WW &W"3'"P',T OO. " '; PAGE TWO. i i W r TH DAlLYOURNAU 8ALEM, OREGON. TESDA FEDRUAR.24, 1903. t M What would yw clo f he next time ?you 1 have a hard cold if you couldn't get Ayer's Cherry Pectoral? Think it over. U k ss tjr tx.ta narairi J C. AjrtrCo., 99" THE OMffPUL1: Members Northwe Afternoon N 22K, -?r "paper LeSue. "oY H0FER0llbTHEn8. Dally One Year. MOO In It h nrccumoct-fhatMan cottar l I hav a eniyrrtat, arid xeverrrtl i-'ood men nr tunny to ! tin for th tfifflco. But thf fflUTCgJfbrs are that tliel honorwJjL bofljjgjfffoeted for tho soMhompafi tlreJUitrlct ilarlonoHmy KopilBlicans should rlfte abovo local considerations, and Advance, il(ln nornlnato th"- strongest and bost 2fl!!y.Thr" 1on,i,-? '2 MZnctZ' man forHhe cllstrlcthpthor Tip bo" a Oally'by Carr or. 69 Cents Par Month. " ,. .w'tLiiL - -Weekly' One Year. fflOO In Avance. PfanL tf Jjffljlnfe from some MMaoacs- -J-rrr -as a IHIinr, r( uni. lin mini tutitihumt. The teat should be filled by a caro- 'thlss anjnqultorial bill, how about tho present law which permits tho assessor to cntor every homo In tho Btato and ascertain how many cows tho family possoBBes, how many spoons, luw much furniture? Oppon ent of th bUl Bay, 1twpul'd put cor p i a leu:, i 'Jt of business. ."But I say to j on that the way tonmt the farm ir c ut if bi ntiss fa ,to refuse to enact thl kt id of legfslalfon.' Ilut what hi have corooratlons to rlotho emflolvW' vrlth secrot robes and say, What buslnos Is It of yours what wo are doing? GimUomcn, you have promised tho people jof -Oregon this kind of legislation. I Sppeal to you Lto. fulfill ydur'promlBo." ' l-'-J-. -K1 iUi oWm LABEO ItlllHlllHIHIHIIUHr THE CHAMBERLAIN ADMINISTRA TION. . ijtortubllcnn papers aro saying nlco things about tho present administra tion, and Interpreting lis plan, Kb re vealed by Governor Chamberlain, of folding heads of Institutions rosponsl. bio for all subordinate appointments, fill pip able niPinbor, who can accom pi lh most for tho welfaro and devel opment of this Btato. Oregon has great JntbrostH to protect,-and tho Re publicans have a very groat, responsi bility, andqr tho clrcutriaidncesf ATROCITIE8 IN 8TATE PRISONS. Tho American people In this twen tieth century pride thomBolvps on their civilization. Thoy have , con demned tho "water euro," practiced In tho Philippines an an Inhuman and barbarous form of torture, unjustlfl- This Is an Ideal that Is hold In tho o ovon In war. Hut whon ono minds of many officials, and has beon reads tho roport mado by tho seriate Attempted by other governors, but committee appointed to Investigate 4hoy have novor boon wholly huccoss- ! tho California stnto prlsonB ho might fill, and probably "Mr. Chamborlaln nupposo wo had not yot omerged from -will not be bo entirely to his own sat-.the Dark Agea whon torturo wat a fa Iflfaatlon. miliar mode of doallng with criminals Pnrtlaeii pressure Is something that r persona accused' of crime. Any nnnot be got rid of In American gov- thing more vllo, more abominable, enimental affairs, and yet Utere seems nwro nithy, cruel and barbarous than to be' u tendency to redtiee It evil ef-U straltjacluit treatment as It has roots to a minimum, and that ki to be ln npplleil at Kolsom and San onifOiiraged. jQulntln, would have boon looked for For Instance, the office of prison ,n vain among the dungeons of the pbylebiH l being sought by three S-01d World, when torture had been re lent Democrats, aa one of the plums duced