The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, March 05, 1903, 2ND EDITON 5 O'CLOCK, Image 1

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    A so
NO. 54.
t iff i' if
Senate is
111 fcJi9&3.(PiQ.
The President Tells Senators
What is Wanted
Mother and Three Children
Killed by the Cars
Sprinnfleld, Ohio, March 5. A wo-,
man and three children, the eldest a
girl of 1G, and the youngest a boy of
11, while crossing tho Dig Pour trc
" " ' ' f
WlHNot Be Candidate For
Oregon City, Oro., March 5. (Spe
cial) jllon. Geo. C. Brownoll has In
formed several Intimnto frlendB that
Canal and Cuban Treaties the Main Cause of the Special
tlu west of thlB city this morning, . ho ,B 6ut r ,ho mce for congress In
wero struck by a fast freight.. Tho Ithls district. Cortaln factors of oppo-
mothor and oldest daughter wore ln-.sltlon havo arisen to IiIb candidacy
stantly killed, and tho other two fa-' that make him deem It Inadvisable to
tally Injured. All were knocked from ,.,-, ,l
tho trestle Into tho water 50 feet bo.mBk0;f taC ftt prcBcnt'
low. A dense fog provalled at tho1 xt 'f.seneraHy considered Uiat ho
timc will recelvo an Important federal ap-
n polntmcnt, nud that tho nomination
Loses $100,000 a Minute. of Hermann for congress 1h pnrt of
Now York, March G. Tho bears tho samo deal. But It 1b not admitted
Washington, March G. Tho sonato nil day yesterday without result. Ho BBa,n nUdod tho cotton markct thls ,)y Mr.rownoira frlendB here that he
has boon sick from a stomach trouble """""""' UJ bU" """- uuuiuB u.u ib m tu.y ueai wnn iiormann, or any
for Bomo tlmo. and was desoondont. I PaPr Proflta- SulI' stoclD dropped othor candidate for congress.
Mr. Ai matrons has a largo family, 17 noInl8- Sully Is cool as an Iceberg,
nmnmr hi Rons hnlrnr Fru.1 Arm. though his losses at times were
.mn,. whn f.nB roaMrwl In (hi. ,v . WO 000 POP" mlllUtO.
conaldornbly. Albany Domocrnt
convened In Bpeclal BeSslon at noon
today. Thoro was a beautiful display
of flowers on tho desks of all tho now-ly-clectod
members. Tho galleries
wero crowded to thoir limits. Mary
landers wore particularly In evidence,
and when Oorman appeared on tho
floor he was saluted with loud ap
Senatoia Hoar and Cockroll, accom-
tinled by Sorgcant-mt-Anns Itnnsdnll,
tilled upon the President nt 1 o'clock
ud formally mado It known thnt tho
soato was in bohsIoii. A recess was
akon for half an hour In tho mean-
Tho missing man Is about GO years
To Be Launched In April
London. March fi. It In now Innrnod
old. but appeared much older. Ho had ',,,.. R,,n,nr,, .m t i -m.,iv
Just recovered from a severe Illness, t for Illunpn,nB March 17tht nB wnfl
which loft him qulto weak. As tho ()rlglimUy lftlin0(I nml the event will
nver is on.y nuoui iuu yarns irom me havo (0 be ,)08tonea ntll noxt
houio, and Armstrong was last soou monthf whon tho blllIdo nre ,,. i
In the neighborhood of tho rlvor, It (,9ft Umt evorythlng wl bo ln roati,. May gC TlIC FirSI tO BC EX
Is feared that he was drowned. Short- Tho cororaony wIU bo an olab. I eCUted at tllC Penitentiary
ly nftor tho noon hour Monday Arm- t onr, I Ul u Ui " ''"
strong's family bocamo alarmed ovor ol.. ,PV, .,,.. ,. ,., i. '
Wlutdetev to
Be Hanged
Bd Taylo Who Killed Ruth
Noland in J 90 J
Rented a Room, Deliberatly Waited For His Victim and
Shot Her From the Window
Sir Thomas Linton lina nlacod tho
Prudent Rooaovelt sent tho fol- his non-appearance, and Instituted n order for tho saIIcloth for the Sham- JuTy TOOk Bllt Ten Ml'lluleS
wwiug mossago 10 me senaio xihb ui- seurcn. ujioh uuiu.u iu ...... rocll'8 BalIs wiU, a Dundee manufac- LtnRntiirn VArHirt
tmioen: "I havo called this extra- trnco of tho mlBsIng man, othor thanituror 0n prevjm,a occnaions tho sails' uiuiu YClUiLt
ordinary Besslon to consider tho troa- thoso mentioned abovo, tho neighbors' .oronmdo jn Belfast Tho Balls will!
