THE DAILY JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1803. PAGE THREE ( t ii I t 5 Saving Oiler m circt.r.tflss Weekly Mpers for the Price of One. WeekS Jrurail and Weekly Ore- rSckly' Journal and Orange Judd kSSlJJournal and Trl-Weekly It! World. 11.75. I Weeii Journal ana woouuuro mu DUdent, ll-BO. Weekly Jourwu uu . vw, nwnrdnr. 11. BO. y UOUUV, Weekly Journal anu wnencBn oaj, nil. Week'y Journal and Courier. Spray, Oregon, H. Weekly Journal and Express-Ad ,wc'e, Lebanon, $1.60. Weekly Journal and Olobo, Condon. Ore, 11-60. Weekly Journal and Oregon Mist. St Helena, 11.60. Weekly Journal and Town Talk AiMud. $2.00. Wttkl; Journal and Herald, Lake ile. tUO. , weekly Journal and Men of To Morrow. 1.W. Ptrtles desiring can get tbe Dallj journal three months Instead of the Weekly one year In the above combl tiaUUUa. nOPJ3H BROTHEHS Salem. Oregon. Through personally conducted tour lit sleeping cars botwocn Portland anr Chicago once a week, nnd between Oi den and Chicago throe times a week via tho Scenic lino. Through Standard stooping car. dally betweon Ogden and Chicago, vli tho Scenic lino. Through Standard sleeping can dally betweon Colorado Springs cud St. Louis. Through Standard and tourist sleep Ing cars dally betweon Ean Franclscc and Chicago, via Los Angeles and E Through Standard sleeping cars ano chair cars dally betweon SL Paul anC Chicago. Be sure that your ticket reads rl tho Great Rock Island Route. Tho best and most reasonable din Ing car service. Ing car sorvlco. For Information T. J. CLARK, Trav. Pass. Agent L. D. OORIIAM. Gen. Agt.. 260 Alder SL, Portland, Or PILES A nr r.rtWl If y u juoTB ennnnt; tnr Pitt wppw D. Mitt. ThniM. BiM. 0tlr4 NMll, BlM.lf lll, X I , fll " I 0 r I Iter 4 U IM cUli tvt tbm tr B M PvTor. I lu.taiucl w V,rli Tfc.riltnir,ruliuu-1 ruitoa." Ir II l UcUl.l, Cuiktbuf, Ttn.ilui: ! rrtt '. cf M 7wi, I Bt ioum 4 "" I Mvat .. riuii w ni. e,npir rr. mh i; lrnuu. MARTIN NUDV. LANCASTER. PA. Sold in Salem by S. C. Stone. Call for Freo Samples. FARMS FOR SALE 150 acre stock ranch, house, barn, No. 1 orchard. Price $1500, $900 cash,$300.ln trade, $300 on 3 years time. , 80 acres, house, barn lame. 25 acres In cultlvatlan. Price $600. Over 50,000 acres outrange Jolnlnjr this dace. 82 acres, 60 In cultivation, house tarn, out bulfdlnes. 1-4 rnlle to No. 1 school church, store and P. 0. No. l hop land, Price $3000, on nood terms, write for full par ticulars. CO. BURGESS, Agent, Sheridan Oregon CX H. MACK Successor to Dr. J. M. Koene, U Wnlta Corner, Salem, Oregon. Partla desiring superior operations at mod erate fee to any branch are In cspoela) request CAPITAL "CITY Express and Transfer MeU all mall and paawnger train amt to all part oX the city Toapt Krrlc. Telephone No. itL HECKMAN IIEDR1CK. ftlfllMllIiMllS-j s Electric- lighting j 7 SAFEST 2 $ CIEANEST J $ MOST S CONVENIENT t 4 No Matches. No Odor. j No 8moked Ceilings. A Good Strong, Clean, Clear Light of................ R Candle Power' costs ONE CENT PER HOUR. Power at Low Rates per Horsepower. SALEM LIGHT.POWER and TRACTION COMPANY. H SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL For water sorvlco apply at omct Bills payable monthly In advanca Make all complaints at the offlco S. C. STONE, M. 0. ....PROPRIETOR OF.... STONE'S DRUG STORES SALEM, OREGON. Tho stores (two n numbor) nro lo cated nt No. 235 and 297 Commercial street, nnd aro woll stocked with n complete lino of drucs nnd mudlclnos, toilet articles, perfumery, brushos, etc. HnB hnd somo 25 years oxporlonce In tho prnctlco of medicine, and now mako8 no charges for consultation. ex amlnntlon or proscription. SOULE BROS. PIANO TUNERS AND REPAIRERS ...... PorSUm and vlclati) PORTLAND OR. leave orders at Ceo Will's Music Btore. L.D.flMlttl Rentuig Agent Good Barcalns FalrTreatment. List Your Proccrty with inc. 230 Commercial St. THE ELITE CAFE 203 Commercial Street. OYSTERS Served In the est nt stylo and wit) tho most suitable accompaniments. R ECKERLPN. Proprietor White Bronze Monuments Never