The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, March 17, 1903, 2ND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    0 I
,ifSin the blade. It m all
' ' , f urliirli hns n rriiarnnreeH h'nrla nf R:i7nr Stoat
nm'OWCUi ...w... - , -
i' ' i imra flf a
km may f uy uuc unv. a(.
ther case u win uc mc maiacio vciy u:ai iui uic price.
lM- 1 1 1 H M ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I
Social Keaim:
St. PatrlcK's uance.
vifi Lodge. No. 88, DogrcoTflion.
will gic a St. Patrick's danco In
j,8u Tuesday evening, March
Admission " tuiuo, lauiea -u
Salem Dancing Parties.
The Friday Nnlght and Forty-Four
during clubs liavo combined and will
-w & dance Wednesday evening,
Minh 1Mb. nt Tioga hall. Members
ot both ctab will plcaso take notice,
aJ so further notice will ho given.
Mrs. S. tt McCalla, ot Portland,
closes her dinclnt; classes for tho sea
ion, Kith reception to her class Sat
urday evening.
i n
Whist Club Entertainment.
0a Monday evening Mr. and Mrs.
IiJoc J. lllggs ontortalncd tho mem
y of the Jolly Twenty Whist Club,
t heir home on Cottage street. Tho
tfbershlp of this club is limited to
i)iirg married couples, and hi-
rdy mootliiKH nro hold, tho inrmi-
Jw Inking turns In ontortalnlng. At
im;iii meeting last nlglit tlio prizes
Iiri captured by Mrs. R. D. Gilbert
Jed Zndoc J. Rlggs. After enrds de-
lHHig refreshment woro sorvod.
Socall Event In Waldo Hills.
There was a happy gnthorlug nt
homo or Grnndma Matilda Stanton
!ut flvo mllis southenst or Maelay
t Sunday, March 15th. It was tho
sMon or Grandmn Stnnton's 87th
-fhilay nnd many or htr desppmlnnts
O. CT, Co's
Leaves for Portland Monday,
edneeday and Friday, 10 a.m.
For Corvallls Tuesday, Thur
day and Saturday at I p. m.
QuickTime. Cheap Rates
Deck: Foot of Trad Street
Up-to date Confectioners. Nuts and confectionery-
Wholesale Fruits asd Produce, . , ,
PfcoseNQ.2231. Ulltiee Block. .
illlHimlittllieWfl lfllll I' pt,t by a largo delegation of bU form
er church membership,
very, well. for it to have a tasty
- . """" '
tv nr i nn n Qt rn i.
ujiui i.uu in yt.jv. in
& Liberty Sis. Leaders in low prices
relatives and frlonds took advantage
of the occasion to call and pay:iho(r
respects nndonjoy tho hospitalities df
tho occasion, which concluded with
a big dlnnor. Grandma enjoyed It aa
much as the youngest of thorn and all
united In wishing hor many, happy re
turns of tho day. This pioneer set
tled thero In 1853 and Is halo ami
hearty for one of hor ago. Those
prosent wore: J. I,. ' Stanton, wife
and son or Salem; Hen. F. Stanton
anil Wm. M. Stnnton of Snlcm, grand
sons; Mrs. Isonhnrt of Shaw, James
Gist and wife -of Shaw. Mrs. Carmlsh
and daughter or Stnyton, Klwood
Small and wife or Sllverton, F. M.
Fresch nnd wire or Shaw, Uenjnmlu
P." Fresch or Shaw, Mrs. Glover or
Stnyton, Aunt Jennie Downing or
Shaw. Mrs. Tompln or Portland, Adam
Burns, wife, son nnd daughter, O. W.
Canpell, wire and baby rrom Shaw,
Den Kaiser, wlfo and two sons of
Mncloay. Vorna and Ada Simerni or
Sllvcron. Eldor A. I). Sknggs or Van
couver, Wnsh., Mrs. L. S. Lambert or
Stayton. L. B. Patten and wire or
Mnclcay. Arohlo Brown, wire nnd Ave
children or Shaw, Pearl and Florence
Potorrr or Argentl. Ida Kdlson or Sll
verton, Mrs. J. L. IMIson or Sllverton.
