p )0 t 5 ' ., I' .i J 11 l IrirJ PAi AOB " TWO. THE DAILY JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1903, e it h ri- ii vt Vi I. ',? i ii ... nil -A " fePi If You certainly, (do not know how generally dis agreeable you make your self, or you would stop coughing. No one can read or rest in maliBlin 1 SI k&J h'w sy w -9 f vn i i.tm ? . " - xU it'H tne -. m ...vs m J till '131 S fl MWTOaM 1 KM same house with you. Can't stop'it?' Then we .must tell you about Ayer' Cherry Pectoral No medicine like it for stopping coughs, heal ing sore lungs, quieting inflammation in the bronchial tu'bes, and preventing serious lung troubles. Ask your doctor if he could give better advice. iZ,tiX. " Last fill 1 contracted a severe cold on my luncs which continued spite of all I could do. I then tried Aycr's Cherry Pectoral and was quickly relieved, I am now perfectly well." m Mlis Emma Miller, Fort Snclllng, Minn. asking tho roforondum on tho Celllo portage appropriation of f 1G5.000, and ho Harris corporation tax bill, arc legally defective All the petitions out nrk rocalled nnd new petitions will be framed and circulated. The first effort to Invoke th referendum wns faulty i'n form, and Hip work will have to bo done over Without taklnjc altJB"n8'tf)Itlie tner- its of the matter. The Journal will aid In circulating the potltlons, for the purpose of testing 'Direct I.uglBlntlon Nolmimcan come from bringing snm" of the important nets of the leg islature to a populnr vote. W C Cowglll. of IJatfor folty, wic r eds Mr ImiIb Walker ntf Rcjcretary in the work of sending cVut 'and col lee ting the pedtlorts. 1. HFS i Of Suffering From Heart Disease. . ;.! c If .L.J mHUnktf Talk. ii MIL 1JHILI dUU n HL iimt ,,))W ,u.aii in the Hetiate to do lot ten system piewiliK in the Krnijiiing or IliCKi- alllR!ll- llltul Scrlppa Nows Association Teleorama. 'i lint bill will be before the next 3 and 5 O'clock Editions. iimnu with nil tin. iiiHhmiw. r ihu ' Hilniliilalratloti Imek of It. DY HOFER BROTHERS Khiill this district b represented by Dally One Year. 94.00 In Advance. " ",H" "r ". .r (may cm Dally Three Months, $1.00 In Advance.-"lenee tiiwHrd the mutter? Whwt any Dally by Carrier, 60 Cents Per Month.) IteimbllcHiis? Weekly One Year, $1.00 In Avarice. fftl H M-H-HHH H IIHIHt Thorn la a pressing deniMnd fur a mn of ability awl conviction to he set' to congress from this dlstrit t imi dodger or st raddle r will do. TT1 7 TTTT M I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I A PUDLIC DEMAND. "I'Trin nnd kuowii rimvlctlona mi Mrtnlii gtwit and vital ipteetluus" la what la being Keuemlly dsniiintled on tits part of lending ItepnhltfuuH from tli ()(iugiMiliiiinl vnmllilute In I his dmtrlut. The muii who U merely a Il)iilill iin boeauko (hat holds out the best hopo of Kintlfyliig the' ol!lri iHHVlng Huh Is u Intuit number In puictlFHl hI I(,Icm of H HtrHIIIIIIUS nae. Ooiigrtwsmnii Williamson, nf lftiet urn Orugon, hits vigorously nttnrkwl tho land monopnllmi uadur the Carey net, ami the proHMtxl Hlue Mouutnlu Kortwt ItiMwrvK Ilu Is ii mini nf eon MfllkjiiM on aumothlim at ivt. Seuntor 1'iilton refused all offer of hi Ip to olfct lit nt eeHHtur by menu of limner or Hailing viito fur htg itpliru printluiw. There Is not u iw or iH'WHiiMr can wiy a cent whs jmld to K"t n ni lo tn wlw t I'liltiw. hilloil rchm Into the UhIImI Stntee soiwte with cU-tn hnmle. Iluw clean tliey ahull r4iwu we ena ojiL)' Judge fi'jtH til churarier of the lunii. attd tlui gonoral nuinillty of the guvora iiK'Ui at Wnshlngtuu. llHt a eniigreeaiuHH to succeed TongHe eliiHilil nt this time htne Una and Well-RIMWH OOHVlcttOHS OH IHIIt- tere of vital latereet to the dletrict. It a v,ell