The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 24, 1903, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Ots Clearance Sale News
WILL be found the most Interesting part of the ;;
newsoaoers todav. We're going to let prices ; ;
- - . r r .. i nil iiiiiiiiim imi i i;
do the talking, for if we say ten times as much it ; ; weekg ,)ad their
would not he as convincing an argument in favor of looke nfter by the
Bills That Ae a Little on the Freak
The senators have, for the past two
desks and bills
pages, while the
economy as buying here and now. The offerings $ representative imtu had to do this
enumerated below are but a traction 01 tne saving ror memse.veH. .....
instances this sale affords.
r- V
Household economy is al-
!. ways promoted by the
! ! purchase of
Wc are offering Linen
and Cotton Hack loweis
At 12 1 2c
Z that will save'you rtiuch.
Cosy and com
fortable Coats.
made from fine
woolen poods
of pretty shaes
The Most De
sirable Wraps
in the market.
Will all fce
Sold at
13 Off,
If you are In
terested come
early Monday
mornlntr Pick
ings go to the
first, leavings
to the last.
i ; I
desks aro constantly strewn with
! i loose bills, numbered Indiscriminate
ly, and Mr. Galloway Intends asking
:; the adoption of a resolution for the
pages to paste tho bills In the books
! ! of each one, and for the sergeant-ut-!
! arms to arrange tho remainder In a
cabinet, when extra copies have been
secured. An attempt has been made
In this direction for sovoral sessions,
but has failed adoption. .
Bo fnr as the session has gone,
only two bills have bnpn presented
asking the creation of now state oft"!
cm. These are tho state hop Inspec
tor nnd the stnto englneor.
The first occupies his office only the
last four months of each year, and his
proscribed business Is tho adjudica
tion of business between the owner
and mortgagee of hops, whore there Is
a question na to tho grddo.
The- state engineer has the right to
1 IVal ft Mj1 hl14ltCJltlat 1 U af AflHAhAl All A
,,pn lit IJ T ."V""7 UTlll7tlllll unu I'UIIIMJI Ilia UBV
THESE are gloves made io be sold , Mr rm ,,.
!f for more than we ask lor them.
They are of fine finish, will insure satisfac-
V tory wear and hold their shape. Our Special
Clearance Price, 69 Cents.
Senator Daly Suffers Bereavement.
Hon. John Daly, of Denton county,
received a telegram today, nnnoune
Injc the death of his sister. Mrs. Mnry
Fee. at Stockton, ChI.. at 9 o'clock last
X night. 7T has not yet been Informed
2 of the date of the funeral, but, unfor
S tunntcly. Is mo situated. Mtti rsfor-
ence to somo Important public mat
ters In the legislature thnt ho cannot
attend. Mrs. Fee was aged 09 years,
X anil was very much attached to hor
! The New Things for Spring Are Here, and more are J 0rw '"-other.
J Men's Shifts
Shirts made carefully arc more cer
tain to fit perfectly Wc are anx
lous to show you Flttln? Shirts
I Gold Brand. 51.50 values SI. 08
J Silva Brand, $1. 00 valuts 83c
A number or bills have been Inlo
duced at this session, that, from their
titles, might be Judged to be only Idlo
syncracles of the various legislators.
The majority of these really have ex
cellent polntB. Among them are those
for the purpose of prohibiting the tak
ing of pictures on Sunday, the forming
of cremation societies, regulating sale
of fertilizers, locating cemeteries, reg
ulating use of trade union labels upou
printed matter, to regulate the pur
slut, business, art and avocation of a
barber, and prohibiting cut rates on
railroad tickets.
Apropose of the bill Introduced re
lating to the election of a district at
torney In each county, with the ap
pointment of ns many deputies as he
requires, Kepresenta'tlvo Phelps ex
presses tho opinion that a greater
number would not Incroaso expense,
as each county now has at least one
deputy, who Is empowered to perforin
the work of the state's attorney, and
the chnngo would merely do away
with the title of deputy. Tho bill pro
vides aaliirlos for tho district attor
neys that range from $R00 to $4600
per annum, according to the size of
(he county.
The Suburbs of
Capital City
PAINB-M'KENZIR At tho Christian
parsonage, .Friday, January 23, 1903,
at 8 p. m Miss Tina McKonzle, of
Marlon county, Oregon, nnd Mr. L.
h. Paine, of King county, Washing,
ton, In the presence of tt few wit
nesses, George C. Kltchey, pastor of
the First Christian Church, oirtci-atlng.