to a system, to be awarded by this admlnlittratlon. I The report aaya the straltjcket It Is ronctdwl that a SaUm man will !" not been used In our prisons for n be nppeluteil. jyeir or more, but the men Hullty of The aeitlmnt arc Dra. Itynl, Shaw the hellish cnieltlea discovered by the nnd Mntt, all oewpetent pli)iile)atiH committee should not bo allowed to and surgeons, ami tacked by strong escape punishment. No such men nre ami InflitenUal frletitU. Hut here It to have chance or prisons or to romus the queatlOH of the public aer- have anythlna; to do with prisoner, vlre. Under such men the lienitentlaiiea be- TIih prison phyalclan and aunieon come schools of cruelty and Inhuman for the paat four years Ima been W. A. Hy. The brutal rullluna who tared Cuslik nu liuleiMxidoMt Itepultllcnu, , helpless prlsonera Into the etraltjack who has made an excellent record for,et, and left them thus cruelly cramped ivnnnmy and Hlllclency. Until the paat for days at a time, nre more deserving winter, wkau the prison was swept by Rtrlped suits nnd confinement with ft fever soeurxe on nceuunt of bad hnrd UUxtr than were the victims of water. In common with other Instltti- their fiendish omelty. tlons, ho Imd reduced the number un-1 It appears that trlelng-up. another der medical treatment to almost a groes form of torture, la still crfntln minus quantity. jued in our prisons. This, like the All the minor surgery, and even lm- atraitjcket, should he al)olutetly IHirtant wirgerj'. wits imrfoiin! a abollsli!. as cruel and Imrbarous. careTulU' and ae coiisetuntlnuily as If J The giHt vice of prison manage the pHLietUs were well to do and free nient In this state baa always been ' ItiseiHt. j iHJlltlcal control. Penology la a sol- It wo4ili appear to ah outsider Unit ence, and there are few persons cape he knows the dtiUee of (he oltlce del-, hie, by study, ability, and force of ter than ally new oluclnl who might character, to administer prison af be appoint jiuil lht Uie' tayniot fHlre with the beet ltoeelble reeulta. Could Hot llo bettgr than let 'ell So long as wardens are rliosen, not Enough alone. ' jfor fltneaa, but out of were iteraooal favoritism, or as a reward of polltl- leal servlcee. the penitentiaries will THE auooeaaoR to tonque. VTlTJ!Z!!!:i r.;-. ,! a disgrace Ul the state. The leglslatHre. lioweve-, baa done good survooe In exposing the wrong llak.1 It fir li Mt a. nlnta hJuahs II .fl..1.. m the publle. " " " " ,,,"7-- ,l '"'" l MHtmed fey M,e thut thJte-' ' T.; , MikVHH wlkHlvrltkl.al'b mntl ln WttHRmeHt and a.lmlH- '"" WKIKHMer IB tttlS U -.-..rft,, Iltl, w.i ubili-. dlsctiestnn of a Voiier man to send to conweee to succeed the Into Hon. I Tlioa, 1 1. Tongue. A number of more ' or lee worthy eandldatee are brought b IstratfOn. Doth Warden WUklHeon 1! frfnl hill aUlat)i 1 ii Miik ama l .sfll taka a s,. ...,i ....,iar -.,.,....... " W 'rf . and anrl a 4l Pa..w.u ... i,..i.i .hi. ....V11 ',riMa "wiini Uiwaselvee bah MODERN 8CIENCE PROVES BIBLE TRUE. Perhaps tho-most remarkable event In tho history of modem Christianity Is tho unexpected confirmation of 131 blo truths from tho hands of what seemed to be Its arch-enemy. Modern Sclonce. Tho pick and spado of modern scientific Investigations have come to tho roscue. Parts of tho old Biblical world havo beon oponcd up, and wo now find ourselves faco to face with tho veritable contemporaries of Dan lol, Moses, Joseph, Abraham. Within the last two decades