i ,uri-fKn 'rSTTW!!r- - l I A " THE DAILY JOURNAL, OALEM, OREOOM. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY, 7, 1908. CONVICT WHITE Lam ute Eli By Sheriff - '-" Ross -ti.tt Duel Between Deputy Wamocfc and the Fleeing Convict Detailed Stoy of His Capture as Given by An Albany Herald Repotte Tho body of K. J. Whllo, tho con- out, i sherirt followed him for about a mile and lost the track, and returned for tho night No Taste for Literature. Sunday night Whlto stole a boat and croasod back over to tho north sldo of tho bay, near lAttJont, and stayed that night at tho homo of Clon. Thorp. Monday ho mado IiIb way back over tho hills to tho Yaqiilna river, about three mllou bolow Toledo, and GROUND FRIDAY NIGHT he had better stay and rout for I t. .. ... .!. t fno.l lit a nnl. vlct suicide, waa given burial In Leo "' ""' '" '"7, "" """ -vici Biiium. who s t)e aM(1 ()o th0 cl()r0H h(J couI(1 Btay( t0 Allsalon cometory this afternoon "") whch t0 yoimg n)nn rmMy MBontf brlof funoral uorvlcett conducted at ( 0(, Tho fttrm9r roturnod homo In tho Marion' CourUitroet ohapol. Tho afternoon by a dlfforont road, and jwrvlcoH were arranged nnd conducted j when about four mile from home lie air. White wnrmliiB his toes by tho under tho nusploos of the ladle of the met lilt guett leaving, ana lie nan -. .. - It... .In.l ' 1 1., fnHninn'y liaat nlitiltlMI ullfirMI I W n T II. U(n IIVM 01 UIU uiniu.um itiisiiui wmi viwut, Many Local Bill's Were Put . Through Both Houses Adjourned Over to Alonday Noon Senate, Friday Afternoon Session. Called to order at 2 p. m. S. B. C3, Mulkoy Providing for withdrawal of land for sale; Indefin itely postponed. S. II. 125, Mulkoy In regard to stayed that night In a bnrn at Charloy 8tntc nfo diplomas; passed. Urown's farm. Tuosday night no Si Ui jg stolwor In rognrd to tho Htayod In a straw Btnck near Chit wood. On that night, whon the people of Chltwoori wont to tho school house to hold a lltorary mooting, thoy found on i school bouio stovo, but, he Having no shoot and a roll of blanket!. Tho farmer op dered him to take thtm off. He threw down the blanket, nnd told the farm er be rould hare those, but the and shoes, be needed All em cOMi lit, arrived at atem irnuay wim iiiuisen. mm n. m mm imm i"'""" in. iioiJr of ltd. White. Jiu tnmty con-out a Dig ii uoits revolver, nnu ioiu Tlel. who escaped front the nenltrntlary nJwut two week! ago! White whs killed Wednetny after noon nenr BddyvtlUt by Robert War- roan residing at Handon, Coo coun iv. (Hleicranhwl Instructions concern- Ins t" deposition of the body. Story of Capture. tUmi-iff Jnmee II. Noes, of Lincoln .clothe! WW---" - I, Oregon Mr. l'Rrmer If he heard a word from ' him about the matter, It would be wit up with blin. The Inducement wat lulHeteiit. Mid he went with the nock, k farmer of uncow county ;ciowen. who had been deputised by Sheriff I Tho farmer ImmedhVnly, on reach ItiMi! to attlst lu the nilure or tho et- H hunie. wrote to Sheriff Hon, giv chihmI convict, NS'hVe, who wat about jMg H complete detertptlon of the 10 years old, and wm aent to the pen- tilf. Mr. Rom, who hail already re Uenllary Hbout two and a half yeartjceved a description of the man from ago on a six-year sentence for rob-J the prison oltlrlals. on comparing the bery committed In that county. Since J descriptions, readily saw the man lu til arrival at the pen he has been a i,a cotiuty waa White very eseuiDbiry prisoner, and seemed Ross Takes tho Trail. Sheriff Rons took up the hunt for Dm prisoner wVh the result that he had a pitched battle with Ulin Sunday to bo a rather bright young man, and for some -time acted assistant drug- nltt and nurse lu that Institution, in Ills caiwrtty as nurse durlug the ty-, pholil fever epidemic at the pen he afternoon. The man. after leaving the wit a useful man. and had gained . Nashville farmer, hud made Ills way much favor wtth the ottlrert and wat J down the Yutiulna river to Lutjens. allowed considerable freedom about 'and hired a man by the name of Green the IntUtuUott. A week ago Inst SrT- Ho take hint across the Alsea bay to untar he wm allowed to go out on tlie'Walduprf. Sheriff Hoes had gotten hill on Um asylum farm, where some mi-oss ahead of him. anil waa if and other trinities were working, for ex- Ing on watch Just below the wharf errlse and fresh air. When the o h- when While waa landed. When