The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 28, 1903, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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"I A Juicy f Morsel for
i BreainasT
0, dinner yon con enjoy rom one of oui
K and delicious meats, Btoakfl.lnmb
,, mutton chops, venl cutlets or pork.
S,, b eata arc nil cut jrm. the attest
JS nrimoBtcnttle, nndw.o tan supply
Imn- tnblo with fresh, nntrltloae and
hoIetomP.ait'RtB ai nou roca pricee.
A Big Kick
A mnn makes when his laundry
work Is sent homo with porcuplno
tJges and spread eagle button holes.
!( be would bring his linen to an up
toMO laundry whore perfect moth
tils (Main at all times, such us tho
letlea Steam Laundry, ho would re
ietra his shirts, collars and cuffs
?aa! to new ovory time thnt we sond
Horn home.
Salem Steam Laundry,
Colonel J, Olmstead, Proprietor.
lure ycur orders lit Kuioh'k llutlrer Shop or
illi Ihe bnlcm Hugo,
Farm and Garden Seeds
We make a specialty of FARA SEEDS, and have a
complete stock, including Field Peas, Seed .Wheat,
Vetches, Beardless Barley, Speltz. Cow Peas, Seed
Potatoes and Clover Seeds of all kinds. Reliable
Gaiden Seeds in Bulk. Call or write for Prices.
Feedmen and
I Trustee S ale !
GREAT VALUES In Men's Overcoats
and Boys' Clothing, This Week Only.
We are now offering at 33 X-3 per cent
discount from the regfar price 6.00
Salts now $4.00; 555 00 Suite now
$3.35, $4 00 Salts now $2.65, 3,00
Suits now $2.00.
AH Open Stock Selling
Includes Our
118 Piece Set. Hand Painted: Regular Price 58335, Now $66.68. 133 Piece Set,
Decorated! rWiitor Price 44.45. Now $35.56. 100 Piece Set, Decorated; Regu
lar Price 33.35. Now $26.68. 78 Piece Set, Decerated: Regular Price S22.35;
Now $17.88. ;
Come Now and Get the Benefit of Our CLEARANCE SALE.
Phone 2411 Black
Is a good, wholesome, dollclous bov
orago, llko Salem boor. U'b a luxury
to taste not to tbo pockctbook, for
Its price Is oxtromely moderate, Kb
oxcollonco considered. Tho care ns
to quality of Ingredients, care In mak
ing of this beer warrant a much high
or prlco than others per case of a
dozen bottles; yet that's tho price of
our beer. ftOH
WORK8, Mr' M. Beck, Proprietor.
Shingles and Shakes
Tho roof Is shingled bost If you use
the kind of shingles and shakes wo
sell, and we ask you to noto tho good
wonr nnd economy of tho roof for
which wo furnish tho shingles, or
shakos. We carry a largo a lock of
shingles nnd shnkes of OOd quality,
cnrofully selected to roako a sound,
tight, durnblo roof, nnd wo nro al
ways ready to give estimates.
. Near 8. P. Pas DCpot.
Phone 651.
Court Street. Salem. Oregon.
at 10 Per Cent Below Regular Price. This
New Patterns as well
Fine Coffees a Specialty.
River Receding and Did Little
Stroet CominlBlsoncr Grlswold re
ports thnt tho Willamette river bridge
is operi to travel. Ho discovered on
investigation today that a consider
able amount of tho filling at tho west
approach had been washod away, and
will have to be replaced, but the dam
age is not to tho extent that travol
over tho bridge will be Interrupted.
Tho big bridge withstood the effects
of tho hgh wntor and sustained no
damage, to nil appearance, other than
that montlonc'd.