Harrison Humphrey or Shnw, Kdward
Tn'.e and Klmer Downing or Shaw,
Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Hums.
Salem Tennis Votaries.
The Cnmpus Tennis Club, or this
city, held Its nnnunl meottng Monday
evening at the home or Miss Lucia
Cochran, on Llhorty utreot. In the
election or officers for the ensulnc
For Rent
Ilosldos doing n large huBlnotm In
sewing machines or all sorts, we al
ways havo ploffty or new mnchlnoe for
rent. Mr. N. II. Hurley Is In charge
or this depnrtmont, and dellvors nnd
looks nftwr our machlno trndo In nil
Its brnnchos besides ropalrlng any
nnd all makes or mnohlnos.
Glnd to havo you call xt any tlmo
and look over our Rotary Whlto Sow
ing Machlnos. Tho latest Whltos cer
tainly comblno all that's good In ma
chines. '
, Needles Best on tho mnrket-25c
a dozen.
Sewing Machlno Oil Only the best
Is safe to uso; tho other sort gums
your machine. Wo havo none but
implement House.
255-257 Liberty St., Salem.
Farm Machinery, Bicycler, Sewing
Machines and Supplies.
N. H. Burley,
Sowlnir Machine Repalrine.
William Snayely
Successor to-
Cash Meat Market
130 Court Street
W'll continue to serve the public bet
ter than ever, and our prices will al
ways be the lowest.
Will keep the verv choicest of meats
on hand constantly.
RACKERS and all kinds of fancy
year tno following were named: Pres
ident, Frank Wlllmon; secretary,
Miss Warfleld; treasurer, Miss Hattlo
Dcatty; additional members or tho ex
ecutive committee, Geo. Gatis, Jr., nnd
C E. Fuller. The club has two courts
on tho Wlllametto University cam
pus, nnd will mako arrangements for
a lively season this summer. There
Is a large membership In the club.
Will bo In Salem nt tho First M. E.
church on Wednosduy. tho ISth, nt 8
p. m. Admission 26 cents for adults.,
IB cents Tor children rrom 10 to 15.
Tickets for reserved seats can be had
at Patton8' book store Tor 35 conts.
Evoryhody Invited to hear this excol
lent combination or rondors and sing
ons; first-class In all teapocts.
Wood Choppers Wanted.
Mon wnntod nt once. Cnll on or
nddress W. D. Pugh, 110 State stroot,
Salem. 3-ll-Gt
Huv. John Parsons Is In lllllsboro.
Dr. K. A. Plorcu visited nt Chomn
wa today.
H. O. Whlto has returned rmm
Ellis Purvino spent the day
Aldormnn Thomns Sims visited
Brooks toilny.
W. D. Lawlor, the mining mnn,
In tho city.
J. A Finch, or the Albany Herald,
wns In tho city Monday.
Walter Whitlow returned Monday
rrom a visit In Eugene.
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Vlesko wont to
Portland today for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Thlolson
went to Portlnnd today for n visit.
E. T. Moore, county echool super
intendent, visited the Turner ochool
II. IC. Bicker. uierlutendent or
the state refotm school, was In the
city toddy.
' County Clerk Roland this afternoon
granted a mhrrlnge license to Henry
F. Stuhlinau and Margnret Ellsnbuth
T. O. Whlttler. or Oswogo. Is In tho
city. Mr. Whlttler formurly resided
in Snleui.
C. Sullivan, or the Corvalllt & East
ern railroad company, wns In tho city
today from Albany.
J. A. Carson rotumod this morning
from Alnska, whoro ho wus called on
legal business recently.
Miss Hnlllo Thomas, a teacher In
the public schools or Snlom, U spond
Inn n week nt her homo In Tumor.
Itev. J. II. Columnu, prosldont or
Willamette Unlvorelty, nnd Hov. W.
H: Wlnans wont to Portlnnd todny.
G. A. Stovons wont to Portlnnd to
day, whero ho will plnco his youngOHt
son. Lloyd, In tho Bonvorton school.
Prof. Geo. Wnrflold. of Willamette
Unlvorslty, nnd tho MIssoh Mary and
Ilnrrlet Wnrflold arrived homo Mon
day from Eugouo.