kwiwn rait Hint wholesale tMttialktii of timber lands has been wHug om la Weetera Oieguu by km IwrntktMe nd big syadlcMtes DKNNETT FOR SENATOR. H aaSif msd Mali. Th l sH-;ilic ut ucll b lvp4rnlcl tUcturullv at benw half UiAKullitr hUI blf FHneiae, MHtiixwibiMiiiti tli lu det4ruM cienutrii- t4 fiibrr m-. He feu nil tlir MublurHurwil tlir ma Mltlt the 9evU4( ir HUWIItty of . MfV hmii. lie's wt iiieaMut coihmh) ut lHim or riUMtl Df. lletee's Ik41h Metltcel J)Ucvrr onion ly)rkU hh4 otlter 4mmmm ttt tlir 4HMAc)t aatl hvai (tied (STPH of iligr (Urn im1 iiHtulkm It react 4tMcl lliwith Mbirh cnriiee Mitb it chedifMlaMA of temper, and HteVes ttf s ueMMMce The "IHiven' HrilM the WvKl iy eJlHiliMtlHg Ike ctH ni ciwj hmmmmmm aWHUHtUtWHS fHMU b uh illbMi is Iwni. )t iiu'WSSliS Uir ' Iiii of tier ImWI tiMkiug kUihU. m u. r. aUnst Use auuMiv of put nek bJ. bkh gtvee life (a vvt iffeH t the huly. It )t Mew lnr ud new ktreMth. -ur OiMiii Wtt.i uucMtr Ut m kJ a .Miirrl i " wiM Ml M g llw rfCkukitai.riul.liiilu Ark thwi ItK Melieiu(M4a ttut 4mm o tkal tt H w Ahat (rtittji. Kr euttat 4 rt.niMHr t mmk h m wwb ew Imbih i MtMiUi fmm tWMH M4ki 1Kmw) awl AeerH HO "titute ioi "UohteH Med ieT ,ltvery." Thra is nothing "jt as t:oo.l" for dvoc of the slomaoh, Uoi-J tkiul lunge. f Tiio Ooaunon f?tii Mcdlce.1 AdvWr, jcx3 Urge me iu paper evvers, U tent tctwx iroclpof ai ouc-ccut eUwn to my cxtKtitc of BudUuir Wr. Adilitaa Dr. H,V Werw. Buffalo, N. Y. IT The loftliid pipers keep speculat ing on J he probable result nnd choice of Governor Oliwnlierlala should he be called to name a eeaator to All the ra I'Nney (aiiad In case of Setwtor Mllcholl'a death. It la slnled that ollu. C. IS. 8. WcchI la not avallalde. aa he Is an utHjnlllled free tiader anil aiitl-e.vimiisloiilst. when It will be laineinlierwl tliul In his campaign (loveruor Clmmlwrlalu took very conservative grounds on thoso warm ajibjecta for a Demiwrnt. It ia alwi stated Miut Mr. WikmI did not uheorvo the iHilltlinl proprtettM whijii he urged nemocrate to vote for Oer for swaalor. mivlre which every Democrat In the legislature studloita ly dlarugnnlel. There la iwe man whoeo aiHMdat m en t would give great eatlefartkin to HeMoeraU. aud a great many people outside of the party, and that la lion. A. 8. Itetiuett. of The Dulles. He la a lawyer itf great ability, and has born the Democratic Imaner against overwheliHing iwida for eon rese. for eupretae Judge, aud has ah ways had a big vote outalde of his IMirty. UenutUt hi besides of clean anil hon orable family life, a man of mibstna tlal meana. warned In hie profession, a natn of good brain xivr. aud hie heart la Iu sywipalhy with taipular movements. He has never Ihnih connected with any ahadr poHtlca of any klad. and, while that is equally trwe of C. It S. WikmI. It is not true of eOMte nf the prowlHent Democratic polltlrlaHs of Oregon, nud the fple understand that fart aa a reaernl uroiHMltluM pretty well. IbHtnett uhiM phwe alt lias tern Oregon and OHMt if Western Oregon. and hie nppoiHUfteMt wouhl be n cred itable oae (w nuy state la the nation. SCIENTIFIC ROAD BUILDING. The Joiirnnl must tnko laatic with an esteemed corroHpoudont, who writes Intelligently on otliar phases of the (ii stlou. hut says an engineer Ik not needed for good road building. Iloni.H enn be much Improved by be ing Inld off properly to'bogln with The easiest grndo, tho host location for drnlnngp and construction, and saving of distance nnd lnnd nro very Important mnttorH. Only engineering skill can properly lay off a rond. Thoro Is no more ab surd proportion than hnvlng rnnils follow land linos. jognrdloHS of the character of soil, drnlnngo and Rrndes. A wagon Kind should he laid