The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, April 07, 1903, 2ND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    - 'WpWWH'I'yA111
jrw"v T"-jni;
.'a1 iWvVtyiiMp'ipiiiiywiif'w,if'j. "' vmiw'rFm'mfww&iiv 9imtmw- Bt'" -""y yr-wwriyiiw j wsTwcripiffiBi;;
f ,.
j- u
jplliMW Hill' MM WW
mrs. ida
j! Supreme Deputy of the
n?. Mcdonald.
Ho. 477 Beaibicn
Street, Detroit,
iuicu., is np-um
inent woman who was
greatly benefited by tlie
prcat woman 'snicdicinc,
Wino of Cardui. Mrs.
McDonald is tbo supremo
deputy of tbo Maccabees
of tho World, and o 10 of
the most widely known
vnrnm in Din United
States. Thousands of wo ten gather to
hear her lecturo everywhere sho goes.
5 ho great work sho has done for the
laccabces is nnprociaUl by every
member of tho order. Shi was so ab
sorbed in her work that she- neglected
to give her health proper care failed
to take warning that tho symptoms of
approaching kidney trouble gam her,
tho sallow complexion and torpid liver.
But Wino of Cardui cured her the ennio
as it has cured thousands of others and
Jim. McDonald has written this letter in
order that other suffering women may
secure from Wino of Cardui tho same
relief sho got from it.
"for four yesrs I suffered with torpid
liver until my iklt looked yellow and dull.
I then found my kidneys were affected and
had (evert pains acrosi my back, and I felt
Xn. Ida MtXXmaM.
f Sale Ten Million Boxes aYear. W
FR0MJ5. L H.
Of Road District NumberTwo
Alarion County
Kd. Jeurnal: I wish to give n fuw
practical Idoas on road building, to
It ho supervisor of the stato. Good
Road are the moat lmHrtnnt thlnK
In any state, and the first thing to be
Iconsldoiod for It is tho basisIs the
Never plow up the center of the
road, leave ol;ht or twelve foot In tho
! center. Thin Is Armor than you can
1 niako it, and Is a benefit for under
drainage. Where it Is posslblo havo
the grade slope to tho contor of tho
ditch; have no square banks next to
tho road whero It can bo avoided;
bulM your grade ono foot hlghor than
enough. A grade wldo onough for two
tracks, elghteon feet, niako a bottler
road than ono forty foot wide. The
eighten foot grado should havo one
gravel track and ono dirt You can
grade two miles of tho two track road
and keop It In better condition than
you can one mllo of the forty foot
grade at the same expense. The
grading of n road should be done as
i early as poelble. say In March, and not
Jator than April It will pack much
hulcker while tho earth Is damp, and
there will be less dust. No gravel
Should go on a road until It Is
Thoroughly drained and graded, for In
time It will be lost by making n grade.
Coarso gravel should bo usod first on
a new grade, this should be packed
woll with a roller, and then given a
coat of fine gravel. Thon you will
have a road bod for agos. To get the
most benoflt of your gravol. whero It
costs J1.C0 per yard, after your grade
Is finished, use an average tread
wagon, drive correctly whero yon
want the track to be, then take a good
sized plow and run two furrows eight
inchog deep, plowing out the wagon
track and throwing the dirt to' the
center Fill tho furrows with gravel.
One yard will go as far as three
spread In the old way. Gravel never
ought to be spread any wider than the
tread of the wagon, whero you only
want one track. The travel will soon
scatter It wide enough. Road build
era ought to bear In mind not to gravel
permanently hills or hollows, for
sooner or later tho hills will be grad
ed down, and the hollows filled up,
and the work will be lost. In regard
to culverts and small bridges, they
ought to be put on a level with the
surface of the road. If It would cost
13 to build a wooden culvert and 116
to build a stone one, the stone would
bo the cheapest In the end. About
'.rt roads, where gravel or crushed
rrk Is not to be had grading and
drainage Is the main thing, and while
the grading Is being done a six or
eight-ton roller should be taken over
the center of the grado a often as
the grader goes. Tho road should
havo as ranch attention In the fall as
eln the spring, it should be gone over
Maccabeea of tho World.
that I mutt do something
to regain my health. A
friend advocated your Vine
of Cardui treatment to
itronjly that I decided to
try It, allhoush I had lltUt
faith In patent medicine.
am no w very thankful thai
I did so, for within ten days
bluicd relief came to me,
and In lets than three
months t was cured, and
have enlovtd fine health
ever alnci. I know there I nothing better
for a alck woman who wlihts to enjoy per
feet htalth and am very pltucd to jive my
hearty endorsement"
No suffering woman dan afford to
ignore such a letter as Mrs McDonald
writes. Her plans and advice haVo
proved vnluablo in building up ono of
the grcatnt women's organisations in
the United States and sho takes time to
give advice which sho knows will help
Do not delay tn securing this medi
cln There is nothing to win and
everything to lose by delay. The choice
is befere: you Will or will you not
seevro relief now by taking Wino of
Carduir All druggists sell 81.00 bottles
of Wino of Cardui as well m 'c pack
ages of Thodford's lilnck-Drauglit.
