WSJJTf lW.iPW,r.gj,P'T3f WPW, f nFJw"1 'fwfSTi'f' " -7 ,y"vT"".i " -v. .-rr?''' ' W, V-''ffTW AQE EIGHT. THE DAILY JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, MARCH 2. 1903. - I Ki 4MKSK-raHBKM4-raUBa!BB4- ti$ J jggmfLfr BSln - r- jyg- Wurro iotec SAJUBM'S BEST STORE ve?225 4S9waTr!LeaaagsaaaaaaaBrLj MBHV A mhr mm - 4P.aBBF f Sv, o5Q, ATT Ou vMrns ooQfeav i Spring Prettiness E Yoti can come now and make you selection, and feel pe I f ectly safe and secure that yot have thz tight thing in fash S Ion and quality. The new stock is the best yet and we S want to see yo eatly. Jownal Wins In Libel Strft Motion iot New Tfial Damage Case Was Ovetmled lot with tho blislncss men of the CopI tal City. Another Quartz Mill. Tho Brownsville Times sayB that W H. Scott and associates, who own three mining claims on tho Calapoola 8ltlo of tho Blue River district, recent ly visited Portland, where hoy Inter ested a well-known business man In their mining property, and who has agreed to run 300 feot of tunnel, put In a sawmill and a G-Btamp quartz mill, and all necessary accessories for an Interest in the mines. i I i 4UM J9 V" The New Underskirts in silk and Sateen are on display this week. The va riety is unusually pood, the prices unusually favorable and the style the very latest fi"W Ribbon Special Wash taffeta rep; 25c . Decision in special 19c vyd. A complete assortment of colors Now is JUDGMENT ON VERDICT OF JURY GIVEN Dl Favor of Newspapers in Their Right to Pablish Pleadings Plead Simple Larceny. Win Robertson, tho bniBh boy at Ryan's Union harbor shop, was ar rested for Bteallng sovoral razors, honos, shoes and other articles of Binall value, and sontenced to IS days !ln the county Jail by Justice Ilorgau, of Uio rSalom district this afternoon. He was first charged with burglary, but changed the plea to a lessor charge and was let off with a light fine, as It was his first offense. .Indira Burnett this mornlntr over- necessarllv lead to tho conclusion that the time .0 buy your ruled the motion of L. H. McMahau no person had an extraordinary good Spring ribbons fra now trml 'n tno 8U't h brought character. minnfiptMrprc j i-o to recovor $6000 damages for an al- . Turkish Bath Towels quoUngnbed prices g. S ."S-i SalPffi BOOffl On For Good a Cotton of course, but we bought them by the thousand to get these prices, 60 J inches long, 26 inches wide worth 40c, see window. Special 23c M M 2 I 2 Trunks and Grips Our attention to travelers wants has been most thorough a complete line, many styles, prices right. See us bsfore traveling. A few of our Agencys Ainsfield Garments Royal Worcester and Bon Ton Corsets New Idea Patterns Wayne Knit Hosiery H.& P. Gloves Allen Tailoring Co Washnuett and Standard Shirts Sweet-Orr Union made Overalls There 1b every day a larger arrival H M H H " 2 U M Tho court awarded Hofor Bros., Judgment on tho verdict of the Jury, which was for $1, and, nccordlng to law, $1 cosits In the case, thus sustain I lie flip roeulnrltv of the verdict and the Integrity of the Jury, which lMc. !r Enstorn Immigrants, many stopping Mahan was seeking to Impoach. o(r on their wny to and from Callfor- This Is a great victory, not over nla. Homo-suokura arp plonty, and prop Mr. Gibson, but for tho right of news- Lrty ln tne onBtom part of the city Is paper, to publish fair news reports d , founded on the pleadings In the cam. Under the Oregon statute iiowtiwpeni it,M are boln made 80Ulh and north are responsible for damagea for pub-1 of town. All suburban property will lulling extracts from the publlr rec- advance ns spring oirona, and prices ords In such cases, and the verdict of (are sure to advance 60 to 100 per the Jury, under the circumstances. Is cent within the present year. Fugitive from Justice. Govornor Chamborlaln today Issued requisition pnpors for James R. Ken ny1 and David W. Konny, of Portland, wanted for subordination of porjury, and under arrest nt Ortlng, Pierce