off with as much skill ns the track of a railroad Is located, nnd nothing wotilil bo more ridiculous nnd disastrous to rnllrrmd trauaportntlon than to locate railroads as our common highways are now hcated. ltoad building Is a scientific engin erring proposition, or It Is noL. If It Is the former, then how can a rond be properly built without a surrey and specification as to construction? I Would Not be Alive Today But For Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. Do not neglect tlie warning symptomi of a teak heart. Palpitation, smothering spells, twelllnir of feeler ankle, pain in and around heart; oftentim' affection! of the stomach, (unci, hver, bladder, kidney, etc., arise from heart weakfle. A weak heart must be heltttd. Ifeannot Hon (o ret It muit be trencthetied nnd regulated. The blood must be enriched, the heart nerve strenctheaed and the circulation Improved by the creat heart and blood tonic, Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. There is posltivelynothinr; to equal this wonderful medicine in its beneficial influence upon heart weakened from any cause. "I am very crateful for what Dr. Miles lYeart Cure has done for me, as I am confi dent I would not be alive today had I not learned of its wonderful virtues and taken it before it was too lateV I had been a sufferer from valvular heart 'disease for many years. in iirt evtr ince I wh a. little cirl and for three year before I beean using Heart Cure I was In very bad shape. I could not sleep on ray left side at all and would frequently have the most dreadful smothering tnells. At times my left lde would swell up. I had pain in my head all the time from which I suffered greatly. Nothing I took did me my good until I used eleven bottles of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure which removed all these distressing symptoms and made me feel well and strong." AIRS. II. C. CnUSE, San Fran cisco, CaL All druggists sell and guarantee first bet it Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book on Nervou and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad. JOURNAL X-RAYS. t 1 1 I S-. t 1 I i I i we nave now openea 5uu Laaies street nats, new Spring goods, all of the newest styles and no tv ex- j j acuy aiiKe. i ney invite your inspection, tney are j; templing, i ne jcamjii is nuw upproacr.ing wneir-you should lay aside that heavy winter hat that makes your headache to carry it, and provide vourself with 2r a new straw, light, durable, stylish, good quality and f reasonable price, for all of these good features inter view them at ., GreenbaunTs Dry Goods Store First Door South of the Postoffice. 302 Commercial 8t st-rallS)a)ailt44a,,,t,0etai THE REFERENDUM ON THE FAIR. The referendum will be Invoked In Oregon In three cases; the Lewta and Clark cxpoaltlou. the Hrtags railroad $185,000 graft and the corporation li cense law. The Initiative will he CHlUal for In three cases: Km n cor poration law. Hat salary law and a di rect, nomination law. Albany Demo crat. It la understMxl that steiw were taken by a mass meeting nt Alinay Mouday to send out l&Oo itetlttorve ask ing for the referendum on the, Port land fair appropriation of $H0ii.efNi. Tho Item nbove has, however, no foundation, as there Is no Inteution on th apart of the friends of the other matters to Invoke the Initiative, un less it might be for the Harris tax hill. The Hal salary reform and the IX- Nomination law can be pasaoti and Itecoiiie laws In Ike regular way. as all parties are agreed upon them, aud It Is only a truest Ion of educating the people In a few counties to under stand the necessities and merits of those reforms. It should 1m remembered that Ma riou