The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, February 07, 1903, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Talk this over with your doctor. If he
says Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is all right
for your hard cough, men taxe it. a
fcow.ll, MM.
Members Northwest Afternoon N
paper League.
Dally Ono Year, $4.00 In Advance.
Dally Three Monthe, $1.00 In Advance,
Dally by Carrier, 60 Cents Per Month,
Weekly One Year, $1.00 In Avance,
hiiihiiiiiii mm mi
Thorc Is probably no moro charm-
"Inn diversion than tho legislative
JuiiVtot, It has boon much condemned,
and Ih not In roal voguo at this ses
sion, but has lost none of Its old-tlmo
4i!IiirinK charms.
Whnt can bo n mora enticing picnic
than for n fow clover Benators and
representatives, not too many, but
Tjjood follows, and mutually Interested
In their respective "local meaHuros."
to ho olT on n trip to soma Inland city,
and be mat by th baud and grateful
uonRtHutints of tho lioniH member, all
redliot for an appropriation.
Not many of the members are situ
ated ao iib to anjoy the society of Uielr
wives at IhIbiii, and n few of them al
ways llutl It necessary to have the
blue-eyed, yellow-haired stenographer
or the brunette Toy committee
ilerk no uIuiik on audi trlHi.
Then there Is a good feed, rree on
tertatnmont, a nubile reception.
tliHurca tn make Jolly speeches about
"our glorious slate" awl this "hrlsjlit
nnd beautiful little city at yours," iiml
ofter reiurreeled gaga.
The Junketing business In Oregon
Is probably reduced to a ininlinum.
Tho ways nud menus committee quiet
ly divided up. d Hail IU members In
the etib-cointul'evs go over the grounds
Mud buildings of all the local atnUt In.
alltiitious Hi tin1 enpltal.
The day of big Junkets may be ovei
lu Oregon, but there has been many a
nice, little aide trip iHlwii, avail at
this economical (tension, where a
IiuhcIi of solas has stolen away from
the cures of stpta to ride out a free
Was that will be solemnly charged up
hr mileage.
Mut our Oiegtiii log rollers are not
nearly an baa as some of the same
rufeselun tu other states. Listen to
the wall of the Han Framlaoo Chron
trie, a Republican paper, lamenting
the degeneracy of 4bv Kepuhiu an leg-
la latum of that state:
"Ttie season of JnheUng Is
war, ierhaps (he sinning of litem
net's In Uita rwspert way be condoned
t n Uie ground that Uie precedent set
ly previous legislatures wga bad.
Many of the latter were grievous of
fenders Most of lb legislative see.
slon was wasted lu Junketing trow
owe end of th state to the other, the
most Hltnsy eieuse being enough to
suggest a pleasure party, and a pro
longed abeenee from the halls of legle
laflou. Naturally, the latter days of
Ut aesslun. under sui-h condition,
witnessed the most discreditable.
and the rushing tht-ough of
vicious bills, Iramaturo measures and
poorly digested laws, to tho proJudlQC
of tho beet interests of tho state Tho
practice had grown to be a fixed Inatl
tutlon, and tho mombcrn of tho flu
ent legislature doubtless felt Justified
In Its Indulgence, In a limited dogieo.
at least, without Imperiling their own
standing or the Interests of tho state.
It Is a hopeful sign for tho rost of the
session, however, that they are wak
Ine tin to IU actual necossitlos. Thore
Is enough "of tho session still left for
both houses to do good, honost work.
Tho Journal rogrots that Henry
Downing could not bo appointed as
superintendent of tho pen, but la very
much grntlfled that Eastorn Oregon
has received substantial recognition
at tho hands of tho Chamberlain administration.
Mr. Whoaldon's ploa in tho legisla
ture for a slnglo committee clerk for
tho minority of sovontoon mombors,
Illustrates the condition of the bunch
grass and sage-brush section of Oro
gon In holding ofllco.
Ifttrt'.orn Orogon and tho Wlllnmotto
valley aavo Mr. Chntnborlaln hand
some majorities, and In return have n
right to expect consideration ut Ills
hands, and Tho Journal considers his
action In naming his drat two Impor
tant appolntmonU, state land agent
and prison superintendent, from that
section as n proper and appropriate
Mr. Downing nud his frleufls take
their defeat with good gntce, and con
sider that they made a clean fight for
the place, and have no regrets or
sore places. They, think the gover
nor did the best under atl the circum
stances, and will show him that they
are loyal Democrats still, ami will not
be found faltering In support of the
party or Its principles because they
were turned down.