the or men started In with the teams iv prisoner was within about SB yards I o'clock, he said he would walk back of him the sheriff ordered him to by way of the asylum road. Me evl-'tnrow up his hands. Instead of doing dently went th other way. however, so he pulled a big II. eight-barreled The next morning he took his break-! Colt's revolver, and opened lire at the foal at a (arm bouse four mile east sheriff at a distance of about SO to SB IKirtlculnr liking for lltorary oxerclse. moved his camp to a straw stack In the neighboring field. Wednesday, which was his fatnl day, ha followed the C. & 13. railroad thla way until he came to the bend In tho road below ISddyvllle, when he left the road and crossed over the hluli peak back of Wddyvllle and struck tho railroad again about three mllea this side of that place.' When be got near the Warwick farm, he was pnaaod by Hob ert nnd Albert Warnwk and a com panion, on a hand car. He hid In the bruab. and evidently thought he was unobserved. The men pnaawl on up the road a short dltfnnco. when two of them went back to Inform the sheriff, who waa watching the road at a Mlnt a mile down the track. Warnock Takes a Hand. Hubert Warnock. with bin Winches ter rll1e. remained to watch the bid den convlot. Wnrnock walked buck to where the county road crofted the railroad, when he taw White In the I county road, alnnit 00 yimls awa. Hel I i ,.. i.i... I,, lmll Iml luilDilil. I Unnit OvviMir fl-nirnp Uiun inn w " - - niiuiiv ocuuuo uiocaoco lift T U White WIIHUHMl OUl IIIS OIK iwvuioi. sale of Indomnlty school land; passed. 11. 1). 109, Both To provide for tho location of the county scat of Colum bia county; passed. S. U. 158. Swoek For examination and license of plumbers; patisod. II. II. 236 Tost To Incorporate Ontario; passed. S. H. 200, Mulkey In regard to va grant children; advanced to second reading: and referred to education with order to have printed. S. II. 201,Mulkey In regard to the education and care of abandoned; nil vaueed to aecond reading and refer- red to education. If. H. 110 To amend code; first reading. II. II. 120. Kddy To rogulate the time of apportioning acliool money first reading H. D. 153, Reed To prohibit steal ing rides on trains; first reading. II. B. 171, Nottingham To prevent tho manufacture or salo of adulterated llnbeed oil; first reading. H. D. 193,Murpby To locate tho county seat of Union county; first reading. II. I). 197, Mllos For improvement of rlvors; first loading. II. D. 214, Kay To provide for copy of Bttprome court's opinion to liti gants; first reading. II. D. 240, Wobstor In regard to lire1 and gamo wardens; first reading. II. B. 24G, Hlnos For stato inspec tor of oil; first reading. Second Reading of House Bills. II. B. 39, Banks To limit tho hours of employment of females; Judiciary. II. B. 127, Eddy For tho recovery of real and porsonal property; Judici ary. II. B. 140, Malarkcy Relating to marlarge llconsos; Judiciary. II. B. 113, Malarkcy To nmend code; Judiciary. II. B. 148, Bailey To protect em ployees; Judiciary. H. B. 162, Kay To rogulato sal aries of Marlon county ofTlcors; Ma rlon county. II. B. 192, Galloway To prohibit tho solo of adultorated Illuminating oil; fedornl relations. Third Reading of House Bills. II. B. 24, Reed To amend code; Indefinitely postponed. H. B. 42, Banks Relating to tho ox emptlon of earning! of Judgment debt ors; patted. II. B. 4G. Substitute for Kay's bill to provide for Investment of school fund; passed. Salt Rkeumi iou bib? cau it ro.-ma, tenor or mil crnii. ! But no matter what you call It, this jtfi uioenso wmcu tuuitn m paicucs in&t burt Itch, discharge a watery matter, dry w scale, owes lis exiaicuvu tu iuu prcspnct I hnmors In tho system. It will contlnuo to exist, annoy, and pe naps nguuuu, as ui'K bo tuuse UUmor remain. i It Is always radically and permsntntti curca oy i Hood's SarsaparilU which expels all humors, and is posltlril tuicq ua l ioa lor an cutaneous cruptlom. A SPLENDID SPECIME A Ten Foot Cougar Kille Near Albany Ono of the finest cougar hldc3 cvj exhibited In Salem was ono sent he? today from Albany by a Mr. Wilson! It was of unusually rich color, car rlod the claws and hoad, and raca tired about 10 feet In longth. It sent to Will Edwards, of Yew Par to be itanned. and ho pronouncesl ono of the finest he has ever handlj It will bo used for a mg. The