The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, March 04, 1903, 2ND EDITON 5 O'CLOCK, Image 1

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tV V
no! 53;
Speaker Henderson Receives a.
Genuine Ovation
His Story is Not Believed by
Officials or Police
London, March 4. Hangman Bll
llngton, England's famouB execution-
Weather Bureau Predicts
Highest Water Ever Known
Memphis, Tcnn., March 4. In the
past 48 hours tho river at McraphlB
or, was found lying unconscious on tho haB risen throe-tenths of a foot, and
railway trncks outside of London this tho water now stands a foot and two-
morning. Ho had hoen assaulted with tenUiB above tho danger lino. There
a club, and Is In Imminent danger of has boon another rlao In tho Ohio, tho
death. It Is thought that frlonds of Tenesseo and tho Cumberland rivers,
Edwards, tho notorious murdorer, who and when this volumo of wator noiirs
was hanged a short tlmo ago. aro tho down tho valley It Is feared tho rlvor
perpetrators. , ' ,at this point and below will rlso bo
lie regained consciousness later and high as to cause a disastrous flood.
The S
In Chic a
Tt Reaches the EnormOUS Amount of $J, 544,000,000 Of sayfl an unknown mnn entered thol Thd local weather bureau predicts
" iV,w nn nnfl i n,v .railway carriage, and attempted to rob a stao of wator hero that will equal
If.KfWWwywww . j
htm. In the Bcufllo ho fell through tho
door, Tho railway people and tho po-
tho Intcrstnto commorco commission llco both doubt tho Btory, which was
or for tho relief of Philippine com- glvon an air of mystery by tho hang
morco, deprived tho peoplo of threo man's evident attempt at conceal-
territories of tho rights of statohood, menL
which they aro fully ontltled to.
Payno offered resolutions of thnnkB
to Hendorson for services ns spoakor,
It having becomo kuown tho Demo
crat would rofuso tho usual ?ourtosy.
It was carried by vivo voco vot. Coch
ran demanded tho yeas and noes.
Richardson and othors protected, but
tho Cochrnn click didn't hood. HlBsee
from tho Itopubllcans and gallurloa
greeted thoso who arose, but thoyj Ireland to Have Home Rule,
were not In sufllclont number to do- Dublin, March 1. Tho Dally Ex
maud a now roll call. I press today saya thoro Is good author-
GrOHVenor, Payne and Richardson uy tor the atatomont that tho govern-
Washington, March 4. Tho swarm
of visitors Is In greater uumbor In tho
houso to witness tho closing Bcones.
In tho Bonato tho galleries woro only
partially filled. In tho sonato, aB soon
as a quorum was gained, Allison, chair
man of tho appropriations committee
offered tho nnnual statomont of ap
propriations mado this congross, as
compared with thoso of tho GCth, and
ihows an Incroaso In tho npproprla
tonB made of 9114,000,000, of which
pearly half Is for tho Pannma canal,
also an Increase of $50,000,000 In tho
postal service, a large portion of
which IB duo to rural uenvor. i no woro appointed a commlttoe to act mnnt nmi Natlonallsta havo ronchod a
total appropriations oxcood ovor $1,- with Allison and Jonos "tlio sona- passlvo understanding, by which tho
EG 1.000.000. Allison. In a snooch. also torml commute to wait pn Uio Presl.
called attontlon to tho fact that tho
or exceed tho highest known. Tho
rleo has been unprecedented. RoportB
of distress aro already coming (n from
points above and below this placo.
Confined to His Bed.
Home, i.inrch 4. Tho emotion
causod by nttondance on yoatorday's
function has confined tho Popo to his
bed today with Intestinal troubles.
Ulshops Dunne and Uobnn, although
thoy havo been In Rome for somo tlmo
past, havo boon unnblo to obtain an
Interview, owing to Leo's condition.