The Willnmotto river nt this point
Is receding. It reached Its highest
stage during the recent fronhet on
Monday night, when the gnugo at the
0. It. & N. dock showed 20.5 fet above
tho low wnter mark. That wns within
half a foot of tho maximum stage that
tho river nttalned during tho flood of
1890. The stream Is now rapidly fall
ing, and today registered about 25
foot.. At this Btago, tho rlvor Is con
tained within Its banks. For n time
tho stream had overflown the west
bank to a" depth of nbout six foot.
Nuisance of
- China Town
The location of Snlom's Chinatown
In. the heart of tho City, has been pub
licly condemned as a menace, but
tliolr celebration of Chinese Now
Years Iiuh added auothor causa of
grievance. Ah usual, horses are being
frlghtoned by their nbundnpt dis
charge of fliecrackoiH, but, In addi
tion to this, they last night fired Chi
neso bombs nt frequent IntorvnlH, and
kopt tho residents of that district
awnko. and also broke windows in the
storos on tho opposite sldo of tho
streot. The grocory store of Stelnor
& IJergor had a window brokon by one
of these bombs, which scnttcrod par
tlelos of glass tho entire length of the
llogr, n dlstanco of 70 feet. Tho pro
jectile must lmvo gono with suillciont
forco to have Borlously injured any
ono whom It may havo struck, and
their uso for colebrntlon purposes Is
oxtremoly unsafe.
Air. Carol Norton Will Ad
dres Salem People Next
Mr. Carol Norton, ono of tho loctur
ors of tho Christian Selonco Donrd of
Lecturshlp, will addross tho people of
Salem noxt Sunday aftornoon, nt tho
Grand Oporn Houso. upon the subject
"Christian Soiouco Is Unlvorsnl
Christianity." Mr. Norton's lecturo
will onablo the gonoral public to henr
tho mntter of Christian Selonco dis
cussed from an advantageous stand
point. Tho lecturo will be a logical
nnd authorltatlvo prosontntlon of this
rapidly sproadlng movement It will
also deal plainly with ninny of the
different pbnBos of mlBundorstandlng
In rognrd to tho true teachings of this
new religion. Mr. Norton comos well
recommended as a young and Inter
e-Htlng speakor. Those Interested In
tho cause of Christian. Selonco here
doelre that .no one miss this oppor
tunity to hoar tho subject from such
recognized authority ns Mr. Carol Nor
ton. . n
Bmm th j The Kind Yea Haw Always Bslit
as tne urn.
Also a Few Facts on the Same
Wo henr much nowadays about
health foods and hygienic living, about
vdgotnrlanlsm nnd many other fads
along the Bame lino.
Restaurants may be found In the
larger cities where no meat, pastry
or coffee Is served and tho food crank
Is In his glory, and nrguments and
theories galore advanced to prove that
meat was never lntonded for human
stomachs, and almost rnako us, bellovc
that our sturdy ancestors who lived
four Score years In robust health on
roast beer, pork nnd mutton must have
been grossly Ignorant of the laws of
Our forefathers had othor things to
do than formulate theorlob about the
food thoy ate. A warm wolcomc was
extended to any kind from bncon to
A .healthy appetite and common
soiiBO are oxcollont guides to follow In
matters of diot and n mlxod diet of
grains, fruits nnd moats is undoubted
ly tho best.
As compared with grains and
vogotnbles. meat furnishes tho most
nutriment In a concentrated form nnd
Is digested nnd Is nssimllutod moro
quickly thnn vegetables nnd grain.
Dr. Julius Ilcmmion on this subject
snys: "Nervous people, pooplo run
down In health and of low vitality
should eat meat and plenty of It. If
the digestion Is too feeble nt first it
mny be eailly corrected by the regit
lnr use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablots
nfter each monl. Two of these oxcel
lont tablets taken oftei dinner will di
gest several thousand grains of meat,
eggs or other animal food In throo
hours, nnd no matter how weak tho
tttomnch may bo, no trouble will bo
experienced If n rogular practice Is
made or mIng Stunrt's Dyspepsia Tab
lots because they Bii'pply the pepsin
nnd diastase necessary to porfect di
gestion, and oVory form of indigestion
will be overcome by tliolr uso.
