The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, March 11, 1903, 2ND EDITION 5 O'CLOCK, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 5

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f ,1
Initiative and
Official Text of the
Legislation Law
tho registration booka and a copy of Uls decision, together wUh thousand ballots to bo properly mnrl lots shall bo furnished to the secretary
such cortinod copies or tno original ea on any measure, u snau not oo m mum oi uiu buic uxpcnBo or th(
papers and documents In tho case as adopted unless It shall receive more persons Interested and without coat
may be demanded by any of tho than thlrty-flvo thousand affirmative to tho state. In no caso shall the
pear on
blanks in my office,
(Seal of office)
County Clerk. .
Hy Deputy
Shall Be Proof of Facts.
A Direct Appeal Can Be Had From the Secretary of State
to the Supreme Court
Shall Notify Governor.
Sec. 5. Immediately upon tho filing not lator than tho first Monday of tho
Every such certificate shall be 0f any auch petition for tho roforen- third month next before any general
prima faclo evidence of the facts jum or the initiative with the secre-' election nt which any proposed law
stated therein, and of tho quallflca- ( tary of state, signed by Uio number or amondmont to tho constitution la
tlons of tho olectors whoso signatures or yotors, and filed within the time to bo submitted' to the peoplo, causo
are thus cortlfled to be genuine, and required by the constitution, he shall to bo printed a true copy of tho title
the secrotary of state shall consider notify tho governor In writing of tho and text of each measure to bo sub
and count only rfuch signatures on fliUg 0f 8,Icn petition, and tho govorn- mltted, with the number and form In
such petitions as Hhall bo bo certified or Briaji forthwith Issuo his proclama-, which tho question will bo printed on
by said county clorkB to bo genuine: 'tlnn announcing that mich netltlon tho official ballot. Tho nanor to bo
j Provided, that tho secrotary or state nag 008n fiie(j( wlth a brief slntoment uped for tho covors of such pamphlctfl
'may consider and count such of the 0f t8 teuor and offoct. Such procln- shall be twenty by twenty-five inches,
romalning signatures as may bo prov- niatlon shall bo published four times and fifty pounds wolght to the ream,
od to bo genuine, and that tho parties jn four consoctutlvo woeks In onej Rgnt to Use Pamphlets.
mi mbim.s noio lubu.v uunumi w uaiiy or weeKiy Jiowapapor in each
votes. secretary of state bo obliged to re-
Sec. 8. The secretary of state shall celve any such pamphletB unless a
sufficient number Is furnished to Bup.
ply one to every legal voter In the
state, but in Biich caso. ho Hhall foru
tho moamiro so proposed by initiative
Title of the BUI.
An net making offectlvo tho initia
tive and referendum provisions of
i3acton I, of Article IV, of tho Constl
Autlnn of tho Stnto of Oregon, and
.regulating elections thoreundor, and ma bo l0(1 bccUohb In llko man
ipruvidlnt; ponaltloti for violations of nor-
with notify tho persons offering the
same of the numbor required.
How to be Distributed.
The secrotary of state shall cau
ono copy of each of said pamphlet
to be bound In with his copy of u
measures to be submittod as herein
provided. Tho title page of ever;
such pamphlet shall show tho official
numbers for and against and the bal
lot title of the measuro to which It
refors, and whether it Is Intended to
sign such petitions, and the official cer.JudlcIa, district of the state of OrJnZ'JtnnZJtiltavm ! PP.S ch eMUr0 and
tlficato of a notary public of the coun- g01)
ty in which the slgnor rosides shall
bo required as to tho facts for each
of such last named signatures. And
tho B&croUiry of state shall furthor
comparo and verify tho official slgna-
Provisions for Ballot.
Sec. C. Tho secretary of state, at
filing any petition for the initiative,
but no othor person or organization,
shnll have tho right to place with tho
tintlttnn lint minh nntlllnn mnv tin . ....
V. ' . . . ..w,.ww -, ""turqs and seals or all notaries so cer-
ijiou wiu wo secretary or atato latIfylnK with tliolr HlKnaturco and seals
ipiuvlnions of this act.
