THE DAILY JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1903. PAGE TWO. I SI fe. m Au 9 &t THE DAILY JMUL Scrlpps News Assoc atlofv Telegrams. 3 and 0 O'clock Editions. BY HOFER BROTHERS. . Dally Ono Year, 0, In Advance. Dafly Three Months, $1XX In Advance. Dally by Carrier, 60 Cents Per Month. Weekly One Year, $1.00 In Avance. .H-n-Ha n ii n h-8 i 1 h-m 4 1 1 I I I l-r-H lllimilH ifr THE FIVE O'CLOCK JOURNAL. Tho Hint edition of The Journal j?oos to proas at 3 o'clock, and catches tho ovorlnnd train ut 4?3l for all points north. Lator tolpRrams iJiat arrive up to 5 o'clock aro printed In tho C o'clock 'dltlon that Is Intondod for nil points ftouth, to catch tho later trains. Tho Journal Jb tho first paper at Sa lem to print two editions dally, and Is receiving substantial recognition for Its enterprise. Two Portland o vanillic dalllsM -ontot for thu Hnlem fluid, and this make hard competition for a Salem lally. lltit The Journal, by IU enterprise, ho been able to hold its own. It la conceded by all to be tha beet local imper printed In Western Ore icon, ami 1ms a large list of subscriber right In Portland. REFER THE REFERENDUM. The Oregaiilau beg for God's suite lon't referendum the fair appropria tion. The attorney-nenernl says you can not referendum ny bill that lias any sort of n rafarundtuu clause attached. About the only Uilng you could ref erendum, according to high nuthorlty, Is tho bill to put the referendunl Into effect. That would tie up the referendum for the next two years, ami then the jmoplo would have to vole uu It be foro It went Into effect lly all means give the people the referendum on the referendum. If tlioy can't have It on anything ols. "THE SHAMELESBNESS OF ST. LOUIS." That Is a terrlbfo arraignment of nn Ainorlenu olty, Uiiooln Hteffens' ar ticle In the March McClure'i on "The glinnielesanoea or St. I.ouls." "The Shame of Minneapolis," which ap pewred two ntunths ago. Is, compared to this, a record of chlo Integrity aad virtu. Mr. Uteffwis ivolnts Uie damn Ihk, ootttmsL Minneapolis reformed wjien her shame was espoaed. In the it, Litiils inuiileluul legislature today sit eonvlBtMl of bribery ami perjury seven member ot Hon lUt tier's ring, ami I In tier, himself, sentenced to Uue years' liuptieoiiment for hrlb y, still rules the town. This la what Mr. SJteffeiis calls "ttomoUiIng new In tits history of the gnwiuneut of the people by Uie rueeabj fur the rich " Mr. NtffHs (ells the whole story from thje llrat vihmh by one man County Attorney Polk -down to today, when the apathy and supliiiMtes of the jmhv ple are foiling 1'nli, t still ploy his Mltth is u almost in Adllblw slu of K'Hxl health. A sick wiHtwn may feree a stmlr or at Utiles bo waved to laugh ter. Hut when a woman is bubbling over with mhth nud iinmimrut she Is surely a writ wouuti Dr. Plater's Pavom Prescription has MMle tboiwamU of tiirUHcholy and iui tbU women cbmful ami tuppy, by during the painful wouuuly uiMoere wMcm underatlnr woman's health ami stitMgtk: It establishes rrguUrity ami m ones awev with uitintUly misery It kies dcbiltUdug dieins mhI k cures lgeHM U mnch waesaMly weelmres. It kwaU iHfl4inuttloN ani ulcvratiun, atttl cure ib lrtMg iUwu pauns, vrkkh ere suvh a suurw at Mtistring to akk wwsmm iisW iimii la uepiMs iv ntc" ISivutu rrmctiaM for fcwk fassararirc-rtwas, MtMtuwwij i m lies . Ie w w rfe. iU sum iwa.1. ?& MBUo'aM4 Snv wmrmm WWJC iT1fcia. HsWfettyBeiih Ueui CTSsMeseeroyws lhs SSMl AcaeMt ho suWrtMie tr "rewrite rVstorifMM.' TVe ts neUnur eK Ur IMene'e Cwwhsh teMt Medkel Atlwer h at Apt ott reaesM ( tmy t n vnpm of mmQIh eo1. -t jw" ewi m uwseem. shwm is me MBor e&WW teait, 41 UW4 fer the foiTiUi, K. V. Cherry Pectoral Get well before you have to think of weak lungs, bron- g chitis, pleurisy. J. C ArerCa., lovtll.MAM. j i. a id nlone Hi- show h w 8t Lou t k mo Uw Alecm of loa41rojc nMev- .ii n'fom all over the rotintry-how tfiey Hooked thlhtt fJianK new roIi era ofl far robbing the people, until St., I.oiils was completely listed for aalr And he ends by quoting the words of a boodler who Jumped his bonds aniljjs now In Mexico, who de clared ilia h" was only waiting for F!K icim to expire to return and uh fn fcovcnior of Missouri ami "vln dlratWn " The article should be read b pviry Atgdrtrari cltlken. "ANYTHING TO BEAT ROOSEVELT1" (Chlcage Inter-Ocean.) "What aro known as tho large finan cial Interests," nays the Wall Strcqt Journal of Vat). 