A million suffering women
nave toumi relict in.
Wino of Cardui.
after the first rnlns, and bo rounded
up with tho grader, and tho holes
filled up, and tho gravel put back tn
tho center. Clean out your ditches
and culvortH, then you will got nomo
bonoflt of your spring work. Two
loads of gravol put on In tho fall Is
worth more th,n three put on In the
spring. I Imagine some ono will liny,
"any fool ought to know this much,"
but show me tho man that has back
bone and brains, enough to put these
few thoughts Into practice.
State Received $43,000
from this Source Last Year
Secretary of State Duubar, as stato
insuranco commissioner, has Issued a
statemontwlthroferonco to the amount
of Insurance business dono In this
stato during tho past 12 months. Com
parative figures are given In tho re
port covering n period for a dozen
years back and Indicating tho remark
able growth of this business since
1SS7. During the past year tho state
realized from tho various Insurance
com pah I os doing business In the stato
the sum of ft3.S03.90. This represents
the aggregato of tho license charged
for doing buslnoss, and the 2 per cent
tax on nut premiums that Is collected
from each company.
The Latest Yarn.
A Pittsburg drummer tells this new
yarn: I always carry a bottle of
Kemp's Jlalsam In my grip. I take
cold easily, and a few doses of the Bal
sam always makes mo a well man.
Everywhere I go I speak a good word
for Kemp. I take hold of my custom
ers I take old men and young men,
and tell them confidentially what I do.
when I take cold. At druggists, 25
ana 50 cents. 4
Itching Plies produce moisture and
cause Itching, this form, as well as
mind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles
are cured by Or. Bo-san-ko's Pile Rem
edy, stops ttcblng and bleeding. Ab
sorbs tumors. 60c a jar at druggists.
or sent by malL Treatise free. Write
me about your case. Dr. Dosanko,
Philadelphia, Pa. For sale at Dr
Stone's drug stores.
New Location.
Wo aro now permanently Bottled In
our new quarters at No. 59 State
street, formerly occupied by Mr. Mor
ley's fence works. Same 'phone num
ber. 1331 Main.
l-l-ta Plumbers.
World Renowned.
The celebrated Chase & Sanborn's
coffee Is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction. Send us your order.
Branson & Ragan. sole agents. Salem,
BeerstU 'lUtaitMHlWahwnBgfl
Wino of Cardui.
Their First Annual An
niversary Numerous Recitations, Music
and Addresses
The Painters' Union of Snlom waa
organized April 3, 1902, and last night
celebrated Its Drat birthday oveot
The letters H. P. D. P. A. (Brother
hood of Painters, Decorators and Pa
perhangers of America) wcro over tho
speaker's stand. C. A. Hort, Mel Uln
go nnd Robt. Penton wcro tho com
mittee In charge of the entcrtnlnmcnL
Frank Wlllman presided, nnd ex
plained tho benefits of fraternity In
duced by unionism and personal ac-
Qiinlntance of painters with each oth
er. "Wo receive," said tho Bpcnkor, "a
funeral benefit In case of death of
members, or, If wo should be so un
fortunate, of our wives." This caused
some morrlment among tho married
ladles present
Judne Judah Speaks.
The chairman noxt Introduced tho
speaker of tho evening, who discussed
8hntl Uie Labor Unions Live?" He
answered In tho affirmative In his
usual vigorous fashion.
Ho argued that labor unions would
live until thore was no more ncod fur
such organisations. The cause of la
bor unions was In Its own keeping. It
stood for good order nnd fraternity.
Its mission was Chrlstllke. It could
fight no conscloncoleee bnttlo, and Ita
lenders must bo thinkers. Tho do-
mands of the union must bo founded
on Justlco, nnd proceed on a wlsa
counsll. Unions should study the cnusu
for which thoy wero organized, and
employ their ower Intelligently, In
order that It may live and porform tho
duties for which It Is called Into exist'
Mr. Judnh was, loudly applauded nt
tho conclusion, and his addross will be
piibllshod In full In our next Issuo.
