The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, April 07, 1903, 2ND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Clocks that tell no Lies
t There are a great many lylne clocks atjout-clocksthat have gotten so
Fused to telHn time Incorrectly that It Is an Ineralned habit. If you possess
Kucha clock we want you to consider the purchase of a new one. Drop in
Bhi store and see the maenlflcent lot of new mantel clocks Just received
Phey have splendid worksvthe kind that last a life time and arc truly beautl-
JBl in design and llnlsh. Priced at from $5.50 to S20.oo-anaeacn one at
Rcis than its rlehtful price, at that-
State & Liberty Sts leaders In Low Prices.
EU-H-H-I-m n 1 1 in m 1 1 1 n
fesocial Realm!
South Salem Personals.
. Ii. O. Simmons' brother, of llalsoy,
lis vlBltlng him this weolc.
Mrs. Marlon Klghtllngcr Is lying
very 111 nt her homo on South Com
'merclal street.
! Jnmes Colgan nnd family loft yes-
S It. Vail Is visiting nt Mt An- ( tor,lfty for Alberta. Hrltlsh Columbia.
whero thoy. will reside.
i Scrlber. of I.a Grando, Is In. Jnmes Kronch. who has been visit-
j0 cty ' mr relatives anu menus in aouin &a-
hlrs. Amos Vans went to Portland ,Jem, returned to His homo In Portland
I.inv for. a vIslL lyeswnmy.
iMrs. J M. I.awrenco is me guesi oi
IFortland friends.
fM I Hamilton and son, iJMiil, went
to Portland today.
Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Hofer, Jr., Bpont
Who day In Portland.
Sheriff 11. I). Colbnth was In Wood-
burn Monday afternoon.
A. I, Drown, tho veteran water
company engineer, was In Portland to-fday
V K Lovell. cleric In the oinoo or
I the secretary of stato, was In Portland
! today.
Attorney (lenoral Crawford has re
turned from a visit with ins ininiiy
tat Roseburg.
Charles Ilolmstorm, nlghtwntch at
the enpltol. Is homo from a trip to ins
claim In Lincoln county.
AdJutantGenernl C. U. CJantonboln.
tat Portland, was In the city Mondny.
returning on tho tiftomoon train.
Conrnd Krebs. Julius Plncus and
Senator Knrrnr, local Hop uoniors.
wore northbound passongors today.
Mrs. I B. llodgkln, after a visit
Rrith old acquaintances In Salem. has
returned to Vancouver, Washington.
ill II. Conovor, editor of the Dayton
racrnld, wus a visitor In this city to
Ray, roturnliiR homo on tho mornlnR
F Joseph Adolph and Kd. Huffman
Bnro Home irom rruncu umun, i-,
vhre they visited IiIh brother, III
8tato Superintendent AeKormnn
Iwvnt to BuReno today. Mrs. ackui-
nan Is vIsIUiir hor dnuRhtor. Mrs. K.
Carlton, at Albany.
County Judge Scott anu mo com
missioners wont out from Woodburn
yesterday to Inspect omo bridges,
Budge Scott roturnliiR today.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Flanagan toon
Rholr daughter, iJlaays. to roruami
Rpday, whoro tho llttlo one will ro
Reive treatmont for her eyes.
LMIss Edith Ingmoro, of San bran-
Pisco, who has been visiting tho Miss
RRSouthwIck. of this city, has Rono
RSportland to contlnuo lior vlsIL
R)r, H. H- Ollngor and J. N. Drown
Kayo returned from a nsning inp "
ETncoln county. They failed to keep
Ebunt of tho numuor oi iroui. wuv
j Harry D, Seely, aged 18 and Volma
Farmer, aged 19, woro today grant
tea a marrlBRo license, mo respeciivo
Barents of tho two minors giving UUilr
Hon. W. I. Vawtor. of Medford, was
nTfhn citv today. Mr. vawinr i
candidate for tho Republican congres
tonal nomination at tho Eugene con-
EenUon next Thursday.
