THE DAILY JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1903. PAGE FIVE. M OM.llKlHHBMiBHIlltBH1,HBHJ A Qtfaint Old-iasmone Kayaer-ZInn, the newest and swellest thing In artlitlemetat, derives much of Its vogue from Its quaint, old-fashioned solidity of look. The arflstlc taste of the present Is continually finding more and more to admire In the fashions of a century since. Kayscr-zlnn Is the rein carnation of old-time metal work In' a new and most pleasing form. It Is a solid, lusterless white metal, somewhat suggestive of the Very hlnhest nrade of old-time pewter. It Is non-corrosive Impervious to aclds-and w, retain Its beauty for a lifetime. Its finish Is of the French C-ay order and the designs wrought Into It are the embodi ment of artistic grace. To crown all, It Is less costly than any other ware of equal worth and beauty. .... We are showing a goodly variety of Table Pieces In Kayser-zlnn Platters, Servers, Butter Dishes, Cake Plates, and the like and we cordially Invite you to pay them a visit of Inspection. Don't wait 'till vou are .ready to buy, please. Treat this store, rather, as a public ex hibition of artistic novelties, to which there Is no charge for admission. Base's Jewelry Stcwe State and Liberty Sts. Leaders in Low Prices. 5 5 ? H J1H.caMiia,B15'1I! ttJM riiiiiiiniiij Local Social Realm! Events I In the -H-I I Hillttllllimi IHt PER80NAL8. Cartoonist Ed. Payno Is up from Portland. J. L. Stclwer, of Jefferson, was tiio city today. in Mrs. A. A. Jessup spent tho past wool; In Monmouth. I AJdorman Sims had public business at Portland Sunday. Green U. Cornelius, of Turner, was a otuem vimiui unm,. , II. H. Lucas ion. yosioniay for a week's visit at Portland. F. W. Poorman spent Sunday with his parents In Woodburn. Sydney Bock, of Portland, spont Sunday with Snlom friends. Mrs. Ray Gllbort has roturnod from a short visit out of tho city. Win. Dumara roturnod to his homo in Portland Sunday afternoon. Col. Bpb Thompson, of Multnomah county, spent Sunday In tho city. Sidney and Bella Morrison have re turned to their schools at Portland. Ell Whitney nnd Jacob Voorhoos, of . Woodburn, woro In tho city today. Miss E. Salzmann. of Eugene, was a guest of Mrs. C. M. Iockwood Sun day. County Suporlntondqnt Moora wont tovlalt tho schools at Marlon and Alo today. County Treasurer W. V. niahardson spont Sunday In Stnyton visiting rola tlvos. Geo. L. Snvage and Phil Starr loft today for crook. tho mines about Myrtle ' it, ii. jinuon, mncnimsi lor uio iur-, us iumDor uo spent aununy wun. hid family at saiom. Grant Corby, tho Woodburn lawyer, was In tho city today, practicing In tho probate court Mrs. M. A. Bunco will opon a dross making parlor In connection with hor hair dressing parlors. Miss Mario Steiwpr, wlio has spont tho past six wooks in Salem, returned to hor homo yostorday. Mill I IHt IIIMI IH-II tin- MB i NEW NEW NEW ? i Handsome Dess Skitfts Beautiful Wash Goods ? White Poplin Shirt Waists I it With the new Grape Em- 4. r broidery J White India T Silk Waists :: With Black Rnjneji Knots J ana wnueisniDroja- ered Net Med allions. HtHHWHIimilHtHt't M Wate. M H M M K M H M f- m H - c - 1 - - ,i1HH111H Horr Thoo von Odonthal; von Sub limity 1st heuto In dor Stadt nilt gos chacftssachon nufgenommon. Jog. Adolph has gone to visit his brother, Will, at nedding, Cal. Mr. Sumner Snell, who has been In the hospital, Eufferlnc from typhoid fever, Is again home. J Jake Mitchell and Will Dabcoclc, of j the Salem Flouring Miss Co., mado a Hying trip to Stayton yestorday, Mrs. It. S. Dean went to Eugene to-1 dftJ.