cougnr was killed nenr Alba about a weekngo. CATCHING COLD More Danger From Bad Venti lation Than From Draughts Real Estate Active, The pnit week wns a record bri or In this county for thr tran.fci I - IIIIMITIIIa .r t, ,o s..i.ii,i, fr .Tones l.lll real estnto. Deeds wero filed wJT iiMMirin 'p.intv court to procuro ' county Rocordor Slogmund rcprcsJ plats or copies from surveyor generals Ing property valuations nggrcgnt of Salem. Gets Clothes anI Blankets. The nrtaon oftldalt lost til track of him from there, Wd hit whereabouu vm uhnowu uutil he wm locfUwi In UneolH county. Jauuarr Sth. On that ubtUt he showed up at a rami house yards. They exchanged rive thVt each. The sheriff wat using a SS Smith A Weston. Bve-shot, After the third shot White Jumped betilud a hi and lay down, ami look two thott a' the sheriff from a dead rest front the log, and It it ouly owing to Near Nashville, and Inquired for work white's poor marktmanshlp that Sher and for a night's lodging. Hw lm- Iff Ross Is alive today. When the sher press! the farmer as Winn t man Iff emptied hit gun of the Mve rounds. who really wanted to work The nest he also dropped behind a stump near iHoralug Ute fttrmer had occasion to b to r-lnad. At this White made a gjn to town, and he proposed to the iluh undei the wharf, and out lteklnd man that. a n inoKeit worn the miliums into the brush The Fifty Years the Standard cEdyV rail BAKING and at Ihe tame time that wnrnoeK ralte1 his Wltichettor nnd aimed. Thlt was too much for White, and he dodged Into the corner of a rail fence. He started down the road, dodging In and out of each corner f the worm rail fence. Warnock at every chance was shouting. Thlt lasted until White had run SOO yards, and Warnock had advanced about loo yards, wnicn made the dbCance between them nearly Soo yards, wheu at the fifth shot from Warnook's Winchester. White was hit wiuarely lu the back, the bullet coming out In the mlddla of the abdomen. When White taw that ha wat done for, he took his revolver and thot the entire top of hla own head off. Warnock did not know how badly the man wat thot. and did not approach him until the sheriff ar rived about 10 miuutes Inter. When the sheriff arrived he round White ex piring, but tarill grasping the big Colt's with hit right hand holding Ute ifock. with hit thumb on the trigger and hit left hand grasping the barrel. Hit bat waa lying about ttx feet to one title aire. When Warnock flred the fatal shot, he wat In front of bit own houM. and In the preteac of the membore of hla family. The teen Is reported to have bean a very exciting one. After Sunday night Sheriff Koee wat close o his man every day, and gave him a hot chase from the very start. and demonstrated bis ability at hunt ing criminals. Sheriff Hosk. In (net tstowad hit aptness to tpprthMMl criminals several years sn. when he wat chief of police of Salem. Arisen From Neglected Colds-Some Useful Hints. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. MiCfctsi Tests U. S. Gov't Ghimfets PNICK feUKlNQ POWDER 00., CHIOAQO. STATE AND OENIRAL NEWS. The Kvftdft tegttbuure prontlggg Uj MHsd a good eichlhU to. and aid 1 tfct uewla and Ohuk (air, but mahw nnl THwrntMrwiiMMi Sm Pmndaco Is to have a aUajpthlg wtt to Japan and OihrnS. Tha trot veenel will lat- rav tfgtsS TWSSIJPJt ggggBSg'VgSf ggwflp gMWMi M. fWrgts vlaims to hft (inula ImsMdmiily rich t'U mlsmi ta ths Tmm ttoottius. m.uoo, utxur Um eVritsw Mew. He a. he took ont ilMjm Is nix weeks, x stamp hj hgfnH. ChOftsS Kwrtoon. a tumor. flldjtf a nhftlt at Oolconda, N tog Igai. UtUng teveral oUtru- tiu att the way. H will recover C. D Clark a ho . sughi he twgtl to logs at th- I .s.ue mill, at Otwka, dtad turn hw ttuvnse PlfWajr. Mary Mactat K In Boston, and hi willing a, drama. "Most (old," physician, "tie generally from Ute breath of some one else who hat a cold." "When you are In a close loom with a person who It Kneeling and suultllng, open the window a little, or you may catch that cold yourself. More colds are caught by being In 111 ventilated, stuffy rooms tliwn from draught!." Don't neglect n cold. It may run Into Inmienia, rheumatism, consump tion or any of a number of diseases. At an lustance, take the case of Win. II. l.ovett. a fanner of (lalva. Kani. He says: "1 caught a little cold summer be fore last. 1 didn't do anything for it aud before long