Thnt large class of pcoplo who come
under the head of nervous dyspeptics
shduld ent plonty of ment and Insure
Its proper digestion by tho dally use
of n swfo, harmless dlgRtlve medicine
like Stunrt's Dyspopsta Tablets com
poced of tho natural dlgstlvo princi
ples, pepsin, dlnsfoac, fruit acids and
salts, which actually porform tho work
of dlgostlon. Cheap cathartic medi
cines, masquerading under tho nnmo
of dyspepsia cures nro useless for In
digestion ns thov hnvo absolutely no
effect upon tlw actual digestion of
Dyspopsln In oil Its many forms Is
simply n fnllino of the stomach to
digest food and the sensible way to
solve the rlddlo and euro the dyspep
sia Is to in alt a dnlly use at monl tlino
of a preparation llko SMinrt's Dyspep
sia Tablots which Is endorsed by the
modlcal piofosslon and known to con
tain nctlvo dlgostlvc principles.
Itching Plies produco moisture and
causo' Itching, this form, as well as
nilnd, Dleedlng or Protruding Files
are cured by Dr. Do-san-ko's Pile Rem
edy, stops Itching and bleeding. Ab
sorbs tumors. COc a Jar at druggists,
or sent by mall. Treatise free. Write
me about your case. Dr. Dosauko,
Philadelphia, Pa. For sale at Dr.
Stone's drug stores.
A Cntrli lift.
Turn round, and, wl'h your back to
the table, nsk somebody to throw tho
dice. Thui toll the person who throw
(Usui to doublo tho number of the spots
on thVdlo on tho left, nnd keep tho
number to himself. Tell him to add
tlvo, thou multiply by Jive. To this fig
ure hnvo him add tho number of spots
on the die In tho middle mid multiply
the product by ten.
Then nsk him to multiply the number
of spots on the third die and give you
the aggregate sum. Prom tho amount
subtract mentally 250, and the remain
der will hbow In the three figures the
number of spots oil tacit of the throo
dice. For instance, tako three- dice.
Their numbers are throe, live and two.
Double the ono ou the loft tlvo plus
five equals ten. Add Ave. equals flf
tean. Multiply by Hvo, equals seventy
tlvo. Add tho number of spots ou the
die In tbo middle, throo, equals wventy
eight Multiply by ton, equate 70.
Add number of spots ou the third die,
two,' equals 782. Subtract 360 and 832
remains, vrblcu nro numbers on tho
Inneullve io Arrcat.
PrJaonors Iti Morocco are required to
pay the policeman who arrobt (ham.
The fee jibout 36 cents. Thk systejn
mukes tie pjlieors quite vigil nt. umJ
tlwy. ortjii 'tuTt x iiun w r frltglit
SjigjilHIiruiiN CoiiiIiwMIhm.
'Miiiiw -iinltitit " j tli
HMttml 4-rl:.t u-:i i!h- 'r " '""
wUe'MH fotinJ in ilu nit ai -' '.1'I(
Im lh' mtoiu'H In lb rt--t r (If ne
r. U u I kudu : u U) lrlukr.v
mmT railv ir4'j- frati T rifjw. t
naet m itl aiiMut; the ut-brts of'
charted vlitoin.
Cars On State Street Every
Five Minutes
A public utility Is appreciated to the
extent thnt Us service aecommodates
and servos tho convenience of those
patronizing It. To this clnss may prop
erly bo placed tho Snlem street ralb
way line. Tho service over tho lines
of this compnny during tho legisla
tive session could not bo Improved
upon. Cars leave the business district
for the cnpltol building ovory 10 min
utes, nnd tho dispatch with which the
vehicles nrc operated makos It n dis
tinct pleasure to patronlzo the ser
vice. Tho lines operating Into othor
districts of tho city are connected
with In good ordor, nnd the entire sor-
vlco Is maintained with strict ntton-
tlou to detail In expeditious running of
tho enrs. In providing this Improved
servlco Manager Brown and Superin
tendent Plnnngan arc receiving nu
merous compliments, nnd tho resi
dents of tho city and tho largo num
ber of legislative visitors nro showing
tholr npprcclatlon by liberally patron
izing the car servlco.