( t0 bo wlth hor fftthor, Prof. Thos. Condon, on his 80th birthday tomor- row Mr nn , MrfJi w ,, Babcock wont to Macleay tills aftomoon to attend tho burial, of Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff's baby. Mrs. W. 13. McElroy and daughter, Agnes, of Eugene, aro guests at tho parental bomb of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ceo. W. Johnson. John W. Cochran, city roportor for Tho Journal, who has boon qulto 111, Is Improving, and will bo about his work In a few days. Mrs. Charles Holmes and daughtor and Mrs. Charles Wright, of Abordeon, South Dakota, wero guests over Sun- day of Row F. W. Cllffo and family. Tho monthly recital of tho Collego of Music and Oratory will bo given to night at tho University chapol. Admin- Bon froo. Program begins at 8 o'clock. Hon. and Mrs. C. B. Moores, of Ore gon City, woro up at Salem Sunday to soo Mrs. Mooros' brothor, tho Hon. M. U Chnmborlaln, who has boon qulto 111. Miss Chnmborlaln. nf thn Acrrloiiltiir. j ColleKa facuUy( Wft8 (,own QVOr Sunday to soo hor brothor, M. L. Clmml)0rlllln( who ,s roportod mlIch jmj)r0VG,i today. Theo. noth, of tho noth & Grnbor grocory firm roturnod to Portlnnd this morning, aftor spondlng Sunday at homo. Ho Is travollng salesman for jjon & Lewis. Owing to tho sorlous Illness of Mrs. J. M. "Woodniff, who Is In tho hospital horo, her husband Is up from Port land, and hor slstor, Mrs. Matilda Tay lor, of Macleay, Is at hor bodsldo. Ira L-. Campbol, tho votoran Demo cratic nowspapor man, has sold his In terest In tho Eugene Guard to his brothor. J. n. Campbell. Falling honlth Is the reason assigned for tho change. Win. Moore, a promlnont roal estato man of Chicago, is Uio guest of his brother-in-law, Mrs. J. P. nogors, ar riving Saturday. Thoy loft this morn lng to Inspect Portland and Pugot Sound cities. Salem Girls Receiver. The Misses Sherman, formerly of this city, vory pleasantly ontertolnod a number of their friends on St val- ontlne's ovo at their homo In tho na- , tlon's capital. !l Tho spacious rooms woro appropri ately decorated with hearts and ar- rows, and a general crimson color scheme was effectively carried qut Music and dancing were participated Jn, and a very enjoyable ovonlng was spent The Misses Sherman were ably assisted by MIm Ada Cadwell, also a former Selemlte. Y. M. C. A. Program. The following program will be rv dared tomorrow, Tuesday, at the reg iu,ar mMtlns of Lad,a8' Auxiliary ;of the Y, M. C. A., at 3:40 p. m. Devotional exercises. Business. Piano solo Miss Edith Ketqhum. Vocal solo Mrs. Floronqe. B. Moores. ; Adilrew G. K. Berry, editor "Pa- cine Christian." ReadlBg Miss Bdsa A. Parriah. Vocal solo Mrs. W. Carleton Smith. PUo solo Miss Ruth Leede. The lad(e of Salem are eerdlally iavlted, whether mewbera or not More Money, Lets Hours. Pittsburg, Mareh 2. Two thousand painters struck here this morning for as increase of 'wages to $3.50, and eight hours to constitute a dnjr'a work. Chairman Kay Defends Shows that Each Item Was Carefully Considered in Committee WAYS AND MEANS BILLS WERE CLOSELY CUT Says Governor's Mansion Each House on Salem special to tho Oregenlan: "Governor Chamborlaln Is mistaken whon ho says that tho Bpeclal appro priation bill which ho votocd contain ed Items of expondlturo which would not have passed f they had been placed hoforo tho loglslaturo in sopa rato appropriation bills," says Reprcs ontatlvo T. B. Kay, chairman of tho house ways and means commlttco. "Tho ways and means commlttco wont ovor nil tho claims vory carefully and cut out over half of thorn. Only two claims woro allowed that woro not valid claims against Mio stnto. Those two woro tho fll.BOO for nn executive mansion and $100 for an artificial limb for Frank Ingram. The oxocutlvo , ... ,i l l"u iuuuih) oi ii roKU ar Kiinru. no ins mansion Horn was cut out of tho bill ,,,,,.,., ... .,...,. ., ...., ... ,Jnt been I'iM. " I lwl'1 that he in tho liotuo and Inserted again in tho sonato. after n thorough discussion on tho Moor of that branch of tho legisla ture. Tho Iioubo concurred In tho ) amondmont aftor nnothor voto In thnt branch upon thnt particular ltom. That ltom passod nftor being consid ered separately. Tho only other Horn which was not a vnlld claim was tho annronriation for tho convict whoso leg was shot off by Merrill. That Item had nothing to support It but