It PAO&FOUR. THE D AILY JOUftNAL, ALEM, OF1EOOH SATURDAY, FEDRUARY 21, 1903. timutus Pure Blootf what Is required by . of the- body, for hu rmancc of ft fjir ' ' j ta bllfoun.w. ' tn tfpn, kfy . , t' h cr .'-' p.-ooossoH. Ho" sStte. n. .a - jrsaparlUa tire and keops the iflcpt no substitute, I'a today. '.Fulton Wfos Hands Down (ConUnu d from Aral page.) Habn. Bh-slloy. "Halo. Smith of Yamhill. Hanibrough. Stolwor. Jlawhlns. WcbBtcr. iHayden. Carter, nermann. Williamson, fllnoa. Mr. President. afobBon. Mr. Speaker. For H. W. 8cott, 21. S alloy. Johnson. urgM. , Malarkey. Cfobb. Maya. SJanneman. Medina. lll. Myers. For Humo-rFultoa. for BlnRefilcnaann Jones of Lin- 'w a as Fnltoa hao ! v.-'.oa he - st v. d to the platfomj uJ Presl- or.' K. .wncil dell" red a . pteadid . -vf Charles W. Falton th. n- j. .: . wnen ne i"i;c.-u uiui V I Lenro xTU'to ," j ! spov.a of 'H. i r enef . was wo"i' o' t o v '--aa greeted w"h JiO lUstov. oatha tAvtm, Leave for Portlano. Senator Fultoa and wife, accom jfcaled y Dr. and Mrs. Fulton, of As rla, take (ho teraoeB train for Avtlaaa. fiC-i ciM a day or there, A:., jar " h at Astoria. The V i tm the recipient of ta,-v t'''jr , Uw da at hla tv - r i tViJIaaaetto, and re- cl.ttf :.adreda of telegrams, includ lag one this afteraon from the school teaebers and children of the Astoria public schools. Celebrations by his friends. In honor of his election, wero kept up to a lato hour last night, at the hotel and on, tho strcots of Salem. BRIGHT YOUNG SOLONS (Continued from first page.) was the leader In many roapocta of all tho boya from tho cow counties. The senate unanimously adopted resolu tions complimentary to Presldont Hrownell for his abilities and fairness as a presiding ofllcer. They wore onv InonUy deserved. Speaker Harris Remembered. One of the happiest concluding events of the legislative session that stated last night, took place In the house (at Friday afternoon. The rou tine proceedings of the lower branch The Dallotfna 'Friday Night. - j : : ? : : : : : : : : . : : 1 , . : : : -! s. ,-,.: i -. 1 .... v IS ST 17 1 6 I 1 SS t ' M H IT I 87 a at w it i e i i . , ' ss i m a n i s "i i s , ax IT II 1 1 4 , i , s fl t IT IT 1 I I ' 1.1 '. 81 7 ; as IS it I ',; ju-" so 8 until '' . 4 88 o .. ..;..n m n s a 1V - s ? M SO IT I I I , SO 11 , M m IT I R S 80 12. SI It IT IB I '.",? - W si ij it i i if- I II t IT 1 i 80 1C t! T IT 1 1 ' n 80 17 SI I IT 1 i M 80 It ws nt the done of thjs bullot ufter Kny htul aono over to I'hHoh that the change took place Uwt slotted lfHHofl. - of the state legislature were Inter rupted long enough to permit the pre Mtatiou by the mewhera to Speaker Harris of hu elegHHt gold watch and diamond locket charm. The gift was offered as a token of the esteem and high regard la Kklch the recipient is held by the roitreMHtativea. Tho pre aoMaiioa sneoch who wad by Davey, of Marlon, after ICddy had itavod Uie wnjr in a few introductory remarks, poaker Harris leoponded feeilagly and the incident cloned. In accepting Ike present Mr. Harris expressed the I nope that whita his relations with wo ttMobera of the house la an h Icial iapaitv cxpirwl last night, he t etnrvruly trusted tbrt neron)ly ke j might continue to be on the same pleasant relations and the kindly 4Imln. llolnmn. Howe. tflUdfton. HutchiusoH. For. Jlllyeti. lilnkeley. llurlelgh. Cantrall. Claypoul. Calloway. Kramer. MtlUr. Murpk Or ton. Pauls. Keo4. H.MiutjrfKnn. WhogMo. , '. ! 8. Weed 17. Olwelt JHercg. loWli. SwilUfceUttaUik weak. Tent. ' Wonruog. memory of tho mombcra over whom he had presided during the legislative session, A Brilliant Scrapper. Tho most brilliant fighting qualities displayed it tho close of tho session wew . ns or Lincoln, whoso .y au - jool bill met with a ' .t i. iOurs notice ho rallied xi ' !, after tho houso had i i ' ' governor's veto, got It r. 