J. G. Graham, local agent for Bal
four, Gurthrlo & Co., wont to Albany,
HnUuy and Shedd today.
D, E. Yoran, a prominent mombcr
or tho Knights or Pythias, was hi tho
city Monday from Eugene. Ho wont
to Portland today.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schmidt, who
have been visiting Mr. nnd Mrs, Arm
strong, returned today to their homo
nt Albany.
Geo. S. Reed returned t6 Portland
this morning, nftor a visit with his
family. Ha Ib employed by tho Port
land Seed Company.
Tho family of Freight Agent Hous
ton arrlve'd from Hosoburg Saturday,
and have gono to housekeeping In tho
Raymond homo on Center stroot.
Wm. Stevens and wlfo loft Monday
afternoon for their homo nt Tilla
mook. They stopped off at Salem for
a visit, being en route homo rrom San
-Mrs. C. W. Patton has returned
from a threo week's visit with friends
on tho Sound. Sho was met In Port
land by Mr. Patton who accompanied
her home.
Miss Mnry Wnrflold his returned
from a visit with friends at Eugene.
Sho attended tho stato oratorical .con
tost on Friday evening and romalned
for a fow days with friends.
C. U. Gantonboin, S. C. Sponcor, D.
M. Dunne and Thomas Jackson, prom
inent ofheors In connection with the
military staff of Former Govornor
Geer. were In the city today from
CapL W. K. Plnier. of Woodhurn.
returned home Monday evening. Cap
tain Flnzor Is an active applicant for
the appointment of ndjutant-genornl
at tho hands of Gdvornor"Qhamber-
laln to succeed C. U. Qantenblen. the
present Incumbont.
J. P. Mitchell, for many years an
employe at the Salem Flouring Mills
In thin city, has gone to Portland to
accept a position In the Alblna Mills
Rev. 3. J. Bvans, of Red Bluff, Call
fornla, arrived In the city this after
noon. Her. Grant was the former
pastor of the First Christian church
lf ftltlff 'ttu (! ! wnt VAt t 6lA Atm-
5 Willamette
X wil University
Misses Lela Tarploy and Hallle
Watson, both momtora br tho rsin!or
class or WlllamoUo, College of Muslc,
plnyod a piano duot last o'vonlng In
Kugono. nt a reception given by tho
Blks or that city.
Pror. Hawloy, doan of tho Universi
ty, who has boon confined to his mom
for n 'oe with a severe caso or )a
grlppti, U lapldly recovering, nnd wl.l
moot his classes again tomorrow.
Part of his clnssw woro heard by Miss
Brnm Clark nnd Miss Sophia Town
sond during his absence.
Tho Pacific Collogo delegation to
the stnte oratorical contest at Eugene
Inst Friday woro compelled to stay In
Snlom over Sunday on account of tho
wreck south or Eugene Saturday
morning. Tholr orator, Miss Lucy
Gauso. won second place at tho con
tost with the oration. "The Spirit or
John Marshall." Tho delegation wero
ontertalned by Wlllnmetto friends,
nnd returned to Newberg by boat yes
torday morning.
II -
Salem Mllltla Doys.
Company "F." Fourth Regiment, O.
N. G held Its election of ofllcors nt I
inc a i mm y .Mominy nigni, nnu -iu
mombers wore present. Lieutenant
Colonol J. M. Poormnn nctod as elec
tion Inspector.
Chns. A. Murphy was elected cap
tain; CIirh. L. Dick, llrst lloutonnut,
nnd R. W. Holmau, second lieutenant.
The candidates were all oloctd with
out opposition. This In the first time
In noarly two years that Company F
brvH had a full set or officers, nu'd with
such competent men In charge, the
members or the comimny will work
hard to become the best In the regi
ment. The armory will be remodeled,
to dome extent, sh there will ho more
riHim, as the company has n full mem
bership, and the quarters are too
small to be convenient. Colonol Poor
man conicmtulntml tho compnny on
tho selection or their olllcors. Ho said.
In his estimation, thoy could hnvo
done no better. Mnjor Lonbo dosorvos
credit for causing tlu't election t be
hold nt fo early a date.
