlllaboy. Road villa Yamhill W. H. Henderson; J C. Pennington. McMlnnvllle; J. C. Hod son. !, 51. Parker. Newberg; B. F. Ferguson. Amity; A E. 5IcKern. North Yamhill: T. J. Scroggln, Sher idan; J. E. Hubbard. 1-a Fayette: S. B. Allen. Bellview. Hermann In 1896. It Is recalled that at the Albany Republican convention in 18Q6 Her roann fell short eight votes of a uom 1UUUUN. i If the figures are correct n't this' convention. Hermann will not come within J votes of a numlnntlon. F. T. Wrightman estimate that be wilt be IT votes short. The Lane county delegation met at S o'clock Inst night, and trll to bar --i.- i.. ji--. it -, -.... -r--eif-5i sn-e. iMnviwieai - " . aioirii that the slate proposed by the Hot- mann push was broken Into and five anti-Hermann men were put In. Next It was attempted to adopt res olutions Instructing the delegation for Hermann, and this was voted down. The delegation aln attempted to unite for Hermann last night, but not all attended. Hutten for Chairman. At a caucus of the anti-Hermann 'orcos rant night ex-Senator S. B. Huston, of Washington count), was (meted aa chairman of the ennven- 'Ioh A deal was consummated nt Peudle on today whereby 11 K. Kennedy, for vnout three .ears buMneee reanaiter tiid naif owner of the Pendleton Trlb tne, tranererre-i hta interest to CJmm. 1. Sampson, wlie has been advjJtgg -nanaMor for the Hast Orenonlaii'.fpr Jie past year or more. ' Doclora In Baker Clt) confirm the Uatement that the disease of "lumpy 'aw" exist In Baker county, and has een contraetetl by human being. The rural tolephone line extemllng tcroes the Willamette valley to In lependence Is about completed, and a1II be In operation in a short time. Insurance adjusters have allowed J. M. Stark, of Independence, the sum f 15075 for loss on .he Uttb Palace Hotel, caused by fire April 1st. S. K. S)ke8 has asked Roseburj. for t ftanthlso for a street railway Youne women mav avoid I much sickness and pain, says niss Alma Pratt, if they will Omy liaC aitn in Lydia U- Pinkham's egctable Compound1.! I fed U mv dtv to tell all rounr- . . . - women how wh Lydla II. Ilnk- ' hn m's wonderful Vegetable Com pound hA done for tee. I was com pletely run down, unable to atteml selHiot, ami 4l not oare for anv ktml if society . but now I feel like new pcno. and Iwv gained keveo pouud-i f 4oh In thrw-i moatht. i " I nteomwesMl it to all yoang women who surTer frtn fnale weaku.n -Mts Auu- P-rr. Hollv SUcU-s&OOO MMt Uffitl-M. PUEK MEI-ICAL ATIATCE TO OUXU WOMEN. All younsr .rlrls nt thl ru-ini -f life ure ejnusUy invited to write to .llrs. IMiiklmm for ndvico ; sho has euldotl In n motherly way liuudrvd- of yautur womeuj her advlco Is fivcly and cheerfully given j her address Is Lynn, Mn-is, Judflnc from the letter- the is re oelvlng from so many yot-nj. girU 5f r. Pinkbast is inclined to the belief that oar irirls are pushed altothor too naar the limit of their endurance now- oeJ -, fiHipv i "fflBklHQj Ci ,----B I J prBv-a i h r . s sf ar HH ' T J YfTi h f OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1903. A COOL nSffEttMAN. . rite Slorr :( How He Itnded Great DIk De-ntjr. Bow slowly now. A little nearer to the ebore. There, thofa right. Steady, now. This eddy looks like n good place. The left oar; JoM a little. There, that's fine. J net by these lily pads a large one was caught the other day. Gee whiz! Did you ee that? A strike, and he I was a beanty. too an eight pounder, 1 I'll bet. Hack water, quick, till I try i kirn again. Slefldr. now. Thfo Is the i ile or. I guiffe we've tnlwed bltn. Xo, by Jove, there he was again! lie's got It: IK1 pot It! Turn her out into I deep water. lies In the Illy ads now ' and a goner mre! Thundenttlon. and i be wms monster! Muft have wIgbed nt least ten pou-d- Xe: there be U! He h- .(! booked; he Is all right; be Is free from the lille; be H free! Steady, ! now. Put I be ohm In the boat. Sec thi ioM. He bemls It nearly double. Atnl ' doeon't he make the reel sing! Now be has turned. Ue Is coming toward m! Hand rn that landing net! Quick. Mink-k! II.