Charles W. Jatnos, the appointee, Is
about 61 years old, haa a family,
mostly grown, ami lms been by occu
pation u real ett ate man. and has had
some experience In holding oltlrus,
and la also possessed of recognised
executive ability, and considered a
power In the party uf his county. Ills
selection will It approved by all
Democrats mud u great many Uepiib
llrana In Uaker count'. Ills apitulnt
went will gain for the governor the
friendship of ttaateyi Oregon Demo
crats, and he will be socially and In
every way an elUcleflt member of Uie
administration. It Is said of Mr. James
that, while he Is a humane man. and
will favor reforms la prison manage
ment, he will prove a strict disciplin
arian and guarantee an excellent busi
ness administration at Uie prison. If
he meets than gejed locations at all
reasonably wall, tttt state will have
cause for eongmiuhVloH over bis ap
point metit.
Commission Composed
' :-' Five Members
Who Are to Collect Mining
,. Exhibits for the Fair
Ceased During
Fainting Spells.
Revived by Artificial
doonbar READINGS
Miles' Heart Cure
Cured Wife.
Know Thy Destiny, Past, Present and Fute
In view of the fact that so many people have been unable to see m
since my cut In prices, occasioned bythe many callers, I have determine
to extend the time for one day longer.
Wits ike doctor leaves sad says the
case Is boiielets, wast remains to be
dune f Nothing, if the doctor's word U
Una) Mueh. If you will listen to the
etstrHtenU of wen end wuuiea ho were
mo "hopeless
ras Riven wn by
tUn-tun, sad who
were perfectly sad
lmHWHently cwvl
by the of IH
lfeKcl Oelden
AlftUcal Dttcwwn
Nothing U more
swe than that
thousands ot writ
diseased inn. ' k
wbsUasie iufch 1 I
neasatTSMge. mi
clMMM U1 UlKht
isjnssls, aav tx'do
raataead to neiictt
jesKh hy uwr u
g( lie " IHsvw
eof." Will it vuce
)ot '
Igggggggf m
Igggggailt !
gVggteBWU Eki '
:tfaWlTw,p j
HWF'- !
It hs cnied
HiNsty elirat
oet of er huu
died whets It w gives s tail sad faith
ful tsia) that rewnl Mt hsve cmy
two chances .u s hundred of fsilnre snd
nuetj-kht chsnr. of bemg restored
to perteefheaath It is worth trying.
rt srtss. Oewsi C.
hl MSsd. J
ASfMelftStf M.f
sfcmrto sen sae miju
ue i esjL aes msien
tratsaa Ml ill M
awai is a
ta esiSiirs mm sw
see eh baass is
UrllM imm
mm mt CllU.
lesluc u
fci '-- MM
ud a as UN ot tae iatwtet tkMVf
me af l vm uw or mwwii in
ntnn ' U IB tea Mn
.use I'wWf "
tui ' IS wvul t K4
FHant. Ut, rctcr t,Mtaju
laodwal Adviser conteiniMjc ot-et the
sejM Wye neyetis Msta eat nwetat
jf mm to pay expense ef wiihec saA.
JaUeilal 1 7 eftlUkeBhlll tllWim ggggf tlldl MUlfk Hi
gpnws we eeBFsww reee'f e" enrw e" pe
iwj eovMS, x tatM km the hh
ad voUtete Aureus IV K V lists',
The tits) nay of the
held In Portland and the Mth will W.
We do not nse the word "pants"
lu speaking of the nether garntenU of
gentlemen. It la trousers.
SecreUry Moody wan resigned to I tT
liobson'a resignation and accepted u , ,
with cheerfulness and alacrity
King hMward has been sitk .v.
since Oeneral Miles' visit. Mai c
was he night of that new nulfm m
A tresneudous blltaard Is ii"t
In the Maet, but even the mgK-) u -
of It have nut strut k the state iuu-.
