PAGE EIOHT. THE DAILY JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH, 1?,. 1803.,, m -WfBBB ! fXBBM BBBB BBBBBBBB HHW4tlWMI fieaa9 Is'nflM z mf-armr" fi F t- . a- i AT- -TrHIE: OIO WHITTa corier,, Salem's Best Store. I 2 t Wc are growing larger and belter. Our trade last year eclipsed that of any year J tuitb weve occu iu uuamtus, uiiu una ycu wn u u im giv-uivi uiuuin, wuu rs. arc i i not satisfied to rest on our laurels, we push after more trade, for it is our ambition to be ! J come the largest as well as the best store in the Willamette Valley. Wc have hundreds 5 in ! ! of friends, who wish us success, because of our honest dealings with our customers ! ! every detail, no matter how smallzand to them as well as the new customers we expect j ; to gain through this sale, wc arc making these exceptional offerings in desirable mcrchati' 4Iei WriTM In h licfohf nf tni M:n met when volt mncl fh croons vuf Hlir T there's nothing in your paper this morning of so much real value to you as just this ad vertisement. It's news that touches the question of spending your money to the advantage, Read every line. Spring Dress Goods Ktttmiaca 44 In. wlda sale 00c Laltlco weaves 44 In. wldssale..t2 21 Flaked twine novsltlcs 42 In, wide sale $1,07 Invisible checked aaltlng 1,13 Walstlngs Satin dnmaiV, flue quality 3c Hllk canvas, inle 27c Walking Skirts Fine Melton, nine gore, pelt pleats bejond reproach (or material, style and tit, a great value, Bale price $9.00 Corsets Wo aliow without exception. M best" m M finest line o( coreet city. model in P ' 3f MKf Jr-v m Petticoats Stylo the vry lalett Taffeta illk bit quality, 12 Inch accordeon pleated flounces, two four inch rallies aele price (040 Mercerized intern, best grade, 18 inch flounce, nitin tno-lnch rulllsa black only, tal-j prico I-.70 Embroideries Cepico and pretty designs 1 to S in. wide reitulnr Uc, sale... 4c 4 to 6 in. wlilo, regular ICc ale l-'o I) to II In. wldo rrnlur 4Go to&Oc. rV.e 36c Now la Hie time to purchate you summer trimming. H osiery Latest creations in fancy hose for roniinu reason. 50c-45c 25c-J 9c Mark Cat for mines and children regular IBc, BalolPc Our price prove a thorough and pleasing surprlte wbtu you have teen the goods to which they apply, Come as soon as possible and keep this ad for r ferenco. Bale commences Mauday morning at t) o'clock, M tlieiS the Royal Worcester made of (Inequality batlete. straight front nnd Ions waUt M low bust, sizes 18 to 30, regular (1.25 aale 08c Special This Week Wrappers Havo money by taklug advantage of this great wrapper sale. JJ Boine rlightly soiled 76c ana f 1.00 values u salo price. Jj w . .K Under-Muslins A few morepiscca ohregolar line m (DC n Hole 39c M Regular f 1.00 lino Ba'e COo Knowing buyers illl lecuro their entire yrar'a supply during this jj sale, as at no other time In the n year will the prices bo so low, n It n n u this u M H s MARION CIRCUIT C0URT Orders Entered in Dept. No. Two Judgo Boise le holding court thin week. Among tho orders made wore tho follewing: Frank Hugs, plaintiff, vs. Henry Wenderoth, executor, ct ah, defend ants; foreclosure; decree foroloalng mortgage. A. N. Lewis, plaintiff, vs. 'John C Hertz, defendant; suit for accounting; snle by recolvor of outstanding ac counts approved; recolvor directed to mako a conveyance of said accounts to purchaser, and ho pay expenses of tho sale out of monoys received there from, tho romalndor to b paid to the creditors of co-partnership pro rata. W. Q. Wcstarott. et nl.. plaintiffs, vs. Tho Washington National Uulld Ing Loan and Investment Association, a corporation, defendant; to enforco settlement; docrco for plaintiffs. NEW TODAY Wanttd. Knergctlc man, well ac quainted. In good standing with business men of Salem; profitable position. State ago, occupation, ref erences. Address A. It. Morgan, general dollvory. 3-17-3t Lost. Several deeds In an official en velope, containing the name of J. C. Slegmund, county recorder. Return to Journal offlco for rward. 