IB. O Parker and J. L. Pattorson
iavo gone to Portland to tako tho ox-
lamination before the stato meuicai
board. Tho gentlemon were raemuore
of Uio recont W. U. medical collogo
KraduaUnR class.
C. Casteol. F Stockton and C. C.
Fisher, prominent U. of O. students,
Rjno down from Bugeno Monday
afternoon to tako tho civil service
Examination that Is being hold In this
pity today.
rJudgo I D. Honry. of the Imralgra-
Ton Hureau of the Greater, saiem
(Commercial Club, went to Portland
lay In the Interest of this Important
Dature of Salem's commercial organ!-
Misses Verda Crolr and Miss
label Newby. students of Die New-
ers college, who have been spending
week's vacation with tbnir parents
Kt Rosedale. roturni to ucaow mis
Miss Ixsnoro Kirn, of Dawson C4ty.
rho baa been visiting at tho homo of
ier undo. Jonn rurn, naa bouo w
Ian Francisco, whero she will Join
elaUvetf, and possibly go to Honolu-
"where she formerly resided.
Mrs. Eugene Breyman left last
ight for Birmingham, Alabama, for a
slt with her daughter, Mrs. Snedcor,
Irs. Broyman was accompanied by
fiss Anna Stout, a recent gradasto
irse from the Florence Sanatorium.
Jsa Stout Is en route to Washington,
C, to take a post-graduate course
her cboea profession.
Ilov. Gordon, of tho Leslie M. B.
church, Is holding revival meetings' nt
Hopo Chniiol, eight miles south of the
Mr. nnd. Mm. Sam Hayes, of Hnlsey,
Oregon, formerly of Snlem., nro In tho
city, vlsltlhp relatives and friends.
Thoy leavo on tonight's overland for
Camel, California, whero they will
mnlto their future home.
A. O. U. W. Latt Nlnht.
Tho A. O. U. W. ontortalned their
frlonds, or a fow of them, nt Holninn
Hall Monday night. Unfortunately,
owing to tho lack of notice, the nt
Jmlance was light, but tlumo proxent
enjoyed nn evening the)' will Ionic ro
mtimbor. The stereoptlcon wns lt(
uso, and some very beautiful plcturw
shown, nml the ho inn expatiated on
by Itev. Osborne, who hnd chnrxe of
It. Mr. Darcy innde a brief but witty
talk, nnd Mr. Armstrong. In response
to vigorous culls, talked very Interotit
Ingly (or a few minute
Flax Fiber Shipped
(Continued from first page.)
Snlem product rendy for mnrkut. It
Ik necoHBary to ship the straw to nn
othor mill bornuso of tho lack of fa
cilities In tho Salem mill to properly
treat tho product. F. 1L Drury, mnn
nger of tho Solo mill, Is In tho olty
suporlnUudlnR tho shlppliiR of the
Biigoiio llosse, tho promoter of tho
flax Industry In this locality. Iiuh
hopes of ovcntunlly securlnR for this
city tho location of a linen mill. Ho
snys tho capitalists, with whom ho Is
Idontinod. will Instnll such a mill In
Snlem when It tins btsin demonstrated
beyond ronwmnblii doubt that tho crop
can be siiccoiwfully Rniwn hero. Tho
crop Ihhi yenr was somothlnR of a fail
ure, because of tho fact that ho waa
unnblo to Ret tho necessary holp nt
tho proper time to harvest the crop.
Not over ono-half of tho ncreage
Rrown to flax In this vicinity was
properly harvosted on this account.
TIiIb year Mr. Hosseo will undertake
to raise only 150 acres, as against 200
no res lost year, and, with tho reduced
acreage, he thinks no dlfnculty will bo
experienced In gottlng tho crop harv
osted at tho propor season without
loss and discouragement The plant
ing of tho crop will begin the latter
part of this month, and It will all bo
cultivated under tho personal super
vision and managomont of Mr. Dosse.