my health began to run down. Then I began lo have twinges in my lege. They grew worse and about the twentieth of June I had to take to my bed with rhenma-tltm. "What cured me? Dr. Williams' IHuk Pills for lHtte People. For four months I was unable to do any of the work about the place, my logs swelled I had terrible paint and the doctor didn't help me a bit. Then my broth er-in-law recommended Dr. Williams' Pink mils, and in about two week after beginning with them I felt bet ter. They did wonders for me aud now I recommend them to every one who suffers as I did." The cure of the severest rases of rheumatism by Dr. Willlamt' link Pills for Pale People has occurred all over the land and their power In ordi nary cases Is proportionately greater. These marvelous vegetable pills go directly to the sent of the trouble and exert a powerful influence In purify ing and enriching the blood by elim inating the poleonont elements and renewing health giving forces. They ore a tpecisc not only tor rheumatism but (or nil allmenu arising front a disordered condition of the blood or thMUred uervet. such m locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis gt. Vims' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, nervous headachy the oftr-afcts of the grip palpitation of the heart, pale gad snl tow complexions god nil forms of weakness either In male or female. Dr. Williams' pink pills for pte People are oid cm D hoaet at dfty cent a box or .v boxes for two dol lars and Bfflu- i ,-nu, sd stay be had of ail drjgVA., di-sn By mail from Dr Williams Medicine CW.b) sVhttMe.(a4 X. V. ofllco; passed. II. Ii. S3, Galloway Helatlng to e talillshment tax; pnssed. II. I). 105. Hale To reimburse W. II. Hampton; made special order for Monday. II. n. 114, Hutchinson To yogulnto the business of lmrbera; passed. Adjourned at 3:2B until 11: -IB Monday. House, Friday Afternoon First Read ing House Bills. II. II. 301. Sholloy by roquost Reg; ulatlng prnctlco of optometry. II. Ii. 302, Orton by roquost To prohibit the taking of fish In tho Co lumbia river or any of Its tributaries within the boundaries of Orogon by means of trap, fish or pound net ex- $67,000. A Portland Suicide. "I am going to kill myself, and will find my body at tlu Pan-Amcrid lodging liouso." Such waa tho td phone message sont by 1 G. Willlan a Sonttle barber, who had follow his wlfa to Portland. Ho kept word, shooting hlmsolf in tho IS temple. On tho buroau was foum postal card, saying his mother lha In this city nt Twonty-thlrd and IJ llo strools. said a well-known caught by Infection, cept for proitoget ion purpose!, H. n. 803. Davey -Amending code relating to title of present reform school. H. It. 804, Hodiron Relating to re demption of bonds by counties of more than 10.000 population. II. I). 805, Hodton To provide for annual contract by counties for lognl advertltlng. II. II. SOU. Hodton by request Re lative to Insurance policies. H. n. SOS. Hodson. by request Re lating to execution of wills. II. I). 800, Hodton, by request Re lating to deeds. 11. I). 310, Hodton, by request Re lating to acknowledgements and exe cutions of written Instruments. H. B, 811, Hodson. by request Pro viding uniformity of legislation in Ute Uulted States. County Judge John II. Scott left thlt afternoon for Detroit. Michigan, where he goes to attend the annual convention of the National Good Reed! Association, which will be con vened In that city on February 18th, lu a two days' session, at one of .the delegates appointed by Governor Chamberlain. The oMntreal Immigration agent says 100.000 americant will locate In Canada this year. It is claimed that a well organized seditious movement has been discov ered In Southern Russia. OASTORIA. A Wonderful Medicine. Beecham Pills FOR ALL Bilious and Nervous Disorders Sick Headache, Constipation Wind and Pains in Stomach Impaired Digestion, Disordered Liver and Female Ailments. raWARED OMLT BY WIK SOriXT0. Thomas Becham, St. Helew, En and 365 Cinsl St., Nt York. Sold by all Drureiit In Unltrf SUIM-j In boxtJ, 10c. and 25c GOLD DUST FLOU THE Ainupv POWER COMPAl atAvtm firs nan Made for family use. If! Krucer lur lu : ihortt nlwoyt on htn4 cSm' T. WALN Aee KBIsfMHBBIBlHHlHMBHBlBW "Tobacco makes &, man think like a And act like a Samaritan." sage CLEAR HA ANA CIGAR WATERS, The OgwMa! SOLE AGENT iHKBBlTlTB-HISaiSaElaaSflSK1443