THE DAILY JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1803. PAGE SIX. Iv. IT ii He Sees His Finish And notes tho difference between that laid on by our perfect methods and what b.o received from othera who ibarc not made an art of tholr work, as wo bare, when a man takes his lin en to any other laundry but tho Salem fltctun Laundry. Don't bothor with socond-cldsa laundries and baro your fabrics rotted by qhomlcalB and your linen frayed, when you will receive perfect satisfaction at lowest prices at Salem Steam Laundry Phone 411. 230 Liberty St or pftl cart, sua the wsgon will call. Ik His Spring Dress A bono enjoys his trarol If It Is J a harness bought and fitted at Lam ph'o. Our flno hand-mado harness tfr any -kind of a rohlclo aro modols of elegance, strength and beauty, and et only look well and wear well, but giro your bono easo, comfort and freedom of motion. E. S: Lamport Saddlery Co. 2M Commercial Street. JmeL- Who Said That A ronsonnblo ninount of Jewelry rings, nocltlneoe, hair ornnmonts nnd tho root wore out of tho ronch of people of moderato moans? Hoatu't visited hero, lins lit? Ws arc offer ing Mime very line ring at price which won't startle you worth look lug at anyhow. C. T. Pomeroy . . . Jeweler Am! Optlolhti, 288 Commercial Street. NEEDS OF OREGON SOILS From Bulletin 36 of State Agricultural College OONT SHIVER WHILE YOU DRE88 Thoso cold mornings. Itcnoh out of bed, strike a matoh, turn on tho gas In your gas stove and nolo how quickly your room gets warm. Haven't a gas atovo? Mean It? Lots bore so cheap you'll wonder how you 'iavo permit ted yourself to bo bonuinbcd when ho much comfort could bo bad for bo lit tlo. Salem Gas-LIght Co., Hone 563. 4 ClIKMEKETA ST. 'lu m M?m S copvntMT. HWIm A ';, r A "WHY CERTAINLY!" "This beer la Reed for you. I know nothing bettqr In the shap'o of h tbulo or Invlgorntor. Thnt'B tho way doc tors talk about 8alem beer, woll knowing Its beneficial offoctH on young and old who need a mild, harm lets, pure tnvlgornnt. CAPITAL BREWERY, MRS. M. DECK. Prop. AAJBSSmm Juicy Morsel Breakfast for Or dlnurr yon ran enjoy Irom onn ot otir tender and delloUuit meat, steaks, lamb or tnnltou chops, veal cutlet or pork, Oar meat are all cut from the fattest and urimottrattle, and we ru tupply your table with fresh, nntiltlom and wholesome mwti i bed rook price. E. C, CROSS SALEM ORB riiou m nll j: T - .! . ... . .1 - rirn--rn Iiiii ! i 1 Shingles and Shakes The roof Is shingled best It you use the kind ot shingles and shakos we sell, and we ask you to note the good wear and economy of tho root for which wo furnlih tho shlngloa or shakes. Wo carry a largo stock of shingles and shakes of good quality, carefully selected to make a sound. ugni, durable roof, and wa are al ways ready to glvo estimates. GOODALE LUMBER CO., . Near 8. P. Pas Depot Phone 651. In tho first place let It be remem bered that tho valuo of a mere chem ical analysis of a soil Is at most doubt ful. An analysis of a soil reveals what and how much of a given Ingre dient Is present In a soil, but It does not show how much of tho plant food 1b available. There Is, however, more or less valuo attached to Investiga tions of so-called "virgin Bell," and an accumulated number of analyses on this class of boIIs gives very valuable data upon which to baso a judgment of probablo succesB or failure. This matter has been more fully discussed In Hulletln 21, to which tho reader Is referred. In all cases chemical anal ysis should bo followed by careful field tests, and In this way nnyono may becomo familiar with the Individ ual needs of his soil. Experiments In tho field havo been vory limited In this stnto, yet based upon Uie ordin ary methods or judging uoncioncy oi plnnt food In soils, chemical analysis of n Inrgu number of soils seems to In- idlcnto a limited amount of potnsh In tho Wlllnmotto valloy soils, and this would doubtless bo tho first Ingredi ent ueodud on the lowlnnd, and th higher land scorns to point toward a nood of phosphoric acid. The result niuet, however, bo tnken as only Indic ative, although these chemlcnl results have been verified In some Instances where the