county IteiHibllcmiM were united In the legislature In support of tint saluriea aud direct nomination. Those reforms were promised In all pint. forms, ami Marlon county weathers respected their pledges. The rest of the state Hill have to come onto (ho Marion county platform, or defeat tho Republican imrty at the uext round. Raker City will not remain unknown In the world ns long ns it has Itev. J. It. X Hell and the linker City Herald. the most noted yellow Journal In Oro-gon. reel JOURNAL X-RAYS. Any oofor today eo It' liu.n Salt Lake will have a grand jury to sort out the nolyguiuhits. x a a The I'roaMsnt of the Initf.l state Is to visit Salem Thursda Ma 21st. He will remain until aftermx u a a If oongreaMMonal iMMsibilid- in this dint riot ltttiH oh dsellulUR 1'ortland may yet have to furainh the man. a a a W. O. Corner hat taken thargo of and will lend the lrte luu( Load er. We hope atoHg uiowsi't . a a a Tke Imswhsh 4feited th.- Sttlam lawyers al UowIInc Vh the hop aud the howl Naturally go t, , iH)H-. a a a Mayhs Um irita at oiymhi was th svrtttgtafc- hack to .i, .. of the earth's ftK wtoe. MrUda . msauwI osT it. a a a IwrtWHsW tragic stay t-ii.,- the Souther Paatjto uaopli to put uw rh- other tralg htwev IHunland and Cah tforHla. . a Itv-OofWHor Qmr ppmr..i before the MleMWt MMtt and mad. an ar- gaMMt for a SliJMsl apprvtin.nou for th Lewis autt 0rk fair A Wiiiatr la Moataaa. vh.. u the father of 11 ekJWren. wants a law K&SSed StvlBSr th Mreuts at ln-rt f amines a. prixw Still it Mesa he did Thfl itltioa Mnt out by tho ml 6-1 not reulro any eBcoursseweet In the era' orrauhatloa of Eastern Otveoa. lafsnt Industry BEAUTIFY THE OITY. Clean atroets. White houxoa, Smooth lawns. Nectt shlewnlha. Hor den parked. Oraameutal shrubbery aud How era. Abolish ths ftrsttt. tlKhy foieet trees that hid th city, aud make It hath like a hermit's retroal In a ghHmiy forest. One ywtr trout aow taxes wilt be la hand rot Impmvemeuts ia the clt)' and suburbs. A deHnlte ulau of exten sive Improvement should be made that will make tho clt)- aa4 the new territory one huinasjsnomi whole. Ah areuue or boulevard should bs laid oat to the) sastsra Uutlta of the city, and on to the north and one to the south Thesa.' mala arteite of the muulrlttality shtatM ho coosiructed for penuAueni utltliy. The city i4 italssju has psMaed the ctw pstsiure wage, where evwy faiall) rauM kei ,a-lr pigs sud chicks a User plevsd. asal nut their etoek u their uvighhars' ursmhws, The rowstrurUou of Oroater Satem ua broader Uses and for more Heruw. teut rejwlta Must uow he undertaksH. U is no awe dllttaUt to do things HgHt than In a setnshed. go-aa-you-phMse style so tang Hvaillus. THK MINER3 PETITION. Au ICastern Judge recently flnwl n man Ifcni for kissing his cook tht-eo times, hut one can't fix the market prlc liy that. Maybe the Jiulgo did the same thing. M A Linn oounty mpr is sanguine thai luere is no "danger of nnythlng of the kind" Impelling, such ns Jeff Myers becoming u cnndliluta for con gress, as he no longer llvoa In tho district. u m If there Is anything thnt will mnke a Pennsylvania luglslntor soru, it Is n rumor that xuno othur statu lnglsln tare Is sccusfil of crookodnoss. I'onii sylranla evidently wants to be tho whole thing, but sho can't. a m Since it Is known In Spokane thnt a couple of candy mnkors use to mix their randy mi n couplo of mnrhlo slabs formerly used In the mnrguo to bold corpses, the demand for coufoo tlrmary is on the duellno.' The blamed fools who monkey with the e'hlc composition of tho fu ture American might iih well predict thn In the near fntuio wo would all be one I m elfth AfHcun liHcnusn Hie race bears that ratio to the total pop ulation. a a a A M. Humphreys, who wns recent ly pardoned hy the governor, wna one M the flrat men to make a mnrkot for grain at Salem and break the Port land Flouring l monoHly. He ren-dei.