" 1iT fl-T' 5!P - "F W e I !$r:D 3BDDXl!17,0r t JOURNAL ' V t "m1 i f si A i THTSflfWiJ " THE fDAIL xin. 8ALEM, OREGON.WEDrlESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1003. '"fTVJB O'CLOCK BDrTlQN WATER (jUMl'ANY FRAUDS LandSeattle Politician in Jail Who Refused to Produce His Books And Testify Before the Grand jury in session art NO. 47? Seattle. Feb. 25. Eugene Scmplo, I ex governor of Washington, and pres ident of tho Seattle and Lake Wash 'ncton Waterway Company, was sent a jail today because- ho refused to procuro tho books of tho company as demanded by tho grand "Jury. Ho also refused to answer leading questions u to tho alleged Illegal contracts of bis company with tho city. Judgo Doll signed an order of commitment that Semplo stay In Jail until ho is ready to testify FIRST BLOOD SHED STATE HOOD RIDER Was Taken Off Ap-jln the War Pending in propriation Bill Turkey Senator Dubois Attacks ' Civil Service , Bulgarians Got the Worst of Over Removal of Surveyor tIte Fight uenerai or laano 33 Washington, FclHi.-in tho to1 Reported to Have Suffered a BUYING - CUBAN BONDS It is Denied By John P. Aorgan today tho statdhood rider on. tho ng rlcultural appropriation bill was with drawn, and tho bi)l, relieved of that burden, was passed Heavy Loss London, Feb. 25. A Salonlca cor- Ti,n rwmnn mini0tni- nnmn Rnpfiit ' lospondent of Reuters reports an CU von Stolnborg, called on Hay thjte countor hotwoon tho Bulgarians and morning, and requested that tho at- Turks at Radovlshto, February ICth, fairs of tho German legation at Car- Tho Bulgarians woro badly beaten racas bo turned ovor to tho secretary , wltb a loss of sevon killed, Including of tho Amorlcan legation, Russell, their leailor, Gencfrat Yovanoff. Tho and that he act as mlnlstor, ponding Turkish casualties woro small. tho arrival of the now Gerninn minis- tor. .The Pioaldsnt Bent tho nomination of Luclns Wright, of California, to be Indian agent at tho Mission of Tulo RIvor. Garflold was sworn In today as commissioner of corporations. In tho honso tho entire morning sosston was devoted to minor matters. Attacks Coal Service. A stir was creatod whan Frod Du bois railed up his resolution, direct- Ing tho Civil Sorvlco Commission to whom thora aro four, camo down on tho Btage this morning. Thoy aro in very poor circumstances, two of tho llttlo ones looking quite 111. Sho did dot moot her faithless spouse, but conferred with tho court immediately after tho waiver. Scogglns and his amour wero up at tho skmo time, and thoy cast glances at each other, no doubt swearing eter nal -faithfulness through thick and thin. It is tho opinion of tho officers that thoy can nevor bo separated, ex cept by Imprisonment. It is a shamo that thbro is no adequato punishment provided for a man who deserts hh family, and lives as no has been living. Hermann - At AIBanjr Was Given a Reception at the Alco Ottfc REAR END . COLLISION ' Of Trains on the Pennsylvania Road MET WITH CARRIAGE AND PROMINENT CITIZENS SCOGGINS AND HIS AM0UR Will Hang Together Through Thick and Thin f Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 25. One man was killed, one fatally Injured and two seriously woundod In a frolght wreck early this morning on tho Pennsylva nia rallrqad near Allogrlppus. it was a roar-onu collision. 4 Hosiery Factory Durns. St. Joseph, Mo., Fob. 2C. Tho Cooporolltt Hosiery Factory, tho larg est In the stato, burned this af tor noon. Loss 200,000. He "Will Make Spirited Contest for tne CongrcsslonaE Nomination Eugene, Fob. 25. A Guard special thn mun ScOEElnS. Who WOB ( ...B ...