experiment has been tried. The Umms of ClnckamnH county have shown a kmm1 supply of potash, and a number of Iane county soils have shown a high content of phosphoric acid. There is n common Idea abroad that our soils nro .doflclent In lime, yet the nimlysls of a largo number of soils has not shown thnt to be trim. The soils of the Wlllnmotto Valley possossus In nonrly all Instanc es a fnlr amount of lime nnd on pas sing Into KaHtorn Oregon the lime content Is nearly doubled. In goneral IMitash Is to bo tho first olemont to be suspected as being doflclent on tho lowlands of tho Willamette Valley and phosphoric arid on the uplands. It should also bo said that tho up lands aro not In nil oases wull sup plied with nitrogon, which Is very es sential to fruit production. Tho red hill lands poesem a groat powor to absorb this clement and ammonia and are naturally oxcollent fruit lauds, yet when tho fruit begins to shrink In site this element should bo supplied. On tho lower lands there Is n grentor supply of humus which Is n very fair measure of ni trogen nnd when thoso soils are woll drained thoy nro llkftly to possoss groat capacity for production If pot null Is supplied. Tho conditions aro so varied howevor, that. In ordor for nny farmer or gnnienor to uhuiu pos itively what kind of fertiliser will bo best for him to use. It will be nee oeeary for him to do somo special ox iwtmentluii. It Is not bt In all lanes to select a complete fertiliser for often a portion of the material Is not needed at all and the farmer may be "carrying cool to Newcastle." There Is one thing that should be aid rela'lve to many of th valley lands, vis: that for lasting bemilU In Increwaed return and ease of hand ling earful attention would bust be ah en to the physical condition by lroHM- tile dreiwliMf bofore turning attention to fertlllnwa, for In many lustaHces the Improvement of those conditions will be all that is n$eev wiry for Mine time to route. grow whero thoy will cover this con dition. If parts of the tree aro weak In growth this weak wood may be cut out and somo of the suckers may I bo allowed to grow In Its place. The cause of these sprouts Is that the sap becomes impeded by the bending down of tho branches with tho weight of the fruit, or by the hot sun striking them, or perhaps by some injury to the bark In pruning or gathering fruit, and nature makes this effort to repair tho Injury. The removal of all of theso suckers will soon result in tho death of the tree, while allowing somo of them to grow whero needed will renew tho vigor of tho tree. "C. If Inrgo branches are to be re moved make tho cut In the middle of the enlarged part whero It joins tho mnin branch or trunk and not qulto In lino with the face of the main branch or trunk. "7. Paint all wounds above one-half Inch In diameter with linseed-oil paint, gas tar or grafting wax. "S. Never cut away tho main branches of a tree If It can be avoid ed, but thin out tho head when It becomes crowded with tho pruning hook on a long polo and llttlo or no Injury wll result, while If tho largo branches nrc cut from tho trunk tho tree Is weakened nnd soon dies or Is broken' down. i "3. Cut off dead branches ns soon as discovered and covor tho wound with paint to prevent further decay. ' "10. In training young trees start the branches low; the trees will growl bettor, the thlnnnlg nnd gathering of) the fruit will bo moro enslly dono and the cultivation enn be well and cheaply done with the modern liar- nw uiiti noCTiwr mb u iijo jiuciii wi-iu hlalier, while the trunk of the tree and the ground under It will be so protected thnt, growth will be better than If more oxposed." It may be said In this connection that the host time to prune Is In June, for then the wounds heal quick ly. Hut If. large limbs need to be re moved It may bo done on pleasant days In March, or before sap starts. October or Inter, according to lntltudo Is also a good time to do this kind of pruning. titaiaiitjtiiifijitjiyoiiia8it8f4J America's BEST R,. . Editorially Fearless. ujiibiMcuuy nsjjuumau Always. News from all parts of the world. "Well written, original stones. Answers to queries on