If SH of the legtalatun wen r N 1
ml to IStrtland to oii.hl. then- a
attuut M (-hunhes ai Sal.-m whio li
ine services will he h.KI tosiorruw
" !
Thrx- blll (bat sre lmi'iath- siul
.iud do well to iuveeilate, Mr 1-g
slstor the UlrH-t liluiai Law the
y 1st salary Is and th WilllauiMut
Imitation law
or lu Russia the newspapers are
ittx allowed to any what they be!le( '
Well, that Is not su bad Here It in
tulle eoninton for tbetu M not tn-lit.-
what they any
titinuge is the lugiatltudt of tsau
Mu-u auino Industrious l.-jjUlatif ,
tries to appoint sutneou to oversea
other people's husiuess ir thoui.
theu other, unaist-fully ptu '
Atle KiutMtt m he will ight
su and all thin test iand In his
vm u ih. United States senate
Heres a i hance fur Teddy. e has
M aluds of annie to his credit exct pt
a ftnntf.
House Dill No. 220, introduced by
Mr. UobblnB of Ilalcor nnd road for tho
first and second times on January 2G,
f "For an act to provldo for the es
tablishment, maintenance and sun
port of n bureau of mlnos, to be
known ns the 'Ouronti uf Minos of the
State of Orogon;' for the appointment
of a board of governors nnd for the
duties and powers thereof; for the ap
pointment of n commissioner of
in I noa and deputies nnd to dnuno
their duties nnd powers; to promote
nud oncourago tho collection of min
erals nnd mlno products to bo used In
the minora! oxhlblt of tho Lowls nnd
Clark Contonnlnl nnd American Pa
cific Exposition and Orlontal Fair; to
promote the mineral roHotircos of tho
State of Oregon, and to make appro
priations for nnd provldo for the
maintenance of such buroau of
The nutbor, J. II. Ilobblns.of Simili
ter, is a practical mining man. He
lms been interested lu the mineral
Industries of Itastern Oregon for 30
yenrs, nnd is now engnged in opera
tions of actual mines. His bill was
drafted after' enreful consultation
with mining men of both lflnstern and
Southern Oregon, nnd It Is the fruit
age of their experience during many
yesja of residence In tills s'nle and
Investigation Into tho conditions that
From a survey of the various bills
Inst have been offered. Die Itobbins
bill bears tho apparent marks uf
greater wisdom In the IiauiIUur of
mining properties, nud It provides for
he es'nbllsliment or a buronii along
lines that are practical nnd comprehensive.
Mining Men on the Commission.
One of the distinctive features ot
the Itobbins bill is that It provides for
the Hppolutinent of a commission of
five men as commissioners, or "gov
ernors." as tlie mil names mem. wuu
this safeguard against turning the
commission Into a Hlltlcal machine:
.."Who shall be oltlzens ef the State
ef Oregon, not more than three mem
bers ef thsm to belong to the same
political party, and the chief occupa
tion of whom shall, at the time of
their appointment, be that of mining."
It Is an axiom that members of inch
a commission should be practical
ntiulng men. nnd, as most iiersons
will concede, they should not all be
residents of Portland. It Is under
stood that ttepreeentatlse Myers has
a bill touching the same subject, and
providing the naming of members who
live In this city.
Manifestly, If experts sre to be se
lected to handle the mining Interests
of Oregon, they should rome from
thoHi' portion of h triad- wherein
tlif miii' -" should lie
i-in'-t n I i i1 i lulnl-olon hut
Falntinc spells are a ure indication of a
weak heart. I he heait cannot do the wotlc
required of it and tops beating. If it ceases
for more than a minute death ensues. Weak
hearts must have aid from the oullde, such
as Dr. Miles' 1 Ieart Cure, alone can u ve. It
is a heart tonic It reflates the pulse, en
riches the blood and Improves the circulation.
"For two years my wife wasin very poor
health. At first her back troubled her a
creat deal, then she had shoitness ofbrea h
and Irregularity of the periods. 1 he pain
in her back crew worse and extended to the
connection of the spinal cord at the base ot
the brain and from there to her heart. She
had two very bad slnkinc spells, when the
pain in her heart was most intense and her
breath stopped. The second time we hail to
resort to artificial respiration to revive her.