the ex cavator has boon actlvoly engaged uncovering n few cities ln the land of Eden, tho homo of Abraham. Tho Unlvorslty of Pennsylvania is exca vating. Nlppud, tho Biblical name of which Is Calnoh, (Qonenls x, 10); the French aro oxcavatlng Tello, a city which flourished boforo Abraham was born, and the. Germans arc at work upon the temple and tho "Tower of Babel" In the city of Hjibylon, Tho origin of thoso romarhablo Bnbyldnlnn legends which so closely resemble the Biblical aocounte of the Creation, Eden, nnd tho.' Deluge be longs to tills country. The Deluge atory. for Instance, as recorded by the Babylonlnna Is strikingly similar to the Old Testnment even In minor de tails. AtracluiHjH, tho, Bnbylonlan Noah, Is commnnded by ilia gods, af ter they had decieed n lltfod, to' build a ship or nrk, to pour pitch over the outside nnd thelnslde, and to take the seed of life of every kind In'o tho ship. When It was ready, Atrschnsls embarked with his fnmlly, servants, poesoaelona, cattle nnd banst of the field, and closed the door. The heav ens rained destruction forL six days and nights. The wind raged, the Hoods and storm devastated, until the whole of mankind was turned Into clay. The ship grounded on a moun tain of Nlslr. After evn days a dove Is sent foiUi; but It iciurned, as a reeling placo ty. did not And. He then sent forth a swallow, but It also returned. Lastly a raven Is let go. which did not turn bark. Everything la then sent forth to the four polntu of the compass. An altar Is erected and sacrlneea offered. The gods snaltthe sweet savor, and gathered like llles about the aacrtneer. after which It Is decided that. Instwd of a deluge, wild beaata nnd famine shall diminish man kind because of Its sins A number of the tablets loutnlnlng tti9Sfri8kuilt wr written aboufthe time of Abraham. Letters from Women Cured by the um of Kodol axe received dally. Their troubles nearly all beetn vlth Indigo Hon or other stomach disorder. If the food you eat falls to give strength lo vour body. It Is because the luloea ac creted by the stomach and dlgeatlvo organs are Inadequate to transform the nutrient prop erties of the food into blood. That la Indigesllon. Tho aystem la deprived of the amount of nourishment required to keep up the strength, and tho result Is that one or more of tho delicate organs gradually grows weak, and then weaker, until finally It Is diseased. Hero a great mistake Is made. That of treating the dlsead organ. Tho best doctors In the land make this very mistake. Why should they ? It la so easy to aee that the trouble Is not there. Kodol Cures This famous remedy puts the stomach and digestive organs In a healthy condition so that rich, red blood la sent coursing through tho veins and arteries of every muscle, tissue and fiber throughout every organ of the en ure body, and by Nature's law of health, lull itrength and vigor la soon restored to each. Kodol cures Indigestion, dyspepsia and all itomach disorders I have taken Kodol for nearly two months after each meal and It la tho only remedy that gave relief from tho terrible pains I sndured. After a time I would take It but Dnce a day, and now. while I keep a bottle Bandy 1 seldom need It, as It has cured me. Mas. J. W. Coolbauoh, Mllo Center, N. Y. Kodol Digests What You Eat. Bottlti oolr. 31.00 SUa hoUtnr 2 ttmss the trial Ita, which sells (or SO cents. 