puro senttmonL "It scorns to mo, howovor, that Govornor Chamborlaln Is not In a po sition to orltlclso our action In pass ing that ltom aftor ho approved tho appropriation of $100,000 for tho In dian war votorans. Tho votornn's ap propriation was passod upon nothing but sontlmont. Wo Investigated the mattor thoroughly , and found that thoro was absolutoly no obligation un on tho part of the state to pay the Indian war claims, as tho fodoral gov- eminent had oxprosHly assumed all tho obligations of tho torrltory of Orogoir. I challenged any man on tho floor of tho nouso, and I challenge him again, to show nny legal obliga tions on the part of tho stato to pay thoso claims. Yet tho govornor np provod that bill. "I contond, thoroforo, that the gov ernor's objections to tho special ap propriation bill cannot be on account of olthor of tho ltoms I hnvo men tioned. Lot us seo about tho others. In tho case of tho appropriation for W. A. Storoy. $20; O'Day & Tarqley. $30G.10, and Thomas O'Day $15, the state had brought suit agalnnt these peoplo and was beaton. The court ontered Judgment In favor of the de fendants for cofts and dlsbursomonts Since the courts hnd deoldod that these sums wore duo thoso men. I don't think tho govornor can quostlon thorn. "The claim of AIox Ormo, $112; II. G. McCarthy, $60, and H. S. Moody, $20.05, wero for oxponsoB In pursuing fugitives from Justice In order to prevent men from ongaglng in hope less pursuit of fugitive, tho law pro vides that thoy shall bo paid only in case they roturn with tho man they wont after. ' In tho cases montioned the offlcors went after men who had boon nrrostod In other states, and they hnd overy reason to believe that they would get their men. Two of th men got free on habeas corpus pro ceedings, and tho other was held in Washington to be sent to the peniten tiary in that state. Since the ma got free through no fault of the officers and theofdeers had every reason to be lieve that they would return with their men, we held that they were Justly entitled to their ry "The , claim of F. I. WMhhorn. state biologist $&0S, was for poetae stamps used by him in carrying o his work, The item is too small to QHlbbleovex. "The olalm of George F. Rodgers for book binding was for work author ized by law, but the original apere Driatioa was sot MffleteaL We al lowed the $17.30 because It if a lacl claiw agaJiiet the state. The Hefer Bo. claim for $21 wm for pHbltebisg a Mwiiaoas la a suit brought to recover oa aa escheat The suit could not be brought without publishing the summons. The board ordered it published, and the claim is a valid one. Bill Was Carried Through Its Own Merit "Tho claim of etato Treasurer Moore was for money oxponded by him as a mombor of tho stnto land board. There was a great dlffcronco of opinion as to tho construction of tho law. Tho attorney genoral was sick, aud tho Irrigation people woro urging tho board to tako some action. Tho board secured tho opinions of soma of tho best attorneys In tho stnto and tho stato treasurer paid $130 thorofor out of his own pockot. I do nal see how anyono can say that tho sta'.o is not 'under obligations to ro Imburso him. "Tho claim of Jacob Leldongor, $9.33, Is for a fow days sorvlce as a substitute guard at the prison during should be. "In 1S0S the government abandoned ! Its Snlmon IUver hatchery, leaving 300 000 salmon oggs thore. Fish "Warden II. D. McGuIre omployod tho suporlntondont, Thomas Brown, ko romaln and care for tho eggs. A fow weeks aftorward McGuIro was drowned. Thqro waj no legnl evi dence of Brown's omploymont Mon who woro familiar with tho circum stances made aflldavlt that tho ser vices had been ronderod, as stated, and we bellovod that the stnto should carry out tho ngroomont of tho Fish Commissioner under tho circum stances, and wo allowed Brown $180 tor throe monthB work. "Tho clnlm of A. C. Jennings, $18, and F. A. Turner, $70, was for tlnio servod In correcting tho Journals