The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, April 06, 1903, 2ND EDITION, Image 1

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f 44 U
NO. 70,
- . ilar scene of enthusiasm attended the
; arrival of the train at this point In
places the programs arranged
I were carried out without, a hitch.
j From this city the party proceeds over
-, tno Milwaukee root! to KUgeiey, max
Ml 111 W 1-4 V PI 1 ling a short stop at Aberdeen. Fargo
Spoke to Children at
Sioux Falls
South Dakota Congressional
Delegation Willi Him
Speech Yankton was a Brief
of Minneapolis Talk
Yankton, April 1 Tho President's
train ran through a blizzard soon af
ter leaving Slow Falls. Sleet beat
against tho cir windows until one
couldn't see 15 feot. Before leaving
Sioux Falls ho addressed children In
tho Auditorium. Moro than 1000 list
ened. From Sknx Falfs the entlro
South Dakota congressional delega
tion rodo in the train, and will go to
Aberdeen. Ills tpeoch at Yankton
was a condonsntta of his Minneapolis
tariff nddross,
Sioux Falls, April C The Presi
dent wns up nrlj. Sunday's rost put
his volco In oxJtnt condition. There
was an oxceptfeMlly big crowd for,
this city.
Mitchell, S. I), April C The sconos j
niionuing me jiumko or tue preniiien
tlal train along tie route today woro
a rupotltlon of those last weok.
Crowds at uvorjr nation choered and j
waved to tho pMlng train, nud every
farm house and crossroads had Its
group of enxer watchors. At Yankton
tho first stop of the dny was made,
and apparently tht ontlro population
or the siirrouiidlnK country turned out
to welcome the Prwsldont. Tho sta
tion was docoratd with Amerlcnn
flngs. and a band was playing as the
trnln drew up to the station. A slm-
will bo reached at an early hour to
morrow morning.
Fargo, N. D., April C This city Is
In readiness to extend a fitting wel
come to President Ilooscvclt and par
ty, wuo nro schcdulod to arrivo over
tho Northern Pacific at 2:40 tomorrow
mornlne. Owing to tho early hour
there will bo no demonstration on the
arrival of tho train, but after tho Pres
ident has breakfasted ho will bo for
mally welcomed by tho mayor and a
committee of representative citizens.
As tho stay in Fargo is to bo limited
to a fow. hours, there will bo llttlo
time for extended exercises, and it Is
probable that a brief speech from tho
President will bo tho only featuro of
tho program. In expectation of tho
distinguished visitor business houses
and residences are today assuming
holiday attire.
Strike In Holland.
Amsterdam. April C Tho worknirn
In all branches of transportation, In
eluding railways, Btoamshlps, docks
and dopots, struck today, Tho situa
tion Is serious, and troops have been
ordored out to protect rnllroad prop
erty along the quay.
Sufficient men woro obtnlncd this
nfternoon to get tho mall trains out.
but tho mnll stoamors this afternoon
are still Idle
Fresh Today
Stand Caramels and
Chocolate Chips
15-1 State St.
Phone 2874 Main
fHM-wi-atiiainf f.iiiiitff
j T
1 t ovou about prices on goods if you won't comeland see ?
2 litem, i uu imiM examine we anicie io,uc auic iu
Jjuugc ui us vditie.
Our customers tell us that we are selling
much cheaper than the regular stoies.
; ; They're surprised to find such a difference in prices ! !
on first class uoods. ! !
; ; We're doing a strictly spot cash business. That's ; -u
why we can undersell regular scores. ;;
I j Dry Goods men tell us that we can't pay expenses ; ;
;; on our margin ol protit.
!! Just keep your eye on ,
T ift W Ynp ( R
zin ii v nv.n i uin it
f and see tjie results of our business methods
Mrs. Mabel Townsend Form
erly of San Francisco
Shoots Herself on Her Sisters
Door Step
London, April C Mrs. Mabel Town
send, a wealthy and eccontrlc theatric
al character, formerly attached to tho
Alcatraz, In Sun Francisco, shot and
killed herself on tho doorstep of her
Bister's homo, at Litchfield, this morn
ing. A letter wns found In her hand,
addressed to her sister, but gave no
Balkan Troubles Drive Him
to Distraction
Reports of Increased Unrest
Add to His Terror
Herlln, April G. The Taagblatt to
day asserts the Sultan Is driven to
such a Btate of distraction that bo Is
capablo of committing suicide. Ho Is
entirely unnerved. Each report of
tho increased unrest In tho llalkans
but adds to his nervousness. At Bel
grade, tho Servian government docs
not consider Uio peninsular situation
sufficiently serious to warrant calling
out tho reserves.