'reparad by E, O. D.WITT A OO., OHIOAQO For sale by F, Q. Haas, 96 8tate St. et t7? fWf flfr' Trf Special at Geenfea&m's Towels at 4c each. Towels all linen regular 15c now 10c. Towels Turkish nice white ones 12 l-2c, Towels Turkish large sizes only 20c. ' ' , Infants silk hoods in great varsety at- special re ductions. Greenbaum's Dry Goods store I S First Door South of the Postoffice. 802 Commercial 8t M 1 1 1 1 1 I II 1 1 1 It 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H l II tl 1 1 1 1-H-H-H-H4 Highways, ln the neglected condi tion In which they nro found today throughout the state. Isolate the farm er for from throe to five months In the year, drive the young man or wo man to the city or vlllnge as a result of discontentment and nro creative of centralisation of population, which Is becoming more nnd more a problem illfllcult of solution, tfje fiMQIOTISIH The sbxitach ta a lrgi l.ir in "life. liberty and the outwit uf happnu twn most iHKmle are awair lamottut omh wltbataml uuHger but not dwH-iita. OHfltwwl ilya kiH LflHssBatL" nuriM TU IMfiHW ia (ft for tieco, stratajiu aul a pel la. The titan who Mea to the fituit for kit cwuHtry with a Mk atoHtaoH will be A weak itoMter and a fcHjl ituder. A fmui Mowa wake loi Kuud Mkiu well u tur Iteatlk and bepttl niNW DliriH of Hte MtuMukck and utkei orgaHa of dig iium mA HutrUio are promptly and twrtwaneetfy cured i the use of Ik. iWVs OoMen Med kel DatfiBvet. It ItuiUta up tor Iwdy with wMiiid aVb and olid itteecle p MM mm a mm) w at) o lvcf, b of iyi laarri tl 04 Uttlm wW aw linn mm rrlarf rtaaUif. 1 Uummt &tu 4. fHtUMM Mnls4. l 4J Meeaod !' aecvnsiac UWf ! a-.ii bMtdaa 1 1 fcgmJ MtL I ! Mt riBBtJM Ml Mh mmt .u.l wwlrwrwa l4aa, wy U frwaU. The deader wUe tlere a subataUtle lor the " t U.-v U only ceekbts: to tuake Ute btl u.m ptwsk nstUanl u lb ei ut lew iiirni.irtoua praparatioua. th tx-rve'a Couimmm tWuee Medical Ada HtUjhft m loaeli't of Kamw to uv & wiifra ' u4 u mttoml aeua for tkejweer eo-en4 4 w w vmnihi Mr Ute MHM IMMUM. MM IJ not eecflite responsibility tt the ohU I rage that bavw ben oowwlUed upon j priiMMieric Sneranento Dee.. I .O mi CIGAR AND CIGARETTE LEGISLA TION. CtwgreiM baa again undertAken the sUtrMWdowM task of rgulnUag the sale of the baleful ajgarettsb Th imwerful hotijo eoHunltUe on ways and means hoe farubly retwirted a bill whleh iHiixiees a penalty upH any Hwaufac- turor of tobacco who aWxoa to any paekage of tobiu-vo, shhIT- cttjam or elgnretto a mark, label, wmmnn or any olbftr dtvtee whjiMrw tat triTere a svomIuw lo Um pwrobasee. Tke ground lor Ui prood lectii fyiim ut Utat urtaea art a sUmhIus to sHdue m & etoKtreUMi by routes. Hetore m aa euomoua prtae bualueea ww done In cigarette, which reetrMl a akeck by tfee rvu kut Ih Ute Utegtoy htit Isapoolug a IMMaKy Mick a It ie KOyged to re- BMt 1 rr Um BsottekMi was r Iteatod, THE DAVEY TAX BJLL. TH Uftver bill to tax laiautxilU iwotterty of exrteeaah,Ulihoiie auu oil roMpeufe m IsMteoMtely poetiuMted In Uw kouee. TK nmmt wm similar to tb Hartfe WU. vrfctoh alo Haitoi to pmul Tke vote for twat ponMsut mi H is li. o tke m- Uoo made to l4eality nocuous Uie WIl Mr. Drjr said: "Thto k a most IipoMtM BopcJtio.