- ! ntiig under the boat! He , will mi. the :;.ie! Holy smoke, there , he go! Cmb the line grab the tine, I My! Hare you gut It? Keep bltn ' fact. ihiw. Jut a m-colhL, Steady, now. There be gnc Into the net. Here bo U In the boat. We bare him. He Is safe. And l-tt't be a leauty? Icn't he a bean, ty. a tlondy. a rrnckerjack, a pencil? He will go above six pounds. If be weighs an ounce. Wasu't he lively. Did you see blm make that three foot Jeap out of the water? Tou dl'dn't? , Man, where were your eyes? Bow In now. nnd wc wilt weigh him. How much did you hay? Four pounds nnd two euncea: Pshaw! That can't be right. Your scales arc not accurate, Well, he's n Itcauty anyway. It took a fnll half howr to tire blm out nnd land Three minutes, you say! Ob, I J'"'' -ken: That can't olbly he. It waurely longer than that! He urely longer was a ngbter to the last. Excited wben I caught him! Nnw; not a bit! Cool as a cucumber Jut I am now. Ue cer tainly hi a Ix-anty. Forett and Stream. THE OLD WOOD FIRE. , I'lilllnc ttir lllir Ilacklnic In I'Uc V (Jnllo n Job, i After the evening chore were done my father would appear In the doorway with the big backlog coated with huow. often of ampler girth than himself awl ' fully breaet high to lilltl an he held It upright, canting It one way and auoth- : er ami walking It before him on Its i wedge halted end. He would perhaps J tnnd It agaliwt the ebimney while he , t iiretttbing kmhi ami pmnneu uw . caiiipalxu. Theu, the andirons lmuled forward um the hearth ami the bed ot half burned bramti-aiHl lire real, raked .n. the Icy bag was walkeil lulu the clilmney. where a skillful turn wouhl lay It oven M-4ug nml hteamlng. In Its ln!r of Inif rmlHTK It peemed a thing ulUf. nud lt vehement H'uiterlMg und pi(4o4tng nm-l-M dramatic moment for at iiii'i iim kuuill ritevintor. l'ln- -tuat Uo-l nnd ttmgc or perhaps a i'--- f itivwiMel ued as a lever wirti; I fori,- it agaln-t the chimney I . S. i!i ii a jsuud idsed stick, called a l) .. k il.-k." wmk laid on top of it. and :! uimIIriii uerv mm In piece. Acroos 111'- n Hllrnn. uttutber awd rfietl tlck .. :.-ihl. .-uiiiil -fore hth-k," and In b- ivtetiiii- smaller sticks were t il and thrust und pllvd. all iUlk l klnl;l hr ibe live ooah and brandx. I 'i verj rrkl wmther a are ws kopt iMtrning all uigbt. our fntber getting up wot or t ice to rrptcnitth It. Even In Muonter lb- i-unK rarely beenmc ox (inn. A gia-l hp of them covered with ember at bedtime would be found alite when i.ikid 4ni in the morning. -J. T. Trole-Mgc In Ailantk. Cmmi-ell. Ou Hit- uiorniHg of the lt of 51ay, 103". tiMre tHt-urrwl an Inehlent that, uuuotk-ed at the lime, afterward pnnf-d to be owe of the turning putnt of bU tory Light immigrant shlw ley In the Thame ready to mil. A ldy of pilgrims were about to eml-rk. and Oliver CromwoU ami bis famous i-vus In, John Hampden, were nmeng ihom X But they were Mmh-I at the wiidioc by a guard of soldier. The Whs bad decreed that Ids subjects .tiouM ooi leave Rntlflml. from wen uyed, ami with him, a Mautukiy wrote. twi the etll genius of the boue of Stuart.' Und Cromwell and hU friend been al lowed to carry out their pcuject of em Ignition the wtwdc bhtory e. tb- Kng llsb civil war might bat renin Inc. I uu written. A .IUSI Quotation. An attache of rWtgiou book-iter. uni PiVHt --- ww--j j --si -- -- Iiu Biv..ii i .o fc,- ruuM rffc-F Ks I lr. among theelectcal vtw- that be H scriptural or nothing, but be Mmim w msNlt. When Ui. aiieoinx. w c"u ,u WD8f M m a roMr neai ly attached to the In pel ef Ma coat and an m-iuuatkm ihrowu out that a ledy frlentl might have bad i awethb-g to dt -wtth It. be parnljraod the uMnnalor by saying. "Na ir; I gathered rhnt r from my on a tine and As tree' X Slander. The Barbelur I wonder wlu tbo rfi-ts arc not Mipplktd wtth worm wa ter pipes tike the other J The Benedict They nre probably In tended for married men. The Bacbiur-loes that make a dif ference. The Benedict-Yes. Wben a man b married, ale wife generally "keeps blm In bet Itccord. fatal BMk. Ih )u (Uuk my new novel cover the ground r" "Well, I t-oght a brtnf gNtupsc yes terday of a man who had Jot read It and he was certainly covertn- thi trennd"' AtUnra Constitotion. HOW TIME IS MADE. Cacle Sam n-ictmc- Ills Clocks by On- ot the Fixed Stars. Strange as It may seem. Uncle Sam does not make use of the sun for reck snlng time, but be turns his attention to tome of the regular steady