Mr. Drury, of Sclo. says tho culti
vation of flax In IJnn county is devel
oping Into qulto an Important Indus
try. Annually the acreage In that
county Increased until this year he ro
ports his company will harvest tho
product of between 325 and 350 acres.
Tho 8clo company has a flnoly equip
ped plant that Is capable of handling
a largo acroage. It has all tho latest
and bent Improved machlnory.
Good Roads
Clovornor Chamberlain this after
noon appointed a numbor of delegates
to attend the International good
roads association convention which
meets at St. Louis April 27-29. The
following delegates woro appointed!
F. A. Wiggins and John A. Simpson,
of Salem; D. W. Sears, Independ
ence; J. F. Stewart. Toledo; F. A. au
fert, The Dalles; M. J. Malloy and
Samuol Connoll, of Portland; W. P.
Dutton, Heppner, and W. IL King, Ontario.
Anti-License Faction Carry
Arrest for Illegal Selling of
The city election nt Woodburn Mon
day was cloaoly contested tho ticket
bended by Grant Corby and opposed
to granting saloon licenses carrying
the day by about B0 majority over E.
Immediately upon the heels of tho
anil-saloon victory August Cnlmels
wns arrested Tor selling liquor with
out a license nnd his trlnl sot for
Thursday. Ho enmo up to Snlem to
day nnd engaged counsol for his de
fense The nrrost Is believed to bo tho out
come of tho city election and for po
litical effect although Uio prosecution
will bo conducted by tho mayor-elect,
who Is now city attornoy, and who Is
noted for fearless discharge of his
duty. Two casks of liquor, of about
12 gallons each, wore slezcd, and bold
by tho authorities. Amos Itcach was
elected city marshal: Honry W. Kol
soy mid It. W. Fltmor councllmen:
Chnrloe F. Whitman, rwordor; S. 0.
Hurry, treasuron
All But one of the Old Board
of Directors
Will Not Abandon the Fill in
Salt Lake at Ogden
Snn Krancliro. April 7. At tho nn
mini meeting of the stockholders of
(ho' Southorn Pad flu todny tho old
board wns re-elected, with tho excep
tion or F. J. Kolsol, of)gdcn. who Is
substituted for Chnrlps H. Tweed, of
Now York. All but 83 shares woro
represented. Hognrdlng tho stories of
abandoning tho cut-off across Great
Salt I-nko. nt Ogden, on account of tho
quicksands, n director Bald: "It In all
bosh, wo are filling In 1000 tons of
rock dally, nnd will contlnuo If all the
fill goes through to Chlnn. Wo will
have the lako bridged over by Octob
er lot, and trains running by tho flrst
of tho year." Engineer Hood. 6f tho
Southern Pacific, Is now on tho sceno
superintending tho work.
Election at Dallas.
Dallas. Or., April 7. An election
wiu held In this city Monday for tho
purpose of dpeldliiK whether tho city
should put In a' water plant under the
control'of II. II. Gati..The veto stood
Attention, Frateri.
Every member of Uio Fraternal
J Union of America Is requostU'd to
como to the hall In Tumor building
'tomorrow. Wednesday, evening and
bring two Invited guests to meet Fra
tor C. It. Cllno, stato lecturer for
Washington, and onjoy a cup of cof
lo like your mother used to make.
Hunk Itxnmluer Johnson,
was In the city today.
of Sclo,
Candy Easter Eggs and Hand
Painted Egg Shell Novelties at
The Spa Confectionery
it 4 State
17 In favor of tli propoiwl submitted
by that gentleman and 29 In favor of
Issuing bonds. Mr. Gates will at onco
make arrangements to put In n gravi
ty system to bo completed this sum
mer. The following city officers worn
elected: J. C. Hay tar, mayor; II. C.
Coster, couuullman.nt-largo; D. T.
Stouffor. recordorf A. L. Grant, mar
shal; counollmen first wnrd. y. V.
Fuller; second, Bd. Shaw; third, A.
