Ljgrx 3esxxvo3xt V'fS Ht- - H'lfV 'it ". Vol. xiii. SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1903. I ft ' no. 4e.H dL JDLJi-x h hj an- n a m t,. m b h m . . . . -"r e w. w w-t- a - . . "f " JP r Ls -M- AJjAw t . SL. JL. . iH . a.i -i . ?-? ai . pfVB O'CLOCK EDITION STATEHOOD BILL MAY FAIL The Senate ffas Been Polled Not Enough Republicans' Can Be Found Philippine Coinage Bill Been-Passed Has Washington, D. C. Feb. 24. As c result of a careful tfanvaB-of tho son ite made by the polling committee, It kas been dovoloped that not enough Republican votes can bo obtained to put the statehood bill as a rider on og of the appropriation.' bills. Tho rider, which is now attached to both tho United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of Amorlca, having be como convinced that Senator George C. Brownell did not mako good his promise to tho local unions of Oregon City, wherefn ho promised to sccuro legislation making an eight-hour1 day a stato law; theroforo, bo it ' Resolved, That, In view of his pos ing as a friend of labor In the past and his utter failure to' mako good his promise, we condemn him as a trai tor to tho cause of organized labor, and withdraw from him our political support, and promise to hand him out something Interesting In tho future. P. K. Kcster, C. A. Frost, C. B. Johnson,, committee from Local Union 1131. Tho Journal uditorls not surprised that tho labor unions' have found that what ho told them at tho close of the Into campaign at Oregon City was true. Ed. Journal. WAGONER UNSEATS . BUTLER Democratic Majority is Wiped out Bodily And Republican Plurality is Produced i BUFFALO bill's : DAUGHTER Itiit flE?rlfMiHmn1 nml nnatnfTlrn nnnrru ...v .-o-- ....... ..,, s,uu.u...w ,,j,.w . illation bills will theroforo not bo majTied 311 AHAY UTllCer III Irithtlrawn. It Is now bollovod that Nebraska ' lo statehood legislation will bo had at . Ibis session. Soino leatlars predict that an extra Session of tho sonato Is North Piatt, Nob.. Feb. 24. Irma now unavoidable. Tho senato. after Coay, eiaugntor, or. uunaio uiii, was tho usual nttomntto fix thef statohood bill vote today, considered tho agri cultural appropriation bill, with tho exception of tho tatohood rldor, alilch was passed over. Aldrlch called up tho bill providing for tho acceiVJanna of rnrtnln bonds to Insure government doposlts. Tho house, by a party vote, this nftornoon ndoptod the senate substltuto for tho Philip pine colnago bill, providing a special currency for tho Islands wIMi Amorl- ran gold dollars as tho standard unit. ! The houso voloil down tho sonato omendmont for an International mon ey conference. nmrriod to Lloiitonant Stott, of tho Twelfth cavalry at noon. Ho Is sta tioned at Fort Clark, Texas. ALBANY GIRLS. CENSURE PRESIDENT BROWNELL Oregon City CarpentersV, Union .Draws Up Resolution. Orogon City. Fob. 23. Tho com mitteo appointed by local union No. 1131, United Urothorhood of Carpon tors and Jolnors of America, to draw up resolutions condemnatory of Sena tor Brownoll for his failure to soouro thd passage of sonato bills 148 and M9, have mado tho following repert: Whereas, Local Union No. 1131, of 'MIIHIMI WWJH gBfc Specialist HK We are the only EYE SPECIALIST IN SALEM ALL REFRACTING WORK GUABANTEFDl f Bancroft Optical Co.j A, M. BANCROFT. Specialist, 250 Cont'I St. 99m9mmmma Mlsa. Mason Gives Afternoon Lunch eon In Honor of Event. (Albany Hornld, Fob. 20th.) Miss Floia Mason gavo a Very nrot ty and delicious luncheon at her homo on South Forry street nt noon yostor day, In honor of Miss Emma Pfolffor. whoso ongngomont was formorly an nounced to llov. Floyd Dorrls, of Pas adena, CnHfornln. whoro ho Is pas tor of tho United Presbyterian ehurcli. Tho occasion was mado ono of tho real social ovonts of tho season among. I tho Inttmato friends aud assoclatos of Mlsa Pfolffor. Tho decorations for tho occasion woro olaborato and vory tastily arrangod. Ovor tho tablo was a wreath. of vinos with susponded rib bons to each plato of tho guests, and to the lower end of those ribbons wort attached small onvoloptts contajntng the announcement of tho ongngomont of Mlw Pfeiffor nnd hor Jlnnceo. On the corners of tho announcomont cards woro pictures of tho contracting parties. Lying on tho centorof tho tablo was a largo mirror trlmmod wlth