going stars, or "fixed stars," as they are called. Every clear night an astrono mer with n big telescope looks at cer tain of these stars and makes kis cal rulatlons, from which be call tell Just when the .sun would cross the seventy fifth meridian. One of the great clocks In the observatory is called the trans mitter, because It transmits or sends out the signal that keeps standard time. This clock is set and regulated by the star time, and then every day at three minutes and fifteen seconds before 12 a switch is turned on, and the beats of the pendulum of this clock are tent by electricity over the wires to the telegraph otllces in Washington nnd New York. When the telegraph oper ators hear this sound on their Instru ments, they know that the noon algna' Is about to bs sent out, and they at once begin to connect the telegraph wires with other towns and cities until In a minute or two the "tick, tick" of the clock at Washington Is beard In hundreds of telegraph offices. The beats stop at ten seconds before 12, as a notice that tho next "tick" will be the noon signal and so as to give the operators time to connect their wires with the standard time balls and clocks. There are time balls In a great many cities usually on top of some promi nent building, where they can easily be seen. The one at Washington Is on the roof of the state, war and navy depart ment building, at the top of a high pole, rendy to drop the lnstnnt the signal comes over the wire, in the govern ment otflcc nt Wnshlngton and In many places In other cities there are urge clocks connected with the ob servatory by electricity. These nre so arranged that when the 12 o'clock sig nal Is dashed over the wires tho bands of each one of these clocks spring to 12, no matter what time the clock may show. In this way hundreds of clocks are set to the correct time each day. Well, the moment the sun is supposed to crofs the seventy-fifth meridian the telegraph inetruments give a single tick, the time balls drop, the clocks be gin to strike and everybody In the Dis trict knows It Is 12 o'clock. St. Nicho las. PICKINGS FROM FICTION. People get to like a soul, but a satis factory hat luakei uu Impreseton at first sight.-John Oliver Hoobes hi "The Soul Hunter." Uumau eoumb-iKTH miut he motuwl It Uonly tottod that man run contmHe tclltug. telling, telling ami ucr get ting a word In nturu. - llmry sleton 5Itnimau In "Ibe Vuhurr." It U a fuiMlamitilNl law of a happy ami uwfnl lit.- that we nrawt keep sweet, for ldtti-riMM MTvrrti thr Judgment and -urnlee ib- b-urt'. t'barle Fretl tric ii" In ". I ah of Life." Fort .um t-l -uMUhiUft pr'mltlvrl lr baruu an ot ludk-nil by eMcrnal bilK-u I- walkh bt the Mrvet ouM be frnucht with lraug dxeoveriei. An thony lli- In "Tbe luirUftiotM of Peg gy." There 1 no eorroailve like woumled cgutUw. It mhu lute lb moral nature, corruinlug iti vtetlni, diMroylug all sense of protxtrtlon and Winding him to everything snve bis own paeMonate longing for ritrll.-JaMs t'reulmaii In "Regie Blond." Vi' MrtUod of Atlark. Bdt iu like "Nuturultki lu NltMrugua" draws nttentlou to the method- of st uck oed by different ojwelesof wap. One, aecmrtowed to animal and not to man. take tre to cruwl down the out standing -bairn to the kln before In serting Ms sting, while othurii which lire lu the midst of human dwellings fly straight at a man's face. The first -TH-cles, true to Inherited Instinct, when It attacks unfamiliar tiuuiuii brings at tacho Itself m their hair or their beard-, list there iuut bate been a lime when the M-.-id specie, dt-cov-crol l bet the face was the tulnerable part, ami the dlnvtery whs the out come of the action of brain. Ilrd Color la Uattl. The number of soldier, sktln In battle depends a great deal ou the color of then unlforaik. The more conspicuous the helmet and Jacket the better the target, and con-juently the greater tk n,rfi:i. I?.l -ltrtl tl, n mo-t readily, und twelve meu weorlcu that color r till, ta in H3e I green or six In brae er live In either brown, blue gray or gray. London An swers. I'hlloauiiby JLaclrnl and Modern. "Kntettta MM all pnUudophy He In two word. -rir-lu' nod nbttu.' " "Walk Kt.i. ten may bave bad It g ured out all right in bi day, but lu the time philosophy