ties, concerning which It proved lm- were summoned to aid ln tho quest, ,J0 of 08,H.cany nuo fabric, giving, Tho trial of Eliott LyoiiB for Uto
possible to take action during mo rog- out tnoir comuincu onoris nave n uiKreat atronsth. nnd will bo of Blightly murder of Sheriff Withers hecan nt'ronted
' - i
ular session of congress Just ondod. failed to find any clew as to Arm-
I ask your especial attention to tho strong's whereabouts.
treaty with Colombo, securing to us Armu'.rong's two sons havo arrived
too right to build tho Isthmian canal, from Portland and Tho Dalles, and n
yollow color.
Eugene Wednosdny fornooon, and bo-
KaiiBaB City, Mo., March G.Unloss
thoro Is unexpected Intervention on
tho port of tho axecutlvo powor "Bud"
Taylor, formorly a woll-known ball
playor, will be oxecutod ' tomorro'w.
Taylor's crime was tho murdor of his
sweetheart, Huth Noland, March 2,
1002. The doed was one of tho moat
coldblooded crlmi ovor committed In
Knnsns City.
Taylor, who was married and had
ono child, became Infatuated with
Miss Noland, nnd their Intimacy last
od several months. They had many
quarrels, followed by thrcntB of vio
lence, warrants' for Taylor's nrrest,
and usually by reconellntlons. Hut
tho girl finally transforrod hor affec
tions to anothor, and this ho crazed
Taylor that ho dotonnlned to tako her
life. In fulfillment of his plans ho
an upstairs room In West
Ninth stroet, through which thorough
faro ho was suro tho girl would pubs,
NoIson-BTnnetThaVtaken a contract fore night the case was closed and - - -
to dnm tho Snalto river and to build LyoiiB yas found guilty of murdor in ,lf.(intiv iv in ,mii r, i,i. ..iii.
and to tho treaty with Cuba for socur- launch was secured In Albany to bo- j OG mllos of catml. Tho total cost will tho first degroo, tho Jury being out for tnroo dayB pttay nH vKu wa
u" ovor .u. " " i.-i uuijr xy miiiuum, jusi long enougn 10 roWnrdod by the appoaranco of tho
310.000 acres of land.
The Pope Very Feeble.
Rome. March G. Tho Popo passed
a rust ess niRiu. owing xo mo in
President Is Persistent.
sr i.i a ru.i. r rtit.A n.i
uuub ill id til but iiuii outiif iu ittu owir
inir amoosuro of commercial reclproc- trln dragging tho river. Shorlff Hup
Ity between tho two countries. Of nott, of Donton county, wnB also sum
great aud far-reaching Importanco aro monod to Invostlgato tho mnttor.
theso two treatlos for tho welfaro of,
tho Btatos, and Uio urgont need of.
their adoption requires mo to Impose
it i i nLiiinn iiikiii. wniuk. - -----. - -
uikw you tho inciinvonionco Qr.mgflLv.. . .. . . , .r -, :- -to- ri,n.tnann
ing at Uils tlmo." ' ... ... ..., ;.j. ...,.,,. ,,,.,., ... ,. t ,,.