Suction 1. Tho following shall bo
-xuhntantially tho form of ixtltlon for
-Uio referendum to the peoplo on nny
act passed by Uio leglslatlvo nssombly
of Uio Stato of Oregen:
Petition for the Referendum,
To the Ilonornblo
Secrotary for the Htato of
Wo, the undoralgned dti.eim and
leal votor of the Stata of Oregon,
rafipeetfnlly ordor that Senate
KtUmut) Dill Number ontltl)
'(title of act), iwMed hy the
lRlalHtlva niiMmbly of th State of
Oregon at the regular (apaclnl) ae
rton of wtld legialatlva RSMiubly, aliall
lie referred to the Mople of the Mtte
or their Approval or rejection at the
rngnUr nen era I election to be held on
h day of 1(1...
and each for hlnielf mf. I have per
iKHiAlly algnml Uila petitien: I am a
lOMal voter of tho state of Oregon, and
ray iveldeuce, (tout office, hhiI rntliiR
pmulnct are correctly written after
ray name.
(Mara follows twenty niuuliered
Mdim for algtiulurea, giving iintue, ran
Mnnce, If In olty atreel and number,
voet office and vuUiik precinct.)
Petition for Initiative.
atoc. I. The following Hlmll be auli
aiAillliilly (he form of iratltlan for any
ixv or Jiinuiiilinont to the Conetltiitlnn
rf the fltute of Oregon pmpuoml by
jCJio InlUaUve:
T the 1 IohothuI
Secretary of HtHte. for
ati HlHle of Oregen:
"We, the undemlRtieil, leRul votere of
Die HtiUe of Oregon, fee wet fully de
mand that the following pruiHNtwl
Iaw) HiHeiidmeut to the iMxietitutloH
tuU be wilnnltted to the legal elec
nrn of the Slate of Oregon for their
Approval or rejection at the regular
ypineml election to be held on the. . . .
lny of la iHd rh
fur lilntaelf eaya: I have pentoiiHlty
sIkikxI thle petition, and my reel
4noe, poet office, and voting precinct
r Mrruotly written nfter my name.
(Numbered lluee for twenty uamea
en onrh aheet AH above )
lBHoh elieet for (eUtlouer'ri elgua-
the same time that ho furnishes to tho secretary of state for distribution any
county clerks of tho sovoral counties pamphlots advocating such measuro,
certllled copies or tno nnmea or the not lntor thnn tho nrBt Monday of tho
candidates for stato and district of- flflh raonUl ooforo the r0gUiar election
numborod sectlonB for convonlonco n,Gd ,n h,8 ofnco Such notaries cor-' flC0r8' BhaU furnIsh to Bnld county,nt which the measure is to be voted
In handling, nnd rofqrondum potltlonB '..,, Hhllu ho' substantially tn tlip'clorks hlB certlncd copy of tho utlo3on; any person, committee, or organ-
i. .- . ... .... lUIILUWW HllUli UU miUailimiUII in lilt . llmlinl. l, 0l0 mnii,.ia t . .. . .
followlnir fornv I . . ...v.D. ,zailon opposing any measuro may
" . ...... to ue voted upon at tac onsuing gen-
. . Ut 0f ta.ry' 'oral election, and he shall use for
OUUU Ul UrOKUHl VyUUWL 111 . ,
Duty of County Clerk.
Sec. 3. Tho county clork of each
county In which any bucIi potltlonB
onnli mMieiirn n lUlrt tlnulfrnnf nrt frtt-
I ......... a duly and qualified and h , fc , B,atve nBSOm.
acting Notary Public in and for the... ' ' . ' nr JLnI,Bllnn nrn.
shall be sgned, Hhall comparo ho Blg-I almvo named county and stato, doIont nn fl w, h m
natures of tho electors flignlng tho. hereby certify: That I am personally con8tltutlonnl amoa(lmont or pctlUon
Hamo, with their signatures on tho, acquainted with each of tho following fnr th. ,, n , ,Mn-lltI,.
