The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, February 19, 1903, Image 1

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NO. 42.
Witt Geer
Tyt t
People's Candidate
Gained 2 and Lost 2
Nottingham Launches
Boom iot Hume
the i
section 2037 of title Xof chnptor VIII
'of the code; passed.
I S. D. 9, vchmng EatnbllDhlnK
boundary line ot Washington county-;
passed. '
S. B. 212, Mulkcy To Incorporate.
Independence; passed.
S. II. 120, 8toiwor- To reapportion
the stato In senatorial and represen
tative districts; passed.
S. B. 85, Bllyeu, by request, substl-
tulo by committee Providing com
pensation to volunteers fpr son'ico In
!i ,. , , inuian wars or iHb&.&u. Auopieu.
tjlhe throwing of numerous boquota The announcement was recolvod bftefic,j 3g t0 22i
Paulsen of Clakamas Joins the
Bmgei Hermann Column
Todaj's Joint session was marked
He D,roke the Gavel.
Lnmo speech-making. Geer gained wlth Krcat applause, and, in attempt-
1 nig to rostore oruor, i'resiueni urow-
noil Jiroko the house gavol. This
sorved ns nn occasion for a fresh out-
totPti In Hodson and Smith of
Uuomah, of tho Multnomah
Action, and lost Nottingham and
Ifrfett, so that tho voto was prac-
yostorday. Not
namo of It. V,
Mf the same as
pftua placed the
Special Order. . -
II. 13. 198, OlwollTo rogulato Uio
manufacture nnd sale of foods and
hurst of laughter. The roll call was drinks; adopted; passed.
concluded without fnrthor Incident, h. R. 22, Malarkoy Providoa that
but before tho rosult could bo an- during tho evening session no mom-
nounced, Roprosontatlvo Hodson bor, oxcopt tho author of tho bill, bo,
Governor States His
Thinks One Bill Would
$50,000 a Year
And (That Tax Payers are
Wflonged by the Other
House Concurs This
Passes Senate Without Op
position Eddy Compliments tl)e Ways
and Means 'Cnmmittee
Governor Chamborlnln In vetoing
Sonato bills No.'s CO and 109, stato
hiB objoctlons as follows. Object
ing to ttie flrst named bill ho says:
It oppropriatOB $G00 nnuually for tho
purpose of carrying out tho provisions
or tno vct, out while this npproprl
LI, j ---, . 1 "-l ...v..v V..U ....U. ..U U..I, .
no beforo tho convention In one of.aBKC" uml m" "inio uo cnangeu irom pormlttod to spoak upon any mcnB-
'most clovor speeches of tho bob- wiummB to ueer. ino uomonsirnuon uro for more than threo minutoB with-
out unanimous consent; ndopted
l Paulsen voted for BIiiEor Her.,1"11'- "" '" u"i. "
M . U.M.1t.. mltnn QnnnlAM C3 Wi ( Alt
Ian, but otherwise' thoro was no " "' "u" m....w.,
page In the balloting.
of Multnomah, addressed tho nssom-
Tho taklnir of tho ballot nrocoodod "ly as follows; "t am icmpieu 10
hout ovont until 'tho namo of Not-,iol tho influonco of my friends in
sjlmm wob reached. That Bontlo-inswasoniiior. i no nui ui.u
arose, and, after addressing tho " "iPPnnuy voung lor canumatcs ior
iHr, said; "Sluco thd beginning of .senator, i uuvo oc-uu rcKumiV i.
siskin, nnd until a fow days ngo.jsnB' canuiunio ror uiib position un-
in wiuiiii ine past iuw uuys. inoru
hve been voting for tho bbdio can-
fttate for United Statos fionator, and
Jie been guided In doing so by what
eonsidorod my best inclination. I
th now to chango my vote nnd bal-
for a Republican, who Is a stal'
m among the stalwarts, nnd; I nm
rry to say, that ho is not from
iltnomoh county. Ho comes from
ir tho sounding sea, and has tho
fat Ashing and timber intorosta of
a stato near at heart. I may be con-
red by somo for my action horo to-
lir, but I am fully capable of assum-
all of tho blamo on my own
ouldera I wleh to bo recorded as
ting for Hon. IL D. Hume'
IaSS' we lire the only 6 e
Bancroft Optical Co.i
A, PI. UAPtnUi-l,
250 Corn'! St. W5&'
Booms to bo no possibility of the elec
tion of Mr. Williams ns sonator, nnd I
feel that It Is -my duty to add my
quota of strength to tho olectlon of n
senator, and I wish today to cast my
ballot- for, tho man who appears to bo
gaining In favor. I wish, therefore,
to change my voto from Hon. Q. II.