Tillman took tho floor and anfaworod "roncniai sympioms. no '"
tho speech mado by Cannon, and do- ho, w, to ab,0J "t? Ul04lEnK,1!1b p "'
nnnnpml It In iinmnflxtirnil Inrmn. ITn hrl"""
Vhon Rev. Ilarrott, of Brook-
declared tho dignity and honor of tho ". ,who cf ,c , Uomo on tt 8pocJ(l
senate wore at stnko on quostlons of miuwon, .vkuu ,u.. .......
official integrity, and Its roBponslbll- l" l,,d a" 1' ho,
Ity and character wero Involved. He WttR toI(1 X a member of his holiness
haractcrizoil tho speech as wholly househeld: ou aro not llkoly Iosco
contemptuous, Indecent and outra- hlm '"' y roma,t ,n, orae
nta nn.l ,nn,ln In n ,1v tvrranlpnl l0"B tlmO. HO Is VOry fOOblC.
nvwv.v, .... ..M ... wwrf -.-..-.-.-
In dealing with Its own rights
proparpjtho vordlct.
Thovinost oxcltlug aud
Klrl and nor youugor Hintor coming
dnunntto .i .. ... . . ... ........
ovontToJ Uio trial occurred In tho af- alm and flrod thre41 tl,..OH ... mnlll
O'alOOlC. It WOS cw.nnaln.. rrl.n ..I.. I ..ll ... ..1 1...
u nuwunsiiftii niu ib.ii i itui. iiiiiit-iTti iiv
,ato the nomlnaUon of Crum to bo col- "ltJ lfr of tbo age,l and holj two 1nlotg am, ine , H00I1 attor
ix-Tf - ra..viinn leBS "er und fnUior of Eliott Ly- b7ifhir romovod to liorlSmn. Afr
' rnu I . .
which failed of confirmation nt tho "", ., .... . "H nrrHt "e ,na,, nn unsuccessful at
test Besslon. I 'T ",ol"or WB" curno" imo lourc, tempt nt selr-dostruction. At his trial
ihi i..nuw, aim wtuj uuvmimi uy wev. 0iIIo)Uc Insanity was urgod ns a d(-
court roafflrmod tho decision of tho
lowor court.
To Aid Starving Norweolans.
Chicago, 111., March C For tho ben-,
oflt of tho famine milTorora In Bean,
dlnnvla and Finland tho Norwoglnn
National League gives a ninmiiuch
conceit and ontortnlnment Intlio Au
dltorlum tonight. Tho Hon. I.uthor
Lnflln Miles Is to dellvor tho oration,
and tho United Norwoglnn Singing
Societies will render patriotic songs.
It Is hoped the rollof fund will ho In
creased Hovoral thousand dollars by
tho entertainment.
Who Cares If He Did?
London. March 5. A dispatch
.. B .
Hoar palnod tho lloor uunng uio from Rt potorsburg this morning
roll call of the newly-olected raombors quCOS (rom ft iong lottor sent by
ana said he moroly dosirou to suue Toi6toi in wnlch ho oarnostly apolo-
tho procoeduro of tho sonato In tho Iz08 to Crown Princo83 iuiBp for HW" nuBy loronoon. no attomiou
matter of swearing In members, to seo L v,irqatnna i fnrmor letter. Ho ft "cno01 In"ff ai w ociock on uiat
. . .. l f. irllV nml ttwtn nonnnnninr1 tTlu nnlrrli.
wnouior ins uioa was corrocu u was cnaract0rlzos tho former lottor as
that tfio coreraony moroly ontltlod tho crue( hoarti08S m thoughtloss. Ho
memnor to a scat, tne roionuon oi COnCide8 wth a wish for hor for
Mch was an opon quostlon until thn, M- tviiinh in nitt-nvn nosHlble
Wer All oyos woro directed toward nnn ,, 0iiBVmi in Oori nnd an-
Smoot, who flushed at so much atton- p0flj8 to jjm. '
tkm Vhpn Smoot was escorted to, '
4e desk to take the oath ho was giv-1 Tho sena'e will take up tho Cuban
consldorablo hand-clapping by treaty and dlsposo of It boforo uogin-
Arfluino About the weiflhts. erai males. fonso by his attorneys. Ho was found
Washington, March G. Tho authra-1 Tears came t4) tho prisoner's oyos Knty and sontoncHl to 'bo hnugod.