ftJAtftiaAtfAlda lBfB MM.l t.lblA a Jlff MA M Jt vft fiA & A I t4KBKahT "
isKinuuiiuii iiuunn mill iiiuiIKH uu mu . iiumuu uiouiun niunu iiimiuiin hit
In his officn for tho preceding genornl , affixed to the annexed potltlon. nnd I
election, and Hlmll thereupon attach .know of my own knowlodgo that they
to tho Hheota of said petition contain- are legal votors of theStato of Oregon
lug such signatures his certificate to, and of the county and precincts writ-
place with tho secretary of atato for
distribution any pamphlets thoy may
Provided, that such tltlo shall In no
caso oxcoed twenty worHs nnd shall
not rosemble any such tltlo previously
filed for any measure to bo Hiibmlttod
the secretary of state substantially a
folio wb:
Statu of Oregon, County of sh
To tho Honorable
Secretary of State for Oregen:
I County
Clerk for the county of
hereby certify that I have compared
the signature on (numbor of sheets)
of the referendum (InleUve) petition
attnrhed hereto, with tho algnatureM
of aald olertora as thoy appear on the
reglatrntlon nooks and blanks In my
office, and I liellove that the slgna-
ten nfter their several nnmoa In the i
annexed petition, and that their resi
dence and K)it office addreaa la cor
rectly stated therein, tewlt:
( Names" 6T such electors.)
In testimony whereof I havo here-
I at that eloctlon. which shall be de
scriptive of aald measuro. and ho shnll
I desire, not later than tho first Monday
of the fourth month Immediately pre
ceding such election ; ns to pamphlots
advocating or opposing any measure
roferred to tho people by tho loglB
latlvo nssombly, they shall be gov
orned by tho snmo rulos of time, but
thoy may bo placed with secrotary of
stato by nny person, commltoo, or
organization; Provided, that all such
pamphlets shall be furnished to tho
secro'nry of state in sheots of uniform
.. . . . . .i
numnor sucn mensures. anu sucnlflzo aH f0ew8: Sle of pamphlet
tttlea shall be printed on the official jpae t0 1)0 Blx- lnclieg wlde l)y nlne
unto set my hand and official seal
day of , 10.
ballot in the order In which tho nets
referred by tho legislative assembly
land petitions by the peoplo shnll bo
filed in hla office. The affirmative of
and the succeeding measures Hlmll bo
The manner of votlrig upon
Promituti t4 cure nnd keorw the
unw shall be attached to n full and promUte. Ak your driiKKtat for It
cirrct copy of the title nnd text of txle unit tit no BUbeUtuto.
' '
Notary Public for Oregon.
TM.- I lll . -l..l. ,
'"" ,", . , , numbored consecutively 302. 303, 301.
The county clerk shal not nUIn In ',0R mu) go on flt e,cpUo t rtmU
hi. ,HMMe.alon any auch peUtlon or , ,. , ()f th(, vml c
any part thei-eof for a longer period . .. . .. ... .... nn. ,
ture. of (nemea of algnera) number-, than two daya for the firat two hun-;, , nincRl bMol ,n the
lug (number of geulne algnature.) dred a gnature. thereon and one ad-jon,er tQ the
are genuine. As to the remainder of dltlonal day for each two hundred ad-1 , - .. . , , .,. . ,,
I.. .1 .... ..',..... ..... . 'etary of stat and tho relative poI-
the algnaturea thereon. I believe they , dltlonal alguaturea or fraction thereof ,.,, rM11,,, ,,.. u. .,,.,
. , . .i .... 7 I ... . ..... . . '""' requireu ny law, Measuroa pro-
are not guanine, except that the fnl- mi the aheeta proaented to him. and at .. . v .. lnlMa,lv .,,oU ... , ' ...
lowing namea ( ) do not an-1 the expiration of audi time he aball nmtmt. ,, ,.,.,,,, ,,.. ..
deliver the aame to the pemm froni)lir r01KMM,a ,,y tnB 0RUtaUv. as
whom he recolvl It wlUi hla certlfl- j . ,. te hen(U PropoMd by
rate attached thereto a. abovro-, Inlttatlve ,,otmon
vlded. The forma herein gtvea nrei M, ..