Williams to T. T. door." And thon
thero was moro npplauso.
Tho voto was announced as fol fel fol
eows: Fulton, 33; Geer, 27; Wood,
17, Williams, G; scattering, 5; ab
sent, 2. Except as Indicated, tho roll
call was as it stood Wednosdny.
It was stated by a Portland man
that, to test tho intentions of Uio Dem
ocrats, thoy had glvon Mr. Geer
J enough votes to eledt him with thoir
help, nnd that if tho Domocrats want
Geer, tho Multnomnh mon would not
skin bnck a slnglo voto, Friday thoro
is to bo a break for Harvoy ScStt or
Congressman Moody.
House Wednesday Night.
H R. 279, Mnlarkoy Regulate run
ning at largo of stock in Multnomah
county. Passed.
H. B. 325, Hermann Amonding
which deficiency appropriations would
H. R. 2G, Dnnneman Provides Uiat.h'o mado at tho noxt sosslon
as tho codes of Dnnnoman, Murphy,'0' tho lefilslaturo to cover the state's
Gtcat Reductions On
Mull h
Overcoats I
$1400 Overcoats Reduced to $11.00
12.90 Overcoats Reduced to 10.00
10.45 Overcoats Reduced to 8.50
9.75 Overcoats Reduced to 7.75
6.70 Overcoats Reduced to 5.35
Boys' Overcoats Reduced in Proportion
$11.65 Men's Light Dress Rain Coats 1
Reduced to $9.25.
This is fast the coat for spring wear.
Ginn, Cobb and Claypool wcro takon
from thoir roopcctlvo desks during
this BosBion, that tho secretary of
state bo instructed to furnlnh substi
tutes; reforrod.
H. R. 301, Hodson To provide for
issuing bonds for tho redemption of
county warrants in rountlos of over
50,000 population; passod.
8. B. 100, Rand To incorporate
Bourne; indefinitely postponed.
II. B. 320, Judd Relating to tho au
thority-flf hoo'rir1JfihiUitflliiuTpfSval rnhefommlBion, llvo rnngorB .out, ho said, to rot urn escnpfd prls-
Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store
E. T. BARNES, Proprietor. $
Corner of Commercial and Chemeketa
commissioners to ncqulro wator for
stato insUtutloiis; pnsHOd.
II. B. 3C5. Whoaldon RelaUng to
stack running nt large in a portion of
Waaco county; passod.
II. B. 2CB, Rand To amend section
5359 codo of Orogon relating to mort
gages; passed.
H. B. 319, Committeo on Judiciary
Relating to punishmont for nsaault;
H. B. 27. Sholly Requiring surotlOH
for admlnlBtnttors or oxecutors of es
tates; passed.
II. B. IGS, Davey, pubstituto by com
mittee To provido for criminal pros
ocution on information mado by dis
trict attornoy; passed.
"" H. B. 90, Dannemnu To encourago
sinking of artesian wells; committeo
of tho wholorhousQ failed to adopt.
H. B. 314, Malarkoy Rolatlng to
surety companies; passed.
II. B. 352, Cobb Granting power to
Stato Board of Horticulture to ap
point doputlog nnd provido salaries
for samo; adopted.
Tho houHo adjourned at 11 p. m.
House, Wednesday Afternoon
Orton, Shelley and Hansbrough
weio appointed to fix tho salaries of
clerks oa joint committoos II. G. II.
25. Special ordors.
H." B 99. Davoy To provido for
uniform and equal rato of nssoasmont
of taxation of vxpross, tolophone and
oil companies, and to cronto a stato
board of appraisers. Indefinitely
II. B. 3S0. Com. pn-Ftshorios Rolat
ins to llconae fM of Ashing appll
oncos and aalmon gnnnorloa, oto.;
II. B 338, Com. on FiBhorlo,s.Pro
tection of salmon Industry; passod.