18, "aro blttorly op ponod to President Hoosovolt's con. tlnuaUon In offlco, and arp determined to defeat him, if posslblo, In tho con vention; If not at -tho polls." Tho motto of Wall atroot, "high finance for 100 1, thin compotont nu thorlty declaros, In "Anything to boat Hoosovolt!" Why Is Presldont Hoosovolt dlsllkod y the "hlRh flnanco"? Various rea sons aro Riven, but IiIh roul offense, according to tho Wall Hticet Journal, la that ho Ih "not to bo controlled by anybody." Now tho "high finance" Is accustomed to having IU own way. It Is not accustomed to bolng dealt with as a "minority Interest." Hence the president's "absolute honesty and absolute Independence, qualities that always excite public enthusiasm," the Wall street Journal nlllrms, have "earned for him tluj whole-souled hos tility of Wall streoL" "How," asks this newspaper, "Is Mr. Roosevelt to be beaten?"- He can be beaten In the convention, It admits, only by tho geuornl treachery of his own party, " which Is Imposlhle. To beat him at the polls, It declares, "n concentration of tho forces of social ism, demagogy, nud 'high finance' would be necessary, and even then It might not lie successful." "ICven If It were successful," perti nently remarks tho Wall street Jour nal, "would tho 'high finance' feel quite comfortable In IU new sur roundings?" "It would be very inior iKillcy," says the Wall atroot Journal, "to unchain thu forces of socialism merely to get rid of the prasent oxooutlve. Wall atroot should remember that of all seotlona of the body iwlltlc none Is more dependent upon the luw than It lf. Mr. Hoosovelt has ever stood for rigid execution of the law. Wall street may waat to break the law at times, but It has a great doal more to lose from a general disregard of law thaw from Its rigid 'enforcement." Wall street's nrtlve dislike of (he President hogRH, In fart, when he In tervened to make the "high rtunace" In the Northern Securities case stand the test of the law Kroia that date Um "high finance" began to hate Thdnre Ilonaevolt. However, the "high unanro" should beware lest the policy of "Anything to beat Hoose vellt" lead the American people In turn to a policy of "Anything to beat the 'high IlimHce,' " whlrh would be a deplorable policy all ahwnd WHO CAUSED THEIR DEATH8T That modern Juggernaut, the elec tric street rar has claimed two vic tims in Portland within Ute past four days. The urat. a titan In the prime of life, whose life was sacrificed, because for a moment, he forgot that death raced through the streets of Portland unchecked, and that eternal vlgilanee Is necessary tn any continued exist uno in that city. The other was a bright payftil little youngster uf six war v,)o had not yet learned to pro-Wx-t himself, and whiw young and In mweut life wag crushed out because ot the criminal uacletft of the street car oiuiiauiM wiui uLan tkir nirVoia above the live of the community fmwi which tur ttthiu ihiu Tkan. art. others, however, whoet particl-1 " ,,e,,, "K lw ,lor' ratw patlon in thM leruMM wurdera Is bjr ku w"lwlt Bot only the rar morn rtoreaaJUIe Uton UiM of ,,kfu' performance of military mr tbo oiay. tor Ute latter, at least, TtM" ,n ' wt also tut rloim that U U wooey In Utelr imrea to occasionally kill a cltisen rather than ecDead tlr uontv In providing fenders m tney should do, Tnose others are tke oMcUls of rrt land who allow tltls bntckery of lu nol. To tkeee way be added a UUrd tot wbo certainly cannot bold tbewlvee bbunetoss. when tbey renj of Ut two deatbs la IWU.J .1 tm iwtmM iur tbe tectsUture adjourned, and that Uitrd lot is tbe wensbors o tkit !. latere, who deliberately refuted k. 