. 4 I i i m ff i Pr Ui PAGE EIGHT. THE D AILY JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1903. imwnnwmimaimmnmamwmMmnm&nMmnwmmmmwn eawgBBg SALEM'S STORE "cm-ja- ATT THS' "olo v.Mm& .ttttJet I It's Jtfst Like Yo To want to see the new goods and we are glad to show them, an early inspection is invited. Now's a good time to look. New Materials for Shitt Waists The indcspensiblc separate blouse, is more in vogue than ever, our new stock yr affords an unusually wide range in dc r"--' signs and color combinations. "-""S?7L Among the most popular and stylish l t goods are MADRAS CLOTH SILK CANVAS FANCY CHEVIOTS PLAIN and FANCY PIQUES CHALLIES SATIN DAMASK MERCERIZED COTTON STAR OF BETHLEHEM IN 1911 pfiHyVns gathered nt the house the precious book was passed from hand to band. The owner lost sight of ItV but the next morning he found It lying on his library table. On the fly leaf was Inscribed: "To Jack , from his old friend nnd schoolmate, Geof. Chaucer." ' Great Astronomer's Opinion David Forbes Says it Halley's Comet Chronology at Fault, this is A. D. 1888 Was and 'f'H' A A M M n 09 H a H M n K H M W W n Out: 50c Crystal ,. && Wa.c(i Sift JS ''VW T T mf0m wWAAlk . jtj LAi Will Wash. See v -- Coutt street Display a Spring Suits I Our 1903 models arc absolutely uncqualcd for 5 style, fit. finish and quality. No two alike in g the whole outfit all priced for a quick transfer from our possession to yours. You will find 3 a few samples in our Court street window. w Ladies on now, earliest and h handsomest productions for Spring u It ha beon supposed that tho star of Bethlehem, tho herald of tho Chris tian era, was In conjunction with two planets. Mr. David Forbes hazards tho supposition that It was tho comet called Halloy'B comet, which .has an Interval of approximately 70 years, 10 months and G days. It was last visible In October, 1835, and will prob ably, thurofore, be seen again In 1911. Hallcy, who saw the comet in 1082, predicted its return In 17GU. Sovcral roappearancoti have beon observed. Pompoy's defnat of Mlthrldatus In 1G2, I). C, was signalized by ono nppiar mice; Jotiephus mentions anothar nt the destruction of Jerusalem about 76, A. . Mr. KorbtM contends that one of tho returns of tlio comet between ttieno two dates must have been about Uie date of the birth of Christ, Some months before his birth the wise men saw "his star" In tho east; tho comet would then be on Its course toward Ui ui- on Its return, six months I Wit of Home Toolcc, It Is wild that Home Tookc, who ex celled In that duelllkc controversy ex hibited by two disputants when pitted against each other with only the breadth of n mahogany board between them, was exceedingly quick and sharp at retort.. When he made his most deadly thrusts, It was with a mulling countenance and without seeming ef fort or emotion. Replying to a man who contended that only landowners should be allowed to Tote at elections, he said, "Pray tell me bow many ncrcs does It take to make a wlscacreV" When nsked by George III. whether he ever played cards, he replied, "I can not, your majesty, tell n king from a knave." What can be more uniquely comic than his Paying to his brether: "You and 1, my dear brother, have In verted the laws of nature. You have risen In the world by your gravity, nnd I hnvo fallen by my levity?" Saturday livening Post. Are You Hungry? Does what you eat hurt you ? If you are Bilious or have a Sluggish or Disordered Liver, or have Indigestion, you can be set right by using Beecham's Pills Sold Evcrrhtre. In boxtn 10c and JSc New Book a LOVELY MARY" BORN. WHITE. At tho family residence, No. 1C Court street, ' Thursday, March G, 1903, to Mr. and Mrs. El mer O. White, a son. o Freh eggs ana butter from our stores at Aumsvllle and Mehama, at Speer Bros. 