chip, crack, tar nish, moss or corrode The only kind that nev er needs cleaning. For the truth of the above see them In all the Sa lem cemeteries: somt of them have teen there for 17 years. If you want the very test at half the price of stone hat will last ten times as lone, call on or ad dress TR WATT 190-192 CoramtrclilSl D, WAX lt S4lem. Ortioa. Proposals for Wood. Sealed proporals for tho delivery of 400 cords of large, Hvo body fir and 100 cords of second growth fir wood for tho use of tho Oregon Stato Ponl tontlary. will be recolvod at tho offlco of tho Suporintondent until 3 o'clock p. m., Saturday, March 21, -1903, at which time they will bo opened. Delivery of said wood must bo made on or before Soptember 1C, 1003. The said wood must be sound and of good quality. Accompanying each bid must bo cash or certified chech equal to 10 nAP rfinf nf nninunt of bid. Right Is reseived to reject aiiy and all bids or any portion of a bid. Bid- dors aro Invited to bo present. J. D. LEE. Superintendent Oregon State Peni tentiary. Salem, O-eeon, March 12, 1903. d a-m-t, w t Just Received. A large supply of Armour's "Star" boms and breakfast bacon. Just what you want. Guaranteed the beat on tho market BRANSON & ItAQAN. Strong's Restaurant la tho favorite eating house of the citv. Tho best meal service that can be njyj, ' rSEs CONSUMPTION tho most areaaed and deadly of all diseases, as well as pneumonia, and all Lung Troubles are relieved at once and cured by Acker's English Remedy "the king of all Cough Cures." CureB Coughs and Colds in a day.. 25 cents. Your money back If dissatisfied. Write for freo sample. W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. D. J. Fry, Drug-gist Administrators Final Notice Notice is hereby given that tho un dersigned has filed his final account as administrator of tho estate of John D. Fain, deceased, with (tho county court of tho stato of Oregon, for tho county of Marlon, nnd Bald court has set tho time for hearing tho samo on Wednesday, tho 1st day of April, A. D., 1903, at 10 o'clock a. m. of Bald day, In tho county court room nt Sa lem, In said county, at which tlmo the same nnd nny nnd nil objections' thoro to and tho settlement of snld estato will bo heard by said court. Dated at Salem, 'Oregon, UiIb 3d day of March, A. D., 1903. F. A. TURNER, 3-3-5tTue3 Administrator. Corval lis & Eastern RR. No. 2 For Yaqulna: Leaves AlbM y 12:45 p. m Leaves Co-vallls 2:00 p. in. Arrives Yn I n ....... C:25 p. in No. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaqul-a C:45 n. ni Lcav Corvallls 11:30 p m Arrives Al -nny 12:15 p. m No. 3 Tor ctrelt: Leaves Albany 7:00 n. m Arrlvos Dolrlot 12:05 p. m No. 4 From Dotrelt: Leaves Dotrol 12:45 p. m Arrlvos Albnny 5:35 p. m Train No. 1 nrrlvua In Albany in time to connect with the S. P. Bduth bound tralr, as we I a" giving two or thro . hour in Albany boforo dopuiture of S. P. northbound train. Trail. No. P con- .cts w'th tho S. P trnlns at Corval.'ls n . Albany giving direct service to Newport and adja cent beaches. Trn'n No. 3 for Dctr't. Drcltnbush and oilier jio'intali rcsor'a leaves Al bany nt 7:00 a m rv.ncb.lng Detroit at noon, giving ample tlmo to reacb the Tprlngs samo day. For further Informntlcu apply to EDWIN STONE. Manager. THOS. COCKRKLL, Agent, Albnny. H H PRONISK AkvM Pnrvnllln IMON PACIFIC AMD 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY. Through Pullman, Standnrd nnd "ourlst stooping cars dally to Omaha, Chicago, Spokano; torlst slocpors dally to Kansas City; through Pull man sleoplng carps (personally con ducted) weokly to Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis nnd, Memphis; reclln Ing chair cars (seats free) to tho East dally. OKPART KOK TIME SCHEDULES Krom J-oriluDd, Or, ARRIVK FROM Chicago Port laud bfx-cltl 9 30 a. in tI Hunt In gum "Atlantic" KzproM 8:16 n. m. Tialluut Ingion ""STKoT" rm Mail 6 00 p. m. via Bpokane Halt Lake. Demcr. Fl Worth, Omaba, Kauau Ultr. HI. Uiula, Clilwto 4(30 p m anil nui Bait Lake. I)DTer XL Wortli, Omaha, Kauau