county, Washington. An Indian at Sliver Lake hung his wife one day last weok, nnd only for ' some one who happoned along nnd cut the ropo, thero would havo been one moro "good Indian." NEW TODAY Wanted. Table house, cornor streets. waitor at Qoodale Twelfth and Oak 3-2-tf HESHKEEKEBBHEnBffiBSHHHHaE!aM UnexcepHonaUy Fine in Quality and Perfect in Workmanship. Our Men's Fnrnisliings are up to FASHIONS latest demand 5! Smart Shirts The fit of a shirt may not be so apparent as the fit of a coat but its just as essential to the wearers comfort. $ Our Dress Shirts fit because we have any S length sleeve in any size. Just received a shipment of new negligee Shirts, Standaid make. $1 00 to $3.50 each. See window display. 5 yffff? til 25 M H Wanted. Girl for gonoral housework. Apply roomings at M. O. Duron's resldonce, 17C Coirt stro-t. 3-2-tf For Sale. Large Scotch stag hound, one year old. Inquire of Mrs. King ston, North Fourteenth street Call boforo 2 p. m. 3-2-lwk r a CLEAK HAVANA CIGAR Free to School ChiWren Next Saturday Only Souvenir Plates at the Popular Shoe Sjore. Hand Gloves 1 1 WATERS, The Cigat Man 1 Jacob Vogt, 265 Com'l St. SOLE AGENT Driving Glovfs Dress Glov Style about these glovts J S that common doves S 5 rnnnnt nnnrnirh Rnf , fiS3BnXBBKHBBnHHInHIHlnHHnB theres moie than style, gn M,it.Rtion of the publishers, that there's Cdlll'Ort aild 2'the n. t.d without malic, and clear wear too. ly wlu,,n ,hl,lr rthu- . hij i fi This trial rwulU In a vertllct for the SWCaterS Of all Kinds. I Oil sllOllId See ! liberty or the prM to publish news of OUr new line Of WOOl SWKlterS for men SltrlaU In public courts based on tho and bovs'. new and orettv oatterns. 1 pleading a the tni is proceiiig. and Thursday and Friday arc Disn Days. frHMlIIHHl(HBaIISaB-HaaHHSaH Watches! Watches I Watches! Watch our prices- Watch our customers, Watch the crowds. Watch the buyer with that satisfied look on his face when leaving our store. Style, quality, guarantee and price all go together in our store. Try us for watch work, we do the best work at the most reasonable prices. 88 State Street next door to Uush's Bank- CHAfc.H. HINGES. x WATCHMAKER AND OPTICIAN. Business Mens' Lunch KlrtolR luuohos svrT4 it the bow Hobla luuah punter at all hours, day or night. Wo vrlll make a special ty of sndwiahe, tauer kraut, and wlouer-vrurtt, oUra ohowder. and In faot all that goa to tuako up a first cUu lunch, AV doslro to oall ea peol attenUou to tho busings man's luuoh that will bo serxM dally from 11 a. m, until 3 p. at ALEX. CORNOYER Prop. n Use KRAUSE'S Headache and Cold Cure For sale at the O. K. Pharmacy! S 333 Commercial street? E. OSTRANDER. $ mKBa-H(BHIBSBS 3SSW K I. EOFF. E. HARTLEY. OREGON SUPREME COURT Alohair Case in Linn County Decided UusMird & Kobww v. Hibler, a hm1 frowi Una county; Oeo. H. Hur NKt. Jua; rrraa und renwHiletl. Dhucum & llllyeu for M(HHIUut. J. K. Wywtt fur rwoatlwit TUU U Uo iHtt brimght for alleged hrch of coutmct Ik Uiw purchnw.uf tOOtt ikwimU of Moltalr. nud the mt will hv to Im trtwl ovr. r (VtM Eklm Are Starving. Tuottw. Murch . Xont ay wo wimqi ro dilng la btq$ uuwtMra tarauca tho fKult of ta ah UtortUM. A llttto trt4 lUk la Uitlr ouiy rotMl lor thla h1nUt. Tho NVhns city rouMrll decUaot to aid thetu. aaU aya the mlUUry akouM help tMm. The latter aaaert they kate no auUtor lt or run4a. Pure Lard with no Tallow:::::::::::: Rendered with greatest care. 5 Just as cheaD as adulterated tftirf AiKit th KC ihiaL.4 Inn W .. .. WM. MWWKa IMUI disced or embalaed) cacon cams, cut up cy us. te and tt ChHttlan SclcNtiitt IndUted. ludtaaaiMtU. Ih4.. Mart l.