Ulstlno's orchestra now played n
number In tholr usual spirited man
"Just I.lko Other People" wns re
cited by Miss Udnn Pnrrlsh. It wns
n very fine rendition that greatly de
lighted the audlonco.
II. M. Iluell. of tho Painters' Union
recited how Peter Sorghum won his
bride, and won a generous round of
deserved applausa.
Gld Sherwood was down for n reel
tntlon, but In his Introductory speech
Intimated that a number of tho young
ladles presont wero, or wanted to bo,
members of tho Pnlntors Union. Ho
would not wipe his noso on anything
but a union-made handkerchief .(laugh
ter). Ho bad gone three blocks out
of his way this evening to buy five
cents worth of goods. If all would do
that unionism would live. He then
recited "(Jo 'Way, Heoky Mlllor. Go
Way." and won a good round of ap
Jack Rlstlne gave two fine speci
mens of olog dancing, receiving an en
lid. Rlstlne gave an .alphabetical
recitation that caused a great ddal of
amusement, some of the ladles nearly
doubling up ovor some of his Jolly
cracks. Thoro are few bettor enter
Miners than the Rlstlnes.
The evening closed with mdrn muslr
and an elegant spread of refreshments
Id the banquet hall.
How's ThlsT
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any caso of Catarrh that
cannot be cured .by Hall's Catarrh
F. J. CHUNKY &'CO Toledo, O.
We. tho undersigned havo known F.
J. Cheney for the lost IS years, and
believe him perfectly honorablo In all
business transactions, and financially
able to carry out any obligations
made by their firm.
West & Truax, wholesalo Drug
gists, Toledo. O.
Waldlng, Klnan & Marvin. Whole
sale Druggists. Tol do, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of tbo system.
Testimonials sent tree. Price 75c per
bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are tho best
tfarm (Ocrfttuf.
220 Sfcfcr ftfir oulf.3 lYarmfanb fm
Utn 3uPonb. 140 tfder flugfanb.
SUft. Wo. 1 Jflfolfa fianb. 2Ba!b unb
aflure. Crop Brjnal $3500. 3tbrr
ttufj gutcS, t&tneS 2)otlomCanb; wit
fflfMtibf. Jfcni, etc 4'4 SHriitn nbrb'
I'tdi toon 6oIcm. M 2J!c!fe rotftHdj ton
flaiicr Station! Sdjulfjaui.
ij t e t. YUb. II 1 1 8, tgoftm, Crc
BttrsOe -lta IWM KM Atari Blejtl
Marriage Licenses Will Cost
$3 Each After May 1
Officiating Clergymen Must
Make Two Certificates
(Persons of limited financial means,
contemplating matrimony, had hotter
concludo all negotiations, Including
tho performance of the ceremony or
at least procure tho requisite llccnso,
boforo May 1. for on that date, tho
charge for a wedding permit In this
county will be Increased from 2.2G
to 3 each. At the last session of tho
stale legislature tho fee to bd charged
for these licenses waa mado uniform
throughout the state nnd placed at
Tho Inw making this change was
Introduced by Malarkoy of tho Mult
nomah delegation, and In addition to
Increasing tho llccnso fee, tho law re
quires that all ministers and magis
trates officiating nt these ceremonies,
shall certify to the performance of
tho reremony and to mako a return of
tho same to the county clerk In which
tho ceremony Is performed nnd also
to the clerk of tho county from which
the license Issued. Under tho re
quirements of the law now In forco
the officiating magistrate Ib required
to file this curtltlrnte only with tho
clerk of the county H which tho core
mony Is performed. Quite frequently
the marriage ceremony Is performed
In other than the county from which
tho license Issued nnd under tho old
law In such cases there existed no
record of the performance of the cere
mony. It can now be enslly deter
mined If the mnrrlngo really takes
placo. There has been lnstancos In
this county whoro tho prospective
brldo changed her mind nfter tho li
cense wns procured and failed to per
form Ikt pnrt of the expected service.
Yew Park Volunteer Fire
Fighters Drink Cider
Tho members of the volunteer fire
department of Yew Park held an en
joyable social meeting at their hall on
Tuosday evening, tho occasion bolng
tho rogular monthly mooting of the
organization. Hut Instead of extin
guishing fire, tho flrct laddies con
sumed In ono form, that which not
only quenchc-H fire but thirst. Know
ing of tho meeting, and admiring the
efforts of the residents of that section
of tho city In protecting against seri
ous Iosh by fire. O. Stolz, a momber of
tho city council, sent the boys a gen
erous quantity of sweet elder, that
was fully enjoyed. Although Mr
Stoic's property Is located without tho
boundaries of tho district that Is
served by this organisation of tiro
fighters, It Is a safe guess that if any
of that gentleman's building wero In
danger of destruction by fire that tho
department would tender Its services.
