The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, March 18, 1903, 2ND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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In His Spring Dress
A borno enjoys his travel If It Is
in a harness bought and fitted at Lam
port's. Our flno hand-mndo harness
tor any kind of a voblc'Ie aro models
of elegance, strength and beauty, and
not only look woll and wear woll, but
giro your horso caso, comfort and
freedom of motion.
E. S: Lamport Saddlery Co.
299 Commercial Street
C. T.
Thoso cold mornings. Reach out of
bed, Btrlkq a match, turn on tho gas
layourgasstovoandnotobow quickly
your room gots warm. Haven't a gas
ftoro? Mean It? Lots horo so cheap
you'll wpnilor how you 'iavo pormlt
tod yoursolt to bo bonumbod when so
much comfort could bo bad for so lit
Salem Gas-Light- Co.,
none 563. 4 CHEMEKETA ST,
A Juicy Morsel for
. Breakfast
Or dinner you can tnjny Ironi one ol our
tender ami didlclous meat eteaki, lamb
or mutton chop. veal cutlets or pork,
Oar mean aro ull cat from the latteat
nd brimettcMtle, m we inn enpply
four tabid with lrh, nntrltlnut and
holoMtue imaii at bed rock price,
I'hon 201
L M. StBap j Attendants
f.AVv-4v "
' 1.1 Tf ti t """ri""i"TM
He Sees His Finish
And notca tho dlffercnco between
that laid on by our perfect methods
and what be received from others who
bayo not made on art of their work,
as wo hare, when a man takes his lin
en to any other laundry but thp Solera
SUam Laundry. Don't bother with
second-class laundries and hare your
fabrics rotted by chemicals and your
llnon frayed, when you will receive
perfect satisfaction at lowest prices
Salem SteamLauodry
Phons 41.1. 230 Liberty 8t
or poUl cud, nl th v(on will oil.
Who Said That
A rcasonablo nmount of Jowolry
rings, nocklaccs, hair ornaments and
tho rest woro out of tho reach of
people of modorato moans? Hastn't
visited boro, ban be? Wo arc offer
Inn bo mo very lino rings at prlcos
which won't startle you worth look,
lng at anyhow.
Poriieroy . . .
and Opticlun, 288 Commercial Street'
"This boor Ih good for you. I know
nothing bolter In tho sbapo of a tonic
or Invlgorator." That's tho way doc
tors talk about Salem beer, woll
knowing Its beneficial effects on
young and old who nocd a mild, harm
less, puro Invlgorant.
MR3. M. BECK. Prop.
5tc S5&-
r . 7 :v
Shingles and Shakes
The roof Is shluglcd beat If you use
the kind of shingles and shades we
soil, and we ask you to note the good
wear nnd ecouomy of the roof for
which we furnish the shingles or
shakes. Wo carry a large stock of
shluglos and shakes of good quality,
carefully selected to mako a sound!
Usui, utirnuie roor, and wo nro al
ways ready to giro estimates.
. . Near 8. P. Pat Depot.
Phone 651.
Now Is tho time for ou to look out.
oa tho changeable March wlnda nro
sure to bring colds nnd tho jrrlp with
them. Whiskey Is recommended by
all tho Kood physicians to bo the
only auro euro for both. Tho best
plaea In Salem to get good Ryo or
Bourbon whiskies, la bulk or case, It
103 Coart Strf,
Martha Smithy Miner
and Trader
On Her Way Back Backed by
Eastern Money
Voted a Gold Medal by Con
gress for Bravery
Ono of tho most noted frontierawo
men living Is In Seattlo on her way
to Alaska. Sho Is Mrs. Martha Smith,
wlfo of Fred 8mlth, for many years a
Cook Inlet placer minor. Mrs. Smith,
whoso honors Includo a gold medal
voted to her by congress, was tho first
whlto woman over seen In tho Cook
Inlot country. On tho Inlet her only
daughter nnd tho first whlto child
born thoro camo to chcor her In her
lonllncss and Isolation. Sho Is now a
girl 10 years old.