J. M. Poormnn roturned to Wood
burn this morning, nnd reports that
tho Snlom compnny now hns three of
tho most oxporloncod olllcors In the
atnto. Tho mombxrHhlp of tho com
pnny 'Is bolng pretty gonornlly rcor
gnnlr.od nnd fitrongthened by tho In
traduction or new blood. Including
mnny or tho prominent young mon or
the city. For those reasons, nnd the
further fnct Hint tho company Is lo
cnted nt Snlum. tho cnpltnl or tho
stato, Colonel Poormnn wtys thero Is
no ronson why Salem should not hnvo
tho best company or Kunrdsmon In
tho stnte.
Conference of Charities,
Govornor Chnmborlaln hns appoint
od oloven dologntos to represent Ore
con nt tho National Conroronco of
Charities and Correction, which will
ho held nt Atlanta. Georgia, May fith
to 12th. Thoy are: W. T. Gardner,
W. R. Wnlpolo. Wm. M. Ladd, Mrs. U
W, Sltton, Hon. Thos. N. Strong and
George B. Hyland, of Pertlnnd: O. A.
Hartman. Pondleton: Mrs. Honrlottn
Brown. Albany; C. W. .Inmoa, suporln
tondont or penltontlnry; H. E, Blok
ers. Biiporlntondent or refonn school,
nnd 8uporIntondont J. F. Calbroath, or
the Insnno asylum.
Itching PHoh produce moisture and
cause Itching, this form, aa well as
Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles
are cured by Dr. Bo eanko's Pile Rem
edy, stops Itching and bleeding. Ab
sorbs tumors. COo a Jar at druggists,
or sent by mall. Treatise free. Write
mo about your case. Dr. Bosnnko.i
Philadelphia, Pa. For sale at Dr.
Stone's drug stores.
i u
Money In Raiting Cucumbers.
The Gideon Stolz Co. Is now con
tracting for cucumbors for 1903 crop.
Any ono who has suitable land for this
kind of a crop should call early at
factory, Mill and Summer street, and
secure contract for sevoral aores.
I1AKRR. At Kingston. Tuesday,
March 17, 100S, Mrs. Lille Bennetts
Balier, agod 37 yeart, ot coHsumi-
Deceased was a dauipiter or Rev.
Jesse T. UenueU, of Mehnnia, and
leaves a husband nnd two small
children tomourn her untimely de
parture. THE PURE
In comparing Graln-0 and coffee
remonibcr that while the taste to
the samo Grain-O gives health and
streagtb whila cotfeo shatters tho
servous system and breeds dUease
of Itbe digestive organs. Thinking
people prefer Qroin-Q and ita bcn
TKV tr T.AY.
Atcicttrsser7hr) XU. s4 IN. ft fkH
fmmtmKmm immmmmmmtmmmmtmmmmm mmmu mm mm 1,1 in llwi.iwwrtMW,
iLmWmmmmlSSvSEKLwF MmmmWmWKIImmmmmmWmf -mW " jftLmmmmmWl
flLVsfiiwlrB m M tm mr M Aw dllSStBmSlmmmWmmmmmmmWi
Young women may avoid much sick
ness and pain, says Miss Alma Pratt, if
they will only have faith in the use of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
"Dkaii Mhs. Pivkham: I feci It my duty to toll all young wnmun
how much Lyliu H.IMnklmin'n wondi'ilul Yi'gotnhlo Compound has
dono for mo. I wns coiunletoly run down, unable to attond school, nnd
did not earo for an kind of society, but now I feel like a now poraon,
and haw gained sovn pounds of llesh iu thivo months.
" I ivtomuhMul It to all young moiihmi who Rtilfor from fomalo woak
notw." jIihs Ai.m.v l'n.vrr, Holly, Mich.
ruin: iukdical adyicis to vouxg chuls.
All younir girls nt this period of llfo tire rurnestly Invited to
ivrlto Mm. I'liiKliiuii fot nd vice; she litis guldi I lu n niotluuiy May
hiindi'uilN of young women; her advice Is frcoly and cheerfully
given, nnd hor nddress is Jynu, IMass.
Judging from tho letter sho is receiving from no many young girls Mrs.