The volunteer department (s In
splendid condition. It Is well organ
lied, and has a full membership of 33.
while there Is many others desirous of
having tholr names enrolled on tho
membership Hit. The company Is
captained by Wru. Slegrnuud, as chief.
and on soveral occasions he has dem
onstrated his efficiency In proventlng
serious loss of property In that dls
Popular Eating House.
First-class, up-to-date meals are
sorved dally at Strong's restaurant
This Is Salem's popular eating house.
You ran get just what you want.
Happy Family Reunion,
Mrs. Wagner, tho woman who
found Dave Merrill's drad body last
summer, and who afterwards eloped
with Don Merrill, a brothor of the
dt-ad outlaw, returned to Napavine,
Washington, lost wt-ok, accompanied
by Hon Merrill, after six or eight
months of seclusion in other parts of
the country. The woman Is vlsltlog
with her husband and small children,
whom she abandoned for Merrill.
the most areaaed and deadly of all
diseases, as well as pneumonia, and
all Lung Troubles are relieved at once
and cured by Acker's English Remedy
"the king of all Cough Cures." Cares
Coughs and Colds in a day, 26 cents.
Vour money back if dissatisfied
Write for free sample, W If. Hooker
k Co., Buffalo, N, Y D. J. Fry, Dru-
Male Attendants at Asylum
Have Filed Petition
f-- .'' 3
With Board for Increase of
About $5 Each per Month
At a meeting of tho asylum board
Monday afternoon, a petition was re
ceived from tho malo attendants at
the state Insano asylum, asking for
an Increase In tho salaries being paid
(hem, The board Is asked to revlso
Us schedules of salaries to conform
to tho follewing: Maximum salary all
first attendants, 4G per month; max
imum salary all second attendants,
142.50; maximum salary all third at
tendants, 40. This represents nn In
croon o In tho schedule now In effect
of nbout $r each per month for tho at
tendants who aro concerned. Tho po
tltlton asking for an Increaso In pay Is
n lengthy ono, and tho reasons urged
for advancing tho pny aro tho In
qreaso In tho cost of living, nnd tho
confinement nnd exposuro to dlseaso
that the iwsltlon of attendant means.
No action wns taken by tho board In
considering tho petition nt tho meet
ing yestordny.
Tho monthly report of Superintend
ent Qilbronth for tho month of March
shows n decrease In the population of
tho Institution from 1398 to 1292. Tho
expenses of tho Institution for the
month of Mnrch aggregated $0870.2.
Strang's Restaurant
Is tho favorlto eating hotfuo of tho
city. Tho best meal sorvlco that can
bo had.
Referendum Petition Signers.
, C. U Bhaw, secretary of tho referen
dum league who In In the city today,
reported that nine out of ten through
out tho country wero signing tho Iew-
Is nad Clark uud portage railway po
tltltons, but hnrdly any tho corpora
tion law petition. Ho expected to havo
1600 names In this county to tho )ow
Is and Clark petition, and moro to the
lortago railway petition. Albany
VtBBErir. M9Mi ,
ii tliomtMtlonccd-fortle.
ilru u( ovurjf woinm,
Him kiiowwlmtttiowr
fill alii to twauty It it,
and cnJtarurs to mVu
Iter own ss soft, glwy
and tlilrk m wnilLlr.
oiraparttlrcly lew of
thtm are suwra m yet
t tilt No w tan's Iff rj.lcUl c,
a rocint tciemlfla dls
rorvry, trill cnnLIo thtm
Ui taweu hulr M tblck
sua luxurUnt u anyone
oml'l unlre.
It nurkJ on a new the
nry of datroylus; the
!:enn that (! uoa the
islr root, ami tlitu male
nit lUndruft aud falling
luIrlmroMlMu. Ktlicu
pnwTrtfi to produce a
kidwiIi uf thick, ulna?
litlr Hint soon brcomci
the prldo of Its owner
One lrlf.1 wlllcxuirloce
jrou of Its Virtues.
ton Mia T ail. nrr-
oun DMue etonta.