smllax and violets, and on this was a largo cut glass vaso garnished with carna tions. Those present woro Miss Mason, Miss Pfolffor, Miss 8tarr, Mis? Elliot, Miss Galbralth, Mrs. Hopkins, Mrs. Fronk, Mrs. Young. Mrs. Nelson, A(rs. Winn, Mrs. Cualck and Mrs. Knight, of Portland. M6 $ Geat Reductions On f Overcoats l-B-i-IlHBHMMalJ:MllBS(a,,BH-Jil M M 4- M M - M M $14.00 Overcoats Reduced to $11.00 12.90 Oyercoats Reduced to 10:00 10.45 Overcoats Reduced to 8.50 9.75 Overcoats Reduced to 6.70 Overcoats Reduced to Boys' Overcoats Reduced in Proportion $11.65 Men's Light Dress Rain Coats Reduced to $9.25. This ?s fast the coat for spring wear. 7.75 5.35 DEMOCRATS WILL NOT STAND For the Compromise Statehood Bill Blackburn to Call for Hie Anti-Trust Jill, f: Venezuela Claims HaveBeeu Prepared a Hearing Washington, Fob. 2L Democratic senators, at a conferonco this, morn ing Unanimously decided to-rtjbet tho agreed on tho findings In tho Duller- compromise statehood bill proposed , Wagoner contest" today. iMlcr, tho by. tho Republicans, and will consult Democratic candidate, from St. Louis, with tho statehood Republicans of tho has n majority of 7000 votes wiped po'stofllco committee, to boo "whethe'r 'out and convorted Into a pluratllty of tlioy will vote to put tho original nearly 1000 for Wagonor, tho Rcpubll statehood bill on the postofflco appro- can, on account of frauds In St Louis, prlntlon bill. If not, they will abah-' Chalrmah 01 stead will submit a re don tho -program of n confororico. ' port tJ tho houso todny, and tho un Thoy also Instructed Blackburn, of soatlng of Uutler will probably tako ontucky, to call at tho oarllost pos- placo bdfore tho weok la ovor, slblo moment for tho anti-trust bill, is tho second time Uutler has T mmnjfp Great Frauds Revealed by the Contest run J'i Washington, Feb. 54. Tho Ropubll- houso commitca on elections Man . 1 t Proper For Congress The Otfegonf aa Trying to Steer iot Both Sides NO PERFUNCTORY DEMO- JC U.-frt" CRATIC CANDIDACY WILL GO Candidates Should Be An Independent By the'People Man Nominated recently roportod by Hoar, and to bo euro Its oarllost consideration. The Venezuelan Claims. Uowcn has prepared a draft of the proposed protocol, roforrlng tho mnt tor of preferential troatmont of tho claims of the allied powers In tho Vonozuolnn affair, to Tho Hague. Ho submitted thorn this morning to tho roprosentatlvos of tho allies. Lator It will bo given to tho peaco powors for tholr approval, MARTINQUE SURVIVOR HERE unseated for tho pamo causo. POPES JUBLIEE T0DAY How Shall Spanish Friars Be Superceded? Rome, Feb. 21. Th Spanish mis sion to the Popo's jublleo was received nt the Vatican today with royal hon ors, headed by tho Duko of Almado var, whom tho Fopo entertained in prlvato conversation for half nn hour, discussing the boat ways of providing for subttltuteu for tho friars now In Like Govornor Geer, tho editor ofisquaro Ropubllcan cnndldatd who will Tho Journal boa not boon asked for B to Washington nnd bo of Bomo mbo ..i..i ...i i.i.i.. ,.i. ., to tho suito undor a Ropubllcan nd ,.,., un, urn. p.uuaU ubt w ni,n,8tratoll Uumi,ng Jqv & pormlBBloii of somo ono In Portland cratlc 0nm r?r tho m6n mirpoao oC boforo saying nnytlilpg about it. But keeping in lino for a fodornl qrfloo, ir tho IntoroHt of Jho public In tho mat ( thero bo ono to bfc had, Is a kind of In tor oilght to pormlt any citizen to , i(roct prostitution of Democratic poll havo his say. To road the Portland tics that Is no Improvement on ma- This j Orogontan ono would conclude It was ohlno Republicanism, ami whllo tho l)0Onti-yIni: to maiiaue Candidates 011 both lntint- lu llnliln tn Ua wnrth anmntlilni Hldoe. as usual. At any rato It Is in-' to tho s'tato, the formor is only a dustriously looking aftor tho Dome 'gamble for an Individual's pookot. cratlc lntoro'sts, and would apparont Tho Journal bolloves thq candidate ly profor any old thing In tho way or for congress In this district should bo a tauditlato who would go through the mi independent man, nominated by motions, nnd give the Republican the peoplo direct, or petitions, and not nomluoo a walk-over. by a party committor as Ib proposoa Thoro are a numbor of Dtmocrntlc by both Dpmotrats and Republicans, politicians In this district who seem, The stato cominUteoa of tho two pan to clamor for tho mere fun of going , ties have no right to name a oandldnto ovor the district, and bolng snowed for congross. Tllo poople nlono hnvo undor all tho way from 2000 to 10,000 that powor, and should oxerolso It. maJorlty.