Him in
lost congress adopted no rlvor and
harbor bill, while this ono appropri
ated f20.000.000 for that purposo. Ho
said ho was convinced that tho appro
priations mado met tho approval of
both parties. Tho Bonato thon took
up tho river and harbor bill amend
ment, thuB formally sotting aside tho
Philippine tariff moasuro. Hoar, by
unanimous consent, then spoke on tho
Phlllpplno bill, which had thus boon
olnclally doclarod dond. In tho house,
at Its opening, Richardson mndo the
point of no quorum. Tho dork was
luKirno he could hardly be hoard.
Thus far In this momornble parlia
mentary strugglo there havo boon 78
roll calls, 18 of which woro mado yoa
torday. When tho call was nearly
completed, IIondenon called Cannon
to tho chair to proeldo. Continued ajh
plauso groted his taking tho chair.
Tho sonate adjourned at noon. Rep
resentative Morcor, of Nobrnska, who
was dofeated for ro-oloction la Bald to
bavo been assured of the appointment
f director of tho conaus of Morrlnm
roslgnB. Ho has tho backing of nearly
every Republican congroaamnn. as
well as tho President's friendship.
Representative Undorwood, of Ala
bama, aftor a conforonco with Rich
ardson, gavo out a atatomont, in which
be revlows tho work of tho last con
Kress. Ho says tho Republicans failod
to support the Prosldent, and passed
fw measures of Importance, repudi
ated party plodgea, failed to pass ef
fective trust legislation, mado no at-
dont. who arrived in his room In tho
sonnte wing at 10 o'clock to notify
him that congross Is ready to adjourn.
Whon Henderson re-ontorod and took
tho gavel from Cannon It was tho sig
nal for an enthusiastic demonstration.
Tho Republicans applauded and the
Domocrnts Joined In. As tho npplauso
continued tho Republicans nroso and
cheered vociferously. Tho DomocratB
contentod thomsolvos with hand-clap-ping.
"When tho npplauso subsldod,
Payno aroso to say tho Protildont had
no further mossngo, oxcept to congrnt
ulato tho houso on the work per
formed. The anthracite oommlBsIpn, at Its
mooting tomorrow, intonda, It posslblo.
to get both sldos to agroo to certain
matters boforo Ita vordlct shall bo
rendered, as woll as to secure further
confirmation of the weighing syatom.
Henderson addressed tho houso
with much fooling, and did much to
heal tho wounds which had been doalt
within tho last few days. Ho aroused
tho house to tho wlldost enthusiasm
of patriotic fervor by frequont refer
ences to tho country'B Mag, and that
tho woundn mado in tho legislative
hall would quickly heal, and all had
government allows tho plan of homo i
rulo on tho lluos counBolod by Cham-1
berlaln. ' He
Says She Loves Him no
Matter What He Has Done
Expects to Suffer
Death Penalty
Hamilton, Ohio, March I. Mrs. An
nlo Kuapp, fourth wlfo of tho Strang-
lur, visited hor husband In tho Jail at
noon. They woro not pormlttod to
; kiss, but shook hands, and tho mur-
.doror crlod. His wife askod him If
, ho roally did nil tho things to which ho
loonfowod. Ho replied evasively, final
rr "VV i JV "N H"" !' admitting tho truth. Ho snld ho ox-
tr"' Att .Is il IV I 1 IP pectod to ko to tho electric chair. Tho
woman is faithful; say's sho doosu't
" care what he did, sho IoV4W him, and
Has Been Organized at the lf he ,a 8ent to tho imtontinry for
Pflnitll pjv I If sho will got a homo near tho prls-
lidJllaI UUy jon wil0r8 fide pan soo her husband at
Intervals. Crouds thronged about the
morguo today, trying to view tho body
of Hannn Goddard Knnpp. Identifica
tion was added to this morning by the
Tho Salem real ostato men mot to
day and formod an oxchauga, and
elected tho following ofllcers:
J. R. Falrbauk, protildont.
J. M. Payno, vlco-proaldent.'
P. N. Dorby, seorotary.
L. D. Honry, treaauror.
A board of directors Is to bo oloctod
this ovonlng, and tho exchango In-
dead woninn's half slstor and hus
band. Tho body is In good condition,
considering that It Jloated 100 miles.
singing of patriotic songs and a gen
nipt to pass legislation demandod by oral ovation to Speaker Henderson.