't.Muered, and made a speech that carried tho houso by storm, and re versed the veto. In the senate he lost by only one vote, and because In the closing hours the sonators could not bo kept together, about one-third of them being absent, and than ho came within one vote of carrying It ovor the veto there. Smith, of Multnomah, who nominated Harvey Soott, cast the deciding vote against him, while the Marlon sonator stayed with Jones and his baby measure. Tho whole legisla ture admired Jonos for the fight he made, and learned to have tho high est rospect for his notlitles. There are mnny othor dosorving and able memborn'of this general assembly that Tho Journal will take pleasure In re ferring to In connection with the work of this legislature in nnothor is sue. THIRlEEN DOCTORS FAILED. Mrs, M, A. Close, of Nebraska, Was Cured of Incipient Consumption After All Mcaicai Aid Had Failed Road Her Letter. The hxecutlve Mansion. Tho value of wire-pulling was ob served yesterday in tho reconsidera tion and passage of tho bill providing for tho purchaso by tho stato of an old houso 30 or i0 years old for an exec utive mnnslon nt $15,000. Albany Democrat. The above Is a sample of tho un fair talk that Is Indulgod in by some newspapers always roady to Jump on to Salem enterprise. Tho Informa tion given by the Democrat Is as far from true as iioMlbie, except ns to th first part. The Greater Salem Commercial Club deserves great credit for Its suc cess In gottlug the legislature to do something to furnish the govornor a home at the stato capital. Tho his toric It. N. Cooke mansion Is worthy to be a governor's home, and could nni shelter n more popular. or- desorvlng e.eMitlve than Geo. 15. Chamberlain hn proven himself to bo. The Commercial Club took tho mat ter of an executive mansion when there was nothing but Indifference or sentiment against It, and Its success, under all the circumstance, shows tho value of maintaining such an or ganisation In a live city like Salem. Without that organlintlou tho ac complishment of this ontarprises would hae been Impossible und. our clllseus are to be congratulated on having sueh an elllctent organisation in their midst. I-ong may the Com mercial Club flourish and may all Its laudable undertakings prove tureens-fui. T MRS. 'M. A. CLOSE. Kearney, Neb., July 8, 1900. Dr. S. U., Columbus, Ohie: Dcxir Doctor "I desire to express to you my sincere thanks for the In terest yvu have shown In my case, and tor the timely aid and advice which has effected a cure of as bed a case of consumption as could be well Imagined. "Peruna and Manalln have done what thirteen of the best physicians In tho country have failed to do. For more than three years I doctored for consumption, and spent thirteen weeks In a Pulmonary Sanitarium at Milwaukee, Wis.; but finding myself growing worse, as a last resort, I came West where I was bedfast for many weeks, and the physicians which my husband called gave no hope but said, 'She cannot possibly live more than a few days.' But thanks to Peruna, I fooled them all. In an Incredibly short time after I began to take Pc-una the hemorrhages stoppod. I began to mend slowly at first, but the Improvement hecame more marked, and now I can truthfully say that there Is not the slightest trace of my old complaint. " would have written you a long tlmo ago, but have purposely waited to see If the effect was lasting; and In conclusion I would say, God bless you and keep you with us that you may go on with your work of mercy tor many years to comc.".