The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, March 16, 1903, 2ND EDITION 5 O'CLOCK, Image 1

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    s o'cleck:
VOL. Xlll.
NO. ' 62.
The Record
When the
In California May 6-Here
May 21
Will Stay One Day in the
Oregon Metropolis
A Hundred
IVIempHis Teumblmgly Awaits
the Levees Yielding
Six Feet Above Danger Line, and One Foot Above
Record. Levees Can stand no More
Memphis, March 16. Tho MIssiss Valley railroad tracks aro Inundated,
IppI rlvor la rising at nn appalling and Uio railroad has suspended opora-
rato, and Is now ono foot abovo tho tlons.
highest water mark on record, and
tlx feot over tho danger lino. Tho
jttaln on tho lovees abovo tho city Is
tremendous, and thousands of peoplo
tetweon Now Madrid and Momphls
aro on tho vorgo of a panic. Many
bavo nlrimdy loft tliolr homos, and
hundreds aro coming liore.
Tho situation In and around Mom
phis is becoming moro serious. With
out a stnglo exception, tho numorous
lumber plants In North Memphis have
impended operations owing to tho on
croachmont of tho wators. At Fourth
ud Market people are moving about
In skiffs, and tho street railway has
uaulled schedules in that nnrt of the
A dangerous place in tho leveo is
reported from Holly Bush, 2d miles
north of hero, whoro tho jvator Is run
ning ovor tho loveo for a dlBtauco of
COO feet Men and matorlal havo been
sent thoru, and a strong fight Is be
ing made to hold tho embankment.
Refugee and hundreds of horses and
mules continue to arrivo on evory
Natchez, March 1C Captain Harry
S. Douglas, of tho United States en
gineer corps, has ordered 75,000 foot
of lumber 10,000 sacks and a carload
of wheelbarows and shovels for use
on the levoes botweon Vicksburg nnd
Democrats Want two Amend
ments to Panama Treaty
Oneto Include Alexico in the
Treaty Declarations
Washington, March 16. Tho Demo
cratic caucus today decided unitedly
to support the two amendments to tho
Panama canal treaty, ono 1b to Insuro
police control of tho canal by ub, and
tho other Is to Includo Mexico with
tho republics of Control and South
Amorlca In tho declaration contained
in tho treaty that tho United States
don't doslro to acquire any part of
their territory. It is not llkoly that
tho Democrats wlllvoto against tts
ratification, If tho amendments aro
Washington In an Uproar.
Washington, March 16. Official
Washington remains In an uproar
ovor the disclosure of tho postofllce
scandals. As far as tho Investigation
Is concornod there will bo no dovolop
monU until tho charges aro submit
ted orally to the President by Attor
ney Campbell directly, who is associ
ated with Assistant Postmaster-Con-oral
BrlHtow. This may be done to
morrow or Wcdnosday.
.U Ensley, six miles below hero. BOO Natchez. Tho govornmont Is furnish-
fet of tho Yazoo and tho Mississippi (Continued on llftn pagoj
Another Bucket-Shop. Man.
New York. March 16. Whltnkor
Wright was brought boforo tho United
States commissioner today.
Washington, March 16. Tho Presl
denta Itinerary, as issued today, is In
ParWns follews: May 6, California;
MaytLO, Dol Monto; 11, San Joso; 12,
San STranclsco; 21, Portland; 22r To-
COtll&t 23. HpntMn- 2i nnmn 9-at,
lcavs on trip through Eastern Wash
Ington, stopping at Walla Walla, Spo
lmnj, and possibly other .points;
Bolsb 28th, thenco slowly- Eastward.
Whllo In Southern California ho will
visit' RcdlandB and Ixs Angolos, but
thopxact dates aro uncortaln, probab
ly May 7, 8 and 9; ho will also visit
tho? Yoaoinlto valloy.
.president Coming Early In May.
Santa, Fe. N. M., March 16. Word
was received today by Major W. II. II.
Llowollyn, and It is understood also
by Governor Otero, that Prosldont
Roosevelt will bo in aSnta Fo on tho
morning of May 6th. and In Albuquer
que on tho samo afternoon, on his
wny to California. Hxtenslvo prepa
rations have been startod to make the
Prosldont's recoptlon a notable ono.
Business Opportunities.
Invostors in turf, oil. grain, mining,
and Investment companies, can ob
tain full and romnlotit renorts fwrlte
today) from The National Reporting
(Agency, Norfolk, Va. 3-16U
Hoodoo Hosseya Nego Heart
Doctor Attested
Pnlladelphfa Decectives Working on the Case-Bodies:
Being Exhumed
Philadelphia, March 10. Evory do
tectlvo In tho city Is today working
on tho Hossoy "munlor-factory" caso,
and by tho end of tho wook hopo to
bo ablo to show whothor or not tho
gonoral suspicion that tho old Moodoo
doctor assisted In tho killing of any
where betweon CO and 100 persons is
correct Tho bodloH of two of tho
supposed victims will bo oxhumod in
a day or two, and if tho stomachs' ex
amination rovoals poison tho bodlos
of nil thoso named In Hossoy's memo
randa will bo oxhumod. More than 70 ,
housett In Philadelphia are now under
The first nows of.tho enso was. Riv
en Saturday's dispatches, when Mrs.