We were advised to Rive Dr. Miles' Heart
Cure a trial and I bought a bottle and becan
Hiring it as directed. We found the doses
were too strong, so I gave her half-doses
three times a day, and she began to improve.
After she had talen two bottles the pains
were all gone and the was feeling like a new
woman. .She continued the Heart Cure in
small doses for several months and Is now
enjoying belter health than lor the past six
tears." M. J. Thompson, Dept. County
Clerk, Klamath l.O..Cal.
All druggists sell and guarantee first bot
lie Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book
on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhait, lnd.
ggggggggggfiVQ VgffK IgggggggggK'B!? J
gggstW m i"" ggggggggaV JH
gggHHRgggHLflH r isWy nM?JJiAJKnCijifftnl
The greatest living exponent of Occult Science and Palmistry, win
fame Is world wide.
The only Clairvoyant und Palmist ever having been accortlod roc
lions by the Kuropenn Sovereigns, to whose court alio hns boon Invl
She hns successfully penetrated the secrets of tho monnrchs, princos, tl
lomnts, stafosmon and the most distinguished In the scientific and phi
sopliic world.
Mv I
a Comet
T Vk 5 s lr ,h8 ' ' comes
JL X A 1 J5 the s'r of health
1 to vt eak and
VV wsry dsseern
famous remedy
doss lor the atom
sunenss ins ntiurai
luloss ot di(Mor. and
doss the work ef ihs !
stomach. rlaiiut the
nervous tension,
the Inflamed irvjklca
snd onemeranse ef that
erraa are allcwsd o
B rest sad as!. It cur
indirestioa. Ilsiulcr
MMtsuon ot ihs
nerveus evapsps-a ii i
allsiomsck boubiss b
ehMasiBf pu'fyi"? ' d
Stftjsethtrui r f Ur. j.
SBSsshf s ot ths sio n
sea tM diftsc t Ana,
Kodol DjspepsiaCure!
Test Phf Caa Ssfy Tm.
BMMs eakf. S I 09 SU aeta aW IMSM
At mmI U. W4 Mil H &C.
ftttawl ly 1 fc Mm 4 C9 CfilCJWW.
iliTiti lliiliiiilisllisiilill 1111111 iliiiTlil Mil Ill
Some Practical Provisions.
The practical provisions of the bill
may be Judged by the rending of sec
tion 22, which in part Is:
First That explosives must bo
stored In a magaxlno provided for
that purpose alone; said imigaslue to
be placed far enough away from tho
working shaft or tunnel or incline
to ensure the same remaining. Intact
In the event of the entire stock of
explosives In mid magaslne lie ox
ploded; that all explosives in excess
or the amount required for a shifts
work must he kept In said nmgatine;
that no powder or other explosive be
stored In underground workings where
men are employed; that each mine
shall provide and employ n suitable
device for thawing and warming pow
der and keep the same In condition
for use; that oils or other combusti
ble substances shnll not be kept or
stored In the same mngnxlne with ex
plosives. "Second That the commissioner
of mines shall have authority to regu
late and limit the amount of nltro
powder stored or kept In general sup
ply s'ores lu mining camps or mining
towns, where there Is no municipal
law governing the storage of same.
Third That oils and other Infln
mable material shall be stored or kept
In a building erected for that purpose,
and at a safe distance from the main
buildings, and at a safe distance from
the powder magaslne, nnd tholr re
moval from said building for use shall
be In such quantities as are necessary
to meet the requirements of a day on
ly. "Fourth That no person shall,
whether working for himself, or in the
em ply of any person, compauy or cor
poration, while loading or charging u
hole with nltro-glycerlne. powder or
other explosive, use or employ any
rftet-i or Iron tamping bar; nor shall
am mine manager, superintendent,
loti'iuuii or shift bow. or other person
haunt: the management or direction
of mint, labor, allow or permit the
mm oi sin h steel. Iron or other metal
nunpiui- bar by. the employes under
hit- management or direction."
To Collect Exhibits far the Fair.
One of the sections. No. ST. provides
foi the collection of an exhibit for the
It-Hi and Clark and the St. Louis
KMuinn. which latter exhibit, of
comae, would be new. or added to.
for the fair to fee held in Portland.