- k Ownil. "I Mpotoet U Uie mm of Uie IMtonle f Oregon aatMt Mh troat went TaU bill Is tbe OHttwta of KTlHtrw BuOilo. N Y l1 u Ut lOl fol do aot heir J I uM hw o VM" burdew. If couatry home is largely the c&u DIRECT VALUE OF GOOD ROADS. In an address at a good roads con vention In New York the argument against espouse and high taxes was met In Uif following wordk They strfjii to have lost slghtpf the fact that oummerclal and aRrioiltural IntereeU hrthe way f hitvraal devol opmoiit by ak lwproeiu. ut ty public highway are toitay wore than over absolutely neceeeary for th wllbe- Ing and welldoing of every eonununl- ty, whether classed as a -talg, coun ty or a sub-dlvtslou of a countyr they forget that witb Uie betterment of the highways come the bettvnuent of Uie home, that ambition which haa for a long time lain dormajit in tho. fnrmor would begin to aenine uronortlena UHlooked for In a ebua whlolj today has so many ditcouragemeau and but title eiwiiiragient. Tlieyi forgot tkat aeeoMtblaHy renders form life more attwoUvo, eeoerlaiiy tQ the young. UuH fcne (ouutry fireside bonks b wad wore and wore ejieor- (ui m a vtniUt of Msiriaiion; that the ens wltb wklek Uie ul,i reaak the ebool. Ute church, the (heatii the Ittgfgjry. and too uMottoniUea oFlvlll. uaff Uwmsawes of Uie bonnFf Sie lly 09MO. Uto oooort.inltloa 0f an x ehanajo of thoosjhi and m ft;. iMefjn. ntontUr wrIUi another h an aid (o he fMaalHimnt of higher , iTtHoat&n. Thor stmnbJ roweeotxr that with: a gmooU. iRYlUnff thoroughfare aomns Uw eonltast botweon the &Sgjfeoid tmtm. uaJkbtewlthed boiuiftig. tot tortKf waH-toe. and other evldonjos of abndMMHt and negleot, They honW (fiMsnr that uo IWniiBii In the agikltkvnJ eoainiuiiltlfte of tbU Mato )vu 4oefOMos dMring JJUe t tw iwv4ot from twaty to twon ly4vo nor eonx. mmI th( tko raton Uon of farm prounty hns noMwiPfly decreaaod. u a rooM4une of tnt. loa In djituand, from furtyavo to sixty poc coot, and that tho lack of niwasuva leoutreo mnnubitaiF tk SALEM'S BRIGHT FUTURE. There are Indications from the ra pidity with which real estate is chang ing ownership that there is a great building season ahead for the Capital CMtv. The Journal believes that more building will be done In the next five yean than for ten years pasL A great many small residences nnd houses to rent are being planned for construction this coming year. It Is more than likely thnt soveral blocks of modern flats will be con structed, as the demand for such apartment houses Is Increasing. The time will come when the Salem hotel property will require the whole front of that lot to be built up with n brick structure, elevators and mod ern Improvements. Under the Impulse of the new char tor Uiat goes into ofTect this year, all property will advance, and the city will take on the proportions of the sec ond city In tho state, and keep so far ahead of all Interior competitors that none will ever catch up with Salem. New WalTPape . New Pottiets " ;New Lace Obtains New Catpets. Fine Furniture Polish Free to Housekeepers Our new location is 269 Liberty Street, Next to Jos. Atcyers & Sons. The House Furnishing Co., Stores at SALEM and ALBANY I -fH I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H4II I II 1 1 1 1 H-M-r-f4"KH aB-rEa-rHai-rBHhH-t-aaaH--BBiaHBH53SKWJ.rB4. mm -..,1 IN ,. THE STATE LAND FRAUDS. Prior to the Republican state con vention a great deal was published In the state papers on this subject, but the public did not give it much ere ilenee. as It was done apparently for IHJlltlcal effect The Journal reprinted Monday from the Statesman a report from a legls. lathe committee that was of a more serioos uattire. It has not been con tradictod. and. If it Is. we shall u- the other aide. The report contained one paragraph that we produce below, that was. bv rror oc u statesman, gtvon exactly the oppoelte sense from what It is said uie original report contains. It fol kws: -There kt M orbtonee submitted to the effect that had available timber land been tolected by Uie elate, aa renulrad Uv ku- ..