-'That performance baa boon ropoated so ofton that It has lost In torest. As a rulo that kind of a po litical sideshow Is useful only to tho JHe.isaJElLY5lwU.aJil Alcnlaum-juhpmaa. . Wreck New York, Kob. 24. Samson Ltidg- erv tho solo survivor of Martinique, who was 'imprlsonod In a dungeon nt tho timo of tho eruption; arrived this morning on tho stoamor Fontnbelle, In a most destitute condition,, and with his mind partially unbalanced. Ho will bo cared for by his friends horo. I THE NEW YORK RACKET I Sab's Cheapest One Price Cash Store f E. T. BARNES, Proprietor. Corner of Commercial and ChemekeU BOLD H00SIER robbers; Went Through Two Towns by Daylight j Peru, Ind.. Fob. 24. FIvo masked robbers blew 6pon tho safo In tho poBtoiilco this morning, and secured a small amount Tho cltlzons were torritied and tlio law offlcors were afraid to attempt an arrest. Tho rob bers went to Uio next stntlon, Denver, and repeated the performance again, and oecapod on .a handcar. whitT MARRIED BLACK Slum Wedding as a Result of Slum Work ! Portland. Feb. 24. A Spokane apo dal says that Louis Drownleo, black, and bis wife, white, are on tholr way to Canada. They were married at Ixw Angeles Tuesday. The bride la the only daughter of Horaoa Kinsley, a wealthy man at Mobile, Ala, a bU of. the smart set. The gipom is a Yale , graduate, a physician, and they met in . slum work at Mobile, and oloiwwl fearing the IraU father, who vows tn have his blood. Coaling Stations AreAcquired Washington, Feb. 24. Prosldont Roosovolt has today slgnod the treaty rocontly nogotiatod by Mlnlstor Squlors at Havana, whoroby tho United Stntos gets n coaling station In Cuba. Senator Drownell'o Position Hon. Geo. C. IlrownaU'B position In this mntfeer strikes un an about lleht, Ropubllcan machine. Thoy profor nnd without In any way committing regularity and tho chance of getting a Tho Journal to IiIh nuppnit, wo print federal ofllco in case a Democratic' 'his lottdr to a Portland papar: prosldont Ib elected In 1001 to any In-J "it U Immaterial to me whon the teroat tho people might liavo In tho special eluotlou is held. If hold undor olodtlon of nn Indoppndont man to tlio UHual fodoral olUclalism nnd Indl c.qngroatji. (tr j&af )QHiP K0Oti tU!ii.,,J nKt suporintundonujv aH ihOio Mlnnvlllo convention of two yeara ago King Edward of England has grant ed an autllonco to representatives of the St Louis fair. might come front breaking up the Ho- publican machine In anso It nomi nated a weak or objoctionnblo candi date. Tho Journal will sorvo this brief ami pointed notlco on tlio manipulators of Ropubllcan or Democratic politics In this district, that It will support a straight Ropubllcan nomlnoo, If ho be computont and froo from improper or factional control, In proforonco to a dead-horso porfunctory Domooratlc candidate who Is merely running as a ffdcral spotlB getter and stalking horse to Insuro "Republican success Let us either bo for tho peoplo, ro- gardless of party, or for a fair and was held, no ono would have a cliancu (Contlnuod on olgth pngo.) Ftesh Tocfay TAFFIES - at JLs X JL JL JL JL O 154 State St. Phcne 2874 Main. Dr. Lester E. Keeley died three years ago today. BSfe H$mfj Pllfe w M m (wfysueMrfy "NV- Mfc. "& The Cigarettes WeTe Burned St. Petereburg, Feb. 24. The Dog danon t-igarette factory, with a stock of 10j&0o4KH cigarettes. wa detroyl by'nte this periling. Th Ume l near ly a wtlHoH rfoKaiv.. -jfTrWAa3 'tvtCiir - f? Skip CXkH w . I Each dtay this week we will oitzt some special article at a price that will tempt the most economical person. Tomorrow's Special No. 3 Tomorrow.'we will offer our regf- Qftr ular $ 25 mercerized Petticoats for ' ww See WINDOW DISPLAY. Thursday, Special No. 4 nov's Knee Pants for boys from to 15 years or aire, price Per Pair 58c Friday, Special No. 5 witch Hazel and Almond Cream marked 25c a bottle Oc Saturday, Special No 6 On this day we will sell elze 20x 26 three pound feather Pillows Ofr For '' -il 'fl M W Special tllHBUHPMllBIMH Tliere are M mm am one -wmaa In iU Portland eeusty )JL