!! coming in every day. Notice our Court Street display
!! of New Trimmings.
1 1
Iff 1 ..
Eyes Tested
Consult Us before Going Elsewhere, it cobts you no more
to have your glasses fitted correctly than by some ine.xpeii
enced in this particular business. We have the best and
latest instruments for testing your eyes and in case you need
glasses we will sell them to you at a price lower than inleriDr
ones are sold el.sewhere. Our facilities and experience are
not equalled outside of the larger cities.
21 yearn practical .perleuc.
The White House
Ttestaurant Is growing In popularity
each day, nnd you will bo In tho swim
If you take your monls thore. Rvory
thing up-to-date.
! Gasoline Engines
Sfi8S iffjSprayi Outfits
. j This Is tho tlmo of year when the
.... r, , .i i i . ., ,ii. ,i,! wlso orchard- man gets himself In
The Salem Sentinel has an fdltoilal . .. . ,
, , . readiness for tho spring spraying. We
against annexing any of the suburbs, an) proparcd to quoto you pr,ceB on
nnd makes the very strange argument Rnsonno onglnes, spray pumps, ngltat
that tho suburbanites enjoy all tho'ing nnd attachments, nil- complete,
privileges and benefits of-llvlng In tho ready to rig onto your truck and
city, and yet paying not n penny for! tanks.
those advantages. Hero Is tho article j Tho first consideration is a first
In jmrt: ( class onglne, one that Is thoroughly
"There Is now undr discussion at rellnble and durable. Our "Jack of
Salem the desirability of extending All Trades" Is that sort. Made by the
the corporate limits of tho city so as Fairbanks Morse people, who have
to Include tho scattering, suburbs. , had years of experience with 'gasoline
T"hese suburbs, It is well known, ex- englno building, and sold by them out
tonil In all directions (oxcopt west) ' of their ofn place In Portlnnuwhore
for a considerable distance beyond you got protection In case you-need
tho city boundary lines. They contain ropnlis nt nny time.
nil told a population considerably In A few points.
excess of that embraced within the ' , : r i
,, ....... ,. , , i 13xtra heavy onglne. v-
mlts of tho city ns It Is now Incor-. , , -
, , . , ,,,,.., I Drop forged crank shutt.
pornted. The people residing hi these
suburbs enjoy to the fullest ninny of Phosphor bronze boxings. (Otheis
tho conveniences thnt aro provided nso babbeU.f ,
and paid for by those who are entitled" .
to vote nt city elections. Thoso bless- PlnUim sparkar points.
Iiim Include police patrol nnd Are pro- 0n80llno tank underneath, with
tectlon. electric lights, crosswalks and I'ump-foed, instead of gravity feed.
Kiaveled streets. There may be some nM '" others.
other minor benefit.. The outsiders! Among thoso who have purchnsed
have telephone nnd street cars, and , lhe8e 8lnes during the past year, we
they can have electric lights by pay- '""""" a. rnrK, who litis bought
lug for them. They may also have two for tho Wallace fruit farm; W. H.
sidewalks by building nnd those Oodgo. Garden Road; G. M. Hoyser.
thlngB are no more expensive without IIftH' Forry; Tho Spa Confectionery;
the city limits than within. By living Schnfor & Palmer, printers; G. F. Ma
outside tho city boundaries, but yot 80n- i'rponter; B. D. Aloxandor, print
In touch with munleipnl life, the su 'cr Stnyton; F. K. Churchill, printer,
burbnn resident oscnpos tnxatlon for) Albany: SchulU llros., butcher. Ah
city purposos (amounting from 10 to i ,mil5'- nesldos these thoro nro n num
UK mills). They hnvo exactly the ,,er of othor8 ln "so norenbout Thoto
same school facilities, street car serlmH llot ono co,ne ,mck or uecn ro"
pared nt onco, and late this aftviuoou
the treaty was sent to the Mnnte. Tho
President and members of the cabi
net nr conlldont that the tieaty will
be intlfled nt an early date, without
encountering nny serious opposition.
The Venezuelan situation was dl
cussed nt length, but It enn be snld by
authority that no chango In tho atti
tude of tho United States Is In con
tomplntlon at this time. Tho gov
ernment will contlnuo Its policy of
"sitting tight." Tho bombnrdmont of
San Carlos by the German wnrshlps
Is icgiJttcri sincerely by officials of
the administration, because of thoIr!vJco. telophone. gns. wnter nnd olec- "laced r nny cnuso whatever. Every
apprehension thnt It may compllcnto
seriously the pending negotlaMons be-
"Confess that you were wrong yesterday:
It will show that you are wise today."