-. . , .. -. , ., muva , coy,,, n(,w be sold for 100,000 or more." rsow it is claimed that tho word no" la not In the original report, and the paragraph as printed without that word would be the aubetnneo of what one timberland expert sworo to be fore the committee. The JounuU believes the Unto has eome u. K to Uw bottom of this mat tor. and tt wlu tr to giro all the In formation that can ho momm -. eluding the torrect and arli . orl of too legislative coouoittoo. There have boon too many acensa Uooa about Uie state -ki i j muda. to pass the hole matter over or Jumble it am lour ....- let the whole matter Bis. TWstee's Sale o It is so, no matter whether men or boys we can fit them l and fit them right. There are men's and boys' suits in "I D'p; varieties so mat we can not oeirm to te or hem. i mm iiiei K i h t 1 41 r B- 1 l A a .. A . .. . . 1 I I ' w jum nun ui uie m-ca uuu men yuu can come ana I00K j a at them. Men's suits that we were selling: at $10.00, t t (CIO CA nnl C11 CA nnn CO Dm.i. o..; iii oX V rl y i.ju uuu u.ju mutt po. uuy o ouiia atui jj i-j j IJCt LUlll UiaLUUlll. We also have a large line of extra pants in swell pat 5 terns that we are selling at a big discount. Remember ? the place, 295 ConTlSt, opposite post office. I SAM ADOLPH, Tstee. MHBBElaHHHI3 BBBH-8-1JBBHI-HHEtI KICKEDBYAHORS AND SUFFERED NEARLY FORTY YEARS BEFORE THE BONE HEALED people. ow come out ruoncity is toe w,, u nt ,w- tniSC Look at Um nul.M.4... ... . Uto tttandatf on, umpl to forco cootreoa to ae out the pub Uelty cUvu. in he Neion .,. qmmy 9mn I Lmtr vK. I 111 ll.mB0T L i vTSsHlll W "1 "AM I ALL RIGHTT OF COUR8E I'M ALL RIGHT," SAID MR. A. COOPER, OF POLK COUNTY, WHEN ASKED ABOUT HI8 LEQ WHICH WAS HURT WHEN HE WAS A BOY. 'I WA8 KICKED BELOW THE KNEE BY A HOR8E IN 1860 WHEN K MERE BOY, ANDSUFFERED FOR YEARS. IT ACHED TERRIBLY AND SOON BROKE; THEN PIE0ES OF BONE COMMENCED COMING OUT AND CONTINUED FOR ABOUT A YEAR. THIS WAS FOLLOWED BY AN ATTACK OF TYPHOID, WHICH LEFT ME N BAD SHAPE. I WAS OBLIGED TO U8E CRUTCHES FOR OVER TWO YEARS FR0 THAT TIME UNTIL I WAS CURED ABOUT 8IX YEAR8 AGO I ALWAYS USED TWO CANE8. THE DOCTORS TOLD ME THERE WAS NO HOP FOR A CURE UNLESS I HAD MY LEG 8PLIT AND 8CRAPED AND THE CORDS CUT. SOME ALSO ADVI3ED AMPUTATION, BUT I RE FUSED, AND FINALLY DR. COOK, THE BOTANICAL SPECIALIST OP SALEM, TOOK MY CA8E. I BEGAN TO IMPROVE AT ONCE, AND IN six months my leg wa8 well in fact i feel that dr. cook saved my limb, and i want everybody to know it, for it was a Wonderful cure, soon after treatment the black flesh began to grow out over the bone with a heal THY COLOR." A. COOPER. September 1st, 1902. WISHING TOKN5 CoTER'8 CA6 PERSON8 MORE oP Mr. CAN -EARN ALL THE PAnTICU: LAR8 BY CALLING ON HIM AT IN; ntrai?Birir;ircr AnFrinW. OR AT jj.r&iiwftimfci e-w... DR. C00K8 OFFICE, 103 LIBERTY STREET, 8ALEM, OREGON. 'Mnsmrpwisim iu OLD DISHES Look Close You'll not bco a sign 0! a 6J""J or any other Impurity la the ''" and brandies purchasable hcre-i Injr but tho pure old stuff. Bat yw ky and brandy are not the only " wo sell wlnea and liquors an J dial of, e.y,ery name and 1 T J Worthy thtrnarae ol 'good t. - - ' w 8QOX of course. J. P. ROGERS, Isj' Wholesale and Retail Liquor pcxlcr. . 1