CUT, fit. Usui, Chicago an a mil Walla Walla, Iwuion, Bpokme. Wallace. Pull man. Mliinearoui BL M haal. Uuluth.Mllwaukr oiiicacn, ana Et. 70 " HOURS ' PORTLAND TO CHICAGO No Cfaanie of Crs 70 OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDUIH From Portland' All willing datea aubject to changa 1p.m. Korean rrandtoo i p a SalltTCfjtili)! Dally except COLUMBIA IllVHU I p. m uunoaj ToAatorla ao-1 War . onn'a S p. in. , Laudlugt Batnrdaji OP ") WILLAMETTE RIVER Steamer Kuth leaves Balem for Fort' land and way landings on TamHlay .Thurs days and Satnrdays, about 10 a. m, Foi Corvallia vmi way landings, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at abont t A. L.' OKAIG, M, P. BALDWIN. Uen. fass. Agt. Agt. O. R. & N. doer Portland, Ore. Salem, On Popular Eating House. Firstrolass, np-to-dato meals are served dally at Strong's rcs'auranL This is Salem's popular eating bouso. You can get Just what you want. Fine, Sweet Grange. We have Just received a fresh lot of California oranges, and you knov we carry nothing' but the yery best These are cerjalaly fine, see for -yourself. You should BRANSON k RAQAN. BREEZE GIBSON'S TRADE How a Polk County Made $2 50 Man Facial Massage and How Old No. Eight Sails "I Just made two nnd a-half the slickest," said Breeze dlbson, the Polk County hop-grower and stalwart Democrat, Jingling somo Bryan money "How did you do lt7" snld tho Jour nnl man eyeing tho sliver. "Man wanted to know If I had n cow for solo." "No, but I've got a likoly young hclfor." "Wuat'll you take for hor," said Uie man. "I'll take $25, says I." "Ho wroto mo a check and tho minute I took It I suo I was away too low but I didn't gig bnck but remark- ed to the mnn 1 had letliur go too cheap." "Well, give mo $2.50 nnd I'll lot you off on tho the trade." "I handed him tho check and two nnd a- half." "I don't soo how you inadu nnythlug by that" snld tho roportor. "Well. I'd a give him $G.OO Just n quick and when ho offered to let mo off for $2.50 I was Just $2.80 ahead wasn't I." It wemed so perfectly sntlsfnctory to Dreese that thore was no usu ar guing with him. A Fine Opening. "There Is a line opening nt Salem for a lady's hair dressing uatabllsh. mont. There nre fow If nny compot out lady's hair drowors lit the city nnd the result Is that Salem women go to parties nnd to tho thentro with oxcrulatlngly plain colffuro, and really nppear to lltttlo advantage cnmpnrod with what thoy might enjoy In that respect were artistic care of the head dress Introduced." Tho speaker wns one of tho swullest looking mntroiiH of the Capital City. "I am also an advocate of tho facial massage for women and it gos with linlr drewi" Ing. I happen to know thnt my hus band onjoys tho luxury df having his fnce worked over once a wuok by IiIh barber for half an hour or moro, al ways comes home lookluk fresh nnd rosy and fifty per cent bolter for his treatment. Th best barbers work th muscles of the face and the skin until the dabby appearance Is nil gonn, nib In a lot of almond oil nnd othor skin foodv, nnd finish It all off with somo good fillers for tho pores and n dash of good face powder. Oh you sctMln't tell mo tlu iiin don't have their fncos primed for special oc casions. Wo need It Just ns much ns thoy and then --'o nsed still more a shoo dressing parlor. All three could go togothor and somo bright mnn nnd woman have a fine business oppor tunity by combining hair-drew Ing, fuclal massngo and shoo jmllshlng. Foot Massage. Talking about the comforts of men, In Chicago the principal barber shops bavo their chairs rigged ho that your shoos nre takon off and shltied while you nre being shavod and when you are being finished off the sheen are put back on your feet. The feet are rested while you are being shaved or having your hair or beard trimmed. Another shop has gone a step farther In tho dlrqulon of tho nrlentnl luxury and while one man takes away the shoos to bo shlned nnolher taken oft tho customer's socks and gives his feet a massage treatment Tho feet are Bpongod