Plnkhnm is Inclined to tho belief that our girls nro pushed nltogolhor too near '
tho limit of tholr endurance nowadays lu our public hoIiooIh and hemlnarlux.
Nothing Is allowed to Interfere with htudtun, the girl must bo puhhed to
tho front nud graduated with honor; often phyitlonl collapse follows, and it
taken yours to rcwivur the lost vitality, often It Is never recovered.
. A Young Chicago (llrl Saved from Despnlr.
"Deau JIus. Piskham: I wish to thank you for tho help nnd ben
efit I have received through tlm uso of liyillu 12. IMnkliuinVt Vgo
tablo Coiupouud and l,lver IMIls. When I was about ovcntoon
rj. years old I suddenlv Heoined to loso my usual good
ES5w.nuUu and vitality. Kathor mild I Htudled too
llfo; with It sho fan go through with courage mid safety tlwwwJ
aha must accomplish, nnd fortify her physical well being ho that
her future llfo may bo Insured against slekiiessuud sutlering.
(Scnnh FORFEIT" w eamxtt ftrlliwltli t.kito tl,n orlfilnal loltora kiul (IgnatnrM (
nllllll buT tMllutouUli, wtib'b will t..i. llialr nlmilul .milinn..
VUUUU l.y.llu ;. l'JiiUliuin .ll.'.ll.ilu :i., Lj-pb, M. ,
Jones of S. P. Co. Knows
Nothing of It
J. P. JonoM, traveling freight and
paseengor acent for tho Bouthorn Pa
cific Company, was In tho city today,
He was son by a Journal roportor and
questioned conconilng the report that
the Southern Pacific people aro con
sidering the matter of placing anothor
train on tholr lino for tho accommo
dation of tho local trade of tho Wil
lamette valley. Mr. Jonot disclaims
all knowledge of any such Intentions
on tho part of his company, and aald
he considered the report premature.
Mr. Jones further stated that ho had
no dcnnlU Information oinclally that
any other train would bo operated by
(ho Southern Pacific Company In Ore
gon, for tho present, at least.
Hum tU TS VrUJMjt totfc
havii, nut tho doctor thought diuonmt ana
prescribed tonics, which I took by the
uuiirt wltliout relief. Heading ono day in
tlio paper of Mrs. l'inkham's gient cures,
and lludlug the Hvmptoma described an.
nwered mine, I deeldeil I would give Lydlu
K. rinkliam's Yegetahlo Coiiipounil a
trial. I did not miy a word to tho doctor;
I iHiugltt it ntysolf, and took it accordhig;
to directions regularly for two months,
and 1 found that I gradually Improved,
and Unit all pains left me, and I was my
old self onro more. E. SiNcrJint,
17 IS. aid .St., tlilcngo III." . t
Is apt to suggest a bitter expert
enr-o. hut the oxporlcnco of thoso
using our loo Is apt to be a satisfac
tory one, as thoro Is nothing doletrlous
In It, nnd for your drinking wntor It
Is both puro and hoalthful. Ap a cool,
or It Is economical and clean, If you
want satisfactory Ico service, drop us
a postal to No. 174 Commercial street,
or call our loloniiono No. 2131 Main,
Will Have Exchange at In-
dependence .
Indopondeiice, March 17 Tho
clflo States Tolephono Companyvhatf
rucuiviMi moru uiuu uuouKii - suuBcnji
orstoontlllo It to an alt-night aorvico.
It Is thought that thoro will bo at
least 120 phones placed hero, Wo
havo froo Bwltehlng with Monmouth,
and thoy havo a rural system almost
comploted, which will glvo thorn over
40 phones lu that town, So wo aro
soon to havo an nll-nlgbt aorvico with
a rreo pnouo uorvico or overitf
Want a cook that's not so.crossTj
Ono that dooim't think Btie,'a,boail
Jounial want ads bring finest 006SS
., ., , . , ,. ;
iioin jor cooMiHK una ior iouks.
How It Thls7
Tho best English Breakfast Tea. l(f
cents per pound. AUo nil kind of
freak T9Ubls eck saoralcr, at,,
Bnuuoa ft Rugiw't,
! Jl
'jtfcukW . rfi