1 EI Sitfelo
H "'
68 State Street.
Next Door to Duih's Bank.
- KlrittJai HiMihcM srvd at H now
Noblo luneh cwinttr at nil hst, day
or night. We will make a special
,1 of RandwifbiK. suuar kraut, and
wleuer-wiimt, clam ebowUcr, nnd
in fait all that km tu mak up a first-
class lunth. We d4ro to .oall e-
peolal attuthn to the builneai men's
"lunah that Will be Berved dally from 11
a. m, unUl J p. m.
s Fi" CSh rpvars
Popcorn Crisps
Cash Market
In titeliit'i'a Full Market, State Strel
FrcMi ui-ati ol all kinds, lisun, nhouM
dors, bacon, lard, etc. I'romDt Service
Phone, Alain 1401.
I . .. ........
trlclty. Thoy mny hnvo Improved otK' IB lvlnK uw IJ'Ht "r eniisincnon
streots by spondlng tholr monoy forAHk the usors.
IIia Ininrnvnmnnt. hiat no llinv u-nnlil I
be compelled to do were they rosl
dents of the city proper. Sidewalks
they may socuro In tho samo way.
with this difference they have to pro
vide their own crosswalks." Snlem
Sharpless Cream
WATERS, The Qga Man
The Panama Canal Situation
(Continued from first page.)
Mts. Ftaset's
Secretary Hay; and, while It la a larg
er amount than was offered at first, It
. la believed by the administration olll-
data that the waale undoubtedly will
THE LEADER uccept the fluure named In (he treaty,
particularly after It la made clear that
n Itweer amount would deprive Colom
bia of Income which she i now actu
ally receiving.
All other yoluU than this uue of
money cumpetuHttlou remain as they
atHhl la the oiljtfaal draft of the trea
tv. aud tkev are comnUtalv Milaao
P. C C Coi;fc tory lo Ut Vultwl Siatea government.
. . viuractST Vliml Strtea wltl have control
AT f the eunnl, itractbHlly In perpetuity,
T-Tiff D J " required by tke Spooner ait, this
i xICC imU havlu been HtlalneU by the
This Is the test 50c Corset ne have "'lot'0 f Iten 'or leaee tor WW
WiJJUf;1 w.e. ro overstocked Io year, renewable at the pleasure of
f5ilSVhIUs,aorclckilLlckainyd seM Utt,UKl Si8t CotewbU
thein MONDAY OHLY at iiiiM.Vi " MhlnR to any about estt-etoR. The
Fresh CHOCOLATE CHIPS ,cRS?t for 25c rJ!155 r
Fresh LOG CABIN CREAMS SfuT "fi'-u"!?.- "" " aitgh u i. ae..m .bat
tflcivt de 2ti&
Cdward Elllt,
ritimimt nt lTltJ Bni. u ill ,j
American Lady Corset rs - 2S ?r rs
144 a.,i. a, ' PAsVimL -AIE.ST HPE? AND " to Mcearj- tor the cwmpWe
144 Stat. St. , FAbUIONS. ThelOMfc l0Vi'Ts One rtl T ! ,j i ., ...
ii i ui mc mr. n.iw mifi .,.. u.. - - - --
wheat MAriuT-T hlo and short waist. We hae "" Urritortai juri
In this Corset, an J can sue jri Liv Alt ort de m veeu mm
l thrueg! tke ciuutf are to go to the
lu Ued tat by wy uf otfeet to the
.ll.i .
We should t pleased to show yoi . )mmu
t&ese different styles whether you u HM " H laumtkw
art re,ady to purcbase or aot. - . g" inwu the aie4 tmity to the
tUMB AMD SEE THEM i mn1 Mwej. m aiw the PrelilMt
" ' - -tt ' ' it Ik. v-.
Jn-jurf -J W ...... .. ... .
Irt, '
in U Wheat v'Stfl
Mad by
.. . Tan& oreflan.
Made tor fa-tlly uc k your
roef M It Oraa and
WM aiwaya oo h-ttd.
a most rerlect fit.
Prices, $1.00 to $3.50
A, T. WALN Aeent
Ut? JU'ciUCrViMble loMd tt lothea
271 Commercial Street
would be arf-
ae-ate at the
wMetaHwH. HMMent. . Th totter
I tiautUltU 111, i(lti as j.i,.
twecn Minister Ilowen, aa the repre
sentative of Wnezii' la and the reji
reacntatlvea of the nowera. However,
while the ndmlnlatrailon regarda the
bombardment aa unwarrantable, the
United State haa no Intention of Ink
Iiir olllclal cHinlBance of It.