and treated to disinfect ant nnd oiled and bayrumnifxi and then all the muscles of the Instop nnd sole or tho foot and oven tho tiny muscles of the toes are worked over until when the barber l through with the top-droeslng of the human head piece the massage artist has pro duced a warmth and glow In tho -ap-lllarlos and oven the sole of the foot that makes the tired man go out of there with a freshness, spring and elasticity that his family hardly recog nlxo him. It is a question whethor this would work among tho denizens of a damp climate where thore are apt to bo webs between the digits of the pedal cutromltJwi Somo Salem barber might try foot massage- or the I'nlona might make a rate for tho ser vice. Old Number Eight. All tho motormen on tho electric line like old number eight. Sho Is not tho least bit styMsh. Is racked la every Joint and swaying back and forth like a howso that is about to fall down en your head. But old number eight has. a splendid dlsposl tion, responds to the brako and takes the Juice at the slightest touab. She has a fine headlight, a good motor and is well lighted Inside, To o hfr go iwlnglnff afcrig, yon wouldn't thiijk To o hfri SHE MADE A JMGE A Charleston Mother Did So With Advantage to Herself and Children A mother living in Charleston, Mass., tho happy possessor of four children, writes. "Every fall and winter I havo laid in a stock of cough remedies, croup mixtures nnd throat medicines for my children, for somo how or othor they uover seem to bo free from colds, coughs or soro throat. This fall I mado n.chango in tho usual program. I had myself beep cured of an obstinato catarrh from which I had been suffering for years, by Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, and as thoy were pleasant to tnko 1 deter mined to try them with my children. Our family physician tuld mo ho knew them to bo perfectly safo, nnd nothing better could bo used for catarrh, coughs nnd colds. So I gave them to the children, nnd have continued to do so over Btnco, whenever there Is tho lonst "Ign of croup or soro throat, nnd I no longer dread tho nppronch of cold weather as I once did. Stuart's Catarrh TablotH hot only cured me of chronic nasnl catarrh, but they have snved mo many an anxious night with my little ones. Tho child ren like the tnoJo of Item, nnd It Is renlly wnndeiful how quickly thoy will break up n croupy colli or nn olt stlnnte. deep-seated cough." i'eoplo who have used sprays. Inlinl era, salves or washes for catarrh and have found how useless they nre, will be ngromhly surprised at tho results following the use of a pleasant, con venient, Internal remedy In tnhlet form. Druggists everywhere admit that Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, which 8-ll for R0 cents full-Hlsed pr.cknge, is th safest, most offoellve nnd popular of catarrh modlcltu-H. 317-19-Slv she wns fast but none of tho nowor cars on tho road will keep ns near the time enrd as old number eight, one of the original equipment when P. S. Knight and M. I,. Chamborlnln were managing the road. Sho re minds mo of a ship that Is well rig ged, whore all the braces and yards and sails swing bnck hut sho cntchce very pennyweight of wind mid whoops nloug thro . the water like as If sho wan alive. That kind of n vessel will outsail alt your nlco-fittcd nnd tlght-rlgged ships thnt- ever Moat ed, But old number eight wouldn't stand up In a storm worth n cent and .t ship tackled up slack would., Hor braces nre shy nnd If she over strikes n snng her whole mansard roof will crnsh down on the hendH of her crew and pnHssngnrs. The Colonel. $100 Reward. $100. The rondora of this paper will ho plsasod to loam thnt thoro Is at lonst one drondod dlsonses that sclonco tins been nblu to euro In nil Its stages and thnt Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is the only positive cure now known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh be ing a constitutional dlseaso, roqtilros a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is takon