-JTh ra4 Jwy tatjr ratwuMI UMUcttMttjttii aaatttet Anna EKirteiHl aad Ijmm KttiUt. CkHattaa Sctona healer, who attended the lulkat soa of HRry Kmouu. aad irvetd thaw rallla Idtyalolaaa. Tke ckjld died. How It ThUT The beat HoKHh Ureakfat Tea. U qo&U Mr luwl. Alea al) MhU of ttth VeUblj eaeh woralHB. at Dnuuoa & ltaxaa'a. EOFF & HARTLEY 140 State Street I Phone 2853 Main- S Salem. Oregon- I isJWkAj(SiiiAi Chaaged Without a Scrap. Waaklactoa. Mares 1 The U-Ked SUtee vwuml at Saa Sah-adAr nib tt tre4det MumIom vim laaantHl eu a iiraaldettt yeatanla. aeiac Um ftrt iMMt-Wtil tmaatar of the preei deacy la &t year. Death of Mrs, Audt The body of Mrs. Frank Ault, wife of a formor Salem contractor, Frank Ault, will ho brought to Salem Tuos day from Spokano, whoro thoy havo roaldotl, and whnro she illort Saturday morning. Mrs. Ault was Mlse Bello Ghatfiold, and hor mothar, Mrs. Frank Smith, roeldes in this city. Sho loavea three children to mourn her untimely death. DIED. WOODRUFF. Saturday, at 11:5C p. m.. at tho Salem Hospital, the Infant eon of Mr. and Mr. J. M. Woodruff. Houw cleaning time I near at hand. Uae 'Oitrander'a Lightning Hen ovator for removing tains from car pet, cleaninjc wood work, windows. etc. Prejwreil at the O. K. Pharmacy. SSJ Commercial root BORN. S.NHI.U la this city. Monday morn lag, at ft o'clock, to the wife of Sumner Saoll, a sea. New Shoe Store. Heury -J. Oswalt, late of Fort Wayne. Ind.. is JUtlng up a shoe store at No. State street, and will coat his Fresh Salted Peanuts Peanut Ice and Cocoanut Bar $6cujtcte n Edward Ellis. 144 State St J. Al. HOWELL Cash Market In Steiner's Fish Market, State street Freeh meats of all kind, hams, Should ders, baton, lard, etc. Prompt Service Phone, Main 1401. Chicago, 77c. WHEAT MARKET8. March 2. Wheat. 77V6 rHE Fresh 00 nd butter fr our ores at Aumsvllle and Meluma. at Sater Bret. 'Phwie J4il u ,; the right to print the news contained In tho public records (tied In court of justice. Thorn never was doubt un this point among well-informed persona, but the verdict of a jury against the unfair Oregon statute, and agnlnat the In struction of the court, which, under the Oregnu statute, could not be oth er Uian they were. Is notice that per sona who are persuaded to bring actions for dautaaee for alleged libels, from any cause whatever, can only collect nominal damages.. In the suit above decided Hofer Hroa. put up no defence whatever, did not attempt Justification Uy pleading the truth of their publicntioa. had an uufortunate wontaa with small child ren for a client against them, and, un der the Oregon law. the presiding judge could not do otherwise than In atrtu't the jury practically against them, as the law dearly wakes all earh publications technically llbelou. This Is said In Justice to the court, as the case whs conducted with the ut most fairness aad Impartiality by Judge Uuruett Judge Burnett's Ruling. Judge Burnett carefully reviewed all of the points Involved Ih the case. showing that he had given It a careful and thorough examination. The court ktdd it was of the opinion, under the pleadiag In the case aad evidence given, not by way of materiality and Justification, but by way U disprove malice upon the part of the defend aau. Uolere. that they knew nothing of the nubUcatioa of In alleed ttvel wja article la the wwaaaaac. I thSuerTsuT iup. Z ffered th,'S Week hroujhout our store. New goods arriving ing or tne ooiaioa that it w always da,ty and placed on sale at the smallest marcrin of Drofit. SclrtnS'tortot' u2 VU "0t doi yUrSe,f iUStice if V0U d n0 Ca '"" uuicdhfnot,xtot spect these goods. If we put big advertisements in the w.Ttr We would have to charge higher Queued by the plahstUTs attaMMy. called uteatioa U the fart that the ohUnUrs rhamcter waa not at iaMte. H had not bee alt. kt br Hofer Hros.. aad the pteMunptivn wuuld ee aetially follow that rood character Is lwa prunitd hiP )t ,WB UiA GOLD DUST FLOUR triads by eiDNEY POWER COMPANY Sldnsy, Oregon. Made for family use. ask your grocer for it Bran and U--.WSVH mtnmjm uu QIUU. . T. WALN Affent CSICilC35-0 STOK3ES PEOPLE'S BARGAIN HOUSE. GREAT VALUES prices, so we merely tell vou to call and tret our Drices. We sell good goods cheaper than any store in Salem. . MCEY0Y- BROS. JS&eo,. or.