'by msAiag it strong and altkj-. the noes tbe bill cowpelllntr etneet cnr!rvee are strMtt)iead and the liver eotnnasde to pbvc fenders on tbeir , cars, and nrutort as far as posJbk tbe Uvs of tttOM whom untoward fat tMU Into Pwrllona It matters not! wboUiar tbat. bill was kilW Uuwtb l& peHUtal iull of tho .tret car ojMHajrg or nt the r?ul( g be nm aa iaov uo rtrusoj ( bam that bill may woll ask themselves If they aro innocent when thoy road the details of the accidents that sends anothor, and yet nnothor crushed and mangled body to tho morgue, a vlca rlous atonement for tho sins Of omis sion of a body of legislators whose ca 1SH'S!4 leached ovor into the (fi'mr of criminality, and practically mad thfm acrpssorlos before tho fact Ii -t . rut it mildly what ft scarcely I 4 than murder. The fathor of the child killed Mon day saVs' thoro Is nobody to" blamo. lid Is mistaken. It might ns well be said that thoro Is nb ono to blame when a community makoa no effort to control smallpox dlplUhprla, scarlet f over or any other contagious disease. That no ono Is to blame if quarantine regulations are not enforced, and yol low fevor or bubonic plaguo Bweeps ovor the land. Thnt no ono Is to blamo If a powder magazlno is placed In the midst of a city, and explodes to Its destruction. Tondor hearted leg islators pass strtngont laws against killing door or birds, and glvo evon tho finny donlzons of strcnm and ocean some protection. Put there Is no closo season for humanity which a Htreot car Is bound to respect, and It Is tho fault of tho loglslaturo that this Is so, ltd momborn aro to blame, in dividually and collectlvoly, and thoy cannot dodge tho fact that every death caused by a Btrcet car in this state, lies at least Indirectly with them. JOURNAL X-RAYS. Tho presldont Is playing it on con gress, calling thorn In oxtrn session one house at n tlino. A Montana man who attempted to rob a train, got twenty years. If he hail got mora he might haVe got less. The southern part of the stnte Is talking seriously of pulling the fair and the Celllo railroad appropriation to the referendum. m m m Twenty-one doctors wore burnotl out of houso and home In the Dekum fire at Portland, and none of them on the uomeopa me pinn euuer. ; It Is probnblo Miss Stono will put off her proposed trip Into Ilulgarja and Macedonia. Tho brigands have other business to attend to now. J. Plerpoul Morgan Is In Havana and rucontly sat on the porch and threw confetti an tho crowd. This Is the first authentic case In which he ever threw anything away. Tho Delaware senators-elect, were so afraid that Oas Addlcks might change his mind that they sent their certificates' of election to Washington before they got dry. and put apeolal delivery stamps on the letters, Urn. The ministerial association of Port- Iliad Is taking steps toward having Uie lawU aiul Clark- fair closed on Sun- dajra. It wight bo well to put that matter off wutll thero la absolute as- sumuce that It will not remain closed ! tor even tlays In the week. Knapp the multi-murderer, and De Pnlco. who wHroered his wife In Port land aro twth trying the Insanity dodge. It may work, but still it does teem that when a man gets nts of In sanity that cause him to commit inur- der that the jury trying him auld be excusable for a temporary aberration ot mind, that wwld cause hint to be nan,wd- ir .,,. ... , . ... . ... . If you are troubled with Impure blood. Indlcnted by sores, pimples. headache, etc.. we would recommend Aeker's Blood Elixir, which we' sell SsrroKro?- Kiwi poisons and all blood diseases. 