seems to be jrwtty fully ranrtoned In the two words tu' and -ietaut'"-Cbicnso Record Herald. Helpful llabbx. Wife I wta you would let me know what son of a dinner to have tonight. U-eband TWt's a good Idea. Weil. I sfcal! either not be borne at alt or else I shall brteg three or four friends with tne. Life. Thoronzaeaa. "When I do anything.' said the yeang man, "1 believe In doing H thoroaghly.' "Yes, answarvd bis father, with a sigh, "especially when it comes to get ting into debt ' Walu4gtun Star Xoifclas Dolus. Canvasser I've a book here I'd like to show you. Betsy Man I've a builds. In the next room I'd like to show you. Exctuuige. Willamette ZC X S XX University ?--: B-HI-r-l-r-H-g . ta8ij -. uiu-i umuani ana su'C'jfi,i social ovoat of the school year in Uti rerslty society took place lt et. Ing on tho occasion of 5irs. y r Hawley's recepUon to the freshis sophomore. Junior and senior clZ, of the University. The merry gT had full possession of the host spacious home on State street frost to 11 p. m. and all enjoyed thenseha thoroughly. Shadow pantomimes h Messrs. Sillier and Avorill and Mij, Byrno furnlshod unlimited !,.., -f-t . i I,,, . . for tho happy nartr. Mu. CLark, '03. and Miss Ruth Field, '0. rccolvcd first and second prizes in u Interesting guessing contest Dalnt; refreahmenU were served by the hos tess. Prof. Hawley was on hand lt his usual supply of good stories, nd Joined In the singing with the jolly crowd. He left the guests to catch the train for Eugene. to turn tho nom inatlon for Gntch. Tho hostess was presented with ' magnificent bouquet of pinks by the Freshman class, duly decorated with their colors, green and white. The following guests were present- Cl&m of 1306, 5Ilsses Spencer, Cornelius, Gardiner. Field. Rlgdon, Warfleld'. Lewis. Chapler, Byrne. Stowell, Par sons, Holstrom and Lee; Messrs, Wlnslow, Oliver. Martin S lUdmore and Forbes. Class 150S. Swatford Vu Wagnor; .Messrs Mtllor. Averlll Mo cr, Grannie, Jcrman. Class 1001. Eugene Whipple Marl. Whipple. Class 1WI. .Mlsee Clark Ton send. Clark. Koshmmleder. Moun 'Wllklns, Swaffortl Chae. T. Kldmore. businese reaaax er of the coilenge annual "Wallulah," returned yesterday from a business trip to Portland. While there he ap pointed an ' advertising solicitor for the city to secure ads for the annual The "Wallulah" Is getting on in goo. shape. Tho material Is all praalcall; handed In and arranged. The boo. will probably be published in th lit ter part of ne.xt month, and will U one of which any university -ull bt prond. n The Gold Bug mine, at Grants Paw. has been closed down temporarily, pending a change of amnagt-ment The painters' strike at Portland shows no changes, only taat one ot the master painters-has weakened and signed the scale. Sublimity Election. The Sublimity city eltin was held Monday, and the following ( cers were elected: Recorder Theo dore Odentbal. treasurer. John A Vt ter;; marshal. Philip 5!eier: routu-u- men. Joseph Haslcr. H Hunke. J'ta i Klntz. JOURNAL X-RAYS. It's a horse on Chicago Harritos getting to le mayor. When the heathen have to sub seribA to send the missionaries home. It Is time to stop-sending them out Can It ye that the opponents of ik Isthmian canal have moved one of those Nlcaraguan volcanoes down Into Colombia? A woman sat In front of a JeoUnjt glass back east and shot heroU. 6fce probably could not bear the reflKtloe cast upon her. Locomotive Smith will coach t- ; Eugene football team. How can man be a locomotive and coacn the same time? Rev. Parkhurst thinks the negrt had better have tfecn left in sl&v.n Well there may bo something in that. Ho then ,e-st wouM never bH neara or t-arKnuret. r The President made 12 ..eecaN' In one day before taking to the park but then It was a rood dar far ! speeches, and they were pxd - short Why all this noise because Smith repeated some of tho .-rtf of Vance's teetnres? If he ba4 st1 tho whole thing It would hardly ta r,-,iti-i ti it-lA nf nettv U eeny. The Pope has forbidden all rlh He prosta perform log the inn1i' ceremony for Re-gnaM Vacderb"1 and Miss Cathleea Kelsen t r-w the former is a heretic. Ps to W to Miss Kellsea to pass n? Rfg-1, or turn down the charch We vi o" nickel on mammon belti tho w,rJtf ESS