cludoR nearly nil of tho active real os-
boon glvon for the prosorvntion of the tate mon of tho olty.
country. I A prominent Salem rqal estate man
, Was aeon this aftornoon and said:
. nt rwwoc MWwnr.0. (j ..Tl0 roa, 0BtaU) nKOnt Qf galom
Speaker Henderson Sercelves a Gen- havo "uod an association callod the I
ulne Ovation. , Sa,om Roal Etnt Uxchange, the f
Washington, March 4. Tho houso Principle object of which Is to make nvprwnrf,
,-. -. . - .., -a lironar firraniramnnt fnr rwmlvlnn tho wTCI ilUiri
waH uucmreu ajuuryju hiuu uio m ------ -
12:03 today by tho clock, amidst the "" lomo-sookore who aro dally ar
riving, ana mrmsn rouanio informa
tion rogardlng the resources of Ore-
Want Three Dollars and Eight
Hows a Day
If Demands Arc Not Grantec,(20,000 Workers will Quit
and Houses will Close
Chicago, March. l.Unloss BcYen
of tho great packing concerns and tho
stock yards accede to tho domands of
the 115 onglnoore, who wont on sCrlko
this morning, ono of tho greatest
walk-outs In history will bo Inaugu
rated within a few days. Fully 20,000
persons will bo affected, and the groat
moat Industry will bo complotoly tied
up. The Btrlkors want 13 nor dav ami
olght hours. They aro now getting
f 2.G0 for 10 hours. Six of the smallor
concerns signed tho nareemont. ami
work was Immediately rosumod, but
all tho big ones rofusod. If tho mat-
tor Is not adjimtod they will bo com
polled to ahht down tomorrow. All la
bor organizations In tho city ngreed
to stand by tho onglnoora.
Strikers Quiet in St. Louis.
St. Louis, March 1. Thoro Is no
change In tho strike situation this
morning. Tho mon will oboy the In'
Junction, but will bring an notion In
court nsklng tho dissolution of tho
roBtrnlnlng ordor within tho 1G days
limit sot by Judge Amos. Traffic Is
not In any wlso Interrupted.
Went Ashore In the Fog.
Northport, N. Y., March 1. The
British Htenmer Dockonhnm. with a
cargo of silk valued nt Jl.000,000
wont ashore at ICaton's nwlt In the fog
thlH morning, and Is now leaking bad
ly. Sho was1 on hor maiden trip fioro
Calcutta. ,
o '
Rumors of a Fight.
Vlonna, March A. Nowb has boon
received horo that Sardoff, tho Mace
donian revolutionist leador, nt tho
hoad of -1000 revolutionists, rooontly
oncouutorod tho Turks nonr Monolllc.
Tho Turks sufforod dofont and great
Hostilities About to Commence,
Constantinople, March !. lOlllalnl
telegrams received horo today Btato
that Bulgarian revolutionary handH
havo nppoarod at aovurnl points, nnd
all aro moving toward tho frontlor.
giving iIhu to tho belief that hustllltlon
aro about to be inaugurated.
(lovomor Wright o,t Manila Is pre
paring a pennl coilo for tho Philip
pines. It Is patterned nftor thoso of
some of tho states.
Fflesii Today
Stand Caramels
- at --
164 State 8t.
Phone 287-t Main.
General Jackson was inaugurated 74 years ago today.
- '
Sends Oregon
Senator Back to Bed
Ron, and moro ospeciaiiy tho wuiam- Temperature Yesterday Goes
? 5
iiii-" cvirii frt n a hitt
S Has been with you Eleven Years S
' n
It has started as one of the smallest stores In 'the city,
t tut by careful management and close attention to the
S wants of its patrons it has continued to grow until its
the requirements h
We shall add the adjoining room to our present
I quarters about 3MCL3Ee,C5aE3C lO.