Homrtliinir "Which Anmtour rhotor-
rnitbera Can Muke.
What prettier Idea than thnt our
Christmas cards should bo enriched
with photographs of scones familiar to
sender nnd recipient nllkc, especially
when sending to friends In some for
eign country? Much Individuality may
be expressed in nrrangemouts of still
life, bric-a-brac, fruit, etc. Flowers
and plants always mnko pretty compo
sitions, but It Is best to chooso season
able ones, such ns Christmas rose
holly, mistletoe, etc. The result aimed
i lit i ft iniin VjiTlniT
wiw x-tn
at Is to secure a decorative quality in
the work. This may be either In tho
photograph irfclf, as In the citfto of
(lowers, griusuM, etc., or it may lio In
troduced by nccuMsnry work, such as
borders or other ornamentation In pen
and Ink or wash. Very pretty effects
may be obtained by using two photo
graphs In combination, one as a back
ground to the other. .V group of vlows
arranged In some novel manner would
nlso afford scope for much originality.
A simple border can easily be ndded
to any photograph and will glvo a fin
ish to the picture, but where I here havo
boon much labor and time spoilt in
decorative ;orl; the best nlim Is to re
photograph (ho whole to any size de
sired and then print off the number of
copies to send away.
Loitering must be carefully done and
a htylo of typo uliosun which harmo
nizes bout with the gonoral clmrnctorof
(he curd.
Trn iiml C'offrc,
Keep ten or colVee In gluns or i-hlna
Jars Intend of tin canUtem. Ily so
doluxr the tlavor will be greatly lut
(iro ed.
Drop Wnter J'Uli,
lit the lower depths of th ocean
Mime of the lUliem go blind while oth
er ilevelup huge oyon, boiue aro so
I'oiiHlrueted tlmt thoy enn swallow
(lubes iiiui'b Itiryer than tliemsolvoa
I'nkN (iir iir-.
WIimi h body mts u Ikh)
Who to full nt rye.
TttMi a tody wMiea Iim
Mllt imumi a udr by,
JeMph New.
Whh Mr- n Itcnlf
IleHltt I jiay tIff money for my
Jewell I'er ha w you wouldn't hnva
to my w lunch for tliein If you paid
for them.
A llllonimn,
The fHtur la eurottariied Willi jjrief,
Ami Iwh ha Blah foraaak It,
J'er ir you pay Utc prloe for ht
You oan't buy coal to cook It '
I nJ Ian f telle Sun,
ll Wdllilrr,
Dr. Slll(z-I think you're aurferlHtt
from Iiiiijc trouble.
I'atieMt You're right. My daughter
binge night afttl day. Milwaukee Hen
tlnol. 1,1 fo' Inequnlltlea.
Ta wojt ( fartHRB fret We soul
Of kkn who. hM Ilia bread to win,
Per um wer rn g own tho oeul
Awl Mtwe dM ham to twt It In.
WuhlHtften Star.
Ill 101O.
"UUl you tetepowte for n iww stow
"Xm. The duclttr. ami two b-HrH
will lt hare Miaute of an Iwur."rl4fe.
Tbe Slnrlun Mii'thvr (iiimc
The MWoraJbik aJMl Uia aattanua
aii:bf. fur MeWaaiaWijajj
TJte aWonlafb jabW flie aotoj
Ana aiitMMarcd Inild,
CtiktBKe Trlbua.