Some consideration waa elven ro
the proposed antl-tniat Jegtalatlon now
pending In Congrean. lUgret waa ex
preeeed that the Impression prevailed
In some quarters that the bill reported
to the house from the Judiciary com
mittee was an "administration mens
uo." It was made clear that k la not
an administration measure, nnd does
not represent entirely the views of the
administration on what antitrust leg.
Jslatlott should be enacted by this con
gre It cbh be said to be the hope
of President ItooMrelt and his cabinet
tha antitrust legislation along the
line Indicated by Attorney.onenl
Kmx Ih the bills which he submitted
to the house Judiciary committee may
be enacted at this session.
Queton of policy regarding ay
point tuents In the South were alto dls
ciweed. The adjululslratlon has been
considering the advisability of laeu
aneo of an order regarding fttnees of
candidates for ice. and the Preal
dent talked th nifc-ter over with his
advisers today it was decided, how
ever not to promulgate any official
prowuui lamento of that sort.
V have talcon tho nKeiicy for this
I popular line of flopnrators. formerly
Tho above nrtlclo Is not correctly J IinI1(Ue(1 ,). tll0 Capltnl City Creamery
Co.. and nro propnred to dollvor scpa
rators at onco. Will soli for ensh or
on enfiy monthly pnymonts. Now I
the tlmo to nrrnngo for nnd place
your order for n separator. The
ShnrplosK tubular aeparntor bowl hag
no pnrts to clean, nnd tho hounowlfe
who hns this port of tho work to do
knnwB what a saving of tlmo and
atreiiRth that Is. Tho low mlllc res
orvolr, too, la wondorful saving of la
bor. Cnll and seo thorn, whothor ready
to buy or not. Always glad to show
the gooda.
; Implement House.
written, to any tho least. The suburbs
have neither pollen nor fire protection.
Churrheto ln tho suburbs nre disturbed
by hoodlumlsm. and the 'flnost resi
lience might burn In tho aubuibs, and
the fire department hna positive or
der not to cross tho city limits. If
a resident of the suburbs wants water
llKbt or other convenience, ho general
ly has to pay extra for them. Only
those located right on tho odgo of tho
city limits get the boneflt of olochic
The above oxtrnct f mm tho Sontl
nel'a editorial. If It wero true In all
Its details, would bo n most powerful
argument for taking tho suburbs Into
the tlty.
n i. .
O . J3 T O 3 X -A. .
Buntbe ItW Klfld Yw Hav9 AlmrS BwiM
SIgMtnrti jyfr ,SVVj sl. I 255-257 Liberty St., Salem.
f ry, Ta&4AC ! Farm Mnchlncry, Ulcyclce, Sew In?
. . ..,. ,,.,' ,.., ,! Machines nnd Supplies,
For Sale. Small electric dynamo or i
motor ror $15 If taken at once. Ap-)
ply to carriage trimmor over Larson
Pohle aud lllshop's Uberty street, i
I'ti! bi'.tiKii in,;, Graui-O
brvause ihvy I kc u uud the d..
tors aay it i ooJ i'. them. Why
awt? ItvnuuiuallofUsfnottn,!,.
meat of Uw pure grsi. d t
. t-cpoiao-aaoCM,
Atpocr, ..,. ..... ,,,l(Ri
Modorn Woodmen of America Ore-1
gon Cedar Camp No. 52 IC. Meets!
every Thursday evening nt S o'clock. '
Holraan Hall, Frank A. Turrw-. V. '
a; A. L. Drown, Clerk.
T, Co's
o. a
Leaves for Portland Monday,
ednesday and Friday, 10 a.m.
For CorvalIJa Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday it 6 p. la
QuickTime, Cheap Rates
Deck: Foot of Trade Street
Chicago Store
For Thursday, Friday and Saturday Only.
wot J&h fnifnls'tinJ 1 cttilt' AU our business stands on a solid.
SoVrltn?fl?L'0Bw0-c5h We sell for cash; we buy alonir with tbjs
cower at our cack, We are no amateurs in buvinp we know where to ff
S ltS?mlcAhithere on the American continent tMt
the CHICACfJ STORE y" rC,,at,Ie e00t,S at BoCk BOttm ?t
For Thursday, Friday and Saturday we will sell
you Dry Goods at , Prices that Will Astonish
the Keenest Buyers.
McEVOY BROS., tTs, or.