Mrs. Smith In, tho futuro will bo
round oiiorntlng on a largo scnlo In tho
Copper rlvor country. Sho will sond
an expedition North on tho Pacific
Packing & Navigation Company's Ex-,
oelslor, on which vessel Mrs. Smith i1903,
herself will tako passage Sho will Th'e0 R,,MtB M yea "
take nip a largo consignment of sup- Iowa we pnwont Mrs. Lnrkln's sis
pllen and six or eight head of live- " aml nephow, Adnm Itltchoy. and
stock will be used In transporting tho r. I-nrkln's nephew. Mrs. MorehMd.
outfit Into tho Intorlor. s I Mr and Mr Moie Zoosman.
In her Copper rlvor operations.! A merry party of friends and neigh.
wlilrh nr solely In tli lino of cooner:"0 Hnmermi ai mo nome oi Mr. nnu
mine development, Mrs. Smith Is
backed by an Bastorn syndicate.
"It Is too early yet to say much
about our mining project," ho said
yostorday, "more thnn that It Is an
onturprlso that mentis much, not
alone for Alaska, but this city as welK
My husband nnd I havo found a great
copper deposit In tho Intorlor from
Vnldiw. We know what tho property
Ih. nnd have sufficiently shown Its
groat worth to onllHt amplo capital to't",ro" uor to them, four of
dovolop It on a lnrgo scale. Our on-!w,,0, w'ro lnt: Juno Miller. ot
torprlso contemplate tho construe . '. .i0, '
Uon of n smeltor and fully 100 mllos of ,t,la SmlUl n, lw" children,
railroad. So It will bo soon that we frol Independence, and their son.
have found a groat coppor doposlt. x'on"oe-
olse thoso things could not be contem-
platetl. People may think this Is n Wnnt n cook that'll not i cross?
glgnntle undertaking, but It Is no'0n ,int ''"""'t ""Ink 0' U0M?
troublo to Induce capital where there ' J,,lrnn' wn,lt d ,,r,nK "n98t coo,8
Is rnl merit In your sehome.
All Favor Alaska.
"While In tho Bast I found iriuch
capital, tpH'lnlly In Boston, seeking
Alaska InvestmonL lloston Is Uio
linmn nf t)in rnnnAp Vtni-fi. Thnv hnvn
. . ...
an unlimited sunny of money, wnicu'eoi.i. .!,.. .mi-i .,n the innL-. c-.iinL-i
.1..... n, i. .... ,iu , i..t o- t i
.., .......,, ....... . ,k . '",Ktnn, Marlon. 1ml, who waa -ntlrl
lint wnv of r. coniior mine Investment. ' curwl tir the mt of One Minute Cone
..m . . i i . i ..
III, IM IM III. .Hill Ill I'llllll.TT III .
-., -
railroad Is Hiiro to bo built, it may bo
.... . ........ -..i it ....... i... .,... ...,1 i...f...
ono year and It may bo several boforo
uuii n iiiahu-nv la in nnumfinn int it
. . " ' .. ' '
Is going to eoino."
For tho prnt tlvo or six years Mrs.
Smith has been mining In tho Cook
Inlet dUtrivt, notably Lynx creek. Sho
will direct the uporatlon of those
mlrts and otbora owned by her
solf and huauand the coming sum
mer Th ooiiMr river valley properties
wrt locauNl liy Mrs. Smith. Ior
purely buslne" reasons they deolln
to iimkn known their loi-atlon. save lu
a general way
Mrs. Smith went to Cook Inlet In
1893. She was then known n Martha
While For wvernl vuars on tho Inlet
i . .iw, , w,on .,h0 ,"lt'1
she did little elso than trade, trnp. tlsh
and hunt. She Is an expert shot and
a spleudld swimmer. Nearly ovury
species of wild game known to Cook
Inlet has fallen to her Kim 8.
It wits duo t her ability as n swim
mer, togethw with courage and will
lui?nM to risk hor own life for oth
ers, that connroa bestowed upon her
on ot tho only two cold moduli over
awarded to a woman. The other was
Klven to Ida Lewis.