all subjects. Articles on health, the Home, Ncw; Books, and on Work About the Farm nnd Garden. THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN f The INTER OCEAN is a member of the AnriA 1 $ Press, and is also the only Western newspaper receiving J the entire telegraphic news service of the New York Sun and special cable of the New York World, besides ? daily reports Jrom over iJ.000 special correspondents J throughout the country. No pen can Jell more fully i Wily i is me rjesi on cann. 52--TWELVE-PAGElPAPERS--52G0nc Dollar a Year $ Brimful of riews from Everywhere and a perfect feast of special mnttcr. . . . ! ! Subscribe for the Journal (daily 3 months or weekly $ ! ! t year) and The Weekly Inter Ocean i year, both t :: papers lor ;.oU. 5 iiiitifiaiitiiifljiiiojiimini..ttj,,e,)$ a feastThaI sbbbbV f"H 1 rTO TVT! T" oaie i en million ooxes a Y ear. W & C FAt3,LY'9 FAVOniTE MEDICINE Jl m. 5?lir,2S.!l,l!S'l i mJ Grip. iVC!."" Vw u the tlmo for you to look out. as the qhangvablo March winds aro sure to bring colds ami tho rtIp with them. Whlskoy is rvooniuienrted by all the good physicians to bo the only sun euro for both. Th bt Idaoe la Salem to gut good Itye or lUmrbou whiskies, in bulk or ca THE ANNEX, I0tcrtfni. Is Pruning Suggestions. The fulluwIttK suggeetions oh prun ing are mad uy I'ntf. Maynard, of the llateh. Maaa Hxperimetit Station "1. The knife saw sfeouM never bo used on fruit or ornnnumtl trees un less thore is good reason fur so do ing "I Train all tree while young with a oontrnl leader ar main shoot, and never allow two main branches to grow In such a wuy as to havo tho weight of the trew come upon a fork of the wain trunk. "I Wheu branches crvww so as to be Injured by rubbing together tho weaker of the twn should h cut out. M. When oo branch rests on an other under It the weaker at the two should bo cut out. "6. Suckers or water spouts should bo thinned out before they have made much growth. bHt If the main branch e aro bare, or If tho head Is open In places, suckers should bo allowed to Tln Nlurr nf n Htu-ciion Thnt Wns .Nul Hrrtrd I'ur !lrt-iikfui. It Is within the memory of many people that the eictoiu of hchooltcuch erx "lioiiidliig mound" wiih tho usual thing In country district. Although a i-iiHtniii whU-li teticliers seldom liked. It Is doubtful if uiiiiiy of them bud ns h.iiii n time ns u ytuniK selioolmiister who ileM-rlU-d IiIh experience In the Sew KtiglMiid iliilnxy for 1S17. The trilcle iis written by l.couiml Ap tboip. then nn undergraduate of How diilu eolli'ge. The young selioolniustur wan to revelu' $15 n month and Ills Uuird. I'roni the tlrst day I perceived that I was in Ixwrd on speculation nnd nt the mercy of a close calculatluii, bo wrltiw. i)(lt. ,j. tlu whole dinner con sisted of a Hluxle dumpling, which they called r pudding, and live kiii ""Ki which In ciHiklng shrunk to the his' of piKtviiiti, There wero live of us at table. A few days afterwanl, on my return from soIhkiI. my (.vt Wlre delighted by the Klht of an animal I bad never M'ou .livfori'. It was n raccoon, which the joiiiik num. Jonathan, had killed, and Iwougkt home In triumph. When vklmicd. he w-euud to be one entire' mnm of ft ami of a most delicate j whlteueMi. I whs overjoyiil and went ( to IkmI early to dream of delicious! Meaks which the moriow would bring. Iwfure daylight 1 bwird the family htirrlug. and the nlnerltv of (0.ulk fiMitsteHi and the repentetl open ing ami i-huttliig of diwrs all guvo as Kuraiuv of the wimlng holiday. I huh ready for breakfast, nnd when Keatetl at table I observed that the place of Junatban was vacant. "Where Is Joiiatbanr I asked. "I lone to market." wild they. "Market! What market, pray? I did not know there was any market In thcoe MirW." "Oh. j." they said, "he Is gone Xn . atnit thirty miles to the south wan! of ws." "And wliat Was oalled him up so early to eo to market?" "He fi goae." saftl they, "to soil hit raccoon." J. A. AUP ERLE, President. E. W. HAZARD, Cashier.! A. F. HOFER, Vice President. re$on State 36ank Incorporated. Jefferson, Oregon, Transacts a gcnornl banking business; makes luans, ais cflunta bills nnd recelvo