5TCl j 7iA at? JT? w TV' fctrSi
jr at irTi ft
;; Scores of people are flock
:; ing every day looking
'.', over the remnants we
; j are selling at greatly re- J
; duced prices. Only a
j ' few days left, so you had : :
;; ccuer nurry ceiore tney ;
; : are'all picked over. . . .
Rub Dry
The new bath towel.
Something entirely new. '. '.
:: This&is the bath towel ::
jj they are making those ;;
; ; pretty waists of. . . :
:: 50c each.
HHMH-WII-l 118 lllll
uAA.jauJSk.A.A. AAAA
Market Quotations Todays
mane oaicut u uuuu iiumu marnct a.
Poultry at Stelrier'a Market
Chickens OClOc.
18ffgs Per dOKon, 20c.
Turkoys 12 16c.
Ducks 10c.
Salem Market.
Hop Market.
Hops 22j2GMc.
Potatoes, Apples, Etc.
Potatoes 2GflT30c.
Onions C5c.
Dried Fruits. .
Dried Apples 1U to GVS'c.
Italian prunes, 40s to HOs Be
Petlto Prunes 4c.
Wood, Fence Potts, Etc
lllg Fir HGO.
Second Growth $4.00.
Ash $3.00 to $3.76.
Body Oak $6.00.
Polo Oak $6.00.
Codar Posts 10c.
Hides, Pelts and Furs.
Green Hldos, No. 1 lJ7c
Green Hldos, No. 226.
Calf Skins 4 to Gc.
Shoap 7Go.
Goat Skins 25o to $1.00.
Gray Fox 2G to GOo.
Coon 10 to 40c.
Mink 2Gc to $1.26.
Otter $1.00 to $G.00.
Skunk 10 to 25c.
Muskrnt 1 to Gc
Wildcat 10 to 25o.
Grain and Flour.
Oats 32c.
Ilnrley Drowlug, 46c bushel;
$20 por ton.
Flour- Wholosnlo, $3.45.
Llvo Stock Market.
Steers 3V1 to 3&C,
Cowa 3 to 3&c
8hoop $3.G0 gross to $4t00,
Drossod Venl fic. ,
Hogs, allvo BHc.
Hogs, dressed 0V4b.
Wool and Mohair.
Coarso Wool 14c.
Fine 15c.
Mohair 2Gc.
Hay, Feed, Etc,
naiad Choat 89.
Clover 80.
. I
Ilran $S0.
Shorts 21.
Creamery and Dairy Products.
Good dairy buttor 2059Go. T
Creamery Duttor 35o.
Cronm, pan eklmmod, at orenmory
Ue, nt farm 22 'c.
Oroam separator skimmed, at
Com. Creamery 3216c, mfnul freight.
Portland Market,
Wheal--Wul lit Walla, Tto.
Wheal Valley, 78c.
I'lmir Portland, beat Krde$ 8.40
$3.06; graham, $S.3Ji$$8.Q5.
Oat Ohole Whlto, $U60fU7
narley Food, $33.60 per ton; rolled,
Mllln'.uff IJrnn. $10..
Hay Timothy, $11 to $U par ton.
Onions 7Go to $1 pgr" ognta!,
Potntoea 4000o nor etntal.
Iluttbr Ooat dairy, 20IWHSst fancy
creamery, SOfi'MVi; store, ligpo.
llntJ--Oregon ranch, ataCa iter
Poultry htokena tjilxed, UQlle
pound; hens, UVtWc; turkeys, live,
Mutton Grp. $4.00.
Hogs Oross, $0,25.
Ileal Grosa, $3.0$3.7.
Wool Y"ay, 12Ti: mat&m
Oraori, 814 r; Mohair M03l.
Hides dry, 16 pounds am' upwards,.
15 to 15V-io.
- . O ii
Detter Thaj)
la what aveVy'ane saj'i of the WMttr
UW8tomlmPJ& MmU Mrjer-
Uian any house In the OJty. uroi) df
and nlKht,
.. -