60 cts. and Jl.W. D. J. FRY, Druggist ' Water fer the Elephant. The proverbial Ingratitude of re- publics, as well as the want of reel- proclty in political parties, is unique- ly ahowR In a letter recently resolved u' retary Hitchcock In t case ap- I W ovr of Pensio Com- lloer War. The aecretary oowld un,w noMUenl allcglanc. for , mma' mmm y" lo u " p-. rl' ui4 in Uie refer to tfce ty,1 IMl,,,,, th V'1 Th, HEADACHE, Whether caused by nervous atfectlons or turn a bilious condition of te sjs- ld.M .. V. ...I.klu .. J !. nu -v., vv w uiuvu tuim ui iiwwv ter's Stomarb Uittars It nets at tbe root of tb traukkv-th ,ua.b uuA --J IU .. . - .. , KWneys stimulated. try it the Kt tiase your Headaebes. KwiU curr lndiflitiea. Dysneateia, Oenstina- en. Insomnia aad Malaria. UAOXPT'Tr'rvtn nujiciicir STOMACH BITTERS veteran, with a sense of humor that adds a touch of pathos to tho situa tion, wrote simply: "Honorable Secretary: Tho rejec tion of my olalm romlnds mfa that, when a small boy, a circus camo to town. I ,got the Job of carrying water to the elephant, In order, to earn my way Into tho big tent. I pumped ovor half the wolls,lnfctho neighborhood dry, got mysolf soaked wltli water, and poured enough Into tho India rubber brute to float .tho Olympla. When I got through tho circus was ovor." Now York Tribune. I . -T- He Died for Others. Jamos Harmsworth tho hero ot a mlno nccldont In Rossland, D. C, four years ago, died at Spokane a fqw days ago, from tho effects of Injuries re ceived at that time. Ho was lowering a bucket in a mine when the crank como out ot the windlass. Ho throw his 'body into tho cogwheols and stop pod tho bucket, thereby saving tho lives of the workmen bolow. Ills arm and shoulder wore crushed and ho has been nn Invalid since then. Tho Do minion .parliament awarded him a gold medal for his horolsm. A COMMON ERROR. The Same Mistake Is Made by the Majority of People. It's a common error To plaster tho aching back, To rub with llnimonta, rheumatlck 'olnts, Whori the troublo comos from tho 'ildnoys. Doan'B Kidney Pills cure all kidney 'llfl. Hero Is positive proof. A. Ammann, shoemaker, of 1024 Innta Fo Avenue, Denver, Colo., says: 'Whon Doan's Kidney vPHls stopped an aggravated case of kidney com 'ilalnt In the summer of 1S09, I made hat fact known to the residents of Denver, so that others who had kid jey troubles In any of Us various forms might know what course to pur ine to get relief. The opinion I then jxpressed is the same today as it was when Doan's Kidney Pills were first brought to my notice. I have had no occasion to use any modlclno for my kidneys slnci When Doan's KIdnoy Pills affected a euro In my case that cure was permanent." I-'or sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Koster-Mllbtirn Co., Buffalo, N. Y sole agents for the United States. Remember the name DOAN'S and tako no substitutes. A Parcels Post. The British postmaster-general has established a parcel post servlco with the United States In cc-oporatlon with a private ox press company. Tho United States Is the only Important country which has failed to negotiate a parcels poet treaty. Seventy coun- tries are enjoying the conveniences of the service. The Inland parcols poet delivery admirably supplements , the International system. It Is sur- lrising. In view of the aggressive en- terprise of the United States In so nay directions, that this convenient d comparatively cheap method, of sending packages of moderate else and weight by mall has not been adopted here for Inland purposes. Onco adopted for domestic trade, the no oewlty for a parcels itost convention with the rest of the world would soon become evident. Philadelphia Ledg er. $100 Rewara. $100. The readers of this naivar will he ,,ieHi to learn that there is at least one dreaded diseases that science has ,MR ,Ie to cllre , al ,u Btngeg nmj that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo the only positive cure uow known to , ...u' . ,.. ,. . . . th mwllcRl fraternity. Catarrh be- ln a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's j-? i1 - r irr"'y; act- ,R ,r0,,' lHi the blood and mu- tMI" "rfaeee of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the dls- ease, and giving the patient strength u' building up the constitution and Roaletlng nature In doing Us work. Tbe proprietors have so much faith ' Its curative powers, that they of- tw One Hundred Dollars for any case Uwt H fails to cure. $r1 for list of testimonials. Address. P. J. CIIKNBY A CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by dr'ggtsts. 