of tho last soselnn of tho loglslaturo, Tho law gave thorn 1 1 days In which to do io work, but a resolution of tlio ,10B0 av8 thein 20 ,ln'- Tho 8Wr- tary of stato could pay them for only 14 days. Others who worked tho whole 20 days woro pnld In full, and wo liollevod thnt these two men should be also. "Tho appropriation of $600 for the purchnse of ground nround tho mon utnont nt Champoeg wns perhaps a matter of sontlmont also. Tho stnto erected a monumont there nnd owns a trnct of ground onK ten feet square Wo bellevo that tho public will on dorso our action In appropriating $500 for tho purchsso of a few acres of land nround tho monumont, as it was for the better protection of a monu ment in which tho whole tnte Is In terostd, "Tho $10,000 for the Improvement at tho fnlr grounds was very greatly needed, and .the fair will be crippled without It We considered this mnt ter carofully before wo put In tho ap propriation, and we were satisfied that the Improvements could not be raado without tho appropriation. The managers of tho state fair and all thoso who aro Inteested In It are dis appointed ovor tho voto of the bill. Tho appropriation of $310 for M. C. Starr was rocoramonded by the stato land board. The state sold a farm to Starr and took a mortgage on It A suit was brought to oust Starr. and tho board, being the principal par ty in interest Instructed him to de fend, and assured him that the state would pay the expenses. He was de feated at first and lost poaaMsloa for three years, but finally won the suit lie wanted $1500 to pay tho damages he had suffleml, but we allowed him only the aetual expenses, and In structed the land board to credit him with interest upon his note from the time ha was out of noesoaaioa of the land. That waa ro more than right "The $31,00 for scalp bounties waa in payment of claims of counties which have already paid bounties un der the scalp bounty law. This amount stands upon oxactly the same ground as does the appropriation in the del rleaoy bill for the same purpose. The reason this was not Included In the deficiency bill along with the rest wm that the secret? ry of stato bad not J'e reeeived the claims aad did not hbow how much they would amount to. They are as valid a claim against the state as other bounty elalms, aad no one question their va- lidlty "Tho $300 for F. W. Dlllard Is au-1 thorlzod by law. Section 238G of tho coda roqulrcs tho governor to oiler a standlnir reward of J300 for tho arrest' of any porsou who shall rob any other ( porson upon a railway train. Tho facta in tho matter aro that F. U Smith and another man wero riding in a box car in Southern Oregon whon Smith murdcrod and robbed his com panion. Tho govornor had not offorcd a roward, but wo hold that sinco Alio law requires him to do so, Dlllard had a right to expect tno roward aud should recelvo it "Tho ltom of $1038 for tho Tracy and Merrill oxponses was for monoy actually oxpoudod In tho chaso of Uio desperadoes, and not a cont of it wnB for tho compensation of tho pursuers. Much of It was for tho transportation of mon and for tolegrams. Wo paid Warden Catron for bringing down tho bloodhounds from Walla Walla and paid for tho roturn of Merrill's body. Tho govornor and suporlntondcnt of tho pcnltontlary assured mo Uiat theso ltoms wo allowed had boon au thorized by them. Wo think that un der such clrcutnstnncca Uio stato Bhould pay claims that aro created by authority or tho offlcors who hnvo charge of tho pursuit of escaped con vlctH. "Tho item of $98 for W. H. Waldron was allowed upon Uio recommendation of tho stato land board, who ought to knpw whethor k 1b Justly duo. Tho land sold to Waldron was reconvoyed to tho stato, and wo thought It no moro than right that ho should havo his monoy back. "Now I havo discussed each tlt,om of that appropriation In detail. Thoro may bo a d'fforenco of opinion about tho npproprlatlons for tho govonior's mnnslon, tho artificial limb for In gram and the