'Phone 2491. lMl-tf A good residence four blocks from Hotel Willamette for sale at a bar gain. Inquire of Derby & Wlllson. By author of Mrs. Wigg's Cabbage Patch. PATTON'S BOOK STORE NEW TODAY Tli WorlU'n ImrKt Crali, How would you like to have u crab like this squeezing your toe when you go bathing? The gigantic Japanese crab, measuring twelve feet, Is niobu bly the largest crustacean In the world. The specimen Is a type of the spider crab, which Inhnblts the waters of the group of Islands forming the empire of Japan. The body poulon Is the hlzo of n half bushel menmirp, while it two great arms or "feelers" could en lly eiiolicle the tlgure of a man. Its eight arms or legs riwtiililo hugo bamboo poles and are extremely elas tic, and If struuy Into one lino they would reneh to tho top of a four story apartment building. One of the ex traordinary peculiarities of this crab Is the faculty of assuming a disguise by atllxlng pieces of seaweed and bponges to tho body. BaBEBHBHHnHKHHHBBEK3HaHHHH Baby Cart for Sale. In good condi tion. Call at Mrs. Hinges, 31G Cot tage street. 3-7-3t For Sale. Three choice rosldonco lots In Falrmount addition. Inqulro of E. Hofer, Journal ofllce. For Sale. Your choice of three good work horsos, nge from 6 to 9 years; ' weight from 1200 to 1420 pounds. P. Feeley. 7 miles southwest of Salem. 3-7-lm "The name that dwells on every tongue." n r IE New and Nofcfey Sweaters ZSSrl Beyond a doubt we arc showing the handsomest line of j new Lace Collars in Salem, prices $4 to $15. ask to sec jjj CLEAK HAVANA CIGAR g WATERS, The Qga Man SOLE AGENT them Cc Women of Fashion ,will be interested in our new veiling. black and white, white and black, g white with plaid borders, etc, Q H H M M a In We've Added a New Department to our stock Owtftts for the Little Ones Boys' Pants, Boys' Shirt Waists. Boys' Shirts, Boys' Overalls. Boys' Washable Suits, etc. We ere sole agents lor the Mothers Friend Patented Shirt Waists, Blouses and Shirts nrcrlavQ fltirt "FVMa.vs a.vpl TiisU Yiawz i , , , , aBBIHBBaBHI!BBBHHBHKliaBMBaHBHKHMlS18MaaBaKSttH THINK1 && REFLECT! STUDY! p WHEN YOUR EYE3 ARE DEQINNINQ TO FAIL YOU. IT'S DANGEROUS TO ALLOW INEXPERIENCED OPTICIANS TO MEDDLE WITH THEM. WE HAVE THE EXPERIENCE, INSTRUMENTS, AND GENERAL FA CILITIES FOR MAKING PERFECT CORRECTIONS. WE ARE MAKINQ UP A RIMLESS QLA8S NOW STRONGER AND LESS LIABLE TO SCRATCH, FOR PRICE WHICH IS IN THE REACH OF THE MOST LIMITED PURSE. EXAMINATIONS FREE. CHAS. H. HINGJhDS, PIONEER OPTICIAN. !SS, 8S State Streat Next Door to Bush'i Bjnk.ZinBjV 98 yra praotlwl aittartanut. n u H f n a K a W ra H a HBBHBaHBaB0nHfflHaEBBBEBnSKa WHEAT MARKETS. Chloa. Mrh T.Whwt. HQ GOLD DUST FLOUR Mad by MB BIONEV POWEH COMPANY Idnty, Ortfion. Made tor family use. ak yor erocr for It nra,a and bqrU lwaj oa hand, A. 'T. WALN Aeent Of Interest To Homese?kers, )lMHMttkiH-lmr 9f toy I wtU Qttw my atOdk WUWh Ir t U , r vr, lu llwUm oHty, eatBlHs SM aarw (ur the hm U t)0. Into tj taa be bad at wy ivMm, No, m lAta itrwt, 344 .. Hy?ll & 8AUS0N. lator. It would lit in the zenith afoovo Ileihluhyii), Hbout tho olid of Decent Iter. If the uubntHiueitt tlatoa art com puttnl It will bo nutk'ud that tha com ct m appureiilly in yonix out. and hIiouUI have rtwiiponrttd In 18 JO, lu atuad of 1886.' Mr. Koruoii Hurmountt tlilH illllleulty by rctnurklng that it wab not until th Mlxth century that 1)1 onyaliiH ninile out ill" pronant chrouol ntiy, and that he then mado an error of IB yoara.whlch liviuina Btortiotyitwl ThU ytwr. thurofoio. Hhould