-'MRS. M. A. CLOSIL FOUND HERSELF GROWING WORSE. oolJ and catarrh. Savoy. For T. T. Gear, 9. Shy moos. Fifty Years the Standard cEdV BAKING POWDER A Few Pointers. The recent statistics of the number of deaths show that the large majority die with consumption. This dlsense may commence with an apparently harmless cough which can be cured Instantly by Kemp's Ilalsam for the throat and lungs, which Is guaranteed to cure and relievo nil cases. Price 28c and 60 cents. For sale by all VrtigalBts. 1 Rummage Sale. The W. C. T. U. ladles are conduct lug a rummage sale at the corner of Commercial and Perry streets, and would be gmd to receive any artlolos you have to contribute. 3-11-31 Mrs. Cherrlngten Dead. Anna, wife of T. J. Cherringlon. formerly of this city, died at the fam ily home In Dallas at i o'clock this morning, of consumption. The maid en name of the deceased was Anna lktwer. and she became the wife of Mr. CnerrtagUm about six yeahi ago. and removed to Dallas, where her sur viving husband Is engaged in the pho tograph business. The deceased was well known in this community where she rooidOM previous to her marriage, tier man)' acquaintances are grieved to loam o her death, and extend sym patay to the bereaved .husband Tho fwaoraj party wtll leav Dallas at 19 o'clock Sunday morning, and bnrtai will take place in the I O O. F. oemotery, In UU city, after bnf iwr vteos eomioctod at the gravwide. It la expociod that the party will roach this eity from Dallas aUmt t:M o'clock. New BfMgf Buihuag. Royal ft Som have begun t-ulbJJag tho bow brMgo across Mill rnmk. en TwoJftk otroot Tho lrt piles were citron thlg mowing, nnoer the supor vtoson t Stroot Commissioner drta woiii. who saw that they poaetratod 4m onrta to a dtsUnco of 7W feoL It ! tho furposo of tho oonnctl and Me rOofewoM to g lhat me city has at maot MM brtt taat wi not be wnohed away by too nrt ram storm that may aniro. Highest Honors World's Fair. iShut Tisis U. S. Gov't Gntmists PRICE 8AKINQ POWDER CO., CHICAO.O, W hingtoo. Fob, ll.Wkn Uo Mot soon,)- Smaker Heaoorson ajonUted Momtf . of Orogon to pr M vor Hummus MMoioo. wlUsii vm h dolvered on the grot et iVBRue, m Oregon, VairuaiO. ef great mnny cases i u,e" I'erunn for of gcnulno con sumption have- been cured with Peruna after tho patient hod been given up to dlo, as In tho caso of Mrs. Close. If you do not derlvo prompt and satis factory results from tho uso of Poruna, write at once to Dr. ITnrtman, giving a full statement of your caso and ho will n rtlonaful in rlrn vm Tila y-.TikiMa mI. . S.- I am going to visit friends In Wisconsin who never expected to yC(l grnHs. see me alive again, so please forward malt to me at S79 Pacific street, Appleton, Address Dr. Hartmnn, PtfuVdent of lWs." If. A. C The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, 0. ' AN OLD COLD Is Catarrh, and Catarrh Learfa to Consumption, Ths tendonoy of catarrh of Ui head Is to pass downward through tho bron chlal tubes to tho lungs. Any ono who has had catarrh of tho hoadior a year or more flnds the" dlseaso gradually p gresBing downward. In somo oases i to. progress is rapid, and in othor oases III slow; but soonor or lator if catarrh ii allowed to run, it will go to the luaci and set up tho dlseaso known as con. sumption. It is doubtful if consumption is ever caused by anything except es tarrh. Tho catarrh usually begins as a cold la tho head or throat, and Is neKlootodtiii it becomes chronic; then It bcclna dawn on tho victim that ho has catarrh Unless he is very foolish indeed ho will not retit easy until tho catarrh is entirely ........ r.j, nuonrjon to It until it is too lato. Mrs. J. Priest, Lee, Mich., writai;--T think thoro is no medlcino on earth that exoells Peruna. My husband won't taVs any other. Wo have tested it nd u worked a gTcat change In my Bon'i health last spring whon wo thoughth was going into consumption. "We gave him only one bottle and ho was all right, I tll everybody abont how mnoh good It has dono us. My husband says h can't do without It. As for myself II saved mo seven yoars ago from going blind. I could not boo to road ono word for six weeks. I thought I should rarely loso my sight. I commoncod taking Pa runs and by tho timo I had taku,on bottlo I could sco to road as well u ever. Vo think it in a grand medicine.'-Mrt. J. Priest. Um nt MtiL'h Needed. If Peruna is.used a cold nert be comes chronic, and henee catarrh to pro- vonteu. uut alter . catarrh has be como thoroughly established Peru na will euro it, but It will toko much longor. Kren In oasos whero catarrh has a 1 1 a o k o d tho luncs and the symptoms of con- f sumption h a v o I s h o w n thorn- j Miss Corlnno oil. selves, tho Peru-1 more,lM Vaneo St., '.'ii.,.. ww na will euro. A Moniykls, To no., Iowa, and Moody, of North Carolina i 44-fi6MHH-&f 6400)a SOtM-0B'Wf T 4 It Is rumored in London that Lord Curzon Hill be recalled from India, and that he mil! be succeeded by Mr. Ilroderlck, now minister of war. In view of the unsettled condition ! of ISuropean affairs, ISngland has pre pared to seise all ports on the lied Sea. should war occur. Coal oil has been discovered In Ire land, and that. too. In the heart or the city of Dublin. There was a great scone of enthu siasm at the Iiuffalo Hill show this af ternoon, when over 1000 boys from the Londou schools attended the per formance, carrying Httl American and British nags Mr. Richie, chancellor of the ex chequer. Informed a deputation of coal miners today that there was at pres ent no chance of the abolition of or a reduction In the tax on exported coal. A dispau-b received from Tangier. Morwm. ays It is persistently re ported there that Kl Menbhl. the min ister of nr was kilW In battle. February iSth SPECIAL ORANGES! ! ORANGES! ! ORANGES! ! Today, Saturday, only. Fancy, Large, Sweet, juicy oranges at 30c a dozen. FULLER & DOUGLAS, 142 State St. Phone 2261. me-54e feM t t tovfrfrffrW1 A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. 0KWs Per BUtout tad N.rtcui Cirdert iuth u Wlnata,ll,ialBthcHom.h Suk Kt,t. tCBt.Olddiseu, FuIo.m todtnclliar rtr wtali. OiMioeu as. Drowun.w i w.dCbills rhukUn ol Hut, tow of AppUt Short- ?fi,J!",?ut',,,u on tbt Skta. Dlttutb4 SUp. hnraiftt! DfMr o ' liVr"' ' ' a"Jr ' to try one aowlsdgea ie t WIIHWJT A RIVAL . J,KMCM W ,LM as onVe. f4-"1U i'V rtHor Ttmi4 UmkdIh ,-, r?'op;irryutri UMMUrtjruUitiyruMi7U. Pwa Weak Stomach, mpalred Digestion, Disordered Liver, tay act JiU smcic- a few i.-t will v teal umr l ,i ho-4a tXiZ1 riiU r -U" atBl ii St tbokuai. Artn cUmaaTrmr .u4 o oTutTwi TjZ. BEEOHAM'8 PIUU8 hnTolrto Lorgioflt Sale of any Patent Medlolnea In tho World. tb' fPl"S !?' btate Going Thf ough A careless laundry will so through your laundry In two washings worn out as completely as It you had worn it a year. We save your shirt and save you money. We will send for your linen It you send us your address. Salem Steam Laundry Phone 411. 230 Liberty St or a i cut, oanl, ant tbe wagon will call. (WVAit. gSHBBHlEHHBEaHBHBKBHHBHBIirBj "To things of sale, a seller's praise belongs." OJO'JLO CLEAK HAVANA CIGAR M m S H 5 t m RECOMMEND THEMSELVES. AF-"WBtau,ia? M vrrwb.i, U bxM, loo. m WATERS, TJie Cigai? Man f S SOLE AGENT M SnHSIBHBiBH-rHIaaIHXMIHKaf GOLD DUST FLOURi JMH0WELI; . Uash market In Stelner'a Fish Markot. State Street Fresh meats of all kinds. hw8,snoo ders, bacon, lard. etc. PfOfflPt Serv HE nfsds by SIDNEY POWER COMPANY Sidney, Oregon. Made tor family use. ask. yonr grocer far IL Ttntn ktiiI KkortS alvsva an hnri I A. T. WALN Ascent; phone, Main 1401. V jijfMfWovf