Robbed the
Church Fair
Son Francisco, April 0. Eighty
thousand 50-ccnt tickets were, stolon
and sold from tho Catholic fair March
17th, and It was not discovered until
all tho buyers had passrd through tho
door. Tho church Ib out of money,
and tho committee Is looking for tho
More of the Shamrocks.
Woymouth, Eng., April 0.i-8hanv
rocks III nud I reochod Portsmouth I
this morning from Glasgow, ami. nro
ueing put in snapo lor tueir trial
races tomorrow.
Kalier Heard From.
Copenhagen, April C. Tho Knlsor
saueu ior koii tcxiay at iu ociock. i
As President of Lewis and
Clark Fair
That is the Slate, Is Now
Vice President
Portland. April C Harvoy Scott
editor of tho Orc-gonlan, r slated to
bucccoA tho lato Henry T. Corbctt as
president of tho Lewis and Clark 1005
falrv Scott Is now tho flrst vlco-presl-dent.
Mrs. John Drophy was a visitor In
"Woodburn today.
t !! Ul
II kj!!!!
A A. XX X A A. A X A ,
Seo that waist longtliener, only 10c tf&
Just the thing for the straight front int
ellect. EQ-
Big line of Plauks Lack Galloons, Appliques and Medal-
lions just in.
Emdboireky, Rihbons, Lack Curtains, Curtain Net.
Another lot ot tuose suk warnings, just iook them over
and compare prices. It gives customers a sudden shock when X
they think ol tne prices wey ve oeeu paying, we nave a J
nice line of dress goods, best values you've seen.
Mens Clothinc spftaR styles fast to.
We have very attractive patterns iu Children's Clothing. Just j
-bring your boy in, we can hi mm. ,
SHOES for the whole femily. Our shoe department is tho
pride of our store. It' full of bargains.
HATS, SHIRTS, and all kinds of .furnishings.
Salem's Cheapest One-Price Cash Store
E.T.BARNES, Proprietor.
Corner of Comrcsrclsl snd ChsmtkeU
An Easte Outfit
That's Ste To Fit
Wo will fit both occasion ami customer as well as custom
tailors and guarantee to save you monoy in every instance, wo
will pleaso tiio man whoweanourclolliesnnil pleaso his friends
as woll. Wo sell tho famous II. S. ifc M. Clothing and guaran
tee ovory suit and coat. Seo our swollTop Coats, Dress Pants,
Boys' and Youths' Suits.
Gofdon Hats
Tho now Easter bonnets for men, Truo Easter stylw in
all colors. Tho hat-that's famous for it's goodness. '
We Sell Them at $3.00 a Head.
Buy your Easter Shoes at the
Easter Store
Tho storo that soils but two
kinds of shoes.
One kind for Ladies'
One kind for Men
$3.00 and $3.50
Made exclusively by exclusive
factories and sld exclusively
by us.
J M (j&gzj)
Easter Gloves
A .., U I. In AAmnlAtn linft nf K( GloVOS
i) in many grades all the now and charming
ji.nin a ontontinn Imrn will ho very easily made.
flwnrnrrv th nunlitv to suit any individual
K. flntnnnfl
hi nFf Majestic, Mascot, Trefousse, Monarch5,
jvjluvlj plqtfC Meyers Special and Wash Gloves
Wednesday wo will inaugurate an Easter sale of bite
Kid (Jloves and will continue tho sale until Eabter. alues
varying up to 1.25 a pair will be sold for
IRr Wednesday, Thursday,
u Friday and Saturday.
li I'M,
Ladies1 Easter Stilts
And Silk Jackets
Another shipment was received yestordav. Louis XIV,
Russian, Monto Carlo, and Coiroo Jackets jn Peau-de-Soio and
Tadota. Tho very Ifttoat stylos for spring and summer.
Elegant Skirts
of all kinds and atyles. From
tho cheapest to tho best you
will find thorn to bo superior
Wo bhow a larger stock of ladies' skirls than all tho rest of
the Salem fctoros combined.
Shift Waists
Hundreds of now stylos to select from. If you want a lino
waist in an oxclusivo stylo wo can givo it to you.
Wash Waists 25c up to $5.00
Silk Waists $3,50 upto$ S 5.00 "
Easter Ribbons
Tho now, plain and fancy TaHctas, high
grado silk satins. Satin, Liberty aud wash
ribbons of nil kinds. Seo our special lino of
i$c Values
W. B. Cosets
See the new French models, Tapo girdloa, Tapo
Comets, Summer Corsets and regular styles.
50c up to $3.50
Wasn Goods
This department is the main feature of tho big storo it coin
prises everything that's now in Oxfords, Dimities, Lawns, Ging
hams, Percales, eta A glance at the lino will mako you n purchaser.
liaiftiltUftl4WWf l !
,j. A-.' V-S2U--'SX.,t