bo 18SS. WRIT7NG-rHfe-3Er7TiTONr " FrlilU In Ihi- IUlatfr' IlHJ I'or IVrfuriHluu IIiU'I'iimU. PrtMtUlj' f i v til' tin- kwnI iHsoph w Uu MfU H-ttli rut utii ut Ion to tho f r moil vvhlru U irn" lnl to thut u-b MuiiIn. eayK tin Ovuver Pout. l;wov that for iM-iirly mi ytwra IVulay bus Ihhmi Uh tluit Uoiminl (lay fir the mh tor to mo Into lite muily, write tli r iimu wbicti l to furnUh "food fur tlioiuUt" to lutf tviiiireiMthMi oil tho followluK 8uwUy. In MtMMlcliiar of this riiHtoui a i'toryyuiHU y; ' W'lww (.'hrUtUtuity whh ilrt proiuul KMttnl. all imtactUHK wn douo txtftu IHtrauooualy. Hach a tblns aa iirv)wr Iiik n miiuou Hao uhUiowh. Many K'flwl tuu MiretikHl thotr Uv on VHrioiw uubJvt'U. ihn addetl a few wrd of gool adxliv'to their lUtouero, Thin pmrtk'o b mill rontlHiiHl In tho Itouian Cat bo) to okitroh of the treattit day, and 1 tblua that a very limited number of the iM-teata over write a ser mon. Not all Vulnlelers, however, ad hm to this rul by ay iuean. Wbon Henry Ward lUvtoT wag aked on whiit day be reMrel hi ttenwon, he rt'iaitsl. 'On Monday worulu. of cuurec.' " Well. Mr. Heet-her, itH't yoM think that la a ratter dilatory habit for you to K't tutor aakMl another. "'Oh. hm. imm; at all.' reHwl Mr. Heechor Im bat oick way. 'Yoh see, I mk at a uewwH like Mtue eat n a )iat). olV. Thar ea b mvi hut c eold, athl I like HtfiM hot; lhaf a all' H Viriwi)- Hotel S)li'iu. There U a viiltal Uotci Mynteui in vogui' in ivrlulu wrt of Nurutfy. In vIllaKCM wlH-rt 110 hotel (xm(m olio of the inure prominent luhabltantH 1h hiiIi Kldlaed by the Norweglnji Mwveriiiiivnt and In return Im bound in provide tie tfoiniiiodatloii ror not Iww than four tnivohfM. lie may take lu four If he cliooi, but four Ih the uilnlinuiii. Tlif nwoinmodHtlen and food uplled are oxcolloiit, and the elwrjriti aio very modtirnto. Tlio Drup Curliiin. A younpter Imd boon to tho theater, and upon hie return his uncle akod hint how ho liked tho play. "Oh." he replied, "the play was all rlk'ht, but I didn't mo nearly all of It." "Why. how did that happen?" ikwl his undo. "llocauae," aueweriHl tho youugtitor, "the roller uiuot have betKi broke, for tho window blind fell down two or three tllUw!-OhHMlS. t l"nlr Igiolinutcr. ICdltor- Seo here. Mr. Uohtu. You dellvoreil toe a load of hay for the alx yoan' atibarrlptton yo oweil for my lmiier. Mr. lolun- Oi dhl. lldltor Well, my horao'wn't oat that tuty, b' xoeh! , Mr. Uoten- Weil my wttt vroti't eat yowr iMMf. h.' lobaS lau k The aerae man hi always hiixJwi to meet tbe root killer for the purpose of oivUuf htm aost 4o'.-Cbicac. Npws .lliitlier' irlHii .lluirul. DiHtor Uo lw Headed urchinj-IIow la yoor moOioi. Tummy? Twmm)-ih. If u pleat, sir. hai KottlUK vot) roitmntiv In her ribt kaee. ear aak. K&caaaae. A t'Hk of Doubt, First Mnv liay -Deee tier Vea msi tar Ilk yer . Beooad Oltt Uoy - Wall, either that or he don't Wikw how to awear Puolc III I'rlruU (IctiSrrr. The fathwia atory, taM by the WaahtHBlna Puet. leadB Ha t wonder wkfea to eatMlewH Bmt. the boaeter er hi cHUoa. It aaaearim a cenata kwh xrtim aaa a hune wUhwUoa af aate wawa. ImhMiL law eaity ami somaUaMs tho akapUataw of hta, fHea4a haw been ex aMU Uy tta MWMber of aaacaaaful aa tham Yfha have Mt davm faaailiar aad iVittanMHir hut aria Haem ha hie beuka. g$tna aarjwra have aw tea e far aa e Mm OartOy t 4 , wrltj of ha4vi1tlajr UkrajasUoot it. , 4kMiaa, El iBMaati) HirUfa H lai, aaMUaai of Ob ami e eteaiac - Futxste Books James O'Lcary 4J83HaIstcdSt. Chicago, HI. FUTURE BOOKS ON American Derby Brooklyn. Suburban. Mont Tbc Harlem-Natloial aod The Haw taorse Handicap. Write for Quo. tatlQBs. CoaateslflBS haadltd on all