3-17-31 Men's Furnishings Swell ties 80c and 76c values, week only 40c Wachusetts irold and silver shiris at greatly reduced prices. Call and see this line. 44trBB44X4a-HH.B-HR4JSB4 Practical Road Discussion. Kd. Jeurnal: In Tho Journal of the 11th Inst., In your article on road building, two things nro namod oh es sential In fact throo things to the proper construction of a roadway with which thin writer, after much obser vation and exporlrnc In road making must rnuet earnestly disagree. Tho Journal says: "The roadbed nhould Ire thrown up higher and rounded off. "This Is positively a wrong method. The roadbed should he elevated ntoe the natural surface only Just enough to give proper drrdnnge with the sur face only slightly oval. The top soil makes the heat roadbed In all lands except muck landi. Such roadbed should be wld enough to allow n grnvelod way on one sldo olght to ten feet In width, eight Inches thick In tho cnter grading to alx Inches at the side, leaving a track for vehicles alougtldo of the giavelud way for use In dry weather. Such a 'dlrtroad alongside of a graveled one would lie h approbated by all peoplo nnd never be a bad thing In the country. "The third Item of noedloM expense ndvocntod by The Journal Is the ser vice of an engineer. Any man with a moderate share of good sense and a mochnnlcal eye can direct tho grad ing and draining of any country road. Proper grading Is eMontlnl. proper drainage la all Important. No water should stand at the loadable The man who builds a dike or driveway nrroM a readable dralnway should be proseouted or compelled to build for his use a bridge. "The plans or Ideas heroin st foith 1111 roadiiiaklng nro the result of a long eHrieiioe In the black land roads of N'orthwenteiu Ohio. A de dado since when they began giavel lug those roads several mistake wero , H mane, one was the employment or an engineer at a roHt of five dollars per day One of bin gross blunders was the construction of a depression Manager Wanted. Trustworthy lady or gentleman to manago business In this county and adjoining terri tory for well and favorably known house of solid financial standing. $2.00 straight cash ealary and expenses paid each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Ex pense money rulvnnccd; position permanent. Address Thomas Coop- or. Mannger, 1030 Caxton Dldg., Chicago. ' 3-17-61 Sffi)fffiSfi5 A. I. EOFF. E. HARTLEY. Pure Lard with no Tallow:::::::::::: Rendered with ereatestcare.irp Just as cheap as adulterated stuff. Also the best smoked (not dipped or embalmed 1 bacon and hams, cut up by us. I EOFF & HARTLEY 0f Interest To floinese?kers. Salem, Or., March 7, 190S. Editor Jeurnal: Dear Sir: For thirty dayB I m offer my stock ranch In 1 12 t, r 6 w, In Benton county, containing cj acres for tho sum of $5000. Full lift motion, can bo had at my residency No. 642 Stato street 3.7-lm RALPH M. DAVIBSON. J. M. HOWELL Cash Market In titelner's Flab Market, Btato street Fresh meats of all kind, hams, Should dera, bucon, lard, etc. Prompt Service Phone, Main 1401. Special Redactions on the old stock . btill continues e. Shoes below cost Best styles Call early. TacobVcfit. 265Com'lSt. t'ny 1 i-tk 'vy vdyv - Tv vv Ji'VVa m " WVtJr f.t--t wir?KWjrKPrz.ii m Kautt:ttn::s::n:tammtmnattmm::mattaamut:amtm Bicycles Are in Season Such I3eini( the Case 140 State Street Phone 2853 Main. Salem. Oregon. ...DON'T j,FORGET... For Strength and Durability, for Ease of Running, for K8n& IS Graceful Line, for General Excellence y NOTHING EXCELS TEQUXCS THINK! REFLECT! STUDY! mC WHEN YOUR EYEi ARE BEGINNING! TO FAIL YOU, IT'8 DANGEROUS TO ALLOW INEXPERIENCED OPTICIANS TO MEDDLE WITH THEM. WE HAVE THE EXPERIENCE, INSTRUMENTS, AND QENERAL FA. CILITIE8 FOR MAKINQ PERFECT CORRECTIONS. WE ARE MAKING UP A RIMLESS OLASS NOW STRONGER AND LESS LIABLE TO SCRATCH, FOR PRICE WHICH IS IN THE REACH OF THE MOST LIMITED PURSE. EXAMINATIONS FREE. B4-MBMIla4-SBs1a1rBHaaHlBEHaUB 3 ! "Smokinp makes a man better oleascd with himself" u A CM AS. H. HINGES, fSki SSSK 4 . u PIONEER OPTICIAN. ta State OtrseL Ntxt Dee to Bush's Bank. S3 years practical oxperlcnoe. CLEAK HAVANA CIGAR st4B-t-B-R4BBaUBli House cleanlnir time Is 5 near at hand. Use Ostrander's Lightning Renovator J for removing stains from 5 carpets, cleanlnir wood j work, windows, etc. Pre. Si pared at the t WHEAT MARKETS. Chicago. March 17. Wheat. 