clto commiaslon Is today conforrlng whon ho saw his mothor. TJl0 condemned man Is not yot 2fi
with" Mltcholl mid tho attonioy for tho She testified somowhat differently ytiar8 0f nK0( mH mother died soon
oporators, bohlnd closod doors, argu- to the othor witnesses concerning tho Uftor j,g ,.0nvlctl()ii, but ho has othor
lng about tho wolght quostlon. Mitch- ovonts In tho house. Sho Bnld sho rointIves In this city, Chicago nnd New
oil arrived at 2 o'clock this morning, "over hoard Wlthora say anything; orjonns. Strenuous' efforts liavo boon
n- I novor touehod him. hut nloailoil with i.i... i .i. n
Genre Arm.trnnr. MU.In I" . . .. ' .----- ...auu lu ..u in... iiuiii u.. RRllown
m in Kimw inn rnnann rnr mo np. .... r i... .i.., i .. i
(Jeorgo Armstrong a woll-known L" ;,:;.";';:.''".' .'' "- wuu" "" """ 104 State St,
ploneor farmer of Benton county, re ' " nuaniionou wnn tne state supreme
muing hi. muos irom Aioony, on mo
Clear Weather Continues.
FroBty nights and bright clear days
continue and March threatens to ,du
pllcnto In fairness nnd froodom from
mists tho almost unpnrnlolled bright
record of February. The fruit 'trees
aro not advanced at all, on account or
tin? caldnoss of tho so nnd thoro is
lltrlo dnngor from frosts killing tho
crop so far. Four years ngo prunos
and plums nnd ponchos woro In bloom
at this tlmo, and tho fruit crop was
terribly hurt by a Into frost, tho grow
ors losing nearly the whole crop of
prunes and ponchos. Tho strawborry
crop Is In flno condition also, nH far
as reported, being not nt all forward
and yet not htiViiiK been Injurod by
fro. ' V
Fi'esh Today
Log Cabin Creams
Peppermint Chews
Phone 2U74 Main.
Independence road, has boon missing
slwo Monday foronoon. Ho nttendod
a school mooting at 10 o'clock on Uiat
day, and then disappeared. His noigh'
bors aro confident thnt ho wont to tho
rlvor thnt runs nonr his place and
drownod himself. Search was made
.tawds ln tho gajlorles.
ning on the canal tnattor,
1 A - M9
hf Hjic hofn willi vnn FIpvpii Years
B ..MU MVVI. ...... J w .w . ...
? . ., r si
J It has started as one of thcsmallest stores in the city, u
tat by careful management and close attention to the 5
wants of its patrons it has continued to grow until its
present large room is too small for the requirements a
of the business.
A Cterer llurar.
A great many horses aro f(! on tho
streets from "cntbngs" drawn np over
their noses und wabbling about In
manner which must ninko It very un-
Superintendent Dobler Killed
in a Snowslide '
I 4-vfH4a-444e4e4--'faH'Cf4af8H-sH-e-i-s4-a-t-94s)
La Place died 76 years ago today.
We shall add the adjoining room to our present
nffnfo.c. iC.i "nfcjw- m '
1 .w uUUUl asKia.jsaujeriflj
llaker City. Or.. March C Addl
comfortnblo to cat ono's dinner In that tional partiqulars concerning tho fa-1
way. The lloston HeraUl tells of a ,ol .nwuii,i , ,,,., r.., n,i.u i
bright horse down in "Pie Alley" , .... ... ,.,.., , ,. I
which had nearly reached the bottom yeay. wn,c" 'el j
of his bag. It wabbled awfully, but ol Superintendent F. C. Dohlor. were 1
tho oats woro sweet and he was liun- . received by tolophone this evening. J
gry. In front of bun stood a wngon, He w" oarrlod down the mountain, ;
nnd the wagon had a wheel. Happy one and a quartor miles, plunging;
thought! Ue walked up to tho wheel, out a proelplco 175 feet high. The'
rested his canyns bog on tho top of It body wag foum, by itW Ql ,Jie Mareh. .