For sale by Danelel J. Fry, Send 10
ents In stamps for sample to The
Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich,
The Wonder
Sf The Century
lwt UJ tO U.ilf ) . V. to Jll.u 1' AKUl, tK
Miuw"'" jnAthK H tit, la club will,
thU piprr it a ei tr.-lnfiy low rirfuit. 1M
Ukano Ji uo l'AMi.KM n.nikabl for h .
lrijr r.r.4 l.ittrmt bf III cnlciil, am I. untloubt.
tJllf IK4 ttitni mtitfratU 11 R III Uud.
) rtadrra tW (ournal k "W its Talu. No
witdt, ilwrMt, drcout.0 of it an needtd la
this aaoouiiuiuwiC
ITt rifju CCITIIDCO " as llv
110 rnnm rtniunuo,
AAvJ, Pitrf.
imr lltrlkil.
turf, i'rutrjr, tltrM OtrJtmhf, and wlwr loplf f ,
triuun by frmluat and imt utjurmiri, tup
pltmtnUJ with IttuttrilUHi by abi aili.u, com
Lias to wV It laralukl to tbm wix " farin II
fcralltntf." TklbthitiUrl.t Hutltmimtrciti
AfrkltmTtn fatar In lb Ibo Uauutws
JfOO 1'AKMSK li UnctCiltd,
, Skirt SI.
fit fi
uU Celtiti,
ttnt, fMj H'rr. Tkt O-J Cm. f-uU
Liirvry LWw', ad J trif I'tn
Winaka IMi iMpaitnwnl tit mwht
I cotablua
Vrarfmnil of mothnlM ssd
Mmt M t 4 liw bpetUl Family l'aiwrf .
nA Sample Copy tf.W
pusuiiW lofm, will be tuallul to y.nt by addrt wlor
tha OaAXia Jutiu Vaumw. Uuamu littiltUsir.
Weekly Journal I year $1.00
(or Daily. 3 mouths)
Oraare iaii Farmer, t year $100
Our price for fcotu
I thick, my W
IjTt relfl & TV
The State
Fot Easte
A splendid ir
ray of inter
esting things
at our store
; : x &
I V25XB'Cw23f'vvSS'yj
The Sub-committees Have
Been Appointed
A ineutliif! of tho reception commit-
to wns held Inst nlKht, whim numer
ous necessary subcainmltetes wero
named. The reception c,ommlttco is
composed of JuiIko Iluruett, W. II.
Holmes, W. M. Knlsor, U. M. Crolsan
and W. 11. Morse.
Tho commlttoo nppolntod inarshals,
aides and sub-commltteos, as follews:
Chief marshal V. T. WrlKhtman.
Aides V. W. Diirbln, 0. A. Muiphy.
M. W. Hunt, It. A. Crossnti; Jnlm O.
Kstes, A. lluoKottelu, I). C. Mlnto, V.
K Dei by nnd F. W. Steusloff.
Finances H. I. llnlse, Jr.. chair
man. fl. I). I'utton and 1). J. Fry.
CairliiKOH John Q. Wilson, chair
man. O. II. dray and I I IVarco.
rroKram Frank Davey, chairman:
Dr W. If. llyrd. Dr. 15. A. IMoroe. I'ror.
W J Crawford and W. T. Blnter.
Musk Mayor C. V. Hlshnp, chair
man. JiiiIko John II. Hcutt and J. II.
T Tuthlll.
Invitation Mayor C. P. Illshop.
chalrniuu, Nt J. Judnh, Henry I).
Thlelsen Dr. W. A. Cuslok. JudKo II,
F Honham.
Decorations (Hdcou Htolx, -halr-man
Frank WIHmuii and D. A. Dins
more I'lntforui W D I'iirIi. chalrmnni
ICarl lta and J W Yoiiiik.
Tor Appetites I
JL WenK or Stronii ML
Win Drown Co. are paying 35c.
Oohool Money Disbursed.
The semlnunual npiortlonment of
school funds has been mado In this
county. It amounted to Jl SO per cajt
Ita. and tho amount of money dlstrlb
uti-d niiioni; the districts of the conn
ty was fU079 Hchool district No,
21 receives 13185 from this fund.
I For Appetites I
JL WeaKor Slronrt Mf
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind Yon Have Always IwcM
Signature of CfuttJT&tcJUi
titiiCHKsrcit'S CNautM
I3 t;Mls.iei
I Oe.IT Ueraklae..
w ciuciikiii
U UK0 1 fi14 IMUUU l-aw t4
tlitUUnaaaa. X.Sam. Alkaa.
JJyr ftleUji Mel J
Uew Mtg tr
. JaraMtU. l,Mtn
iUi . StSm hum
aa Diuihu. .-fc.-. ...
W111 llrown & Co, are pny'cc 35?
1 fg y
ii af
1411, W l