.! .....u. !... ....I It U..l.Ul.Utl..ll.. I ............ w. .w...,U.
lint iiinniinvi , mm 11 MiiiJti4iiunj i Co.
f..ll..u.A.I l.i bum .LAillln.i l al.nll l.o
"" '" " ' ' fc '" meaaurea aubmlttml to the pooplo
aufficlent. it aregardlng clerical and ,, . ,, . , . .
, . , , . .shall be the same aa is now required
merely echnlcal wror. w, m '
Duty of Secretary of State. . , Hd uuMH
Sec. 4. When any petition for the ny , aInniltv, nmJor,ty of the
Initiative or the referendum shall be ,,., . . ,. ,
,.,,.,. , .... ,otl number of effective votes cnat
flletl with the secretary of atate. he 1-. , - . .... , . .
. ,. , , ., . , , on atich meaxure and ent It od to be
ball decide III tho firat luatance ,. . . . .. ,
... ... .... .... countod under the prov sons of th s
whether or not the petition entlt ea ... ,,,., . , ' . '
., i, . !. ., aPt- t,ia I 1 ay. supiws ng seventy
the pertlea to have the measure re- --. p - -
ferred to the people, under tho pro- J0 OCSS61t
viaiima ot cuun i, ot Anic-ic i. oc
the ConatltutloH of Oregon, and cither
the petltiottera or the remonstrants.
If Any. may appeal to the supreme
court of the' atate from the declaim of
the secretary of stato and tho de
cision of tho supreme court shall be
Anal and conclusive upon the parties.
The apteallnK party shall serve upon
the secretary of state a written notice
of the appeal from hla decision, and
the secretary shall thereuHn trans
mit to the clerk of the supreme court Wry. At grocw. 10o
Inches long; nixe of type page to be
twenty-six ems pica wide by forty ems
pica long, set In long premier or ten
point type, and printed on sized and
the first measure shall be numbered Umercalonderod naner. twentv-flve bv
3ft0 and the negatlvo 01, In numerals Uilrty-elght Inches, weighing fifty
pounds to tho renm. All such pamph-
This rait of mtiny evils
(MnndtilHr tumors, iibgoossos,
pimple, nnd other outfliiooiu orup
UniiK, ore omtu, itiflamwl oyoltds,
riiikoU, (lyix;ieitt, catarrh, rondl
neat) to oatoli cold and inability to
get rid of it onally, puleneM, nor
vouaiiWB, tlio nonsnmptlvu tun
ilency, and other tUlnionta
Can bo ooinplotuly and pornm
ncntly removal, no mnttor how
young or old thu stilforor.
Hiel' SriftrtlU n Klreu tbo dtyebtet
if SitUi Veravy, Vwarlnf. N. Y.. whu hiul
rokn out wuli MrufnU ittM nil orr hr
Uia uil titki. Tba flrit bottle helprd ho.
uid whf ii lie lit J takett alt Hi torM wtra nil
aealftl ud liar fare vim iuiouth. lie wrltea
that alia liai a 'vnr abown aar ln e( tU
lerefula rttunt.u.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Tho secretary ot
stato shall dlstrlbuto to each county
clerk beforo tho second Monday In
tho third month next preceding such
regular general olcctlon, a sufficient
numbor of said bound pcmphlata to
furnish ono copy to ovory votor In
his county. Every registration officer
after tho receipt by tho county clerk
of Mich pamphlets, shall deliver to
ovory votor thereafter as ho is regis
tered, ono copy of tho eamo, and sold
registration and delivery shall bo a
part of tho official duty of every offlc
or who roglstors, voters, and registra
tion feo or wagea shall bo full com
pensation for this additional service,
Tho secretary of Btato shall not bo
obliged to dlstrlbuto any pamphlots
advocating or opposing any measuro
unlosa the samo Hhall bo filed with
him within the tlmo heroin provided.
Canvass of the Vote.
Sec. 9. Tho votos on measures and
questions shall bo counted, canvassed
and returned by the regular boards
of Judges, clerks, and officers as
votes for candidates for candidates
aro counted, canvassed, nnd returned,
and the abstract' made by the several
county clerks of votes on mnnsurcB
Rlmll bo returned to the secretary of
(Continued on pnge five.)
UssMglia! !i:MiS Ming
You know how it interferes with your daily work, your pleas
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