- N7tu Vilr Kol. OK Tt,., r -M,,.. cnml In tlio nunntn tllO fflctH bonrlntj inn. iiofnm ntnrtinir snntii in i.ta inn. nn t)u nvniilslon of Forsliav from tho . nays Ual train this afternoon, denied tho offloo of survoyor-gonernl of Idaho, t brought fronrWendllng last wook by story that ho was going to buy the Cu- Spoonor had tho lottor road saying Constnblo Jack Smith, on a charge or ban bonds In Havana. , Forshay had boon dismissed because J adultery, proforred ir his wife, who i, Jinri unintoti pnnrri huiianB. ui ioib i nnnimi Mrs. uiarn Wliuui uo uu-ij- I hi . wmvi&wwwwmw0V'mwm ,., I mi ml Mia pmnmlnnlmi . 4. . bimi dciuiuij uiii.ini.vii .. ......... .. opeciaiist Hogs are said scarce in Union onos. to be uncommonly county four-logged Dofoated In 1890 for ronomlnatlon at tho Albany convention, Hon, Bin gor Hormann, who has been Unltod States land commlsslonois at Wash ington ever since, roturns to contost tho nomination for oongroBS, creatod by tho uutlmoly death of Hon. Thos. H. Tonguo. Ho arrlvod at Sajem Friday to sco tho close of tho senatorial contost and romninod until Tuesday, soolng old frlonds, staunch nepubllcmiB who woro young men with Hormann, and who havo stood by him In all his struggles In political Ufo. Tuosday ho left for Albnny, and will mako thti tour or the district, and try to round up tho convontlon ns tho 'and declared whllo It prohibited of- W mrm th nrtlt JfcHiBr 4ft I i A i. .m.i.1 ...,-. . sA,1tlnrr n 11 rf onn S CVC CDCPI A I ICT 8 ators It was guilty of seeking to aid im HALEiti senators to prevent Invostlgatlon of (ALLREFHACTING wOIK GlMHAISTBtDX 1 1' nets. no uuciiiruu hui-ii uuuuun anil mo coupiu win "" " " -Hanrmft flfiri Ct 2i,llmt,y lintl "'shonorablo. Thoy should judgo Hamilton, at tho session of tho iDallwlUll Upiltal L0s bo Investigated. Teller denounced f circuit court noxt month. ft AM O A fcjnrnn &. .. . . n.. .... .a,..a r- .. nM.f 1..m nlill.lt-nn nf , i'i, oniibnuri, Si1'"8 inierionco oi uio eutuiuu Airs. acuKKma " -" Hiinminnt. anoarod boforo Justlco C. A. Wlntormolr, and wa!vol examina tion, through his attornoy, Lark BU yen. Tho woman, who Is also under nrrost on tho chargo, followed suit. and tho couplo will stand trial boforo flH$ Specialist. Si branch of tho govorninenU Ho-said ,j, . '-,.,-, TT 5SE 259 Com'l St.aiaW0"8 PPo'to President as well dropped, when SpooneV wlthyrow the wvWBeat9S(ae4e3eaas to any ono else Tiie mauer wns n-ni ...,., ..-.- pHHHHIIffll S4-C-t--Mt-KM-ffr HheHS- I B l I WTgWTOTTgTT.TWT1. ..-. JL AlU At JLIIJLCrjy V&B$$X Wlas&al aad Posse "' "'Have Fatal Encontet i ' H h . El n k. tar m hv k I v n f Jfi 1 F , I4N m f m. I A Ilf S fl lw I 1 M Cji"IilI n BLOODY WORK OF A BLANKET INJUNCTION succuBsful nomluoo. Mr. Hormonnrt many friends claim that tho south o.niE of tho district 1b ontltlod to tho nomU nation, on account of tho Bonrttorshliw going to Fulton. This Is a googrnph teal claim, and not based on any dean with tho Fulton peoplo, as Senator Fulton clnlniB ho ontorod into no combination on congrosamnn fronn the first dlHlrlct, and It Is not bollovott that ho did. ningor Hormann hns Home streng: polntB as a candldato thnt tho othotr asplrantB will do well to not ovorloolf Ho roll us on personal nmgnotlHin and; long servloe to dovoled frlonds, for hundred of whom h has sacurad fa vors In tho past, nnd if tho nominatloir goos to ono of tho olilcir polltlolaus ih the south and of tho district, ho wilt bo tho num. Tho Journal behoves in fair treat mont for all tho dsplrrtnTBTand will scok to koop tho public postod on tho duvelopmonts of tho campaign. It litis Its own IdoaB as to what Ib proper and' right for the peoplo of this district; but ronllzen that becauso a man owiir- a newspaper ho has no right to thnlHtr his vlows on tho public, to tho dotrf- ment of any