purchase of land at Champoeg, but thoro can bo no qties tlon about tho Justice of tho claims. Every ono of theso appropriations wquld havo passod If thoy had boon Included In separate bills. I do not think tho govornor can objoct to Uio allowance of tho mansion ltom, for wo askod him about It before wo put It In tho bill. Ho said that ho did not wnnt to occupy tho mansion, as ho ,would llvo part of tho tlmo in Portland but ho told us that ho would not put anything In tho way of tho approprla tlon. "Ho said that tho bill wns unconsti tutional because a number of subjects are Included In ono bill, and that the title did not mention each soparuto ltom. I wish to say that special ap propriation and gonornl appropriation bills have nlways boon drawn Just thnt way. It would be Impracticable to draw thorn any othor wny. Tho gov ornor npprovod the bill raising tho salarlos of tho supremo Judges, whon tho net wan plainly unconstitutional. I do not seo why he should rnlse tho constitutional quostlon In ono case nnd not In nnothor, , "Tho ways and means committee dlsnllowod moro claims than It allow od, and If thoro Is slnglo graft In thnt bill I would like to havo tho gov ornor point It out Wo aro not donling In old shoes, hut will sell you nlco up-to-dato shoos at Cost. THE FAIR STORE. OASTOXltA. Bean xU II Kind Yw Haw Aluvars Bwght A good residence four blocks from Hotel Willamette for sale at a bar gain. Inquire of A. F. Hofer, Jr., at Journal office. tf Till! 8TOMACII 18 TIIK MAN. A MtHtk HlOTOMfll WOHkellH tl) tllftll. t- mitM It cannot trutwfurifl the food tin eoti Into nourwhinpnt. iimiiui anil utrtnjftn iHuuot I rMtorl to Hiiy nick man or weak woman without flrat reatorliiR liraltli aud HtraHKtli to tli atoiiiHi-li. A wak toHtach cannot (llt enough foml to fewl tlu tiaaura ami revive tho tlrnl ami run down limb n ml orsana of the Ixxly. Kodol DyaMilH Cure eltMHiaee, purine, aweet ena ami atronicthen the KluniU ami inttia hranee of the atamaeu nnd eurea lmllH tlon, ilyiiMln ami all atomacU trouuiw. 1'. 0. llaaa, drug store. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i m n 1 1 1 1 1 'j 1 1 1 1 1 1 m peer s Will Pay You This Week in Trade 20c per dozen for eggs 50c per square for butter lie per pound for chickens Above prices less iO per cent for cash. i Salem iuiiHninnMimin m O A. 13 W O 3E5. T -flu . Hewitt. -, Tl19 M "'" 1 BCTgfX Bgnrtiaa jrjSjJ&j-jP' ?1 C'V t-GUcUAC School Tablets Wo havo long mado a special study of tho wants of Uio school children. BccognUlng tho fact that Uio puplto cannot do Uiolr best work on lnforioc papor, wo havo maintained a higk quality of paper in our tablots. That is tho reason you soo bo many of our tablots usod. PATTON'S BOOK STORE Miss Linn Wardol, palmist,. nBtrole gor and clairvoyant, has arranged te lcavo Salem on Wednosday, March tth. During tho tlmo boforo hor de parture sho will glvo readings at one fourth hor regular price. Do not fall to consult hor nt onco. Rooms 7 and 8, 10G Stnto stiuet. DO YOU KNOW that wc are sclllntr out our lino of ''DIAMOND W'curined goods at less than cost. All Fruits Peaches. Apricots, Chinese Plums. Blackberrlesand Bartlett Pears, reg ular price 25c per can Now 20c, 3 cans for 55c Vegetables Wax Beans, Green Beans, Marrowfat Peas, Pumpkin or Squash, regular price 20c per can Now 3 cans for 40c Fancy Sifted Peas Regular price 25c per can Now 20c, 3 cans for 55c Fuile? & Douglas r GROCERS 142 State St. Phone 2261. sssAT COST: Owing to a change in business we must close out all of our Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, under wear, Dry goods, Hats Caps. Dolls and Toys at Cost. Tlie Fait Store. Huio Wing Sang Co, ,;; Ladles' Underwear. Wrappers. Waists. SklrtSi Brst kind Spring Goods. Silks, Embroidery, Lace, Fancy nose, Mat tings, Chlnaware. everything now for sale cheap. i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii f tiros. fX v "l J "I J3' rwsy Atimsvllle - Metama J - i m m i n it Hti hhmuhi m m