deposits. Deals in foreign and domestic exchange. Collections mnd on favorable torms. Notcrles Public Wo tender our services In nil matteix of convoynncing. Ileal estate loans negotiated at low rates of interest. YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. t r MISS FAY LEE, President of the Shakespearian Club, K&naaa City. PICKINGS FROM FICTION. i ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS cure Dyspepsia and all disorders aris ing from Indigestion. Endorsed by hylclans everywhere. Sold by all truggtsts. No cure, no pay- ?8 coats. Mai package free by writing to W. II HooVtr A Co, Ruffalo, N Y The fool's ear was made for the knaxe's tongue. ItamHSwamrs "Indian Fables." Had habits are leeches that would Mick a UerciiKtet to offenilnacy. "A i?MX'kktl Hint" Money bnys thiufrs. ami love wins thlupt; Kiwer takee tldiiKv "Fame Vor a Wem." Duty kt wlMt we think about wheu III or are reminded of liy crtlltors. DaklMu'a "Uhumih." When a man enes to wake love to his wife, Miue other man tieglns. "Fuldes For the Kllte," reo(de vboo Htm aro anything but a joke are usually eoatent with the smallest Jetits.- "The Vultures." Mothers prooniry circuwutances to children. We are symbols to tbw of battllnff. cramping fate. 'The Itscue." A woutan U ltfce usto a volcano, which, even when Inaetivfe. u palidtat Ing to tplt fortk lu tire and which, wbcu It doce eat Us fury, bursts the bounds of Us late enforced suppres aloo. "The Wooing of WitarU.M " Your bookltt cami to my esMeeol health when I hod lulicrcd with home like a mesaeeof heallc headache, backache and bear- Ing-down paint. I was weak. nervous and hysterical and had not consulted any doctor, thinking It would pass away In time, but Instead I found that the pains Increased and were more frequent. I de cided to try Wine of Cirdul and In a short time was much Improved. It seemed to act like a charm. I kept up the treatment and the result was most satisfactory. Words fail to ex- my gratitude tor toe (ultcrtng tnat ft Kbt Tan Liu nervous tension. The nerves soon begin to give way under tbc strain, xoupertuipsjump at any unusual disturbance, or laugh or weep, hyste: res 1 I in- r cally, at no apparent cause That is what Miss Fay Loo, 603 North Seventh Street, creta my rratitude tor tne (ulteruuf Is now saved me. I am in (ine health. physically and mentally. I can only say nhanlc you', but these is much more in my heart for you." IEARIXG-DOWN pal" & tho worst that women now. i: you are suffering from this trou hln van need not be uncertain about it. Ihe pains in the abdomen and back that feci as It heavy weights wero pulling down on tho nerves of the stomacii are oeuriii3-u jh.. m They may not be particularly severe at present but they are growirg worse. That headache which nearly drive you 1 i a.X U AkMaAil Iwiltil totriKlA Kansas City, Kansas, wa coming to when sue resousa herself by taking Wine of Cardui, The Wine mads her natroncr.healthv woman again, a St has made a million other women strong and healthy. By Inano ing regular menstruation the 'entire system is relieved of the terrible wasting dndns. The ligaments which hold the womb in place are strengthened by a healthy flow and that organ is returned to its normal position. lUfornlng hsalUi is the result. This is what Wine of Cardui hat done for thousands of the best women ia Amsriea. If you need advice write The Ladies' Advisory Department, The Chatta nooga Medicine Company, Chattanooga, Tean., describing all your symptoms freely, and a letter of advice will be tent you. Secure at 1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui from your druggist to-day. WINEofCARJM A million suffering have found relief in WineofCardoi. wi i ii n ii g ese i "STRAWBERRY CULTURE" A NEW BOOK By E. HOFER. The Sit awberry Industry In The Pacific Northwest. Full Instructions about preparation illustrated with phatograpba Ukea of aoil, crowing ot planta, planting the.' ., . . .. , r crop, cultivation. fertllUation, picking;00 Writert fleld8' nw and DMtJnx tho cron. abJonlnar and.'bJr maU. or at Tho Journal office markeU csaptera. UMted .fully In MWmtelcSot) P .copy.. this Industry. Ttta only work en