-.i h- tanners of Mnrlon county and id.- .itMn s men of Snlcm n gr.at s. Mm. (hoiii.)- I I II I I I It I I I I I II 1 1 -hi I I 1 1 H I I I I I I II I I 1 1 M I Hi j The House Famishing Co. A Great Carpet House jj Without doubt we are the ,: largest dealers in all kinds :: of floor coverings in the :: valley above the falls. We : : nave all grades from the t kind that is not worth car- -' ' rying home to the kind that " wears a lifetime. We offer -: tne best values for the least monev. 1st door - il2 Soutn of Jos- Meyers & :: S- 'W'.aS : : vA.. M v Mil ' ZiaklrK V , dor 'l,,VV'i .-i'-.-. j5. :: K The House Furnishing Co., Stores at SALEM and ALBANY- H I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t-f-H-H I II I I I I I I I I I-H--H- KICKED BY A HORSE AND SUFFERED NEARLY FORTY YEARS BEFORE THE BONE HEALED KODOL DiiMtiVkU TsiCu. Weak Hearts Aro du to tnd jtst.an. Nlnety-nlr.e of everyone hundred people ho htvo hert trouble can remember hen It wa simple Indigeit.on It Is a sclen tlfia fct that all cs of heart dU ee, net orjinis, are not only trace- w.a iu, uui are me oirect result ol IndljesHon. All food taken Into the stomach vhlch hlta of perfect dljes Men ferments and svelb the itorruch, pinc It up sjalrat the heart. ThU Interferes ith the action of the heart, and la th" course ol time that delicate but vital organ beoomu dUeascd. liodol Digests What You Eat Mi. Urine NirHati of Pmw Ya. N Y . rttti: A'iruiC myf.xvjwcuUdiunu r t nukHc mr ut r44t wsl y n t FauSy t( a bonis tl Kalat m4 a ct me tatwst rti juut uic v tvmwt I tm curt.! Ksdol ourej Inileeatten, dyspepaia V uM owuch duorders. and fyea Mie heart a full, fiee and untram moled action. BattWj or. Jt oo 5U hotter. 2H dnu uw uw km, k uvu ier soe PS1II1 "AM I ALL RIQHTT OF COURSE I'M ALL RIGHT," 8AID MR. A. COOPER, OF POLK COUNTY, WHEN ASKED ABOUT HIS LEQ WHICH WA8 HURT WHEN HE WAS A BOY. M ,WA8 KICKED BELOW THE KNEE BY A HORSE IN 1860 WHEN r MERE-BOY, AND SUFFERED FOR VEAR3. IT ACHED TERRIBLY AND 800N BROKE; THEN PIECES OF BONE COMMENCED COMING OUT AND CONTINUED FOR ABOUT A YEAR. THI8 WA8 FOLLOWED BY AN ATTACK OF TYPHOID, WHICH LEFT ME IN BAD SHAPE. I WA8 OBLIGED TO U8E CRUTCHES FOR OVER TWO YEARS FROM THAT TIME UNTIL I WAS CURED ABOUT SIX YEARS AGO I ALWAYS USED TWO CANES. THE DOCTORS TOLD ME THERE WAS NO HOPE FOR A CURE UNLESS I HAD MY LEG SPLIT AND SCRAPED AND THE CORDS CUT. SOME ALSO ADVISED AMPUTATION, BUT I RE FUSED, AND FINALLY DR. COOK, THE BOTANICAL SPECIALIST OF 8ALEM, TOOK MY CASE. I BEGAN TO IMPROVE AT ONCE, AND IN SIX MONTHS MY LEG WAS WELL. IN FACT I FEEL THAT DR. COOK SAVED MY LIMB, AND I WANT EVERYBODY TO KNOW IT, FOR IT WA8 A WONDERFUL CURE. 800N AFTER TREATMENT THE BLACK FLESH BEGAN TO GROW OUT OVER THE BONE WITH A HEAL- THY COLOR." ' A. COOPER. September 1st, 1902. PERSONS MORE OF WI8HING TO KNOW MR. CO PER'8 CASE CAN -EARN ALL THE PARTICU. LARS BY CALLING ON HIM AT IN DEPENDENCE. OREGON. OR AT DR. COOK'S OFFICE, 103 LIBERTY STREET, SALEM, OREGON. Chrysolite) It's the inside that counts both in people and in cooking utensils; The "Inner man" should be pure- and spotless, The inside of Chrysolite Enamel' ed ware is pure white R. M. WADE & CO. You're Still Missing A goldan opportunity to get a su jierb liquor If you navon't bought a bottle or case of the colbrated Over holt rye whiskey, which wo offer at a remarkably low figure. That's not the only good thing hero get our prices on wln&s, otc. J. P. ROGERS, ssiP Wholesale and Retail UqueT Deals r. . . , a nana, Drc 8tw.