Kleven years after Miss I.owls was
honontd Mrs. Smith Rot he reward
for rescuing shipwrecked sailors from
a schooner which had met disaster on
tho Washington coast.
Thu heroic dovd was performed Jan
uary 30. liOU. Through her unaided
efforts Uirvoof tho crow of tho British
bark Forodalo were rescued from tho
hurf. while 17 perished within a few
yards of tho short'.
Mrs. Smith's valor attracted Immo
dlateattentlon. Tho Portland Cham
ber of Commerce camo to the front
wjth a gold modal, and later congress
recognised hor life-saving service by
voting her a gold medal
Brownsville Has Two
in One Day
One Couple Married in Iowa
the Others in Illinois
Relatives and Friends Gather
in Honor of the Event
Brownsville comes to tho front.
and can Justly claim tho record for
golden weddings, having celebrated
two on tho same day Inst week. The
Times, of that city, gives iv very Inter
esting account of the affairs In its last
Issue, from which wo condense tho
Mr. and Mrs. John Lark In.
Mr. John i-arkin was born Juno c,
29, In Huntington county, Pa.
Ablngnll Ultchey was born Deeem -
bor 25, 1829, lu Wnrrbn county, III.
Mr. nnd Mrs. I-arkln woro married
at Crooked Crcok, Iowa, by Uov. Sco,
of tho M. B. church, March 10, 18C2,
and colobrntod tho EOth nnnlvortnry
of that event at their homo southeast
of this city on Tueeduy, March 10,
Mm. MotMM Zoomnnu on Tuesday,
Mnrch 10, 1903, to help celebrate their
golden wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Zoosman were married
In Illinois in Mnrch. 1863, and alter a
very pleasant wedding Journey of six
months Mr. Kooffmnii said they land
od huro without nny mnuoy, hut with
n vow and horse. Thoy settled on
their donation claim In 1SSI, where
thoy hnvo ronldod over since. Six
Huth for cooking and for looks.
Bert th A Ik' Ktod Ym Hati Almja BcejM
On of the mtut rrumrkoM him of a
' imwimcinln. U that of lr. Oprtrmlc
r. i
Cure. She nj 'The cu'JKhlne nmt
m ,. n n u k u-.Laba.. a .1... b..
I flliillill.l, . nrflkron) ltt lllUi rUU
down In welsht iroin HS to VI mwU. I
)lrltsi a imuiDcr or rnnenip to an nruli un-
til I used One Minute rousM fiirr. Four I
' Uittki of thl rroiiilerful reinedr eurrl ina
, ,.n,rHjr ot tUf w ,81, ,trenJ:thMjft my i
I luns ami nutoreJ is tu my normal nrlcht
ihwillli and aiMnstU. P. O. Haas, drue
Will Preach Tonight
Hear Hew J. J. Evans, of Ited Muff,'
California, at tho First Christian
(curch. Nov. Kvans waB thi former,
pastor of the Christian church of this i
i city. A cordial Invitation Is extended ! -'
to all to altond tho services tonight. .
the most dreaaed nnd deadly ot all i
' diseases, as well as pneumonia, and
n" ,'U"K Troubles nro relieved at once,
and cured by Acker's English Remedy
...he unK 0f all Couch Cures." Cures
uougns and colds in a day.. 25 cents. !
our money back If dissatisfied
Write for free Baraple. W. H. Hooker
& Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. D. J. Fry, Drug-1
pUt. I
N 2 For Vnulna:
i.i-uvvs AIDbl y 12J4& n. m
Leaves Corvallls 2:00 p. m. "
Arrives la I a 6:25 p. in.
No, 1 Returning;
Leaves Yaqul-a 6: 45 a, m.
Lcav Corvallls 11:30 a, m.
Arrives Al 'any ........ 12: 15 p. m
No. 3 Tor etrelt:
Leaves lbany 7:00 a. m
ArrWes Delrlot 12:05 p. in
No. 4 From Detreit:
Leaves Detrol 12: p. m
Arrives Albany 6:35 p, m.
tmiu no, 1 arrives in Albany in
ir" JW." w . . ft i
i. .:. .. '
bound trtlr. as we'l a-; giving two or
ro .hours Jn Albany before departure'
a. -, uuriuuouna inun.