7tVc 1 WATERS, The Qgar? Man f GOLD DU81 FLOUR Mid by rHE SIDNEY POWER COMPANY Sldns, Oroon, Uada for family use, aak yoar trocr for It Ilrau and skurts atwara on hand. 19;?- Phrmacy!;A. T. WAIN Aa-ent jo J Luuuiicriiai aticui E, OSTRANDER. I 4Hii-)BBBfBBfBllf OSWAtTS SHOE S10E 99 Stilt SlftCt- Try ear fitUti e5 riltiW lite of Sk for air. biii nock tti i4t hf W9iy la ike cll MCfAIDiNO NEAUY DOhL. fMMIBWiWWWMWWHliWWWMMI idMIMm Silt t tail THERE IS NOTHING So satisfactory to the lady who feat lots of correspondence to do as her dainty stationery. To it i satisfaction In wrlilnr you should use "POINT D'ESPRIT" wblin Is Hord'A laieii creation In polite stationery, which coatee la varied delicate Hals. We hate It ic all sires. fttiiA UlR(rKirMr('n. tvtMsieew illitti6Ur7ii ? SOLE AGENT I aK-BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH!BaBB fflAT0 &3 BfiCYCLES ...This Year More Than Ever... The Best Wheel om Earlh Two Steed Cbainless, Chain. Cushion Frame and Serine Fork Models $25, $35, $40, $50, $60, $65 Bicycle Repairing If you are coin? to buy a new bicycle, let us do your bicycle repairing We repair all makes of wheels. We do all kind of bicycle repairing. We fit all makes of bicycles tires. Sundries of all kinds Anything pertaining to a bicycle. Best workmanship riuuipi ueiivcry SHIPP & HAUSER 238 Com. St. H he Bicycle Men. Salam, Or. ittmnmtmmimuiuttmttmiiuimuiuituttuaitmmtttttmtsnmtmxitansixtxa n TU Ameer of AKhtQlstau baa do hmm that BOA of hi subject ahull Uuvm more thm four wtr lie IiimI u U:nw the linn somowhor Acker'a Dlood Elixir positively Ctira Chronic Ulood Poisoning and all Sorofuloua affections. M all time a matchlosa system tonic and purifier. Money refunded If you are not satis fled. 50c. and 11.00. D. J. Frr. Drue ilL OAISVOIII.. Ba isfllMtotiniimliiM ti(tn tt Fresh Taffys Chewinf Chocolate and Penotia tflcut da 1&Mr ten frt Ida and ttw InchM dtp u rccelNtt th Kravel. The rtiault waa hla rvadtMHl hid atw ad the atono wiwt out of aight ih Hwt whitw Then tettr rounsl prevailed. Tho oujrlnw waa dlsptrnstxl with, tho Uwoafcip truatM u)k the mattttr In hand rIohj; thi hum 1 havo ludleated and now atH twtU MUd to all lni pertatit iiolftt. "In muImIon tll y. Uat out of tli Will th ock of tbtt tudaw.r. Mm tho biKk dradltie. a4 tur Utorwmtt 44 dralRAj4), put Uto mas ft4HMUnl uf tt work lata tho hands t a mao of ptMh um! ajod Mmsa and yi vrtll iHo ha rtwi that will uv lnt it auMlM of uw arrtvata U M ttUHNT tWIWttVtWMt t We UkmskM wwtM MnH. J lUido TPH MsMaUl HUSHAlTHfJ aBHHniaaMBHHBBCBBBMBKBBHa4B- B 51!1 p,c,Hes5 ,iave illst received a fine lot of Heinz'sf 5 Dill pickleh. Try them. No other Dill is half so good. ? Bulk Preserves: sve have recently placed on ourdelica-4 tessen cos nter a fine line of Heinze s Preserves in bulk, otrawoerry, Kaspucrry, i'each, Apple Batter, Peach Butter. r tiner cc uouglas, Lrrocers. t 142 State Street. Phone 2261. yB4BB4BBBBBBBBK4B41a,4.MM4t,4 ODEXXOkOhO 23 07 O JEt, U PHUFUi'S BARGAIN HOUSE. TUESDAY'S BIG SALE This Sale Is for one day only, and it will tea Record Breaker, W" el ve j out be starrest cut prices on reliable Dry Goods that you ever U UNION STORE CLOSED AT 6 O'CLOCK 8HARP, At 85c yd Black Silk I'eau de Sole Beautiful, choice Quality of roods. every yard warranted not to cut or cracMn the wearing. Regular price. $1.39. For thlswle only, 85c. At 49c ydl!eamedstltcb Frencbcord silk, the prettiest goods rut up, all colors, teautlful for wslsts Reru lar price, 85c For this sale only, 49c- At 39c vd Crystal cord wash Silks, splendid heavy quality- RcruMr crltf. 50c Tor this sale only, 39c. At 59c yd-Black Silk Taffeta, scl' did Quality, heavy and thick- Mtf lar price, 75c. For this Mlcoaiy. 59c At 23c yd-Sllk Zephyr Offlfbi' teautlful for waists; the prtlllt roods made: all new ptUtt Regular price, 35c For Ibis mM only, 2Jc At 85c yd-3Q-Bcb Black Silk Tif' tela, correct roods for uadr,n'' This silk is a gat wearer. R' lar price yard, Jl 25, Tor Ibis tM only, 85c IT WILL FAY YOU. gffiiSt!Paitons Book Store WATCH OUR SALES. McEVOYBROS..,rWor. f tfvrartf CM. '44 UuU ft