The section rends: -. . , . . .. m ofOPJl
"Section 17. It shnll be the dutv f UYCr MeY6 S UaKerV. W X-2 CUUK1 oi
the hoard of governors, with the aid' -
aud assistance of the commissioner
of mines. Inspectors and other assist
ants, to devote no much of their time
and of the funds made available for
their use aa In their ludgment may
seem proper, toward the collection
preparation, classifying and listing uf
a mineral exhibit, to be need In the
State of Ougonv mineral exhibit at
St l.oui in ih.- tau of MtSkourl in
ih. ar l'tot m the International
iMHtkitkm to be hfld in Mid cit dm
in sal.! t-ai aud lu the mineral e of Xhv Lewis and Clark CYnt( i,
n a, an.) Ann-man and Pa ine K;i
n a' .1 Oritntal Fair and for u-.o
Are You In Trouble of Any Kind?
Discontented, unhnppy. or not satis
fied In life, or have you any domestic
or past tioubles that annoy you? Hut
no mntter what your troubles may bo,
you will bo told of It and receive pro
per advice.
How to Overcome all Trouble.
Your pnst, your present life and
your entire future enn be told by con
sulting Miss Wnrdel, the World Em
inent Trance Clairvoyant and Scien
tific Palmist, who is the greatest mis
tress of occult science nnd psychic
forces the world has ever produced.
Her Predictions are Always Correot
and Never Falls to Come True.
As many poor people In this city
and elsewhere will testify. Positively
guarantees success when all others
Concerning Business Affairs.
(lives never falling Information re
garding all kinds of business law
suits, claims, collection investments,
speculations, making changes, wills,
pensions, Insurance, deeds, mortgages,
patents, Inventions and all financial
Love, Courtship and Marriage.
Oives truthful tevelntlons In all
love affairs, troubles, marriage, fam
ily difficulties and divorce; reunites
the separated, settle lovers' quarrels,
The most sensitive need not hesitlve need not hesitate to call on-W
Wardel, she is a lady of culture nnd courteous In her rnannor, and wm
nleaalua address. Her aim is to advise serlntialv nnd confidentially
nsrlora are so arrsneed Hint vnn noma In pnntnot with no one. while If
consultations are nlways conducted In private and held most sacred by h
Bear in mind the fact that she will positively rofuso to accept a iw
the result of the Interview is not entirely satisfactory.
Sell more Groceries and better Groceries than ANYBODY
Fresh Walnuts, Currants and Raisi
AND EVERYTHING IN fiFAcnu enn um icrwrr DFRft IN THE Cf
glvos nnmo of tho one you will ma
and date of marriage How to
the man or woman you love, rosto
lost nffoction, oto.
How to Control and Fascinate Ar
one You Know, Love or Admire.
Does ovorythlng seem to go wro!
nnd has fortuno novor smiled on ycj
Has your llfo been full of "ups a
downs?" Da not dospnlr as you t
yet learn tho true road to success aj
happiness, for both await you If y
only know HOW, WHEN and WHE
to llnd them, which will be reveaW
you. You will nlso bo told HOW
How to Obtain Your Objects In Li
or Your Heart's Desire.
How to 11 vo happy and conUntj
the rest of your llfo and be fortunai
How to obtnln tho money you vn
and what you aro host adapted f
Tells what you have done, what y
are doing now, and what you ore
lug to do, nil told without ashinsi
single quostlon; locntos lost prop
and fi lends without cost.
She looks' Into your palms and tj
vou mora about yoursolf than
yourself knaw. She tolls you fr
alls you and oftentimes gives a
back your health, your lost
energy and power.
- p
.ti (
h I'th.i tsir ir rkhilJl ii.
ii hi ikti . m il beet n mv'te tl
kip-ii,iit .' u uiiucrsl re.)U'i..
.f Hi. en i an f(r x , ,
m i i i- i r t .
" ' ' la.l '.
I'Hu.-j n0 Expense.
Sale Ten Million Boxes aYear.
F. G. Haas, 96 SUU Street
! i hi-
ii i n.,pf
t. h t
wv r ... v iU
!csmt tai tie Robblas bill
w. txiwa.. k, the state, for t ,
uu ,h -nhalf e: the h. ense
fe,. CAWCy Tl MI 1TTT" iilggal i
tCoaauued oa Fags Slx,i