P. Mulr.
Islands and the Army
(Continued from fourth page.)
die Increases of tho armed brigand
age to which tho Inland.! have been
habituated from time Immemorial,
a&L hero and thoro for their own
purposes the bandits may choose to
stylo thcmnolvon patrlotH or Insurrec
tionists; but theoe local dlUloultlim
will bo of llttlo consequonco snvo as
HHf llll mtf HMHMllt llflW tWtH
peer Brothers
Tomorrow only as Special No. 6 wc offer
Plain, mixed and sweet pickles in quart
bottles at J 5c a bottle.
Our prices paid for Produce today are
15c dozen in trade and 13 l-2c cash for Eggs
25c lb. in trade and 22 l-2cin cash for butter
: Phone 249 1 State Street.
oWttfliHMfWIf llfWf l(M
Now Open and Ready For Business
The short route to. Independence, Monmouth, Buena Vsitau
Suvcr, Corvallis and other points on the West Side,
Good roads leading to ferry and good service on the boat.
A. D. Pettyjohn, Prop.
w l 0 JLo& Bf m Bf 3Bss"S
J 903 will aive
oi JO clays
they give occasion to a few man hero
Modern Machinery. Lt ,,, ,,, to t , mBoail 01lr
A. A. Iiurton, tho brick manufnetur- opo. Not only has the mllltury
or. lias just received and Installed a problom In the Philippines been
complete outfit of modern Improved worked out quicker and better than
brick making machlnory. Ha will bo we had dand to expect, but the pro
better prepared than mvor this year toKrnH socially nnd In olvll government
manufacture and plaro In tho market lias llkewlso exceeded our fondest
Don't invest in a wheel till ou see them. In the
meantime we are repairing bicycles. Does your wheel need
it? If sb call or ring us up. We call for and deliver free
and guarantee satisfaction at pi ices that are right."
Phone Black 2551 540 Cottage Street
the finest quality of brick.
Aggregate of Six Months'
Warrants Is $30,391.35
The aggregato of tho expenses of
Marlon county for tho bIx months end
ing April 1st, last, won J30.391.36.
These figures are taken from the
semiannual roport of County Clerk
Roland, which has Just been com
pleted. Tho expense of tho corre
sponding six months a year ago were
2G.10G.8C. In Clork Roland's report
It Is shown that there are outstanding
unpaid county warrants. Issued be
tween 1S0C and tho proaont ttmo, to
the amount of $1382.78.
County Treasurer Richardson has
also Issued his semi-annual statement
covering Uio same portod of tlmo
shown In tho clerk's report The
treasurer's roport shows an aggregate
rash balance on the first of tho pres
ent month of $S0,339.39.
First Meeting.
There will bo a meeting of the Low
Is and Clark Woman's Club Thurs
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, at the
First M. R. church. The members
are requested to attend.
5IR8. C P. BISHOP. Pres.
White Help Only.
At Strong's Restaurant you get the
finest meals In the city for tho mon-
Iey, and white Help only is cmpioyeo.
Konrs from 6 a, to. to 1 a. m. at night.
German Baptist Speaking.
Rev. K. A. Hohulte, formerly pastor
of tho German Baptist church, of this
city, but now general missionary sec
retary for the Northwest, will deliver
an address at the church on Cottage
street. Wednesday evening at 8
The following aro among tho hotel
arrivals at Salem Uio past 24 hours,
not Including commercial traveler:
Albert Struvo, Corvallis.
Win. Martin, Dayton.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Collins. New
W. II. Sherman, SUyton.
Wm. H. Hed Woodburn.
y. E. Bain, U.banon.
Will M. Morrow, Eugene.