Races. Remarkable Wheel Sales. Nevor In the history of our whuol l)U8lnonu havo tlio baIob rolled up 110 largo this early as tho prosont season. It Is truly remarkable. Tho reason Hon In tho fact that wo havo boon propaied to All ordoru. We have had a goodly uunihor of tho 1902 Tribunes nt ?3C, ami tho way thoy have gone out la a caution. Tho la dioa oapoclally appreciate tho jrraco fill double loop framo, light runnliiK Tilbune nt ?8fi, for wo believe wo can aafoly make the atatomont that thoro haa never boon an equal bargain in wheels In Salotn. Jmtl got In a number of tho gonts' new 1903 ?10 modols. Come around and aee them, boys. A truly dainty motlol, worthy the name Tribune; all tho Reed old foaturea, nnd oiiougu now onoa to mako It, ns alwaya, strictly itivto-dato. Our ?25 whool always takoa the load In Ita ciasH. As usual this sooson It's at the front. Call and boo It; both ladlee and gouts' models all sizes. We soil all sorts of tires and nt them In the itoro. All sorts of sundries.. Pull lino holts, nnd everything that's good and up-to-dato In cyoludom. Walt for our au-to-bl, tho finest motor oyelo on the turf today. Two on tho way. (lot a good many good things In sec-on-hand wheels. Think we can do you good If you need one F. A. WIGGINS Implement House. 366-267 Liberty St, Salem. Farm Machinery, Dl eyelet, Sewing Machines and Supplies. N. H. Burley, Sewln? Machine Repairing Fresh Taffys Chewing Chocolate and Penotia tF6aMide j Edward Ellis. 144 8tate 8L OSWALT'S SHOE STORE 99 State Street. Try our Packard and Fllntstone line of Shoes for men only, Best stock and. value for money In the city. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE, Special Reductions for a short time beginning Saturday, March 7th Shoes below cost Best styles Call early. Jacob Vogt, 265 Com'! St. Huie Wing Sang Co. make up new line Ladles' Underwear, Wrappers, Waists, Skirts. B. st kind Spring Goods. Silks, Embroidery, Lace, Fancy Hose, Mat tings, Chinaware. Everything now for sale cheap. J.M.HOWELL Cash Market In titeintir'H Fish Market, State street Frtirtti inimts of till kinds, brims, Hhould Jors, heron, lard, etc. prompt Service Phone, Main 1401. MyeX!Xi)fc&fefc)fefe& A. I. EOFF. E. HARTLEY. 9 i) Pure- Lard with no T 3 1 1 nw I dllUYY..... Rendered with grcatestcare. Just as cheap as adulterated stuff. Also the best smoked (not oippeo or emoaimeo; bacon and hams, put up by us. EOFF & HARTLEY 5 140 State Street Phone 2853 Main. a Salem, Oregon. ?9(ii$Gis)WiX HKHBElMlBBllKf House cleaning time is 2 H H f U H n near at hand. Use Ostrander's Lightning Renovator for removing stalnsfrom carpets, cleaning wood work, windows, etc. Pre pared at the M H O. K. Pharmacy j ? 333 Commercial street j E. OSTRANDER. HHEB3BHHMSIMHB C33HCXC3k.C3rO SS "JET O Bt 3ES PEOPLE'S BARGAIN HOUSE. FRIDAYS SALE These sales give our patrons a rare chance to buy Dry Goods cheap. This sale Is for FRIDAY only:and AT SIX O'CLOCK'SHARP THIS SALE WILL BE OFF At 81 3c yd Shirting Cheviots, splen M$l2tbj fast co,0. regular price 12 I-2cforthlsday812c At 4 l-2c -d Fancy Shirting Percales pretty patterns, fast colors, linen finish regular price 7c for this sale 41 2c At 5c yd Amoskeag Apron Ginghams, the test made, fast colors, regular price 8 l-3c for this day only 5c At 25c pair Ladles' lisle thread stock ings, pretty lace stripes and checks, regular price 50c pair for this sale only 25c The grandest assortment of Erabroll eries you ever saw. prices 3c. 5c 7 l-2c 10c and up. you never W such values At 10c yd Beautiful Lace strict white goods, rare values, regoltf price 15c. sale price 10c KEEP YOUR EYE ON OUR STORE McEVOY BROS., ZT Salem, Or.