CttthiMliu Danz, a middle-aged wo
man of hitherto lltilmtinnphntiln rnnn.
Jtatlon, was held to await tho action
of Coroner Dugan, on a chnrgo of
murdering her husband, William Q.
Danz, a butchor, moro tlian a year
ago. Qeorgo Ilossoy, an old negro,
herb doctor, who Is said' to havo boom
prnotlclng necromancy for 30 yoarsv
was hold as accessory to tho murdor,
tho chargo bolng that ho had sold
"slow dooofi" to Mrs. Danz, nnd In
structed hor how thoy woro to bo
(Continued on FourtfTVago.)
Ficsh Oranges
154 State 8t.
Phone 2874 Main,
FfHat0penmg: I903
Maslcal Programme Tuesday.
3 bi of . "1
Spfing Opening J903
Musical Programme Tuesday.
Millinery Opening Tuesday
All Day, Spring Hats N
You will find thyn marvels of
beauty and shapliness which will
inspire admiration foi the enter
prise which ensbles us to place be
fore the ladies of Salem at this early
hour the most approved Spring
Styles, both in make and materials
We've a Dandy Line Always Ready
At all seasons of the year we are in the lead with
the best trie market affords. But Tuesday our Mil
linery Store will blossom forth in all it's splendor
and richness.
Our Milliners
Aiss Evans, the proprietor of this department a
Modiste of ability and experience, therefore eheves
. in keeping in her employ only High-ClassTrimmejs
who have the power to please the most particular
Our Stock
Our stock in its every detail comes from America's
fountain hei.d of supply. We buy all our frames,
trimmings and findings direct from the producers,
therefoie hav the newest at the lowest prices.
Our Hats
It would be impossible for our
ad man to describe the beauty
and style of our hats.
So we cordially invite the la
dies' of Salem to come to our
Miss Minnie Evans,
Prop. White Corner Millinery Dep't
From 3:30 to 4:30 in the afternoon. N
From 7:00 to 9:00 in the evening.
There will be no goods sold in the evening. We merely
want you to come and enjoy the splendid concert and
see the beautiful display of spring goods which we will
have prepared for this occasion.
Our Store
Will be especially attractive and interesting this week.
We have been busy preparing some rare surprises and
Tuesday morning will open some beautiful displays at
startling low prices on Spring goods.
Among the new things will be the Wash Goods and
Shirt Waists which we are showing for the first time.
The are marvels of daintiness and fineness. You will
be repaid by taking advantage of the early opportunity
to secure some of the season's most advance styles.
DroMi Skirts,
Wash WalstH.
Oxford WalBtR.
Lace Special
HundrodB are taking advantage
of our sale of Torohon laeoa.
5c a yard
New Wash Challies
A very ixpular fabric for
McGee Petticoats
Made with adjustable yoke,
the beet and moat perfect fit
ting underskirt on the market
Drojw (iCkmJh,
We bavo Just received or
wash dreeeae for glrle from 3
to 16 yare of a. Don't fall
to e Uiein, i
W. B. Corsets
Made to fit any form, all etylet
oters and qualities.
$m iv
50c and up
Little Things in
White jtearl buttons, aeaorted
rIzob, doz 3c.
Hair Curlers 3 and 8c.
Mefidlag Tiesue fc.
Nlekeled Safety Pina, In all
Uas. doz . ; 3c.
Beet BkI& Pise te.
Lars and Small Cub Pine., ie.
the Big Store.
mt Wire Hair lift U.
Darning tyrig !.
Traclrtg Wheel Ie.
Full Count Plan, paper le.
Wire Hair Pine, box 3e.
Pyraieae Combe lfle.
CeHulolU Soap Doxee. T 1.
Dry Goods and Clothing Opening
in clotliebinaking circles there arc
two kinds of workmen. Those who
know how and those who think they
know how. Our clothing is made by
tailors who certainly know how. The
fit, the style, the workmanship proves
Our new Suits and Top Coats; are
ex.remely new in every way. A
glance at the styles will make you
our customer.
A complete line of Men's and Boys sweaters in all color
combinations. The very latest thing for small boys is olir
military coat sweater.
Mens' Hats
Advance styles for Easter are now being shown. Call
and see them. We have them at all prices.
Golf Shirt
We are are showing a nobby line of very stylish patterns
at $100 to SI. 50.
New Caps and Hosiery
Some gems in fancy sox are in. The novelty this sason
in caps is the Norfolk style.
Boys' Wearing Apparel
New suits with long and knae pants, new
5SJ5JC Waists, caps, etc for youths of all ages
"Tf Pnri VACtc In clinrt ma iMtr11act An
i ' vv y::: r ; " ,wl
i ne Linie weo box
In the Court Street window contains 20 sil
ver dollars. For every purchase t f 2.00
we will give a key to the box. When they
are gone you may try your key.
Only 2 will unlock it.
The first key opening the box gets $15.00 and the second
one gets $5-00.
The biggest, best and cheapest line ever shown in Salem.