75c. Hall's Family Mils are Uie Rest SORE CURE FOR PILES Itching Piles produce moisture and cause Itching, this form, as well as, Blind. Weeding or Protruding Piles are cured by Dr. Bo-ean-ko's Pile Rem-! edy, stops itching and bleeding. Ah- sorbs mason. 60c a Jar at druggists. I me about your case. Dr. Bosanka, i-atwaeinaw. pa. ror sale at Dr. ' stores. . "? "'""?' " '? . A4A. fill mnuiiw .uu u,u wnit loawni wnimi is ?. " VV !? eog he mu rsenst k N t UT tt BBSB or ETJSZgX !'t? isSstTF ffc.!? VL. VT .ww..w mw IWM M rB w limb and uria at tbe heir. (33 lPMMta "ur -len. ixtrlSM. OS aad ttrrncthin th cUo4 mmi u,?d0' ,k ttuft & w pVQ 8a?stoii.U ti,mek UmMom tresBii. - w "? x -a.. TdUffiaS; TkljHlHhitmUm From the Cow to the Table. Inspectors watch the farmj and feed of tha cow. Wa tet all tha mflfc as It Is fcrousht to otlr condensary. There Is no plant In tha world where more caution Is exarclsod to Insure absolute cleanliness. Erery departmcnUs under the direct charge of a partner in Uie busi ness. Under these conditions WeaWWrrTrl ...-- . .. ...i mm 9th1M-999909999990-9-99-909m Special at Gxeenh&tim's New Challics at 5c a yd. They arc wonders for the money. Pretty patccrns and good quality We have no hesitancy in saying they arc the best goods for the money on the market, Turkish Towels at 25c a pair, Inroe white ones, nothing like them ever offered at J this price, New Spring at Greenbaum's Dry Goods Store 4- x n First Door South of the Postoffice. 302 Commercial St. T 2 B-W-re808-f30-f60B00-fC-re0a Hiiiinnmiim44twnini mini n m-4-f-H-H-M-i- :: -, t 1 ha. Hmicft Kttm&htn& i.o A Gieat V CO.VN.QMT :: fSJttg-i u j'Jn ,r. -. l. n t r iA -1 t-'- - - - - f The House Furnishing; Co., -Stores at SALEM H"i Ullllll 1-H-HWtWHH ; I 1"M-s. i AND SUFFERED NEARLY FORTY YEARS BEFORE THE BONE HEALED AM I ALL RIGHTT OF COURSE I'M ALL RIGHT," 8AID MR. A. COOPER, OF POLK COUNTY, WHEN ASKED ABOUT HIS LEG WHICH WAS HURT WHEN HE WAS A BOY. .. ., ..j "I WAS KICKED BELOW THE KNEE BY A HORSE IN 1860 WHEN'CAN EARN AL) TRE pARTICU. r mtnt out, tnu ourrtNtu run YEARS. IT ACHED TERRIBLY AND SOON BROKE; THEN PIECES ur uuiNt tUMMENCEO COMING uui anu uuriiiNUfcu ran about A YEAR. THIS WAS FOLLOWED Are now Boss If you pay more you pay too much R. M. WADE 81 Economy Brand Evaporated Cream Is produced. If you try It, you will say it Is the most pleaslne and appetizlnc Cherrlsts and doctors say It Is tha most healthful. Take no brand unless It boars the cap label reproduced herewith. We produce ninety per cent of the world' supply and cuarantee every can bearing our cap label HELVETIA MILK COHDBNSINO COMPANY, HlBhland, HI. w Millinery now being opened ... $ Carpet Hotrse Witliout doubt we are the largest dealers in all Kinds of floor coverings in the valley above the falls. We, Iiiva ill o-t-irlac frntn ihit kind that is not worth car rying home to the kind that wears a lifetime. We offer the best values for the least money. 1st door South of Jos. Aleyers & Sons. and ALBANY- BY AN ATTACK OF TYPHOID, WHICH LEFT ME IN BAD SHAPE. I WAS OBLIGED TO USE CRUTCHES FOR OVER TWO YEARS FROM THAT TIME UNTIL I WAS CURED ABOUT SIX YEAR8 AGO I ALWAYS U8ED TWO CANES. THE DOCTORS TOLD ME THERE WAS NO HOPE FOR A CURE UNLESS I HAD MY LEG SPLIT AND 8CRAPED AND THE CORDS CUT. SOME AL80 ADVISED AMPUTATION, BUT I RE FUSED, AND FINALLY DR. COOK, THE BOTANICAL SPECIALIST OF SALEM, TOOK MY CASE. I BEGAN TO IMPROVE AT ONCE, AND IN SIX MONTHS MY LEG WAS WELL. IN FACT I FEEL THAT DR. COOK SAVED MY LIMB, AND I WANT EVERYBODY TO KNOW IT, FOR IT WAS A WONDERFUL CURE. 800N AFTER TREATMENT THE BLACK FLESH BEGAN TO GROW OUT 0VER THE B0NE W'TH A HEAL- i n i i,ui.un, A. COOPER. September 1st, 1902. PERS6NS WISHING TO KNOW , llwv,,,t, tnoniiYU iu M'lun MOAg OF MR. CO ER;SCASg" LARS BY CALLING ON HIM AT IN , DEPENDENCE. OREGON. OR AT DR. COOK'S OFFICE, 103 LIBERTYi I STREET, SALEM, OREGON. , 0 s t Wa jner 4o CO.