prlvato ciltlzon. Tho poo pie want the host man, nnd will know how to select ono, haying two uhauQq. ono In HoluothiK a noinlnm, and ono chnnco loft In (ho ijiertlon bqiwoetr the dlfforont nomluoos. If tho Republicans nnmo a woak or unpopular candldato a Demoaiat or nit Indopundout candidate, nomlnntod (If roetly by tho peoplo. may bo chonorr. Hon. Whl. Ullyoii. of Albany, wouhT Has Been With You Eleven Years I It has statted as one of tne smnliest stores in the city, but by caieftd management and close attention to the wants of its pat ons it has continued to gow until its present large toom is too small fo the requirements of the business. -tl(1jfi wmm m 0mmmamm"m''mmmmm'l'mm'mmmmmmm''mmm'mm' We shall acid the adjoining toom to out pucseat qates abotft . MARCH IP We have a well selected stock of DRY GOODS COMING FOR THE NEW ROOM Our policy with the new lines added shall be the same as with our present lines. One price to all, and that the verytlowest figured on a spot ; cash fctsis. Oi r great volume afrUuslness-anables us U buy at the closest quantity . ... 1. N . .- ... . V. . Jjx ... I K prices. we aiscouni every uiu ana marK our gooui id g,vc guiiuuici? the benefit of every saving of our modem business methods. Issued to a Railroad Company In Last August of Last Year Charleston. W. Va.. Fob. 25. Dep uty United States Marshal Cunning ham and posbo woro fired on by riot lnir minerB at tho Lnnnook mlnos this morning. Thoy returnod tho flro and a battle ensued. Itoports aro meager, j hut say that ono of tlio poo and 10 i of tho minors woro kiiioo ana vmi wounded. Full dotalls rocolved show sovon !...., ttlllrul nnA trvn fotnllV WOUIlll- riUIVia nilivu mu ..w -.. U " "" oil Saturday. Cunulnifham nttemptod to arrost, uudor a blankot Injunction. Ho was surrounded by about 100 armed mon.-who gavo him llvo mln- utOA to loave tho placp. Ho loft. Tho same day tho shorlir and a posso were driven away. Saturday thp minora withdraw acroes tho rlvar from tho mlnos and mado camp Kmboldencd (Continued on elgth page.) (CnnUnuod on elgth pago.) Ftesh Today Stand Caramels at Zi tin's 164 State St. Phone 2874 Main. We want to keep on growing and it will pay you to help US grOW. , ;; Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store j E.T. BARNES, Ptop. rnmnr rnmmprHai and fnemeketa Sts. EAST IS SNOW B0UND Almost Cut Off From The World Eastern Storms Haye Played The Mischief IiaWi OUy. Fob. 85 Orefm ts nowi-ound, nnd It te almoet Inijjoeel ble to ruach horo by any of the trans continental railroads The winter has been a king and steady one -very-wh'i The snow is dep in the mou.riua, and In many place has Un Uriftwl by heavy winds. This .. hnii wail a rnllroadiriK a difficult ! problt-ra. I AiUtton to thta there has 1 never h6 ft tl I & MUnr United Wim Wfctw trac Itae b 'no heavy as during the iaet few roon-h The Hast i simply alive aud teemiog with Industry. There U monc for ajiyUtlng and everything thst has lagttlMlUe hasis. Thow u$.ni and UwtaMta of people are comlitf OWf from ail over the Kft.t and Canada this year. Kven sow the railroads are tax U handle thf ktutin-s iu on-goN 0mm, bMxzarda and o Jo- are H?tfH HHJMWH quaHtitlee ud .otuhlAw.'Hltb all thta tlu great Mt optort8Hltlft tor twHtak Jnvaai- Intent of eHal and Miqf tg agrlm! ur. mialAC ImuttMrfW Wl Staclk nUeiRv of aar aJiftUa itoad Hotter j)V-r kutiWB Dan Rice died three years ago today foffy A imA . v I TODAY'S SP jLatftKfi JL Jh. JLoaef BTO. 3 Today we will sell those J biKiutlful petticoats which S have been on display in Z our Court street window J for the past week. At 98c each li Bdtei get an early breakfast and come down lor there will he a rush. utm 4'HHm WiitMM- fi Na