S Pesent large room is too small for
of the business.
ott valloy, and to prevont, as far as
posslblo. strangers from bolng an
; noyod whllo nt tho stations, hotels or
,on tho stroetB by over-zealous, but not
always Judicious, solicitors, who In
, variably know, or seoni to know, of a
I party who offors the "beat bargain in
tho valley." It is tho purposo of the
I oxchange to omploy a responsible man
to meet nil trains, and to furnish ex
cursionists ' and land-seekers all the
information- desired, giving name of
reliable real ostate agents, and their
places of business, also locations and
rates of hotels, restaurants, boarding
up to 102
We have a well selected stock of DRY GOODS coming J
j ior ine new room
Our policy with the new lines added shall be the same as with
our present lines- ONE PRICE TO ALL, AND THAT THE
Our great volume of business enables us to buy at the closest
Quantity prices. We discount every bill and mark our roods
to give customers the benefit of every savin? of our modern
business methods.
i A dispatch from Washington last
night gays: Senator Mitchell, as was
feared somo tlmo ago, Is apparently
overtaxing his strength iu his endeav
ors to dlspostt of a great mass of cor
respondence tlmt hut Rccumulttted
duiinx his six wtmks' Illness. He did
not appear in the senate until a IU
hour today, when ho eecorted Senator
Fulton. He went out against the pro
test of his nurse, who Iu with him
constantly. Tho senator's temiM'jy
Fast Black Stockings 1 9 cents today J
2:c yesterday tomorrow 25c
Today we will offer as our Wednesday surprise silc 50
dozen of the famous
No. 5 and No. 9
Iton Clad Hose iot Boys'
and Gifts
At J 9c a Pair
tuna Irulnv wont mi ir 1ft anil lix felt
and lodging houses and how to find m of 8tronglh ag hft RtUHintad
uiwu, miu vu iiu ail irutmiuig IU Iliwno
the new-corn or feol 'at home.' The
agent will probably visit Portland at
times to moet and assist any parties
whose Intentions are to atop In Marion
county. The member of the ax
change ask for the food will and N?
port of the Commercial Oleh, the
newspapers, the merchants and of the
community at lane!"
to let about Kndeavprs have been
made to Induce him to refrain from
work until he is stronger, but the
pressure upon him from his ounstltu
mat continues, and he dislike to
, ltv the work undone.
I Immediately aftar eecorting Mr
Pulton to thd senate this afternoon
Senator Mltohell returned to his hotel
and went to bed. under direction of
Slated for Appointment. Ma doetor. Ills condition la not re-
Wasblngton, March S. Assistant ftrfla as serious, wii wereiy a rwtun
United States District Attorney Pur- of overoxortlpn
We do thib merely to introduce these two very popular
lines of children's hosiery. It's an opportunity that will
not come to you again, so ao not let it pass.
The delivery of hie
We Want in irent nr rrfnrrrincr art A ii wltf fiav vm fr ?
help us grow. ?
Sab's Cheapest One Price Cash Store f
E. T. BARNES, Proprietor.
Corner of Commercial nd-ChmekaU
dy. of MInneaiolls, who was proml- eulogy on Itepresentatlve Tongue last 1 1
nent In the flebt against the Northern Sunday affected blm raore than was ,
Socurltlea Coranany. Is slated for the apparent at tho time, and yesterday i , ,
anoolntment of sneclal assistant at- he rhdted several of the dorUnnts. i
toraeygeneral. under the now act Urine hi wart f by the t-lfort. If w
creating that office, for the purposo of albl. M ioctOY will reatralu him
enforcing antitrust tews. . from further eaertkm umUI he recov-
... 'era strenath.
Tfe etootlM In OniN ha nanltad .' . v9.
In the dofeat of tk proaidefit and ' Frame h XmuM Wood In Uie aoa
triumph for Uie liberal wntaorraUre of ,oo.oefl. vUUH . taKen up
1 T-
i;; WT
llMk Vtm. VTfos f r
' V.i I KJWrW I 1
l .
Under-miisliii Sale-
Aore new customers were added
to the ciowd yesterday. kfhe ladies
wondered at the bargains as well
as me extent oi tne mock.
6 tables piled full of new Muslin
For Ladies', Children and Infants.
13c, ile, 28c, 55c, fiOc, $t.iO
'I he long delayed fashion sheets lor March are
Call and get them.
4. 'J
umllnailtHi intHK'dlately