n !H,,?2 m" dl,nm'r1toihol!ast lnK parties this mowing. It was on
In a comfortable, leisurely fashion and . , .. 7 , ,,
with a twinkle In his eye. If that was "" thf 8now' th "k and ono,
not a triumph of mind ovor matte ( wer-broken. The bedy was consider-,
what was It? abl) bruised, but not mangled In any
way The Indications are that deaih
How to Keep Tonus. was liiHtaiitaneous. Carriers have
One of the secrets of keeping yonnn, 'started for th oclty with the- body
vigorous and supple Jointed is to con-, Th(. cornucopia mine, of whlrb Mr
Unue to practice tho atrtivltlos of youth .. ...A. , ..i.,, . nr
I .! f,,.. ll. !.. l.l 4 l"""" " "WI-.UBIS1.MWH. ." " .
I "11 " """- '" ..WW I".. ""'"
III III II I I ! II III llllll
We have a well seiertprf ;nrk of nRY fiOODS coming S ! t,ffen t,ie muscl08 h ,,s ton ,,w 11,hI" mla 'V ,f "T
- - nave a well bejeCiea SIOCK Or UKY UUUU COmilli, , limitations. If men like Peter ' u ' Prt of the gearls bank
T r . . . ka . - - -- . . . . ... ..i r.i . 1. 1 ,... .. ...I.
ior ine new room.
Our policy with the new lines added shall te the same as with
our present lines. ONE PMCE TO ALL. AND THAT THE
Our ereat volume of business enables us to buy at the closest
Quantity prices- We discount every bill and mark our eoods
to give customers the benefit of every savin? of our modern
business methods.
Coonor and William H. fJladstonc. who rupt estate. Robert N Jones, of this
) v - " -. --
bust manhood when far Into tho Mr. Searls became bankrupt the mine
eighties, had succumbed at forty to the ' w8- not oonslderod a valuable asset
thought of approaching age, bow much Now t , una9r8tQotI tJiat (h- m is
or their valuable life work weald hse , h tf fW
reran Ined undoueJ Quccoss. I .. . , ' , . . , .,,
illntloo usd still leflT htm a rles
e want to keep on growing and it will pay you to ?
The Albany Democrat ha, been (&
ling up the situation, aatl wisely re-
help us grow.
i Sab's Cheapest One Price Cash Store I
LE. T. BARNES, Proprietor.
Corner of Commercial and Chemeketa J
A Saretr.
"Somehow," said ihe girl In blue. "J !
can't help wishing I had accepted
mm." i
"Wh. tiearr askwl the girl In gray, marks: "Salem rpors nowadays
"Why, be swore that he'd never be J are taking- groat pleasure la referring
happy again, and I'm afraid he is." to the Portland hog. For a faet the
Ab, yes.? commented the girl lu ' iortla4 has; has eatlrely or
Kray reflectively. "As matters are now I M thtl j 0reoa."
you can't b sure that he isn't, but If Z . ,
you'd mnrried W you eeukl wake The Oregon Olty Mfh srkoul Is la
sure ef lt.":itlesgo Post j uiroea of strika. Prolaaser
d.p..u. , d.....m l1 WM om m. 1 rly
She-Do you legard a, r " wlk
e4ltr f a turHr oat The direoters aappvrt the pro-
For durability
there's no better brand
than the "R. & W."
that's why we sell,
advertise, and rec
ommend them as being
all that a pair of
trouiers should be. A
glance at every detail
is enough to convince
you that a custom
tailor cannot serve
you as well.
S .1
Remember the little RED BOX in. our window. G$
key to it and perhaps you can get the money out of it.