II. B 226, Wobstor To construct
flshway at Willamette Palls at Oro
gon City, adopted.
II B 107, Phelps To provide for a
more efficient method of osseMmsnt
and collection of taxoa; passed,
II. J. M. 4, ShlIo' Whereas. Uie
B4f of Congress approved Juno 27.
1902, to tutnd Uio provisions, limit
ations and benefits of au act granting
pensions to the survivor of Indian
wars, etc., only extends those bene
fits to the survivors of the Indian
wars In Oregon and Washington up
to and ineludlug the year 1866, and
not to the no' loss deserving veteran
of tho lato Indian wars.
Therefore, your MemoriaHnU, the
L-egtelatlve Assembly of th. Kate of
Ore, earnestly VtY that xwr
lMAorftble body will so amend the aJ!
mi m Uwu it will extejul Uiee ben
its U tk avnrivors of we MeJee
Mr of 172 lUMl 171.
A uufrt;n omMltte of flv
Tlio appropriation bill to which ob
jection was mado Thursday by Sena
tors Kuykondall and McGinn was
passod today with only four dlBsoiitlng
The objoctlons woro to tho oxponses
,. ... ...vj-iuuiiui Vlliinu UI1U IUU ro-
ation is mado the bill by Its very ( turn of thoir bodies, and nggregato
tarmB authorizes the creation of claims $1083.71.
against iho stato and the several coun- Also tho rownrd of $300 paid Sher
tlos which may reach as much 'as iff F. W. Dlllard for tho arriwt of
$50,000.00 or moro In ono onr, for Frank Lauronco Smith In 1800, for
robbing a ponton on a railroad train.
Mr. McGinn asked why tills matter
was not brought up at tho two pre
vious sessions of tho legislature, in
stead of delaying flvo years.
' Tho only nnswor mado, was that the
law allowod tho paymont of tho re
ward. This, he cited, as an oxnmplo of the
manner In which bills will bo brought
up in succeeding sessions, nnd the
proaonl appropriation for tho Trncy
Morrill tniBlnoas may yet bo four
tlmoH largor.
It Is tho duty of tho Bunarlntond
Eight Killed and Fife
teen Injured
Trolley Car Ran Down
Fast Passenger Train
Bodies Horribly Mangled. 4
Six of Injured Will Die "
portion thereof. Tho Hvo commls
sionors named in Uio Act aro authop
ized to 'appoint at leant ono person
in each (county of tho Btato as llro
wardon-ithey may appoint moro.
Say thnt they do appoint two in each
county. Tho salary for each is not to
oxcoed $300.00. Sixty-five llro ward
ens nt $30ooo is $19,800.00 por an
num. Tho firo wnrdons In onch county
nt tho request of tho commission
have power to nominate with Uio ap
Newark, N. J., Feb. 19. A haoka
wnnna pnssongor train strualc a trol
ley enr on a crossing at 8:50 thin
morning. Tho car was loaded with
chlldron, on routo to school, "luht
woro killed nnd sovon Injuiod, Tho
car was demolished.
Tho train was running nt full speed.
Tho motormnn saw It approach, but
stuck to his post. Tho car slid along
tho Icy rails until tho front platform
wae across tho track. It was a spo
clal school car illlod with high
school scholars. All of tho killed
woro from II to 17 years -of age. In
nddltlon to tho olght killed outright,
15 woro seriously Injured, nnd six
will probably dlo. Tho motorman'tt
skull was cru8lipcj, nnd ho will dlo.