W. I. Vawter, Medford.
O. W Osborne. Eugene
Tho best Uilng that can be dono In
handling tho Philippines is to put Uio
best man In chargo, giving him tho
heartiest support nnd freest possible
hand. This has beon dono with TafL
Thero Is not in Uils nation a higher,
or finer typo of public servant than
Governor Taft, who has rondered In
estimable sorvlco to tho Philippines
as well a to tho United States. Ho
has been ablo to do this because of
the absoluto support of tho war de
partment Tho army of the Philip
pines Is now only one of the Instru
ments, through which Taft Is doing
raurh admlrablo work, for the civil
government Is now supreme
Rlzal the Patriot
Remember always that In the Phil
ippines the American government has
tried and fs trying to carry out ex
actly what tho greatest genius and
most revorod patriot evor known In
the Phlllpplno Islands Jose Rlzal
steadfastly advocated. This man,
shortly boforo his death. In a mes
sage to his countrymen, under date of
Der-ombor 1C, 1890 condemnod un
spairfngly tho Insurrection of Aguln-
aldo. terminated Just boforo our navy
appeared upon tho sceno. and pointed
out tho path his ptoplo should follow
to liberty and enllghtmont. Speaking.
of the Insurrection and of the pre
tense that Filipino Independence of
a wholesome character could there
by )nt obtained, he wrote-
"When, In spite of my advice, a
moremont wan begun. I offered of roy
own accord, not only my service, but
my life and evon my good name to bo
used In any way they might believe
effective In stifling tho rebolllont I
thought of tho disaster which would
follow tho success of the revolution,
and I decmod' raystlf fortunato If by
Bicycling Dead? Not Much!
540,000 Bicycles
woro sold in tho United States last year. Tho Ilctisou? It's
not for off; it's in yoursolf; You novor folt bottor in your lifo
than when you rodo a bicyclo regularly did you? That's
what thoy all say nnd that'll why thoy aro all coining bnck
Aro you with us for good health, a good timo, good
S and good bicycles?
If so (hen drop in and oxamino our linos. You'vo beon out
h of tho gatno for a Tow years and tho now features will astonish
you. If you think thoro has boon no change in bicyclos, drop
5 in and toll us what you think of tho Columbia for a
I proposition.
Columbia, Hartford, Cleveland, Raeycles, Vcdetts. f
$10.00 T
Otto f Wilson
cure Dyspepsia and all disorders aris
ing from Indigestion. Endorsed by
physicians everywhere. Bold by All
dragglst. Nature, bo pay. 28 cents.
Trial packsne free by writlne to W,
H Hooker A Co., Buffalo, N. T.
Agent for Good Bicycles.
135 Court Street.
any sacrlflco I could block the pro
gress of such a calamity.
Deplored Revolution.
"My countrymen, I havo glvon
proof that I was one who sought lib
erty for our country and I still seek
R. Hut as a first stop I Insisted upon
the development of the people In op
der that, by means of education and
of labor, they might nonulro Uie pro
per Individual character and forco
which would make them worthy of
It. In my writing I have comraondod
to you study and civic virtue, without
which our redemption does not ox
1st. f I cannot do n than
condomu, and I do condemn, this ab
surd and savage Insurrection planned
behind my back, which dishonors us
boforo tho Filipinos and discredits us
with those who otherwise would
argue In our behalf. I abominate its
cruelties and disavow any kind of
connecUon with It, rea rotting with all
the sorrow of my soul that these
reckless men have allowed themsolve
to be decelvod. Itt them return,
then, to their homes, and may (lod
pardon those who have acted lu bad
This niesage umbodlod preolsely
and uaotly tho avowed pollay upon
which the Ainurican flovornment has
acted In the Philippines. What tho
patriot Rlzal mild with such forco
In Bpeuhlug of tho Insurrection boforo
we came to tho islands applies with
tenfold greater forco to thosa who
follshly or wiakedly opposed tho mild
and bonoflcont government wo wero
Instituting In tho Islands. Tho Judg
ment of tho martyred public servant,
Rlzal. whose birthday tho Philippine
people eolebruto. and whom they wor
ship asthelr hero and Ideal, sots forth
the duty of American sovereignty; a
duty from which the American' peo
ple will never flinch.
In conclusion the President ppoko
of tho Volunteer soldier and or tlo
recent Uws pMed concerning tho
stato mllltla.