Trait No, ? con'
eta w'th the 8. P.
trains at Corvallls n. Albany giving
" oorvicu 10 neWDort anil hiIIb.
coat beaches.
Tra n No, 3 for Detr-v't, Brelfnbush
and other no-intali resorts leavea Al
baay at 7:00 a m, rxachlng Detroit
at noon, giving amplo Umo to reach
the Fprlngs same day.
For further Informatlcu apply to
IL U. CRONISE. Agct. CorvaUU.
If a person has neuralgia in his system this is
the season when it will be felt. It is an ailment that
may spring from a variety of sources. Anaemia or any
depressed state of the bodily functions are frequent
causes. The exhaustion resulting from rheumatism
also makes it easy for neuralgia to get a foothold.
Scott's Emulsion has for years been recognized
as a powerful agent for good in giving new life
to the worn-out nerve centers and building up
the weakened tissues which are responsible for
In Scott's Emulsion the pure cod liver oil is
combined with hypophosphites of lime and soda, the
latter contributing strength to the blood and bones.
- As the principal mission of Scott's Emulsion
is to give healthy, solid flesh, active tissue, pure
blood and rich bone marrow it will be readily seen
j wllV ScOtt's Emulsion is SO effective in driving OUt
the causes of neuralgia.
We'll .send you a sample free upon request.
SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St., New York.
Protect Yourself
Our can Ubelt, shown abore, are a guiranlej against all Impurities. We uit
only the ocu part of cow'i mlllc Our dairies are kept scrupulously clean and
the greatest precaution is exercised from the feeding of the cons to the canning
of the Cream. He sure and ask your dealer for
Economy Brand
, Evaporated Cream
Made by the originators and largest producers of Eraporatcd Cream.
Every can guaranteed.
.HELVETIA MILK CONDENSING CO., ni2bland, Illinois.
, 0ttOt0i '! 1
America's BEST RfBbfc
Editorially Fearless.
Consistently Republican Always
News from all parts of the world. Well written,
original stories. Answers to queries on all subjects.
Articles on health, the Home, NcwBcoks, and on Vork
About the Farm nnd Garden.
Press, and is also the cnlv
the entire telegraphic news
C" . J ! Il t .1
ouu uuq spcuui cudic oi uic new I oris wono, Dcsioca r
daily reports from over 2.000 special correspondents
throughout tlie country. No pen conTtell more iully
Wily s uic ceal on earui.
52-TWELVE-PAGElPAPERS-S2EOne Dollar a Year
Brimful of news
a perfect feast of
Subscribe for the Journal
year) and 1 he weekly.
papers for $f.50.
iaif tif iitiiitiatBHiit hishh
The Stawbey Indtistty In TteJPac
Pull Instructions about nrenaratlon
0I B0. growing of plants, planting tbe;n mnlt. . D.lara. kK nni,: uvin.on wr,ter, fleWB. near Salem
' efclBB ,nl rmn .'," on:iby
- -- --1
. t--t.u.uC .uo uv, ""''l""b
marKets treated i!ully In Beparatolcn Per copy, too oniy v
Popular Eating House.
First-class, up-to-dato meals are
served dally at Strong's restaurant.
This is Salem'a popular eating house.
You can get just what you want
jV KW Ym Han Wnp EesjH
i Impure Milk
i t tm -tc-t-o-f-K-KH-e-KM-e-HH
is'a member of the Associated
Western newsoaoer recelvinc
service of the New York
KT T fl wf li J m. W
from Everywhere and
speclaUmtter. . .
(daily 3 months or weekly I
Inter Ocean I year , botn
f in.. .i.i. u...b ul'
1 iii.BHw niui iiuuiufitfi1"
mall, or at Tho Journal offle'
this Industry,
For Infants and Cbildrea.
The Kind Yon Have. Always
Bears the
Signature of