Internally, act ing dlroetly upon tho blood and mu cous surfaces of the system, theroby destroying tho foundation of tho dis ease, and giving tho patlont strongth by building up the constitution and assisting ' nature in doing its work. Tho proprietors have en much faith In Kb curative powers, that thoy of fer One Hundred Dollars for any onso that It falls to euro. Bend for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHRNHV & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by dr'gglsts, 75c. Hall's Family Pills aro the Best. Mr. Wataon Resigns. J. O. Watson, a young attorney of Portland, who has been serving as deputy In the ollloe of Attorney-flenor-al Crawford has resigned his ionltlon nnd roturnod to Portlnnd where ho will again engage in tho lugni pro fession. While In tho city M. Watson made u number of friends who will regret to see him leave tho city. Ho will bo Biiccr-edod by n young Wil lamette university law student named Parker, of Roseburg. Tho Excitement Not Over. The rush to the drug store still con tinues and daily scores of people oa( for a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for th Throat and I.ungo for the care of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. Kemp's Balsam, the standard family remedy. Is sotd on a guarantee and never falls to give en tire satisfaction. Price SCc and 60c. CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bsant the i&&ff&& Signature r Spfing The smartest line of Men's Trousers in Salem are hcre All the new patterns in all wool materials Every pair bears the "Union Label" M The Deneflt of Change. Wo nro llko house- plants. Wo need a change of soil now nnd thonto he roplnntod. Now 'sosnos, new oxporl- jonceH, now surroundings a chnngo of climate, dry nlr Instead of molsturo, sunshlno in plnco of cloud. This Is somothlng essontlnl to health. Thora aro conditions near nt hand that nro bettor than Kuropo enn orfor. Take a month or two in California. Plant yoursolf for n tlmo whore thoro Is no Irritations, whore tho hotel Is boyond criticise, tho landscape pleasing, nnd whore warm, sunny wonthor Invites walks nnd drives, Puro and dry nlr, nnd tho luorenand olectrlo Influences of sunshlno nro vastly helpful. You can mako thin trip at vory lit tlo oxponso, nnd onjny n rldo over tho scenla Siskiyou nnd BlinHtn Moun tains, which, nt this tlmo of tho yonr, with thulr snow-covorod peaks, nro un surpassed for their grandeur. For comploto Information rogardlng rntoH, points of Interest nnd delightful hotols In California, address, W. K. COMAN. (Ion. Pas. Agt. S. P. Co., ood&W-lm Portlnnd, Orogon. UNION HOUSE. Your stepmother is still hero, ns busy as over. When your clothes aro worn and dirty, or .tho buttons off, Jako thorn to hor, at tho 8nlcm Dyeing nnd Cleaning Works, Repairing and rollnlng; now velvet collnrs put on ovorcoats; nlso four suits a month for $1. Called for nnd returned. MRS. C. H. WAI.KHR, Prop. IOC Commercial StrooU Wanted 200 Cords. Seasoned fir, mustly largo, live, body wood, nt tho penltontlnry brick yard, 70 cords to bo delivered by April 20th. prox. Apply to J. D. LKtt, Superintendent Stato Penitentiary. Salem, March It, 190.1. dit-wlt The Whlie House. These cold days It Is much bottor to take your meals in tho city, than to go homo. Tho Whlto House Res taurnnt Is Just tho placo you aro look ing for. Open day and night. Harper's Whiskey Is the best Qet some Into your vest. Qus. 8chrelber keens It, And you know tho rest. FARMER'S HOME 1S3 Stats Street. TELL ME Whcro aro you going and when, and I will tell yqu 'what tho rate, will bo, when you will reajh your destination and why you should take tho Burling ton. No matter whether Chicago. Omnha Denver, Kansas City or St. Loula Ib tho city you want to reach, your tick et should roud ' via the Burlington." A. O. 8HEZUD0N, Qansral Agsnt r ymplc s h A BSSSSSSBSSSSSSnSHjSSSSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSBSSJSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHS LLHLsLLLEisBLLLLLBLLLHLiLBiLL