Tho train couldn't stop for two
blocks. It wns a most distressing
scone, fingmonts of the bodies being
scattcrod tho entire distance. A. por
tion of tho body of ono young girl
was found on the pilot of tho onglno
(Contnued from First Page.)
whoso salaries aro to bo paid by thu onora, nnd thoir oscnpo In tho
countlofl and nro not to o.xcoed $2.00 plneo wns due to caroloflsnoss.
not itnv wTiMa nmtilnvnil fn nrttunl finr. I aimnrlntnn,ln.f f.n.t li,Un.n v.... !..
vice. Tho secretary or tho comlBsIon nuthoritloH nt tho .Colorado ponal In
Is to recolvo $5.00 por day for tho (8tItutlon Informing him of Trncy'fl os
time actually employed by him, and capo from that prison In a mannor
he togothor with 'each of tho com- similar to tho ono In which ho on
mlssionors recolvo mileage at tho rato 'raped hero, and moro enro should
of five conta por mllo for tho dlstnnco hnvo bcon to watching him whlln
actually traveled In tho porformnnce hero.
of duty.
I Dr. Smith, of Multnomah, did
(Contlnuod on olgth pngo)
Ar jt
not aniiwir
154 State St.
It Is snfe to nay that thero will he
applications filed with tho commission
to appoint mon to tho full limit of
thoir power of appolntmont, nnd the
oxpenso in tho vory nature of things
Is hound to bo largo, however cap
able and honest tho commission may
bo. A largo lndobtodnofls will surely
bo created against tho stato and nu
merous claims against tho sevoral
counties. ProtecUon of tho timber.
interests of tho state may Justify this
oxponsc, but it sooms to mo thnt the
bill ItKwlf (ox vl tflrminl) should
limit Uio amount of moneys which
the commission shall oxpond, and nn
appropriation made thorofor
Secend: Another objection to the
Act is tho fact that the legUlaturo un
dertnkeH to deprive the I9xocutivo of
the vtNte of the powoY given him by
tin- (onatltutlou. It will be noticed
thnt this Act nnmoe the five commis
sioners who aro to hold their office
for four years, after which tbo'Rx-
oi-utlve Ih to appoint. An admlMlon
mi the fauo of tho Act that tho Ex
ecutive Is the proper person to appoint
thu (ouimlBtiloners nnd not the legis
lature For the reasons stated, I return the
bill berewljjh 'with my vota
AmI bill 108 ho object to because
the u't sought to be amehded em
potters Incorporated citiee or towns
to appropriate private reel property,
u-au-: etc.. for the general use of
the nubile wlUin and beyond the cor
poratH limits, hut thoro l a- proviso
"that in all OHItj eoatalnlng leas thaa
flfteen tWusand Inhabitants no action
for tb- anprontlaUOfl of private prop
erty or
aiioKt-d by this Act shall be taken
by th Q4inotI of euch city or town I ffac first key to Unlock the box gets $ J 5.00.
axeotit a majority of the taxpayers
The second key to unlock the box gets $5.00
Phone 2874 Main.
i MifyftfWiiMuiliiuiP
ii $?05S&1 Z ate oing to I
';; ?$9" gvc away
ii Jlr In Sdvet
ii! Z2z
We-have placed in oui
window a box which con-
i dtf ' M 11 I i ih i e . i.i A
ij iam $u ih Mivcr. wc i;ivc a Key 10 wie vox iree wan
j ; every 2.00 cash purchase in our
Only two keys will unlock; Jjje box; When the ..-. .uuf. u 9 bfVK. hvf nil hppn civn nut vrtiiTiwv irv unnr Iaw T
Bi mw imjmvni 'ncinvi nv .. .. .,. ,i . j w. . ... , j jvi iv j t
of aald illy or town voting at an elee-
tlau to be aaltod and held for Uiat
p4trioe bav$,fotgd In favor of said J
actloe." The amandtnent propoe T
to ellInate this proviso from the oij
Ifdnal statute. g
I ihuuU ettr'e that It ill b for I
l . .1.11 C. x .I.A. lim .A. ' 4
UK.' Of i invK iBtwiinwi uwi imim n-
Mm -MMtmimi tmm U itreeeiit
U n.r- taxpayers wuuM eve ute
bWMt & Is wwettoae ejecting
their )taJ laUreeta nd th iaapoet
thu. iMn them of tax-
It's YotJs If Yoa Have
The Right Key.
No employee allowed to have a key, We do not know '4
which key opens the box,
(Cofttlsued oft Foertb Pax.)
(CeaUoeed ou Foertb Pace)
iw &